What to do when you find an energy double. Energy channels, chakras, double. What is an astral twin

Doing a recapitulation can cause dreams to disappear temporarily, as both of these techniques use a lot of energy. The exercise described below also consumes energy, but at the same time it increases your sensitivity to the energy double and thus can contribute to success in mastering the dream (the more sensitive a person is, the less energy he needs to enter a dream).

Since all people are at different levels of development, not everyone is able to succeed the first time in the proposed exercise. However, even if you don’t succeed on the first try, don’t lose heart. Sooner or later success will come. Repeating this exercise many times will not cause you any harm, because if you do not have enough personal energy, then simply nothing will happen. If you are overwhelmed with power, then the results of its implementation will be better than you might expect from yourself.

If your energy level is relatively high, you can already feel your energy counterpart right now. Perhaps you just don't realize that you already know how to do it. In any case, a sufficient supply of energy is the only prerequisite.

If your strength level is not high enough, you will need time to learn how to use the technique described below more effectively. The result will be the same as will prove the value of the exercise itself.

Exercise One - Awareness of the Double

1. For experienced shamans, it is enough to simply formulate the intention to become aware of their energy counterpart in order to achieve such awareness at the same moment. However, most people, including the strong ones, do not understand what intention is. You will calm your mind and keep it relatively quiet throughout the exercise. A complete cessation of the internal dialogue - one of the most difficult tasks of shamanic magic - is desirable, but not absolutely necessary. It will be enough if you maintain in your mind a relative degree of silence - as much as you can.

Sit upright in a chair, on a sofa, on the floor, or wherever you feel most comfortable (leg position doesn't matter for this exercise). Raise your hands up, palms out, so that they are at shoulder level at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from them. Elbows can be in any position that is most comfortable for you.

Keeping your back straight, focus on your palms.

2. Set out to feel the trembling and tingling in your palms.

For most people, this task is relatively easy. The sensation turns out to be similar to that which occurs when the limbs are numb (“hedgehogs”), only not as annoying, but rather pleasant. Many people can make themselves feel this way at will. If you are not one of them, most likely you just were not interested before.

Although this is about intent, by no means try to be very decisive. On the contrary, the intention to feel trembling in the palms should be absolutely effortless, and some fail to realize it precisely because they make great efforts. Many feel that they must try in order to succeed, while doing so will inevitably lead to failure. Instead, you must be determined.

A. This step, during which you will feel your own energetic double, requires more energy and a degree of concentration (quiet, without tension of the forehead - do not try too hard). Now, when you feel your hands vibrate with energy (which in itself is a manifestation of the energy double), you need to formulate the intention to spread this feeling to the rest of the body. All that needs to be done is to repeat the previous step, but for the whole body as a whole.

5. Once successful, you can either simply enjoy the feeling of vibration until you feel the need to complete the exercise (the energy double will let you know through your own thoughts and feelings) or, if you feel ready, you can work on expanding your awareness. what is usually called the "physical" body. Remember, however, that the spontaneous awakening of a double can be an explosion of great destructive power for someone who is not ready for it, and use extreme caution. In fact, most people should not attempt this at their energy level. Usually the Spirit sends an omen to a person when the time comes to awaken the double. Although all people receive messages from the Spirit from time to time, they lack the personal energy to properly interpret them and understand what needs to be done. On the other hand, it must be remembered that if you are specifically looking for a sign, the ones you receive will no doubt be false. The real omen appears when you do not expect it, and its meaning comes to you instantly, in the form of a flash of understanding.

6. Some especially gifted people, when doing this exercise, can discover additional abilities in themselves, for example, feel the fibers of the luminous cocoon of their being or learn the intention to connect to the energy fibers of the outside world. Using this intention, you can literally get knowledge, sensations, perceptions, experience, etc. out of the air. If you find such a talent in yourself, feel free to use and develop it, but at the same time handle it correctly. Such things are not to be taken lightly, and sorcerers of the past have convincingly proved that the use of force to satisfy a sense of self-importance and ego leads to a trap. And until you get out of it, your progress will stop.

Exercise two - movement, "attracting" 'awareness

The movement described below is very useful to perform in a dream - it allows you to more fully draw your awareness into the dream world and remove the remnants of awareness that is still associated with the ordinary world. Many dreams end too quickly precisely because the dreamer's attention is captured by that part of his awareness that remembers his personality from the ordinary world. If you keep in mind the need to perform the proposed movement while in a dream, you can significantly extend it and give it more liveliness and reality.

The same movement can be of some benefit in the ordinary world when you are awake, helping the person performing it to draw all his awareness into the world of ordinary reality. By making this movement, the magician draws the energy belonging to him from other worlds into ours. However, the intention applied in this case is different from the intention in the dream, as will be shown below.

Dream version

Movement. Become as shown in fig. 1: Forearms parallel to the floor and to each other, elbows behind the body, so that the arms are bent at an angle of about 45 degrees or more - as long as you can keep the forearms horizontal. The hands are on the sides and slightly in front of the body, strictly palms down, the fingers are collected as if you are going to strike with the edge of the palm. Look down in front of you at a distance of one to two meters, focusing on the center of the visual field and not paying attention to its periphery, and exhale. This way you will form the starting position.

Now do the following:

1) breathe in through your mouth and nose at the same time;

2) bring your palms to your chest as if there is a hole in it and you are scooping something from the outside into it;

3) raise your head up;

4) while raising your head, slowly close your eyes.

As a result, your movement will end in the position shown in Fig. 2. This movement can be repeated as many times as you like.

Energy aspects. At the bottom right of the drawings, something like a flame or fog is depicted. Its meaning is as follows: when you look down at the beginning of the movement, you are looking "down", into the ordinary world. Remember that the gaze must be concentrated directly on the center of the field of vision, and not on its edges, and at the same time be aware that it is directed to the ordinary world. You do not need to actually try to imagine or see the physical world - it is enough to know that the gaze cast down during the dream directs attention to it. Looking down in a dream, you can be sure that some part of your awareness and attention has remained in the real world - more than it should. Therefore, it is natural to do the second part of the exercise, during which you concentrate the intention to draw your energy from the ordinary world. This energy, or awareness, can be visualized as a flame, as shown in the picture, or in some other way, or you can just know that energy is flowing in this way without visualizing it in any way. Simultaneously with the inhalation and the upward movement of the head and arms, intend to draw the energy that belongs to you from the ordinary world into the dream world and draw it with your eyes, inhalation, clenched teeth and hands - in other words, draw it with all you can, with all your being. It is not necessary to clench your teeth, but for many it helps to imagine that you are holding a rope with them and pulling it towards you - just like with inhalation, and with your hands, and with your eyes. After you raise your head and close your eyes, additional awareness will come to you through the third eye, ordinary eyes, mouth, nostrils and chest. The resulting sensations can range from trembling throughout the body to a flame that flares up inside. However, do not try to deliberately imagine something like this - such feelings should come by themselves. It is very important not to get caught up in the details of this exercise, especially its energetic aspects. You don't have to try to make something happen to your sense of energy - just do the exercise as described and become a passive witness of your own awareness moving between worlds. It is enough to know what to do and what will happen as a result, and let it happen.

Regular world version

Movement. Everything is the same as in a dream, only now you are in ordinary reality and you are concentrating on the periphery of the field of vision, and not on its center.

Energy aspects. Instead of looking down at the ordinary world, you look down to root yourself here, and your attention is not on the ground. Instead, you should concentrate on the periphery of your field of vision, because there is an awareness floating around you - in a kind of "other realities". It can be described as if a part of your being is scattered in other realities or abstract worlds that you may be or even sometimes are. By performing the movement described above, you concentrate your energy and pull it into a tight ball.

Keep these considerations in mind as you do this exercise, and remember that instead of drawing your awareness from the ordinary world, you are instead collecting it from other worlds, increasing your concentration and sobriety of consciousness. Do it just like in a dream - with breath, eyes, hands, teeth and everything else.

Exercise Three - Fog Observation

"Fog" is the field of vision from which dreams come at night. When we are awake, the place where dreams appear becomes something like an electrically charged fog. The method by which you can learn to see this fog, unfortunately, does not work for everyone. Let's hope you're lucky!

