Laser biorevitalization is a new rejuvenation technique with features that you need to know about in advance. Laser or Injection Procedures - What's the Difference? Prices for the procedure

If we translate the word biorevitalization literally (“bio” - natural, natural; “re” - return, “vita” - life), we get a return to life in a natural, natural way. This very accurately reflects the essence of the laser biorevitalization method on the Lasmik apparatus - without injections and injections, operations and possible complications, you can restore freshness and youthful elasticity to your skin.

Injection biorevitalization and hyaluronoplasty, although they are one of the most minimally invasive procedures, still have a number of contraindications (blood clotting disorders, a tendency to form keloid scars and hyperpigmentation). Like any injection procedure, it must be carried out by a doctor in a specially equipped room. There is a risk of hematomas and infectious complications. And, finally, not every patient is ready to give injections and endure the pain of the procedure.

What alternative can hardware cosmetology offer?

Laser biorevitalization - laser phoresis (introduction) of hyaluronic acid in a native, unmodified form into the patient's skin with a low-intensity therapeutic laser without injections and pain. The synergism of the action of laser radiation and hyaluronic acid allows you to naturally activate the course of metabolic processes in the skin.

It should be noted that it is impossible to increase the concentration of HA in the dermis for a long time with the help of replacement therapy, and in fact this problem is being solved by injections of hyaluronic acid. The only way to sustainably increase the concentration of HA in the skin is to stimulate its synthesis.

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of low molecular weight hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin using an athermal (without heating the skin) infrared therapeutic laser, that is, the procedure is carried out without disturbing the skin.

The effectiveness of laser biorevitalization:

The task of laser biorevitalization is the same as injection: first of all, saturation of the deep layers of the skin with hyaluronic acid in order to moisturize and, as a result, rejuvenate the skin. Traditionally, cosmetic products (creams, gels, masks) act only on the surface of the skin, without penetrating deeper than the epidermis. The technique of laser biorevitalization allows cosmetologists of the Aida medical cosmetology clinic to inject specially designed hyaluronic acid with an ultra-low molecular weight directly into the dermis.

As a result of the procedure, you get:

  • significant improvement in skin color;
  • smoothing the skin relief;
  • smoothing fine wrinkles;
  • rested, radiant appearance after the first procedure;
  • moisturized skin for a long period when completing the full course;
  • pronounced lifting effect.

When completing a full course of laser biorevitalization - the result is comparable to the course of injection biorevitalization!

How is the procedure?

According to the indications (before laser exposure), vacuum or vacuum-laser exposure can be performed (if the patient needs a more pronounced lifting effect and / or reduction of fat deposits in the second chin area).

Applying specially designed hyaluronic acid with an ultra-low molecular weight to the prepared skin, which ensures the penetration of up to 80% of the active ingredients into the skin.

Next, the cosmetologist treats the skin of the face and neck with a therapeutic laser for 20 minutes. The feeling is absolutely pleasant and comfortable. Under the action of the laser, hyaluronic acid penetrates into the dermis, providing a long-lasting moisturizing effect, the infrared laser accelerates the proliferation of connective tissue cells (lifting effect) and enhances microcirculation, which is responsible for removing metabolic end products from the dermis.

Upon completion of laser therapy, the cosmetologist of the Aida medical cosmetology clinic applies a special mask to the face to fix the result for 15 minutes, then applies a cream according to the skin type.


  • Even one session of laser biorevitalization provides a wonderful instant effect, that is, it is an ideal exit procedure.
  • The full course is 5-8 procedures with a frequency of 1 time per week.
  • The results of the course are stored for at least 6 months.
  • If, after the end of the course, a supporting procedure is carried out once a month, the effect is preserved.

The procedure is distinguished by:

  • non-invasiveness;
  • lack of side effects and rehabilitation period;
  • no effect of "addiction";
  • long lasting and sustainable results.

