Do abortion pills. Pills for terminating early pregnancy: cons. Side effects of abortion pills

Sometimes there is a life situation in such a way that there is a need to terminate the pregnancy. Today, several different methods of abortion are known, while medical abortion is beginning to gain the most popularity.

Medical termination of pregnancy

Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out using pills, which include misoprostol and mifepristone. These funds are used to terminate pregnancy on early dates(no more than eight weeks).

Break order medical abortion occurs according to a very simple scheme - first, the woman takes the first pill, which contains mifepristone, and after 24-72 hours she must take the second, containing misoprostol.

Misoprostol provokes the onset of uterine contractions, as a result of which occurs. Due to the combined effects of misoprostol and mifepristone, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy. The desired effectiveness of the pill is given only if they are used early, and subject to all the rules of medication.

This procedure should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor, in no case should you take pills on your own, as there is a certain risk to the woman's health.

Over the past few years, medical abortion has been the most popular among women, because it is one of the safest types of abortion.

It is worth remembering that the pills used to terminate a pregnancy will only be effective during the first 49 days from the day of the last menstruation. Such medicines are taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the woman's health and, if necessary, will take action. The fact is that this type of abortion also has certain contraindications.

Such popularity of medical abortion is easily explained, because this method of interruption unwanted pregnancy has a number of advantages:

  • First of all, the likelihood of infertility after this type of abortion is minimized. When medical interruption pregnancy will have absolutely no effect on the uterine mucosa, therefore, there is a minimal risk of developing secondary infertility. This is one of the main advantages, thanks to which girls make a choice in the direction of this type of abortion;
  • possible complications are minimized. As a rule, any artificial termination of pregnancy carries the risk of developing various complications - for example, trauma to the cervix, onset inflammatory processes, trauma to the uterine mucosa, etc. If a medical abortion is performed, the risk of developing such complications will be extremely small;
  • no need for hospitalization. Among the main advantages of this type of abortion is the fact that a woman does not have to be in a hospital. Unlike surgical abortion, with medical abortion, recovery is much faster, while the woman can do her usual things the next day after the procedure, go to work.

How do abortion pills work?

It is the intake of mifepristone that does not allow the further production of the hormone progesterone in the required amount. The fact is that the hormone progesterone is responsible for proper development child. In the event that this hormone is produced in insufficient quantities, the uterine mucosa begins to exfoliate, as well as the relaxation of the muscles of the uterus.

As a result, bleeding occurs. After taking misoprostol, uterine contractions begin, as a result of which the bleeding will only increase. Approximately eight hours later, a spontaneous abortion will occur.

It is the intake of mifepristone that will provoke the onset of a rather strong vaginal bleeding during which copious blood clots are released. As you know, the body of each person is individual and therefore, after the second pill is taken, the resulting bleeding will have a different degree of intensity. In some cases, there is a slight blood loss, but there is a possibility of more copious discharge. However, there are times when bleeding does not occur until the woman takes the next misoprostol tablet.

Approximately 20 minutes after misoprostol is taken, abdominal cramps may begin. It is possible to increase or decrease painful spasms throughout the entire time of exposure to medications.

After a medical abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor again, who can confirm the miscarriage. It is extremely rare that such pills do not have the desired effect. Such situations account for approximately 5% of all medical abortions. In this case, the doctor supervising the abortion may order a vacuum abortion or take other measures.

Medical abortion technique

For artificial termination of pregnancy, special medications are used, which should be prescribed only by a doctor, after an appropriate examination of the pregnant woman. Since these pills contain a large amount of hormones, as a result, they provoke the death of the embryo, and then cause the onset of increased uterine contraction, therefore, rejection and further expulsion from the uterine cavity of the fetus.

The procedure for medical termination of pregnancy is carried out in exactly three stages:

  1. 1st stage - carried out complete medical examination pregnant. Before a medical abortion is performed directly, in without fail, the doctor conducts an examination of a pregnant woman.

    There is a need for an ultrasound (ultrasound examination), due to which a more accurate gestational age is established, after which the woman is also assigned a manual gynecological examination.

    As soon as the doctor is 100% sure that there are absolutely no contraindications for medical abortion, he will talk in more detail about the main principles of the drugs taken.

    Then the pregnant woman will have to sign the relevant papers, which confirm that she is thoroughly familiar with the principles of this type of abortion, and that she gives her consent to the procedure;

  2. 2nd stage - abortion. The pregnant woman takes pills, and then over the next few hours should be under the supervision of a doctor. After about 5 hours, you can return home, provided that there are no complications.

    Exile Process gestational sac occurs approximately 3 hours after taking the pill, but may take several days. This process will be accompanied by bleeding;

  3. 3rd stage - control inspection. After a couple of weeks, you need to return to the doctor for a checkup. An additional examination must be carried out without fail, because the doctor will have to make sure that the fetal egg has been completely expelled from the uterus.

    In the event that this does not happen (this phenomenon is very rare), in order to prevent the development possible complications, the uterine cavity is scraped to remove the remaining parts of the fetal egg.

Termination of pregnancy during the first few hours

In the case of unprotected intercourse, if there is a risk of conception, a medication such as postinor can be taken to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.

This tool gives effective result only if it is taken within the first 24 hours after intimacy. In this case, the effectiveness is about 95%, if the drug is taken after 24-48 hours - about 85%, if after 48-72 hours - about 59%. Therefore, the sooner the medicine is taken, the more likely it is to get the desired result.