1. Find a dark room that has a small ray of light, but not too bright. Too much light will desensitize you, and too little will make it impossible to know for sure if something really happened. Also make sure that no one disturbs you. The best option is open air and a moonlit night, but any dark room will do.

2. Try to achieve inner silence, suppressing internal dialogue as much as possible, and maintain this state throughout the exercise.

3. Stand up straight and focus on the air in front of you. Don't focus on anything in particular, just look into space. It is better if it is air between you and some object in the dark (for example, a wall or a row of trees). Another important point is that when focusing on one point, you must simultaneously focus on the periphery of the field of view, and not in the center.

4. Continuing to fix your gaze on the same point, begin to slowly and continuously shake your head to the right and left. If you are just learning this exercise, imagine

also that the point at which your gaze is directed is slightly luminous. Try to imagine this glow as realistically as possible. If you have already mastered the described technique well, you will actually "see" the difference in the color of the heel you are looking at and the surroundings.

5. Now start walking around this spot, keeping your eyes fixed on it as if there is something there, and still paying most of your attention to what is on the periphery of the field of vision. Do not be afraid if suddenly it seems to you as if "something" has appeared there in the dark - this is the fog, and it will not harm you (unless you yourself want it to).

6. If you are still new to the described exercise, you will soon feel bored. Her appearance will signal your energy being.

that it's time to end. Maintaining the vision requires a great deal of personal strength at first, and practice is needed to learn not to tire.

7. When you have gained enough experience in the first six points, you can try to experiment. Below are descriptions of several experiments, each of which is a separate exercise and cannot be performed in the same session with any other.

A. Open the door in the fog, either by drawing its contours with hand movements, or by dividing the wall of fog into two halves. Enter the resulting hole and go back.

B. Start moving your eyes around, and you will find that once you learn to see fog, you can look at anything and still see it. One of the interesting exercises is to move from place to place without losing focus on the fog: you will see how it passes through the body, as if you are walking through smoke or water.

C. Let your imagination work with the fog: choose something you would like to see and try to create an intention to see it. Start with simple objects like lines and geometric shapes, and over time you'll be able to create vivid, dream-like visions. However, do not let yourself get carried away by this process too much: the frequent performance of this exercise leads to a very large dissipation of personal energy, to the point that you try to settle in an imaginary world and completely abandon ordinary reality.

D, Somewhere in the fog you can find clouds painted in different colors. Many of them are pools of free-floating energy, and you can breathe it into your body just by willing it. But before doing this, study the selected cloud better to be sure that it is not some kind of living (inorganic) creature, because this is quite possible.

Above all, keep calm and fortitude. If you feel that you are ready to give up immediately, it means that you are not yet ready for such a test and must wait a while. If you feel that you are not able to see the fog at all, then you are simply mistaken - although the technique described above may not work for you specifically.

In this case, you will have to look for some other way.

A few words about intention. When a person who does not know what this force is and does not feel it in the world around him tries to set out to do something, by this action he usually means some kind of mental tension, an effort of will, and often, involuntarily, physical tension of individual muscles (for example, at the base of the neck). Finding no resistance in the surrounding world that needs to be overcome with the help of this tension, a person creates it in himself. Similarly, in order to feel the tension in the biceps of the arm, you have to tense the triceps at the same time, otherwise the arm will simply bend. As a result, you kind of divide yourself into two parts fighting with each other, without doing any useful work.

If you are faced with the task of forming an intention, but you do not find the point of application of your forces, you should not create such a point within yourself and fight with yourself. Instead, it is better to try to "listen" to the situation, and the answer, in what form the intention should be expressed, will come by itself. The easiest way to understand how to put this incomprehensible power to work is to learn some activity or art that is completely unfamiliar to you. Observe your training carefully and with an open mind, and perhaps you will catch the moment when the underlying intention of the chosen case will submit to you. This is the moment when a person knows for sure that he is able to complete the task set for himself. At this moment there is no inner uncertainty; you do not leave yourself the slightest chance of failing the business you have undertaken. No mental effort and a wrinkled forehead will be required, and you will not feel like a "newbie". Any person owns the intentions of many things, but not everyone is observant and sensitive enough to catch their common features.

Exercise four - the fog of things

Once you succeed in observing the fog, sooner or later you will realize that its source is within you. In fact, when you look at the fog, you don't see any aspect of the world that is external to you.

The fog is part of your own perceptual energy. Dreams arise from it at night, and in it the oracles and mediums, peering into the crystal balls, find their visions. The worlds into which a human being enters in a dream are also collected from this fog, even those into which the seer moves physically. With the help of the same fog, a person can observe the appearance of inorganic beings.

Each real-life object has its own energy and, therefore, its own "fog". The purpose of the technique described below is to teach you to see the "fog of things". You can apply it to literally everything, but it is better to start with trees, as they allow you to see yourself in this way most easily.

1. Find a tree in a secluded area, preferably in the same place where you previously learned to see the fog. Make sure no one disturbs you. Once you've learned how to see fog, the amount of light coming in doesn't really matter. Dimmer lighting might help a little, but if you're really going to be successful, no amount of light is going to get in the way.

2. Clear and calm your mind and keep it in relative silence throughout the exercise.

3. Stand up straight and look at the part of the tree trunk that is directly in front of you from eye level to the ground (you can ignore the top of the trunk). Focus on the imaginary center of the trunk and allow yourself to become aware of the mist. Do not attach any importance to the fact that the image you currently see is your own creation, just trust that you will see the mist, the energetic essence of the tree itself, by the time the exercise comes to an end.

4. Keeping your eyes fixed on the same point, start walking slowly, gently and continuously around the tree. Shake your head up and down, as well as to the sides - these movements will help you see.

5. Now it's time to explain something. When you learn to look at things in a new way, it is not so easy to force yourself to ignore their usual appearance. The reason for this is that although you are observing the energetic essence of things through your eyes, you have not yet lost your physical form. Therefore, as you learn this technique, you will see the tree in the usual way, but you will also begin to perceive it as an energy structure. It can be imagined as if you have two pairs of eyes, one of which sees the usual form of objects, and the other - energy, while both seem to overlap each other. Actually, this is not exactly what is happening, but such an idea will help your mind find a more or less rational explanation for your new ability and not interfere with it.

6. At this point, you do not need to do anything else yourself - then everything should develop on its own. Your “energy eyes” should gradually begin to see how the tree trunk becomes transparent. Don't expect to see this with your physical eyes: while it's possible in principle, it's quite rare. Anyway,

mother "fog of things". With further practice, your vision will become Exercise five - "chaosphering"

Chaosphering is a word formed from two components: "chaos" and "sphere". "Chaos" means chaotic energy that does not allow stagnation, and the sphere is the usual form of energy bodies, or luminous cocoons of modern people. This exercise was originally designed to keep the mind fresh and flexible, but it also works well for the entire energy body. It promotes rapid recuperation, rejuvenation and prevents stagnation. In addition, it helps to develop fluidity of consciousness. Chaosfering a glowing cocoon is pretty easy to learn. Chaosphering consciousness is a slightly more difficult task to learn.

The meaning of this exercise is to “stir” the consciousness, just as you stir tea in a cup, all the particles of which have sunk to the bottom, and the sugar has not completely dissolved. If you do it in direct sunlight, it will be an "energizing" stir (as if you were heating tea on a fire), and if it is done in the dark, it will be a "simple" stir (as if you were stirring tea to improve its taste). Both methods can benefit you. By using sunlight, you "breathe" it into your head and allow it to swirl within you. You can "breathe" the light through the crown, the point - the "third eye" or any other place that seems most suitable to you.

1. Stand straight and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Close your eyes and clear your mind, trying to keep it quiet throughout the exercise.

2. Raise your arms to the sides parallel to the floor, as shown in fig. 3. The semicircles on it indicate the paths that the hands take - starting from the sides and ending above the head. During this movement, they cross, and it does not matter which arm is closer to the body, and which is farther. It usually depends on whether you are right-handed or left-handed.

As you move your arms down and then up, you inhale. If you are in the sun, breathe in the sunlight through some imaginary hole in your head. If you are doing this exercise in the shade or indoors, breathe into yourself the energy directly from the earth. You don't need to make any special efforts to do this, because we are constantly sucking in earth energy, so just imagine that the firmament on which you are standing is an ocean of energy, and as you breathe in, you automatically draw into herself a part of her.

