Good spells for love. A white conspiracy to love a beloved man, come true in a short time. A strong conspiracy to love a man

To love and be loved, to have a strong family is an absolutely natural desire for every woman. Read conspiracies for a man's love: white magic at home will help if bright and sublime feelings are not mutual. But resort to magical measures. you need to correctly and carefully, so let's understand everything in stages ...

Any magic, black or white, plays the role of a lifesaver in a difficult life situation.

The history of white magic, its rituals and rituals is as old as the world itself. They were used a hundred, and two hundred, and thousands of years ago, and at the same time they are actively practiced at the present time. Its main distinguishing feature can be called the use of positive, creative energy, natural, like life itself. Therefore, with the right application of strength and skills, it is really capable of much.

The rites of white magic are not aimed at causing harm or harm to anyone. You can even bewitch a loved one with their help only if he also feels something for you or it will benefit both of you from the point of view of karma.

Advice: to achieve the desired result, it is not enough to memorize and read a spell from a book bought in an underpass or a bookstore. You need to really believe in what you are doing and understand how to put your idea into practice.

For the correct performance of various magical actions, appropriate knowledge is required related to the use of various attributes: amulets, talismans, amulets, conspiracies that protect against evil forces. For example, do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. The purpose of the first is protection from negative influences (damage, evil eye), and the second is used in magical practice to receive help from supernatural forces and phenomena.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

White magic rules

To increase the effectiveness of love rituals, when performing them, you need to follow several important rules:

  • It is necessary to conduct the ceremony only in a good mood, directing all your thoughts to creation and rejecting everything bad from yourself;
  • The words of the conspiracy are pronounced in a low voice, but clearly and distinctly;
  • Conspiracies and love spells of white magic can only strengthen or renew faded feelings. For a love spell of someone else's husband or a person indifferent to you, rituals of black magic are used.

That is, even the most powerful white conspiracy to love a man cannot help if his heart belongs to another. Therefore, in such cases it will be effective to use black magic.

Do not start a white love ritual if you experience negative emotions and spend it in order to take revenge on your ex-husband or boyfriend. First, calm down and think about what it really means to you. In the end, you do not wish evil to your beloved, dear person, but you want to give him real happiness next to you.

How it works

Do not confuse such concepts as an amulet and a talisman. Amulet - protection from negative influences. Talisman - help in magic.

Rites and conspiracies of love white magic have different powers. And, if some of them are more or less harmless and safe and cause the chosen one to feel a slight melancholy and sadness, then others can really deprive him of peace, making him think about the woman who performed the love spell, literally day and night. This category includes sexual love magic, which awakens real passion and desire in a man.

When performing magical rites, various means are used. These include:

  • Food and drink. The appropriate spells are read over them, and then they are treated to the object of passion;
  • menstrual blood. Spells with its use are black. Usually they act for thirty days, after which the feelings of the young man may weaken again. In this case, it repeats again or everything is left as is.
  • natural phenomena. Four elements, heavenly bodies, etc.;
  • A photo of a loved one or his personal belongings.

Love spell of a man for food

One of the most powerful and at the same time simple ways to cast a love spell is a conspiracy to eat for a man’s love to read, white magic. It works in the shortest possible time and almost always works flawlessly.

You can perform a love spell using various means, but it will have the greatest power when adding the menstrual blood of a loving woman to the food of her chosen one. But, having decided to carry it out, be especially careful. After all, if something goes wrong, you and the object of your passion run the risk of losing your "I".

The use of blood should be resorted to only in emergency cases. For all other situations, simpler and more harmless spells will do.

Conspiracy 1 "On the water"

You can also read this conspiracy to water for a man’s love, the white magic of this spell is universal, but it is read exclusively on odd days:

“Bless, God, bread.

Reward with holy water.

Yes, so that my husband (his name)

Always been by my side.

Blood in the liver, salt in food

Your flesh is in me.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen."

Conspiracies over food is the most common, affordable and easiest way to bind a husband, since in most families a woman cooks.

Conspiracy 2: "For food"

To perform it, any food intended only for the object of the spell is used. Everyone else can't eat it. Perform this ceremony on any men's day.

When conducting a ritual, remember that it can backfire in the form of apathy and physical discomfort in the person who undergoes it.

"Servant of God (name),

Satisfy your hunger with food

And always be with me (your name).

