Desserts in a hurry. "Sweets" in a hurry. Homemade recipes: quick and tasty.

July 11, 2015, 07:30


Probably only Americans can appreciate ice tea, who don’t feed bread, just let them add ice to anything. And the hotter it gets outside, the better we understand them. Therefore, now their creative recipes for ice teas, which can be prepared as many as 12 different ways, will come in handy, don't you think?

1. Tea with jasmine, lemon and ginger

Easier and tastier you can't imagine. Bonus: quickly quenches thirst, refreshes and saves from critical heat.

2. Peach tea with basil

An unusual cold cocktail, the taste of which can pleasantly surprise you.

3. Hibiscus tea

A little vodka or white rum and grated ginger.

4. Vanilla tea

In many Eastern countries the word "chai" is used as the name of all teas in general, but for us it is an exotic spicy drink that can be bought in almost every good store. Chai goes very well with ice, cinnamon, vanilla, coconut syrups and any sweet liquor of your choice.

5. Ice tea with mint

A little secret: it will be tastier and faster if mint is turned into sweet syrup in advance.

6. Chamomile tea with honey

Soothing, refreshing and very beneficial.

7. Vanilla honey lemonade with ice

Honey, vanillin, lemon juice, a little mint, sugar and orange slices to taste - this magical drink based on English breakfast tea hot weather you will just be conquered.


The topic "ice cream" is always very relevant if:

a) you are under 5 years old

b) a suffocatingly hot Russian summer outside

Under paragraph b) we all fall - people who are now suffering from a lack of fresh air, wind and a hint of cool, saving rain. And here it comes to the rescue - ice cream! Miracle remedy for the most high temperatures Of course, you can just buy it, but we all know how much chemistry there is, right? In this case, of course, you can spend a couple of hours of your time and make real ice cream at home, or you can spend a couple of minutes and make an unusual and time-tested simple popsicle with unusual flavors. Sounds tempting, doesn't it?

1. Watermelon, tomatoes and hot green pepper (can be replaced with sweet)

Sounds intimidating, but worth a try! In addition, everything is prepared very simply: in a blender, watermelon (pitted) and tomato (without skin) are mixed until smooth. Pour the puree into molds and in each - a small piece of pepper.

2. Milk and cookies

For a more interesting taste, you can take vanilla or strawberry milk, and chocolate cookies are better. Oreo cookies with cream are the perfect option.

3. Kiwi, fruit juice and some honey

It even sounds delicious, but imagine how it tastes? You can take any juice, best of all, the most favorite.

4. Vegetable ice cream made from celery, basil and parsley

Healthy choice.

5. Coconut or almond milk with blueberries

Another healthy, but this time sweet yummy.

6. Coconut milk with avocado and lemon

An unimaginable, but such a tempting mixture, in which sugar and coconut + lemon flakes can be added if desired.

7. Mango Strawberry Frozen Ice

Mango juice (or fresh fruit ground in a blender) and small pieces of strawberries - it will be oh so delicious!

8. Yogurt and berries

Any yogurt and favorite berries (oh, raspberries!).

9. Fruit mix

Ice cream according to the principle "everything that was in the house", which, depending on the contents of the refrigerator, may include pineapples, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, bananas, blackberries and the list goes on. The main ingredient is only yogurt.

10. Frozen Ice Cream Tea

We brew strong tea with condensed milk and sugar to taste, pour it into molds. After an hour, add cream - and again in the freezer.

Well, if you still do not feel sorry for the time in order to please your loved ones ...

11. Rosemary Vinegar Strawberry Ice Cream

For an incredibly tasty ice cream, you will need preferably fresh strawberries, a tablespoon of sugar, vinegar, vodka (recommended), 2 cups of sour cream, a little rosemary, vanilla, 4 egg yolks. Sounds confusing? Now let's deal with everything.

1. We heat the oven to 220 degrees. Somewhere half a kilo of strawberries is turned into puree, flavored with sugar and vinegar and in the oven for 15 minutes. Then the strawberries must be frozen, at the same stage it is time to add vodka.

2. Next, the ice cream itself is made: heat (but do not bring to a boil) sour cream with sugar, salt, rosemary. Separately, beat the yolks and add warm sour cream there, whisking constantly. Then return everything to the stove and cook until thickened.

3. After that, you just need to freeze your creation according to all the rules of homemade ice cream and 5 minutes before eating this miracle, add a strawberry from the freezer.

12. Lemon poppy seed ice cream

Ice cream "vegan's dream" is made with coconut or almond milk(3 cups) with 1/3 cup lemon juice, half cup honey, 50 grams coconut oil and poppy seeds. Chia seeds are also suitable in this cocktail.

13. Mint chocolate ice cream with Japanese green tea match

Interesting and healthy recipe, the ingredients of which are already clear from the name:

All that remains is to brew powdered tea correctly, add mint, a little sugar and add this mixture to ordinary store-bought ice cream or homemade according to numerous recipes.

1. Bring figs, honey, sugar, juice, salt, cinnamon + 1/3 cup water to a boil. Stir occasionally over medium heat for about half an hour. The liquid should resemble jam.

2. At this time, we are making ice cream: beat the sugar and and egg yolks(2 pieces) about 5 minutes. Add a little salt, 12 cups of sour cream, vanillin. Whisk again.