Starting the movement, you look straight ahead, and your consciousness is not clouded by anything. By the time the hands move to the overhead position, your gaze should follow them to the sky. Maintain this position for some time, holding in yourself the energy received in the process of inhalation for as long as you see fit.

Then reverse the movement of the hands to return them to their original position, while changing the order in which they passed over each other during inhalation. At the same time exhale the air and push the excess energy out of you. You can simply exhale it outward or direct it into the ground or into space. The important thing here is that you get rid of excess energy that you cannot utilize.

Another variant of the movement is to put your palms on top of each other on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart, and then, while inhaling, spread them apart and then up, as if you inhaled so much air that your arms parted automatically. Then, as you exhale, you return them to their original position.

You can repeat this movement as many times as you want. The feeling you are trying to achieve with this is the feeling of being filled with energy, and also, if you can, the feeling that the energy in your body is literally starting to churn.

3. Having completed the previous part of the exercise, continue to stand straight and keep your eyes closed.

Now it's time to proceed directly to chaos-fering. Below are procedures by which you can mix and in a sense animate your luminous sphere (part A) and consciousness (part B). If you have enough personal energy, you can try both options, one after the other. Most people, however, only manage to do this over time.

Keeping your eyes closed and your arms outstretched, be aware of the luminous sphere of energy that surrounds your physical body, as well as all the energy that floats within this sphere. Start rotating your arms in circles, as well as any other movement that will help you really feel that you are stirring the energy within your sphere. All the while making circular movements with your hands, mix the energy with them in any direction that you can imagine. The effect of this is quite strong, so don't worry if you feel mentally aroused. When you feel energized, you can start additional mixing with the legs and feet in a circular motion (provided you are able to keep your balance with your eyes closed). Having grasped the essence of the exercise, you can even begin to rotate around your axis, feeling how the energy inside you starts to move and becomes active. If you already know how to do this, create the intention to make the energy contained in your glowing cocoon spin. To do this, you first need to want to do it, and then begin to direct the process with the help of sensations. If you feel that you do not yet know how to control the intention, just be aware that you are helping to form it with the help of the movements of the hands and other parts of the body - this happens by itself, regardless of your desire. Although in this case the effectiveness of the exercise will be lower, but, nevertheless, it will bring the necessary results.

Unlike the energy body, the only way to perform consciousness chaosfering is with intent. Of course, there are no limbs in the head that can be rotated in order to invoke intention, so it must be called directly with the help of the will.

Feel your consciousness as an energy clot penetrating and surrounding your physical brain. Since consciousness and the brain are different concepts, such a representation will be quite accurate. It is helpful, but not necessary, to “feel* this energy body of consciousness divided into eight segments: first you divide each hemisphere into upper and lower parts, and then each part additionally into an anterior and posterior segment.

You may be able to invoke intention by rotating your head in different directions during this exercise. Don't twist your head too much or you will inadvertently twist your neck, just use a slight rotation to try to imagine the energy inside the head spinning like a whirlpool.

Set out to feel the energy in your brain begin to spin. Even if you can focus on only one segment out of eight, imagine how the energy of this segment of your consciousness comes into motion and mixes with the energy of its other parts. If you can actually feel the energy churning in several segments of the energy body of consciousness at the same time, so much the better. By practicing this exercise, you will learn to perceive your consciousness as a swirling mass of energy beating in different directions. Try to intensify these feelings and make them real.

4. Keep doing one or the other type of chaosfering until you feel it is time to end, you are either directly aware of this, or you feel tired or bored. After this exercise, it is better to stop and devote the next hour to rest and relaxation. Read a book, watch TV, have a snack, and only then return to your normal daily activities.

The exercise described above, when well practiced, has the power to destroy prejudice and break conservative thinking as well as old habits. Mastery in its execution is achieved when you can vividly feel the "vortex" sensation described above. Some people get it right the first time, but don't be discouraged if it doesn't work at first. After all, the habit of being a human being is not easy to break.

Exercise six - "game" on the lines of the world

First you need to take a digression and explain some important things,

Castaneda speaks in his books of what don Juan called "the lines of the world." Using these lines, a person can achieve silent, inexpressible knowledge, which, in turn, helps him perform all other "magical actions." How clearly you can be aware of any of these lines depends (as usual) on your personal strength. The more fully you can become aware of these lines, the deeper and more interesting the connections will be that you can become aware of at all.

The lines in question are an energetic reality, and for this reason you can assume that they are not really "lines" in the way we are used to understanding this concept. And yet, for us humans, these are lines, because it is in this form that they are perceived by those who are generally able to perceive them. To think of them as "lines" is to include them as one of the items on an inventory list of everything that a person knows, and to try to explain the unknowable in terms of something already familiar to us, but probably the best one available. ways for us to handle energy reality and study its properties (until we learn to perceive energy reality without creating any inventory at all, which is not the easiest thing). The variety of these lines is infinite, and only a small part of them can be perceived by man. By trying to "explore" them too deeply, we can cause them to "explode" - transformation into something incomprehensible, as a result of which we risk being without any protection in the face of the unknown or, even worse, the unknowable. Here we will discuss only two aspects of the lines of the world - their role in perception and their role in silent knowledge.

The role of world lines in perception

A person is always connected with many of the lines of the world, but is not aware of his connection with most of them. Many of the lines that are within the human range of perception are ignored by us because they are too strange or "unnecessary" - as our consciousness will simply be overwhelmed with sensations if all these lines are realized at the same time. Other lines are ignored by consciousness, simply because we are brought up that way. Some mentally ill people perceive too many lines at once, or simply a different set from "normal" (the one that most people are tuned to), or too few lines. In the process of growing up and interacting with society, a person learns which lines to ignore and which to accept, as well as what to do with each particular line.

I Below is one example. Look at fig. 4 for a while and tell yourself what do you see on it: an old woman or a young one? There is both here, and the other - an old woman in a black hat and a girl in a black necklace. Can you see both or just one? If you can immediately find both women in the picture, then you either saw him before, or nothing can escape your

attention. For the purposes of this explanation, it's best that you only see one option, at least initially.

This option means that you perceive some world lines associated with this picture and ignore others. When you finally see another image composed of the same spots, you will probably be able to understand much better what is at stake.

When you learn to change your perception of your own free will so that you see alternately an old and a young woman, you will get some idea of ​​how sorcerers manipulate the lines of the world.

Such examples, if desired, can be found in many everyday life. Recall times when you understood something in one way and later realized, most often suddenly, that you were completely wrong. The fact is that such situations arise all the time and on a much larger scale than people used to think. The whole world is, in a sense, one big delusion, unless, of course, we take our perception as false, and someone else's (magicians or shamans, for example) as true. The constructor can be assembled in many ways, choosing the most convenient for yourself, or you can catch its deeper essence - the idea of ​​a formless "something" from which we collect various forms. Other aspects of the lines of the world familiar to people, as well as lines unfamiliar to most, but located within the band of perception available to a person, are as real as everything around, but we ignore them - sometimes due to a lack of personal energy, sometimes simply because of habit.

The role of the lines of the world in silent knowledge

Silent knowledge has been the goal of many students of magic throughout human history. It can be achieved in many ways, and the following is just one of the possible descriptions of it. But, although there are many ways, a rare person has the strength, patience and inner silence necessary to penetrate into the depths of silent knowledge.

We are all connected to everything, everywhere and, if you are able to perceive time as the fourth dimension, always, in every facet of the Universe, in every world and "non-peaceful, in every reality and -" unreality ". Everything is interconnected. The 4Universe is simply a "point" of infinite intensity and energy. Our perception "stretches" this point in several dimensions and makes things look separate from each other and dispersed in space.

Olga Foris

Many of us have heard of the astral double. But what a meeting with him promises us, few know. There are far more myths than truths. Meanwhile, scientists have proven that time and space travel does not require a time machine or teleporter. You just need to learn to leave your body consciously or finally make friends with your astral body.

Of course, travel is not the goal itself. But if we approach our abilities and the same features from a purely practical point of view, it means that we were given the ability to leave our physical shell for a reason.

To begin with, let's try to figure out what an astral double is and how it lives, because you can't feed it porridge. Perhaps our astral self is the real one?

