What is the best way to reconcile with your loved one? How to make peace with my husband correctly after a strong quarrel, fight, scandal, divorce, mine and his betrayal, if he does not want to talk: psychology, words of reconciliation. How to make peace with her husband: strong prayer, conspiracy

Quarrels with husband- constant companions of family relations. Can they be avoided? Is it possible to live without fighting? Where do the most peaceful and loving people come from? And then the question arises: what to say to her husband in order to make peace after a quarrel. Human relationships are extremely complex. They are full of all sorts of contradictions, the solution of which was, is and will be a property of the human. Our behavior in a quarrel comes from childhood: we learn how to behave and react to quarrels from our parents. Are they always correct and effective? It will be useful to read an article about.

Quarreled with her husband: a reaction to a quarrel

We will not discuss the causes of quarrels that arise in the family. There are many of them, and they occur due to the imperfection of human nature.

So, there was a quarrel with her husband. Can you tell who laid the foundation first? Of course he is your husband. Or maybe it was you who, with your careless word, provoked him into a quarrel? What to do? What can I say to my husband to reconcile?

Firstly analyze your feelings. See how real they are. We always tend to exaggerate them. What are you experiencing? Of course, these are constant companions of quarrels - resentment, anger, indignation and, possibly, aggression. But they are not helpers in reconciliation with her husband. If you go on about emotions, then you can inflate oh what a conflict in the family. Therefore, you should stop and give yourself and your husband time to calm down. After all, not only you are experiencing a quarrel, but also your husband. How much time is needed for this? It all depends on you and the character of your husband. An hour is enough for someone, but someone will be silent and pout for a day, or even two.

Secondly, analyze what feelings you have for your husband? Do you see him as a bad person? But you loved him and love him now. It has not only disadvantages, but also advantages.

Third, decide what you want to get as a result of reconciliation with your husband? Husband's punishment and restoration of truth and justice? Finding out the reasons for the quarrel and defending your interests? Identification of the culprit of the quarrel? Or keep a good relationship with your husband? Restore a warm atmosphere in the family? Understand your desires. Otherwise, constructive reconciliation with her husband will not be achieved.

What to do to make peace with your husband after a quarrel

You see that the emotions subsided. Where to start reconciliation? How to start a conversation with your husband after a quarrel?

  • go to your husband, hug, kiss, snuggle. Ask him to take pity on you;
  • say: “You know, I feel so bad now: I was offended by the dearest and closest person to me. Understand, I didn’t mean to offend you… and so on.” Tell me how you feel. Be sincere;
  • if the husband was the initiator of the quarrel, then correctly say that you understand his condition before the quarrel, ask for forgiveness for not holding back or not understanding him .;
  • after bodily contact, a conversation about the reasons for the quarrel will, of course, take place. Start it with kind words. Don't be afraid to admit your guilt if it was your fault.

Rules of conduct during a quarrel with her husband

  • above all, stay calm. When negative emotions overwhelm us, mutual understanding cannot be achieved. And you won't be able to make peace with your husband;
  • Be patient and listen to your husband. But not only listen, but also hear him. What he says? What does it feel? What does he want from you?
  • do not interrupt your spouse, let him speak out, as they say, "let off steam." Without this, it is useless to try to make peace with your husband;
  • do not allow insults during a quarrel or showdown. Any insult is a painful “prick” that causes a storm of negative emotions. I want to answer it with a stronger “prick”. The "boomerang effect" is triggered. This is how the serious ones begin. When exchanging “shots”, no reconciliation will occur after a quarrel, and the situation may worsen;
  • do not blame or reproach your husband for any shortcomings in the showdown. There is an opinion that all men are the same. This is a stupid myth. They are different and the psychology of men is much more complicated than that of women. They are vulnerable, vulnerable and have their own strength. Men remember insults longer and are hard to bear with reminders of failures and mistakes. Therefore, never blame your husband for past and past mistakes during a quarrel. This is the road to the destruction of relationships;
  • behave with dignity. Do not stoop to ugly shouting, swearing or scolding. All will pass. The reasons for the quarrel are not remembered. But how you were angry and ugly in anger will remain in the memory of your husband. Be wise, forgiving, sensitive, resourceful and patient.