The basis of the action of this drug is the provision of an overwhelming effect on ovulation, as well as fertilization. To prevent conception, you need to take two tablets - one should be taken as soon as possible, and the second after 12 hours.

It is allowed to take postinor only once during the whole menstrual cycle. To minimize the likelihood of complications, you should first consult with an experienced doctor, as this remedy has certain contraindications.

Side effects of abortion pills

This type of abortion is carried out by taking special medications that have certain contraindications and side effects. Most often, negative consequences occur in the case of a woman's negligent attitude to her health - for example, self-administration of drugs without medical supervision.

Women, after a medical termination of pregnancy, may experience such unpleasant sensations as headache, nausea, dizziness, loss of consciousness, weakness. In almost all cases, these conditions resolve on their own over time, and additional medical intervention is not required.

There are cases that women have an allergic reaction in the form of characteristic redness. skin. If the discomfort is very disturbing, you need to seek help from a doctor who can prescribe antiallergic drugs for admission.

There is a minimal chance that a miscarriage will not occur and the pregnancy will continue to develop. That is why it will be necessary to visit the doctor again, who may suggest using a different method of abortion. Even under the condition that the woman changes her mind and decides to leave the child, there is a possibility that the baby will develop various defects and abnormalities.

During a re-examination, the doctor may notice that not all of the fetal egg has come out and to remove its remnants from the uterus, a procedure will be required.

This type of abortion can only be used in the early stages of pregnancy, while it is worth remembering that the longer the term, the greater the risk of developing various complications. Provided that a medical abortion is performed on later dates pregnancy, bleeding will be more severe and prolonged.

There are times when a small fragment of the fetal egg remains in the uterine cavity, which may go unnoticed on ultrasound. This can lead to the development of a severe infection requiring special treatment with antibiotics. a wide range actions, as well as therapeutic drugs that provoke uterine contractions.

Medical termination of pregnancy can cause pronounced bleeding, which requires immediate treatment with the use of special drugs that can leave bleeding. In the event that taking such medications does not give the desired effect, then under anesthesia, the doctor will clean the uterine cavity. In the most severe cases, open surgery is performed on the uterus, and sometimes its complete removal.

It is worth remembering that abortion is very serious and it is not recommended to try to carry out this procedure on your own at home. The fact is that, like any other type of abortion, medical abortion is associated with health risks and a woman may need immediate medical attention.

Medical abortion contraindications

Despite the fact that medical abortion has a lot of positive qualities, there are certain contraindications, which include the following:

  • suspicion of;
  • the presence of diseases that are associated with a violation of the process of blood clotting;
  • presence in a pregnant woman;
  • Availability acute diseases female genital organs, which are inflammatory in nature;
  • long-term treatment with corticosteroids;
  • Availability dangerous diseases kidneys, especially in adrenal and renal insufficiency.

In the event that a woman has been diagnosed with at least one of the above diseases, then the use of medical abortion can have a serious Negative influence on a woman's health and it is simply impossible to predict the consequences.

Consequences of medical abortion

Before you opt for this particular method of getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy, you should familiarize yourself in more detail with the consequences of medical abortion.

As already mentioned above, an abortion is performed on an outpatient basis and the woman will not be under the supervision of a doctor throughout the day. Therefore, it is necessary to independently monitor the state of your health with increased attention.

Medical termination of pregnancy may be accompanied by complications such as:

  • the appearance of quite strong pain in the lower abdomen;
  • about 1% is the further continuation of pregnancy, but the development of the child may occur with deviations;
  • serious breach hormonal background;
  • body temperature may rise, there is a feeling of weakness and chills (very rare);
  • there may be a feeling of severe nausea, vomiting may open. In this case, you may need to re-take the drug;
  • the opening of intense bleeding, which can be triggered by incomplete removal of the fetal egg from the uterus. In this case, additional scraping may be necessary.

After a medical abortion, it is necessary to visit a doctor to make sure that everything is fine and to consult on effective contraceptives, since it is not recommended to resort to this type of abortion too often, otherwise there is a risk of seriously spoiling one's own health.

The article discusses the termination of pregnancy in the early stages. We tell how abortion occurs at home and in hospital, what are the consequences of this procedure. You will find out reviews of women who have used abortion pills, as well as the cost of drugs.

Early abortion methods

Not always 2 strips on the test bring happiness to a girl. Therefore, many women are looking for various ways early termination of pregnancy. This may be due to the reluctance to become a mother or the danger of pregnancy for women's health. Every woman who decides to terminate a pregnancy has her own good reasons for this.

In the early stages, there are several methods of abortion:

  • surgical.

The drug method involves taking drugs that cause the expulsion of the fetus. This technique is used for up to 6 weeks and strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

The surgical method consists of vacuum aspiration or curettage. Vacuum abortion is performed for up to 5 weeks under anesthesia. With the help of special equipment in the form of a vacuum pump, the contents of the uterus are sucked out.

If the gestational age is minimal, then a mini-abortion can be performed in the antenatal clinic using local anesthetic injections. It is extremely rare that bleeding occurs after vacuum aspiration, while the duration spotting is no more than a week.

The most popular method of terminating a pregnancy for up to 3 months is curettage. Because of the pain, the operation is performed under general anesthesia. The procedure is an artificial expansion of the uterine cervix, followed by curettage of the organ cavity using a curette.

