Recovery after a miscarriage or missed pregnancy. How effective are these methods?

Increasingly, girls are asking the question: how can you provoke a miscarriage? Having discarded the option of surgical termination of pregnancy, women use drugs that causing miscarriage, they even use means traditional medicine. When deciding to resort to taking abortion pills, you should carefully study the instructions for use and find out the side effects.

Consultation with a qualified doctor will help to avoid dangerous consequences, since medical abortion can cause the development of body pathologies.

What drugs are allowed to use to terminate a pregnancy

Medical abortion during pregnancy up to 6 weeks causes minimal harm to the body. Reception must be carried out according to the rules in the instructions. The effect of tablets is not always the same as the manufacturers promise.

Preparations for abortion are represented by several types, sold in tablets.

Specialists identify a number of tools that act effectively and safely:

  1. Escapelle;
  2. Pencrofton;
  3. Mifegin;
  4. Mytholian;
  5. Mifeprex.

Any drug that causes miscarriage has strong influence on the health of a woman, changing the vital processes of the body.

A popular contraceptive, but it is not effective in an already formed pregnancy. The tablets should be taken after unprotected intercourse within 72 hours. Tablet manufacturers claim that their tool has several functions. Postinor components block the ovulation process, affecting the fertilization process, and also prevents the implantation of an already fertilized egg. After taking Postinor, bleeding is observed - rejection of the mucous layer of the uterus along with the dead embryo. The drug Escapel has a similar effect.

The Postinor package contains two tablets, which include levonorgestrel. The first tablet should be taken within two days, after twelve hours the second is taken. The properties of Postinor resemble an abortion, the effect of the tablets is very strong, the drug is recommended to be taken no more than once per menstrual cycle (according to the instructions). Gynecologists do not recommend frequent use of this remedy due to high risk hormonal failure.

The use of the drug for later dates childbearing is dangerous to health.

Pencrofton promotes contraction of the uterine muscles, due to which fertilized egg exits the uterine cavity and miscarriage occurs. To terminate a pregnancy, three tablets are enough in one dose.

Pencrofton is taken in an amount of no more than three tablets. Experts recommend then using misoprostol, which provokes an enhanced effect of the first drug.

After 36-48 hours, the woman needs an ultrasound examination to confirm the termination of the pregnancy. After 1-2 weeks, it is recommended to re-examine.

The drug is contraindicated in women who are allergic to the components of the tablets, kidney disease, liver and blood. Among side effects called dizziness, pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting, bleeding and dyspepsia.

TO effective drugs also include Mifepristone, Mifegin and Mifeprex. These tablets are used during pregnancy, the period of which does not exceed 42 days. If you drink the drug later, there is a high probability that the fetus will survive, but will be born with significant deformities. The pregnancy is terminated within 8 hours.

How to protect yourself when taking drugs

Despite their effectiveness and popularity, medical abortion drugs cannot be bought at a pharmacy. Only funds are available at the pharmacy emergency contraception(Postinor, Escapelle)

Medicines are only taken in medical institutions who perform abortions. Before the procedure, the woman is examined by a doctor who prescribes ultrasound and blood and urine tests. It is necessary to exclude the presence of an ectopic pregnancy, which makes medical abortion impossible.

It is allowed to carry out the abortion procedure for up to 42 days from the last menstruation.

During the procedure, the patient takes the prescribed drug, resulting in a miscarriage. After that, the woman should be observed by a doctor for several hours, then she is allowed to go home. Some pills need to be taken twice: a woman no longer has to return to the clinic, but she must stay at home close person to call in case of a problem. ambulance for hospitalization of the patient.

Complications can occur when taking any of these drugs. Dangerous Consequences provokes not only the action of the tablets, but also the independent conduct of the procedure at home. Often, particles of the fetus remain in the uterus of a woman, which begin to rot and contribute to inflammatory process: this leads not only to the inability to become pregnant in the future, but also to death. To ensure her own safety, a woman is advised to contact a clinic where she will be assisted.

After a medical abortion, it is possible to become pregnant again after two weeks, so a woman needs to take care to use contraceptives.

Safety first

Often women decide to terminate a pregnancy without consulting a doctor, which is very dangerous for their health. Many pills have a strong effect and entail dire consequences. It is harmful for the body to take the drug in the later stages: after the sixth week of pregnancy, the pills do not have the desired effect, such a reception can be fatal for a woman. Therefore, it is safer to provoke a miscarriage on early term.