In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit,

Now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen."

Conspiracy 3: "For salt"

Since ancient times, conspiracies for the love of a man for salt have been used to restore love relationships and return faded feelings. To return the love of a husband and help him look at you with the same eyes can be an old rite of the 19th century, performed with ordinary table salt.

Keep in mind: it does not work on strangers!

This conspiracy is read for any drink or food, it is possible for salt, then to add it to food. The words of the conspiracy are:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit,I will get up and go from door to door,

From gate to gate, into an open field, andI will meet fire, frying pan and wild wind.

I will rise and bow low to them and say this:

“Goy be the Fire and the Fire!Do not burn the earth's herbs,

And do a faithful, great service:Take it out of me, servants of God (name at baptism),

Longing for melancholy, weeping dryness,carry it through high forests - do not lose it,

Through the rapids - do not drop, hthrough the seas and rivers - do not drown,

And put it in the servant of God (name at baptism), inwhite chest, in a zealous heart,

So that he is about me, a servant of God (name at baptism), tfettered and grieved in the day and night time,

I would not eat in sweet dishes,I didn’t drink in honey, beer and wine,

Be you, my words, strong and sculpting,From now to forever.

I close with a strong lock,And the key is in the water,Amen".

You need to take a few crystals of salt and say the words of the conspiracy over it three times. Then this salt is added to the spouse's food, best of all in a fish dish. In a few weeks, you will notice that the feelings of a loved one flared up with renewed vigor.

  • This is a strong ritual that is performed with charmed salt, it must be performed at night on a full moon;
  • You will need two fresh photographs, in which you and the object of your passion will be separately, these pictures should not contain strangers;
  • In addition, to perform the ritual, you need to stock up on a red candle, a plate, an empty matchbox, matches and salt;
  • When starting the ceremony, tune in a positive way, remember how good it was for you with your loved one, how warm and tender your relationship was;
  • Light the candle while saying the words of the love spell. Do not extinguish the flame on the match you used;
  • It should go out by itself, and all this time you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy;
  • The ashes formed after its combustion must be collected in a plate;
  • Put the photographs on the table, face up, sprinkle your picture with salt, pronouncing the necessary words of the spell, do the same with his picture;
  • After a few minutes, the rest of the salt from his photograph should be poured into boxes and buried in the ground under the aspen.
  • Mix the salt from your picture with the burnt ash and add it to your loved one's food.

Full moon spells

The effectiveness and power of many love rituals is directly related to the changing lunar cycles. Usually, rituals are performed on the growing moon to strengthen and restore broken relationships, and on the waning moon, to destroy love for another woman, to remove protection from magical influence from the object.

On a full moon, all rituals and spells gain special power. In order for them to begin to act, it is enough just to imagine the appearance of a loved one and mentally direct all your thoughts and desires to him, whispering the following short conspiracies, the most effective during the full moon. There are a lot of them, so it remains only to choose the options that are suitable for your particular case.

When all the usual methods of attracting guys do not give the desired effect, the girls are forced to read conspiracies for the love of a man. Witches have been honing the skill of love spells for several centuries, supplementing and improving rituals.

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How and when to read

Get a powerful effect if you follow the rules below.

  • to the young moon;
  • at dawn;
  • on the male day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday).

A day that suits all conditions will affect the strength of the conspiracy.

But a girl, in order to attract the power of magic, will have to comply with a number of requirements:

  • read a love spell in an apartment or in nature, where there are no people;
  • it is necessary to take a shower to wash off negative and other people's energy;
  • you need to wear clean, homely clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • you must remove all jewelry;
  • observe a strict fast for three days before the conspiracy, perform the ceremony on an empty stomach;
  • you need to believe and imagine that the desired has already come true;
  • never tell anyone about the ceremony.

It is important to strictly follow the requirements of each ritual. You can not change the day, place, time. If it is inconvenient to read on a full moon, you should choose a convenient plot and follow its instructions exactly.

Before bedtime

This is the easiest and most efficient way. In a dream, consciousness rests from the bustle, focusing on our dreams. The spell must be read for several days in a row until the dream comes true.

To attract love, say the words quickly with full faith in them.

Universe! Hear me! I am open to Love, I Love and Beloved.

You can talk to a specific person, being at a distance from him. Before going to bed, focus on your desire and read the plot.

