Signs of the correct development of the child at 2 months. Deviations or individual characteristics in the second month of child development

Approximate reading time: 5 minutes

After the birth of a baby, parents inexorably rush the moments and expect the fastest development from their child. Take your time, you will regret more than once that your child has grown and matured very quickly.

So all the anxieties and fears associated with childbirth and the first month of the baby's life are left behind. Now you confidently change diapers, you know how he behaves if he is hungry, and you perfectly understand the reason for his crying. Your baby is only 2 months old. Although it would be more correct to note that he is ALREADY 2 months old. The baby is increasingly adapting to the world around him, all systems and organs are actively developing in him. And if you want to competently develop your baby, then you definitely need to know what a child should be able to do at 2 months.

Many, having read smart books, having studied the expanses of the multifaceted Internet, notice omissions in the development of their child, sometimes exaggerating. Believe me, we are all individual and cannot fit one pattern.

However, there are signs by which parents can understand whether the baby is developing correctly or if he needs help from adults. In order not to get upset in vain, let's look at what your child should be able to do at 2 months.

Baby skills at 2 months

The life of your child is not yet so rich in acquired experience, however, a small crumb quickly learns the world around him, deftly adapting to it.

The greatest achievement of this age is the holding of the head. We adults do not understand, but for kids this is a titanic work. After all, 9 months in the mother's stomach can be equated with the life of an astronaut in weightlessness, when the muscles do not experience any stress. When a child is born, his body begins to live in a new way.

A distinctive feature from the previous month, at the age of 2 months lying on the tummy, the baby tries to raise his head. It still looks uncertain, but in the future your baby will not only confidently raise his head, but also turn.

At 2 months, the child reacts to a sound stimulus, namely, turns his head towards the source of the sound. For example, mother's affectionate words instantly calm the baby.

The baby shows his emotions not only with the help of crying, but also with a smile. Such an emotional manifestation is the most unforgettable experience for any parent. For such a smile, you can give everything in the world.

I will digress and tell you about one case that occurred during my medical practice, when the first conscious smile of a baby did not allow his mother to refuse him in the hospital. The case was truly unique. In our maternity hospital, a young girl gave birth, gave birth to a beautiful healthy boy, height 53 cm, body weight 3900g. The woman in labor was discharged on the third day, though no one met her, but we saw her off with the whole department, collected things and everything necessary for the newborn.

Two months later, she brought the child to us at the maternity hospital, saying that she did not need him. I remember we were all shocked. While persuading mommy, explaining that difficulties are not a reason to refuse such a treasure, suddenly the baby just smiled at her, and the young mommy could no longer leave him with us. Recently, she brought the same little boy to visit us, who gave a stronger argument why his mother should not have left him. And believe me, his smile has not lost that sincerity and charm. Until now, she reproaches herself, for the case that she could lose the most precious thing in the world.

At two months, the baby's vision continues to improve, you may notice that your child is trying to focus his eyes on certain objects. Many pediatricians recommend purchasing toys in saturated colors for better development of the child's visual apparatus. Toys should be simple shapes, for example, balls, colored rings. You should not buy toys of complex design at this age, this is useless.


Speech skills have not yet been perfected, but your child is already trying to make sounds in his own language that sometimes even surprise him. From an unexpected result, the baby freezes and listens to his uttered "speech".


By two months, movement coordination is improving. The child begins to make attempts to reach the object of interest to him. For us adults, this seems like a mere trifle, but believe me, for such a crumb, such a skill is given with great difficulty.

The knowledge of the world continues, your baby is interested in everything that falls into his field of vision, as a rule, these are his own arms and legs. Such a skill is necessary for further expansion of horizons and study of the world around.

A child at 2 months already distinguishes between day and night, thus you, dear parents, can instill in your child a clear daily routine. This will not interfere in the future to organize and discipline the baby.

The swimming reflex is expressed in children at 2 months. It is known that a child at this age can swim several meters under water.
It is a mistake to think that your child is still small, classes at this age are a waste of time. I can say with confidence: “Everything that you put into it in infancy, you will receive the corresponding result at an older age.” For better development, a few minutes a day are enough and the result will not be long in coming. Talk to your child, do gymnastics and massage, walk, read fairy tales. Verbal communication helps him learn about the world around him.

With insufficient communication with children in infancy, a condition called "hospitalism" or pedagogical neglect develops. The emotional sphere of such children is poorly developed. As a rule, this condition develops in abandoned children who are deprived of maternal love and attention.

Indicators of physical development of a 2-month-old baby

By the end of the second month of life, the weight of the baby will increase by an average of 800 grams, and 3-4 cm will be added to the growth.

The average statistical indicators of the increase in height and weight of a child at 2 months of age are given in the tables below.

How to measure your baby

To measure body length: put on a flat surface so that the shoulder blades, sacrum and heels touch it.

To measure head circumference: centimeter tape runs along the superciliary arches and the back of the head.

To measure chest circumference: centimeter tape runs behind the lower corners of the shoulder blades, in front - along the lower edges of the areola.