It is no less dangerous for a woman to provoke an abortion with the help of traditional medicine. Most of the methods that can be found on the Internet, not only do not help to safely cause a miscarriage, but also cause significant harm to the health of the mother.

If you intend to take pills for miscarriage, a woman should understand that it is dangerous to engage in medical abortion on her own: consultation is necessary qualified specialist who will prescribe the examination and the necessary drug.

It is also necessary to take into account the fact that abortion causes diseases of the adrenal glands, ovaries, pituitary gland and disorders of the thyroid gland.

One of the most effective remedies for inducing miscarriage is Black Cohosh (Black and Blue Cohosh). This herb stimulates muscle spasms, which leads to emptying of the uterus. Black cohosh is often used by doctors in the late stages of pregnancy, it also helps to provoke a miscarriage. Be sure to consult your doctor before using this remedy. Incorrect can lead to toxic poisoning.

Angelica Chinese

The root of the Angelica chinensis plant is widely used to regulate menstrual cycles, improve blood circulation, etc. It is also effective in inducing miscarriage. Its reception should begin with consultations with doctors. To prevent undesirable consequences the correct dosage must be observed.


Another means of stimulating the activity of the uterus is cinnamon. At the right dosage, taking it can lead to miscarriage. To achieve desired result, in no case do not subject the cinnamon to processing (for example, boiling), this will deprive it of the necessary substances. Look for foods that have cinnamon as an ingredient.


Very strong remedy to provoke a miscarriage is juniper. Taking juniper is more likely to cause severe pain so try not to leave the house. It also helps to get rid of dead tissue left after incomplete miscarriage. Such a miscarriage can lead to infectious disease causing bleeding, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc. Consult your doctor before using this remedy.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a popular means of inducing miscarriage. A gradual increase in the diet will lead to errors in menstrual cycle which will cause a miscarriage. However, vitamin C should be taken with caution, limiting its intake to 6000 mg per day. good source vitamin C is, for example, parsley. Tie the parsley into a small bunch and place in a glass of boiling water. Let it brew a little and drink throughout the day.

surgical procedure

If there is a need quick release from the fetus, you can consult doctors and. However surgical intervention can be extremely painful and cause complications in the future. The most common method of abortion is the method of dilatation and curettage. It consists in the direct cleaning of the uterus with the help of surgical instruments, which causes not the most pleasant sensations.

Home miscarriage - someone is afraid of him like a fire, and someone dreams of him, it's no secret that pregnancy is not always desired. Well, the publicity that may follow an abortion in honey. institution, no one wants. Therefore, the question arises - what can provoke a miscarriage at home from improvised and medications. We will list the main ways, as well as what such amateur performance can lead to.

What not to do and what is unlikely to help

1. Taking a hot bath. This can lead to fainting if you sit in the bath for even a few minutes. But that's just not because of the increase blood pressure, contrary to popular belief, but, on the contrary, its lowering. When heated, the vessels expand, the pressure drops, and the blood supply to the brain is disrupted.

2. Bay leaf. Medicine does not know what can happen with a large use of bay leaves. Most likely an allergic reaction.

3. Milk with iodine or sugar with iodine. It is forbidden! This can do a lot of damage thyroid gland, its functions, and this negative effect may be irreversible.

4. Jump, do exhausting sports training. Sometimes it can cause a miscarriage at home. But don't experiment. Even if you start bleeding, it’s not at all a fact that the miscarriage will be complete and you won’t have to do a “uterine cleansing” afterwards. By the way, this applies to all "home methods". Well, we must not forget that excessive loads negatively affect the heart. There may be an attack, and even with a lethal (fatal) outcome. Behind Last year from heart failure due to physical activity, namely sports, several athletes and schoolchildren have died in Russia.

5. Drink a decoction of tansy. This herb is quite toxic and can cause malformations in the embryo. This is one moment. Another - tansy causes uterine bleeding. But a miscarriage may not happen. Meanwhile, uterine bleeding is very dangerous. And again, in many cases it is possible to stop them only by "cleansing the uterus." That is, we return to surgical abortion again. Also to the minus of tansy can be attributed to it Negative influence on the liver, heart and kidneys.