Features and Benefits

Modern skin care products contain hyaluronic acid. However, when applied to the surface of the face, it cannot penetrate deeply, and lingers only in the stratum corneum of the epidermis, providing it with moisture. The features of biorevitalization include the penetration of the drug into the deep layers of epidermal tissues. And since hyaluronic acid is a natural component produced by the body, it affects the epidermis at the cellular level: it stimulates the production of collagen and elastin; increases the nutrition and hydration of the epidermis by improving the composition of the intercellular substance.

The duration of the effect in some cases is measured in years. After a course of cosmetic manipulations, the following improvements are observed:

  • increases skin elasticity and hydration;
  • color improves;
  • fine wrinkles are completely smoothed out;
  • noticeable lifting effect.

The persistence of the effect depends on the age of the person and the rate of consumption of hyaluronic acid by his body. Consumption is accelerated by exposure to ultraviolet radiation, sluggish chronic diseases and smoking.

Differences between laser and injection

Laser biorevitalization is a safe method of influencing the skin. The energy density produced by the apparatus is minimal and can be controlled. Even with a long session, the temperature in the affected area does not rise by more than 1 degree, which eliminates burns. The only means of protection used during the sessions are goggles to protect the eyes from hitting or reflecting the beams of the apparatus.

The procedure has many advantages, among which are:

  • painlessness and comfort;
  • maintaining the integrity of the skin of the treated areas of the face;
  • lack of a rehabilitation period (after the session, bruises and redness do not appear);
  • the possibility of use for patients whose skin is prone to inflammatory processes (the laser acts as an anti-inflammatory and soothing element).

Biorevitalization without injections is indicated for the following symptoms:

  • Dehydration. There is a restoration and hydration of the dermis due to the deep penetration of hyaluronic acid, which stimulates the skin to produce its own acid.
  • Prevention of early skin aging caused by smoking and stress. The effect can be achieved due to the barrier properties of HA and saturation of the skin with minerals.
  • Photoaging.
  • Restoration of water balance.
  • Stimulation of the physiological regulation of the dermis.
  • Wrinkle correction.
  • Preparation for contouring.
  • Preparing for a chemical peel.

Biorevitalization is carried out both on the surface of the face and in separate areas: in the neck; in the face and neck; in the area of ​​​​only one zone - the forehead, nasolabial triangle, on the cheeks.

The composition of the complex:

  • Laser physiotherapy apparatus "Lasmik-01" (2 laser channels), base unit
  • Laser emitting head KLO-780-90 (continuous and modulated mode, 780-785 nm, power 90 mW)
  • Cosmetic nozzle LASMIK® (for laser biorevitalization procedure)
  • Gel with hyaluronic acid LASMIK® (200 ml with dispenser)
  • Goggles open "Matrix" (to protect the client's eyes during the procedure)
  • Goggles ZN-22 "Matrix" (universal)

To preserve youth and beauty of facial skin, women are recommended laser biorevitalization. With this procedure, hyaluronic acid is delivered to the skin under the action of a special laser. The fact that during the session the patient does not experience pain is an indisputable advantage of the technique. How should hardware biorevitalization of the face be carried out correctly, to whom it is prescribed, what should you pay attention to before starting the procedure? Let's consider further.

Indications for use

It is prescribed from the age of 25-30 - when the natural production of hyaluronic acid begins to decline. Recommendations for the use of biorevitalization are such skin conditions:

  • the appearance of small wrinkles;
  • increased dryness;
  • puffiness and dark circles under the eyes;
  • the presence of acne, post-acne, rosacea, age spots.

Also laser biorevitalization of lips and face with hyaluronic acid prescribed for prevention:

  • age-related changes;
  • the appearance of signs of aging;
  • photoaging and negative effects after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Cosmetologists recommend doing laser biorevitalization to improve the appearance of the lips, restore the skin after laser peeling, microdermabrasion and other procedures. And if you need to prolong the effect of hyaluronic acid after its injection.

The effectiveness of the procedure

Non-injection laser biorevitalization of the face with hyaluronic acid (bioreparation) is a unique procedure during which there is a positive effect on the skin both by the drug and by the laser itself.