It is worth noting that each child develops individually, and heredity and quality of nutrition primarily affect the indicators of his physical development. Therefore, you do not need to worry if your baby's height and weight do not fit within the above norms.

What a baby should be able to do at 2 months - reflexes and skills

Starting from the second month of life, the child's reflexes gradually fade away and he gradually begins to consciously perceive the world around him. The table shows the main reflexes that are still preserved from this age.

Reflex table

Name of the reflex Description
Search reflex Swipe your finger near the corner of the newborn's mouth and the baby will lower his lips and turn his head towards the irritant.
grasp reflex Stroke the child's hand or try to stick your index finger into his fist, and you will feel how tightly he squeezes it with his fingers.
Crawl reflex Lay the baby on his stomach and put your palms on his soles. The baby will begin to push off with his legs from your hand and make forward movements, trying to crawl.
startle reflex A newborn with a sharp sudden sound takes his arms to the sides and opens his fists. After a few seconds, the hands return to their original position.
Step reflex Hold the baby over the table so that one foot rests on its surface. This leg will tighten up, and the other, on the contrary, will fall on the table, simulating the first steps.
Reflex Galant Stroke the Child with his chest on the palm of an adult in an inclined position close to vertical. Departing 1 cm from the spine, parallel to it, apply dashed stimulation in the direction from the shoulder blades to the buttocks. There is a bending of the body in the form of an arc, open in the direction of irritation.

Baby skills at 2 months

In addition to the reflexes described, a baby at 2 months acquires the following skills:

  • in the prone position, can raise the head and chest, and hold this position for several seconds;
  • can briefly hold a rattle or other object in his hand;
  • raises his head well and holds it in a vertical position for several tens of seconds;
  • when held under the armpits, rests on the legs;
  • stops clenching his fingers into fists and shows great interest in his hands;
  • able to visually distinguish parents from other people;
  • up to 30 seconds is able to fix his gaze on a motionless bright object, which is located at a distance of 50 cm from the level of his eyes;
  • determine where the noise is coming from;
  • begins to respond to human voices;
  • a “complex of revival” appears (the baby begins to smile at the sight of familiar faces);
  • cooing appears (the baby is able to shout out single sounds, usually vowels).

It's not news that becoming a parent is a big step in your life. How your child will be directly depends on you, so you need to constantly develop the skills of the baby, help to learn about the world around.

  • In order for the baby to confidently hold his head, daily gymnastics and massage are necessary, which will help strengthen the muscles of the back and neck.
  • For the best development of visual, sound skills, it is necessary to properly organize the environment. It is recommended to hang toys in saturated colors above the crib with sound accompaniment.
  • For the best development of speech, it is necessary to communicate with the baby often, read fairy tales, poems, sing songs.
  • Get your child used to the daily routine.
  • Swimming, walking in the fresh air at this age contributes to further hardening.

During the period of 2 months of life, children are happy to examine voluminous, but not planar toys, they perfectly distinguish the shape of an object: oval and triangular, square and round, rectangular.

The development of the baby takes place gradually and consistently, which must be periodically fed. How you will deal with the baby depends on his adaptation in society.

Knowing the answer to the question about the development and psychology of a 2-month-old baby about What can a 2 month old baby do?, you will be able to usefully spend time together, enjoying every minute. Organize your life in such a way that you can devote as much time as possible to the baby. Remember that your child is growing and developing every day! Be there, remember the first touching skills and appreciate every second of this unique time!

Here is your 2-month-old baby, who has changed so much in such a short period of time that you can no longer imagine what will happen next. From this article you will learn how to care for your little one, how the baby should develop correctly, which one suits him best.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat?

As you know, physical activity and also require quite a lot of energy. In order for the baby during this period to receive it in the amount that he needs for proper development, he must eat well. In general, pediatricians indicate that a child should eat about 900 ml of milk per day. That is, one feeding should cover 150 ml. If we talk about the classic scheme of proper feeding, then you need to divide the food into 6 equal sessions. That is, it is essentially every 3-3.5 hours. no longer need to feed at night, so at this time of day the break may be longer. For example, if you fed your child for the last time at 11 pm, then you can safely wait for 6 am for the next session.

Correct daily routine

As a rule, a 2-month-old child already debugs his own well enough. He gets used to sleeping and eating at certain hours. At the same time, he doesn’t sleep much anymore, so don’t worry if the total number of “sleepy” hours is reduced to 16-18. At night, a baby at this age already sleeps much stronger and better. A big enough problem for both parents and the child himself is the fact when the baby confuses day and night. In this case, it is necessary to "retrain" him to sleep correctly. Remember that "reversing" the situation will be very difficult. Walking becomes a very important part of a baby's life. A 2-month-old child, whose regimen is adjusted correctly, should walk at least 2-3 times a day. Gradually increase the time spent outside, bringing it up to 1.5 hours at an air temperature of at least 10 degrees. In the evening, preparing the baby for bed, it is important to bathe. It can already be made longer (up to about 10 minutes). A 2-month-old baby should bathe in water whose temperature is not lower than 37 degrees. Do not forget that he really needs a massage. As well as special gymnastics. How to carry them out, you can read below.

