Almond tanning oil at home. Oils for fixing a tan, methods of application, contraindications. Oil Blend Recipes

Natural vegetable oils contain vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin. They also have the ability to attract ultraviolet, restore the skin after sun exposure and fix the tan. Next, we will take a closer look at how to get a beautiful uniform shade using natural oil.

Useful properties of aromatic oils for tanning

The main useful properties of aroma oils:

  • Vegetable oils have the ability to attract ultraviolet rays and accelerate the synthesis of melanin. Tanning enhancing oil should be applied to dry skin a few minutes before sun exposure.
  • Vegetable oils contain vitamins and minerals that maintain the firmness and elasticity of tissues, normalize the production of subcutaneous fat, and prevent the appearance of wrinkles.
  • Natural oils help restore the skin after intense UV exposure.
  • Oils help set the tan.
  • Vegetable oils protect the epidermis from the negative effects of environmental factors.
  • After regular use of oils, the skin becomes soft and silky, gets a natural shine and beauty.
  • Vegetable oils almost never cause allergic reactions and have a minimum of contraindications. Can be used for any skin type.

When to use tanning oil

In order to protect the skin from intense ultraviolet exposure and ensure an even tan, it is recommended to use cosmetics based on vegetable oils.

  1. People with white and sensitive skin are advised to choose oils with a high degree of UV protection.
  2. For people with dark skin, activator oils are suitable, which fix the tan and restore the skin after sun exposure.

It is recommended to take cosmetic products based on vegetable oils with you on vacation to warmer climes or to a solarium. This will avoid sunburn and get a beautiful tan.

Application rules

In order to get a uniform tan without defects, you need to follow simple rules:

  • To avoid sunburn, sunbathing is recommended before 10 am or after 4 pm.
  • You need to start gradually with 20 minutes a day.
  • A few days before the holiday, you need to cleanse the body of the top layer of dry cells using a peeling procedure.
  • A few hours before going out into the sun, you need to take a cool shower without detergents.
  • On a dry body, we apply products with vegetable oils and a high degree of UV protection.
  • Apply a new layer of oils every 3 hours.
  • After sunbathing, take a light shower and apply vegetable oil products to dry skin to restore the skin after intense UV exposure.

Sun protection with natural oils

Tanning oils not only accelerate the synthesis of melanin, but also protect the upper layers of the epidermis from sunburn and premature aging. They contain vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain youthful and beautiful skin.

Why you need to protect yourself naturally

There are two options for sunscreens on the market: based on chemical and natural ingredients. The former can affect the hormonal background, the functioning of internal organs, and cause allergic reactions. Products based on natural ingredients, such as vegetable oils, not only protect the skin well from UV rays, but also maintain firmness and elasticity, and prevent the appearance of premature wrinkles. In addition, they almost never cause allergic reactions and have a minimum number of contraindications. Plant-based tanning products are suitable for people with sensitive skin.

Preparing skin for tanning

In order to get a uniform tan, you need to carefully prepare, following simple rules:

  • First you need to review your daily diet, including foods that accelerate melanin synthesis. Carrots, apricots, pumpkin, greens are especially useful for tanning. You can make fresh fresh juices or vitamin salads daily to speed up your tan.
  • To tan evenly, you need to cleanse the skin of dirt, dead cells and subcutaneous fat in a few days. You can use a homemade scrub based on sea salt and base oil. We treat the body with the resulting mixture after a hot bath and apply moisturizers.
  • Before going out in the sun, you need to wash off decorative cosmetics and apply a tanning product based on vegetable oils.

The best natural oils

For a beautiful tan and skin protection from intense ultraviolet radiation, you can choose the following vegetable oils:

  • Coconut. It is recommended to use the raw product. It has a thick consistency, so you need to melt it in a water bath. Protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and allows you to accelerate the tan.
  • Olive. Belongs to the group of basic vegetable oils, suitable for white skin, allows you to get a beautiful golden tan. Contains amino acids and iodine, which maintain the water balance of cells, preventing their aging.
  • Peach. It is obtained from the bones, gives the skin softness and silkiness, restores after ultraviolet exposure.
  • Pumpkin. Perfect for all skin types, relieves redness and swelling after sun exposure, prevents wrinkles.
  • Sea buckthorn. Maintains the water balance of cells, ensures uniform synthesis of melanin, suitable for sensitive skin.
  • Linen. Allows you to accelerate the tan, suitable for swarthy skin.
  • Jojoba. Contains a large amount of fatty acids that maintain youth and beauty of the skin, prevent premature aging. On the basis of jojoba oils, restorative masks are prepared not only for the skin, but also for hair.
  • Carrot. Contains a natural pigment that is able to accumulate in the body and paint over the body in a golden hue. It is recommended to use to accelerate or fix the tan.