Every material object, even a particle, has its own astral correspondence, and this duplicate itself is not a simple body, but is usually extremely complex, being composed of different types of astral matter. In addition to this, each living being is surrounded by its own atmosphere, commonly referred to as its aura.
The astral plane is one of the parallel worlds. Real people may or may not see the "astral traveler".

Scientific experiments have proven that on the astral plane, people can penetrate almost anywhere, receive certain information and remember it when they return from a trip. It is possible to move in time in both directions.

You must specify the exact time and place. The problems of communication that exist in the physical world are absent in the astral plane. There are two main types of astral travel: those that are carried out in a world that has the external features of the physical world; and those where a person deals with immersion in the mystical reality of other dimensions.

The astral body has its own eyes

The sight of this plane is a faculty distinct from physical sight, and much wider. Any object can be seen as if from all sides at once, as well as from the inside.

The development of astral vision "should not be regarded as an end in itself, since everything undertaken for such a purpose will inevitably lead to what is called laukika in the East - this method of development really allows you to acquire some psychic abilities, but only for the current personality, and since their acquisition is not equipped with any remedies, one who has learned them is very likely to abuse them.To this class belong all systems using drugs, elemental spells, or practices of hatha yoga.

The other method, called lokottara, consists in raja yoga or spiritual progress, and although it may be somewhat slower than the first, everything gained by it is gained for a permanent individuality and is never lost again.

Fully developed higher vision allows you to magnify the smallest physical particles to any size, like a microscope, although the power of magnification here is much greater than that of any microscope.

During astral travel, the etheric double maintains a direct connection with the physical body. At the slightest threat to the physical body, the astral double automatically and instantly returns to its shell.

vocabulary language

The astral body is a twin of the physical body, which has a finer organization and the possibility of existing in another dimension. It is sometimes called the ethereal double. According to Hervard Carrington, the density of the astral body is one millionth that of the physical body. After numerous experiments, this researcher came to the conclusion that the astral body weighs about forty-odd grams. The astral body leaves the physical body, passing through the aura in the region of the forehead, known as the glabella, and returning in the occipital region.
Bilocation - a phenomenon in which the same "person" is simultaneously observed in two different places (the physical body in one place, and the astral double is observed in another).

It is generally believed that the etheric body is capable of a limited kind of low energy projection outside of its physical body.

The etheric body is a fountain of energy. It is the basis of all vital biological processes, the generator of bioenergy and the conductor of all purely energy functions. The etheric body is dependent on complex bioenergetic connections with the physical body, which supplies it with energy for all energy needs and includes purely energy functions.

What is commonly referred to as an ethereal projection is a type of energetically over-expanded projection. How does it happen? During a full tiered dream projection, the physical/etheric bodies awaken, usually with projection-specific symptoms and vibrations. At this time, the sleeping real-time double has already been projected and is floating in the dream, directly above the physical body. All of its higher aspects have also already been projected into their respective dimensional levels. When the physical/etheric mind awakens underneath it, the real-time double will only sway back slightly towards the physical/etheric body.

All higher projected doubles continue to exist or function at their higher levels, albeit a little more sluggishly. The awake projector then experiences a spontaneous Real Time Projection Exit as the real time double slipping upward from the physical body - but this time fully awake. (The projectors at these events are completely unaware that they are disrupting the full spectrum of multi-level dream projection at full speed.) Sometimes this projection of the waking real-time double will complete completely and the projected double will be extremely weak and will have great difficulty moving. It is possible that the projector will slowly disintegrate and completely disintegrate almost immediately after exit.

Many of the inhabitants of the astral world have the ability to change their forms with astonishing speed and, for the sake of entertainment, direct almost unlimited delusion at whomever they want.

Journey through dreams

There is such a theory that everything that we see in a dream, or rather the dreams that we remember, is actually seen by our astral counterparts. Only in our dreams there is more of some insignificant nonsense, such as: cockroaches that portend money, dogs that promise friends and things that never come true at all, and it’s generally not clear what’s what. However, according to this theory, our double can be sent to the address we need.

Direct speech

Scientist, psychologist Valery Meshalkin:
- If the physical body falls asleep while the mind is at least partially active, it enters a trance state phase. In the trance state, if the usual uncontrollable falling into sleep occurs, the controlled decreasing heaviness and pleasant warmth will be felt only for a moment before the apparent oblivion of sleep obscures the waking consciousness. When the first phase of the trance state is reached - light trance - the process of expansion of the etheric body begins. To be more precise, in the first stage of the process of generating an expanded etheric body, a separate, but still internal subtle body is formed. The deeper the level of trance, the more divided and more independently functioning etheric body will be produced.
When the expanded etheric body is produced, the center of consciousness automatically passes (is internally projected or reflected) into the etheric body. This is the first stage of a multilevel projection process, just one small step away from the physical body and its normal level of waking consciousness. The center of consciousness has now moved one level up from his physical body, and is now only one level down from the first projected subtle body, the projected real-time double. I view falling asleep and entering the trance state as the result of the same general effect, such as the projection of the inner body or the energetic reflection of the center of consciousness into the etheric body.
If this process occurs during immersion in ordinary sleep, a copy of the sleeping consciousness and memory is reflected (copied) into the etheric body. A short time after that, when the sleeping bodies go even deeper into sleep (or into a deeper state of trance), the Real Time Body will be generated inside and prepared for the complete displacement (or projection) by the physical / etheric body outside the physical body.

If you want to develop your abilities in dreaming, you need to be more attentive to those sensations and, despite the fear of going deep, fall into them, while trying to maintain awareness of what is happening.

Our astral copy is eternal

A person passes to the astral plane immediately after death. All objects and inhabitants of the astral plane are just as real as the objects of the physical plane. Like objects of the physical plane, they cannot exist forever. The astral plane is larger than the physical plane, extending several thousand miles above its surface. The law of gravity acts on astral matter.

Meeting with yourself

The state of shock that people experienced when they met an astral guest can only be explained by the fact that people know so little about their second, well, or some kind of self ...
The state of stress, increased perception, feelings, resentment can lead to the formation of an astral "door". Some people are able to accumulate negative energy for a long time, and without getting rid of it, as others do. Let me remind you of the retelling of problems, and at the same time reset during visualization, i.e. all this happens during communication: you need someone who will listen to complaints about life, failures, problems .... All this creates negative energy. Such people are able to accumulate this negative energy for a long time without harming themselves. They have emotional "batteries" much more powerful than the rest. Having lived a life, a person may not know about it. Usually, if they are positive people, then they have enough patience for two. They know how to restrain emotions without "dumping" them. Over time, they begin to feel inner fatigue. Simply nerves hand over. This does not mean that they are mentally ill, they simply do not know how to get rid of negative emotions, they are tired of them. Therefore, sometimes, not everyone, of course, during this period of fatigue, there is a feeling of dissatisfaction. This leads to the fact that the ability to call an "astral being" is triggered. As we already know, all emotions come from a person. Only the human essence is able to create conscious emotions, if there are too many of them, they are able to manifest themselves as a “shadow” of a person or just a shadow. They are visible only to the one who unconsciously called them. They are not capable of causing harm, but they can scare. Most often this occurs at dusk or in cloudy weather, very rarely on sunny days. They cannot cause harm, but they give a complete feeling of presence. Why are they harmless? Can mist or cloud harm you!? Of course not! It is just a bunch of emotions that you see with the help of heightened senses of perception. The totality of these feelings is enough for the manifested challenge. For a while you automatically become a medium or a magnetist.

The phenomenon of astral exits (when a person, as it were, leaves his body, being in an altered state of consciousness) has been repeatedly studied by scientists and parapsychologists. So, back in the late 60s, a series of experiments on "leaving the body" in laboratory conditions was carried out by the American C. Tart. The subjects were put to sleep by covering their body with sensors that recorded the biocurrents of the brain, eye movements, blood pressure and electrical resistance of the skin. During the experiments, Tart placed a card with a five-digit number chosen at random on a shelf above the sleeping person's bed. You could see what was written on the card only when you were under the ceiling. If there was an "exit from the body", then the subject, waking up, spoke about his impressions and called the number on the card.