6. Take oxytocin. This drug belongs to those that contribute to the smoothing and opening of the cervix. Used for weak labor activity, as well as after childbirth and abortion for rapid recovery (reduction) of the uterus. It is not used for medical abortion and has many side effects, including severe uterine bleeding, jumps in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, etc.

7. Take emergency contraception. There are drugs that, if taken as soon as possible after unprotected intercourse, reliably protect against the onset unwanted pregnancy. And the most modern of these drugs (there are many) are those that block the action of progesterone at the receptor level. Thus, the onset of ovulation is inhibited, the preparation of the endometrium to receive a fertilized egg, its implantation becomes impossible. The drug about which in question contains the active ingredient mifepristone. And it really leads to the cessation of the development of the embryo, its death. But just 10mg, that's the dosage of an emergency contraceptive drug, isn't enough to cause a miscarriage. This fact is reflected in the instructions for the drug. Yes, and one mifepristone is not enough to terminate a pregnancy. We will talk about this further.

8. Accept a large number of ascorbic acid, eat a lot of lemon or parsley. To the question “is it possible to have a home miscarriage and, if possible, how exactly”, many women say that it is ascorbic acid. Such experiments are dangerous. uterine bleeding. Yes, and for the stomach so much "acid" is harmful.

Medical termination of pregnancy

If you are looking for a way to make a miscarriage at home with pills, then this information is just for you.

Medical abortion can be done up to 42 days of amenorrhea. That is, with a delay in menstruation by no more than 14 days. The medicines used for medical abortion, mifepristone and misoprostol, are provided by a licensed clinic. medical abortion. The first drug leads to the death of the embryo, and the second - to the opening of the cervix and its spasm, mini labor activity.

It should be noted that miscarriage with the use of only one of these drugs will not work. And they are not freely sold in pharmacies. However, there are individuals who break the law and offer to purchase these drugs via the Internet. We would not recommend such a risk - to buy medicines from them. It is not known what kind of drugs, what quality they will send (bring) to you, and complications are possible, you should not try to cause an abortion without a doctor. The sellers of these illegal drugs will not tell you what to do if a miscarriage occurs at home or, on the contrary, does not work out if it starts heavy bleeding or pain. And the doctor will guide you all these days, if necessary, help and advise.

Medical abortion is performed in 3 stages. After a brief examination, which includes taking the patient's history and ultrasonography uterus, the woman takes 3 tablets (600 mg) of mifepristone, which are given to her by the doctor, in his presence, in the clinic. After that, he stays there for 2 hours and then goes home. But only 50% of patients have a miscarriage immediately after taking mifepristone. Therefore, a second drug is also needed.

Misoprostol is also taken after a visit to the doctor (these are 2-4 tablets). After this, contractions usually begin and a miscarriage occurs. Pain can be quite noticeable, so you should discuss with your doctor the possibility of using painkillers.

7-10 days after the miscarriage, the woman does an ultrasound of the uterus. If there are remains membranes, or the embryo continues to develop in spite of everything - they do vacuum aspiration. The child should not be left after taking mifepristone. Because of this, he may have malformations.

But, in any case, the consequences of a miscarriage at home, carried out correctly, with medication, are not as serious as those that may be after surgical abortion. Pregnancy can occur as early as the next menstrual cycle, immediately. In principle, this is not contraindicated, but some doctors recommend postponing new pregnancy 1-2 months.

Interesting video on the topic.


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Modern methods of abortion and their consequences
Interrupt Methods

There are cases when provoked with the help of special medications is the only way maintaining women's health.

It should be remembered that although the risk of developing negative consequences in these cases is minimal, but it is still advisable to consult a doctor before taking pills during pregnancy. This will avoid irreversible negative consequences.

There are several of the most popular drugs. Among them:


This tool belongs to the category of so-called opponents of progesterone. Substances included in its composition block uterine receptors. This causes rejection of the embryo. This process takes place in several stages:

  • the size of the uterus changes and it softens;
  • the opening of the neck begins;
  • release of the fertilized egg.

All this happens an average of six to eight hours after taking the drug.

If there is a need to strengthen muscle contractions, it is recommended to additionally use aids(prostaglandins).

There are a large number of analogues of the presented remedy, but Mifegin remains the most popular among such drugs. This is not surprising, its efficiency is close to one hundred percent. Wherein, side effects appear extremely rarely and they are expressed in most cases insignificantly. Even manifestation allergic reaction reduced to the minimum.

The use of such a drug in our country is completely legal. This tool received official permission from the Ministry of Health back in 1999.