And remember: there are no unique tips for every family and for all occasions and cannot be. Keeping peace in the family is the hard everyday work of a wise woman.

Woman- the keeper of the hearth, that is, the keeper of warmth and comfort in the family. Quarrels, unfortunately, happen in family relationships and quite often. For some, quarrels and squabbles with her husband are a way of life. They love to tickle each other's nerves. For others, a quarrel is very serious. Therefore, knowledge of the psychology of men will not be superfluous. They will tell you not only how to make peace with your husband after a quarrel, but also how to prevent a quarrel from arising.

Varvara Bon | 07/06/2015 | 2098

Varvara Bon 6.07.2015 2098

I will share with you one of the secrets of strong family relationships - phrases that your spouse will like and help avoid conflict.

I brought out some universal phrases that it is advisable to say to your husband in different life situations. I am sure that it was they who helped me maintain a warm relationship with my husband for many years.

The best phrases for reconciliation

Small fights can happen in any family. I think there is nothing wrong with that. Another thing is when they "take root" and you do not communicate with your husband for weeks.

In the event of a disagreement (no matter who became its culprit), I often came to my husband to put up with these words:

  • "Let's find a solution to this problem together."
  • "I really want to make peace with you."
  • "I feel so sad when we don't talk."
  • "Let's try to understand each other."

Phrases to help you apologize

If you offended your soulmate in some way, caused mental pain, it is important to sincerely ask for forgiveness, admit your mistakes.

It will help to make these words:

  • "Sorry, I did not want to offend you".
  • "I'm sorry, I was wrong."
  • “In vain I did not listen to your opinion because of which I offended you.”

Phrases that express your feelings

If some of your husband’s actions offend you, you don’t have to hush it up, hide it and hope that your husband’s third eye will open and he will read your thoughts. Hints are also not an option. Men just don't understand them.

I advise you to talk to your spouse, gently and kindly explain to him what does not suit you. Start a conversation with these phrases:

  • "I'm so offended that you constantly ignore my requests."
  • “I don’t like it when you don’t want to go for a walk with me and the children.”
  • "Honey, I really don't like it when you throw socks all over the apartment."
  • “I would like to spend more time with you, and you always disappear somewhere with friends.”

Words of gratitude

Any person is pleased to hear the words of gratitude. But many women are stingy with them: they say, why thank your spouse when he nailed a shelf in the bathroom or cooked borscht himself? These are his duties!

But it seems to me that this is wrong. I constantly thank my husband with such phrases:

  • "Thank you for supporting me."
  • "You gave me a real celebration of life."
  • "Thanks to your act, my life has become brighter."

The same applies: there should be a lot of them! A man will never refuse to hear what a strong / reliable / smart / intelligent person he is. Believe me, admiration in your eyes will be a great incentive for him, and he will even move mountains for you.

I wish your family more sunny days, smiles and happiness. May your family hearth always burn with a bright fire of love. And you warm each other with hugs and pleasant words.

How to make peace with your husband or boyfriend after a strong quarrel.

During a quarrel, the conversation turns to raised tones. Both sides begin to throw hard words at each other, and the arguments become quite tough. In such a situation, there is a desire to scream, get angry, show how much offended you are, or stop talking and slam the door.

Later, the situation is scrolled in the head several times, sharp phrases are thought out, which only increases indignation and anger.

And only smart loving spouses think over their words, say “stop” to themselves in time, apologize, forgive, even if the other half is wrong.

From this article, you will learn a lot of information on how to make peace with your loved one and avoid quarrels in the future.

Sometimes a quarrel can happen over a trifle and in a few minutes, but sometimes it takes days and even weeks to find the words of reconciliation. But relationships without quarrels would not be real, therefore, we do not always succeed in deliberately avoiding them and resolving all differences in a peaceful way.

However, if you try, you can learn the art of diplomacy in the family and put up correctly.

What are the quarrels?

  • If two people who once loved each other often quarrel, then it is necessary to analyze what is the reason. Attempts to offend a spouse or boyfriend, to reproach for anything can develop into a scandal, after which you don’t remember what sparked the start of the skirmish, they speak of the need for changes in the relationship.
  • Listen to yourself during a fight. You do not want to stop the showdown in order to come closer and hug your man? Do you think that you no longer have the strength to endure insults and generally find words in your defense during a skirmish?
  • If the spouses are not indifferent to each other, then after a quarrel there comes a moment when the words spoken hurt even more, and therefore there is a desire to make peace as soon as possible.