Daily routine of your crumbs by the hour (approximate)

If we talk about how a 2-month-old baby should spend his day, his regimen can be conditionally divided as follows:

  1. 6 a.m. Awakening and first feeding.
  2. Until 7.30 is the best time to do a little gymnastics, wash the baby and play with him.
  3. 7.30 - 9.30: Your baby should get some more sleep. At this time, you can go about your business.
  4. At 9.30 again awakening and second breakfast.
  5. From 9.30 to 11.00 the child will not sleep. So you can safely go for a walk.
  6. From 11.00 to 13.00 the baby should rest. Sleeping outdoors is ideal.
  7. From one to two in the afternoon, you need to return home, feed the child and play with him a little.
  8. From 14.30 to 16.30 - time for daytime sleep.
  9. 16.30 - 18.30 the baby wakes up and is ready to play again.
  10. 18.00 - 20.00 time for evening sleep. Do not worry that a 2-month-old baby in this case will not sleep at night. This definitely won't happen.
  11. 20.00: the baby will wake up and begin to be awake again. You can play with it a little, then bathe.
  12. 22.00 - preparation for bed.
  13. 24.00 last feeding.

What are the nuances of the daily routine worth remembering?

Of course, you should understand that 2-month-old babies do not always follow the above routine. It often happens that they themselves set the mode of sleep and play that they like best. It should be remembered that this is not a problem. Even if the baby wakes up at 7 in the morning, and not at 6, or falls asleep at 24.00, and not at 22.00. But, as mentioned above, if there are more serious problems with the regime, then it should be gradually changed to the correct one. How to do it? Get used to it first. If you consistently do the same activities every day, your child will get used to them.

How to do gymnastics and swimming?

It is important to bathe your baby at the same time every day. Most mothers choose evening time for this procedure. You can hold the baby in the tub with your hands while dad washes him, or you can use a special support hammock. As a rule, a half-hour bath helps the child "work up" an appetite and sleep well all night. If water procedures, on the contrary, invigorate the baby, it is better to do them in the morning.

Special gymnastics includes extension and flexion of the legs, spreading the arms to the sides, gentle stroking and a pleasant massage. A 2-month-old baby will especially like the latter. But remember that such exercises are best not done after meals. Also pay attention to the mood of the crumbs.

Many people think that a 2-month-old baby is still too young to be put on a special sleep schedule. But it's never too early to do this, as periathropists say. If you want to help your baby make sleep more enjoyable, then you should remember these recommendations:

  1. Try to follow the signals that the child himself gives you. Two months is still too early for discipline to form a routine, because the baby adapts to the needs of his body.
  2. It is very important to follow all stages of the routine exactly: walk, eat and play games at the time allocated for this. Then sleep will come to the child faster and will be deeper.
  3. In order for the baby not to form a negative attitude towards sleep, try not to forcefully rock him to sleep and not leave him alone in the room, hoping that this way he will stop crying and fall asleep.

Height and weight of a two-month-old baby

In general, with normal nutrition and no health problems, such a baby should gain up to 900 grams, and also grow another 2.5 cm. At the same time, pediatricians indicate that the average growth of the crumbs should be 62 cm by this time , and weight - about 5600 grams. There is also a gradual increase in the circumference of the chest and head. The first is already almost catching up with the second, although there is still a little less.

Diseases, doctors and vaccinations

If your baby was born during the cold season, then by the end of the second month of life, he may have problems with a small amount of vitamin D in the body. This can lead to the development of D-deficient rickets. If the temperature of a 2-month-old child constantly rises, he sweats a lot, the back of his head begins to go bald, and urination occurs too often, then it is worth consulting with a pediatrician. He may prescribe an increase in the dose of vitamin D, a change in the daily diet, or some special drug.

It also very often happens that 2-month-old children who previously had no signs of disorders of the nervous system, but suffered oxygen starvation in the prenatal period, give out symptoms of nervous disorders. This is manifested in tearfulness, high excitability, trembling of the hands and chin during screaming or crying. In this case, the best solution would be to contact a professional pediatric neurologist.

Of course, a common cold can also appear, because not a single 2-month-old child is immune from it. Runny nose, fever, fever and crying are often warning signs. If you notice them in your baby, seek help from a pediatrician. In no case do not try to cure it yourself, especially if the temperature in a 2-month-old baby rises too quickly.

Games for the development of your crumbs

Of course, this is a very important part in the life of any baby. What does a 2 month old baby do besides eating and sleeping? Of course he plays. Since the time of his activity increases, you can spend more time in educational games, but no longer than 25 minutes in a row. What games are recommended by experts at this age? An excellent option would be to play "magpie-white-sided", when mom or dad goes through the baby's fingers in turn, pronouncing the words of the rhyme. Thus, the child's speech apparatus will develop better. Start a little conversation with your little one. He will respond to you by watching the moving lips. Since at this time the child loves to swing his legs and arms in the air, sometimes touching hanging toys with them, a pendant with bright animals that also ring after impact will be an excellent choice. For calm children, rocking in a rocking chair is suitable. For more emotional ones, it is better to choose light "dances" around the house.

