The most important signs of early pregnancy. Symptoms of conception by children of different sexes. Signs that indicate pregnancy


Starting point for pregnancy doctors usually count the first day last menstrual period . Although pregnancy has not yet occurred, the woman's body has already begun preparations for this wonderful event. Conception occurs much later, only in the third week. How to prepare for desired pregnancy occurred as early as possible and was it successful? Let's discuss the main preparation steps before learning which the first signs of pregnancy are characteristic for 1 week from the moment of conception.

At the end of the first week, special attention should be paid directly to the conception of a child. To make the chances of conception as high as possible, doctors advise taking a three-day break from intimate life before the moment of possible conception.

Male sex cells are spermatozoa that are quite sensitive to the chemical composition of the environment in which they enter. The most favorable positions for conceiving a child the so-called missionary position and the knee-elbow position of the woman, in which the man is behind, are recognized. To increase the likelihood of conception, it is worth spending twenty to thirty minutes after intercourse lying on your back. You can elevate your pelvic region by placing a folded blanket under your lower back. or pillow . If you have animals in your house - cats, dogs and other pets, examine them at the veterinarian, do all the necessary vaccinations. Engage in timely prevention of colds.

Basal temperature measurements every morning are a useful habit for a woman planning to become a mother soon. If possible, try to avoid stressful situations and nervous shocks.

When planning pregnancy in advance, 1 week pregnant should be marked not only by a visit to the doctor, but also by the intake of vitamin complexes. In most cases, the gynecologist prescribes an ultrasound scan between the 5th and 11th days of the cycle. . This is necessary to control the process of follicle growth. In addition, an ultrasound scan will allow your doctor to determine the exact day of ovulation and identify possible hormonal imbalances in a woman.

Signs of pregnancy at 1 week not so noticeable, but nevertheless a woman often notices the following changes:

increased salivation. 1 week of pregnancy is often marked by the fact that drooling itself forms in the mouth. This happens not only before meals, when you are hungry and see mouth-watering treats on the table, but also after meals;

calf cramps, which are especially common at night, may also indicate that you are 1 week pregnant;

another common sign of pregnancy at 1 week is a metallic taste in the mouth and pigmentation changes. Already a week after conception, the white line of the abdomen, which starts from the navel and goes down, may darken. It is also possible the appearance of age spots on the face. , along the hairline;

bloating of the abdomen, as well as sudden constipation from any meal, are among the most embarrassing of the first signs of pregnancy.

The pregnancy period is counted from the first day of the last menstruation. for several reasons. Among the main reasons is convenience, since the date of the beginning of menstruation is remembered depending on the date of conception. After all, conception can occur not necessarily on the day of sexual intercourse, but even within 3 days after intimacy. According to global practice, the stage of fertilization is 2 weeks behind from the start of the menstrual cycle . This delay is called the ovulation period. Menstruation is the process of renewing the female reproductive system and preparing the body for ovulation and conception. At the same time, the ovary prepares for the possibility of the birth of a new life by the egg.

The gestational (or obstetric) gestational age is 40 weeks, that is, 10 months of 4 weeks each, for a total of 280 days. The obstetric period is divided into 3 trimesters: the first lasts from 1 to 12 weeks, the second from 13 to 27 weeks, the third from 28 to 40 weeks. In order to predict the birth of a baby by a certain date, you can calculate the estimated date of birth by the following method: add 7 days to the date of the beginning of the last menstruation and count back 3 months.


If we compare the possibility of getting pregnant at the age of slightly over 30 compared to when a woman is already almost 40, then the difference is huge. The closer your age gets to 40 years, the weaker the body's ability to conceive . Experts around the world advise women over 30 not to wait too long, especially if they plan to have more than one child.

Pregnancy after 30 years will proceed without any special differences from pregnancy at an earlier age. The ability to conceive and the risk of miscarriage or having a child with Down syndrome is only a couple of percent higher than in women aged 26 to 28 years. After the age of 35, a woman's fertility begins to decline sharply. Also, pregnancy after 35 years of age is marked by an increased risk of having a child with Down syndrome or other congenital malformations. Doctors may advise the expectant mother to undergo a series of examinations: amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling and some others.

In women aged 35 and 39 years the chances of conceiving twins increase many times even without prior infertility treatment. Usually, fertility treatment promotes multiple pregnancies. Normally, during one menstrual cycle, one egg matures in a woman. , but levels of the hormone that stimulates follicles (GSF) increase with age.