Oil Blend Recipes

In order to ensure an even tan, you can try one of the recipes for oil mixtures:

  • In equal quantities, you need to take olive, burdock and peach oil. To avoid sunburn, you can add a few drops of lavender essential oil.
  • In order to get a rich chocolate skin tone, you need to take equal amounts of walnut oil and flax oil. Not suitable for white skin.
  • We heat the olive oil in a water bath and add a small amount of natural coffee. Allows you to accelerate the receipt of a bronze tan.
  • In equal quantities, you need to take apricot and sunflower oil. To protect your skin from sunburn, you can add a small amount of argan oil.

The best base and essential oils for long-lasting and beautiful tan and their benefits

The following vegetable oils have good protective properties:

  • Coconut oil. Suitable for all skin types, including sensitive. The oil creates a protective film on the skin that protects the epidermis from ultraviolet exposure, maintains the water balance of cells, and prevents the formation of wrinkles.
  • Shea butter. It relieves irritation after ultraviolet exposure, nourishes the skin with useful vitamins and microelements, and provides an even tan.
  • Argan oil. Contains fatty amino acids that protect the skin from aging. Ideal for dry skin.
  • Monoi oil. It has a light texture, is quickly absorbed, protects against drying out, maintains firmness and elasticity of tissues.
  • St. John's wort oil for sunburn. Removes redness and swelling, accelerates tissue regeneration after intense ultraviolet exposure.

Preparing balm oil for safe tanning

In order to get a uniform tan without sunburn, you can use balms based on vegetable oils:

  • In equal amounts, you need to take cocoa butter, calendula and argan. Add a few drops of essential oils of rose, chamomile and immortelle. Oils are quickly absorbed into the skin, protecting it from sunburn.
  • Mix jojoba oil, wheat germ and macadamia. You can add a few drops of any essential oil.
  • We take equal amounts of peanut butter and wheat germ.
  • Mix cedar and peach oil.
  • We take equal amounts of sesame, almond and avocado oil.
  • Mix jojoba oil with almond oil.
  • Mix wheat germ oil with sesame seeds and avocado. Add a few drops of lavender essential oil.

Ways to use tanning oils

Oils can be used in pure form or prepared as balms. In this case, you need to choose unrefined vegetable oils, which contain the maximum amount of nutrients for the skin. Oils can be applied before going out in the sun for a beautiful tan, or after - to restore the skin after intense ultraviolet exposure.

Recipes for oil blends for a beautiful tan

In order to get a beautiful tan, you can use products based on vegetable oils:

  • You can add linseed or pumpkin oil to walnut oil. Apply this product just before sun exposure.
  • We take equal amounts of walnut oil and wheat germ. To nourish the skin, you can add essential oils of lavender, cypress or carrot.

Contraindications for use

Vegetable oil-based tanning products are not recommended in the following cases:

  • Allergy to one of the components of the oil.
  • Oily skin prone to acne and pimples. Some oils can clog pores, causing blackheads to form.
  • The presence of skin diseases and open wounds.

Suntan oil can be prepared at home, in this article we suggest you learn a couple of simple but effective recipes.

Is there a girl in the world who does not dream of a beautiful and even tan?

In pursuit of him, the fair sex try a lot of cosmetics offered in stores and pharmacies. However, they often notice that the selected creams and lotions do not give the desired effect. What to do?

Homemade tanning oil

You don't have to spend money on untested tanning products, you can make a powerful oil that allows you to achieve an even tan at home.

The secret to making tanning oil lies, of course, in the correct selection of ingredients. The herbal filters found in some natural oils will shield your skin from the sun's rays. And thanks to essential oils, soon after applying the oil, your skin will acquire a pleasant golden hue. In addition, the beneficial components of essential oils perfectly moisturize and restore the skin.