3. Freeze in an ice cream maker according to the instructions, mix with figs. Enjoy!

15. Ice cream with beet, honey, rose water and goat cheese with milk

This ice cream is for real gourmets.

16. Maple Syrup Bacon Ice Cream

Another salty ice cream, the taste of which is hard to imagine. It is prepared like regular homemade ice cream with an ice cream maker on hand, only you need to take maple sugar instead of regular sugar (+ add half a glass of maple syrup), and at the end throw chopped "Canadian" bacon.

3/4 cup honey

Tea spoon rose water(optional)

4 tablespoons cocoa

It is done simply: We throw everything into a blender, bring it to a state of puree, move it to an ice cream maker. If there is none, then a freezer container will do, where ice cream should stand for at least 4 hours. True, every hour it will have to be stirred.

20. Popcorn flavored ice cream

All popcorn lovers here! Plus, don't forget to grab 2.5 cups of milk, 2 cups of sour cream (or less), a glass of sugar, 2 eggs, and of course 2 cups of your favorite popcorn! Vanillin optional. It will be very tasty.

21. Vanilla ice cream with olive oil and sea salt

A simple recipe (just add butter and salt to the finished ice cream) - an interesting result!

Evening... 18+

How about a refreshing cocktail with ice? Or are you going to embark on the path of a bartender, treating guests to next holiday something special than a classic bottle of champagne... Whatever the motive, there is only one way out: learn how to make one of these refreshing, invigorating and slightly alcoholic cocktails with ice and enjoy the results!

1. Just lavender lemonade

A good cocktail does not have to contain alcohol. This recipe is completely alcohol-free: lavender lemonade is made simply with water and flavored with honey and lemon zest + lemon juice.

2. Cold green tea

What's the catch? The fact that you have to add to just green tea cucumber juice, ginger and lemon juice. And now this is not just iced tea, but a festive cocktail from the summer heat.

Bon appetit!

"Sweets" on hastily they always help out if guests unexpectedly visit you, and in the refrigerator - a rolling ball. In this article, we will describe several ways on how to quickly and easily cook at home.

"Vkusnyashki": recipes. Making delicious treats at home

The most popular and favorite dessert, which does not take much time to prepare, is a potato cake. To make such a delicacy, we need:

  • shortbread cookies by weight (you can buy "Jubilee") - about 300 g;
  • high-fat butter - about 125 g;
  • unboiled condensed milk - 200 g;
  • cocoa powder - 4 full tablespoons;
  • roasted walnuts - at least 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar - a pinch.

Base preparation

How should you cook quick "sweets"? Recipes (it is very easy to make such a dessert at home) cakes do not require the purchase of expensive ingredients. In this regard, preparing this delicacy is affordable for everyone.

So, to make the base, shortbread cookies are broken in half and put in a blender. Products are ground at the highest speed until a homogeneous crumb is obtained. After that, ghee is poured into them and vanilla sugar is added.

Also sorted separately walnuts, wash them thoroughly and dry them in a frying pan. Then they are crushed with a crush and added to the liver.

In order for the resulting bulk mass to become viscous and keep the desired shape well, a mixture consisting of condensed milk and cocoa powder is added to it.

After the described actions, a rather thick and sweet base is obtained. It is from it that “sweets” are prepared in haste.

We form products

"Sweets" in a hurry are formed very easily. To do this, the mixed mass is taken in hand in the amount of 2 or 3 dessert spoons, and then rolled into a ball and laid out on a flat plate. Having formed all the products, they are sprinkled powdered sugar and put it in the refrigerator for a while.

We bring to the table

Ready-made "sweets" (sweets) in the form of cakes are taken out of the refrigerator and served to the table. In addition to the sweet "potato" they serve a cup of hot tea.

We make "sweets" in haste from puff pastry

If you do not have time to prepare a dessert, then we suggest using this recipe. Using it, you can very quickly and easily make an incredibly tasty and nutritious treat that all your household members will appreciate.

So, to prepare banana triangles, we need:

  • yeast-free puff pastry - 1 standard package;
  • ripe sweet bananas - about 2-3 pieces;
  • Wheat flour- a few large spoons (for powdering dough);
  • powdered sugar - 3-4 large spoons.

We make semi-finished products

How can you cook hearty and nutritious "snacks"? They can be quickly made only from ready-made puff pastry. It is taken out of the freezer in advance and thawed completely. Then the base is sprinkled with wheat flour and rolled into a layer along one side. After that, it is cut into squares.

Having prepared the base, proceed to the processing of ripe bananas. They are thoroughly washed, freed from the peel, and then cut into circles no more than 6 millimeters thick.

After the fruits are crushed properly, they are laid out on puff squares, which are subsequently folded in half and strongly pinched. As a result, you should get neat semi-finished products with banana filling inside.

Baking process

How should banana triangles be baked? The formed semi-finished products are laid out on a dry baking sheet and sent to a preheated oven. Products are cooked at a temperature of 198 degrees for about 26-36 minutes. During this time, they will noticeably increase in volume, become ruddy, fluffy, soft and tasty.

