How to organize manual labor with younger preschoolers. Child labor in kindergarten. Labor protection in kindergartens. Manual labor in kindergarten

"Labor education of preschool children in the preschool educational institution in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard"

Kazakova Elena Vladimirovna

Labor education in the preschool educational institution an important means of comprehensive development of the personality of a preschooler through familiarization with the work of adults, familiarizing children with affordable labor activities.

Labor activity in the preschool educational institution in the light of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The tasks of forming positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity among preschool children are reflected in the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education in the field of "Social and communicative development".

Clause 3.1 of the Federal State Educational Standard defines the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the main educational program of preschool education. For the successful solution of the tasks envisaged by the program for the formation of positive attitudes in preschool children towards various types of work and creativity, the creation of the necessary conditions is of paramount importance. Only with good organization does the child experience the joy of work.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, labor education is one of the important areas in the work of preschool institutions, the main goal of which is building a positive attitude towards work through the solution of the following tasks:

    the formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity;

    education of a value attitude to one's own work, the work of other people and its results;

    education of the personality of the child in the aspect of labor and creativity. development of creative initiative, the ability to independently realize themselves in various types of work and creativity

Principles of educating children in a positive attitude to work:

    Support for children's initiative in various activities

    Promotion and cooperation between children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant in educational relations

    Building educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child….

    Full living by the child of all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) of child development

    Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities

    Age adequacy of preschool education (correspondence of conditions, requirements, methods to age and developmental features)

    The principle of developing education (systematic and consistent);

    The principle of novelty (use of the latest information technologies);

    The principle of integration (interpenetration of program sections and activities into each other, mutual combination of various tasks and educational technologies)

Types of labor in the preschool educational institution

    Self service- this is the work of the child, aimed at serving himself (dressing, undressing, eating, making the bed, toys, preparing the workplace, sanitary and hygienic

procedures, etc.)

    Household work- aimed at serving the team, maintaining cleanliness and order in the room and area, helping adults in organizing regime moments.

    labor in nature- care for plants, aquarium inhabitants and animals, growing vegetables in the garden and plants in a corner of nature, a flower garden, a site.

    Manual labor- aimed at satisfying the aesthetic needs of a person, develops the constructive and creative abilities of children

Components of labor activity:

motive- it is a reason that motivates to work or an interesting moment Target- this is something to strive for.

labor activities- is the means by which the goal is achieved and the result is achieved Planning is the ability to anticipate future work

result t is an indicator of the completion of work, a factor that helps to educate children's interest in work.

Tasks of labor education of preschool children by groups:

1st junior group- Begins the involvement of children in labor activity The main type of work at this age is self-service

2nd junior group- The formation of a desire for feasible work in children continues.

middle group- Children actively master various labor skills and methods of labor in nature, household work and self-service

Senior group- Added manual labor. Emphasis is placed on the formation of all skills available to children in various types of labor. A conscious attitude and interest in work activity, the ability to achieve results is formed.

preparatory group- Formed skills and abilities are improved.

Approximate grid of joint educational activities

And cultural practices in sensitive moments:

Self-service and elementary household work

    Junior group - Daily

    Middle Group - Daily

    Senior group - Daily

Labor assignments (individually and in subgroups)

    Junior group - Daily

    Middle Group - Daily

    Senior group - Daily

    Preparatory group - Daily

Labor assignments (general and joint work)

    Middle group - -1 time per week

    Senior group - 1 time in 2 weeks

    Preparatory group - 1 time in 2 weeks

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of self-service

    younger age- Children daily perform elementary labor assignments, accustoming them to systematic work, which forms the habit of accuracy and tidiness (the ability to serve oneself, achieving thoroughness in performing the necessary actions, independence)

    Average age- The complication of educational tasks is expressed in increasing the requirements for the quality of actions, organized behavior in the process of self-care, for the time spent on it (they follow the sequence of dressing, washing, undressing, which forms their need for cleanliness and tidiness, the habit of self-serving work .

    senior preschool age Self-service skills are acquired (eat independently and carefully, chew food thoroughly with a closed mouth; use a spoon, fork, without reminding a napkin; wash their hands and face on their own, rolling up their sleeves, without splashing water, use soap, wipe dry with a towel; dress and undress independently in a certain sequence, neatly fold and hang clothes, notice problems in clothes and correct them)

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of household work

    younger age - Children clean toys, books, help the teacher to take toys and books to the site. When preparing for meals, children perform separate labor assignments.

    Average age - Children wash toys, wash and hang doll linen, are on duty in the dining room and classes, wipe dust from chairs. Help educators take toys to the site and bring them back.

    Senior preschool age - Senior preschoolers help the younger teacher put soap into soap dishes, hang towels. They maintain order on the site: they sweep the paths, water the flowers. Children are included in the duty in the corner of nature, they clean the group room (1 time per week). Children of the seventh year of life have new labor processes; they put things in order in the closet with materials and manuals, wipe the furniture. Children of the seventh year of life have new labor processes; they put things in order in the closet with materials and manuals, wipe the furniture.

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of labor in nature

    younger age- With the help of adults, houseplants are watered, bulbs are planted, large seeds are sown. They take part in harvesting from their garden, feed wintering birds. Show interest in plant and animal life.

    Average age- Children water the plants on their own, with the help of a teacher, they learn to determine the need for moisture in plants, grow vegetables. Help the teachers feed the birds (pour food into the feeders).

    senior preschool age- Labor becomes systematic, its volume increases. Children spray plants with a spray bottle, sweep away leaves and snow. collect seeds. They work together with adults in the flower garden and in the garden (sow seeds, water plants, harvest). With interest observe the life of plants and animals.

Mastering the components of labor activity in the process of manual labor

    Senior group- In the course of work, they get acquainted with the various properties of materials, the methods of their processing, and the connection into a single whole. Children are involved in the preparation of natural and waste materials (cones, acorns, chestnuts, bark, leaves, straw, walnut shells, coils, matchboxes, etc.), the manufacture of homemade toys for playing, independent activities (needle beds, counting material , details for costumes for theatrical activities, etc.), gifts for parents, kindergarten employees, kids (bookmarks for books, souvenirs made of natural materials, etc.), decorations for the holidays

    preparatory group- independently perform simple repairs of toys (books, boxes, attributes). Sew on buttons. Sort natural material, prepare it for work. Under the guidance of the educator, small counting material, manuals for classes are made. They make blanks for further artistic activity (preparing papier-mâché, pasting boxes, cutting out elements from plastic bottles, etc.).

“Give children the joy of work. This joy is brought to him by success, awareness of his skill and the significance of the work performed, the opportunity to bring joy to others. V.A. Sukhomlinsky


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5. Acquaintance with the subject and social world. The system of work in the kindergarten preparatory group for school / Dybina O.V. - M .: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2012.

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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
urban district of Balashikha
"Kindergarten of compensating type No. 35 "Birch"
Advice for educators:
Organization of manual labor in kindergarten.
Compiled and hosted by:
Teacher Maksimova O.I.