A special device (laser) delivers hyaluron to the deep layers of the epidermis using laser beams., on the length of which the depth of penetration of the agent depends. The temperature of its heating is quite comfortable - about 1 degree higher than the standard 36.6 ⁰С.

The procedure helps:

  • increase local immunity;
  • stimulation of the production of hyaluronic acid in a natural way, as well as natural hydration;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes;
  • strengthening blood vessels and reducing the visibility of scars and scars.

As for the drug itself, hyaluronic acid helps:

  • cell renewal and improvement of metabolism;
  • natural production of elastin and collagen;
  • moisture retention;
  • narrowing of enlarged pores;
  • improvement in complexion.

It is worth considering that positive changes will not last forever, from time to time the procedure will have to be repeated. You should not expect the elimination of deep wrinkles. Explicitly expressed age-related changes cannot be corrected in this way.

Choice of drug

Needle-free biorevitalization with a laser requires the use of special preparations - gels based on hyaluronic acid with a low molecular weight. It is in this form that the agent easily penetrates the subcutaneous layer. Many brands are engaged in the production of hyaluronic acid, producing lines taking into account the age and condition of the skin:

  • women under 30 are recommended formulations based on highly concentrated hyaluronate, which intensely moisturizes the skin and smoothes the first wrinkles;
  • for 30-40-year-old ladies, products enriched with vitamins and other useful substances are used;
  • for older women, complex preparations with amino acids, peptides and other components are recommended.

Each tool has its own characteristics, so you need to select it only with a specialist.

The following manufacturers are popular:

  • Teosyal (Switzerland). It has an instant effect. It also contains other components that are natural structural particles of the epidermis: amino acids, minerals, vitamins.

  • Skin (Italy). In addition to the acid, the composition contains amino acids, lysine, glycine.

  • Revanesse (Canada). An inexpensive drug that is used for minor correction of the skin.

  • Restylan Vital light (USA). Designed for hypersensitive skin. Has a mild effect.

  • Restylan Vital (USA). It is one of the most popular means. Effective for biorevitalization for women of all ages and skin types.

  • Outline mesolift Zn + (Russia). Enriched with zinc. It does not immediately show its qualities. The result will be noticeable in a couple of weeks. It will take about 4 months to fix it.

  • Meso Wharton (South Korea). It is prescribed for laser biorevitalization to patients who are over 40 years old. An additional component is a polypeptide that synthesizes new collagen.

  • IAL System (Italy). It is considered one of the best and most expensive drugs. The composition contains pure hyaluronic acid without impurities. Suitable for all ages and skin types.

  • Filorga (France). Another popular tool. Works well on the skin, rejuvenating and moisturizing it.

  • Beautelle (France). It contains many additional useful substances.

Among the favorite brands, which contain nothing but hyaluronate, were also "AcHyal" and "Hyaliaphase". The last drug should be used in combination with the Nucliaphase device.

These funds are often available in a certain dosage. This is done in order to avoid errors when calculating the required amount of gel during laser biorevitalization. Before starting the procedure, it is important to make sure that the drug has not expired, and that it is opened in front of the patient. You need to pay attention to the manufacturer. Those brands that specialize in the production of products with hyaluronic acid have a good reputation and are often used in salons.

Important point! Do not trust the products of an unknown manufacturer, even if the price for them seems much more attractive than popular analogues.

And of course, you need to contact only a certified cosmetologist, who accurately understands the essence of the technique, the features of preparations and devices, and also necessarily takes into account the individual condition of the patient before the procedure.

After the introduction of the drug, the cosmetologist must issue a memo to the client with information about the name of the injected agent, the number and date of the procedure. Keep the second copy.

Popular laser devices

The most popular models include:

  • Lazmik (Russia). The only unit certified in Russia with 6 wavelengths for use in laser cosmetology (405–904 nm). Laser biorevitalization using Lasmik is very popular. The device also has a built-in channel for vacuum massage.

  • Vitalaser (Germany). It is used not only for biorevitalization. Popular in clinics specializing in various laser procedures. Including for lipolysis. Wavelength - 785 nm.