I invoke the power of love, kindle it with the fire of passion. You go, love, in the heart to (name), settle there forever and ever. Kindle feelings (name) with a hot flame for me (your name). Let him reach out to me, strive, with all his heart, with all his soul, desire to unite with me. May it be as I said. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Ritual on the full moon

The only requirement for the ceremony is cloudless weather. Look at the full moon, think about your beloved, imagine his image and yourself next to him.

As my love is strong and cordial, so may the feeling (say the name of the man) for me be eternal. Amen.
Just as an apple does not fall far from an apple tree, so let my beloved man always make me happy. Amen.
How sweet is honey and sugar, so let the peasant love me. Amen.
As there are no barriers in love, so let a man be happy with me. Amen.
Let the beloved man not reject me, and not disappear along the path to another. Amen.

On the new moon

A woman can enhance the feelings of a loved one if they are close to parting. Perform the ritual on the new moon.

Things for the rite:

  • church candles, 3 pieces;
  • matches.


  1. Light two candles.
  2. The last candle should be softened in the palms.
  3. Now you need to think about your favorite.
  4. Thinking about the image of a loved one, make a ring out of a candle.
  5. Cast a spell.

As the Moon is filled with energy, let the heart of my dear (name) also be filled with love for me. May love preserve our sky, and the moon unite our hearts. Amen!

Candles should burn to the end and go out. Keep the wax ring: put it in a rag and put it away so that no one finds it.

Conspiracies for strong devoted love

Powerful conspiracies of the sorceress are called "prisushki". Before reading the conspiracies of white magic for the love of a man, you need to understand that such a “dry” has been working for a very long time.


The conspiracy will help rekindle the fading feelings of the spouse and make him fall in love again.

Find an apple:

  • beautiful;
  • ripe;
  • no dents or cuts.

Say a spell:

As this apple will dry, so will my beloved (name) dry for me (my name).

After reading the plot:

  1. Put the apple in a dry, hot place so that it dries but does not rot.
  2. Keep a dry apple, then your husband will love you forever.

If you use blood, this conspiracy cannot be removed. In the handle you need to make a hole and drip monthly blood: 3 drops. Close the hole with candle wax.

A very strong conspiracy

This conspiracy cannot be broken. For a guy to fall in love forever and his love grows every day, you need to do a love spell on the growing moon.

Rite order:

  1. Before the ceremony, you should go to church and take home a container of holy water.
  2. Moisten your right hand in holy water and cross yourself.
  3. Kneel in front of a window.
  4. Read the words of the conspiracy aloud and from memory.

I, the servant of God, (name), will go out into the canopy, then into the open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord! Lord and Mother of the Most Holy Theotokos! And I ask: pull the violent winds, and scatter my anguish-grit from a white body, from a zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my sadness to the sweetheart (name of the chosen one) in his clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on a zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and night longing, and so that he could neither eat nor sleep, and all would think about the servant of God, (his name), and so that everyone would walk and fank like a white swan, and would think of me, about the servant of God, (your name). Be, my words, strong as iron, and expensive as gold. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy "Bewitched Heart"

What you need for a love ritual:

  • a new snow-white scarf;
  • red wax candle
  • pen;
  • sharp needle.

The procedure for the spell:

  1. Lay out a white handkerchief on the table.
  2. Take a burning candle.
  3. With candle wax, you need to drip a drawing in the form of a heart onto a scarf. Fill the heart completely with red wax.
  4. Write the name of the desired man on the wax.
  5. Stick the needle into the wax heart while reciting the spell.

I do not kindle a flame, but I call on the soul of a loved one. May our souls and bodies unite, our hearts turn into happiness!

Hide the scarf from prying eyes. Look for meetings with your lover, get to know each other better so that white magic works.

Prayer "For love and fidelity"

Items that will be needed:

  • new, snow-white tablecloth;
  • candles from the church, 3 pieces.

What do we have to do:

  1. Arrange candles on the tablecloth and light them.
  2. Read the words of the prayer and blow out 1 candle.
  3. Repeat the last step with the rest of the candles.
  4. Tie the candles and place the bundle on the tablecloth.
  5. Light a bunch of candles and let them burn out on their own.