October 2012
Labor education is the most important component of preschool education, the basis for the development of the child's creative abilities, the most important means for the formation of a culture of interpersonal relations.
We adults, parents and teachers, of course, want our children to become real people, love work, be happy.
The famous teacher V.A. Sukhomlinsky deeply believed in the ennobling power of labor: “If a child put a particle of his soul into labor for people and found personal joy in this labor, he can no longer become an evil, unkind person.”
The attitude to work largely depends on the importance that we, adults, attach to it.
The educator carries out a broad program of labor education. It forms knowledge about labor processes (goals, materials and tools, labor actions and results) and their orientation (obtaining a socially useful product). Forms the skills necessary for participation in labor. These knowledge and skills ensure the success of independent work of children.
Mastery of skills has a direct impact on the formation of personal qualities, such as independence, to gain self-confidence, in their abilities.
Labor skills play an important role in shaping children's right attitude to their own work: the readiness to participate in any work, regardless of its attractiveness, to bring the matter to the end, to make labor efforts. All this creates a favorable basis for the education of such qualities as responsibility, initiative, purposefulness, perseverance, determination.
Mastering labor skills makes it possible to participate in common work. Under these conditions, children develop an active position in the team, the ability to work in concert, to bring the matter to the end with common efforts, to help comrades, to work with maximum efficiency.
The tasks of labor education are connected with the content of labor (the system of labor actions), with the goals of education (the ideal of behavior in labor). But skills are not formed for the sake of skills, they are an important means of realizing the ultimate goal of labor education - the formation of readiness for work for the common good. Therefore, labor training and labor education must be solved as a whole.
The teacher sets and solves several problems at once:
develops new skills and abilities and reinforces existing ones;
fosters interest in work;
the ability to achieve results on your own, to awaken and develop a sense of satisfaction with your work, the confidence that if you think carefully and try, you can do a lot yourself, help others.
The task of the teacher is to help the child master the position of the subject of elementary labor activity, that is, to understand his role in everyday work, independently perform the necessary labor processes, and exercise self-control. This contributes to the self-affirmation of the child, his awareness of his skill, inclusion in real labor relations with adults and peers.
What is manual labor in kindergarten? Is it needed at all? What do these classes give the child?
But manual labor in kindergarten awakens imagination in kids, develops artistic taste, accustoms children to patience, perseverance, accuracy, develops creative thinking, imagination and intelligence, gives the child the opportunity to feel like a master, artist, creator, forms the desire and desire to craft with their own hands. hands, instills respect for the work of others.
With his own hands, a kid can do completely different things and give them to his loved ones, for example, a book stand for his brother, a typewriter for dad, a kitchen towel for grandma, a pincushion basket for mom. By preparing such things, the child learns to think about loved ones, makes him closer to the family.
In order for the child to use his imagination, you need to prepare a large number of different materials for him: multi-colored wire, cords, ribbons, braid, threads, foam rubber, polystyrene foam, cardboard, paper, buttons, beads, different coils, clothespins, ropes, scraps fabrics and more. Together with your child, you can collect cones, moss, acorns, leaves, unusual herbs, tree bark, birch bark, tree mushrooms, snags, twigs, feathers, pebbles, sand, colorful glass, shells, etc.
From all this wealth, children under the supervision of a teacher can create a huge number of things - homemade toys, tiny furniture, cars and buses, airplanes and locomotives, steamships and spaceships, dolls and animals, birds and butterflies, car steering wheels, small handbags, costume details, and also buckets, baskets, boxes, bags, etc.. You can even make small and large layouts, paintings, panels.
Each of us made at least one toy with our own hands in childhood, and it was this toy that was the most beloved for a long time, because we put our soul into it.
Manual creativity is a kind of activity, thanks to which skills and abilities, mental and aesthetic development are especially quickly improved. To captivate children into the world of creativity, to help develop fantasy, imagination, perseverance, fine motor skills, technical skills with various materials is the goal of manual labor.
The manufacture of toys and objects by children from various materials is one of the most important aspects of the labor education of preschool children, especially in older groups. The content of manual labor is closely related to design. In the process of labor, children get acquainted with the simplest technical devices, master the skills of working with some tools, learn to take care of materials, objects of labor, and tools. Children by experience learn elementary ideas about the properties of various materials. The fantasies of educators and children have no chapel here, and origami, and phyto design and sewing, and crafts from waste material, and soft toys, dolls, puppets, etc. Coming up with the theme of his work, the child creates, fantasizes. He learns to distinguish familiar objects in bizarre forms of material, creates fantastic images. This develops ingenuity, ingenuity, creative imagination, the desire to create.
Requirements for the organization of manual labor in kindergarten
The content of crafts must necessarily include the use of constructive (analysis of a sample, “reading” a drawing, etc.) and technical (folding paper, straws, bandaging, weaving, gluing) skills that children receive in class and outside of class.
The teacher supports the children and helps to achieve the result;
Each craft should be interesting to children in terms of content and find a specific practical application;
Every child should take part in the manufacture of crafts;
It is necessary to help children to realize the necessity and importance of work and to do it with desire;
When children perform work, it is necessary to provide for the place and role of the educator, depending on the degree of mastery of various skills by children, as well as their independence in organizing, planning and implementing the labor process.
The educator faces a rather difficult question: how to create conditions for the organization of manual labor? At what time to teach every child all the necessary skills and ensure that all children have a stable interest in work? What methods to carry out work on moral education?
Any type of manual labor contains the same opportunities for the formation of moral and volitional qualities in children, diligence, striving for the qualitative implementation of the plan.
A feature of manual labor is that as a result of the efforts made, they immediately receive a finished craft. The child has the opportunity to see the result, compare with the sample, evaluate the quality of the craft. The educator who directs manual labor always faces two tasks:
arouse interest in making useful items with your own hands, making efforts, showing imagination, creativity,
and at the same time to prevent possible failures, so as not to reduce interest in work, to use the difficulties that arise in order to form children's readiness to overcome them.
When organizing manual labor in a group, the teacher must take into account the correspondence of its content to the abilities of children. Work should be interesting for them and lead to a result of practical importance, allow them to achieve results without overwork, not have a negative impact on the motor mode, on the organization of other types of activities (games, hobby classes).
For example, when teaching children how to make toys from natural materials, they should be introduced to how to connect the details of an object, arouse interest in this activity, consider ready-made samples, material, and forms of its use. This necessitates two sessions. At the first, it is necessary to consider finished works (for this purpose, take the simplest products available for making by children), sketches of crafts, natural material. Here you can invite the children to think of something and select what is needed. In the second lesson, you can teach children how to connect parts. Then they will make the first toys themselves.
To arouse children's interest in manual labor, you need to captivate them with work: for this purpose, the teacher draws their attention to ready-made products. At the same time, it is not necessary to take very complex samples, it is better to choose what is available to the pupils. At the same time, children should feel the teacher's interest in making objects with their own hands.
The teacher must constantly show interest in such work of children. For example, he will put several crafts from different materials on the shelf - a fish from a spruce cone, a clown from acorns, mushrooms from a walnut shell, etc. When the children express a desire to make the same crafts with their own hands, he must definitely support their initiative.
We must not allow the child to be disappointed, to see his ineptitude. And if he has “cooled down”, he is ready to quit tinkering, you need to support him:
- You didn't succeed? Cheer up. Take your time, try again, redo it again. Here you made a mistake, see how to fix it, then it will definitely work out! Spread it again with glue, press it harder. If the child makes every effort, but does not achieve a result, you should help him, but so that he does not lose confidence in his abilities:
- In order for you to do well, I will show you a new technique, you do not know it yet. Look how I will connect the acorns: first I will drill a hole in one and the other, then I will grease the match with glue and insert it into the holes. See? Now let me make holes on your acorns, and you will also connect.
If the child is in a hurry, works carelessly, you should definitely stop him, offer to redo or correct:
- You probably will not like a toy car in which all the wheels are different or poorly attached? Will your toy make the kids happy?
Joint activities always bring joy and satisfaction to children.
Manual labor skills are formed in children both in manual labor classes and outside of classes.
Improving the labor education of preschoolers in kindergarten forms a positive attitude towards work in children: they learn labor skills, develop knowledge about labor, the organization of labor activity. Mastering labor skills raises labor activity to a higher level of development, which allows the child to set and achieve goals. Labor training and labor education in kindergarten must be addressed in close relationship. From one age group to another, the content of various types of skills becomes more complicated: productive actions, planning skills, organization of a “workplace” of self-control in the process of activity, search for the most rational methods of work, careful attitude to materials are formed.
Labor education forms moral feelings in preschoolers:
- benevolence,
- sympathy,
- conscience,
- pride
- shame, etc.,
as well as moral personality traits:
- thrift,
- industriousness,
- truthfulness
- consciousness.
The moral side of the work of a preschooler has a great place in labor education: the significance of his work, careful attitude to the results of labor, tools, materials, caring attitude to nature.
The effectiveness of educating a positive attitude to work depends on the manifestation of interest in activities. This is one of the conditions that ensure the inclusion of children in work, the successful fulfillment of the tasks of the teacher.
The nature of children's activities, their initiative, activity, creativity are influenced by the cognitive orientation of interest, its emotional coloring.