Serve banana triangles to guests

Having prepared the products in the oven, they are carefully removed and laid out in a slide in a shallow dish. After cooling, banana triangles are sprinkled with powdered sugar. They are served to guests along with strong hot tea or other drink.

Cooking sweet fruit salad

"Yummy" in 5 minutes is not a myth, but a reality. To verify this, we suggest using this recipe. To implement it, we need the following components:

  • ripe bananas - 2 pcs.;
  • sweet red apples - 2 pcs.;
  • soft ripe kiwi - 2 pcs.;
  • soft pears - 2 pcs.;
  • pomegranate seeds - 30 g;
  • fresh sweet strawberries - 100 g;
  • ice cream, slightly melted, or natural yogurt- add at will.

We process the main ingredients

Having bought all the necessary fruits, they immediately begin to process them. To do this, carefully wash bananas, sweet red apples, soft kiwi and pears. Then they are peeled, stalks and seed boxes, after which they are cut into small cubes. As for strawberries, they are washed well and simply divided into 4 slices.

Formation process

There is nothing easier than that than independently form a sweet fruit salad. To do this, apples, pears, bananas and kiwi are alternately laid out in a deep container. Then they are poured over with slightly melted ice cream and mixed well. At the output, a very fragrant and sweet mass is obtained, which is immediately presented to the table.

How to serve fruit salad to invited guests?

Having formed a sweet salad with ice cream, it is laid out in shallow glass bowls. Then the dish is decorated with fresh strawberry quarters and pomegranate seeds. In this form, sweetness is presented to the table along with a dessert spoon.

It should be especially noted that keeping salad with ice cream already dressed at room temperature or in the refrigerator is highly discouraged. Otherwise, it will “flow”, become tasteless and ugly.

In addition to ice cream, this dessert can be seasoned and, in addition, it is good to pour over such a delicacy with a small amount of honey or syrup.

Summing up

The presented recipes for "snacks" are far from the only ones. Showing imagination and using the right ingredients, you can make even more unusual and delicious desserts that all your household members will appreciate.

July 29, 2015, 19:37

1. Royal cheesecake

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Let it heat up, because the preparation of the pie takes too little time. For which I appreciate him very much!

500 gr cottage cheese,
4 raw eggs
2/3 cup sugar

Beat the egg and sugar with a mixer (fork). Add curd to this. We mix. All. The base for the pie is ready!

Now we take a piece of butter (pr 100g) three on a grater and flour (pr 1 glass) and with our hand (fingers) we begin to knead it in flour.

We add flour gradually and little by little until this mass will not crumble between the fingers, like salt. We call it "little". Here is the finished little one.

Pour half of the crumbs evenly on the bottom of the mold. Pour the curd mass over the crumbs. And sprinkle the remaining crumbs on top. ALL!

We put in the oven. After 30-40 minutes, when an awesome smell appears and the cake rises, browns, the cake is ready. It can shrink when it cools down. Don't be upset! When cut, the cake will remain handsome and as delicious as expected!

Here is a pie that came out in my multicooker :) Yum-Yum It tastes like a cheesecake :), and the topping is like eclairs :)

2.Tender chicken balls in a creamy sauce.

Now you will have another signature dish!

500 g chicken fillet
1 bulb
1 egg
3 garlic cloves
200 ml cream
150 g hard cheese


1. The recipe is good because the chicken will not turn out dry and boring.
2. Cream will give it juiciness and everyone, including children, will taste chicken balls in cream with appetite.
3. Lightly beat off the chicken fillet and chop finely, then add finely chopped onion, salt, pepper, pour in the beaten egg and mix well.
4. Lubricate the baking dish with heavy cream. From the prepared mass, form small balls and lay them out in a mold. Bake in preheated to 180 gr. C oven 10-15 minutes.
5. In the meantime, prepare the filling: grate the cheese on a fine grater, squeeze the garlic into it and mix with the cream.
6. Remove the form with baked balls from the oven, pour over each ball with filling and put back in the oven for another 15-20 minutes.
7. The cheese will melt and flow, and the cream will soak the balls, making them especially juicy - and we will get a great dish for a festive or daily table.
3. Juicy meatballs in gravy "Like in a garden"

For meatballs
Minced meat (any) - 0.5 kg.
Boiled rice (preferably until half cooked) round unsteamed (0.3-0.5 cups of raw rice before cooking)
Medium bulb - 1 pc.
1 egg
Salt to taste or 1 incomplete tsp
For gravy
Sour cream - 1 tbsp
Flour - 1 tbsp
Volume. paste - 1 tsp, bay leaf.
1.5 cups of water

It is better to scroll the minced meat and onions through a meat grinder, and then add rice and salt. If there is no desire, then very finely chop the onion (you can pre-fry until transparent), combine with minced meat, rice. Add salt to taste.

It is very good to knead everything with your hands.

Form small meatballs. Roll them in flour (I do without deboning). But since many meatballs crack when frying or fall apart even worse, it’s better to roll them.

Put on a frying pan well heated with vegetable oil, preferably not very close to each other, fry on one side (3-5 minutes). Do not immediately cover with a lid, otherwise the meatballs will fall apart.
Gently turn over and fry on the other side so that the meatballs grab (3-5 minutes).