When preparing and using homemade tanning oil, remember:

  • owners of sensitive skin will have to limit themselves to 3-5 drops of essential oils added to the elixir;
  • before applying oil to the skin, it must be prepared;
  • scrub or peeling can be used as preliminary procedures;
  • on prepared skin, the tan lies more evenly, and also lasts longer.

Oil Recipes

There are two recipes for preparing tanning oil at home. Ready-made products will enhance the tan, fix a beautiful skin tone for a long time, and help avoid burns.

To prepare the first oil, you will need avocado oil, apricot oil (50 ml each) and ylang-ylang essential oil (10 drops). Thanks to the properties of avocado oil, you will not only protect the skin from solar radiation, but also restore its protective functions.

The second recipe uses walnut oil and almond oil (also in a volume of 50 ml each). As an essential component, ylang-ylang oil (10 drops) is again added. This oil is able to moisturize, protect the skin, in addition, it is a good nutrient.

In both cases, the ingredients are mixed and infused for three days. During this time, do not forget to shake the contents periodically.

With the help of such simple recipes, you will give the skin a beautiful shade and do not damage it. And you can simply forget about spending on expensive creams and lotions, procedures in solariums.

What woman does not want to be the happy owner of a delightful even golden tan that makes her body seductive? Unfortunately, store products, despite their high cost, often deceive our hopes and do not give the desired effect. If you're frustrated with all your many creams, sprays, and lotions, we recommend trying nourishing tanning oil. It is cheap, effective and completely safe for the skin. In this article, we will look at all types of vegetable and essential oils that will help you achieve a flawless tan.

Herbal and essential oils for tanning

Unlike ready-made products, natural vegetable oils for tanning not only help protect the skin and get an even shade, but also carefully care for the epidermis. You can evaluate their benefits yourself: there are no preservatives, flavors and stabilizers. Therefore, even girls with very sensitive skin can use the oil. Which of them is the best?

You have a very large choice: you can use any oils, whether it is ordinary sunflower or rare exotic. It all depends on your skin type and the degree of tan you want. Each oil has its own amazing and unique properties.

  • As base oils, you can use olive, coconut, hemp, jojoba, peanut, rosehip, avocado, cedar, wheat germ, cocoa and many others.
  • If you have very sensitive skin, then you need a high protection oil that will prevent post-sun burns. Such properties are possessed by products obtained from plants accustomed to surviving in the harsh conditions of the desert, that is, cacti. Prickly pear seed oil, as well as pomace with extracts of aloe, agave and Kalanchoe, will perfectly cope with skin protection.
  • If you're considering additional use of tanning essential oils to enhance protection, then opt for chamomile, lavender, myrrh, patchouli, hyssop, basil, sandalwood, geranium, rose, and mint.
  • For a dark tan, use St. John's wort, walnut or Brazil nuts, and baobab oils. Sea buckthorn oil is also a powerful remedy.
  • Among the essential substances that contribute to intense tanning, we can highlight the oil of turmeric, wild carrot seeds, lime, neroli, bergamot and green coffee.
  • Separately, we highlight the carrot oil for tanning, which will provide a very persistent and beautiful shade.

Tanning oils

For a quick, beautiful and safe tan, it is best to use a mixture of oils prepared by yourself. There are a lot of options, but in this article we will talk only about the most successful combinations.

  1. Mix walnut oil and rosehip oil in a ratio of 1:3 and infuse the composition for 3 days.
  2. Combine pumpkin seed and walnut oils in a 2:1 ratio. You can add 10 drops of wild carrot, lavender and cypress esters.
  3. If you burn very easily, or have skin pigmentation problems, then add 15 drops of lavender ether to any oil with a high level of protection.
  4. To moisturize the epidermis, use a mixture of jojoba and cedar, taken in equal proportions with the addition of rose and blue chamomile esters.

Skin care products after sunburn

After tanning, it is also best to use natural homemade products. Carefully selected combinations of substances will not only reduce the likelihood of sunburn, but also restore the skin's moisture level after aggressive exposure to ultraviolet rays.