A significant place in teaching children manual labor is given to the issue of positive relationships between children, especially the performance of collective work. Preschoolers develop skills of mutual assistance, ways of coordinating actions, cooperation based on the organization of labor activity. Accumulates positive experience of participation in collective labor activity.
In the classroom and outside the classroom, the teacher forms common ways to create crafts
according to the pattern
To do this, he sets the task for the children to “learn to consider crafts, read a drawing, make a pattern”
Properly organized examination of samples helps children master generalized methods of analysis - the ability to determine its main parts in an object, establish their spatial arrangement, and highlight details. This is necessary when making crafts from paper, straw, dried plants.
When teaching the design of straws (volumetric figures: a girl, an angel, a star), you can use diagrams that show the sequence of making crafts.
In order for children to be able to independently perform crafts according to the drawing during artistic work, they must learn certain notations, from which children must understand where to bend the straw, where to tie it with twine, which place to grease with glue.
In order for the tasks put forward to become significant for children, the educator reveals the “immediate prospects” - the practical application of the acquired knowledge and skills. To this end, during the classes, the teacher shows drawings or samples of various crafts that can be done in their free time, and after the lesson, places visual material in the manual labor corner. For example: “today you made a beautiful doll,” the teacher says, “learn to consider the diagram of where and how to bend the straw, where and in what place to tie with twine. And now you can make other items yourself. See how many different toys you can make. (Exhibits drawings of crafts that require a similar way of working). And why do you need to do such crafts? The children answer: "Give it to the kids, decorate the Christmas tree."
“That's right,” the teacher approves, you can please the kids, make a gift to your friend, etc. I will put the drawings of toys in the corner of work. At the lessons of the Skillful Hands studio, you will examine them and make toys.
So the teacher aims children at independent work, summing up the results of the task, emphasizing the importance of manual labor, and arouses interest in it.
Evaluation of children's activities is carried out from the standpoint of the success of solving the tasks: What went well and why, what else should be learned, what is the reason for the failure. The content of the evaluation depends on the specific task. Gradually complicating the content of classes, activating children's experience, the teacher forms cognitive interest as a motive for learning activities. Applying the acquired knowledge and skills in manual labor, children realize their importance in practical activities.
It is important to make sure that the work corner has the necessary materials for crafts (straw, dried plants, different types of threads, ropes, twine, soutache, paper, cardboard, glue, brushes). They need to be prepared in large quantities.
Material for manual labor:
In the era of the Stone Age, not knowing the metal ax, knife, awl, man perfectly mastered the weaving of baskets, vessels, mats, toys. In some cases, they even erected wicker walls of residential and outbuildings. Weaving was the progenitor of macrame, weaving, led to the appearance of lace.
Straw: Straw was also a common weaving material.
Craftsmen make not only straw dolls from straw, but also figurines of animals and birds. Any straw is used, but in Russia, stems of ripe rye were more often used. The stems were cleaned of leaves, soaked for several hours in water, after which the straw was ready for work. They wove straw hats, decorative baskets, made toys.
And straw applications have been known for a long time and are still popular. To work with straws, you need ordinary scissors, tweezers, a brush and paper.
Straw is a very simple and affordable material, so there are no difficulties in harvesting it. For work, you can use straws of wheat, rye, barley, oats, as well as wild plants - timothy grass, bluegrass, etc. The material is harvested after the plants are fully ripe, when the stem has acquired a golden color. You need to cut off the middle and lower part of the stem with nodules - knees. After threshing with a combine harvester, the straw is not suitable for work.
Straw does not spoil, it can be stored for a long time. The stems are stripped of leaves, wrapped in paper and tied into bundles. Store in a dry place.
Macrame: Many believe that this is some new type of needlework. And they are wrong! The history of macrame, hand-knotted weaving, has more than one millennium. Just in our time, interest in it has revived (for the umpteenth time).
Macrame work is very interesting and varied. Children enjoy knitting. Its execution only seems difficult. No wonder they say: "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing." Stocking up with some patience, having mastered two or three knots and showing imagination, you can do beautiful and necessary things.
For work, you need to have a semi-soft pillow measuring 20 by 45 cm, pins, scissors, rope.
The main requirement for the material for weaving: it must be tightly twisted so that the knots turn out to be embossed, and the thing retains its shape well: this is soutache, linen and hemp rope, cotton threads No. 10, harsh threads, synthetic straws, silk cord, silk fishing line.
Wooden beads, metal, plastic and wooden rings, brooches, balls, sticks are useful for finishing products.
There are many beautiful things you can do with macrame. The scope for creativity is unlimited.
Floristics is the art of combining dried plants to create paintings and panels: from flowers, leaves, roots, berries, seeds. In the process of working with natural material, the basis of an aesthetic attitude to nature is formed. Works made in this technique are a good souvenir for relatives and friends, it will remind you how good the world around you is. The task of floristic classes in kindergarten is to teach children to look closely at natural forms, notice their originality and find a certain meaning in this, admire their expediency, harmony, orderliness and beauty.
“Nature is full of magical secrets” - this is the main thing that children should realize in art classes.
Floristry begins with an idea. It must first be reproduced on paper, i.e., make a sketch, then proceed to create a composition from natural material. In order to express your idea in the best possible way, it is necessary to use the entire arsenal of expressive means: carefully select the material, decompose it appropriately, taking into account color, shape, and contrast.
Composition is a creative process. It is important to learn associatively, to perceive dried material, to see images in it.
Children need to prepare for work: small brushes of cherries or cherries; seeds of pumpkin, sunflower, melon, watermelon, zucchini, cucumber, pepper, apples, pears, grapes, lentils; cone scales; small seeds of grasses and plants (for example, poppy, millet, etc.). Spoiled cereals will go to work. Working with seeds is useful for developing fine motor skills of the fingers. In the work of floristry, in addition to seeds, dried flowers, leaves, stems of various plants are used. Plasticine and PVA glue are used for better fastening of natural material. The background is made of paper, wallpaper or fabric pasted on boxboard or other material suitable for this purpose. Works can be covered with transparent furniture varnish, this will give them durability and a more aesthetic appearance, will be a good gift, decorate the interior of the room.
Paper as a material for crafts.
Paper is a material that a child encounters every day: at home, in the classroom, drawing, making an application or designing a three-dimensional craft. The possibilities of using paper are unlimited.
Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. If a child is offered different types of paper, he will get the idea that paper is soft, hard, of various thicknesses and strengths, shiny, matte, of all kinds of colors, which means that you can work with it in different ways. Thus, in the process of working with paper, the child develops a sense of touch.
Making various figures and objects from paper without including other materials is a good preparation for developing a sense of plasticity, creating voluminous crafts (toys from a cone, cylinder, boxes, ribbed toys, from stripes, etc.).
For work you need: PVA glue, scissors, a simple pencil, felt-tip pens, gouache and of course paper.
With fabric and needle.
Embroidery is one of the types of arts and crafts available and interesting not only for adults, but also for children. It is necessary to teach children to hold a needle and use it. Introduces the seam: forward with a needle, back with a needle, rope, chain stitch.
Materials: needle, colored threads, fabric, hoop, scissors.
Isothread - an image with a thread, or nitkography, as an art form first appeared in England. English weavers came up with a way to weave threads on nails driven into planks. As a result, openwork lace products were obtained, which decorated the dwelling. In modern technology, threads are stitched onto a rigid base - thick paper or cardboard - with a needle. Using the isothread technique, you can make bookmarks and covers for books, postcards, wall panels, souvenirs. In essence, this is embroidery that adults and children can do together. The difference between isothread and other types of embroidery is that graphic works (thread printing) are created with the help of threads.
To help children master the skills of using a needle, show the basic techniques for performing a particular operation, and identify their abilities for planar modeling. Such activities bring up perseverance, accuracy and patience, develop abstract thinking and the ability to concentrate, eye, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements.
Materials: sewing needles with a wide eye, scissors, an awl, colored threads, colored cardboard, a pencil, a ruler.
Filling the corner and circle. It is easier to learn how to stitch corners with isothread than circles, so you should start with the corners. Using a ruler and a pencil, draw a corner on a sheet of cardboard from the wrong side. On its sides, apply marks with strokes at the places of the alleged punctures. When marking the side of the corner, divide it into an equal number of parts (you can use a ruler, but better by eye). This lesson develops the eye, and over time the accuracy will increase. First, divide one side of the corner in half, then divide each of the two parts in half again, then each of the four parts in half again.
You can also mark a circle by eye. Draw a circle using stencils and divide into an even number of parts.
After that, holes are pierced according to the markup.
A thread is inserted into the needle, a knot is tied, and work begins from the wrong side.
The numbering of each point is necessary, as it allows you to master the stitching of corners. The numbers indicate the sequence of sticking the needle into the holes.
To compose compositions, only corners and circles are not enough, so you need to learn how to stitch other shapes that are most often found in work.
Manual labor requires serious training from the educator.
And in the kindergarten, maximum conditions should be created to maintain children's interest in manual labor. This is necessary for the formation in the process of his moral and volitional qualities: the ability to overcome difficulties, perseverance, accuracy, the principles of collectivism, which is very important for preparing for schooling. And that he grew up to be a more versatile person.
Veraksa N.E., Komarova T.S., Vasilyeva M.A. From birth to school. Exemplary basic general education program of preschool education. M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.
Bure R.S., Godina G.N. Teach children to work. Handbook for the kindergarten teacher. M., Education, 1983
Nechaeva V.G. Education of preschoolers at work. M.: Enlightenment, 1983.
Leonova O. We draw with a thread. Openwork pictures. St. Petersburg, LITERA Publishing House, 2005
Eremenko T., Lebedeva L. Stitch by stitch. M .: Publishing house "Kid", 1986.

