Conspiracy on green tea for weight loss. Different conspiracies for losing weight. Conspiracies of a Siberian healer for weight loss

The weight loss spell is a simple magic tool. To achieve maximum results, you must clearly follow all the instructions that come with the description of the magical ritual. In particular, you need to follow such rules as: time of day, phases of the moon, days of the week, etc.

In our time, when a sedentary lifestyle, not very healthy food and the habit of constantly chewing - at snacks, in front of a TV or computer monitor - cannot but show their negative result.

Increasingly, we are faced with the problems of overweight, more and more people among us are becoming nothing helps to get rid of this disease. But we are talking not only about beauty, obese people are much more difficult to move around, their bones and heart are in a much more unenviable position than the bones and heart of a person who is not suffering from obesity. And here magic spells for weight loss can help.

A weight loss spell is an effective and powerful enough tool. However, many professional healers and magicians recommend resorting to it only if you have tried all the usual ways to lose weight.

If the extra weight doesn't go away, no matter what you do to get rid of it, then the only way getting slimmer is a weight loss spell.

Applying magic for weight loss, you must strictly observe the days of the week, time of day, phases of the moon, and so on. It is quite natural that best time there will be a waning moon to perform the ritual of a weight loss spell. Thus, as soon as the moon passes the half and begins to become a month, begin preparations.

What are the best days to cast weight loss spells? Monday (lunar day, it is best to do magic to decrease something, including weight) and Sunday (sun day, best suited for the magic of beauty and harmony). And, of course, Friday (Venus Day, is responsible for the irresistibility of female charms and beauty), on this day beauty conspiracies are also performed.

At what time of the day should the ritual and rituals for weight loss be performed? Of course, at sunset. The influence of the sunset will make the effect of the spell as effective as possible. Generally, Friday sunset is optimum time ritual for weight loss for women.

Now read carefully the following spells that are read for weight loss. The one to which your heart responds, use it yourself. If you want, you can try them all, there is nothing to worry about.

Pig weight loss spell

To perform this ritual, you need to stand in a bath or other container to wash. pour over cold water from head to toes. Then collect this water in a small vessel. After that, it is imperative to pour the collected water onto the pig or piglet, saying the following words three times:

“I need to lose weight, you get fat, take it, you pig, all the fat from me!”.

You need to carry out this ritual repeatedly, three waning moons in a row, that is, three months in a row, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will completely lose weight.

Aspen weight loss

To perform this rite, you need to take underwear- T-shirt with shorts - and tie them together with a blue ribbon. Now go to the city park or forest and find the thinnest aspen there. Tie your underwear to her trunk, hug her and say the following words:

“You, aspen, grew slender, grew slender.
Take, aspen, my thick, give me your thin!

IN Lately observed a large number of people who are overweight.

Oddly enough, but this often happens. If there is such a person in your circle of acquaintances, then you can negotiate with him / her and resort to a spell that will give both of you the opportunity to achieve the desired result.

The first thing you have to do is to exchange clothes with thin man and, stroking the clothes put on with your palms, say the following spell for weight loss three times:

“From the slave (the name of the thin) thinness, from me the slave (name) to (the name of the thin) is fat.
You slave (name) was thin, but became fat.
I gave you my fat - I took your thinness for myself. Let it be so!".

And your thin friend or girlfriend should or should at the same time cast the following spell, stroking your clothes with your palms, put on yourself:

“From you the slave (name of the fat one) is fat, from me the slave (name) is thinness.
You were fat, you became thin, you gave your fat to me alive.
The exchange took place, I seal it, conjure it. Amen!".

Let him say it three times. Then spit each on your right palm and shake hands.

Weight loss spells for the waning moon

Ritual for a black candle

To perform this rite, we need a large ritual black candle.

It is necessary to mark this candle into fourteen identical parts around the circumference with a knife. This must be done so that thirteen ring marks are obtained on the candle. On each of the parts, cut out the number five with a knife.

On the night following the full moon, light this candle and let it burn to the first mark. Sit near the candle, look at the flame and repeat this weight loss spell:

“As this candle burns, so does my fat burn.
As this candle melts, so does my weight melt.
I am in complete control of my weight.
My body is truly perfect
My new weight… kilograms. (Indicate here the weight you are ideally aiming for).
Every day I get leaner and healthier
I will become perfect in Your image and likeness,
Thank you, Lord, for your help.