Pour boiling water (about 1 cup) up to about half the level of the meatballs. Add to the water at the tip of tsp salt, tsp volume. pata (paste can be diluted immediately in water), bay leaf.

Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

At this time, dilute in 1/2 cup warm water tablespoon of sour cream, mix (with a fork), add a full tablespoon. a spoonful of flour Mix well so that there are no lumps.

Pour into meatballs.

Close the lid and, holding the lid, shake everything well to mix.

Simmer for another 15-20 minutes on low heat to gurgle slightly. You can turn the meatballs in the middle of stewing. If the gravy turned out to be thick, you can dilute it with boiling water to the desired density. Mix.

Our dish is ready.

Bon appetit to you and your children!

Meatballs are combined with any side dish (rice, mashed potatoes, buckwheat, vermicelli)

It is better to first fry the meatballs in a pan, and then put them in a saucepan and stew (when frying in a saucepan, meatballs crack more often, because they stick to the bottom and turn over harder.)
4. Homemade Nutella with your own hands.

Found a great recipe! Everyone cooks it and is very, very happy!

* milk - 4 cups;
* hazelnut kernels (peanuts or walnuts) - 3-4 tablespoons;
* granulated sugar - 4 tbsp.;
*wheat flour - 4 tablespoons;
* dark cocoa powder - 6 tablespoons;
* butter - 1 pack;
*salt - half a teaspoon.


1. Combine in a bowl granulated sugar, cocoa and flour.

2. Then gradually pour milk in small portions and stir immediately so that there are no lumps.

3. After all the milk has been poured out, pour the contents into a saucepan and put on fire.

4. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly so that the pan does not burn and stick to the bottom.

6. Cook Nutella over low heat, not forgetting to stir, until thickened.

We cool the finished Nutella, transfer it to a jar with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Cooked in this way at home, Nutella is homogeneous, elastic and spreads well on sandwiches, cookies, etc.

Tender fish patties with vegetable stew.

Very tender and tasty meatballs made from low-fat fish (hake, cod, pike, pink salmon, etc.) go well with vegetable stew. This is exactly the stew and meatballs baked in the oven, they gave in our Kindergarten.

5-6 slices of dry-frozen or fresh fish fillet - 500-600 gr
1 onion
2-3 slices of dry-white bread (you can also fresh)
Milk for soaking bread - 100-150 ml.
1 egg.
Salt to taste (I have about an incomplete tsp)
1 incomplete art. a spoonful of semolina for greater viscosity of minced meat (can be without)


Soak bread in milk. Cut the onion into 4 pieces. Scroll fish fillets, onions, soaked bread through a meat grinder.

Add salt, egg, and optionally some natural glutamate-free fish seasoning.
Knead well with a tablespoon, add semolina and mix again.

Let stand for half an hour, let it swell.

Prepare a baking dish. Lubricate it with oil and carefully spread the meatballs with a spoon, helping with the second spoon, or mold with your hands if the minced meat will be molded. You can pour a little boiling water into the container so that the meatballs do not fry too much. They should always be in the broth. You can lay out the whole stuffing, level it and make a fish casserole.

Preheat the oven to 200-220 degrees and bake the meatballs for 20-30 minutes until golden color. You can pull it out 15 minutes before the end and pour it over with sour cream mixed in half with milk and flour and send it to the oven (warm milk 0.5 stack, flour 1-2 tsp, sour cream 0.5 stack)
Bits are ready.

Vegetable stew

Try to do a little to be eaten on this day.

Cabbage - 300 grams (approximately). It is better to take juicy, white, flat cabbage.
1 onion
1 carrot
1 potato
1 tomato or 1 tsp tom. pasta
1-2 tbsp. tablespoons canned green peas
1 st. a spoonful of sour cream, if desired.
1 tsp flour

Dice carrots, onions, tomatoes (it is possible without them if there is a tom. Pasta) Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan so that the bottom is covered and stew in oil - first onions with carrots, then tomatoes. For kids, do not fry, but put everything together with cabbage, adding some water.

Add diced cabbage. If you feel that the cabbage is rough and not very juicy, then you can mash it with your hands, adding a little salt. Pour the floor. a glass to start the water and simmer, closing the lid, until the cabbage is half cooked, trying to press it during the cooking process so that the juice is on the surface. Young cabbage is stewed without water at all, in its own juice. But if the cabbage turned out to be not very juicy, then, if necessary, water should be added a little at a time during the cooking process. So that the cabbage is not fried, but stewed and is always slightly covered with liquid. But she didn't swim much in the water.

Then add salt to taste, diced potatoes, peas, bay leaf. Cover and simmer until cabbage and potatoes are tender. The cabbage should be very soft.

Ideally, of course, at the end you need to add a tsp of tomato paste and you can add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sour cream., so the dish becomes more beautiful.

You can add more water, but not much. Try to stew in your own juice. Stir occasionally. You can add greens at the end. The stewing time depends on how coarse the cabbage is. If the cabbage is juicy, then as a rule it softens faster, and if it is very coarse, then its carcasses are not carcasses, it may not remain very tender ... Approximate cooking time is about an hour.

When the dish is ready, dilute 1 tsp of flour with a little water - 50g, for example, and pour into the stew, mix. This is necessary in order to combine all our vegetables.