O Eternal Lord, I implore You with tenderness. Create a high wall, create a deep pit, impenetrable fence, insurmountable longing. Depth - three fathoms of earth, height - immeasurable height, and melancholy of immeasurable depth. Lock, Lord, and block so that the servant of God (name) does not leave me, he does not find another girlfriend for himself. Lock it with a key and take it for yourself, help, Lord, God's servant (name). Until this lock is opened, until then the servant of God (name) will not stop loving me. Key, lock, tongue. Amen.

Ritual for bad weather

Bad weather is a strong energy that will help a guy fall in love.

Suitable conditions for performing the ritual:

  • hail;
  • shower;
  • storm;
  • blizzard, snowfall.

Whisper the spell:

Went to the church pop. The wheel rolls, spins, rolls under the feet of the ass, clings to the skirts of his clothes. Let the servant of God (name of the guy) rush to me like that, rush at me, spin around me in circles, like a pop on an icon, let him pray for me. Help all the saints, subdue the servant of God (name of the guy) to me. Amen.

Ritual at dawn

With the help of a ritual at dawn, you can attract the attention of a guy. In the morning go to a deserted place, turn to the sun. And mentally read the text of the spell.

A person does not live without water and food, and a servant of God (the name of a man or woman) cannot live and be without God's servant (his name), day or night, without his half - me.

A conspiracy to love a man from a photo

The exact magic ritual is carried out according to the photo.

There will be no confusion about the object of the conspiracy, but there are conditions:

  1. The photo must be clear and fresh. If the photo is a year old, witchcraft may not work.
  2. In the photo one man, without glasses.
  3. The eyes are clearly visible. Suitable for a portrait photo.

Prepare a church candle.


  1. Take a photo in your left hand
  2. In the other hand - a burning candle.
  3. You should pronounce a spell and pour candles with melting wax on the photograph, but not more than 9 drops.

I conjure that (name of the object) becomes one with (your name) in the same way that Fire, Air and Water are one with the Earth, so that thoughts (name of the object) are only about (your name), as the rays of the sun rule the Light of the world and its virtues . And let the high spirit (your name) circle over the spirit (name of the object), like water above the earth. Make it so that (name of object) cannot eat, drink, enjoy life without (your name).

The power of this ritual has a period of 7 years. If the guy does not love you, perform the ceremony again, after the expiration date.

An interesting way of plotting from a photo is described in the video of the sorceress Tatyana Severova.

A simple love spell

A quick and easy way to make a guy love you is to use a water love spell.

Ritual procedure:

  1. At dawn, fill a clear glass with water.
  2. Whisper to the water: “Just as one cannot live without water, so may the servant of God (name) not live without me, the servant of God (name).”
  3. Then pour the water into a bottle and give it to the object of desire.

Spell to get married well

Making a man marry with the help of white magic is real.

The method is for you if:

  • want your boyfriend to marry you;
  • want to marry, but not for anyone;
  • love a married man and are ready to play a wedding with him.

To marry a gentleman, take:

  • carnation flowers;
  • blue ribbon;
  • flowing water.

Speak the text of the spell:

Carnation herbal meadow, reaching for the sun, opening with petals. You are ringed with a ring, a purple ring is chained to you. Help me (name) not to be alone, walk with a wedding ring, meet a sweetheart, and get married. The red flower blooms for a long time, and my fate comes to me. As a flower grows on the earth from summer to summer, so my dear me, a red, smart and stately girl (name), will find and marry. Amen.

When reciting the spell, one should tie a ribbon around each flower, then tie them together and throw them into running water.

A conspiracy to love a guy is a very powerful magical tool. With its help, you can attract the love of the person you like. But such influences should be used very carefully. It is very important, first of all, to make sure that the heart of the chosen one is free. It is impossible to destroy someone else's love with such rites.

A conspiracy for a guy can be applied in various life situations. The safest rituals are those that allow you to find love in order to build strong relationships in the future. For the success of influences, it is necessary to desire to love yourself. You can't experiment with magic.

A powerful rite to attract love

If you like a guy and you are sure that he sympathizes with you, then you can awaken stronger feelings in him with the help of a magical rite. This will speed up the building of harmonious relationships.