Charging and massage for the crumbs

At this time, you just need to start doing simple exercises with your baby. For a start, the usual flexion and extension of the legs and arms is suitable, but later you can bend the legs at the knees when the child is in a supine position (on the tummy or back). This massage for a 2-month-old baby is considered the most common. If the baby suffers from improper digestion, then you can easily help him get rid of gases if you put him on his back, bend his legs at the knees and do a circular light massage of the tummy for several minutes. Also, to improve a little the child's digestion, spread it at least 3 times a day for a few minutes on the tummy. At the same time, make sure that in this position a 2-month-old baby holds his head up. If you also combine this process with gentle and light stroking on the back, arms and legs, buttocks, then the baby will like it even more. Stroking should be done clockwise. To temper the child, from the first months of life you can start air baths. They can be safely combined with laying out on the tummy. When washing away the crumbs, do not make too warm water, if you add a little cool, then this will also become a kind of stabbing.

What can a baby do at 2 months?

Your toddler is gradually developing and growing. Therefore, already at the age of two months, he can do much more than just after birth. So, for example, the child already partially controls his neck muscles. If you lift him by the handles, he will try to hold his head. If earlier the baby could grab his mother very tightly with his hand, then at this age this one often disappears. Don't worry, this is completely normal. The child begins to better follow the movement of various objects. He listens more often to the sounds coming, reacts to them in his own way. May be scared or happy. The main feature of a baby at 2 months of age is his ability to focus on someone's face. He starts smiling at his mom and dad. In the process of lying on the tummy, the child can hold his head for a short time. If at this moment a bright toy is placed in front of him, then he will most likely become interested in it and will focus on it. It is very important during this period of development to show the baby to the doctor, who will check the tone of his muscles and how well his joints are developing. It is also very important to check the correct development of the cervical muscles on the first trip to the pediatrician.

The physical and mental development of a child at 2 months has made a huge leap in the first 30 days of age. Every mother should remember that all the skills of the baby are purely individual. You can not compare the skills of children at this age with each other. All the information provided in the article is provided to familiarize parents with the official weight and height standards from WHO, as well as the development and care of children from two to three months.

How to develop a baby at 2 months

A child should not receive too many emotions at 2 months, this will badly affect his sleep and nervous system. The development of the baby should be natural and smooth, without any excitement. The whole process should be guided by the mother, relying on her intuition. All other relatives, including dad, and especially wise grandmothers, should direct their perseverance and strength to mother care.

Only a mother knows exactly how to properly care for and develop her 2-month-old baby.

How much should babies weigh at 2 months

Normal weight boys 2 to 3 months old

weight chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Age (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) big (kg) extra large (kg)
4 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.4
5 3.1 3.5 4.1 4.7 5.3 6 6.8
6 3.3 3.8 4.3 4.9 5.6 6.3 7.2
7 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 5.9 6.6 7.5
8 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.4 6.1 6.9 7.8

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a boy should gain an average of 800 grams to 2 kilograms.

Normal weight for a 2 to 3 month old girl

weight chart from WHO for a girl from birth to 6 months
Age of girls (weeks) Very low (kg) low (kg) normal (kg) excellent (kg) normal (kg) big (kg) extra large (kg)
4 2.7 3.1 3.6 4.1 4.7 5.4 6.1
5 2.9 3.3 3.8 4.3 5 5.7 6.5
6 3 3.5 4 4.6 5.2 6 6.8
7 3.2 3.7 4.2 4.8 5.5 6.2 7.1
8 3.3 3.8 4.4 5 5.7 6.5 7.3

According to WHO standards, from two to three months, a girl should gain an average of 700 grams to 1.2 kilograms.

Baby growth at 2 months

Growth of girls from two to three months

growth chart for girls from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Girl's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) big (cm) extra large (cm)
4 47.5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2
5 48.3 50.3 52.3 54.2 56.2 58.2 60.1
6 49.1 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59 61
7 49.8 51.8 53.8 55.8 57.8 59.9 61.9
8 50.5 52.5 54.6 56.6 58.6 60.6 62.6

According to WHO standards, a girl will grow by about 4 cm from two to three months.

Growth of boys from two to three months

growth chart for boys from birth to 6 months according to WHO standards
Boy's age (weeks) Very low (cm) low (cm) normal (cm) excellent (cm) normal (cm) big (cm) extra large (cm)
4 48.6 50.5 52.4 54.4 56.3 58.3 60.2
5 49.5 51.4 53.4 55.3 57.3 59.2 61.2
6 50.3 52.3 54.3 56.2 58.2 60.2 62.1
7 51.1 53.1 55.1 57.1 59.1 61 63
8 51.9 53.9 55.9 57.9 59.9 61.9 63.9

According to WHO standards, a boy, like a girl, will grow up to one month by 4 cm.