Organization of work with preschoolers on manual labor.

MBDOU "Petushok" No. 27, group No. 3 "Sun", Sayansk, Irkutsk region. Educator: Kuznetsova Alena Borisovna.

Artistic manual labor- this is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, work and leisure).

Target: development of manual skill in children of senior preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech through artistic manual labor.


  1. Formation of practical skills in working with materials and tools.
  2. Practical mastering of some physical laws, knowledge of the properties of various materials
  3. Formation of spatial representations.
  4. The development of fine motor skills of the fingers.
  5. Development of perception, visual-motor coordination, attention, memory.
  6. Enrichment of vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech.
  7. The emergence of a caring and creative attitude towards the environment.
  8. The ability to act according to verbal instructions, the ability to independently continue the implementation of the task, control over one's own actions.

Scientists have proven that the development of the hand is closely related to the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Therefore, at preschool age it is very important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills.

What problems did we face on practice working with children of speech therapy group? Children-logopaths have poorly developed voluntary attention, memory, ideas about spatial features and relationships. The greatest difficulties are revealed when performing movements according to verbal instructions. Slowness and awkwardness of movements, insufficient coordination of fingers, hands, underdevelopment of fine motor skills are noted. Almost all speech pathologist children are passive and need the teacher's stimulation.

Therefore, comparing all of the above and the results of diagnosing the development of children in the group, we came to the conclusion that children with speech disorders needmanual activity requiring the development of dexterity and plasticity of the fingers. Acting with various materials, paper, children are more successful in overcoming developmental deficiencies.

We plan our work in accordance with the objectives of the "Rainbow" program and the additional correctional program "Elimination of general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children" (T.B. Filicheva, G.V. Chirkina),We pay special attention to the formation of oral speech skills through the development of fine motor skills of the hands. Perspective planning is built in accordance with the lexical topics presented by the speech therapist.

Our work with children is carried out on two directions:

  1. conducting specially organized training;
  2. creation of conditions for independent practical actions of children.

Conducting specially organized training:

Each pedagogical event is accompanied by artistic and speech material (finger games, physical education minutes, speech games, tongue twisters). To keep the interest of children there is a frequent change of activities. As a result, it takes only 8-10 minutes to complete the craft itself, and the rest of the time, corrective work is carried out. The main sections of the lesson: an introductory part, which includes game motivation, explanation and demonstration, the work of children and the result of the lesson in a playful way.

When organizing classesfor teaching children manual labor, the following conditions are met:

  1. The age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account.
  2. when selecting content for manual labor and samples of toys for making by children, we take into account the difference in the interests of boys and girls.
  3. Each craft should be interesting to children in terms of content and find a specific practical application;
  1. The complication of technical and visual teaching aids is used to give the classes an educational and developmental character.
  1. any result, that is, a thing made by the hands of a child, should be positively evaluated by an adult, even if the participation of the baby was minimal;
  2. the results of the child's productive activity are told to his parents, adults who come to the group, we show them crafts, publicly expressing our approval and praise;
  1. Classes are built in such a way as to bring children a positive emotional mood, to educate children in moral concepts.

When working with children, we use the most effective methods and techniques:

  1. Creating interest.
  2. The use of artistic words and musical accompaniment.
  3. Reminder of safety rules when working with scissors.
  4. Consider workflow diagrams.
  5. Show with explanation.
  6. Activation of children's speech.
  7. Dynamic pause.
  8. Practical activity of children.
  9. Clarifying questions.
  10. Help from an adult and children to those who find it difficult.
  11. Analysis and self-assessment of activities by children.