Creative cookies.

The simplest composition, nothing more. However, the cookies are very tasty.


* 150 g butter,
* 200 g of cottage cheese,
*250 g wheat flour,
*100 g of sugar.

Grind cold butter with sugar and cottage cheese. Add flour and quickly knead the dough. Roll the dough into cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.

I make dough in the evening and bake cookies in the morning. And sometimes I also add a couple of drops of vanilla essence. Preheat oven to 200 degrees. Roll out the dough to a thickness of 3 mm, cut into biscuits and put on a covered baking paper baking sheet. Let bake for 10-15 minutes, depending on the size of the cookies.

Super CAKE - cottage cheese!!!

Butter - 155 gr.
Sugar - 330 gr.
Cottage cheese 18% (I have 5%) - 250g
Eggs - 3 pcs.
Flour - 287 gr.
Baking powder dough - 16 gr.
Powdered sugar for sprinkling
Raisins - optional
Beat softened butter with sugar (mixer) until white (about 5 minutes).

Add cottage cheese, beat until smooth.

Add eggs, beat again.

Add baking powder and sifted flour, beat everything.

Pour into an oiled mold.

Bake in a preheated oven at 180 degrees until cooked through (about 60 minutes)

Cool cake slightly, then sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Keep overnight in the refrigerator.


The most chocolate cake of the simplest products.
Ingredients: 3 cups flour, 2 cups sugar, 10 tbsp. cocoa, 2 tsp slaked soda lemon juice, vanillin, 12 tbsp. vegetable oil and two glasses of water.
We mix all the dry ingredients in a cup, add oil and water there, mix and enjoy the awesome chocolate aroma.

Then we put all this splendor into a mold and into an oven preheated to 180 for 40 minutes. Cut the finished cake in two.

While the cake is baking, make the frosting. 6 tablespoons of cocoa + 4 tablespoons of sugar + 10 tablespoons of vegetable oil + 8 tablespoons of water and for a minute on fire. In parallel, we make a cream. I have the simplest, butter-condensed. We coat the cooled cake with cream, collect the cake, glaze on top. All is ready. Enjoy. direct participation 20 minutes and wash the dishes.

Chicken pancakes with cheese

Instead of cutlets - tasty, juicy and very beautiful. And if you suddenly don’t have a meat grinder, but you want cutlets, then this recipe is just for you.

1 kilogram chicken fillet
200 grams of hard cheese
150 grams of flour
150 grams of sour cream (or kefir)
1 heaping teaspoon salt
4 eggs
Bunch of dill or parsley
And vegetable oil for frying

Cut the chicken fillet into small cubes.
Put in a bowl.
Add cheese, chopped on a coarse grater. Or just cut into small cubes - it doesn't matter.
There - salt, eggs, sour cream.

Finely chopped greens.

Pour in the flour.

And stir well.

Let the mass stand for 15-20 minutes.
Heat oil in skillet, reduce heat to medium.
And fry like regular pancakes, a couple of mines on each side. Spread the mass with a spoon and spread lightly - shaping the pancakes directly in the pan.

Chicken fillet, and even chopped so finely, cooks very quickly. Therefore, do not insure overcooking and overdrying pancakes. We saw that the meat has changed color by more than half - turn over and fry on the other side.

Really simple :) and delicious even when cold :) And you can fry without oil .... especially if on Teflon, but chopped chicken and kneaded everything in a blender :)

Vermicelli casserole with meat.

2 cups vermicelli (you can use less)
A piece of boiled turkey - 300-500 grams (you can take any boiled meat)
1 egg
50-100 gr milk or broth
Salt to taste
1 st. l of any oil (I have olive - refined)
Now I’ll tell you a terrible secret, I made a casserole with ham, it’s also very tasty. By the way, you can also rub the sausage on a coarse grater into the potato one.

Boil vermicelli in salted water, drain. Without washing, season with any odorless vegetable oil so that the vermicelli does not stick together immediately. You can fill with melted - butter ... You can also use previously cooked vermicelli, any horns, finely chopped boiled pasta.

Scroll the boiled meat through the fine grate of the meat grinder.

Peel 1 onion, finely chop and lightly saute it in a frying pan in vegetable oil, without frying ( for kids, do not sauté, but pour water and stew the onion a little until soft and the water boils away with a small amount of oil). Put the rolled meat into the pan. Mix. Transfer the contents of the pan to a container with vermicelli.

You can not put the onion in the casserole at all. Then mix the rolled meat immediately with boiled vermicelli. bow gives best taste dish, but not essential.

Beat with a fork in a separate container 1 egg with 50-100 g of milk or broth, slightly salted, and pour into noodles with meat.
Mix everything. Salt if necessary.

Grease a baking dish with oil and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. Put the vermicelli with meat, smooth. The surface of the casserole can be greased at your discretion: sour cream, or an egg (or just yolk), butter, etc ... Put in a preheated to 160-180 degrees. oven until browned (it took me about 45 minutes).

Take out the finished casserole. Let it cool down a bit. Cut into pieces and serve as an independent dish.
Vermicelli casserole with cottage cheese.