Perform this rite every night, burning the candle to the next mark. In total, it will be necessary to conduct fourteen sessions, before the new moon.

After a while, you will feel warmth all over your body or slight tingling. This means increased metabolism and energy, while fat cells disappear. As the candle burns and decreases daily, so will your overweight. In these two weeks, you can lose a few pounds.
The ritual is performed monthly, until the full result is achieved, or when you feel the need for it.

red candle spell

“In the black-blue sea, hunger is constipated.
Do not let hunger out, the servant (e) of God (her) (name) may not know.
Goloditsa-insomnia, calm down, dissolve in all directions of the world.
My eyes, sleep, do not pull your soul. As there are nights, so I do not know grief.
How to be nights, melt, eyes sleep, hunger does not break the body.
The word is said, tied with a knot.
In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Extinguish the candle without blowing on it. Immediately identify the candle stub under the pillow of the bed on which you are going to go to sleep.

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and running water. Change your underwear - preferably for red items and after reading the prayer "Our Father" go to bed.

Perform these manipulations every evening until the new moon. At this time, there is no need to go on a diet or limit yourself to food.

Important! Do not tell anyone about the performed magical manipulations.

In many magical rites water plays very important role. There are a large number of water conspiracies, one of which is weight loss water conspiracies. Let's look at a few of them.

Take a shallow basin, pour water into it and recite the following weight loss spell on this water at least twelve times:

“The moon is waning and my fat is leaving.
Carry away from me the fullness of the moon,
Give me the moon harmony and thinness. Amen!".

After you finish reciting the spell, stand in the basin and pour over this water.

Water, which after washing will remain in the basin, we still need to perform the ceremony.

Drain this water into a glass vessel. At midnight, you need to go to the crossroads of three roads and throw out this water on each side of the crossroads.

Weight loss spell for clean, unboiled water

Another weight loss spell for clean, unboiled water. This ritual to get rid of excess weight must be done on the waning moon. The spell words are:

"God help me,
God bless.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
On the sea, on the ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a bed,
On that bed is a duvet.
On the featherbed of that pig lies, my fat guards.
That pig with two heads
About three heads
About four heads
About five heads
About six heads
About seven heads.
About eight heads
With nine heads, with nine mouths.
Eat my fat first
Eat the second head of my fat,
Eat my fat with the third head
Eat my fat with the fourth head
Eat my fat with your fifth head,
Eat the sixth head of my fat
Eat my fat with the seventh head,
Eat my fat with the eighth head,
And the ninth will eat all my fat,
He will take over my fat.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen! Amen! Amen!".

Spells for weight loss on food

tea weight loss spell

Any herbal tea - you can lose weight, you can also collect it personally (there is no fundamental difference what kind of tea you take) - brew, cool (it should be warm, but not hot in any case), then say the following words to it:

“Water, you clean the roots,
washing the earth
wash me of fat,
take the excess weight off my bones,
give harmony and health!”.

Remember that you need to recite the words of the tea spell at least seven times! Do not forget about the phases of the moon, days of the week and time of day, this is very important!

To perform this ritual for weight loss, we need an apple and holy water.

Light a candle. You need to take a large, preferably red apple and cut out the contours of your figure in it. We do it on a waning moon.

After you have cut out the outlines of your figure on the apple, place it in glassware, fill with holy water and set so that moonlight falls well on the apple. Then say the following words:

“Night, moon and holy water!
In this apple, my will!
Give him strength to drink!
Merge your will with my will!
So that I don't get fat,
For me to lose weight
What would I be slender - this is my will!

Make sure the candle burns out to the end. Eat an apple early in the morning, and pour water under any bush. Carry the bones from the apple with you until the weight loss spell begins to work. As soon as you start to lose weight, bury the bones where no one walks.

Pie spell

Oddly enough, but you can get rid of excess weight with the help of an ordinary sweet pie.

For this ritual, it is advisable to make a cake with your own hands. IN last resort you can buy it in the store, but the result in this case will have to wait a little longer.

After the cake is ready, set the table as big celebration. Cut yourself a piece of your favorite cake and say the following words on it:

“The pie is big, sweet, I can’t eat it.
Whoever eats the pie will eat all my fat!”