The duration of the scraping is approximately 20 minutes. After that, the patient is under the supervision of a specialist for two to four hours. This procedure is the most traumatic. Of the possible consequences after it:

  • damage to the uterine neck;
  • the appearance of endometritis;
  • infertility;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • trauma to the endometrium;
  • the appearance of an extensive wound in the region of the internal uterine cavity.

Below we will talk in detail about which pills will help get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages with pills

Elimination of pregnancy with the help of pills refers to a medical technique. Can this method be called safe for women's health? Yes, if the procedure is supervised by a specialist. But self-administration of drugs can cause irreparable damage to your health, ranging from severe bleeding to infertility or death.

Also, the possible consequences of medical abortion include:

  • non-rejection of the embryo - in such a case, pregnancy cannot be maintained; curettage is used to eliminate the fetus;
  • severe bleeding that requires surgical intervention;
  • unbearable pain, decrease or increase in blood pressure, nausea, deterioration of well-being.

The only advantage of this method of eliminating unwanted pregnancy is the absence surgical intervention. As a result, injury to the uterus and its cervix, as well as possible infection, are impossible.

If you want an abortion with minimal negative consequences, pay attention to the medications that we will discuss below.


This is a steroid and antiprogestogen medication that is best used at 3 weeks of pregnancy, since at this time the result is maximum. The action of the pill is aimed at preventing the functioning of progesterone receptors and disrupting its regulation in the case of attachment of a fertilized egg. After taking the pill, mucus begins to collect in the cervix, which forms hostile environment to continue the pregnancy.

The cost of the medicine is from 350 to 500 rubles.


This drug used for up to 6 weeks. It is used together with Mirolut. Miropriston neutralizes progesterone, which provokes detachment of the fetal egg. Mirolut stimulates the contraction of the uterus, causing the embryo to come out of the uterine cavity.

The drug has contraindications, which must be read.

The cost of the medicine is from 1900 rubles.


As with other drugs, the action of mifepristone is aimed at blocking the production of progesterone. The tablets do not contain hormones.

It is best to take the drug for a period of 4-6 weeks. For medical reasons, the drug can be used for up to 22 weeks inclusive, while using additional methods to activate uterine contractions.

In some cases, after taking the drug, incomplete abortion is observed. Therefore, after medical abortion, ultrasound monitoring is necessary.

Cost - from 5000 rubles.


The active substance of the drug is levonorgestrel. The effect of the drug depends on the time of administration. For this reason, gynecologists distinguish 2 types of his work:

  • Use in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, which allows you to delay ovulation. In this case, the possibility of unplanned pregnancy decreases from 1 to 3 percent.
  • Application in the second phase of the menstrual cycle, caused by unprotected intercourse. In this case, levonorgestrel blocks the production of estrogen, provoking a decrease in the ability of the endometrium of the uterine cavity to accept a fertilized egg. A possible consequence of taking the medicine at this time is early attack monthly.

According to studies, about 2 percent of women were able to get pregnant after taking Escapelle. And this makes this medication very effective tool to prevent unwanted conception.

The price of the drug is from 350 to 600 rubles.


Postinor is a medicine used for emergency contraception. The effect of its use occurs only if the pill was taken within three days after unprotected sex. At the same time, gynecologists do not recommend using this medicine on their own.

The product contains levonergestrol, corn and potato starches, magnesium stearate.

Experts do not advise frequent use of Postinor, as it causes severe harm to the female hormonal system.

The cost of the medication is from 300 to 500 rubles.

Other tablets

In some cases, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, the following drugs are used:

  • Mifeprex - used for pharmaceutical abortion for up to 42 days of delay. The tool is highly effective, while practically does not cause any harm to women's health.
  • Pencrofton - the drug contains mifepristone. It is recommended as an emergency remedy for abortion in childless women. After taking the medication, in rare cases, gynecological complications or infertility are observed.
  • Mifegin is a French-made drug, it can be used for up to 6 weeks. Highly efficient.
  • Mifolian - after taking it, rejection of the tissues of the uterine cavity occurs along with the embryo.

Injections for early termination of pregnancy

If you do not want to go through the procedure of surgical or medical abortion, you can try to get rid of the embryo through injections. An injection is used to carry out the abortion procedure. calcium chloride. Under its influence, fetal death occurs, followed by miscarriage.

If within 2 days after the injection there are no signs of abortion, then the specialist prescribes tests and ultrasound. Based on them, the doctor decides on curettage, otherwise a strong inflammatory process is likely to appear, leading to sepsis or death.

Some women believe that getting rid of an unwanted pregnancy can be done with a mixed injection. ascorbic acid and No-shpy. The efficiency of this method is only 10 percent.

The safest injection of all drugs is the use of oxytocin. It causes cramping contractions that lead to miscarriage. At the same time, in early pregnancy, oxytocin is used only in emergency cases, if there are contraindications to surgical abortion.

Terminating an early pregnancy at home

Traditional medicine offers a large number of remedies for eliminating pregnancy at home. Remember, you can use them only after the permission of the doctor! In addition, after the use of folk remedies, there is a risk of deterioration in well-being, the appearance of intense bleeding or partial abortion.

Below are the most popular tools. traditional medicine to interrupt early pregnancy. But remember, any means for terminating a pregnancy at home for a period of 3-4 weeks cannot be safe for your health. Even if you are up to 3 weeks pregnant or more than a month, it is better to seek help from a specialist.


Many women seek to terminate their pregnancies with iodine and are at great risk, especially if pure iodine is used. After all, this alcohol solution has a toxic effect on the entire body.