If you replace the meat with cottage cheese and add a little sugar to taste - 0.5 cups, for example, after rubbing it with cottage cheese, milk and an egg), you will get a cottage cheese and vermicelli casserole, which was also given in Kindergarten. Instead of milk, you can add sour cream and put not 1, but 2 eggs. If the cottage cheese is tender and soft enough, then milk can not be added at all.
lazy cabbage rolls

I always make meat in advance in the cartoon, when it is free, I throw a piece of meat and forget for two hours if it is beef, chicken, turkey for an hour.

cabbage 200 g
onion 1 pc small
round rice 1/2 cup
boiled meat 200 g
vegetable oil 1 tablespoon
Soak rice in warm water for 15-20 minutes.
Sauté the onion until transparent.
Add chopped cabbage and simmer covered for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.
Then add rice. Pour hot water(or broth) so as to slightly cover the rice, simmer for another 10 minutes.
Add minced meat.
For tenderness, you can add chopped eggs.

Potatoes 500 g
Eggs 2 pcs.
Butter 60 g
Sour cream 60 g
Meat 300 g
Onion 1 pc.
We clean the potatoes, boil, drain the broth, dry and knead with a crush.
Add eggs, butter, sour cream, salt, pepper to mashed potatoes, mix everything and beat with a mixer.
Boil the meat in salted water, pass through a meat grinder.
Peel the onion, cut into small cubes and fry in a pan with oil.
Add the rolled meat, salt, pepper and fry until tender.
Put half the potatoes on a greased baking sheet, flatten and lay out even layer chopped meat.
We cover with the second half of the potato, level it, apply a pattern with a spatula.
We put a baking sheet with a casserole in an oven preheated to 180 * degrees and bake until golden brown.
Cut the finished potato casserole with meat into portions and serve with sour cream or sauce.

Beef (pork, chicken, turkey) - 0.5 kg.
Onion - 1 head.
Carrot - 1 piece (you can without it)
Flour - 1 tbsp. l
Volume. paste 1 tsp
You can sour cream - 1 tbsp. l
Bay leaf - 1 pc.
Salt to taste - 0.5 tsp approximately
Cut the meat into small pieces, lightly fry (you can not fry, but immediately add a little boiling water to the meat) and stew along with onions and grated carrots in their own juice over low heat, pouring a little into the saucepan. oils. Then add a small amount of water. Well, let's say a glass of water per pound of meat. Stew until the meat is ready (i.e. until soft). The meat should be lightly covered with broth. 10 minutes before the meat is ready, salt to taste, put a bay leaf - 1 pc. and maybe 3 pcs. peppercorns. Meat is different. Therefore, the cooking time may also be different. But as a rule, about an hour, no less (if it is beef or pork, not chicken) Readiness is checked with a knife or fork.
Then dilute in half a glass of warm water - 1 tsp volume of paste, st. a spoonful of flour and st. a spoonful of sour cream (you can without it).
Mix well in a glass so that there are no lumps, preferably with a fork.
Whisking continuously, pour in the goulash mixture. The goulash will start to thicken before your eyes.
Put out a little (5-10 minutes) The meat is ready.
If the water boils away during extinguishing, you can add it. And if suddenly the goulash turned out to be too thick, then you can also dilute it with boiling water to the desired density.
You can add grated or thinly sliced ​​pickled cucumber 10-15 minutes before the end of the meat stewing. This will add spice to the dish.
Garnish with pasta or mashed potatoes
Meatballs in sauce

Minced meat - 0.5 kg.
Rice - 1/2 cup
Medium bulb - 1 pc.
1 egg
Salt to taste
Sour cream - 1 tbsp
Flour - 1 tbsp
Tomato paste - 1 tsp
1.5 cups of water
Boil rice until half cooked.
Finely chop the onion, mix with minced meat. Add salt to taste.
Mix everything very well.
Form small meatballs. Roll them in flour.
Put on a frying pan well heated with vegetable oil, preferably not very close to each other, fry on one side for 3-5 minutes. Carefully flip over and fry on the other side.
Pour boiling water up to about half the level of meatballs, add salt and leave to stew.
Dry the flour in a pan, add sour cream and tomato paste, mix and dilute with the remaining water. Add the sauce to the meatballs and check for salt.
Cover and simmer for 10-15 minutes over medium heat.

Egg (selected) - 5 pcs
Milk - 250 ml
Salt - 0.5 tsp.
Butter (for greasing the mold)
Pour milk into a deep bowl.
Add eggs and salt.
Mix well without whipping!
Grease the mold well with butter.
Pour the resulting egg-milk mixture into the mold. Fill the form no more than 2/3, as the omelet will rise. And put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 30 minutes. Do not open the oven for the first 15-20 minutes.
Cut the finished omelet into portions. Put a piece of butter on a hot omelet.

For one child serving:
cottage cheese - 135 g,
semolina or wheat flour - 10g-12g,
sugar - 15g,
eggs - 4g,
margarine - 5g,
crackers - 5g,
sour cream - 5g,
weight of the finished casserole -150g,
sour cream - 30g.
Pureed cottage cheese is mixed with flour or pre-brewed in water (10 ml per serving) and chilled semolina, eggs, sugar and salt. The prepared mass is spread in a layer of 3-4 cm on a greased and sprinkled with breadcrumbs form. The surface of the mass is leveled and smeared with sour cream, baked in an oven for 20-30 minutes. until a brown crust forms on the surface. On vacation, cut the casserole into square or rectangular pieces and pour over sour cream.