Listen to yourself during a fight. You do not want to stop the showdown in order to come closer and hug your man?

  • For spouses who have just begun their relationship, the first disagreements happen already in the second month after the start of their life together. For others, spats begin within a couple of weeks.
  • However, for this category of spouses, a quarrel does not mean the appearance of a crack in the relationship. They are easily reconciled, because the conflicts at this stage are insignificant.

A quarrel does not mean that a crack has appeared in the relationship.

  • For those who have been married for a long time, reconciliation is more difficult. In addition, spouses may not notice that their happy family life is beginning to be destroyed by frequent aggressive fights.
  • Spouses know a lot about each other, so there is always a reason for reproach or accusation.

What are the stages of reconciliation?

Step one: end the fight

  • To stop, you need to think that in moments of a quarrel, the words that you say to your spouse are dictated to you by anger, and not by yourself.
  • To make it easier to end the quarrel, it is worth calming down in another room. This will help you come to your senses.
    When the thoughts in your head are in order, you can return to your spouse and say that such a conversation is not constructive and it is worth looking for a compromise.
  • It is easier to make a concession to a partner when you talk about the boiling in a calm atmosphere.
  • A pleasant calming atmosphere will set you up for reconciliation. Turn on music that you both like, invite your spouse to drink tea together, or take a walk in the park. Such simple tricks will help to relax, and the conversation will move into a peaceful direction.
  • Many girls and women tend to think that the partner himself must take the first step towards reconciliation, because the beautiful half of humanity is quite independent. But it is worth bearing in mind that men can think the same way.
  • The lady is waiting for the second half to come with repentance, and does not take the first step towards this. Of course, hoping for something is easier than stepping back from your principles and doing everything possible to save the relationship if it is really important to you.

Many girls and women tend to think that the partner himself should take the first step towards reconciliation.

Stage two: send SMS, call, go to the spouse

  • The easiest way to make up is to send a message. It is worth writing about your love (if you have been together for a long time).
  • If you initiated a quarrel, then you can not do without an apology. You need to explain the reason for the dissatisfaction.
  • If the spouse started to make a fuss, then calmly tell him that you shouldn’t start up like that, but it’s better to think about what decision to make.
  • Try to find out his point of view regarding the problem. Let your spouse know that you are ready to understand and support him.
  • If you managed to say nasty things to your loved one, then explain that this happened from emotions overwhelming you.
  • You can call him. Then you will need to try to continue the conversation calmly. But this is not the best option for reconciliation, because looking into each other's eyes makes it easier to talk.

After a quarrel, you can call your spouse or send SMS

How to make peace with your husband correctly after a strong quarrel, scandal?

  • If you are not sure that you can talk calmly, then create the appropriate environment for this: arrange a romantic dinner, buy a small souvenir for him.
  • During dinner, do not start repeating the same phrases that were heard during the scandal again.
  • Keep calm and say more gentle words, familiar to both of you phrases of mutual good mood.
  • Don't involve your spouse's family, friends, or neighbors.
  • It is better for children not to see how their parents quarrel.
    Don't look for someone to blame! You can simply refuse to admit your own mistakes.

Video: Quarrel. How to reconcile after a quarrel?

How to reconcile with your husband correctly after a fight?

  • If a quarrel with a loved one escalated into a fight, then consider whether it is worth maintaining such a relationship. Try to assess the situation and the circumstances that caused the fight.
  • A man who once raised his hand to you, whom you will forgive, will be sure that you can continue to be treated this way.
  • His unreasonable aggression, which resulted in assault, even if he was intoxicated, is a serious reason to part with him.