  1. Take 50 ml of jojoba oil as a base for the mixture, add 10 drops of lavender, blue chamomile and neroli esters.
  2. A healing mixture on any base base, to which 2 drops of sandalwood, lavender and rosemary esters are added, will well soothe overheated skin.
  3. A mixture of 15 ml of hazelnut oil, 10 ml of orange or tangerine juice, 5 ml of almond extract and 3 drops of wheat germ extract will help reduce the dryness of the epidermis and avoid the appearance of wrinkles after prolonged exposure to the sun.

Remember that ultraviolet radiation is very harmful in large quantities. If you get too carried away with a beach holiday, then as a result the skin will become like parchment paper. The compositions described above will help prevent this cosmetic problem.

Carrot oil for a beautiful tan

Truly unique and highly effective is the deep tanning oil derived from carrots. This tool is able to stimulate the process of melanin production and thereby fix a beautiful shade on the skin. In addition, the bright extract perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the epidermis, protecting it from the scorching sun. Using this substance, you will get a chocolate shade of tan.

Carrot oil can be purchased at a cosmetic store, pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. The second option is much better, as you will get an absolutely natural product. Every woman has ordinary butter and carrots at home. How to make an orange extract? There are 2 ways.

  1. Peel the carrots, grate them on a fine grater, put them in a small glass jar and cover with oil. Close the lid tightly and place in a place in direct sunlight. After 2 weeks have passed, filter the product and pour into a storage container.
  2. The second method is much faster: put a mixture of viscous liquid and carrots in a water bath and heat at a low temperature until the vegetable mass settles and the oil acquires a pleasant orange color.

This product can be used before tanning to protect the skin and after sunbathing to soothe, moisturize and protect the epidermis from aging.

Basic rules of use

For tanning oil to meet your expectations, you need to use it correctly. There are some simple tips.

  1. The day before applying the tanner, be sure to clean the skin of dead particles with any soft scrub. You can use folk remedies based on salt, coffee, oatmeal, or brown sugar.
  2. The product should be applied only to damp skin before and after sunburn. For additional nutrition, you can use green tea instead of water, which is convenient to apply with a spray bottle.
  3. After that, you can go to the beach. If you are using the oil for the first time, then limit your sun exposure to 10 minutes. In subsequent exits, you can linger a little under the warm rays.
  4. The same essential oil should not be used continuously for more than three weeks. After 21 days, it is recommended to take a short break or change the healing substance.
  5. It is better to apply any oil an hour and a half before sunbathing, waiting until it is completely absorbed.

What means to choose for tanning in a solarium?

Not every remedy is suitable for tanning in a solarium. In order not to harm the skin, it is better to choose cosmetics designed specifically for these purposes. You can use natural oils for tanning in the solarium. They are completely safe and provide gentle care. Grapeseed, peach-seed, avocado, or olive oils are excellent options as they are great at moisturizing the skin. But more often, combinations of different extracts are used: basic, essential and enriched with vitamins.

  • Coconut oil can be used as the base for the mixture, it perfectly fixes the chocolate shade.
  • For tanning in a solarium, esters of chamomile, ylang-ylang, cypress and rose are effective. Extracts from citrus fruits, cloves, cinnamon and cumin are best avoided.
  • To make the tool even more useful, you can enrich the composition with liquid vitamins. It is enough to add only one capsule to 100 ml of oil.
  • You need to use the product twice: before and after the solarium. If you don't like the greasy feeling on your skin, you can emulsify the oil by diluting it in equal proportions with water. It is more convenient to apply the substance with a spray gun. Be sure to shake the emulsion before each use.
  • A word of advice: if you want to get the most even tan, start using the oil a few days before your planned visit to the solarium. A pleasant bonus will be a sufficient level of skin hydration after the systematic use of a healing agent.
  • Before using a new oil, be sure to test for allergies. If your skin reacts negatively to the substance, you should not use it to visit the solarium.

In this article, we told you about oils for a beautiful tan and taught you how to prepare a wide variety of mixtures. As you can see, nature has everything we need to maintain beauty, youth, charm and attractiveness. In conclusion, we suggest you watch an informative video on how to use oils to maintain a tan.

Vegetable oils are incredibly beneficial for the skin. No wonder they are so in demand in home cosmetology! They are used for different purposes - for rejuvenation, cleansing, softening and moisturizing. And during the summer heat, quality skin care is especially important. And if you are going on vacation, be sure to take a bottle of oil mixture with you. It will soothe tanned skin and prevent it from drying out.