  • Nialurox (Spain). Designed for optimal use of hyaluronic acid. It works with the use of nanotechnology, bringing the molecules of the agent to a size smaller than a skin cell. It has a high cost, which is justified by the large capabilities of the unit.

The essence of the procedure

Given the safety of the technique, special preparation for the session is not required.

Hardware laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is painless. Sometimes the patient may feel warmth and a slight indication that does not cause much discomfort.

During the session, an experienced cosmetologist performs several important steps:

  1. Cleans the skin of makeup with foam or other means, then wipes the face dry.
  2. Then he puts on protective glasses for himself and the patient to prevent the negative effect of the laser on the eyes.
  3. Then he divides the face into 4 zones and, on dry, clean skin, acts on the device for about 2 minutes in each area. These actions are aimed at preparing the skin for the administration of the drug.
  4. After that, low molecular weight hyaluronic acid is evenly applied to the face, and the treated area is conditionally divided into 6 parts, which will be worked out for several minutes in each area. The duration of the study depends on the device.
  5. With the help of a laser, the agent is injected under the skin with sliding movements.
  6. The next phase is also carried out with the application of the gel. In this case, the face is divided into 4 zones and deep wrinkles and other problem areas are worked out with a laser.
  7. At the end of the session, the remaining funds are removed.
  8. It is possible to apply special masks or serums that enhance the effect of the procedure.

The entire session of laser biorevitalization of the skin lasts from 15 to 40 minutes, depending on the device used. Sometimes it is preceded by a session of vacuum massage, the expediency of which will be discussed by the doctor.

The effect is noticeable immediately and lasts for two weeks. To extend it for a longer period, it is recommended to go through several sessions with a course of 3-10 procedures with an interval of 7-10 days. In this case, the skin will look attractive and younger for about 8 months.

Note! After laser biorevitalization, you can lead a normal life. There is no recovery period, bruises, wounds too. The only thing that is recommended to do is to drink enough fluids and apply moisturizing creams.

Ultrasonic biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid works in a similar way. What it is? The technique is a rejuvenation process, during which the agent is delivered to the subcutaneous layers not so deep (by 1–1.5 cm), and ultrasound acts as a conductor.

Photos before and after

Where to do and how much

It is better to give preference to special clinics with highly qualified personnel who understand all the nuances of laser biorevitalization.

The cost of the procedure is relatively stable. The average price is about 3000-4000 rubles per session.

Conducting at home

It is allowed to carry out laser biorevitalization on your own at home, if certain rules are met:

  • the execution technique has been carefully studied;
  • excluded contraindications;
  • sufficient sterility is ensured;
  • The work uses high-quality preparations and serviceable equipment from a trusted manufacturer.

Despite the apparent simplicity of this technique, its use at home is allowed in extreme cases. Only an experienced specialist understands the nuances of the procedure and will be able to correct the situation if something goes wrong. Besides Improper use of the laser may result in burns.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that laser biorevitalization is a gentle procedure, not everyone can do it.


Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid has certain contraindications, which are divided into prohibitions on the use of hyaluronic acid and, separately, a laser.

You can not enter a remedy for:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • disruption of the thyroid gland;
  • any diseases of the epidermis - bacterial, fungal, viral;
  • skin damage.

You should also exclude an allergy to hyaluronic acid, which is extremely rare, but occurs.

Contraindications to the use of a laser:

  • oncological diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • a large number of moles;
  • hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • epilepsy and other mental disorders (including hysteria);
  • sensitivity to the laser beam.

It is impossible to carry out laser biorevitalization in general:

  • children under 18;
  • if there is a tattoo at the site of exposure;
  • in the case of taking photosensitizing (increasing the sensitivity of the epidermis to light) drugs.

A temporary contraindication is a viral disease of various etiologies, as well as elevated body temperature.

Side effects

Usually, the procedure is well tolerated. Undesirable consequences may arise when contraindications are not taken into account, and if the work was done by an unprofessional master.

Very rarely, individual intolerance is observed in the form of redness and swelling, which disappear after a few days. Also be sure to follow the safety precautions and wear glasses so as not to harm your eyes.