A man who once raised his hand to you, whom you forgive, will be sure that you can continue to be treated like this

  • If you provoked a fight with your inexplicable behavior, then both he and you need to ask for forgiveness.
  • It is normal for a male tyrant to raise his hand against a woman. They always have an explanation for such an act. Usually, they shift the blame to their spouse.
  • The result of such a relationship results in an irreversible situation of parting. And the sooner this happens, the less unpleasant consequences and memories for a woman.
  • If you already have children, then you should not put up with this situation. Sooner or later, they will witness your showdown with a despot man, which will affect their psyche.
  • There are situations in which a man who has never raised his hand to you before becomes too aggressive during the next scandal and something happens that is difficult or even impossible to forgive.
  • If such a man has accumulated problems that are difficult for him to cope with, and besides, you do not stop “cutting” him, then it is better to discuss what happened after you both cool down a bit. Having a frank conversation will help you understand and forgive him.

A frank conversation will help you understand and forgive a man

How to reconcile with my husband correctly after my betrayal?

  • Returning love after betrayal is difficult. The feeling that something terrible has happened will torment both. But if there is a desire on both sides to be together, nothing is impossible.
  • You should not blame the man for what happened: the fault lies with both. A woman who has decided to commit adultery most often experiences a lack of attention from her husband, an inability to satisfy important deep needs.
  • What can change the situation and return love?
    A woman should forget about her lover and stop communicating with him, even if he is a friend or partner.
  • It should be borne in mind that it is more difficult for a man to survive the betrayal of the second half, because we are talking about emotional intimacy, the need to receive support and warmth, and not just diversify life with sexual impressions.
  • Even if a man comes to terms with what happened, then you should not count on forgiveness. A spouse may never forgive the betrayal of his other half.
  • It is very important to talk heart to heart and restore an acceptable level of trust. This will take time.
  • Do not rush things: show your determination and loyalty, then you can return the old relationship.
  • During the conversation, try to explain to the offended party what was the reason for the betrayal. Was it a casual relationship that you greatly regret, or you lack the attention from the man that you tried to get on the side.

Remember that you are primarily to blame for your betrayal and do not try to shift the blame onto your husband. Say with regret what you expect from your spouse. Explain that you do not need another man, and you expect attention and love only from him.

  • Try to convince the man that this only happened once, because now you are sincerely sorry.
  • Never remind the man who forgave you of this unpleasant episode for both.

Never remind the man who forgave you of an episode that is unpleasant for both

How to reconcile with your husband correctly after his betrayal?

  • Do not leave! You will need to see each other to build a relationship.
  • Try to organize meetings of children (if any) with their father. This time can be spent in a cafe to talk.
  • A man can go for treason if he has claims against you. Try to show that you have changed and are ready to be a good mother, hostess. If he was dissatisfied with your appearance, then start proving the opposite. Just do not start talking about the house and solving everyday issues.
  • Try to look at 100%.
  • Do not discuss the reasons for a failed marriage, but simply eradicate what does not suit your man in you.
  • Take the chance to return love when the relationship moves to the intimate level.

After his betrayal, you will need to see each other in order to build a relationship.

How to make peace with your husband correctly if he does not want to talk?

  • Try to go with a man to your friends or to your parents. If parents or friends do not know about your quarrel, then you will have to pretend that everything is the same as before. When you have the opportunity to be alone, caress your husband.
  • If the husband does not make contact, then try kissing him on the shoulder, and, sighing, show how hard it is for you to experience this silence.
  • You can cook some of his favorite dishes. This will help him understand that you are trying to dissolve his resentment.
  • Do not involve a third party in your quarrel. There is a chance that this will anger the man even more.

How to reconcile with your husband if you yourself are to blame?

From the video you will learn how to return a man to the family if you provoked a serious quarrel.

Video: How to return a husband to the family if she is to blame?

How to make peace with your husband if he is guilty and wrong?

  • Try to collect your thoughts. Let your man analyze what happened and draw his own conclusions.
  • If a man is silent for a week or two, then start acting. The long pause suggests that he is sure that he is right.
  • Start the conversation first. To make the conversation go in the right direction, remember all the virtues of your man, do not dwell on his fault.

How to make peace with your husband if he is guilty and wrong

How to make peace with your beloved husband in one day?

  • Show your husband that you are doing everything you can to make amends.
  • Agree with his point of view. Do not try to start the conversation again with a “sore topic”.
  • Try to forget the hurtful words spoken to you.

Show your husband that you are doing your best to make amends

What is the best way to reconcile with an ex-husband after a divorce?

In the video below, you will learn how to get your loved one back after a breakup or divorce.