Pregnancy after 40 years has a number of advantages. Among them is the fact that since you were not in a hurry to have children before, it means that you were busy with career, personal growth, and had time to see the world. Your well-being financially provides a solid foundation for family life. Older women are better educated than young mothers, they make reasonable and informed decisions. Women over 40 are more prone to breastfeeding, they eat healthy food, take care of the baby.

The main disadvantage of having a child after 40 years is the difficulty of conception. It has been scientifically proven that 15 years before the onset of menopause, the number of eggs produced that mature in a woman's body begins to decline sharply. In addition, mature eggs can have chromosomal problems, leading to an increased risk of miscarriage and birth defects in the baby.


Sexual contact occurs when the body of both partners is completely ready for it. To make intimacy bring pleasure, not pain, the reproductive organs of both women and men secrete a special natural lubricant. This lubricant looks like colorless mucus and serves as proof that the partner is in an aroused state.

In men, lube is a pre-ejaculatory fluid that is released during intimacy and looks like clear, odorless mucus. Nature provided this mucus as a lubricant for easier penetration of the penis. The female body secretes the same fluid, but it is not related to pregnancy. . With male mucus, things are a little more complicated.

Many young girls wonder - " Is it possible to get pregnant from male mucus during intimate contact?"Specialists answer that it is possible to get pregnant from mucus, but the probability of this is negligible. Studies have confirmed that spermatozoa are present in the secretions (lubrication) of some men, but the number of such men is not at all large. Find out the answer to the question "Is it possible to get pregnant during intimacy from mucus?" is possible only through expensive tests.


Only a gynecologist or a pregnancy test can determine pregnancy with a high probability. , but let's talk about what early pregnancy symptoms you can determine yourself.

The only way that will allow you to determine pregnancy with the greatest accuracy before a visit to the doctor , is a test. Some symptoms of pregnancy already in the first days after conception will tell you that the woman is in an interesting position. Some of the women feel their body so sensitively that they almost immediately feel that they are pregnant. Other women do not feel anything until the very delay of menstruation. Delay is the most obvious sign of pregnancy.
The first symptoms of pregnancy can vary greatly from woman to woman. Even in the same woman during her second pregnancy, the symptoms may differ from those she observed during her first pregnancy.

What early pregnancy symptoms can a woman see on her own? Strong cravings for salty foods, changes in taste preferences, increased irritability and nervousness. The expectant mother sometimes does not control her behavior well, although she understands that the behavior does not always correspond to the norm.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the early days- mild nausea or nausea at certain periods of time, which is called early toxicosis. Toxicosis may appear as a pronounced feeling at every meal, or just a slight nausea in the morning. Also, at the beginning of pregnancy, the perception of smells, tastes may change, there is an aversion to any food. Sometimes there is a metallic taste in the mouth.

In the early stages of pregnancy, breast enlargement is especially noticeable. Conception in the very first days gives rise to rapid hormonal changes in a woman's body. In just a couple of weeks, the breasts can become larger by one or two sizes, sensitivity increases.


Some signs of pregnancy in the early days are more accurate than a conventional pregnancy test. At a very early date, the test may not show the desired second strip. Even if conception has occurred, then the level of hCG can be so low that the test will not be able to catch its rise.

The first signs of pregnancy can also be identified by the appearance of acne, even if you have never had such a problem. With the standard development of the fetus, the immune system of the expectant mother is suppressed. Nature provided for this so that the body does not reject the embryo as a foreign body. As a result of this, the expectant mother becomes very susceptible to all sorts of infections.

With regular monitoring of the cycle and measurement of basal temperature, you will notice that the temperature will remain elevated throughout the entire luteal phase. The hormone progesterone helps keep the temperature high throughout ovulation. If the basal temperature remains high and after the completion of ovulation, it indicates pregnancy.

Signs of early pregnancy
- light spotting 8-10 days after ovulation. They start at the time when you should have your next period. This discharge is called implantation bleeding.

During the first pregnancy, the signs of pregnancy are earlier than during the second pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the metabolism becomes faster so that the body can support both the fetus and the woman's body. These symptoms can be expressed in the form of endless fatigue.

The first signs of pregnancy are also an increase in the amount of cervical mucus, cramps in the lower abdomen , constant constipation and gases.


One of the most common questions about pregnancy is: "How many weeks does a woman's pregnancy last?"