Laser or Injection Procedures - What's the Difference?

Which is better - biorevitalization with injections or laser? Each procedure has its own characteristics.


It consists in the introduction of small portions of the drug using a syringe with a needle in all problem areas. The session lasts at least an hour, it requires compliance with certain rules after it is held and special preparation before the session. At the injection sites, wounds form, hematomas may appear. Papules are inevitable, which resolve within a couple of days. The procedure is quite painful and anesthesia is required.


A more gentle method that does not require anesthesia and an adaptation period after the administration of the drug. It provokes the natural production of hyaluronic acid and collagen synthesis.


With injection biorevitalization, the agent is distributed locally, at the puncture sites and to a certain depth. With laser - evenly over the entire treated surface into the deep subcutaneous layers.

Note! When using non-injection technology, not only hyaluronic acid, but also a laser affects the skin. This enhances the overall effect.

Also, the advantage of laser biorevitalization is the absence of pain during the procedure. There is no risk of infection through open wounds at the puncture sites.

Needle method of rejuvenation does not require the use of expensive drugs and equipment, so it is much cheaper.

What to do if you are not satisfied with the effect

Such manifestations are rare. And as a rule, they occur when the drug is injected shallowly, as a result of which irregularities and even translucence appear. Or an excessive amount of gel has been injected. In this case, the use of hyaluronidase, an enzyme that neutralizes the action of hyaluronate, will help. The expediency of such actions should be discussed with the doctor.


Needle-free biorevitalization has many fans, thanks to such advantages:

  • the effect after the first procedure, which persists for a long time;
  • solving numerous problems - the appearance of wrinkles, uneven complexion, rosacea, excessive dryness, pigmentation, etc .;
  • comfort and short duration of the procedure in comparison with other methods;
  • the drug is distributed evenly, its "reserves" are created in the subcutaneous layer;
  • there is no need for special care after the session and a change in the usual lifestyle.


The disadvantages include:

  • the need to complete a full course to consolidate the result;
  • the high cost of the session, multiplied by the number of trips to the cosmetologist for the course;
  • due to the individual characteristics of the epidermis, the drug may not penetrate the subcutaneous layer, which means that the effect in this case will be zero;
  • there may be a slight soreness in persons with metal-ceramic constructions in their teeth.

The opinion of cosmetologists

Given the popularity of this technique of rejuvenation, it would be useful to get acquainted with the opinion of experts on this matter.

You can learn more about the opinion of experts and not only on the forums:


Time is merciless to female beauty. From the age of 25, the aging process begins, but it's good that there are many ways to slow it down. We propose to consider what it is - non-injection laser biorevitalization of the skin of the face, prices for the procedure, as well as what drugs are used in this process.

Laser biorevitalization of the face

Biorevitalization is a fairly popular medical technique, which is often prescribed by cosmetologists in order to remove signs of aging from the dermis, as well as just slightly improve its structure. The principle is as follows: during injection therapy, a small amount of active substances are introduced into the epidermis, which help smooth out wrinkles, and also accelerate (or resume) collagen production.

Laser biorevitalization refers to non-injection technologies. A special composition is applied to the skin of the face and neck, after which the thermal effect of the laser on these areas begins. It is much safer than grinding or peeling, because. the epidermis is not burned, but simply heated to open the pores. Beneficial substances under thermal influence penetrate cells much faster and more efficiently and begin to act. The effect is not long - from 3 days to a week, after which you need to repeat the session, but there is no rehabilitation period and you can immediately use foundation creams and other cosmetics.

Despite the fact that improving the structure of the dermis by the vacuum method is safer, laser needle-free cosmetology (Ier biorevitalization) is more productive, as evidenced by the before and after photos.

When appointed laser rejuvenation:

  1. With deep wrinkles and age spots;
  2. If the dermis needs deep hydration or nutrition;
  3. The laser also tightens “sagging” upper eyelids and eliminates dark spots under the eyes;
  4. For tightening the area around the eyes and nasolabial folds.