After taking pure iodine, a deep burn is likely internal organs, severe damage
thyroid gland and powerful hormonal changes. And all this is possible after using only 3 g of the product.

But at the same time, there is an opinion that the composition of iodine and milk will help to eliminate unwanted pregnancy. Such a mixture does not cause such a toxic effect as pure iodine, while after application the death of the embryo, in most cases, still occurs. That's just the dead embryo remains in the uterus, since it does not contract. In the future, this leads to the development of sepsis and inpatient treatment.

In addition, the milk-iodine composition does not always help to get rid of the fetus, and in the event of the birth of a child, severe pathologies appear.

Sometimes, after consuming iodine, it is possible to open bleeding, which no physician can handle. And this is fraught with the death of a woman.

hot tub

This method of terminating unwanted pregnancies was quite popular until the advent of medical and surgical abortion. Although at present, many continue to practice it, but less so, because after it some women feel worse.

Why do girls choose this method of abortion? The answer is obvious - availability and free, except for possible problems with health. This technique is practiced only until the 3rd week of pregnancy, since after this period the embryo is sufficiently developed for a miscarriage to occur due to this method.

Using a hot bath after 3 weeks of pregnancy has a number of negative consequences for a woman. Therefore, it is better to practice it immediately after confirmation of pregnancy.

Using a hot bath causes the blood vessels in the uterus and pelvis to expand. These vessels put pressure on the vessels that are located next to the uterus, as a result of which they burst.

The embryo present in the uterus comes out of it along with the blood. Vaginal bleeding - main feature that a miscarriage has occurred.

What should be done for a miscarriage? It is enough to be in hot water for 3-4 hours, while it is important that the hips are in hot water. If the procedure takes place in the bathroom, then you need to constantly add hot water. One procedure is enough to terminate the pregnancy, since with repeated it is possible to open severe bleeding.

Candles for abortion in the early stages

Sometimes, to eliminate unwanted pregnancy, women use vaginal or rectal suppositories, which are contraindicated during childbearing. Such drugs cause uterine contraction and, as a result, miscarriage.

Applying them according to the instructions, you can cause uterine bleeding. But this doesn't always happen.

Herbs for early abortion

Herbs - Another product that can cause termination of pregnancy. Below we will talk about the main herbs that are used for miscarriage.

Bay leaf

Bay leaf is one of the herbs that are not recommended for expectant mothers due to high risk occurrence of a miscarriage. Bay leaf is an abortive product that can terminate a pregnancy.

When using a decoction of bay leaves in early pregnancy, there is a risk of bleeding. Along with bleeding from female body the embryo comes out. This method can be used up to 8 weeks of gestation. The effectiveness of using this method largely depends on the personal characteristics of the body, but it is possible to eliminate pregnancy with lavrushka.

The sooner the laurel decoction is taken, the higher the likelihood of abortion. To prepare a decoction, pour 100 g of bay leaves into a glass hot water. After that, boil the composition for a quarter of an hour. Cool and strain through cheesecloth.

Drink the strained decoction before going to bed. Wrap bay leaves in gauze to form a tampon, then insert it into your vagina overnight.

After the procedure, a miscarriage should occur within 1-2 days. At this time, there may be pain in the lower abdomen, bleeding. If after 2 days there are no changes, the method turned out to be useless.


The use of a decoction of tansy flowers provokes an active uterine contraction followed by expulsion of the ovum. But remember, such a product is very toxic, it can cause intoxication, liver failure, convulsions and vomiting. Moreover, at heavy bleeding from the uterus, the probability of death is high.


The use of oregano affects the production of estrogens, which support and maintain pregnancy. The use of this herb disrupts the normal female hormonal background, because of this, the course of pregnancy fails, and the growth of the embryo stops. In the future, this leads to a miscarriage.


Below are the reviews of women about medical abortion and the use of folk remedies.

Elena, 29 years old

When I found out that I was pregnant, I was in a stupor for a while. I already have three children, and my husband and I did not plan to replenish the family. I went to an appointment with a gynecologist, chose medical termination of pregnancy. The doctor prescribed Mifepristone for me, there were no side effects after it.

Alena, 33 years old

I want to tell all women who practice folk remedies to eliminate pregnancy. Girls, take care of yourself! It is better to take a pill or go for an abortion, but do not drink bay broth and do not sit in a hot bath! After these funds, uterine bleeding opened in me, I barely survived!

Your health is in your hands! Do not self-medicate. In the event of pregnancy, think twice, you may want to keep the baby. If not, then seek help from qualified specialists to terminate the pregnancy.

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See you in the next article!

The very concept of "early termination of pregnancy" implies an abortion at the initiative of a pregnant woman before the onset of 12 weeks.

There are many known methods for this, however, in order to correctly determine the choice of method, it is necessary to consult with a specialist, knowing the features each of them, indications for use and contraindications; after all, the method should be as suitable as possible for this particular situation, which will guarantee the minimization of the likelihood of complications in the future.

Indications for manipulation:

  • the initiative of the woman herself;
  • pathological changes in the fetus, diagnosed at an early stage; at this time, as a rule, many genetic diseases are diagnosed, including anomalies in the development of the skull, which are of a genetic nature, and genetic abnormalities heart development.

How to terminate an early pregnancy

Medical methods of early abortion involve the use of pharmacological drugs with different mechanisms of action. The choice of a particular remedy depends on the gestational age and the characteristics of each particular case.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor.

Note! The drugs in this group are not universal. The doctor should choose the remedy, and he should also monitor the patient's condition during the procedure itself and after it, in the recovery period.