We know that pregnancy is 9 months, but why then is 40 weeks considered normal for childbirth? The first knowledge that a woman acquires during pregnancy is to consider the period in weeks, not months.

Doctors determine the gestational age, and hence the date of the expected birth from the fact that the average woman has a cycle of 28 days. Ovulation occurs on day 14-15 of the cycle.

Doctors have their own answer to the question "How many weeks does a woman's pregnancy last?" The optimal period is 280 days. It is quite difficult to determine the exact date due to the inability to establish the exact date of ovulation. It may not correspond to the date of sexual intercourse. A baby will be considered full-term if born between 266 and 294 days, which corresponds to a period of 38 to 42 weeks of fetal development.

Thus, 280 days are equal to 40 weeks, obstetric month consists of 4 weeks, that is, one cycle - 28 days. This is exactly 10 obstetric months.

The birth of a new life is a universal mechanism, which is perfectly regulated by the female body. Unfortunately, a woman's reproductive system is not capable of conveying the very first signs of pregnancy immediately after conception. This condition can be recognized only by the characteristic symptoms that form at different stages of bearing a child. Some women experience early signs that signal pregnancy, while others do not notice changes in their health.

The earlier a woman detects pregnancy, the more time she will have to undergo a specialized examination. It should be borne in mind that in the first days after conception, there can be no obvious signs of pregnancy.

You can recognize the first symptoms that speak of pregnancy by the following signs:

  1. Absence of menstruation. Every woman knows about this symptom, it is considered the very first sign of pregnancy. When the egg is fertilized, the menstrual cycle is delayed, since the previously rejected endometrium is necessary for the fetus to develop fully. However, the first day of delay cannot be considered as a reliable sign, since the absence of menstruation is often caused by pathological changes in the organs of the reproductive system, stress, and hormonal disorders.
  2. Enlargement and soreness of the mammary glands. Women's breasts are very sensitive to hormonal changes in the body. When pregnancy occurs, there is a slight increase in breast volume, increased sensitivity of the nipples, as well as their soreness. Often in the halo area there is an increase in specific tubercles, which were previously barely palpable.
  3. Frequent urination. One of the early signs of pregnancy is an increase in the frequency of the urge to urinate. This symptom is formed against the background of increased production of hCG (chorionic gonadotropin). The urge to urinate can be disturbing even with a small filling of the bladder. It is observed mainly at night. Additionally, there is a delay in menstruation.
  4. Change in taste preferences. Increasing levels of hormones cause a change in taste preferences. Those food combinations that were previously unacceptable for a woman become objects of preference and vice versa. Also, a woman may feel a taste of metal in her mouth.
  5. Fatigue and drowsiness. These signs most often occur during the first gestation of the fetus. Strengthening the intensity of metabolic processes in the body, provokes a feeling of fatigue, drowsiness and a desire to rest. The hormone progesterone produced has a relaxing, calming effect. The feeling of fatigue haunts women throughout the day.
  6. Nausea. The appearance of this symptom is typical for 1.5 months of pregnancy. Sometimes the symptom occurs on the twentieth day from the moment of conception. Some women experience nausea earlier. This sign cannot be called one of the reliable ones, since the feeling of nausea is characteristic of diseases of the digestive system, cardiovascular and central nervous system. Only in combination with other signs, nausea indicates the development of pregnancy.

When can we expect the first manifestations

In this matter, it is necessary to take into account the individuality of the body of each woman. Early symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as early as 8-10 days after the fertilization of the egg. This period may vary, depending on the body's sensitivity to hormonal changes.

In medical practice, there were cases when women recognized fertilization already on the 5th day.

In this context, we are talking about women who carefully listen to their body and feel the slightest fluctuations in their condition. On the 20th day of the cycle, the signs of pregnancy acquire a characteristic appearance.

Minor signs

Less likely signs of pregnancy include many symptoms that can be observed in the early days:

  • An increase in basal temperature. When a woman regularly monitors her menstrual cycle, she may experience an increase in basal temperature readings up to 37 ° C. A change in this indicator contributes to a high level of progesterone.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. In the event of conception, changes occur in the blood supply to the pelvic organs. Against this background, a woman may feel a feeling of heaviness and squeezing.
  • Insomnia. The feeling of fatigue is often replaced by increased nervous excitability and insomnia.
  • Lower abdominal pain. This symptom may occur during the formation of an ectopic implantation or miscarriage. If the onset of pregnancy is spontaneously interrupted, then in combination with bloody discharge from the vagina appears.
  • Back pain. With the onset of conception, a pulling sensation may be felt. In addition, this symptom may indicate kidney disease.
  • Headache. The change in the hormonal background is accompanied by neurological symptoms. A woman in position may have a spontaneous headache.
  • Increased appetite. The acceleration of metabolic processes during pregnancy causes an increase in appetite.
  • Enhanced sense of smell and taste. If before a woman did not pay attention to some smells, then from the moment of pregnancy she may feel disgust for them. The same applies to the taste parameters of some products.
  • Irritability, mood changes. Many pregnant women complain of emotional lability and mood swings.
  • Implantation bleeding. One of the signs of pregnancy at 1 week, which indicates the implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterine wall.
  • Digestive disorders. Vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, belching may appear as secondary signs of pregnancy.
  • Weight change. When the pregnant body strives to provide the developing fetus with the necessary nutrients, a woman may notice an increase in body weight.
  • Restless sleep. Hormonal changes affect the emotional background of a woman. Expectant mothers may have difficulty falling asleep.
  • Tingling in uterus. This symptom occurs quite rarely, since not every woman can recognize it. Local changes in the uterine cavity can provoke a tingling sensation.
  • Feeling hot and chilly. This symptom has nothing to do with a violation of the body's thermoregulation. Such reactions occur against the background of hormonal imbalance.
  • Discomfort while sitting. This symptom is due to increased blood supply in the pelvis.
  • Swelling of the face, hands and feet. Pregnancy is characterized by fluid retention in the body.
  • Acne. If previously a woman did not experience skin problems, then during pregnancy acne may appear in the face. This happens due to changes in the hormonal background.
  • Bloating. An increase in hormone levels helps to relax the intestinal muscles. The result is flatulence.
  • Strengthening of the venous pattern on the chest. From the moment of fertilization of the egg, the female body begins to prepare for feeding the child. A characteristic venous pattern indicates the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.
  • Darkening of the skin around the nipples. Another symptom of preparation for lactation.
  • Redness of the skin of the face. A change in the hormonal background affects the tone of the capillaries, which become prone to expansion.
  • Change in pigmentation of the white line of the abdomen. Pregnant women develop a characteristic pigmented "path" that runs from the navel to the upper edge of the pubic bone.
  • Exacerbation of hemorrhoids. If a woman suffered before pregnancy, then with her onset, an exacerbation of the disease may occur.
  • Cramps of the calf muscles. Another minor sign indicating a change in metabolism.
  • Low or high blood pressure. Most often, expectant mothers are prone to high blood pressure, however, a decrease in this parameter can also indicate pregnancy.
  • Reduced immunity. In order for the pregnancy to proceed without peculiarities, immunity is suppressed in the female body. Frequent cases of colds and SARS can also serve as symptoms of pregnancy.
  • Thrush. Such a fungal disease occurs with a decrease in local immunity.

Diagnosis of pregnancy at an early stage

Specialized diagnostic methods will allow you to reliably determine the signs of pregnancy on the 5th day of gestation.

Pregnancy test

Rapid tests do not always determine pregnancy immediately after conception. This is due to the fact that the level of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) increases gradually and remains normal in the early stages. A reliable pregnancy test result can only be obtained from the 14th day after conception.

The best pregnancy test: a review of foreign and domestic tests

Choosing the best pregnancy test is not easy: each type has its pros and cons. Answering the question which pregnancy test is better, experts distinguish inkjet and tablet.

Gynecological examination

As a result of a gynecological examination, probable signs of pregnancy can be determined. These include:

  • an increase in the size of the uterus and a change in its consistency;
  • discoloration of the external genitalia;
  • softening of the isthmus of the uterus;
  • increase in uterine mobility;
  • displacement of the uterus.

These five landmarks indicate the implantation of the egg.

Increasing hCG levels

In order to determine this indicator, a laboratory blood test is carried out. The maximum information content of the analysis is observed from the 13-14th day of gestation. An increase in the hormone also occurs in diseases of the organs of the reproductive system and ectopic implantation of the egg.

HCG during pregnancy - is it possible to believe the norms?

Thanks to a blood test for hCG, pregnancy can be determined, as well as whether it is multiple and whether there are any abnormalities in the development of the fetus. However, often expectant mothers themselves undertake to judge the norms of hCG during pregnancy, let's figure out why you shouldn't do this.


An informative way to detect pregnancy in the early stages is an ultrasound examination. Fertilization can be confirmed in the first weeks after conception. The study is carried out using an abdominal or transvaginal probe.