What is the best way to reconcile with your husband if he left, at a distance?

Video: Husband left: how to behave

The best words of reconciliation for a husband

What words would be appropriate after a strong quarrel with her husband? Tell him how you feel and how difficult it is for you to be in this state.

If you decide to send SMS, then write about your love, admit that you regret the quarrel that happened, say that it is difficult for you to support and attention from him. Try to be sincere.

  • Expensive! My act was stupid and thoughtless. In my anger, I said too much. But you will always be the best and beloved for me. I want you to know how much I love you and how hard it is for me right now.

How to quickly make peace with your husband in verse, SMS?

  • If you took time out and cooled off after a fight but still can't start talking to each other, then text him. So you can convey your important words to him.
  • But if the quarrel is serious, then you will not get off with SMS. In order for your husband to listen to you, you will have to talk, looking into each other's eyes.
  • In SMS, write words of apology if you feel guilty, or write that you are ready to forgive him if you think that your spouse is to blame.
  • Write those effective words that have saved you more than once after quarrels.
  • Write sincerely.
  • If the husband does not respond and does not respond to your messages, come up with a few SMS, and then ask the question, is he ready to forgive you?

What to write to her husband as a sign of reconciliation?

Dear good, I love you madly.
I can't believe our fight.
Because everything was smooth and everything is so beautiful
How did it get so bad?

Sadness, longing, trouble, blackness -
It's all in my heart.
Only your love can overthrow them
(Name), please forgive me again.

It's been a minute and you haven't answered.
Or do you not read my texts at all?
It's hard and sad to realize
That you don't want to forgive me.

Your bunny, misses you very much,
She does not receive love from you.
Forgive your swallow, forget it, I'm sorry.
She cannot go through life alone.

I'm sorry, forgive my fault
I'll run miles barefoot for you.
I'll run through the fields, run through the forests,
But I will never give you to anyone.

How to quickly make peace with your husband in verse, SMS

Sunny (gentle name) there was a mistake A,
We were stretched by a black thread.
Let's take scissors and cut it
And we will keep our relations fresh.

Love, happiness, joy - from these words I represent you.
But in the last few days, something bad has happened.
We had a big quarrel
I really want the two angels to reconcile with each other.

How can I atone for my guilt before you?
I beg you: just don't be silent.
After all, I, persecuted (persecuted) by this guilt,
I do not know peace during the day, nor at night.

To be able to forgive is a great art,
And we have the right to make mistakes.
But the one who still believes in the power of feeling,
Give a loving heart a new chance.

How I want to return back the minutes,
To avoid all stupid mistakes ...
Let's take a new route
You can write another story!

You're sorry for what happened in the past,
I'm sorry about everything!
Let's think about the good
And let's start from scratch!

Kitten, dear, well, do not be sad
And pout in vain again.
Please excuse me soon
Let's turn back time!

Let it go wrong, I do not argue with guilt,
I just want to redeem her.
Just forgive me, give me a chance again
I want to be with you again!

Write an apology in SMS if you feel guilty

How to make peace with your husband: strong prayer, conspiracy

If you quarreled with your husband, then read the following prayer three times:

“Jesus Christ, help me bring peace to my family, help me, for the sake of all that is holy, reconcile with my husband, let him agree with me. Let us live in harmony and love, let everything superfluous from our life go away, let him love me strongly and not swear in vain, amen, amen, amen. (Read three times)

Read a prayer and peace will reign in your family again.
After you read the prayer, do not start again to remember the reason for the quarrel. Go towards your husband, and do not insist on your own.

Video: Conspiracies for reconciliation

The best part of a fight is reconciliation.

Where two reconcile, the third turns out to be fools.

Parting without a quarrel is forever. Without quarreling, it is impossible to reconcile.

You can get rid of the enemy by making friends with him.

I left the family, leaving my wife and child, bought potatoes and returned. It all took about 15 minutes. Nobody even noticed. I recommend.

Having reconciled with the inevitable, you are freed from fear and anxiety!

Love is when two people make up at night as passionately as they quarrel during the day.

Sometimes it is very difficult to take the first step towards reconciliation, so people disperse without ever knowing how they loved each other...