In case of inefficiency medical method the doctor is obliged to warn the patient that in this case it will be necessary to terminate the pregnancy using one of the surgical techniques.

It is important to know! Pharmaceutical means for medical abortion are not so harmless.

Numerous contraindications must be taken into account when deciding on a procedure:

  • deficiency of adrenal function;
  • long-term glucocorticoid therapy;
  • hypofunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • confirmed diagnosis of "myoma";
  • certain metabolic disorders (eg, porphyria);
  • disorders of hemostasis (arising independently or as a result of the use of anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents);
  • severe anemia;
  • alleged ectopic pregnancy;
  • suspected pregnancy not clinically confirmed;
  • pregnancy that occurred against the background of contraception (hormonal or with the help of a spiral);
  • preeclampsia and eclampsia;
  • prematurity and postmaturity of pregnancy;
  • abnormal location of the fetus or discrepancy between its size and the dimensions of the pelvis;
  • uterine hemorrhages of unspecified etiology during pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substance;
  • duration of amenorrhea from 42 days;
  • inflammation of the genital organs;
  • age from 35 years in combination with smoking.

Non-drug methods:

  1. The so-called mini-abortion (aspiration); this technique is applicable for a period of not more than 7 weeks; a complete abortion with this technique of interruption does not always occur, and subsequently, in a number of cases, it is still necessary to perform the so-called purge. General anesthesia is not used, local anesthesia is sufficient; this is the advantage of the method. This method is the least aggressive of the surgical methods, since it gives the least number of side effects.
  2. Curettage of the uterine cavity- This technique is applicable for up to 12 weeks. The operation is performed under intravenous general anesthesia. The uterine cavity is expanded with special forceps, after which the curette is scraped from the inside of its walls. The advantage of this technique is that it the only way applicable for more than 7 weeks. The disadvantage is a large number of complications, up to infertility.

Pills that terminate pregnancy in the early stages, name


Belongs to the group of postcoital. The tablet contains 750 micrograms of levonorgestrel.

It is important to know! Tablets for termination of early pregnancy Postinor are contraindicated in pregnancy, hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, some metabolic disorders (lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome).

Contraindicated in pregnancy, hypersensitivity, liver dysfunction, some metabolic disorders (lactose intolerance, malabsorption syndrome).

For maximum effect the drug is taken as soon as possible after sexual intercourse.

The active substance directly affects the corpus luteum, inhibiting its work. In the event that fertilization has occurred, Postinor affects the endometrium, as a result of which it undergoes involution and becomes unable to accept a fertilized egg.

Thus, the unwanted pregnancy must be terminated.

It is important to know! Experts unanimously argue that cases of abortion with Postinor are most likely a coincidence, so the drug should be used exclusively for its intended purpose. And to terminate a pregnancy, drugs designed specifically for medical abortion should be used.


Antigestagen. These early pregnancy termination pills are indicated for emergency contraception, effective for 3 days after sexual intercourse, however, the less time passes, the more effective.

In a number of conditions, this remedy is contraindicated (anemia, porphyria, long-term treatment with corticosteroids, hemostasis disorder, liver and kidney dysfunction, pregnancy, breastfeeding).


Antigestagen. In addition, it increases the tone of the myometrium.

It is used when it is necessary to terminate the uterine pregnancy in the early stages. In addition, it is applicable for the provocation of childbirth during full-term pregnancy.


Postcoital contraceptive. Contrary to the reviews of those who used this tool for early termination of pregnancy, the instructions do not contain information indicating use in this area.

During pregnancy, the drug is contraindicated.


Belongs to the category of stimulants of tone and contractile function of the myometrium.

It is used for early medical abortion (no later than 42 days of delayed menstruation). Let's apply, besides, for preparation and induction of sorts.


An agent from the class of antigestagens, intended for the implementation of medical abortion.

The drug should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription; moreover, the instruction prescribes the implementation of medical abortion under the supervision of the attending physician.


A synthetic antiprogestogen that blocks the effect of progesterone. It is an antagonist to glucocorticosteroids.

Stimulates active contraction of myometrial fibers, causing desquamation and release of a fertilized egg.

In addition to early termination of pregnancy, the use of the drug Mifolian is indicated for uterine leiomyoma up to 12 weeks of gestation.

Where to buy abortion pills

Medicines-antigestagens are dispensed in pharmacies by prescription (including online pharmacies).

Pills for abortion in the early stages, the cost in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus

The cost of Postinor in Russian pharmacies ranges from 370 to 400 rubles; in Ukraine - UAH 180-190; in Belarus - 17-18 Bel. R.

The drug Ginepristone costs about 400 rubles in Russia, 170 UAH in Ukraine, and 6-8 rubles in Belarus.

Mifepristone costs 5500 rubles in Russia.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy - is it possible to do without a doctor

Statistics say that medical abortion is one of the simplest and most convenient methods of terminating an early pregnancy, without entailing increased risk for the patient and does not worsen the state of her health.

The main condition for safety is to use the drug correctly and strictly follow the instructions of the instructions and the attending physician.

However, different specialists, based on their clinical experience, assess the safety of medical abortion differently. Some people think this technique the most convenient, especially in the earliest stages of pregnancy.

Others are of the opinion that this method is too risky, since it is never known in advance how exactly the body of a single patient will react to the active substance, whether the medicine will bring more harm than expected.