Despite the fact that injection therapy has a much better effect and is longer lasting, laser biorevitalization is cheap and painless. In addition, the session can be easily carried out at home.
Video: biorevitalization of the face with a laser

Drugs and devices

Beauty salons and clinics that offer us to host biorevitalization use a number of special medicines and preparations. We propose to consider in detail the most effective of them.

Apparatus Description and notes
Polilaser bionic (developed by the Belgian company lumis) The Bionic is an excellent and very compact device, you can change the settings and the depth of the laser beam.
hialurox A device that is aimed at working with hyaluronic acid. It is relatively expensive, but a salon effect can be achieved after 4-6 procedures.
Redline (Germany) This device has established itself as a tool that can remove mimic wrinkles and age spots.
Vitalaser 500 A modern device, it can be used independently, although much more often it is they who work in laser clinics.
Dibi laser The Italian device, small but very effective, has a wide range of settings, as well as attachments for laser hair loss therapy.
Biorevitalization laser Lasmik A very popular device, it is used in most beauty salons.
Mustang The most affordable device of all listed above. We advise you to use it only if you have experience with this practice (bad reviews are known).

Mostly drugs based on hyaluronic acid are used, according to experts, so you can get quick results, in addition, it is not harmful to the body (hyaluron is produced by the body and is a natural substance).

The technique by which hyaluronoplasty, mesotherapy and laser lifting are performed is very similar, but still, what is the difference? Their pros is everywhere, but the main differences are as follows:

  1. The skin is not pierced;
  2. The face does not change its color;
  3. The session is absolutely painless;

Unfortunately, there are minuses:

  1. Not recommended for girls with inflamed and purulent acne;
  2. It is difficult to perform on your own without certain skills;
  3. It can not be used for oncological diseases, the postoperative period and during exacerbation of chronic diseases - eczema, psoriasis or lichen.

Photo - Before and after biorevitalization


The laser is a rather dangerous beauty tool, and the contraindications of laser biorevitalization should be considered in more detail. Most cosmetologists say that hyaluronic acid dissolves within six months, and is not dangerous to health in any way, but this is not so. The process can drag on for a year or more, and there is no guarantee that it will be uniform everywhere.

Because of this, biorevitalization cannot be carried out more often than once a year, because after that serious complications can occur.

Also, after the procedure, serious consequences are possible if you suffer from blood diseases or high blood pressure. You can not use laser equipment with vessels and capillaries close to the dermis - they can burst under the influence of temperature, and hematomas form on the face.

Photo - Skin before and after the procedure

Principle of procedure

The face is cleansed, makeup must be removed and a light warming massage is done. After that, the composition is applied to it. The doctor determines the amount of gel independently, based on your tests and problems. At home, we recommend using gentle preparations, for example, Matrix or even Vitalazer, in which the principle of action is based on gentle penetration into the epidermis. Those who have done biorevitalization in the salon know that the average session lasts 20-40 minutes.

Next, the gel is removed, the treated area is gently smoothed and a nourishing cream is applied. It is recommended to repeat after 7-10 days.
In order to conduct a session on your own at home, you need to visit the clinic at least once. In large cities, you can visit excellent beauty salons where special compositions for the session are sold, and there are also various discounts and promotions all the time.

Laser biorevitalization is a procedure that is often recommended by the women's forum, very good reviews are known about it from both doctors and patients, but still we urge our readers to be very careful with the use of mechanisms that give "eternal" youth.

Laser biorevitalization, which promotes deep penetration of preparations with hyaluronic acid, has a number of advantages compared to other anti-aging injections. And the first in this list is the absence of microtraumas on the surface of the skin. After exposure to a laser, there are no burns, redness or swelling on the face.

Needle-free procedure is effective only in courses. With minor flaws, the course includes 5 sessions, in case of extreme depletion of the skin - up to 10-12. One session of laser biorevitalization should be carried out every 7 days. All manipulations take about an hour, since the latest system of physiotherapeutic lasers "LASMIK" does not require the specialist to re-treat the selected areas during one session.