A friend told me that after 2 days from conception she felt that she was pregnant and this confidence grew in her every day.

But with my three pregnancies, I guessed about each of them only after the delay.

However, if conception has taken place in the body, then restructuring begins and you can notice the earliest signs of pregnancy and then, only confirm the guess with a pregnancy test or donating blood to the level of hCG.

When to expect the first symptoms of pregnancy?

If you are a sensitive type of woman, then within a week after conception you may notice early symptoms of your position.

Interesting! It happens that a woman knows the date of conception up to the day, although she did not consciously plan the pregnancy, it just feels like you are not alone.

Conventionally, all signs of pregnancy can be divided into 2 large groups:

  1. Signs of pregnancy before missed period
  2. Symptoms after missed period.

Let's deal with those and others so that you do not worry in vain and can determine the pregnancy that has taken place.

Signs of pregnancy before delay

Subjective sensations

Pregnancy is possible only after ovulation. This happens in every woman in different ways, but on average 12-14 days after the start of the last menstruation.

But sometimes ovulation can occur earlier or later than this due to hormonal changes in the body or stress.

Usually ovulation manifests itself in one way or another at the level of the body. If you carefully observe your feelings, you can notice:

  • pulling pain in the side or lower back,
  • an increase in the number of allocations,
  • increased sexual desire.

Even if intimacy with her husband was on the day of ovulation, it is still too early to look for pregnancy symptoms in the first week after it. And nausea or headache during this period, most likely, is not associated with the onset of pregnancy.

9-10 days after ovulation, subjective sensations may already appear that can indicate pregnancy:

  • Loss of strength and fatigue.

This is due to a natural decrease in immunity so that the embryo can grow and develop. After all, whatever one may say, but it is a foreign object for your body, but in this way nature has provided for its consolidation and growth inside the mother.

  • Deterioration of general well-being.

Absolutely all expectant mothers encounter such a problem. The cause of increased fatigue is progesterone, the level of which increases sharply during this period. As a result, you may constantly want to sleep.

This sign usually accompanies pregnant women until the beginning of the second trimester. However, by the beginning of the third, increased fatigue may return again. In this case, the cause will be an increase in body weight and a growing belly, which often prevents expectant mothers from fully resting at night.

  • Change of mood.

One of the first early signs of pregnancy before a delay is mood swings, from tearfulness to excessive joy. Emotions follow each other with terrible speed and abruptly move from negative to positive. Mood swings will continue throughout pregnancy. This is normal, but close ones have a hard time.

  • Appetite changes.

You may be disgusted by food, or, conversely, suffer from brutal hunger and eat non-stop.

  • Taste changes.

Already in the first weeks after the conception has occurred, you can notice that you are sick of some products, and drawn to the second. You can start eating non-standard food combinations: herring with oranges is something that is very characteristic of the moody state of pregnancy.

  • Change in libido. Usually more and more you want intimacy.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the pelvic region. This is due to increased blood circulation in the pelvis.
  • Drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Dizziness and fainting.

Most often occur from pressure drops or poor nutrition. During pregnancy, nutrition becomes more important than ever. Your well-being and the health of the unborn baby will depend on nutrition.

  • Increasing the sensitivity of the breast. Some women note that they cannot even touch the mammary glands.
  • Chills or feeling hot which are constantly changing. In this case, the body temperature does not change;
  • Toxicosis.

Usually expectant mothers are very frightened of possible early bouts of nausea, sometimes accompanied by vomiting. In most cases, pregnant women begin to "disturb" by about 4-5 weeks of conception. But sometimes these terms are shifted and early toxicosis occurs already in the first month. In addition to nausea, headaches, pressure surges, apathy, weakness, unwillingness to take any food can be added.

  • Heartburn.

This symptom refers to those that may occur at the very beginning of pregnancy and accompany the expectant mother until the birth itself. In the early stages, this is due to a sharp change in hormonal levels.

  • Sensitivity to odors. At this time, you may feel disgust for your favorite perfume, and for example, the smell of gasoline or paint will seem quite attractive to you.

Having noticed at least some of the listed signs in yourself, you should not immediately run to the pharmacy for a test, since even the most expensive and sensitive of them are not able to determine pregnancy before 3 weeks have passed since the start of the menstrual cycle.