Kissel milk.
It's better to do a little at a time.
Pour 1 glass of milk 3.2% into a saucepan, put on a burner and bring to a boil, adding 2 teaspoons of sand.
At this time - 2 tbsp. stir spoons of warm water with 2-3 full teaspoons of starch in a separate cup. Mix well with a fork so that there are no lumps and pour, stirring constantly, into boiling milk. Bring to a boil and until thickened. Let cool. Pour the casserole with this jelly. Kissel is obtained as liquid sour cream. If small lumps suddenly appear, then the jelly can be filtered. How fatter milk, the thicker the jelly turns out and vice versa. The density of the jelly can be adjusted by adding milk.
Kissel cranberry.
Crush a handful of cranberries (I have defrosted) with a wooden pusher and pour 1 liter. boiling water. Strain, add sugar to taste and put on fire. Bring to a boil, but do not boil. Part of the fruit drink before this - gr. 100 pour into a glass. In a glass of cast and cooled fruit drink (you can just take cold water) dilute 2 tablespoons of potato flour (starch) And with continuous stirring, pour the contents into cranberry juice. Bring to a boil and thicken, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Remove from fire. Kissel is ready.

Let it cool, not forgetting to look in and stir so that the jelly is not covered with foam. You can also water the casserole with this jelly.
For drinking, I like to add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of starch per liter of fruit drink. Kissel is thin and easy to drink. For a very thick jelly, 3 tbsp. spoons of starch.
Mannik on milk.

Whisk 3 eggs and 1 glass of milk.
Separately, mix the dry ingredients thoroughly: 0.5 cup semolina + sugar, salt to taste + 1 tsp. soda (or 1.5 tsp baking powder) + about a glass of flour.

Pour the egg with milk into this mixture, beat thoroughly, pour it into the mold and put it at 180 g in the oven for 40-50 minutes. Readiness, as always, check with a wooden stick or a toothpick.
You can bake in the multi. Very tasty with jam, sour cream, condensed milk...

Fish fillet - 300 g
Milk sauce / Milk (0.5 tbsp), flour (1 tsp), plums. oil (1 tsp), salt/
Salt - to taste
Boil the fish fillet in lightly salted water. Cooking time 5-7 minutes after boiling.
While the fish is cooking, prepare the milk sauce:

Lightly dry a spoonful of flour in a pan. Mash drain oil with a fork and melt slightly. Mix flour well with butter. Bring milk to a boil, add oil mixture and mix thoroughly. Salt the sauce, pepper, let it boil again.
Lubricate the baking dish with butter and lay out a small layer of boiled fish, ground with a fork. Add an egg to the milk sauce and mix well with a fork or whisk. Pour the fish layer with the resulting sauce, then put another layer of ground fish on top and pour milk sauce again.

Sprinkle breadcrumbs on top of the fish and send to a hot oven to bake at 180 degrees. Baking time in different ovens varies from about 15-25 minutes.
Ready-made fish casserole can be an independent dish for dinner. Or you can serve it with porridge or vegetables.
Potatoes stewed with meat

1 kg beef
1.5-2 kg potatoes
2 large onions
3 carrots
3 art. l. tomato paste (optional)
We cut the meat into pieces of two to three centimeters, trying to free it first from fat, films and tendons. Peel the onion and cut into half rings. We clean the potatoes and cut them a little larger than the meat.

In a cauldron, or a saucepan with thick walls, heat a few tablespoons of sunflower or olive oil. Heat up to smoke. We throw the meat and fry it on high heat.

It's okay if the meat starts to let the juice out and will be stewed. If the meat sticks to the bottom or walls of the cauldron, don't worry, as it fries, it will fall off by itself.

How to fry - stir, and after when all the meat brightens, throw the onion, mix again, reduce the heat and simmer for about 15 minutes. If there is not much liquid, add a little broth or, if there is no broth, some water.

While the meat and onions are stewing, cut the carrots into semicircles, and fry them in vegetable oil. How she changed color - in her cauldron, and instead of carrots in a pan - potatoes. We try to fry the potatoes on all sides until light golden brown. We throw in a cauldron, salt, pepper, mix.

If there is not enough liquid, add so that the potatoes are almost covered with water. Cover with a lid and on a small fire for 40-50 minutes.

Copied from different diaries I hope that "No offense" :)))))

Summer is the time to give up heavy food and give the body a break. For this, vegetables and fruits should be put in the first place in the diet: instead of pasta, dumplings and similar dishes - vegetable stews and salads, instead of high-calorie confectionery sweets - berries and fruits. In this article, we will talk about summer desserts from berries and fruits that can be prepared quickly and easily.

Fruit and berry desserts are an excellent substitute for sweet confectionery, they will not only satisfy the moral and physical need for sweets, but will also help you lose a kilogram or two, because. less calories. The simplest version of such a dessert is, of course, a fruit salad: just take your favorite fruits and berries, chop them and mix, a wonderful dessert is ready! Fast, simple, very tasty and healthy - what could be better? However, berry and fruit salads are far from the only option for serving them as a dessert. This will be discussed in our selection of the most delicious fruit and berry summer desserts.