It is rational and safest to use "Mifegin" at a gestational age of no more than six weeks. Further, its efficiency sharply decreases.

Before using the product in without fail it is necessary to exclude the possibility of development of the fetus outside the uterus. To do this, it will be enough to do an ultrasound. An adverse reaction after taking "Mifegin" can only occur due to individual features her body. In such cases, the following adverse situations may occur:

  • continuation of pregnancy and further development of the fetus;
  • death of the fetus in the uterus;
  • profuse bleeding (in this case, urgent medical intervention is necessary).


This synthetic drug belongs to the category of antiprogestogens. "Mifepristone" allows you to block impulses to receptors of the progestogen type. To terminate a pregnancy in combination with such a drug, you will have to use another drug called Misoprostol. The combination of these drugs causes contractions, and as a result, a miscarriage.

"Misoprostol" is prescribed as part of an operational miscarriage. In such cases, the drug is used for up to twelve weeks.

It is allowed to terminate a pregnancy in this way for a period not exceeding nine weeks. Beforehand, it is mandatory to consult a doctor.

The best option is when these funds are used in a specialized medical institution under the supervision of a specialist (gynecologist or obstetrician). The doctor must calculate the desired dosage and observe the patient for several hours after taking the drug.


This drug is used during pregnancy up to six weeks. "Pencrofton" effective remedy, in most cases not provoking any adverse effects and complications.

Another plus of this drug is that it is able to protect the integrity of the uterus and its cavity.

This form of abortion is less painful than abortion. The probability of infertility or psychological trauma of the patient is reduced to the minimum values.

This drug can be used even by those women who have never given birth. True, one cannot do without consulting a specialist, "Penktrofon" is not sold in a pharmacy. It can only be purchased at a specialized medical institution. After taking the drug, the patient should be observed by a gynecologist or obstetrician for some time. It happens like this:

  • a woman consumes three tablets within an hour (preferably two);
  • at this time, the process of rejection of the fetus begins;
  • if there are no side effects, after 3-5 days the patient is prescribed a second dose.


The drug has been used for many years in cases of so-called emergency contraception. These are situations where the contraceptive was not used as part of sexual intercourse and there are fears that pregnancy may occur.

The package contains two tablets. The main active ingredients are levonorgestrel and coatkosin. Minus the drug - one hundred percent does not guarantee abortion. Probability positive result is about eighty-five percent.

The first tablet is used immediately after sexual intercourse, but no later than seventy-four hours later. Take the next pill in twelve hours.


It will help to terminate a pregnancy for up to forty-two days. The main advantage of the product is a high degree of effectiveness and ideal tolerability. After using Mifeprex, after two or three days, a woman may experience minor spotting.

If they stretch for more long period you should contact a specialist immediately.


Country of manufacture - France. This is one of the most reliable drugs that allows you to terminate a pregnancy for up to six weeks. With proper use, the tool can achieve a hundred percent result.


It is absolutely pointless to use this remedy later than seventy-two hours after the completion of sexual intercourse. The reception algorithm is similar to Postinor. Sometimes it may be necessary to take additional pills.

It is advisable to consult with a specialist first. This will help to avoid undesirable consequences from the thyroid gland and hormonal background women.

General contraindications and other nuances


  • pregnancy ectopic type(or suspicion of it);
  • kidney disease;
  • long-term use of corticosteroid-type drugs;
  • diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  • any inflammation of a gynecological nature;
  • uterine fibroids.

Taking the above drugs is much safer than abortion. These tools (when used correctly) can avoid problems from endocrine system, cervix, etc.

Also, the advantages include a high degree efficiency. It is possible to achieve the desired result in ninety-five percent of cases.

All of these pills can be used by women who have not given birth. While if the first pregnancy is interrupted surgically, the likelihood of developing various kinds of pathologies in subsequent (desired) pregnancies greatly increases.

Women who decide to terminate an early pregnancy with one of the drugs discussed must follow a few simple but very important rules.

  1. If there is a need to take any of the listed drugs, the first thing to do is to seek the advice of a qualified specialist.
  2. You can not independently decide to increase the dose by taking additional tablets. This can be very dangerous!
  3. It is advisable to pre-conduct an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. This is necessary in order to eliminate the risk ectopic development fetus.

At ectopic pregnancy All considered drugs are strictly prohibited! In such cases, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.