The medical method of abortion has long been known, as well as the fact that all favorable outcomes are due to careful choice of the drug, timely consultation with a doctor and integrated approach to the operation (after all, not only the abortion procedure itself is important, but also the preparation for it, as well as the recovery period).

It is not for nothing that the explanation for the drugs of this group indicates that the tablets should be taken in a specialized clinic, under the constant supervision of a specialist.

Only a doctor who has conducted a comprehensive examination and analyzed its results can choose the right drug, on which the choice will depend.

Regardless of the reasons for the termination of pregnancy and the pharmaceutical agent that is used, this procedure cannot be performed by the patient on her own.

Are there pills for terminating early pregnancy without prescriptions

Drugs intended for the implementation of medical abortion, should be dispensed from pharmacies only by prescription.

What are Chinese abortion pills

The range of medicines is huge, many of them have more affordable analogues made in China. However, the use of such funds is associated with certain risks.

What is meant here is not even the quality of these funds, but the lack of available information about them. After all, the instruction, in many cases, contains a description only in Chinese.

Therefore, the formula of the active substance, its dose and other properties of the drug remain unknown.

Many of these drugs contain mifepristone, therefore, taking such drugs can only take place under the supervision of the attending physician, subject to a mandatory preliminary examination, including a tolerance test for the active substance.

However, according to statistics, a fairly large number of women different ages choose Chinese-made drugs for early termination of pregnancy.

As a rule, they do it on their own, without the supervision of a specialist. It should be noted that such an irresponsible attitude to one's health creates a significant danger to life.

Carefully! In no case should you stop your choice on tablets, the description of which does not indicate the manufacturer, composition, dose of the active substance, instructions for use, side effects and contraindications.

Is it possible to terminate a pregnancy in the early stages of folk remedies

This is known to work in some cases. Moreover, sometimes such women even manage to maintain their health.

However, more often such experiments can lead to serious consequences, often irreparable.

Abortion in the early stages, with the help of the so-called folk methods, quite a risky undertaking, and has many side effects that negatively affect all organs and systems of the body.

Many who want to get rid of early pregnancy are familiar with the advice of "knowledgeable" people regarding many different folk remedies.

Some of them have a toxic effect on the fetus, as a result of which they kill it. This situation leads to the inevitable negative consequences in the form of intoxication of the body with decomposition products of the embryo, leading to severe liver failure.

Important to remember! Termination of pregnancy by folk remedies can lead to serious consequences, often irreparable .

In addition, substances that are toxic to the central nervous system of the fetus have a negative effect on the state of the mother's central nervous system.

Others, stimulating an increase in the contractile activity of the myometrium, thus provoke a miscarriage. As a rule, these are herbal remedies.

It should be understood that plant alkaloids with such a mechanism of action can also cause a heart attack as a result of persistent vasospasm, and myometrial contraction is only one of the side effects. It is also possible the development of uterine bleeding, which will either lead to amputation of the uterus or death.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy: cons

These include:

  1. No 100% guarantee- manufacturers indicate an 85-95% success rate.
  2. The ability to terminate a pregnancy only in the very early stages- up to 5 weeks.
  3. Apparent simplicity: women who attempt to have an abortion on their own run the risk of complications in the form of an infection that has entered the body, as well as severe uterine bleeding. The situation is complicated by the fact that bleeding symptoms occur suddenly, when there is very little time left to help a woman and the only way to save a woman is emergency resuscitation.
  4. The possibility of partial rejection of the fetus. In this case, the woman's condition will be complicated by bleeding, infection and intoxication with the decomposition products of the embryonic tissue.

Termination of pregnancy in the early stages: the advantages of the method

The following can be distinguished:

  1. There is no need for anesthesia.
  2. High percentage of effectiveness when used correctly.
  3. Relative painlessness.
  4. The possibility of carrying out without hospitalization, but always under the supervision of specialists.
  5. The risk of infertility is minimal.

The consequences of terminating an early pregnancy with pills

The consequences are as follows:

  1. Episodes of severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  2. Significant deviations in the hormonal sphere.
  3. The development of intense bleeding, which can be triggered by incomplete release of embryonic tissue.

No matter how pharmaceutical companies praise their medicines, before deciding on a medical abortion, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons, take into account all possible side effects, and already then decide whether it is worth the risk.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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Abortion pills

There are certain drugs for medical termination of pregnancy, unlike drugs that you can drink within 72 hours, the former are not commercially available. To get rid of the child if short term, use antigestatens (antiprogestins) active biological substances that can suppress natural progestogens at the receptor level.

What it can be preparations? For example, mifepristone. If the period is short, then you can get rid of pregnancy through this medication. If a woman drank the drug, then she needs to be under the supervision of a doctor for the entire period of the embryo's release. Before you drink any drugs, you need to undergo an ultrasound.

Pregnancy term pills

Early termination of pregnancy with pills, that is, medical abortion, is currently used in a number of countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Sweden, quite widely. Currently, abortion pills are becoming more and more popular in Israel, Switzerland, Spain, Austria, Finland, Belgium and Russia.

For the first time, an abortion pill was introduced into medical practice in France, where the Mifegin drug was developed. Today, about 80% of French women have abortion pills for surgical termination of pregnancy. IN Russian Federation"Mifegin" was first successfully used for medical abortion in 1999.

In Russia today, in addition to Mifegin, Mifepristone and Pencrofton, produced in Russia, and the Russian-Chinese drug Mifolian are also used to terminate pregnancy. According to sociological surveys, about 85% would prefer pregnancy termination pills if they need to terminate it.