External changes

If nausea, headache or changes in appetite are purely individual, then almost all pregnant women pay attention to changes in their appearance immediately after conception. In this case, it is possible:

  1. Swelling of the hands, feet or face.
  2. The appearance of acne. This change in appearance is associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background of the expectant mother. Acne can occur even in those who have never encountered it before.
  3. Redness of the face, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the body.
  4. Breast augmentation.

The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages include an increase (swelling) of the breast and a change in the shade of the nipples to a darker one.

Sometimes, even before the date of menstruation, a woman may notice that her bra has become too small for her. At the same time, even a slight touch on the chest can cause discomfort and even soreness.

  1. Implantation bleeding.

Physiological changes

  • Elevated basal temperature. If you have been planning a pregnancy for a long time, you are probably familiar with the method of measuring basal temperature. Measuring it throughout the cycle, you can see that in the middle it rises to a value of 37 degrees, and then decreases after some time. If this decrease is not observed, then fertilization has probably occurred.

Signs of pregnancy after a delay

Lack of menstruation - this symptom is the most reliable sign of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as menstruation does not begin on a certain day, you immediately begin to suspect your new condition.

Although there are a number of reasons that can cause a delay: a change in weather or climatic conditions, stress or overexertion.

All these factors can "push back" the period for a period of 1 to 5 days. If the delay lasts longer, and there are no obvious signs of infection, most likely you can be congratulated on a successful conception.

What other changes in your physiological state should suggest a possible pregnancy?

External changes

  1. Constipation. These may be the first signs of pregnancy after a delay. Intestinal peristalsis slows down due to the hormone progesterone, which relaxes all smooth muscles. This is necessary so that the uterus does not contract and does not reject the entrenched embryo. To manage constipation, include more vegetables in your diet and drink more water (read the article: Constipation during pregnancy >>>).
  2. Bloating. Unfortunately, such symptoms can disturb mommy throughout pregnancy. Read more about bloating during pregnancy >>>
  3. Tingling in the lower abdomen is an early sign that can indicate 2 conditions:
  • early start of critical days;
  • pregnancy and uterine growth.

Physiological changes

  1. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, which is associated with increased blood circulation in the pelvic region;
  2. Decreased blood pressure. That is why some may experience weakness, dizziness or even pass out;
  3. Decreased immunity. Most women claim that before they found out about their situation, they picked up a runny nose or a viral infection;
  4. Increased salivation. Often it is accompanied by nausea;
  5. Frequent urination. This symptom is typical for all pregnant women. The cause of frequent urination lies in the increase in the volume of circulating blood. Over time, the problem worsens even more, because the uterus, which is constantly increasing in size, will also join the main cause. She begins to put pressure on the bladder, causing the urge to urinate (see article Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>).

But, if in addition to this, there are other pregnancy symptoms observed before the delay, then, with a high degree of probability, you will soon become a mother.

However, The most important and reliable sign of pregnancy is a delay in the cycle.

Once this has happened, you can take a pregnancy test or donate blood for hCG (read the article

The first signs of pregnancy Pregnancy is a mysterious process, especially at the very beginning, when very impatient women want to know about its onset even before the delay in menstruation. The first signs of pregnancy in the early stages can be confused with the phenomena of premenstrual syndrome, but laboratory and instrumental research methods will help confirm conception. Why is it so important to establish the presence of a long-awaited pregnancy as early as possible? To reconsider your lifestyle and diet, if this has not been done in advance, to exclude, if possible, harmful factors and prepare to become a mother.

The process of conception: how it happens

Conception is a series of processes that follow after fertilization, as a result of which a new organism is born and continues to develop in the female body, that is, pregnancy occurs. Several factors precede the onset of pregnancy:

The time interval from the moment of sexual contact to implantation takes 7-12 days, so it is premature to talk about the first signs of pregnancy in the early stages of 1 week after intercourse.

Diagnosis of pregnancy at an early stage

Diagnosing pregnancy at the earliest possible date is quite difficult, since the first symptoms, which both a woman and a doctor can regard as an onset of pregnancy, are also possible with various pathologies. Disorders such as premenstrual syndrome, disruption of the endocrine organs, neuropsychiatric diseases, or an overdose of certain drugs are not excluded.

But if a happy moment has occurred, then the first signs of pregnancy, which confirm its presence, are laboratory and instrumental studies. Early signs of pregnancy are due to hormonal changes (the production of hCG and progesterone).