When teaching children various ways of converting materials, the most significant place among the methods and techniques used is to show how to work. In the first classes there was a full demonstration with a detailed explanation of their actions with objects, thinking and reasoning aloud in front of the children, thereby encouraging the children to think aloud, i.e. make and pronounce your actions, using suitable proverbs and sayings.

In the manual labor classes, children work with various materials:

  1. Natural material (cones of spruce, pine, cedar, needles of coniferous trees, bark, leaves, seeds of fruits and berries, eggshells, pebbles, beads, buckwheat, pearl barley, semolina, rice groats, millet, seeds of tomato, cucumber, garden flowers,
  2. Waste material (boxes and jars of different sizes, etc.)
  3. Paper (various types of paper: plain, corrugated paper, napkins, newspapers, cardboard, foil)
  4. Fabric, wire, cotton wool, cellophane, foam rubber, etc.

From the first lessons, we teach children to be accurate in work, we explain that this type of activity does not tolerate haste and carelessness.

At the same time, we make sure that the processing technology should be simple, and the time spent on making crafts should be minimal, so that children can soon see the result of their work. This contributes to the development of interest, the desire for independence.

Before teaching children to work with natural and waste materials, paper, fabric, we conduct conversations to familiarize ourselves with the properties of materials, with the practical activities of these materials, with acquaintance with collections and educational books and manuals.

So various collections were created - "Fabric", "Wrappers", "Paper". Collected books and manuals - "Artistic work", "Tools", "Masterilka", a selection of magazines "Children's collection of ideas", "Creativity of children with various materials", "Teach children to make crafts", card files of illustrations, photographs of handicrafts.

Creation of conditions for independent work of children

In order to maintain interest in making crafts, we have created certain conditions in our group. Creating such conditions involves the following:

  1. the presence of a variety of materials for manual labor, with which children will be able to act independently;
  2. ensuring free access to materials;
  3. the presence of samples of buildings and crafts. The child can reproduce such patterns exactly or in a modified form, in any case, they will contribute to the emergence of new ideas and goals.

Organized "Corner of manual labor", where each type of material is stored in a separate box.

The process of making crafts from paper, natural material, improvised means is interesting and pleasant. We tried to make sure that for our children the craft was not just the result of work, but a favorite toy, a gift that the children would take care of and rejoice with the teacher. Gradually, children develop a system of certain skills and knowledge necessary for making crafts.

Children enjoy working with paper because it is easy to process. The development of fine motor skills is also facilitated by such actions with paper as: bending, cutting, tearing and tearing, gluing. If a child is offered different types of paper, he will get the idea that paper is soft, hard, of various thicknesses and strengths, shiny and matte, of all kinds of colors, which means that you can work with it in different ways. We offered a variety of paper for making crafts by wrinkling, tearing. At the same time, the child learned not only the properties of paper, but also learned to coordinate his actions and efforts. When working with thick paper, the children had to spend much more stress, which positively affects the motor functions of the hand. With small colored lumps we decorated a doll's hat, a beautiful paper bird or sheep. These works brought great joy to the children, they saw the result of their work. Foil was used in the preparatory group. It folds easily and is beautiful. They made interesting toys for the Christmas tree. By folding, crushing and interlacing larger pieces of foil, they made a variety of animals. They taught children how to fold a sheet of rectangular paper, making sure that the children matched the corners and sides. The resulting craft turned into an album where we pasted vegetables, fruits, toys. We made magazines for role-playing games. (See photo)

For the development of auditory attention and sensitivity in children, the game “What rustles” was played (they crumpled strongly rustling grades of paper - tracing paper, tissue paper, cellophane - and slightly rustling and children determined the grade of paper by noise), “Guess by touch”.

Evaluation of children's activitiesis carried out from the standpoint of the success of solving the tasks set: what turned out well and why, what else should be learned, what is the reason for the failure. The content of the evaluation depends on the specific task. Gradually complicating the content of classes, activating children's experience, cognitive interest is formed as a motive for learning activities. Applying the acquired knowledge and skills in manual labor, children realize their importance in practical activities.

When evaluating children's work, we try to note the originality of the idea, non-standard ways of developing the plot (at the same time, we note the significance of each, in no case offending children). We decorate the group, the locker room with children's work. They serve as a festive decoration for the kindergarten for the holidays.

In the process of collective lessons, favorable conditions are created for children to communicate with each other and with adults; joyful feelings unite children, which is very important for children with speech disorders. They cease to be shy of their speech, boldly make contact.

We use differentassociation forms:in pairs, small groups, all together, each separately. So general compositions were created - "Apple Tree", "Visiting a Fairy Tale", a layout for the fairy tale "Zayushkina's Hut", "Carpet", "Cake", plasticine composition "Friendship of Animals", "Farm", etc.

All teamwork has a purpose. We lead the children to create a picture together, decorate the group, make panels for leisure, decorations for games, a screen book, illustrate fairy tales, poems, which will be the end result of creative work. While doing the work, we teach children to communicate with each other and with adults.

When performing collective work, moral and aesthetic education of children is carried out, the following skills are developed:

  1. agree on joint work, its content;
  2. work together, yield to each other, help, suggest;
  3. plan your work, determine its sequence, content, composition, additions;
  4. rejoice in the success of one's own and comrades in the creation of work.

Children become more open, liberated, active, kind and responsive, confident in their abilities and capabilities. Their communication skills increase, they learn to communicate, make friends, work in a team.

Working with parents

We pay great attention to working with parents. Parents take an active part in the pedagogical process of the kindergarten, they practice joint preparation and holding of holidays, the manufacture of attributes, costumes, scenery for them, the manufacture of role-playing games and gaming equipment, didactic and educational games, teaching aids, equipment for organizing work activities, joint art exhibitions of children and parents. Parents with children show their joint creativity and look at the works presented at the exhibition with pleasure.

We recommend that parents pay attention to corrective work with children. Firstly, we are talking about the need to teach the child to be independent - he came up with it himself, cut it out himself, glued it himself, built it himself, and then, do not forget to clean up the workplace. At the same time, help should not be denied when difficulties arise, because when doing crafts, children may need an approving smile, additional clarification. Secondly, you need to teach the kid to carefully handle his crafts, not to be distracted, to bring his plans to the end, not to quit the work that has been started.

Success indicators:

Analyzing our work, we can say with confidence that systematic, complex correctional work on the development of manual skills is an indispensable condition for the development of speech, secondary mental processes, creative imagination, as well as prerequisites for the successful mastery of educational activities, mental qualities and skills, without which successful learning is impossible. At school. It gives very good results.

Their pedagogical work can be considered successful if, by the end of the preparatory group, children can:

  1. acquire a steady interest in various types of construction and manual labor,
  2. work freely with various materials and tools,
  3. to master the simplest skills of work, to acquire manual skill,
  4. achieve results in productive activities and use them in the game and life,
  5. engage in practical activities in your free time.
  6. strive to expand their knowledge and practical opportunities, communicating with adults, peers, independently experimenting with materials.

Work experience shows that systematic work on the development of manual skills in kindergarten and family contributes to:

  1. obtaining in-depth knowledge about the quality and capabilities of various materials;
  2. the emergence of a desire to work and master the peculiarities of skill;
  3. the development of speech, imagination, fantasy, ingenuity;
  4. reinforcing positive emotions;
  5. preparing the child for later schooling.

The practical skills gained during the performance of tasks, the technical skills acquired in the manual skills classes, allow children to feel their success. The guys already today have a steady interest in productive activities.