Strong Quotes About Reconciliation

Since I still sometimes managed to win the race between fiction and reality, I was ready to come to terms with deception. What I refused to reconcile myself to was the intervention of the tormentor-chance, which deprived me of the pleasure intended for me.

Colored Resolute Quotes About Reconciliation

Love that has expired can be returned. Until the statute of limitations expired.

The incredulous Christmas tree spread its needles. The hedgehog cringed in response. Good friendship is no more. Yes, a very difficult case - two prickly characters. The sun frolics in the sky, asks the baddies to make peace.

How often, having offended someone and realizing that we were wrong, we go to the offended person and talk about our repentance, and after excited explanations, tears and touching words of forgiveness, we leave with the feeling that we did everything possible. We cried together, we made up, and now everything is in order. But this is by no means the case. We simply enjoyed our virtues, and another person, perhaps easily moved, responded to our emotional scene. It's anything but an appeal. No one asks us to shed tears and seek a touching meeting with the victim of our cruelty, even if this victim is God. Something completely different is expected of us: that, having understood our wrong, we correct it.

Reconciliation does not require a reason! Just go and make peace!

Hatred is such a long and ineradicable feeling that the surest sign of the imminent death of a patient is his reconciliation with an enemy.

They agreed with everyone, reconciled with everything ... but the sediment remained. Down with precipitation! Cloudless skies for all of us!

I made up with my boyfriend yesterday... Twice.

I figured out how to put up when you pout. If I kiss, you kiss too...

A woman forgives everything, but often reminds that she has forgiven.

The value of a relationship is determined not by the number of quarrels, but by the speed of reconciliations.

Super Popular Resolute Reconciliation Quotes

Who is guilty? A certain one was offended by another brother, who, having learned about this, came to reconcile to him. The first did not open the door for him. The second went to a certain old man and told him about what had happened. The elder answered: “Look, is there any reason for this in your heart? Do you not admit that you are right in your heart? Do you have the intention of blaming your brother and justifying yourself? For this reason, God did not touch his heart, and he did not open the doors for you. But what I will tell you is true: even though he was guilty before you, believe in your heart that you are guilty before him, and justify your brother. Then God will put in his heart the desire to be reconciled to you." The brother, hearing this, acted according to the word of the elder, went to his brother, and knocked on the door. He immediately opened the door and, before the visitor asked for forgiveness, embraced him heartily, and peace was established between them.

I want to reconcile with my girlfriend, but it does not work out in any way. I send beautiful MMS to her regularly, and SMS in verse - and nothing. - And you try to switch to regular money transfers. Checked - it works!

As long as we, we know how to forgive.

We cursed with screams until the night and reconciled with groans until the morning ...

A defeated enemy can still recover, but a reconciled one is completely defeated.

Two seemingly adult and intelligent people do not call each other after a quarrel, because they consider this a weakness. This world is stupidly arranged, don't you think?

The retreating enemy must build a golden bridge.

If your enemy doesn't have an escape route, neither do you.

First Class Resolute Reconciliation Quotes

Quarrels... sometimes they can be avoided... And sometimes it is worth provoking them so that there is no understatement, resentment in the soul, pain from silent lies... The main thing is not to turn to insults, but simply clarify the situation for both .. And then reconcile, and be sure to immediately! Do not be silent for days, weeks - after all, this is not a way out of the situation, but its complication! After all, after a quarrel, peace in the family is so sweet! It is not those who do not quarrel who live well and happily, but those who quickly reconcile!

Reconcile, gentlemen!!! Make peace in time!!!

It is not the severity of worries and not even the burden of losses that deprive us of wings - but the words terrible for a person: I don’t care ...

A minute of reconciliation is worth more than a bosom friendship.

He who accepts evil without resistance becomes its accomplice.

Telling the truth is one step. To reconcile with her is the second.

There is always some beginning of reconciliation in a smile, while laughter often expresses a refusal to be reconciled.

It's time for one of us to say "This is just ridiculous - we love each other, all couples fight, let's start over."

It's good, dear, that you are no longer angry, otherwise I almost bought flowers.

No matter how much you argue with the whole world, it will not reconcile you with yourself.

To reconcile with a person and resume an interrupted relationship with him is a weakness that will have to be repented of when, at the first opportunity, he does the same thing that caused the breakup.