Of the laboratory methods confirming pregnancy, the determination of hCG in urine and blood serum is used. Determination of the level of hCG in the blood can be carried out 14-21 days after intercourse, when conception has already occurred, and the embryonic trophoblast begins to intensively synthesize hCG. An increase in the level of the hormone in the blood is determined in a special laboratory.

pregnancy tests

Pregnancy test Such tests are an alternative to laboratory determination of hCG levels and are carried out at home. It is recommended to carry out the test no earlier than 4 - 5 weeks after coitus, that is, after a delay in menstruation. But it is possible to find out about pregnancy even earlier, even before the expected menstruation, subject to a long (35 days or more) menstrual cycle. The test is based on the detection of hCG in the urine.

Test rules:

  • conduct a test with morning urine (morning urine is concentrated, which means that the content of hCG in it is higher);
  • do not increase fluid intake if the test needs to be done during the day (urine is diluted and the hormone concentration decreases);
  • before performing the test, carefully study the instructions and act according to it;
  • do not use expired tests.

A false positive result when testing for pregnancy is possible in the following cases:

  • 1 - 1.5 months ago there was an abortion, miscarriage or childbirth (hCG is not immediately excreted from the body);
  • expired expiration date;
  • treatment with hCG-containing drugs (pregnil, horagon);
  • trophoblastic disease (hydatidiform mole, choriocarcinoma).

A false negative result is also possible if:

  • the test was performed too early (fertilization has occurred, but implantation has not yet);
  • the threat of abortion (the level of hCG in the blood drops);
  • violation of the test instructions;
  • drink plenty of fluids before the test;
  • renal pathology;
  • arterial hypertension.

In any case, after a negative result, the procedure should be repeated after a few days.


Determination of pregnancy by ultrasound in the early stages The conclusion after the ultrasound is another sign of early pregnancy. However, in too early terms, ultrasound cannot serve as a 100% guarantee, since the future embryo, until it has reached a certain size, the doctor may not notice. When performing this instrumental study, in addition to confirming pregnancy, the following indicators are revealed:
  • localization of the fetal egg (in the uterus or in the tube, ovary, etc.);
  • determination of the viability of the embryo (is there a heartbeat);
  • the presence of the embryo itself in the fetal egg (detection of anembryony).

First signs of pregnancy before missed period

When do the first signs of pregnancy appear? As already noted, not earlier than 7 days after sexual contact.

The following signs allow you to suspect pregnancy even before a missed period:

Implant retraction
This sign is determined by the chart basal temperature, which is measured in the rectum. Only the woman who carefully and for a long time (at least 3 months) keeps a graph of the temperature curve is able to identify this sign.

On the eve of ovulation, the temperature drops by 0.2 - 0.4 degrees, but from the moment the egg leaves the follicle, the temperature rises sharply and becomes higher than 37 degrees. At this level, it lasts for about 12 - 14 days, and before the onset of menstruation, it begins to decline. Before the introduction of the egg into the endometrium, the production of progesterone decreases somewhat (after all, it is towards the end of the menstrual cycle), since the body is not yet aware of the fertilization that has occurred. But as soon as implantation has occurred and connections have been established between the fetal egg and the mother's body, the trophoblast begins to produce hCG, thanks to which the body is rebuilt to a pregnancy maintenance program. That is, the corpus luteum continues to produce progesterone, which supports the further growth and development of the embryo, and, accordingly, the basal temperature rises.

Later, after a delay in menstruation, the basal temperature exceeds 37 degrees and indirectly confirms pregnancy.

implantation bleeding
The process of introduction of the blastocyst into the thickness of the uterine mucosa may (but not necessarily) be accompanied by small bleeding. Blood discharge is due to the destruction of the walls of the vessels of the uterine mucosa. Do not expect obvious and too noticeable selections. There may be a bloody or pinkish discharge in the form of a couple of drops on linen or toilet paper. Implantation bleeding should be expected within 7 to 12 days from the date of sexual intercourse. If there were no “suspicious” discharges, this is not considered a pathology, just as it does not confirm or deny a possible pregnancy.

Feelings in the lower abdomen
After implantation, the blood supply to the genital organs, in particular the uterus, changes. The blood flow to the pelvic organs, in particular to the uterus, increases significantly, which improves its blood supply and provides the fetus with nutrients and oxygen. Therefore, for many women, one of the first signs of pregnancy before a delay is a feeling of fullness in the lower abdomen. Light tingling and even sipping are also possible, which is not a pathology (after all, the uterus begins its increased growth).