In our country, the well-known psychiatrist VL Raikov was engaged in similar studies. A psychic participated in the experiments, who singled out his astral double, visible to him and obeying only him. By order of the “owner”, the phantom moved to the next room, where there was a woman, immersed by Raikov in a hypnotic state. Prior to this, the woman had not been introduced to a psychic, and, naturally, she did not know what he looked like. When asked to describe the appearance of the ghost, the description she received was exactly the same as the appearance of the psychic himself. In addition, she was instructed to prick the phantom with a needle, and each time his "owner" felt the pricks.

From the point of view of science

Russian scientist Valery Meshalkin has developed a unique technique that no one in the world owns. He "brings" twins out of the body for astral flights.

The well-known researcher and theorist of the anomalous, Professor Boris Iskakov, believes that there are several varieties of phantom twins, in other words, the possibility of "exit" from the physical body of a person of a part of his energy substance, under certain conditions becoming visible. First of all, this is the involuntary exit of the double from the body.

Iskakov suggests: when a person dies a violent death, his body at that moment has maximum energy saturation, which contributes to the materialization and release of a double from the body. And such a ghost is destined for a long existence. This is a kind of compensation for a violently interrupted life.

But it turns out that the appearance of a double as a result of purposeful and meaningful actions of the person himself is quite possible. Special techniques for "exiting" one's body are described in many religions. They were often used by shamans and sorcerers, but at the same time they were kept in strict confidence. And only recent experiments of scientists have proved that such a phantom double is not only a psychic, as it was believed, but also a physical reality.

A specialist in the field of bioenergy information, Professor A. Chernetsky proved that a human double has many characteristics of living objects. For example, mass, density... And there is also a biofield around it, registered by devices. Iskakov is convinced that any emotional process, accompanied by a strain of thought or an effort of will, radiates an impulse - a cloud of tiny material particles (leptons). They, with their high concentration, are able to take on the shape of a person and, which is especially interesting, move in space and time at great speeds. We are talking about the so-called lepton flows. These flows move both forward and backward, so a person can send his double on a journey both to the past and to the future. Many strong psychics and parapsychologists can single out twins from themselves. Most often they use it to treat patients at a distance. In this way, for example, psychic E. Dubitsky heals people. His patients can mentally, according to a certain scheme, summon Dubitsky's double when they need urgent help. They feel the warmth emanating from the double, its touch on painful places, hear steps, breathing, and some even see it...

But the Russian scientist Valery Meshalkin has developed a unique technique that no one in the world owns. He can 'remove' lepton twins both from himself and from others, and the number of participants in the experiment does not matter. All doubles are capable of traveling through time and space at any speed. First, the specialist singles out his double with a strong tension of thought, which will be a guide in subsequent travels, and then - doubles from the bodies of the gathered people.
Meshalkin prefers not to talk about the secrets of this technique, emphasizing only that it has nothing to do with meditation or hypnosis. Interesting: those sitting in the hall see not only themselves in the physical body, but also the twins of the participants in the experiment. Moreover, the twins and bodies are connected by rays of light: someone - blue, someone - lilac, silver, etc.
On these rays, the twins return back to the body.

Astral doubles were looking for the library of Ivan the Terrible

Wherever Meshalkin and his spectators traveled! For example, they searched for the missing library of Ivan the Terrible, more than once and in different groups. In one of these groups there was a boy of eight years old. It turned out to be a particularly successful experiment. Its participants "arrived" in 1570. It was July 10, seven o'clock in the morning. The king had already risen from his bed. The travelers politely and politely asked Ivan Vasilyevich to show them his library. The autocrat was dissatisfied. Instead, he offered to see his collection of treasures. There was also a Chinese tea service of marvelous beauty, and a silver dining room for 1000 people. The king led the guests through the gloomy dungeons, illuminating the road with a mica lantern, which was later described in detail and even painted by all the participants in the journey. Finally, yielding to persistent requests, he showed the library. In special boxes were scrolls, papyri, ancient books. Two red-bound books were especially beautiful. Meshalkin asked the boy: "Read the title!" And the child read in the purest Hebrew language (twins can do anything), and his companions perfectly understood that these were the "Proverbs of King Solomon." And then they asked Ivan the Terrible to say where his library was? But the king was angry and flatly refused to do so. He stated that he could not open the location of the library, a ban was imposed on it.

One might ask: why do we need such trips? Experts answer that this is one of the new ways of knowing the world. But most importantly, with the help of twins, you can search for the causes of many human diseases.

According to various cultural traditions, the physical body of a person is dressed, located inside a kind of cocoon - the body of dreams. I consider the body of dreams as an analogue of the biofield (human energy drop). This body is felt in a relaxed state as pressure, as a force that draws the arms to the body.

With the energy of the body of dreams, they kill, heal and perform other actions at the moment of falling asleep, in the event of a mortal danger and on the verge of death. Among the southern Slavs, the second spiritual double of a person was called a vedogon.

This is an invisible spirit that accompanies people from birth to death. It was believed that during sleep, the vedogon protects a person’s property from thieves, and his life from troubles or other vedogons. Therefore, these spirits often fight among themselves, and if a vedogon is killed in a fight, then the person, his master, will soon die.

When a double (vedogon) exits, a person stops thinking, he has a feeling that he begins to see his body from the outside. A double spirit (vedogon) can, under certain conditions, act as two different personalities at the same time.

The human biofield is an egg-shaped cocoon.

Its thickness in a healthy person is 40-60 cm, 30 cm - indicates a serious violation of the energy balance, when the field is depleted to 15-20 cm, the person loses consciousness. A field of 1 m is possessed by very healthy people, 3 m and more are phenomena. Diagnosis is carried out with a vine, a frame or hands - palms along the spine, i.e. along the energy centers.

The cocoon consists of three layers: ethereal, astral and mental. If they separate from each other, then the person dies (Fig. 8).

Rice. 8. Three-layer structure of a human energy drop:

1 - ethereal body; 2 - astral body; 3 - mental body

The etheric body is an exact copy of the physical body, but consists of more subtle matter (the ethereal counterpart). The main purpose of this body is to preserve the forms of the physical body. The main background of its radiation is lilac-gray.

The astral body (the body of emotions) consists of even finer matter, the main background of its radiation is bluish-gray. The radiation of this body changes according to the experiences of a person according to the level of displacement of the collection point of perception. (We'll talk more about TSP later.) The emotional body can separate from the physical body in an altered state of consciousness or in a dream.

The mental body is egg-shaped and consists of the thinnest matter, forming a bright sparkling bubble. Depending on the TCB offset, the bubble changes color. These three bodies exist in more than three dimensions.

Inside the first cocoon is the second eternal cocoon, this is the body of causality, which stores the experience of all rebirths.

The biofield of a person, therefore, is his most basic protection, first of all, from the harmful effects of other people.

We are very often exposed to such influence, and our field is strongly deformed by the end of the working day (we feel tired). Recovery requires rest.

From the middle of the cocoon, a man has rapidly rotating energy tendrils, or tentacles.

The surface of the cocoon is pointed to the top and forms the point of the spirit, which is responsible for the intuitive knowledge of the world. This point is connected with the pineal gland and acts as a link between man and the higher divine consciousness (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. The second spiritual twin (energy drop) of a man

A person lives in information and energy flows that he is able to perceive. For example, there are flows of fear, horror, violence, there are religious flows, there are flows of other worlds.

Each of these streams affects a person with the help of certain feelings, images, thoughts.

Often a person is a slave to those flows to which he is tuned. This happens because he is not able to rebuild his perception, to adjust himself to the perception of other flows.

Only by developing the will (intention) and overcoming narcissism, stopping the internal dialogue, a person will gain freedom.

Man is a dual being. It combines the proper human (cultural) and elemental (animal) principles.

This duality is evidenced, for example, by the functional asymmetry of the cerebral hemispheres, in which the right hemisphere of a person is responsible for a whole, figurative perception of reality by a person, and the left - for a discrete, consistent (logical) one.

A person does not always harmoniously match his logical and elemental essence. Often a discord arises between the mind and action in a person.

At the moment of strong emotional experiences, logic recedes into the background and the elemental principle comes out. Any parapsychological action is carried out due to it. Therefore, it is necessary to learn how to "remove" the order. This requires strict self-control, close attention to one's thoughts, feelings, internal dialogue, that is, sharpness of perception is necessary.