“I will go out, the Servant of God (proper name), from the upper room to the vestibule, from the vestibule to the courtyard, and then through the gate out of the gate. There, in an open field, I will stand and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, protector and helper. I will look at all four corners of the world and turn with a prayer to the Lord God himself. I will ask them for help so that they protect my love. I will also turn to the elements of nature. So that the violent winds scatter my melancholy-grit across the white world, and she never returned to me. And my beloved, so that he always yearns and dreams of me far from me. And day and night, and morning and evening, to remember me. My words are strong. Amen".

Such a conspiracy will help not only attract love, but also protect relationships from outside influence.

To protect love

To protect your love feelings, you can also perform a magical rite.

For the ritual, the following attributes should be prepared:

  • new tablecloth;
  • Three church candles.

Having retired to a separate room, you need to cover the table with a tablecloth, put candles in front of you and light them. After that, you need to sit in silence for a while and think about your loved one.

When you feel an invisible connection with him, you should say these magic words with feeling:

“I, the Servant of God (proper name), appeal to the Lord God with a prayer. I ask the forces of the Almighty for help and protection. Protect my life from enemies with a high wall, a deep pit, an impenetrable fence, an irresistible longing. Lock my life with a key and make sure that the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) never leaves me and never finds another woman instead of me. Let the lock be reliable so that no one can open it, and my beloved will never stop loving me. Amen".

After the text is read, the candles must be extinguished and tied together. They need to be hidden in a secret place. Such protection will work until other people's hands touch the charmed candles.

attracting the love of a guy

You can attract the love of a guy, even if you are not sure of his feelings. But it should be remembered that such an impact is fraught with danger. If in the future you fail to awaken the natural love feelings of the chosen one or you fall out of love with him, then this will lead to serious negative consequences for both of you.

A strong magical conspiracy is pronounced during the growing moon at the dawn. It is advisable to pronounce the words on the street, looking to the east. If it is not possible to do this, then the ceremony should be performed near an open window.

The following magic words must be pronounced twelve times:

“I conjure, all the powers of the Highest, that the Servant of God (the name of the beloved) will forever unite with the Servant of God (proper name) just as the natural elements Fire, Air and Water are connected with Mother Earth. May the thoughts of my beloved always be directed towards me, just as the rays of the Sun always strive towards the Earth. Let his imagination always have scenes of our life together. May every memory of me fill his soul with joy and peace. Amen".

This conspiracy must be repeated for twelve days in a row. Any missed day will make the ceremony ineffective. After such a ritual, your chosen one will soon awaken interest in you. But how harmoniously your relationship will develop depends only on the two of you.

You can awaken strong love feelings in your chosen one towards yourself with the help of a special ritual involving the use of a photo of a loved one.

You need to pronounce the words, looking at the picture, and putting into each word your sincere feelings and desire to be with your chosen one.

The magic words sound like this:

“I, the Servant of God, (my own name), strong love in the heart of the Servant of God, (name of the chosen one), call and direct it to myself. May I be able to kindle the fire of passion in his soul with my strong word. Let it come to the heart of my beloved and stay there forever. With a bright fire in his soul, his love feelings will flare up, and he will always strive for me and soon wish to unite with me forever. Let it happen. Amen".

This conspiracy must be pronounced late at night during the growth of the moon. It is possible to strengthen its effect if the ceremony is performed with lit church candles. It is allowed to perform the ritual every day for a week.

Of course, a magical conspiracy is an effective means to attract the love of a guy you like. But when deciding on the use of magic, it is necessary to be aware of the full responsibility for this. It is important to carry out the ceremony in full confidence in your rightness.

The words of any conspiracy should be pronounced clearly and consciously. During the ritual, all its conditions must be observed. In addition, it is very important that nothing should distract you during the ceremony. Only with complete focus on the goal will the impact be successful. It is also important to be in a positive mood. It should be remembered that negative emotions scare away love. An important condition for the success of the rite is the sacrament of the rite. In this regard, no one should be made aware of their plans.

Spells for the love of a guy or girl exist in order to be loved by those we love. Do not take magic negatively, because it is aimed at good. Love magic and a love spell of a loved one are designed to make people happy.

Many believe that the fate of a person is written in the book of fate even before his birth, and nothing can be changed in it. These people believe that you just need to humble yourself and live life as it is destined from above.

Needless to say, such people are very unhappy for the most part? Especially often their misfortunes come from unrequited love. It seems to them that if a loved one does not look at them, then it is not destiny to be with him and they need to back down.