Height and weight of premature babies at 2 months

A premature baby will be a little behind in development in the second month - this is normal. Children born before the appointed time continue the development that should have occurred in the womb, after birth. If the data significantly deviates from the norm, you should consult a doctor for advice. One of the first questions a pediatrician will have is about diet.


Unlike the first, at two months the child changes his diet. A nursing mother has more breast milk, respectively, the baby begins to eat more of it. The process of digestion of food in the baby is lengthened. You can feed your baby every 3.5 hours. Approximate feeding times:

  • 10:00
  • 13:30
  • 17:00
  • 20:30

Give the baby a boob on demand. If not, then don't wake him up.

How much should a 2 month old baby eat

A 2-month-old formula-fed baby will need more minerals as well. From nutritional supplements, you should choose fruit and vegetable juices. We advise you to start with apple juice. For the first time, give the baby a few drops of juice from a dropper. The next day, half a teaspoon. It is recommended to give juice to the baby after the second feeding in two hours. And finally, on the third day, a full spoonful. Do not mix juice with milk.

Important: Mom needs to carefully monitor the reaction of the baby's body to new juices. Examine the baby for rashes and red spots on the body.


When a mother's breast milk decreases in the second month of feeding a child, this means that it is time for her to think about increasing lactation. It is recommended to introduce new foods into the baby's diet from 6 months and continue for another 18-24 months. If you plan the baby's menu incorrectly, this can result in problems in the future. WHO estimates that two out of five children in low-income countries are at risk of not getting all the nutrients they need.

Should be timely, which means that all babies should start getting foods in addition to breast milk from 6 months onwards. Adding new foods to the baby's menu should be balanced in the frequency, quantity and type of new food, because only in this case will you fully cover all the needs of a small organism and will not affect the quality and composition of breast milk.


By 5 and a half months, the baby receives all the necessary nutrients from breast milk. There is no need for mom to add water, juice or cereal. A 2-month-old baby should eat at least 140-150 grams of mother's milk every 2-4 hours.

In addition, avoid using low-quality mixtures if the child is formula-fed, as they cannot fully provide the growing, young body with all the necessary elements. Low-quality formulas also have low levels of iron, which can eventually lead to the risk of developing iron deficiency anemia (which is closely associated with poor growth, weight and development, as well as learning ability). With colic, constipation or other problems with the digestive system, you need to switch to mixtures with a lower iron content, but no less quality.

WHO recommends feeding children exclusively with breast milk for up to six months, in the first two months after the sixth, 2-3 times a day, introduce new foods in small quantities; then, between the ninth and eleventh months after birth, increase the amount of usual foods and try to replace 1-2 breastfeeds; at twelve to twenty-four months, the menu should mainly consist of regular foods plus some breast milk or formula.

Why does a child drool heavily at 2 months

Strong salivation (hypersalivation) is a normal physiological phenomenon in a child from two to six months, which is caused by teething and unformed salivary glands. During this period, parents should not worry about the number of blisters from the baby's mouth.

There is a huge plus for the baby in the abundant secretion of saliva - it will envelop the toys with an antiseptic protein layer. This becomes a favorable condition during the period of study by the baby of everything that falls into his hands.

How long should a baby sleep at 2 months

The child should not be awake for more than two hours in a row in order to avoid overwork. The baby will rarely sleep peacefully during the day and at night for more than 4-5 hours in a row. Collectively, sleep duration varies from 16 to 18 hours per night. Poor sleep for an infant of this age is an average static norm.

What should be the chair of a child in the second month

A breastfed baby's stool changes 5-6 times a day. are rare, so you should not immediately take drastic measures in a long absence. When feeding juices, the poop becomes soft and frequent. In a bottle-fed infant, stools are more plentiful, but occur less frequently from 1 to 3 times. Pissing baby in two months often, about 10 times a day.

Why does a 2 month old baby yawn often?

In full-term babies, yawning at 2 months is rare from 1-3 times for 10-15 minutes, while the baby is naked. In severely preterm infants, yawning occurs long and often, but passes after the completion of the maturation of the baby. It is worth paying attention to the frequency of yawning - this is a sign of a brain disorder.

Development of motor skills

A baby at 2 months old will learn to dance and spin from side to side, however, most likely, only spin (make attempts). At two months, it will only turn out to spin from a position on the back in different directions. You will not be able to observe full rotation until 3 months of age, because the child, for this maneuver, will need more developed muscles of the back and arms.

The development of motor abilities in a two-month-old baby will require more attention from parents during diaper changes. Never leave a child unattended or secured on a bed or other elevated surface, even for a second.

What should be able to

At 2 months old, the child knows how to control his body in a more coordinated way, movements become less and less chaotic. The ridiculous swings of the arms and legs of the baby in the first days of life give way to smoother and more circular movements, especially while observing others.