By the influence of the will, one can stop the internal dialogue and call the spontaneous outside. However, one must enter into the elemental without crippling the logical. Otherwise, the person may die.

Entering the information-energetic flow, the noosphere of the Earth, each person, to the extent of his intellectual and, above all, spiritual level of development, acquires the possibility of close contact with the information field of his level (divine essence). This contact largely determines his life, or fate.

A person thus combines three planes: physical, energy and informational. Everything in the world is informational, including every particle that "composes" a person. So, for example, so that the signals of the kidneys do not mix with signals from other organs, they are transmitted through special channels of the body.

A network of such channels forms an energy frame - the structure of the so-called biologically active points on the skin. Irritation of points of certain systems can have a therapeutic effect.

From the auricles, feet and irises of the eyes, energy channels go to all internal organs. Biologically active points and channels are responsible for ensuring that the influx of positive energy to the auricles exceeds or is equal to the influx of negative energy to the feet.

The total energy influx of positive energy of the body on the crown of the head is approximately equal to the influx of negative energy on the soles. The general principle is based on a spiral of two lines, channels, descending and ascending in their intersection (Fig. 10).

Rice. 10. Normal circulation of energy through the body

The eyes are of particular importance for the information-energetic state of a person. Eyes - the information code of the individual on the physical plane of existence. At the same time, the eyes serve as a tunnel to another, subtle world: subtle energy flows through the pupils in both directions. The power of the gaze is an astral category. (The power of the eye is equal to the power of thinking: with the help of thinking with the eyes, everything can be done.)

The role of the minus is performed by the shadow of a person. It is energetically connected with the body. The shadow is the absorption on the lower plane. The shadow is two-dimensional, it has no height (thickness).

A lot of beliefs are associated with the shadow in various mystical and religious movements. In particular, the fact that the shadow of a person can be affected in the same way as a living person. This can be attributed to the reflection, and just the image of a person. But the image will be a copy of a person, and the shadow and reflection are directly related to the person, but in fact they are also a two-dimensional manifestation in our world.

In other words, it is a trace left by a person, and the trace always leads to its owner. Therefore, it is used in magical rituals. For this reason, in some cultures, it is recommended to cut off a trail or erase personal history so that no one can get close to a person. But on the other hand, it will still not be possible to completely eliminate your trace.

The shadow, as well as the reflection, in conjunction with a person, is considered in connection with the other world. Or as the edge of the transition to the other world. It is no coincidence that all references in mystical writings and literature about the dead and ghosts come as a description of shadows and silhouettes.

Therefore, the shadow can be considered as a stabilizer, a counterbalance of a person in this three-dimensional world. A living person, just like a shadow in our world, does not have the ability to act independently, to manifest in the other world in full measure. Therefore, for action in that world, a person needs insufficient dimensionality, which will allow him to manifest himself as an active person in that world. Partly about the actions in that world, the world of shadows, it is said in the descriptions associated with dreams and fabulous epic epics.

Entering into interaction with his biofield, a person is able to improve it. This can be done in the following way.

You need to get up, turn around to the sun, bend your arms at the elbows so that the palms fall at shoulder level and turn them towards the sun.

Keep your fingers relaxed, slightly apart. Above the fingers you can “see”, feel the vibrations of the air. This is a sign of an influx of energy. The energy is collected in the area of ​​the solar plexus and from there it is sent to the diseased organ.

During relaxation, subtle energy is intensively absorbed. When relaxing in the evening, it is useful to adjust the rhythm of energy centers (ECs). Relaxation and rhythmization of the EC should not exceed 15 minutes. Rhythmization of the EC is carried out sequentially in the rhythm of the pulse. Each stage, therefore, should take no more than 2.5 minutes.

Stage 1. Chelo - 15 beats of the pulse.
Stage 2. Throat - 8 beats of the pulse.
Stage 3. Heart - 5 beats of the pulse.
Stage 4. Jarlo - 2 beats of the pulse.
Stage 5 Belly - 7 beats of the pulse.
Stage 6 The germ is its own rhythm.

The entire universe is linked by a system of energy exchanges. Biorhythms depend on space.

The basic law of energy exchange is harmonic, sinusoidal (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Exchange of energies

At the moment the impulse passes through “0”, information windows are observed for 10-15 minutes, and all discoveries, insights occur at this moment.

You can bring a person's energy to "0" and then you can read it like a book. If a person changes the sign of energy in synchrony with the Sun, such a person is very harmonious with life. When the process of energy return is difficult, anomalies occur.

Solar oscillations are accompanied by a colossal energy oscillation. The entire near space (from planets to molecules) is synchronized in its oscillations with the rhythm of solar breathing, but in antiphase with it, i.e. in half the period when the Sun radiates energy, the entire near space absorbs it, in the other half of the period all consumers must give The sun has its share of energy. In nature, there is a great fair law of energy exchange.

A person who is out of sync with the Sun, in moments of energy tension discharge, comes into a state of causeless irritation.

In addition to all that has been said, geopathogenic zones are an important external factor affecting the state of health. They are formed by bands of negative energy, a rather dense network covering the surface of the Earth.

Assemblage point of perception

In this case, I refer to the theory of bioenergy fields and the teaching, according to which there are 48 bands of emanation (sounds) in the world: 40 bands make up the range of inorganic life (stones, water, unknown fields of inanimate energy), 7 - inorganic entities, consisting of energy fields of life (spirits that are sensitive to people) and one band - the range of animate energy that manifests itself in plants, insects, animals and people.

A person in his usual state reacts only to two ranges of emanation: his own (organic) and one of the 40 inorganic (mineral), although he is able to perceive other ranges.

The energy drop of a person, which, as already mentioned, is the second spiritual twin of a person, contains on its surface the so-called perception assemblage point (TSV). Actually, TSV perceives the emanations available to a person (repositories of memory and experience). The second spiritual twin of a person thus consists of accumulated information and energy. After death, they disintegrate and dissolve into the world.

As a result, being born again, a person does not remember anything from what happened to him in past lives, but nevertheless this information is stored in him, forming a family memory, or an impulse ring.

So, the cocoon is able to respond to all 48 bands of emanation present on Earth. It is divided into several parts, like a tangerine. One of them, dividing the cocoon into two halves, is called the human stripe. On the right half of the cocoon is the TSV, which captures the emanations of people, animals, and plants.

In order to arbitrarily shift TSV, a person needs a huge personal strength (fortitude). A slight movement of the TSV leads to a change in the internal state of a person. All our emotions, feelings, experiences are the result of the TSV shift. In humans, TSV is located in the upper part of the right half of the cocoon, in animals and insects - in the lower part.

TSV shift to the right causes negative emotions, induces violence, murder, suffering. A shift to the left leads to positive emotions, manifestations of kindness, love, a shift of TSV upwards introduces a person into cosmic consciousness, and a shift inside the cocoon - to the sublime (especially valuable).

Subjectively, we feel our TSV somewhere in the head area.

This is the center from which the ray of our attention comes out, perceiving external objects, feelings, thoughts. Thanks to TSV, we perceive ourselves and the world in one way or another.

In a child, TSV is not spatially fixed, but over time, due to education, it is fixed. And then again, people of knowledge, have to learn to displace.

Christ said: "You will not enter the kingdom of God until you are like children." This means that while a person's cocoon retains a personal form, it is difficult for him to master parapsychological abilities (telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance). Having lost its personal form, the cocoon, on the contrary, can very easily allow you to master all this, because its TSV is not strictly fixed.

impulse ring

I understand the impulse ring as an analogue of the memory of the family, it contains information accumulated by the individual in all his births. The impulse ring has a core (the core of the mind), around which, in different orbits, like electrons around an atomic nucleus, energy clots of positive and negative experience circulate, acquired by this individual in one or another incarnation in the physical world.

The impulse ring of a person is located outside the physical body of a person, that is, above the head in the body of a dream, and remains after his death. The entire biological part (body) of a person serves the impulse ring with energy.

The field generated by the physical body serves as an energy bridge from the gross nature to the subtle energies of the impulse ring. We can say that the energy ring is a kind of energy plan created by the physical body of the individual. Therefore, a lot depends on the physical condition of a person.

Only the information processed in the impulse ring becomes a conscious thought. Information from the structures of the brain enters the impulse ring, from where it returns to the brain as an already formed thought. Clusters of positive experience are located closest to the nucleus. They "figure" in the impulse ring in a spherical (spherical) form. "Spheral" thoughts are higher and more complex than planar ones.