The client practically does not feel discomfort, the procedure is painless and not associated with serious complications. The active composition selected by the cosmetologist is applied to the surface of the previously cleansed skin, then the face is zoned and direct laser treatment begins. At the end of the process, it is recommended to moisturize the skin with a soothing mask. After laser biorevitalization, it is better to refrain from makeup and sports for several days, but you can go to work in a few hours.

This method is called fractional. In order for large molecules to penetrate the skin, namely, this size is inherent in substances with hyaluronic acid, vitamins and amino acids, it is better to use fractional pulsed discharges.

Effect after a course of procedures

Flabbiness of the skin cannot always be explained by natural aging. Often the loss of elasticity is provoked by the loss of fluid and a violation of the water balance. The protective functions of the dermis fade under the influence of negative environmental factors, improper care, frequent stress, and an excessively plentiful diet.

Laser biorevitalization of the face is an alternative technique that helps restore the natural moisture balance and slows down the aging process. During cosmetic manipulations, a cocktail of highly active preparations combined with hyaluronic acid is injected under the skin using a laser. This acid acts as a natural moisturizer, which allows you to achieve a lasting effect of rejuvenation. Naturally, the introduction of acid has its contraindications, but laser biorevitalization guarantees the absence of serious post-procedural complications.


On biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid on the Internet, you can find very conflicting reviews. But they acquire a negative connotation not because of the inefficiency of the procedure itself, but only because the concept of a beautiful appearance is too subjective for each person. When choosing a rejuvenation method, one should be guided by those reviews where people describe the result of several courses, comparing the changes that have occurred with the skin of the face, accompanying the story with before and after photos.

Focusing on the reviews of experts, we can conclude that after biorevitalization, the number of fibroblasts, the level of collagen and elastin changes. Rejuvenation occurs by accelerating the cellular synthesis of collagen fibers.

Indications for laser rejuvenation with hyaluronic acid

Non-injection laser biorevitalization is indicated for clients with the following problems:

  • Couperose.
  • Wrinkles with occurrence in the middle and superficial layers of the dermis.
  • Depigmentation of the skin as a result of sunburn.
  • Loss of skin moisture, loss of volume.
  • Scars left in place of healed acne.
  • Decreased tone, hypersensitivity and excessive dryness of the skin.
  • The presence of postoperative or post-traumatic scars.


Laser biorevitalization, regardless of the chosen “cocktail”, like any other rejuvenation procedure, has a common number of contraindications. They can be classified into two types: relative and categorical. The categorical contraindications include:

  • Systemic and hereditary diseases of the circulatory system and blood-forming organs.
  • Violation of blood clotting.
  • Diseases of the autoimmune series.
  • Oncology and the presence of benign formations, such as cysts and polyps.
  • Diabetes in any form.
  • Increased tendency of the skin to fibrous scarring.
  • Allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid preparations.

Among the relative contraindications can be noted: pregnancy and lactation, pulmonary tuberculosis in the acute stage, undifferentiated jumps in subfebrile temperature, acute respiratory infections, herpes of the HSV1 type, dermatitis, acne, comedones, whiteheads.

Is it possible to do biorevitalization at home

Yes, this is quite possible if you use portable devices, the operation of which is based on the principle of pulsed iontophoresis, and not a fractional laser beam. The equipment can be purchased in specialized stores, its low price is due to the dubious effectiveness of the procedures. Only professional equipment helps cosmetologists achieve a positive and prolonged effect.

Opinion of cosmetologists

The use of laser biorevitalization significantly reduces the risk of infection, and also almost completely eliminates the possibility of scarring. Laser biorevitalization allows you to return to a second course of rejuvenation no earlier than 6-7 months after previous sessions.

Hardware biorevitalization, carried out on modern physiotherapy equipment "LASMIK", allows active substances to penetrate deeper and act directly at the cellular level. In many salons, the laser biorevitalization method is recommended to clients as a rehabilitation after resurfacing or chemical peeling. Cocktails with hyaluronic acid contribute to uniform smoothing of the skin in the treated area. Rejuvenation with the help of LASMIK devices has only positive feedback from both clients and cosmetologists.