For the same reason (increased blood flow in the pelvis), hemorrhoids may appear or worsen, or veins in the legs may appear (the first sign of varicose veins). Undoubtedly, hemorrhoids and varicose veins are more likely to occur in the second half of pregnancy, when the uterus is already of considerable size and compresses the inferior vena cava, but in multiparous people, these phenomena can appear very early, even before the delay.

Unstable emotional state
Before the onset of the expected menstruation, most women, unaware of the new life that has arisen in them, become absent-minded and forgetful, or, on the contrary, too irritable and aggressive. Unexpected tears are suddenly replaced by laughter and vice versa. The reason for this is progesterone, which is produced to maintain pregnancy. But the lability of the psyche is quite possible with premenstrual syndrome, therefore, only those women who have had no PMS symptoms before can suspect pregnancy on the basis of this symptom.

slight malaise
For a very short time, a woman may feel signs of a cold: mild malaise, fatigue, headache. A slight increase in body temperature is also possible, which, again, is associated with the action of progesterone on the thermoregulatory center. As soon as the embryo is fixed in the uterine wall and begins to actively "cooperate" with the mother's body, there is a decrease in immunity in the mother's body, which prevents the rejection of the fetal egg as a foreign body.

Feelings in the chest
This symptom can also be attributed to the phenomena of PMS. From the moment of conception, sensations in the mammary glands change dramatically. That is, before a woman did not feel her breasts at all, but now the slightest touch to her breasts causes pain. Swelling and swelling of the breast is also noted.

Arterial hypotension
A decrease in blood pressure is noted from the first days of pregnancy. Under the action of progesterone, the tone of smooth muscles decreases, including the muscle layer of the vascular wall, which leads to relaxation of the vessels and an increase in their diameter.

Frequent urination
Urination from the first days of pregnancy becomes more frequent, but remains painless. This symptom is due to the action of the same progesterone, increased blood supply to the pelvic organs, including in the bladder and kidneys, which increases renal filtration and urine production. Frequent urination persists until the very birth (in later periods, frequent visits to the toilet also provoke the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the bladder).

Signs of early toxicosis
Nausea, perversion of taste and smell, intolerance to various odors, salivation - all these phenomena are related to early toxicosis, although they are also possible with a number of other diseases (poisoning, pathology of the digestive tract, infection). Symptoms of early toxicosis are not so often observed before the delay of menstruation, and even after the fact of pregnancy is established, not all women have.

Is a missed period a pregnancy?

Delayed menstruation is not considered a reliable sign of pregnancy, especially in those women whose menstrual cycle was marked by irregularity. Before you run to the doctor with joy or in a panic, you should wait at least 5-7 days (counting from the first day of the expected and not occurring menstruation). Then take a pregnancy test, taking into account all the rules. If the result is negative, it is recommended to repeat the test after 3, at least 1 day.

In addition to a positive test, other signs of pregnancy are possible:

  • early toxicosis became more pronounced or only manifested itself;
  • soreness of the chest, its engorgement and swelling;
  • the appearance of a venous pattern on the mammary glands;
  • skin problems (the appearance of acne, even if it was not there before);
  • increased vaginal discharge, they have become creamy and milky in color;
  • sipping in the lumbar region and / or lower abdomen;
  • constipation, which is replaced by diarrhea (the action of progesterone);
  • drowsiness during the day, insomnia at night;
  • sudden mood swings;
  • possible fainting (as a sign of arterial hypotension);
  • increased appetite or its complete absence (in case of toxicosis);
  • tendency to edema (swelling of the face after the legs, slight swelling of the arms and legs);
  • darkening of the white line of the abdomen and areola;
  • basal temperature is steadily elevated (above 37);
  • the appearance of headaches and migraines;
  • change in libido (strengthening or weakening).

To finally dispel doubts, you should visit a doctor. During a gynecological examination (even in the early stages of pregnancy), the doctor reveals the following signs that indirectly confirm the "interesting situation":

  • darkening of the skin, up to dark brown, of the external genital organs;
  • softening of the neck, changing its color from pale pink to cyanotic (bluish);
  • softening of the uterus, some increase in the early stages is possible, and later the enlarged uterus is well palpated according to the timing of the delay (8 weeks - a female fist, 10 weeks - a male fist, and so on).

To establish the final diagnosis, the gynecologist will prescribe an ultrasound scan (preferably with a transvaginal sensor), and in controversial cases, he will recommend donating blood for hCG.