A two-month-old baby needs enough room for pull-ups and limb movements. Stretch the blanket on the floor and let the baby move freely. All inept movements help the baby develop physical abilities. The first step on the way to walking is the skill of pushing off with the legs from a position on the stomach.

A baby at this age can hold and turn his head in different directions. Parents need to develop the skills of turning the baby's head in such a way that they are equal in both directions in order to avoid torticollis.

Daily regime

Whether you imagine a two-month-old baby sleeping alone in a stroller or sharing a family bed with you, a smooth and predictable sleep pattern will give you the opportunity to get the rest you need. And do not worry, start setting the regimen from the second month of the baby's life.

Include in the child's daily routine: dancing, singing, bathing, bedtime stories and hugs with soft toys. You can also carry the baby around the house, wishing everyone good night. This list will be added to and changed as the baby grows.

The first acquaintances of a three-month-old baby

The child should be at 2 months open to relationships with adults. A smile will appear on the face of the baby every time someone enters the room, takes his hands or just wants to goog.

At two months, it is time to give the family the opportunity to look after the child. Give carers the opportunity to spend some time with the baby. Otherwise, the baby may be seized with a fear of strangers, which will make further communication impossible.

Do not forget that babies have different personality traits and some of them are less open to new acquaintances.


The kid a few weeks ago learned about the existence of his pens. At 2 months, the child is simply delighted with such a gift of nature. Watch how the baby examines his hands, puts them in his mouth and tries to suck. Mom should not worry about a new hobby that the baby has recently discovered for himself. Such knowledge of the surrounding world will be interesting and useful to him.

How can a mother develop a child's skills?

Holding the child in his arms, you can see how he knows how to raise his head and hold it for a couple of seconds. The baby, lying on his tummy, can raise his neck and chest by almost 45 degrees, as if doing mini push-ups. Parents can help develop this skill by sitting in front of their baby with a colorful toy in their hand.

Education in the second month of life

Reading books to a child in the second month of his life will give amazing results in development and education in the future. This lesson will help the baby quickly develop a hearing for the perception of the modulation of human speech. Changing the intonation of the voice with the help of different accents and singing will make communication with him much more interesting. If the baby becomes uninterested and starts looking the other way, try to think of something other than reading. Perhaps the baby needs some rest. Watch for reactions.

There are a huge number of children's books for children of two months of age. For example: "Good night to you, month" or "Sweet dreams, monkey." It is better to choose books with large and bright illustrations and simple text. You can even buy picture books so you can make up stories as you go. During this period, age guidelines can be ignored. Books written for older children, if they contain clear and bright pictures, can also easily captivate the baby.

A good idea at 2 months is to read adult literature for a child: newspapers, magazines, favorite novels. The main thing is to do it loudly and emotionally. Whether it's Shakespeare or the latest bestseller, if parents like to read it, then the baby will like to listen to the rhythm of his native voice.

How to develop hearing?

A baby becomes a better listener at 2 months and is aware of the difference between familiar and unfamiliar sounds. The baby can also show that he is in tune with the environment. Observe how the baby is looking for the origin of certain sounds. Continued communication (albeit one-sided for now) helps the infant develop a sense of reality. The baby can even watch the movements of the mother's mouth and be surprised at how it all works.

Note: if the mother is concerned about the child's hearing, without hesitation for a long time, contact the pediatrician. For, despite the fact that the infant's hearing has been previously tested, new problems can still arise.

What can a child do by the end of the 2nd month (results)

The child should be able to maneuver the body at 2 months, rest on the legs and transfer the weight to the hands. Examine arms and legs while lying on your back. The baby can lift the chest resting on the legs. The baby learns to reach for close objects and grab them. A couple of minutes

The first, most difficult, month after the birth of your baby is left behind. The adaptation period to home conditions went smoothly, at the 2nd month of life the child is no longer considered a newborn. He enters a new, even more interesting and eventful life. The development of a child at 2 months makes a big leap, activity increases, during this period new important skills and good habits are acquired.

The second month has passed since the appearance of a little man in the house, and without knowing it, he dictates his own rules and sets the daily routine for all household members. Usually, within 1-2 months, the baby establishes a clear schedule for feeding, sleeping and waking periods, which must be gradually adjusted as the child grows up.

Now the main guarantee of activity and proper development is the food received from the mother, and healthy sleep, allowing him to gain strength, helping to learn the wonderful world around him every day.

The amount of breast milk that meets the needs of the baby is not less than 800 grams per day. If breastfeeding is not possible, the child is fed with the mixture in the same amount - about 800 g. Modern baby food is enriched with all the necessary trace elements and vitamins and is quite balanced, so you should not overfeed the baby.

On average, over the specified period, the weight of the baby reaches approximately 0.8–1 kg, and growth increases by about 3 cm. However, these are average figures, and you should not be upset when the baby has not grown enough or, conversely, has gained too much. Every baby is different and has different needs.