Second after fruit salad the option of serving berries and fruits as a dessert, if not the first, given the historical reality in our country, these are the same berries and fruits, but in splendid isolation: strawberries, currants, raspberries, plums, peaches, etc., sliced ​​(or whole - depending on the size of the fruit) and sprinkled with sugar. When sugar is added, juice is released from berries and fruits, and it turns out even tastier and sweeter. This option of serving berries and fruits in the summer is also chosen by many sweet teeth. Cut strawberries or just sprinkle any other berry or fruit with a little sugar - and voila, a delicious dessert is ready. Well, if you do not mind working a little more, then the following recipes will also be useful. So, what types of desserts can be prepared from berries and fruits in the summer?

Variants of summer desserts from fruits and berries

Jelly, creams, mousses, sherbet, ice cream, yoghurts, parfaits - all this can be prepared from berries and fruits. However, in the summer, you don’t feel like exposing fresh fruits to heat treatment at all, so we will talk about exactly such dessert options in which fruits and berries are used in fresh or undergo minimal cooking.

One of the great options is to make yogurt with pieces of berries and fruits.

strawberry kiwi yogurt recipe

You will need: 400 natural yogurt, 5 kiwis, strawberries to taste, powdered sugar.

How to cook yogurt with kiwi and strawberries. Wash and prepare strawberries, cut. Peel and cut the kiwi. Mix yogurt with powdered sugar, add kiwi and strawberries, mix and serve dessert in bowls.

In hot weather, this dessert can be slightly frozen.

In general, various dairy and sour-milk products go well with any berries and fruits, thanks to this, a huge variety of desserts can be prepared.

Recipe for kefir-apricot dessert with mint

You will need: 400 ml of kefir 1%, 300 g of ripe apricots, 4 tsp. brown sugar, 1 handful fresh mint.

How to make a dessert of apricots and kefir. Mix kefir and sugar, add coarsely chopped mint leaves, mix again. In several places, prick the skin of apricots, put them in glasses, pour mint kefir and leave for 2 hours at room temperature. Place the dessert in the freezer for 10 minutes before serving.

Another popular option for serving a fruit and berry dessert is in the form of rolls, try it yourself!

Recipe for fruit rolls “Summer”

You will need: thin pancakes, fruits and berries to taste.

How to make fruit rolls. Prepare thin pancakes. Finely chop berries and fruits: large ones - into strips, small and medium-sized berries can be left whole. Sprinkle berries and fruits with sugar, wait until they become soft and begin to secrete juice, put on pancakes, smooth, roll each pancake into a roll, cut with a sharp knife into separate rolls.

Pancakes for rolls can be made chocolate by adding cocoa powder to the dough.

Such a spectacular and tasty dessert will conquer all sweet tooth and lovers of oriental cuisine. Often in fruit rolls, berries and fruits are combined, like the filling for unsweetened rolls, with soft cheeses like Philadelphia, you can do the same, or add condensed milk, honey, chocolate, nuts and other additives to your taste, the main thing is not to be afraid of experiments.

The next popular type of fruit and berry desserts is with the addition of whipped cream and alcohol.

currant dessert recipe

You will need: 250 g of red and black currants, 1 orange, 2 tbsp. liqueur "Cointreau" (port wine / cognac) and honey, whipped cream to taste.

How to cook a summer currant dessert. With a fine grater, remove the zest from the orange, squeeze the juice from the pulp. Mix juice with zest, liquor and honey. Put the currants in a dish, pour over the syrup, put in the cold for the night. Before serving, put the currants in bowls and decorate with whipped cream.

In the same way, you can prepare a dessert from almost any other berries and fruits. If you use a little less ingredients, you can cook next view desserts - fruits or berries with sweet syrup. It's a little longer than just sprinkling sugar on berries or fruit, and much easier than making a more complex dessert.

Dessert recipe from melon in syrup

You will need: 1-1.5 kg of melon (1 whole melon), 2-3 tbsp. sugar, 1 lemon.

How to cook melon dessert in syrup. Cut the melon pulp into cubes of 2-2.5 cm. Remove the lemon zest with a grater, squeeze the juice from the pulp, combine it with sugar, prepare a syrup, add 1-2 tbsp. zest, mix, cool the syrup. Pour the melon with the prepared syrup, let it brew for half an hour before serving.

In the same way, you can prepare a dessert from peaches and other berries and fruits. And you can make a baked dessert.

baked fruit dessert recipe

You will need: 50 ml of honey, 2 pears each, thyme sprigs and brushes of green grapes b / c, 1 tsp. vanilla sugar.

How to make Baked Fruit Dessert. Rinse the fruit, cut the pears into quarters, cut out the seeds, put the fruit in a baking dish. Mix the wine with sugar and honey, pour over the fruits, bake them for 40 minutes, pouring over the periodically released juice. This dessert can be served with sour cream whipped with sugar.

There are really a lot of options for preparing light and very tasty fruit desserts: combine berries and fruits with each other, with sweeteners, milk and fermented milk products, creams, freeze and marinate - in any case, these will turn out to be lighter compared to confectionery and will not adversely affect the figure and health.

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