But there is another philosophy of life, in which a person is the master of his own destiny and independently makes decisions regarding his life and happiness.

Do you want to make him happy and go hand in hand with him all your life? Do you dream of revitalizing relationships and becoming sweet to your husband again? Or maybe you had a trouble, and the person you loved left you, falling out of love? Do not despair! If your thoughts are pure and you not only dream of getting the benefit from magic, then magic will help you.

Perhaps, let's start with helping the youngest readers: it is very important when the first strong feeling is born, because people remember their first love all their lives.

But before I give advice and spells, I want to warn you (since youthful maximalism is a common and often dangerous thing): when resorting to magic, casting magic spells for the affection and love of a guy or girl, remember that if you do it out of your own whim, then there will be trouble, because jokes are bad with magic, and you need to seriously think about how dear this person is to you, whether you can live with him all your life, whether you yourself will stop loving him at the first opportunity.

Try to wisely and responsibly approach this issue, think about your attitude towards the object of love and decide whether you are ready to tie him to you for a long time with the help of magic.

Self-conspiracy for love

To perform the ritual of love magic on your own and at home, get a photo of your loved one (now there are social networks, otherwise people used to suffer when taking out a photo), print it out and read the following words on it:

The main condition for such rituals is to focus on the object of love and think only about him. These conspiracies will also help you if a crack has formed in your relationship with your loved one.

But if you feel that your husband does not love you anymore or is growing cold towards you, and all the more so that he has someone who takes his thoughts away from you, then it is time to use the following means. You need to buy white threads, and not at any time, but on Wednesday for the waxing moon. The next day, go to the same store and buy needles.

On Friday, we thread a needle and make a few stitches in one of the corners of the sheet, in the process imagine your husband’s face as clearly as possible and try not to be disturbed at this time, otherwise everything will have to be repeated in a month. If you fulfill all the conditions, everything will be just great. When sewing, cast the following spell:

Naturally, he should sleep with you on this sheet. Often black magic deals with love issues. For example, you can bind a person to yourself from a photo, but this method of magical influence has its own conditions: first of all, the object of the spell must know you well, and besides, you must be able to contact him when necessary.

Of course, you can try to tie an unfamiliar person to yourself from a photo, but it is hardly worth doing this. Remember that with magical intervention, especially with the help of black magic, in the fate of a person, you also influence his behavior. He can always be alarmed and annoyed - perhaps he will not have feelings for you, he will not be able to get far from you, but he will try with all his might to get rid of you.

That is, magic is magic, and if you don’t inspire feelings for him and don’t deserve his natural good attitude, then magic will only torment you. Think about it, and only with full confidence that he will not be with you only by attachment, start holding a “black wedding”.

black wedding

We take two photos of the same size and in full growth. There should not be strangers in the photo, only objects of the ritual. There should be no cracks and bruising in the photo, not to mention tears and so on.

The place of the ritual is a cemetery, the time is midnight on a full moon or a growing moon. Graves must be chosen with the names of those whom you crown.

During the ritual, you can’t speak (only words of a conspiracy to love), it’s forbidden to laugh and look around. In advance, you need to buy six cubic zirconia candles, three black and three red. We put photographs on the grave, to the left of them we place red candles, to the right - black ones. From a match, we light first red, then black candles and read the wedding spell by heart.

You will need to buy chilibukha leaves in advance (30-40 pieces) and grind them into powder. You also need half a liter of lamp oil (consecrated) - candles, grass and oil can be bought at an esoteric store. After reading the spell, sprinkle the photographs with grass, then generously pour them with lamp oil.

After draining the vessel with oil, read the Black Wedding spells again, take the black candle from the grave in your left hand, the red one in your right hand and set fire to the photo on both sides. Return the candles to their place and wait until the photos are burned to the ground. Then cast the spell one last time and leave. Do not turn around, do not pay attention to the strange noise.

The text of the spell "Black wedding"

Download this spell in .doc format Are you afraid to go to the cemetery at night? You can hold a black wedding at home, but the result will not be so fast and strong.

Home version of the black wedding

We take the same consecrated and crushed chilibukha. We pour lamp oil into it, you also need to add hair, nails or saliva of ritual objects to this mixture. If you tie a guy to you, it would be nice to get his sperm. Six wedding candles are placed on the sides of the photographs and the prepared mixture is poured onto the photograph.