After that, put the piece back into the pie and cut it all the way through. Then give the pie to a friend, bring it to work, or just invite someone over and treat it to a pie. Do not eat it yourself.

Spell for Meat

In getting rid of extra pounds pets can help. To perform the next rite, we need a piece of meat and a dog.

Go to the market and buy a small piece of fresh beef. It is desirable that the meat was not frozen and not very fatty. Then boil it in plain water without salt and other seasonings.

When the meat is ready, bite off a piece of it and swallow it, and give the rest of the meat to the dog. As soon as the dog begins to eat this meat, you need to say the following spell:

“Eat my meat, and take my fat for yourself. You get fat, and I lose weight!

You need to quickly cast this spell for weight loss - until the dog swallows the meat, and they do it very quickly, so be careful.

In order for conspiracies and prayers for weight loss to gain real power, follow the following rules:

  • Believe in what you are doing, conduct the ritual in all seriousness.
  • Speak the words of the spell quietly, but evenly and confidently.
  • Perform the ritual only on an empty stomach.
  • Perform the ritual only on the waning moon.
  • Don't tell anyone how you actually lost weight. Better laugh it off or suggest any diet that comes to mind.

Food lovers one day think about how to lose weight. The women are looking for strong prayers from Vanga, they try to eat less at night. Does magic help you lose weight quickly by giving up debilitating diets? There is a conspiracy to lose weight, with the help of which it is not difficult to remove fat. Losing weight people actively use this secret, their reviews on the Internet are very convincing.

It is quite easy to remove fat with weight loss conspiracies - for this you need to follow our recommendations. What spells can cope with obesity? According to dream books and books of sorcerers, it is best to conjure on a full moon, working with water. But there are other, very exotic, solutions.

Readable weight loss conspiracies need to be memorized - this is an iron rule. You can read before going to bed, you can read in the morning, but it is better to wait for the waning moon. There are other tricks too:

  • Friday and Monday are most favorable for weight loss rituals;
  • choose a quiet and dark room for magical actions;
  • morning and night divination are more effective;
  • Vanga's weight loss conspiracies work on an empty stomach;
  • pronounce magic words needed quickly and passionately.

Will it work strong conspiracy to lose weight, if you do not tune in accordingly? The question is rhetorical. The one who reads the folk spell must believe in what is happening. Another obligatory condition is to keep the fact of the ceremony in strict secrecy.

Ritual with a comb

How to lose weight if the time for Gym you do not have? The strongest plot described in Tarasova's blog involves the use of a comb. This is a ritual for losing weight on the waning moon, and it is better to buy a wooden comb. Procedure:

  1. Find a secluded room and lock yourself in after sunset.
  2. Light a couple of church candles.
  3. Lay the comb in front of you.
  4. Concentrate on the result, imagine yourself losing weight.
  5. Say the words of the conspiracy from food three times.
  6. Hide the comb under your mattress.

Spell text: “Moon, wane, comb - comb your hair, but remove excess fat. Lice with nits fall out, excess weight decreases. The pig will get fat, not me. I will look at the food calmly, I will not allow black thoughts. Amen".

water power

Among the weight loss conspiracies for the waning moon, a water ritual stands out, inherited from Siberian shamans. You need to read the words of the spell seven times on the water. The text is like this:

“I lose weight along with the waning month, and the growing month takes my kilograms. I will whisper a prayer into a glass of water, I will get rid of excess fullness. Excess disappears, flies away, dissolves in water. Fat runs away to the sun and moon, to the distant steppes, to the black forest thicket. Forever there he cuckoo. Amen".

For another week, the water is infused, after which it must be drunk in small sips, starting from the new moon. Our ancestors drank the charmed water every day. If you drink the whole jar in one sitting, you will not get the desired effect. A month later, the ritual must be repeated.

Another water ritual

If you want to get rid of fat quickly, there is a more complex type of conspiracy for water. The ceremony is performed in the bathroom before midnight (just before bedtime). Procedure:

  1. Fill the tub with water and pour in a glass of milk.
  2. Say a conspiracy to lose weight before going to bed.
  3. Lie down in the bath for a while, dreaming about the delightful female forms.
  4. Take a shower and go to bed.
  5. The result will appear within the next month.