Pills for terminating early pregnancy

Sometimes there is a life situation in such a way that there is a need to terminate the pregnancy. Today, several different methods of abortion are known, while medical abortion is beginning to gain the most popularity.

Medical termination of pregnancy is carried out using pills, which include misoprostol and mifepristone. These funds are used to terminate pregnancy in the early stages (no more than eight weeks).

The procedure for terminating a medical abortion follows a very simple pattern - first, the woman takes the first pill, which contains mifepristone, and after 24-72 hours, she must take the second, which contains misoprostol.

Misoprostol causes the uterus to contract, resulting in a miscarriage. Due to the combined effects of misoprostol and mifepristone, it is possible to terminate the pregnancy. The desired effectiveness of the pill is given only if they are used at an early stage, and subject to all the rules of medical abortion.

This procedure should take place under the strict supervision of a doctor, in no case should you take pills on your own, as there is a certain risk to the woman's health.

Over the past few years, medical abortion has been the most popular among women, because it is one of the safest types of abortion.

It is worth remembering that the pills used to terminate a pregnancy will only be effective during the first 49 days from the day of the last menstruation. Such medicines are taken under the supervision of a doctor who monitors the woman's health and, if necessary, will take action. The fact is that this type of abortion also has certain contraindications.

What pills can be taken during pregnancy

It is very important before using any medicine during pregnancy to study all possible options the effect of this drug on the body future mother and on the body of the child. After all, pregnancy is such a period in the life of every woman, when another life develops in her body and at this time you need to be very careful about taking any pharmacological preparations. The process of organogenesis begins in the first trimester, and then the growth and differentiation of tissues continues, which also requires heightened attention to taking any medication. The fetus is an agent alien to the woman's body, because it contains 50% of the information from the pope. The immune system women perceive it as an antibody to some extent, therefore, until the formation of their placenta with an individual barrier and blood flow, a state of relative immunosuppression develops. This is especially true of the first trimester of pregnancy, when there is no placenta yet, as an individual defense mechanism and the fetus is very vulnerable. This condition of a pregnant woman contributes to a change in all the reactions of the female body, which before that could be normal. That is, the reactions of the pharmacological transformation of drugs also occur in a different way, which thus can significantly affect the child. Unexpected allergic reactions to medications that were not there before may come to light. Therefore, the question of a differentiated approach to the choice medication during pregnancy is very important, and you must carefully read the instructions before using the medicine.

There are cases in which a visit to a doctor is not always necessary, and a pregnant woman does not know whether this or that medicine can be taken. In such cases, for example, in case of headache or toothache, or in case of high blood pressure, there must be some kind of medicine for rescue as a remedy. hastily until you can see a doctor. In this case, you need to know some features that need to be considered and drugs that can lead to the least harm.

Pills for pain during pregnancy

Many women, in order for the medication not to affect normal development fetus, try to endure even very strong pain. This should not be done, because currently There are completely harmless medicines.

Before purchasing them, if pain of various localization occurs, a pregnant woman should first of all consult a doctor and receive appropriate recommendations on which drugs are preferable in each trimester of pregnancy.

For some diseases ( bronchial asthma, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases) it is contraindicated to use pills for pain during pregnancy.

Permitted painkillers during pregnancy are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (analgesics), which not only reduce pain, but also relieve fever and inflammation. These include:

  • Paracetamol is named the safest by WHO experts drug, which, when penetrating the placenta, does not pose a threat to the development of the child and does not harm the woman herself, does not cause allergic reaction bronchospasm or seizures peptic ulcer. A contraindication for the use of paracetamol during pregnancy is liver disease.
  • Analgin is a powerful pain reliever, but it should be used during pregnancy carefully, in small doses and for a short time, since this remedy causes disruption in the functioning of the liver and kidneys, and because of its ability to thin the blood, the level of hemoglobin in the blood is significantly reduced.
  • Nurofen is allowed to be used only in compliance with the dosage in the first and second trimester of pregnancy, but in the third trimester it should be abandoned, since it negatively affects the blood and nervous systems and the development of the genital organs in boys, helps to reduce the amount amniotic fluid which can lead to miscarriage.
  • No-shpa and riabal are strong painkillers that are most often recommended for use in the first trimester of pregnancy to relieve gastrointestinal, headache or toothache, as well as to eliminate spasms of smooth muscles.
  • Papaverine, like no-shpa, reduces the tone of the uterus and is used to relieve spasms. Since this remedy is available in the form of rectal suppositories and intramuscular injections, it is not very convenient to use. If there are problems with the stool and low pressure, this pain reliever and antispasmodic drug should be used with extreme caution.
  • Baralgin, spasmalgon are prescribed for removal pain in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. Similar drugs (antispasmodics) include maxigan, trigan and spazgan.

headache pills during pregnancy

In the first trimester of bearing a child, doctors advise to forget about headache pills. Many women manage to cope with it in a ventilated room, in silence, lying without a pillow. Often feeling better after sleep.

Self-massage of the temples, applying cold cabbage leaves or ice to the forehead helps some. You can apply compresses with fresh cabbage leaves, which need to be slightly crushed so that they give juice. The compress must be held until the headache stops. Sometimes a scarf or scarf, which is tightly tied around the head, can become an assistant.

Infusions of lemon balm, mint, chamomile have a mild analgesic effect.

If a woman has low pressure, then increase it and remove headache strong and sweet black tea helps.