The photographs are then placed face to face and wrapped in black paper. Then the bundle is tied up with a beautiful ribbon, preferably red, and the spell of the black wedding is read by heart on the bundle. Put candles, a bundle and a vessel from under the mass in a box. Hide all this so that no one but you can find and know what you did.

If you return your husband in this way, then put on two candles on opposite sides of him and your wedding rings. After the ritual is completed, the rings must return to their owners. and they must be worn without taking off.

Conspiracy to love a guy: 8 general rules + 4 proven options + ritual to remove the conspiracy.

Is he exactly the one you have been waiting for all your life, refusing the plumber Vasya from the ZhEK and classmate Yura? And everything, as the classics of love literature hung - butterflies in the stomach and trembling in the knees?

However, there is a “small” problem - your feelings are not mutual.

In this case, you can help yourself with the help of magic, for example, read a plot to love a guy. And let someone condemn you, but we believe that you need to fight for your happiness.

8 general rules for a plot to love a guy to go well

In such a delicate matter as reading, there are several rules that the newly-minted sorceress must adhere to:

  1. On the day of the conspiracy to love, you should feel good. Therefore, if you are tired, did not get enough sleep, have a cold, or quarreled with your best friend, postpone the ritual.

    The fact is that at the moment your energy is simply not enough to bewitch a guy.

  2. At least a couple of days before reading a conspiracy that works quickly, refrain from alcohol, cigarettes, and even more so drugs. These things also weaken your biofield.
  3. It is best to take up reading a conspiracy to love on the growing moon - so that the guy's feelings for the girl grow along with the luminary.
  4. Traditionally "women's" days - Wednesday, Friday, Saturday - are ideal for conducting a strong conspiracy to love a guy forever. Are you still going to the cinema for the weekend or have you already planned something more interesting?
  5. A conspiracy to love a guy usually works quickly, but if necessary, you can safely perform the ceremony again. And so on, until the degree of his love will suit you 100%.
  6. While reading a strong love spell, you need to be as focused as possible on the guy you want to get.

    Therefore, turn off the mobile phone, radio, TV and even your beloved cat Boniface - get out of the room if you want the conspiracy to work.
    It is also advisable to light candles and drop a little of your favorite oil into the aroma lamp.

  7. Faith in a force that acts quickly is your everything. No Vanga will help you if you don't give a damn about all this magic from a high bell tower.

    Only faith in the power of words will help you live happily ever after with your loved one, and maybe die on the same day.

  8. In love magic, the words of a love spell, in order for it to work, must be pronounced quickly, but clearly. You can't slow down here! Ideally, learn the text by heart so that it bounces off the teeth, as in childhood - Agnia Barto's poems.

When the overall strategy is clear, you can go directly to the ritual.

Conspiracy to love a guy: acts quickly with 4 options

There are a great many conspiracies for a guy. But we offer you a choice of several proven (according to the reviews of Internet users) that are valid forever.

Conspiracy number 1. On silverware forever.

Sprouts to sprouts, leaves to leaves, flowers to flowers, hearts to hearts. Bring the blood and juice of the earth to mutual love. Day get away from the night, love me God's servant (name of the beloved) as I love you, while there is strength. The devils will take away, the angels will bring. Amen

It remains only to throw the charmed object under the house or threshold of the guy's apartment. You can hide somewhere in a secluded corner or under the door mat.

The only drawback of such a conspiracy is the high cost of silver. However, esotericists argue that such costs will justify themselves.

Conspiracy number 2. On the red cloth forever.

Red has long been associated with love and passion. Therefore, a small red piece of cloth will be enough for you.

Its edges must be sewn, pronouncing such a conspiracy on the guy:

I sew, I speak the heart of a hot slave (the name of the beloved). It would have beaten strongly, driven the blood furiously, rushed at me as a slave (her name). He will not be able to breathe without me, he will not be able to exhale, he will not be able to hug, he will not be able to calm down the trembling.

As long as he doesn’t touch me, the slave (his name), he will suffer in lust, in thoughts, be jealous of the whole world, among all others he will see me alone. Let it always every hour, half an hour, every minute, half a minute, every second, like a hungry animal wandering across the wide steppe, looking for me everywhere.