Preparing this mixture is very simple. The base oil is combined with a small amount of natural ether. The composition is inexpensive and perfectly replaces store-bought after-sun products. So do not hesitate and start cooking. A simple oil recipe will fully justify itself.

How to choose a base oil?

The choice of base oils is very wide. And each of them is useful in its own way. But most often after tanning, the following varieties are used:

  • sesame;
  • coconut;
  • avocado;
  • peach pits;
  • grape seeds;
  • jojoba;
  • wheat sprouts.

Coconut oil has become very popular lately. This wonderful oil moisturizes, nourishes and soothes. And the cost is amazing. A large bank of funds (900 ml) costs only 250-300 rubles. It takes a long time! You can buy coconut oil in special shops for soap makers or order it online.

But these are just recommendations. In fact, there are many more useful options. If you already have a favorite base oil, you can use that one.
And if you opted for jojoba, then keep in mind that it is very nutritious, but it is not cheap. It is used not in its pure form, but in combination with other base oils (in a ratio of 1: 3).

Helpful advice! If you add a little sea buckthorn oil to the base oil, you get a tool that gives a slight golden hue. The skin will look amazing. Recommended proportions - 0.5 teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil per 100 ml of base. Not more! The resulting product is well rubbed into the skin (so that clothes do not stain).

Choose ether

Sunburned skin needs to be soothed and moisturized well. The following ethers do an excellent job with this difficult task:

  • rose;
  • geranium;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile.

They can be used individually or made into essential compositions. Either way, the flavor will be amazing. You can safely take two, three or even all four ethers. They are perfectly combined with each other. The main thing is not to exceed the dosage. The total amount of esters should not be more than 12-15 drops per 100 ml base. This is very important because essential oils contain many active ingredients and irritation can occur at high concentrations.

Attention! If you doubt that you will like the smell of the essential mixture, combine the esters separately and only then add them to the base. Also, do not forget about the possibility of allergies. Be sure to test before using essential oils for the first time. Apply some essential oil to the skin of your wrist and observe the reaction. In case of redness and itching, the component will have to be discarded.

Preparation of the remedy

Warning right away! You need to prepare the oil in advance, a few days before the holiday. Then the essential oils will be able to completely dissolve in the base. Typically, these chemical reactions require 3 to 7 days.

To prepare the product, you will need only two components:

  1. base oil - 200 ml;
  2. essential oil (or a mixture of them) - 30 drops.

The components are combined, mixed, poured into a dark bottle, tightly closed and allowed to brew. That's the whole recipe! Incredibly simple! And now it's time to go on vacation.

The tool is used after each trip to the beach. Take a shower, rinse off all the salt, and spread the oil mixture evenly over your body. Believe me, your skin will be very grateful to you.

The benefits of the procedure are really many. Oil mixtures nourish and moisturize well, soften, soothe, prevent dryness and flaking. But if you neglect the rules and stay in the sun for too long, you can still get burned. In this case, a simple mixture of oil and aloe gel will help you, it heals burns perfectly. But it's better to be careful. Ultraviolet radiation is very harmful in high doses. So take care of yourself and sunbathe in moderation! We wish you a wonderful holiday and bright impressions.

The body becomes more attractive due to a beautiful and even tan. To achieve such a tan without harming the skin, you can use special sunscreen cosmetics. Since ancient times, it has been known that the sun's rays bring us not only benefit, but also harm. Suntanning oil is one of the essentials for both visiting the solarium and sunbathing on the beach. As a rule, it is used after the skin is slightly tanned. But people with dark skin can use it from the first days on the beach.

Why is oil needed?

Tanning oils have two functions at once- they protect the skin from the negative effects of the sun and help restore it after sunburn. However, it is worth remembering that the oil does not have a high level of protection. It is more suitable for dark and tanned skin or for short tanning sessions.

Oil is very useful for dry skin, this is especially true at sea, where salt water, wind and the southern sun literally dry out the surface of the body.

Why are natural oils better?

Natural tanning oils have many benefits. After all, they do not contain preservatives, flavors and stabilizers, this allows the use of such oil even for people with sensitive skin. In addition, oils are very economical. It only takes a few drops to cover a large area of ​​the body.