The accumulated plane thoughts fall only on the lower orbits of the impulse ring, because of which its potential weakens (Fig. 12).

Rice. 12. Human impulse ring

If an individual has only "low orbit" thoughts, his high quality beings may be lost.

A person is able to use three types of subtle energy: generated from outside (from space); hereditary, which it receives from ancestors at birth, is a generic force, it affects the duration of our life, obtained from food (food, water).

Under normal conditions, a person's energy rises from the coccyx (germ) zone up along the spinal column (the antenna that connects a person with the cosmos). At the level of the cervical vertebrae, the throat, this flow splits into two, left and right, which, in turn, lower the energy down along the sides to the perineum region, in order to then rise up again (see Fig. 9).

This cycle is very important, and its damage leads to serious health problems. Usually these violations consist in the formation of barriers on the paths of energy. As a result, where there is not enough energy, energy holes are formed. Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, and then migraine pain are the consequences of energy deficiency.

In the area of ​​energy holes, the vine begins to feel the curvature of the field at a great distance. The palms of the hands also feel this anomaly, as cold and unpleasant tingling, up to the absorption of the palm (advanced stage of oncological diseases).

The energy level of the biofield is depleted mainly due to vampirism, often not conscious. Vampires are people of an egocentric nature. They cannot accumulate energy from space, so they are forced to feed on the energy of other people.

The vampire receives energy in the course of conversations or other contacts with another person. The intake of energy is carried out, as a rule, through the eyes. Sensors can see how long tentacles of energy emerge from the energy center in the solar plexus region of the vampire and stick to the weaker energy center of the victim.

Meetings with the manifestation of evil never pass without a trace for us. The evil eye, spell, curse as a purposeful evil create strong energy vibrations. If a person concentrates his anger on someone, this vibration is able to pierce or damage the dream body. (With the help of a vine, this “hole” can be identified.) There will be an energy protrusion on the back of the subtle body. The stronger a person is spiritually, the thicker and stronger the layer of his field protection. Then the field reflects evil.

In 1997, employees of the Department of Theoretical Problems of the RAI, under the leadership of P.P. Garyaev, conducted research to identify the effects of curse words on a living organism.

The researchers took seeds from the Arabidopsis plant. The results horrified scientists: the verbal "treatment" of plant seeds with a curse was like irradiation with 40,000 roentgens. From such a shock dose, DNA chains and chromosomes were torn, genes were scattered and mixed up. Most of the seeds died, and the genetic apparatus of the survivors began to develop unnatural programs - monstrous mutations began.

The result of the experiment did not depend on the loudness of the spoken words: it was caused not by the power of the sound, but by the power of the word itself.

Studies have shown that the word greatly changes the structure of water, and adults are made up of about 70% of their body weight.

It turned out that water molecules under the influence of human speech can line up in complex ensembles, as a result of which water itself can acquire the properties of a poison. Drinking such "cursed water" can become seriously ill and even die.

Water conveys information well. Therefore, at feasts, toasts are made, as if programming, informing the drink, and then they drink. They also say that spirit-hops live in strong drinks, and if you are in harmony with it, then your head will not hurt in the morning, therefore, before drinking a cup, it is raised above eye level. Also, before eating food, especially in an unfamiliar place, they impose a sign of the cross on it to neutralize even accidental slander.

On the other hand, the group of P.P. Garyaev conducted experiments with kind words. Amazing result! Wheat grains, which received 10,000 x-rays, sprouted and began to develop normally. So great was the healing power of kind words. In turn, indifferent reading of texts gave zero effect.

A. N. Afanasiev writes that conspiracies “are unsuitable for fun and, as monuments of a prophetic, magical word, contain a terrible force that should not be tortured without extreme need; otherwise you will get in trouble. Conspiracies therefore fell out of common use and were the subject of secret knowledge of healers, sorcerers, healers and fortune-tellers; people turn to them in those cases when it is necessary to resort to the help of ancient spells. The mighty power of conspiracies lies precisely in the well-known epic expressions, in the formulas legalized from ancient times; how soon the formulas are forgotten or changed - the spell is invalid. This conviction made it necessary to protect the very word of the conspiracy with special care, to keep it as a shrine.

Prayer, like a conspiracy, refers to strong energy-power methods of influencing a person. It has a certain language structure: sentence organization, sound pronunciation, speech timbre, sound strength and rhythm. In fact, this is a big topic, so I will limit myself to what has already been said.

The possibility of isolating the energy substance under the influence of both heterosuggestion and auto-suggestion from the subject in deep hypnosis and "sending" the selected energy substance was proved - energy twin (ED) at various distances (in verified experiments up to ten kilometers). After fixing the location of the ED, one of the participants in the experiment moved to the location of the twin and recorded all the passing people and passing vehicles.

Hypnotized, or in a deep autotrance (a state of parasomnambulism), was asked to read information from his location with the help of his ED. The most surprising result was that when the communication channel was established, the percentage of "transmitted" ED information reached almost 100% coincidence with the information dictated to the tape recorder by the subject in the room.

The reconciliation was carried out according to the protocol, which was conducted by one of the experimenters who were near the ED. A total of 55 experiments were conducted with 4 subjects. In 8 cases, a communication channel was established, four times for one subject, three for the second, and once for the third. The fourth subject out of five attempts did not have a single successful one. The subjects were of the same age group 19-22 years old - students of the Polytechnic Institute who had previously received the somnambulistic stage of hypnosis. The communication channel was usually set for 10-20 minutes, depending on the desire of the head of the experiments, prof. K.V. Mosqueti or Luris, who performed the hypnotization. The experiment described in detail aims to create the prerequisites for considering the hypothesis about the nature of ED.

In all cases, the hypnotized "saw" their double. On the EEG, the appearance of the β-rhythm was noted against the background of the predominant α-rhythm (72±3%), potentiometers for measuring constant potentials practically did not show reliable measurements. At the same time, the torsion balances used by A. Kozyrev gave deviations typical for people with controlled hallucinations (30% ± 4). It is interesting to emphasize that the subjects did not see any "astral cords" connecting the subjects with the double. Moreover, the attention of researchers was also focused on this in a number of other experiments. Separate cases of the description of astral cords by subjects in other experiments, in our opinion, were recorded only by those who “knew what it should be” from literature and other sources.

Thanks to the deviations recorded by the devices, the subjective reports of the subject, and objective protocols, the possibility of a controlled and controlled release of energy substance from a person in a deep trance state was proved.
Based on these experiments, we consider it possible to make some hypothetical judgments about the mechanisms of manifestation of the ED phenomenon.

It is known that when a person is seriously and for a long time engaged in psychovisualization, he can instantly reproduce certain objects, people, animals, etc., without entering into deep trance states, and without going through any algorithm for releasing his own energy substance. Moreover, most of the trained "psycho-visuals" claim that they can receive the necessary information from the represented (imaginary) entities. Over the long years of working with such people, the author himself has repeatedly observed the receipt by the psychovisual of the information he needs "here and now" from an imaginary entity.
If in the described experiments - the selected ED simply reads information (how !?) from the environment - that is, it actually describes the changes occurring on the physical plane, then the mechanism for reading information about the future or the past (which the subject did not know about) seems even more mysterious ) when requesting psychovisuals through the psychoforms created by the imagination.

Luris and two of his students, who were trained to see the auric glow of the human field, did not notice any changes in the aura of the hypnotized at the time of the release of ED and at the time of its re-entry into the body. The subjects saw their double as a luminous contour repeating the outlines of the body. In 2 cases, the subjects saw themselves in the same clothes in which they were during the experiment. (?) Professor C. V. Moscheti hypothesized that in these 2 cases, the hypnotized described a typical hallucination. But then the question arose of how a hallucination conveys information. We have not found an answer to this question.

In the literature considering the issues of working with ED (A. Besant, R. Durville, etc.), such issues were not considered either. Fifteen years later, F. Bonewits' statement appeared, confirming the hypothesis of C. V. Moscheti. F. Bonevits considers all cases of ED as hallucinations. At the same time, he himself points out the inconsistency of this approach due to the possibility in some cases of photographing ED.