However, in order to create the most optimal conditions for the labor education of preschool children, we have planned:

  1. continue work to enrich the subject-developing environment;
  2. optimize methods and techniques, forms of methodical work for manual labor;
  3. summarize and present pedagogical experience


The issue of acquainting preschool children with national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country and region is of great importance in the lifelong education of the individual.

Manual labor is closely related to cognitive development, which helps to enrich the minds of children with new content, systematize the accumulated and received information, develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them. Varieties of manual labor are repeated in age groups, only the content, the volume of cognitive material, the complexity and duration of the study change. Through manual labor in the preschool period, psychological processes actively develop, voluntary attention and memory, creative imagination are formed, new feelings are born (friendship, duty, etc.). A child who communicates little with peers or is not accepted in the community because of the inability to communicate feels hurt, rejected, which can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, self-doubt, isolation.

Preschool age brings new fundamental achievements to the child. Manual labor has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, as it calms and relaxes it. Being engaged in a favorite and interesting thing, whether it is sewing, embroidery, appliqué, a child can throw out emotional stress outward, he has a break in tension, calmness comes. This allows adults to track the internal state of the child. The lesson helps to adequately express the emotional state of a preschooler: anger, resentment, pain, joy.

Characteristics of manual labor

Manual labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life. Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, and practical experience. Properly organized manual labor in kindergarten gives children an idea of ​​the quality and capabilities of various materials, and helps to consolidate positive emotions. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - the coordination of the work of the eyes and hands, the improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is formed. Manual labor develops design skills and plays an important role in the mental and aesthetic education of the child, the development of his creative and technical abilities. The older preschooler is fascinated by the process of work itself (sawing, planing, cutting with scissors, gluing, etc.) and, of course, its result. After all, with a toy that he made, for example, from cardboard, old boxes, you can play, you can give it to your younger brother, sister.

By the way, a homemade toy is often no less interesting and necessary for a child than a purchased one. For example, for playing “sailors”, having made binoculars from thin cardboard, it turns out that you can perfectly see the sea distances! An embroidered napkin, a bookmark for a book, a souvenir basket made of natural materials (thorns, cones, moss) are good gifts for an adult family member for a birthday or any other holiday. And this is already a manifestation of attention to relatives on the part of the child.

To show a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter what and how can be made from various materials will not require a lot of time from an adult, but it should be specially allocated time not related to household and other household chores, especially since much of what was planned A child can only do it with the help of an older one. It is necessary to encourage the joint manual labor of brothers, sisters of school age with older preschoolers. This is interesting, besides, it brings family members closer, makes their communication more meaningful.

It has long been proven that the development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Therefore, at preschool age it is very important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills. Manual labor in kindergarten contributes to the development of a variety of skills and influences the mental and aesthetic education of the child. One of the main tasks that manual labor solves is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. What is fine motor skills and why is it so important?

Scientists have proved that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. It is the size of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor zone that give reason to consider the hand as a "organ of speech", the same as the articulatory apparatus. In this regard, an assumption was made about the significant influence of subtle finger movements on the formation and development of the child's speech function. Therefore, in order to teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop finger movements, or fine motor skills. Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a wide variety of household and educational activities that will further help the child in school.

Manual labor is of great importance in the activities of preschoolers, and it is very diverse. A feature of children's manual labor is its close connection with the game (children create buildings and play with them, make toys out of paper and other materials and use them in their games). Games reveal to the child the practical expediency of manual labor, they consolidate and improve the skills acquired in the classroom.

When organizing classes for teaching children manual labor, the following conditions are observed:

1) Age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account

2) When selecting content for manual labor and samples of toys for children to make, we take into account the difference in the interests of boys and girls

3) Each craft should be interesting to children in terms of content and find a specific practical application

4) The complication of technical and visual teaching aids is used to give the classes an educational and developmental character

5) The results of the child's productive activities are told to his parents, adults who come to the group, we show them crafts, publicly expressing our approval and praise;

6) Classes are structured in such a way as to bring children a positive emotional attitude, to educate children in moral concepts


Characteristics of manual labor




The issue of acquainting preschool children with national and regional cultural heritage and the history of the country and region is of great importance in the lifelong education of the individual.

Manual labor is closely related to cognitive development, which helps to enrich the minds of children with new content, systematize the accumulated and received information, develop artistic and creative abilities and a positive emotional perception of the world around them. Varieties of manual labor are repeated in age groups, only the content, the volume of cognitive material, the complexity and duration of the study change. Through manual labor in the preschool period, psychological processes actively develop, voluntary attention and memory, creative imagination are formed, new feelings are born (friendship, duty, etc.). A child who communicates little with peers or is not accepted in the community because of the inability to communicate feels hurt, rejected, which can lead to a decrease in self-esteem, self-doubt, isolation.

Preschool age brings new fundamental achievements to the child. Manual labor has a beneficial effect on the psyche of the child, as it calms and relaxes it. Being engaged in a favorite and interesting thing, whether it is sewing, embroidery, appliqué, a child can throw out emotional stress outward, he has a break in tension, calmness comes. This allows adults to track the internal state of the child. The lesson helps to adequately express the emotional state of a preschooler: anger, resentment, pain, joy.

1. Characteristics of manual labor

Manual labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products to decorate everyday life. Such work is a decorative, artistic and applied activity of the child, since when creating beautiful objects, he takes into account the aesthetic qualities of materials based on existing ideas, knowledge, and practical experience. Properly organized manual labor in kindergarten gives children an idea of ​​the quality and capabilities of various materials, and helps to consolidate positive emotions. Manual labor contributes to the development of sensorimotor skills - the coordination of the work of the eyes and hands, the improvement of coordination of movements, flexibility, accuracy in performing actions. In the process of making crafts, a system of special skills and abilities is formed. Manual labor develops design skills and plays an important role in the mental and aesthetic education of the child, the development of his creative and technical abilities. The older preschooler is fascinated by the process of work itself (sawing, planing, cutting with scissors, gluing, etc.) and, of course, its result. After all, with a toy that he made, for example, from cardboard, old boxes, you can play, you can give it to your younger brother, sister.

By the way, a homemade toy is often no less interesting and necessary for a child than a purchased one. For example, for playing “sailors”, having made binoculars from thin cardboard, it turns out that you can perfectly see the sea distances! An embroidered napkin, a bookmark for a book, a souvenir basket made of natural materials (thorns, cones, moss) are good gifts for an adult family member for a birthday or any other holiday. And this is already a manifestation of attention to relatives on the part of the child.

To show a son, daughter, grandson or granddaughter what and how can be made from various materials will not require a lot of time from an adult, but it should be specially allocated time not related to household and other household chores, especially since much of what was planned A child can only do it with the help of an older one. It is necessary to encourage the joint manual labor of brothers, sisters of school age with older preschoolers. This is interesting, besides, it brings family members closer, makes their communication more meaningful.

It has long been proven that the development of the hand is in close connection with the development of speech and thinking of the child. The level of development of fine motor skills is one of the indicators of intellectual readiness for schooling. Therefore, at preschool age it is very important to develop the mechanisms necessary for mastering writing, to create conditions for the child to accumulate motor and practical experience, and to develop manual skills. Manual labor in kindergarten contributes to the development of a variety of skills and influences the mental and aesthetic education of the child. One of the main tasks that manual labor solves is the development of fine motor skills of the hands. What is fine motor skills and why is it so important?