Also, the oil is very useful for pain from sunburn, insect bites, swelling of the skin and itching, which we often encounter on vacation. After sunbathing, you can smear the reddened areas with oil, it will help relieve itching, eliminate peeling and soothe the skin.

Ordinary vegetable oils

In summer, every cosmetics store has a wide selection of tanning products. But what to do if such cosmetics hit your pocket hard, or you went on vacation, completely forgetting skin care products. The answer is simple - for tanning you can use ordinary vegetable oils - sunflower or olive, or more exotic - coconut. They can also be found among tanning products, often sold in handy spray bottles. But the full composition must be indicated on the packaging. If any fragrances or preservatives are added to the natural oil, this can be bad for sensitive skin. You can also take a bottle of regular edible vegetable oil and head to the beach.

How are they applied?

Suntan oil should be applied to damp skin, gently massaging it.. Natural oil will remain on the skin even after bathing. You need to apply it immediately before going out into the street, and not on the beach, as is often done. Particular attention should be paid to the nose, ears, neck, shoulders and décolleté.

After going to the beach, you need to take a shower, dry yourself and reapply oil to the skin to moisturize and soften the skin.

Effective sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is a great tanner in cases where there is no special cosmetic product at hand. Although now in stores you can see special sunflower oil for tanning. It is important to choose cold-pressed oil, it retains most of the nutrients found in sunflower. It contains vitamins A, D, E and many trace elements necessary for the skin. It is also rich in unsaturated fats. This oil is suitable not only for tanning, but also for face and body skin care at any time of the year. It has a fairly strong moisturizing and regenerating property, which allows it to be used to care for dry or flabby and aging skin. It is also used for hair.

Sunflower oil for tanning is not only safe, but also very useful.. It promotes healing of the skin, moisturizes it and regenerates cells. It is also known that it absorbs ultraviolet rays, that is, it collects them. The oil creates a shiny film on the body, which allows the sun's rays to enhance the effect and better dissipate. This results in an even and beautiful tan. It is also considered the most environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic of vegetable oils.

Of course, the use of sunflower oil also has disadvantages.. It is quite oily, and not everyone likes how it lies on the skin. It is also poorly absorbed, but sand and dust readily adhere to it. It is best to use unrefined oil, because it does not contain fragrances. But the smell of this oil is not always pleasant. Some people like it, but many prefer to use other means.

Olive oil for sun protection

Olive oil is a unique product, which can be used both in cooking and for cosmetic purposes. It contains a large amount of phospholipids and antioxidants, which contributes to the rapid regeneration of skin cells. Therefore, with olive oil, you do not need to be afraid of the burning rays of the sun. Vitamin A and chlorophyll remove harmful substances from skin cells and help restore the skin. Also, the composition of this oil includes flavonoids and terpenes, these substances increase the body's resistance to the appearance of skin infections. And carotene and sterols contribute to the normalization of the fat balance in the epidermis.

In addition to all the beneficial properties of olive oil, it is also good that when using it, the tan lies more evenly, the skin acquires a beautiful bronze-golden hue. At the same time, it protects the skin from drying out. And you should not be afraid of clogging the pores, this is a temporary effect. Olive oil is perfectly absorbed, saturating the inner layers of the skin with vitamins and minerals. You can also use it after sunbathing, especially for burns. You need to apply oil to the reddened places, and you can not worry about peeling or blisters.

Best tan with coconut oil

This natural oil is obtained from the bark of the coconut. Coconut oil recipes have been popular with Polynesian women since ancient times. It has a lot of unsaturated fatty acids, and it is also easily absorbed and, unlike other oils, does not clog pores at all. Coconut oil does not cause allergies, so owners of sensitive skin and even very young children can use it. It has a moisturizing, nourishing, smoothing and softening effect.

Refined oil is used in its pure form, while other types are best mixed with oils or creams in proportions of 10-50%. At temperatures up to 25°C, this oil is in a solid state. Before use, it needs to be slightly warmed up or applied dry. Dry coconut oil will gradually melt into the skin upon application. In addition to its medicinal properties, this natural remedy has another, no less useful one - the oil helps the tan to go down more evenly and noticeably faster.

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