It's hard to find a friend, but it's even harder to lose an enemy.

Neophyte Strong Quotes About Reconciliation

From a young age, learn to forgive the shortcomings of your neighbor and never forgive your own.

The sight of the heart has become sharper if the heart has gone through hell... Dear ones, put up quickly - it doesn't matter who is to blame. I beg you, let's not tear bridges behind us in haste ... Why are close people hacking straight to the hearts of the head? I ask you to understand quickly - there are no winners in the battle of souls. The vision of the heart has become sharper after all the trials and tribulations.

Those who parted without a quarrel, converge without shame.

A man who knows the value of a good night's sleep will not go to bed with malice in his heart if he can reconcile with his adversary.

And happiness is so close, outside the door ... And the key is simple: "I feel bad without you!"

The cockroaches in my head fought and already reconciled ...

He always ended quarrels with his wife with reconciliation sex :)

The ship of reconciliation... If you, being in a quarrel with a woman, offered her sex as a reconciliation, then you did exactly the opposite. You laid down the bridge, organized traffic along it, but the ship of reconciliation did not pass the dimensions, and crashed against this bridge. It's sad, and how. It was necessary to open the bridge, launch the ship of reconciliation, and as it passed, lay down the bridge, and only then, if possible, organize traffic along it.

The wise man always wins in such a way that the opponent feels like a winner.

Reconciliation with enemies only speaks of fatigue from the struggle, fear of defeat and the desire to take a more advantageous position.

Reconcile only in your heart with the enemy - and you will be saffroned with bliss.

Learn to put up first! © Shutterstock

Everyone has conflicts. Even the most prosperous couples are not immune from a violent showdown.

Stress, problems, nerves, dissatisfaction with yourself and others - the ground for a quarrel is being prepared for a long time. And the explosion can happen completely unexpectedly for both.

And it doesn't matter what caused the scandal. The main thing is that you quarreled to the nines. But it is impossible to be angry and offended for a long time. Sooner or later you have to reconcile. And if you are a wise woman, then you can easily find a way to make peace with your beloved man.

Cool your ardor

After a quarrel, you were very nervous, so do not rush to put up immediately. Give yourself a chance to take a break and burn out. Do something, distract and entertain yourself. On average, psychologists recommend waiting 3-4 hours for reconciliation after a scandal.

Now try to mentally put yourself in the place of a partner and understand his feelings. You love him, and you don't want to continue this ridiculous quarrel? In any case, do not even try again and again to "savor" the details of what happened. It doesn't matter who was right and who was wrong. Now you have to find the right words to make peace as quickly as possible.

Find the first words for reconciliation

If you really want to make peace, you are strictly forbidden to say such phrases: "Of course, you're wrong, but let's make peace" or "Stop pouting, it's your own fault." Thus, you can only provoke a new round of conflict.

It is better to start a conversation with a story about your feelings and experiences: “I don’t like to quarrel with you so much”, “I am so sad and offended that we quarrel over such trifles.” Do not reproach your beloved, but let him understand that you are very worried about the quarrel and long for a speedy reconciliation.

© Shutterstock What to do if he doesn't want to put up

Is your loved one pouting instead of making up quickly and forgetting what happened?

Well, we are all different. If you are quick-witted and immediately after a quarrel, you are ready to forget everything and forgive him, then your partner needs more time to reconcile. At this point, don't even try to put up with it.

Don't take his behavior as a personal insult. If he categorically refuses to talk to you, defiantly takes offense and does not want to forgive you for anything, be patient!

Give him time to think, burn out and get over what happened. After some time, by his behavior, you will understand that he is ready to forget everything and forgive insults.

© Shutterstock Can I make amends?

If you feel a little guilty, then try your best to make amends.

Internally accept the partner's point of view, and verbally agree with him, even if you think that he is wrong. Do not start again to discuss the "sick" topic.

Do not remember all the hurtful words that you heard in your address.

How often in the heat of the "battle" we forget about the norms and decency! Unfortunately, such grievances can torment us and our loved ones for a long time and persistently. If you did or said something very hurtful during a fight, don't be afraid to apologize wholeheartedly and ask for forgiveness.

Read how to learn with your soul mate, and listen to how to stop a quarrel with your husband.

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