Scientists have proved that from an anatomical point of view, about a third of the entire area of ​​the motor projection of the cerebral cortex is occupied by the projection of the hand, located very close to the speech zone. It is the size of the projection of the hand and its proximity to the motor zone that give reason to consider the hand as a "organ of speech", the same as the articulatory apparatus. In this regard, an assumption was made about the significant influence of subtle finger movements on the formation and development of the child's speech function. Therefore, in order to teach a baby to speak, it is necessary not only to train his articulation apparatus, but also to develop finger movements, or fine motor skills. Fine motor skills of the hands interact with such higher properties of consciousness as attention, thinking, optical observation, visual and motor memory, and speech. The development of fine motor skills is also important because the rest of the child's life will require the use of precise, coordinated movements of the hands and fingers, which are necessary to dress, draw and write, as well as perform a wide variety of household and educational activities that will further help the child in school.

Manual labor is of great importance in the activities of preschoolers, and it is very diverse. A feature of children's manual labor is its close connection with the game (children create buildings and play with them, make toys out of paper and other materials and use them in their games). Games reveal to the child the practical expediency of manual labor, they consolidate and improve the skills acquired in the classroom.

When organizing classes for teaching children manual labor, the following conditions are observed:

) Age and individual characteristics of children are taken into account

) When selecting content for manual labor and samples of toys for making by children, we take into account the difference in the interests of boys and girls

) Each craft should be interesting to children in content and find a specific practical application

) The complication of technical and visual teaching aids is used to give the classes an educational and developmental character

) The results of the child's productive activities are told to his parents, adults who come to the group, we show them crafts, publicly expressing our approval and praise;

) Classes are built in such a way as to bring children a positive emotional attitude, to educate children in moral concepts

In kindergarten, children are engaged in a variety of manual labor, the content of which is defined in the program for the upbringing and education of preschoolers. In family education, it is also important to pay due attention to this type of child labor: to form interest, a desire to make a toy, handicraft, souvenir, decoration with your own hands. At five and a half - six years old, a child can make (put together) out of wood, a bench, a table, a bed for a doll. First, you should help him prepare the necessary parts, design the product, and then knock it together or glue it. For example, give the child two blocks of the same size (you can use old picture blocks or from a building kit) and a plank. With the help of a hammer, a child will make a bench from these parts. He can paint it himself with gouache or (better) with oil paint. A little later, he must be taught how to saw a board; cut a stick with a knife.
In addition to toys, souvenirs, children can be taught to make models (see: Nechaeva V. G. Manual labor / / Education of a preschooler at work. - M., 1983), for example, “football” or “hockey”. On a rectangular cardboard stand (30 - 50 cm) with sides (1.5-2 cm) - a field - a goal is placed on both sides, firmly gluing them to the field, which, depending on the content of the game, can be green (football field) or gray -blue (field for playing hockey). Figures of players are placed on the field, they are made of acorns (torso), plasticine (head) and thin sticks (arms and legs). For strength, holes are made in the stomach with an awl, into which the arms and legs of the little men are inserted. In order for the figures to be stable, they must be attached with plasticine. You can make a ball or a puck out of plasticine. Children are divided into two teams and, rearranging the figures, willingly play football matches. You can make layouts for fairy tales - "Geese Swans", "Three Bears", "Masha and the Bear", etc. With their help, children willingly retell fairy tales, sometimes they tell them to their younger brother, sister. It should be borne in mind that the production of layouts is not the initial stage, rather, it is the final one. First, the children look closely at how the teacher makes toys, then they themselves learn to do one thing or another thing - a house, a slide, furniture, figurines of birds, animals, men. In the layout, children apply all these skills by dividing parts of the work among themselves. For example: some make a hut, others make furniture, others sculpt dishes, someone carves and paints bears, makes trees. It is important that the children agree among themselves not only about who will do what, but also about the size of the figurines, trees, houses, about how everything that they have made will be placed on a small layout area. When selecting, some figures that were made unsuccessfully, poorly carved and unsuccessfully painted trees are not placed on the layout. If someone's work is not placed, the teacher still evaluates the efforts, skill of each child, notes what is successful, what did not work out. Making mock-ups makes it possible to develop the skills to plan work, providing for all the conditions for the toy to turn out. In the event that one of the children takes on a task that he clearly cannot cope with, the teacher should advise him to take on an easier job, and next time take on a more difficult one. Such an approach will predetermine possible disappointments in these cases, dissatisfaction from unsuccessful work.

Many toy-making activities take place during play hours with small groups of children on the site or in the room. Work with the whole group is organized only in some cases (making Christmas toys, bookmarks, gifts for mother by March 8, etc.). The teacher, leading the work of a small group of children, can pay more attention to the aesthetic requirements for children's crafts, and help children who are at a loss.

Some ideas are collective. Working on the creation of a common toy, a useful object, children get used to working collectively: to agree at the beginning of work, to distribute responsibilities, to work together, to help each other, to coordinate actions, ways of working. Such joint creative work helps to strengthen the friendship of children. While making toys, children acquire a lot of knowledge and parts where the material can be sorted by type: boxes, pieces of cardboard, fabric, spools, twine, wire. To make toys, you need to have tools that children gradually learn to work with. In the senior and preparatory groups, it is necessary to have scissors, a small awl with a short piercing part, glue brushes, glue, clerical, synthetic, as well as pieces of wood glue, which the teacher will prepare as needed.

Children 4-5 years old can make the simplest toys. In order for them to successfully cope with the task, it is necessary to give them prepared parts that can be easily connected. For example, children can make a top to play with. To do this, they need to offer sticks 3.5 cm long with a pointed end and mugs cut out of thick cardboard, pierced in the middle. Children need to be shown how to connect these two parts. With such a homemade toy, the guys will be happy to play by launching the top on the table or on the floor.

Abstracts of classes on artistic work

manual labor children sensorimotor

1. Application "Chamomile" (preparatory group)

Program content:

1.Continue to learn how to create subject images using various materials (paper, cardboard, thread);

.Strengthen the ability to make markup using a template;

3.Develop a sense of composition, aesthetic feelings;

.Develop the ability to express your impressions in speech, express judgments, evaluate your work and the work of a friend;

.Raise respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, take care of them;

.Promote safe handling of scissors.

Material: crocheted thread braids; col. cardboard; col. paper; glue; scissors; templates; simple. pencils.

Methodological techniques: teacher's instructions for making crafts (work algorithm); explanation showing the action; verbal repetition; clarifications; search questions; promotions; inclusion of motivation; examining a sample; independent work of children.

Lesson progress:


Today at the lesson we will make gifts for WWII veterans.

In the last lesson, we knitted pigtails of different lengths. Today we use them to make gifts.

Look at my work sample hanging on the board. Let's take a look at it.

What flower is shown? (chamomile)

What materials is it made from? (cardboard, paper, thread)

What color are chamomile petals and what are they made of? (white. made of paper and thread) What color is the core and what is it made of? (yellow made of paper and thread)

You have templates on your desk that you will need to circle and cut out.

So, first you need to circle the templates and cut out one core and 10 petals (showing the action on one petal). Then evenly distribute the petals on the paper. Then glue. The next stage of work will be gluing braids from threads onto the appliqué, that is, we will decorate our appliqué. Look in the middle, the pigtail is attached in the form of a snake, and a contour is made on the petals with a pigtail.