It is useful for a baby at 2 months of age to sleep a lot and gain strength for active growth. Usually daytime sleep lasts about 2.5 hours, then the period of wakefulness and eating (together 40 minutes). The child sleeps most of the day. But such intervals are also extremely individual, different children have a different daily routine. Many children get enough sleep during the day. The main thing is that a night's sleep lasts 5-6 hours and is deep and calm.

Assessing the child's skills

Regarding those abilities and skills acquired by a child in the first 2 months of life, one can only rejoice here. The development of the baby is now going by leaps and bounds, and literally every day he presents little surprises to his parents. Ideally, the baby in the second month should learn:

  • hold the head straight for about 10-20 seconds;
  • lying on the tummy, raise the head, shoulders and chest, and remain in a similar position for a short time;
  • lie quietly, relaxing the legs and arms, for a sufficiently long period;
  • hold light toys placed in the hands of parents;
  • explore your body, grab yourself by various parts;
  • listen to voices and other sounds heard nearby;
  • keep your eyes on slow moving objects and focus on stationary ones.

Surprises continue

In addition to all of the above, in the second month of life, the child begins to smile. Yes- yes, it is to smile, but consciously, very sweetly and toothlessly. The baby does not give out those involuntary grimaces, first noticed at 1 month and occurring during sleep or breast sucking. This is a charming, most precious smile in the world, and the baby bestows it, first of all, on mom and dad.

By 2 months, the child begins to walk, chanting various vowel sounds. Gradually, the sounds will begin to take shape in simple syllables and words - a great start to the further speech development of the baby and replenish his rich vocabulary. And by repeating babble after him and at the same time focusing on clear articulation, you will become an excellent example for your child to help him develop his speech further. Do it in the form of a game, telling him various rhymes and nursery rhymes.

The crying of a baby at 2 months takes on many shades and meanings. Now the baby knows exactly how to communicate that he is hungry, tired, wants to be held and just chat. Attentive parents, by the nature of the sounds made, will immediately understand the reasons for the baby's anxiety. Often, just screams are taken for crying, with the help of which the child simply calls to himself, bored.

First lessons with baby

In the correct and rapid physical, mental and emotional development of the child, it is worth a little help. Various exercises aimed at consolidating the acquired skills and abilities will bring undeniable benefits to the baby in the future, and they will help you get even closer to the baby.

  • Touch exercises. To develop fingers, it is useful for a child to alternately put small objects made of different materials into the hands: plastic, wood, metal, fabric, fur, glass, paper, leather and others. In general, any exercises with fingers have a beneficial effect on the proper development of the speech apparatus and subsequently help to avoid meetings with a speech therapist.
  • Exercises to improve vision and hearing. You need to take a bright rattle and shake it for a few seconds on the side of the baby, about 30 centimeters. The baby will first freeze, trying to determine where the sound comes from, and then begin to actively turn his head around in search of its source. It is worth hanging the same rattle in the crib and moving it from edge to edge, allowing the baby to follow the movement of the toy with his eyes. Perfectly in this regard, mobiles on the crib act on children.

Such games should be played 2-3 times a day and monitor the condition of the child, do not overwork. With the onset of whims and other manifestations of dissatisfaction, discontent, the exercises should be stopped for a while and wait until the baby is again in a good mood. The correct implementation of the described exercises and some of the new ones is shown in detail in the attached video.

Groats and other improvised means

An excellent way to physically strengthen the baby's body is massage and self-massage.. Usually, massage is more or less clear, and parents managed to master it in the first month of a child’s life, but many have not heard about self-massage. On the sheet spread on the changing table, you need to pour out a little cereal and put the baby on it - with the tummy or back. The baby begins to fidget, thereby getting new tactile sensations and developing imagination. Here you need to carefully monitor the reaction of the child, try not to hurt him, unpleasantly, he should not be pulled cereal into his mouth.

Ordinary massage can also be somewhat diversified: for example, not just stroking the baby with your hands, but rolling various rolling objects on the back, tummy, legs and arms - various balls, pencils, nuts, cloth rollers.

It is also useful to stroke the body of the crumbs with shreds of various materials and fur pompoms. During such a massage, emphasis is placed on the variety of materials and, accordingly, the different sensations perceived by the child.

Care is very important

Basic care for a two-month-old baby is no different from caring for a newborn. The child still needs to be bathed 4-5 times a week, washed, cleaned ears, nose and eyes. If necessary, get rid of seborrheic crusts on the head.

It is important to take care of the umbilical wound. It is necessary to clean it, if there are still secretions and crusts, treat it with 3% hydrogen peroxide. But in general, in 1-2 months, children do not have such a problem.

In general, it is necessary to carefully monitor the well-being of the baby and, with the appearance of some signs of the disease, contact the pediatrician in time. By the end of the period under review, the child must be examined by a neurologist, surgeon, ophthalmologist, orthopedist. Often do an ultrasound of the hip joints and abdominal organs.

Intestinal colic at 2 months can still bother the baby. Simple manipulations will help to alleviate his condition - laying on the tummy, stroking clockwise, and applying a heating pad with warm water, freshly ironed (or warmed on a battery) diaper.