In the second and third trimester of the term, drugs based on paracetamol - Panadol and Efferalgan - will help stop headache attacks. These drugs are not addictive. Panadol Extra, in addition to paracetamol, also contains caffeine, so it can be used for low blood pressure.

Panadol gynecologists are allowed to use infrequently. It is necessary to adhere to the dose recommended in the instructions. No-shpa can also serve as a lifesaver.

It reduces vasospasm, lowers blood pressure, relaxes muscles.

As for Ibuprofen, it can be used as an analgesic during pregnancy only occasionally and up to the thirtieth week of pregnancy.

Sometimes circumstances in a woman's life can be such that pregnancy is undesirable. And then you have to make a decision about its interruption - to have an abortion.

medical abortion

The safest abortion method for women's health is the use of early abortion pills. Medical abortion is carried out under close supervision during the entire time that a woman is taking pharmacological drugs that help terminate a pregnancy.

U absolutely clear. It can only be used within 49 days from the first day of the last menstruation. After this period, taking the tablets becomes ineffective. The safest abortion method for women's health is the use of early abortion pills.

Benefits of medical abortion:

Low risk of infertility

Taking pharmacological drugs absolutely safe for the uterine mucosa. This significantly reduces the likelihood of further development of secondary infertility.

No complications

Unlike surgical termination of pregnancy, which is accompanied by the risk of developing inflammatory processes, injures the cervix, the possibility of developing complications after taking pills to terminate pregnancy in the early stages is very small.

Ambulatory mode

Medical interruption is carried out without hospitalization. The body of a woman recovers very quickly, the very next day you can return to your usual rhythm of life.

Medical abortion pills are high in hormones. These hormones cause the embryo to die. And after that, there is a strong contraction of the uterus and rejection of the fetus from its cavity.

Medications for medical abortion

For medical termination of pregnancy, certain drugs are used that are not commercially available. Usually, antigestagens (they are also antiprogestins) are used - a group of biologically active substances that suppress the action of natural progestogens at the receptor level.

The representative of antiprogestins is mifepristone (mifegin). Use it once at a dosage of 600 mg (3 tablets). The drug is valid for three days. Prostaglandins are also prescribed (for example, Mirolut at a dose of 400 mg (table 2) 36-48 hours after taking the antigestagen).

All this time a woman needs medical supervision in a gynecological hospital. Spontaneous miscarriage usually occurs within the first week after taking the abortion pills. The completeness of the miscarriage is controlled by ultrasound (ultrasound).

Prices for drugs for pregnancy

The cost of drugs for medical termination of pregnancy depends to a large extent on the manufacturer. Price for mifepristone ranges from 1000 to 5000 rubles. It can be bought under the following names: Mifepristone (manufacturing country - Russia), Mifegin (manufacturing country - France), Mifepristone 72 (manufacturing country - China).

Remember: taking early abortion pills can cause a number of complications. That is why self-medication is strictly prohibited. Be sure to contact your gynecologist.

Possible complications after medical abortion:

a) continuation of pregnancy - it happens rarely, only in 1-2% of cases;
b) sharp severe pain lower abdomen;
c) profuse uterine bleeding, which may be the result of incomplete removal of the fetal egg;
d) chills, weakness, fever;
e) nausea, vomiting - in such cases, repeated use of the drug may be prescribed;
e) hormonal imbalances;
g) exacerbation of chronic inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system.

Stages of medical abortion:

I. Examination

Before taking pills to terminate pregnancy in the early stages, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor. To do this, it is enough to undergo an ultrasound scan to determine the exact gestational age and a gynecological examination.

The doctor must make sure that the woman there are no contraindications to the use of pills for abortion in the early stages. The patient will be familiarized with the principle of the drug and the abortion technique, after which the woman must sign a written agreement for the operation.

II. Abortion

After taking the pills, the woman is constantly monitored for 4-5 hours.. The expulsion of the fetal egg, accompanied by heavy bleeding, can begin as early as a few hours after taking the medication, and can drag on for several days.

III. Control inspection

14 days after the abortion, the woman should visit to exclude the possibility of incomplete expulsion of the fetal egg. In the case of the remnants of the fetal egg, the woman is assigned to curettage of the uterus.

Medical abortion is contraindicated in cases

  1. the presence of an ectopic pregnancy or suspicion of it;
  2. kidney disease - renal and adrenal insufficiency;
  3. long-term use of corticosteroid drugs;
  4. the presence of diseases associated with impaired blood clotting;
  5. inflammatory diseases of the female genital area;
  6. the patient has uterine fibroids.

Failure to comply with contraindications can lead to and negatively affect the health of a woman.

A case from practice when taking the drug for medical abortion was categorically contraindicated

Patient Svetlana B., 26 years old, mother of two children, was taken by ambulance in a critical condition. From the anamnesis it became known that the woman decided to resort to the use of early abortion pills and took mifepristone, because she did not want to have a third child and was afraid to have an abortion.

Waking up at 8:00, she drank once 3 tablets of mifepristone, 200 mcg each. By evening, there were complaints of unbearable sharp pains in the lower abdomen, and then profuse bleeding. In the clinic, the patient was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy and rupture of the fallopian tube. Appropriate medical care was provided, thanks to which the woman remained alive.

Know: a timely appeal to a gynecologist at the place of residence and a full examination will help to avoid similar situation which often leads to serious complications and even death. To avoid the problem of an unplanned pregnancy again, read the information and consult a gynecologist about taking contraceptives.