Now repeat the steps.

Finger gymnastics:

We do not sit still -

Stretch your lower back.

Rotate the body left and right

So we'll have a good rest.

The park has a deep pond,

Carp live in the pond.

To catch up with us,

You have to wag your tail.

Well we rested

And back to work.

You can get to work.

Independent work of children.

Evaluation of children's work.

Making crafts from natural materials (preparatory group)

Program content:

) To teach children to select a variety of natural materials for the manufacture of the planned crafts.

) Develop imagination, good feelings.

) Strengthen teamwork skills.

) Cultivate a sense of compassion, a desire to help, love for the living world.

Dictionary enrichment: zoo, veterinarian, tests, aviary, country, England, Globe.

Vocabulary activation: name of natural material: cones, pine needles, etc.

Material: pine and spruce cones, pine needles, maple seeds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, walnut shells, acorns, branches, leaves, shells, bird feathers, various seeds of large fruit crops, stands for brushes, lining boards, napkins, sockets (for glue, writing, enclosures, schemes.

Additional materials: plasticine, threads, PVA glue, wire.

Tools: awl, needle (for a teacher, stacks, scissors, brushes, pencil.

Previous work:

) Conducting classes in the manufacture of toys and crafts from natural materials: hedgehogs, swans, turtles, penguins, ducks, geese, etc.

) Collection of natural material.

) Considering illustrations of crafts and toys.

) Consideration of natural material.

) Reading the article “Zoo” from the encyclopedia “What is it? Who it? ".

) A conversation about what can be made from this natural and waste material.

Lesson progress:

Kids are playing. The teacher approaches the children with an envelope and addresses them: “Guys, today our group received a letter from England. Here it is” (shows the children an envelope with an address). “Do you want to know what they write to us from England? ”(children agree to have the teacher read the letter). He opens the envelope and reads the letter: “Hello dear guys! A friend of the physician John Dolittle is writing to you. I want to ask you for help for my friend. But first I want to tell you a story that happened to John. John works at the zoo as a veterinarian. A veterinarian is a doctor who treats animals. John loves animals and birds very much. Directly communicating with animals, birds, he learned to understand their complex language and habits. John has a lot of questions. When an animal arrives at the zoo: in which cage or aviary to settle it, what to feed it, how to take tests from it to determine its state of health. Animals walked with him throughout the zoo, and the talking parrot most of all liked to sit on his head. All day long noise and hubbub was heard in the zoos. I must say that not all zoo workers liked it. Once John had to leave the zoo for medicines for animals. When he returned, he found that instead of animals and birds, there were cones, acorns, and twigs in cages and aviaries. John was very upset that someone had bewitched his beloved animals into acorns, cones and twigs. Guys, so I am turning to you with a big request, do you agree to disenchant the animals and return them to the zoo to my friend? ".

The children answer in the affirmative.

Educator: “Children, look at the enclosures. Who is missing from them? ".

Children's answer: "Beasts and birds."

Educator: “Guys, let's remember what animals live in the zoo? And so that you remember faster - I will make riddles about the inhabitants of the zoo. Are you ready to guess? ".

Children's response: "Yes! ".

Educator: "Then listen to riddles."

“Not a tailor, but walks with needles all his life? »

Children's answer: "Hedgehog"

Teacher: "That's right. What can you make a hedgehog out of? ".

Children's answer: "From cones, pine needles, plasticine."

) “Guess who is walking in a bone coat? ".

Children's answer: "Turtle".

Educator: "Well done. And what will we make a turtle from? ".

The answer of the children: "From the shell, walnuts, plasticine, twigs."

Educator: "Okay, listen to another riddle."

) “I walk in a fluffy coat, I live in a dense forest. In a hollow on an old oak tree, I gnaw nuts.

Children's answer: "Squirrel."

Teacher: "That's right. Guys, what can a squirrel be made of, what material will we take? ".

Children's answer: "From cones, plasticine, feathers, twigs, seeds from cherries or apples."

Educator: "Well done! And who is this? Listen and guess!"

) “Clumsy feet, sleeps in dens for the winter, guess, answer, who is it?”.

Children's answer: "Bear."

Educator: "Good! You guessed all the riddles correctly. And from what natural material will you make a bear? ".

Children's answer: "From cones, plasticine, hazelnuts."

Educator: "That's right guys! But there are so many inhabitants of the zoo that a day would not be enough for us to name them all. And now it's time to disenchant the inhabitants of the zoo so that they return to John. But do not forget that any animals from: warm, hot, cold and northern countries can be in the zoo.”

Then the educator invites the children to prepare material for manual labor, if they find it difficult to prepare the material, then the educator advises - to refer - to - the diagram - which schematically depicts the necessary material for work.

The children prepare the material.

Before starting work, the teacher reminds the children of the rules, the observance of which increases the safety and quality of work. Children remember that one should not be distracted, one must be careful with scissors, handicrafts must be done carefully, slowly, natural and waste material should be used sparingly.

Educator: “Guys, as soon as you finish disenchanting the animal that you have chosen for yourself, you can quietly get up and, going to the enclosures, put your craft in them. In the meantime, while other children finish working on crafts, you can clean your workplace and help a friend.


Music by Ariel Ramirez "Alouette (The Lark)" or "La peregrinacin (The Pilgrimage)" adapted by the Paul Mauriat orchestra.

Children start making crafts. The teacher joins the work with the children, voices what kind of crafts he will do.

Children who find it difficult to choose crafts need to select the necessary material and offer to make crafts that are easier and more accessible for this child.

Once the crafts are finished, you can invite all the children to come to the enclosures.

Educator: “Guys, look at what wonderful animals they turned out. All the animals that you have disenchanted are very happy that they will return to their beloved doctor John, and he will again take care of them.

“Children, listen, while everyone was working, a magician appeared who bewitched the inhabitants of the zoo, and he became ashamed of his act. He decided to disenchant several animals. Look (the teacher shows the animals made in advance). ”

“Guys, the wizard decided never to bewitch anyone again. He realized that all animals on the globe need love and respect.

Then the teacher with the children analyze each craft. Children say what they liked the most. The teacher emphasizes the most expressive author's decisions.

In conclusion, the animals thank the children.

Children need to be given a good base in acquiring the basics of technical skills and abilities. An adult needs to express approval for every success of the creator himself, constantly encourage children, making any mistake easily correctable. The lesson should take place in a confidential atmosphere and a calm atmosphere, so that not only talented children show themselves, but also children with average abilities are drawn to them. The work was carried out with enthusiasm, ease and responsibility.


Artistic manual labor is the creative work of a child with various materials, during which he creates useful and aesthetically significant objects and products for decorating everyday life (games, labor, gifts for mom, recreation). As a number of studies by L.P. Luria, N.N. Poddyakova, A.N. Davidchik, L.A. Paramonova constructive activity, meeting the interests and needs of preschoolers, has extremely wide possibilities in terms of mental education of children.

Working with paper and cardboard products, the child receives additional knowledge and practical skills, while expanding his horizons. He develops a figurative idea of ​​the possibilities of objects, learns to design and model, to find unexpected use cases. Knowledge, skill, skills children acquire in the classroom, and are fixed in the manufacture of various crafts, toys in the classroom for manual labor and in circle work. The high level of development of constructive skills and the level of manifestation of independence in the manufacture of mobile toys allows us to definitely state that children began to actively engage in work, with joy, with pleasure.


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