He does not notice others, he only knows me alone. Will not be able to drink and seize neither in food nor in wine. And as soon as he sees me, he will immediately come running to me. Amen

Now you need to take this talisman with you to where you can meet the guy you like. Hide a piece of fabric in a purse, pocket, etc. It is worth catching the eye fully armed a couple of times - and the young man will feel strong sympathy for you.

Conspiracy number 3. If you are sure that you want to bewitch forever.

You should only whisper a plot for food and treat the guy:

Your soul will fly like a bird when you fall asleep. She will fly to me and sit on my pillow. She will peck bread from my palms and drink water from my lips. Your soul, (guy's name) knows me and is not afraid of me.

She is handmade for me. So become you, (name of the guy), when you wake up, tame and not shy. Lay your head on my shoulder and smile at the happiness that has come. Everything will be so, everything will be fulfilled according to my word. Amen

IMPORTANT! A conspiracy to love a guy will only work if the food is cooked by the girl herself. Therefore, do not rush to order sushi, but put on an apron and go to the kitchens to create culinary masterpieces.

In addition, young ladies should not use this strong conspiracy, because, according to magicians, 18-20-year-old ladies still do not have enough vitality for such a love spell. It will simply be ineffective.

Conspiracy number 4. On amber.

The most interesting thing about this strong love spell, which also works quickly, is that you do not need to memorize any words.

Just wait until next Friday morning. Standing up, take amber beads in your left hand, and put your right hand on your heart.

Now close your eyes, concentrate and, as it were, draw the outlines of the guy you like with amber in the air. The eyes must be closed. Remember, hands, smile ...

Then wrap the amber beads in a handkerchief and carry it everywhere with you without unfolding it. At night, the talisman should be placed under the pillow, and the ritual itself should be carried out for 7 days in a row.

IMPORTANT! Amber must certainly be real. A ceremony performed on an artificial stone will not bring any effect.

A white love spell will help you become happy:

A strong conspiracy to love a guy: forever or options are possible ?!

Life is a strange thing. And if yesterday Valera from the marketing department seemed to you almost like James Bond, today you can ask:

“God, what did I find in him?” Hmm, and if the conspiracy to love a guy is already in effect? Forever "bury" yourself in a relationship with an unloved person?

Do not panic! Magicians say that even a strong conspiracy to love a guy can be removed using a special ritual:

  1. To get started, stock up on everything you need:
    • a shared photo with a guy. Remember: there should be no one on it, except for the two of you, even pets;
    • postal white envelope without drawings, inscriptions, etc.;
    • church candle. Its color and size do not play a role, so you can buy any;
    • any fireproof vessel, and to it - matches or a lighter;
    • a couple of your hairs and a couple- the guy you read the love plot for.
  2. Now that you are "armed and very dangerous," wait for the time of day at which you read the plot to love a guy.
  3. Throw your hair and a photograph into the envelope, seal it and put it in the prepared dish.
  4. Now light a candle and drive over the envelope for several minutes, saying:

    I take off my love spell, I remove the obsession. I cancel my divination, and I release the “name of the bewitched person”

  5. Feel free to set fire to the envelope and wait until it burns completely.
  6. The ashes must be scattered from the window in the wind, saying:

    As I thought, so be it

  7. It remains only to throw the candle into the trash and wash the dishes in which the envelope was set on fire.

Even with a strong conspiracy that was supposed to work forever, the guy will feel cool for you in about a week.

“I blundered with Antosha: to bewitch - bewitched, and then I didn’t really know what to do with all this love. I was annoyed by these 20 sms a day, meeting-seeing off at work and other romance. It's nice only with a loved one.

I had to make an opening. Five days later, the assault from Anton subsided, and after half a month it completely disappeared. But that's a trillion nerve cells. Therefore, young ladies, before reading the plot, make sure that it is worth it, ”

- advises Julia from Vladivostok on an Internet forum.

IMPORTANT! If you take the guy's hair from the comb for the lapel, make sure that only he uses it, otherwise the ritual will not have any power.

Now you know exactly how to stop a love plot on a guy. But this does not mean that such magic can be taken lightly.

You should contact her only if you are 100% sure of your feelings. Otherwise, interference in the psyche of another person will turn against you or your loved ones.

It is best if the person you like is not in a relationship and is not at all averse to meeting his fate quickly.