The only working hypothesis at the present time is the hypothesis gradually acquiring a large amount of evidence about the existing energy-information field of the noosphere. Even more than 60 years ago, K. Jung called this field the collective unconscious, a number of followers called it an energy-information matrix, collective consciousness, an egregorial field (F. Bonewits, D. Roll, G. Rozhkovsky, B. Rein, D. Walsh). Obviously, different names describe the same essence. Speaking about the essence of the described phenomena, it should be considered that, in all likelihood, there is a “connection” of the ED to a single energy-information space of the universe.

It should be continued that the energy emitted by us at the moment of “thinking” differs sharply from several dozen radiations fixed as coming from the human body and dynamically changing in the process of life (from infrared to magnetic, electromagnetic, chemoluminescent, etc.).

In all likelihood, mental energy is more subtle and therefore is not yet recorded by modern devices. A number of scientists, A. Genkin, E. Mordvinov, F. Bokevits, suggest that it is a derivative of microleptons. It can be assumed that the continuous transmission of "our thinking" in the form of the finest vibrations is woven into the noosphere, forming a multi-level network of information cells. In Hindu ideas about the repository of world knowledge in the form of "Akasha Chronicles" formed centuries earlier, we find fairly direct analogies with this hypothesis.

Arguing further, we come to an understanding of the essence of the "egregor" when we talk about it as a "matrix in the matrix", that is, energy-informational related components. In some way, not yet known to us, the multivariate components of our thoughts are systematized in cells according to the relationship of information. That is why in the esoteric and scientific literature, first of all, it is said about the egregore, as an energy-informational component that reflects certain communities of people connected by common ideas, goals and “thinking”.

Based on the foregoing, it can be assumed that each cell of the network contains interconnected but simultaneously localized clumps of information in a certain stationary state. Constant vibrations emanating from a person during the thought process are “micro bricks” from which egregorial structures are formed during sorting.

It may seem unbelievable that these constructions contain the entire chronicle of the development of mankind or, say, world experience. But let's just draw a rough analogy with a computer flash drive.

A 64 GB flash drive has a chip in the middle that is less than 1 cubic centimeter in size and can store more than 100,000 books. How much information can one book contain? Let's try to imagine how much information can be written on a chip in 1 m3, and in 10 m3. There's probably still plenty of room left. That is, today's understanding of "energy" and "information" allows us to hope for a significant breakthrough in the objectification of the egregorial hypothesis.

Returning to the results obtained by psychovisualizers, it should be assumed that the energy of desire superimposed on the produced thought form is the key (bridge, connecting thread, tool ...) between the necessary cell in which the necessary information is stored and the person requesting it.

And the information component of the request in the form of a well-formed mental image is a password for connecting to a cell. Going further, based on the available empirical material of the practical activities of Luris, his students, magician scientists from different countries (it means researchers involved in the study of theoretical and applied activities in the field of esotericism), it can be assumed that an individual password that facilitates and speeds up the search for information can be your own name , pseudonym, mantra or this or that ritual.

The fact that a person has a double that can materialize, I learned as a child from my mother Jeanne. In her youth, which fell on the 90s, she lived in a small village and dreamed of a city disco for a long time. When she finally got there, she immediately met a girl who began to communicate with her, as with an old acquaintance. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that a few days ago, a new acquaintance of my mother communicated with her exact copy. As it turned out, the double appeared at the disco at the moment when my mother was sitting at the mirror and imagining herself in the city disco.

But even more surprising was that her copy suffered during the dance, slipping and getting seriously injured, and then mysteriously disappeared from the dressing room, where she was transferred while waiting for an ambulance. Mom understood the warning and did not go out on the dance floor that evening. However, after that, she began to experience phantom back pain.

What is an astral double?

Each object located in our material world, and even the smallest grain of sand, has its own astral duplicate, which has a complex structure and consists of several types of astral matter.

The astral body is one of the 7 that make up a person (physical, mental, astral, ethereal, causal, buddhic, atmic). It is an exact copy of the material body at the level of the subtle world. This is a shell of emotions, and the more sensitive a person is, the stronger his astral body. Strong experiences can contribute to involuntary separation and manifestation in the material world of the astral double.

In rare cases, even an ordinary person can see him:

  • the arbitrary appearance of an astral correspondence by a combination of certain factors;
  • creation using special techniques.

An unexpected meeting with their double in people occurs on the eve of important or fatal events. He seems to be warning of the future. Sometimes a collision with one's own copy portends a person to a quick death. A historical fact is known: in 1796, Empress Catherine the Great, shortly before her death, one day, entering the throne room, she saw her double.

But you can also create your double on purpose, using the well-known esoteric experience.

How to work through the astral double?

During a trance, a controlled exit from the body, or the process of falling asleep, when the body is already at rest, and the mind is still active, the shell of a person at a subtle level, capable of separating and taking the form of the inner body, can make unusual journeys.

The possibilities of the astral double

It is thanks to the capabilities of his copy in the subtle world that a person can travel to the subtle worlds and receive reliable information there about future or past events, about what is currently happening far from him:

  1. The astral double of a person is able to hear and feel.
  2. The more emotional a person is, the more energy he has in his astral body, which gives vitality to the material.
  3. During sleep (trance), the astral double of a person is a conductor of consciousness in the subtle world, since at this moment it is separated from the physical to the higher principles.

The possibilities of the astral double of a person at the level of consciousness are practically unlimited. With it, you can get any information and see what was previously hidden from us.

Instructions for working with a double

The success of working with the astral double of a person depends entirely on the degree of emotionality and sensitivity of the practitioner. In order not to lose control and be able to manage it at any time, you must:

  • throughout the session, keep yourself on a high emotional upsurge (if this is difficult to do on the basis of a specific perception, you can do it against the background of prayer);
  • you need to very accurately imagine the place and time where you mentally send the double, otherwise you can find yourself in other coordinates, which will make it difficult to return;
  • emotions of fear, anxiety and anxiety are completely unacceptable when implementing these techniques, as they are negative and can attract energy-dependent entities who will try to take the place of the astral body or make a hole in the energy shell.

This is often used by black magicians to restore their own resources and conduct various rituals.

Ways to create an astral double

In the course of honing esoteric practices, the most effective practices were identified:

1. Conscious exit

This method of creating an astral double of a person is recommended for beginners and those who have had the experience of an unconscious exit of the astral body:

  • waking up early in the morning or in the middle of the night, do not open your eyes and do not move, as if prolonging the state of sleep;
  • imagine that you are performing actions with your legs and arms;
  • try to mentally take off and leave your material body or roll out of it, as if from a train picking up speed, or jump out;
  • imagine in detail and clearly the place where you want to be, and begin to mentally rotate;
  • try to hear inner sounds, and perhaps see images;
  • to achieve a real result, you need to devote 10-15 minutes to this practice every day;
  • if the exit from the body is successful, then you can return back by mentally saying “RETURN!”.

This is the most common and safest way to create an astral double.

2. Creating a double with a mirror

It is on this property of the universe that Slavic fortune-telling is based on the betrothed on the mirrors, when nothing else than the astral double of the future spouse appears to the fortuneteller. To implement the idea it is necessary:

  • put one mirror (minimum size 80 cm x 30 cm) opposite the other (45 cm x 20 cm) so that you get a mirror corridor;
  • sit facing a large mirror and carefully peer into the resulting corridor;
  • as soon as you notice an entity walking along the mirror corridor, start saying: “My double appeared in the mirrors, go to (name the place where you want to send the double), look (give a task what to do to the double), after which the small mirror must be immediately turned over ;
  • the astral double will be transported to the right place and bring the necessary information, after which it will return to the left mirror.

With the mirror method of creating an astral double, in no case should you look into his eyes. Otherwise, you may lose control of the situation.

3. Water way

Water has long been known as a substance capable of storing and transferring information. This method is the simplest and tested by the author of the article:

  • take a bath, the temperature of the water should be equal to the body temperature of the practitioner;
  • completely relax, immerse yourself in a relaxing state, start thinking about something pleasant;
  • try to rise mentally, imagine that you are leaning on the edge of the bath, making an effort, a jerk - and your copy in the subtle world will separate from the material shell;
  • here it is important to accurately, in the smallest detail, imagine the specific place and time where you are going to send your astral double to obtain the necessary information;