Now the baby needs love, care and attention. Enjoy the time when you can endlessly communicate and engage with the baby, give him and yourself priceless minutes of each other's company, and then any problems that arise will be solved much easier and faster.

With the development of the senses, a two-month-old child has more opportunities for learning about the world around him. He begins to see better, distinguishes the outlines of objects. With the development of hearing, a child at two months reacts more actively to extraneous sounds and voices of relatives, distinguishes them from other people.

By smelling the milk, the baby will know that the mother is nearby. And he will look for her with his eyes. And when he finds, he smiles, he will wait for the response of the closest person.

For 2 months of life, whether it is a boy or a girl, children absorb and process a huge amount of information that forms new abilities and skills in them. Constantly being next to the baby, parents do not always clearly notice what tremendous progress in development the baby has made at 2 months.

What should a child be able to do at 2 months? It will be useful to know the list of his main skills not only to the local pediatrician, but also to every parent.

What can a 2 month old baby do?

Additionally, find out what his main achievements at this age are from the pediatrician's article.

Baby skills at 2 months include:

  • mastering control over movements, both general and fine motor skills;
  • faster and longer visual and auditory reactions;
  • increase in concentration time;
  • further development of speech;
  • emotional progress.


The kid is still in the process of becoming control over the muscles of his body. And it all starts with holding the head. Compared to the rest of the body, it is quite large, and in order to hold it, the muscles of the neck need to be well strengthened. At the end of the first month, the baby is just beginning to master this skill.

What does a two month old baby do? If you put it on a hard, flat surface such as a table, the baby, leaning a little on the handles, will raise his head low. The fact that he maintains this position for at least five seconds is an excellent sign. Some at this age are able to hold up to 40 seconds.

The limbs of the baby are no longer bent at all joints and are not brought to the body, as is observed in the newborn. Relaxation of the muscles and exit from this position begins a month after birth. After two months, the legs and arms of the baby should already be fully straightened.

In order for the child's muscles to grow stronger, it is useful to start strengthening exercises from this age. You can use a fitball or do baby swimming.

In the third month of life, fine motor skills of the upper limbs begin to manifest themselves.

According to child developmental psychology, the center of fine motor skills in the brain is closely related to the center of speech. The active development of one stimulates the development of the second.

The child is at times interested in his hands, clenching and unclenching his hands. If you bring a rattle closer, it will try to grab it.

If you give your baby a rattle with a thin handle as an educational toy, it will be easier for the child to grab it.


The development of a child at 2 months allows him to fix visual attention for quite a long time. If a one-month-old baby is able to see a toy or a mother’s face and concentrate for a few seconds, then a child of the second month of life looks up to half a minute.

The baby continuously follows a bright rattle or other moving object for 10-15 seconds. Moreover, you can move the bauble both horizontally and vertically.

The oculomotor muscles are already quite capable of controlling eye movements in these directions.

The muscles of the neck, which by this time are already quite developed, allow the child to turn his head in different directions.

Of all the colors, the very first one children can distinguish is red. Therefore, this is the most recommended color for the first toys.

If your child is already 2 months old, but he does not want to pay attention or even a little follow colorful objects, consult a doctor.

At this age, the child will be very interested in looking at bright toys of a simple shape, suspended above the crib. The best option is slowly moving multi-colored balls.


When a long sound occurs, the child turns his head to its source and is able to listen to it for 10-15 seconds. If mom or dad talks to the baby, he listens to which side the voice comes from. He turns his head, looking for the source. When he finds, he listens and looks attentively for a while.

At this age, a neurologist checks the baby's hearing by clapping his palm on the table on which the child lies. If auditory reactions are normal, the baby will blink in response.

The baby begins to smile by the end of the first month of life. Now his answering smile appears more often. It is enough for an adult to affectionately address the baby a couple of times, and his positive reaction will not be long in coming.

A child can demonstrate his bad mood by changing facial expressions and intonations of the addressed cry. Attentive parents will definitely notice these shades, depending on the cause of discontent.

At this time, there is an interest in other small children. If a baby of the third month of life is placed next to another child, then, turning his head, he will examine him for 30 seconds.


The main communication takes place so far by shouting.

In the second month, the preparatory stage for the development of active speech takes place. The monotonous "wa" is sometimes replaced by some kind of gurgling - a kind of vowel sounds. This is the start of the roar. Against the background of the general cry, it stands out especially.

This happens when the baby is satisfied or is in a state of joyful excitement. The child himself, having heard his own, but unusual sounds for his ear, freezes, becomes aware of them.


The child is already quite adequately responding to external stimuli. In accordance with them, it can change its behavior and the modality of the cry. Parents sometimes note that when such “whims” appear, the baby starts up, takes long breaks in breathing, and turns red.

No need to worry. Carry the baby in your arms more often, breastfeed when asked, talk affectionately. Soon everything will be fine. The baby is just growing!