The text of the prayer: “Vodichka-water, help God's servant (your name) to find a slender figure. She gave you milk to drink, spoke on the new moon, wished you good dreams. Deliver me from misfortune, drive away grief, go away to distant distances. Beauty and harmony will come, excess weight will disappear without a trace, white light won't see. Amen".

Rite with a doll

Another powerful conspiracy on fast weight loss requires little creativity from you. First, mold a doll with clear signs obesity. best material wax is considered, but ordinary dough can also replace it. Having coped with the creative stage of the ritual, read the spell on the growing moon:

“I kill fat, I pinch my sides, I drive gluttony out of the yard into the wild steppe. Fat burns, the womb absorbs less food. Together with the moon, we remove evil, restore girlish beauty. Amen".

While whispering the text of the spell, pinch off small pieces of wax from the doll. Say the plot slowly so that you have time to work with the doll. You need to remove wax from problem areas (stomach, waist, buttocks and hips). Further actions are:

  1. Collect the torn pieces and throw them into the fire.
  2. Hide the doll in a secluded place.
  3. Do not tell your loved ones about witchcraft.
  4. Think positive change.

The Bulgarian soothsayer developed many magical techniques to solve everyday problems. Vanga's conspiracy to lose weight is associated with a person's belief in his own power. Imagine that the goal has been achieved, and you have become the owner of a slender body. At midnight, say the conspiracy words:

“Hunger in the ocean fell asleep, three mighty whales hold it. The hungry maet God's servant (your name) will bypass the side. Calm down, fullness, dissolve in the fog. Step into the waters of the ocean, and give me a slender figure. My little eyes no longer look at food, the body becomes strong and beautiful. Hunger will fall silent, happiness will come. Amen".

Bath ritual

Exists vintage conspiracy for soap, which is carried out in a Russian bath. For the magic to be effective, go to the bathhouse without an escort. Crossing the threshold, whisper the magic words:

“The monk put on a cassock, went out onto the path and began to sing psalms. On the way he ate bread and water, shunned meat and fat, avoided any kind of muffin. The monk sweated, and lost a lot of weight. So the soap piece becomes smaller over time, torturing itself. When the charmed soap disappears, God's servant (your name) will lose weight. As I say, so be it. Amen".

The spell is pronounced three times, after that, start washing yourself with a charmed bar of soap. Be sure to visit the steam room, it is an integral part of the ritual. Such actions are repeated about once a month - after the enchanted soap turns into a remnant.

Ritual with herbs

This is a multi-stage ritual, which is carried out in one of men's days week (Thursday, Tuesday or Monday). Before the start of the action, go to the pharmacy to buy herbs (mint, chamomile, celandine and lemon balm). Mandatory condition: a man must sell herbs. Next, do this:

  1. Brew herbal raw materials (a liter of boiling water and a tablespoon of herbal mixture is enough).
  2. Let the liquid infuse in a glass jar for half an hour.
  3. Fill the tub with water.
  4. Strain the broth, pour it into a new container and place it next to the bath.
  5. Climb into the bath and, pouring the decoction on yourself, read the spell.
  6. Relax and rest for 20 minutes.

The text of the prayer: “I boiled herbs, lured the natural strength. Slender grass-ant, help me get rid of fat. I want to attract men, so that they look at me with desire, shower me with gold. I will gain confidence and a good husband. As I say, it will happen. Amen".

The conspiracy of a ripe apple for weight loss is an old and very strong witch rite. Magic really helps to lose weight quickly with the help of an apple conspiracy. Many girls and women who did the ritual for an apple and read conspiracy to lose weight in the reviews they write that very quickly after casting the spell, the weight goes away very quickly and does not come back again. Weight loss without diets fast way enough interesting way to try it out for yourself. Moreover, as it turned out conspiracy on an apple that reduces weight and starts the process of losing weight not expensive and quite simple for independent execution right at home. How is the ceremony done and what is needed for this.

To self talk apple for weight loss you need a ripe and definitely not wormy apple. The color of the apple for the plot does not matter, so you can choose any that you like. Taking an apple in both hands, bring it to your lips and barely audibly read on it conspiracy to lose weight :

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

She took an apple from the garden of the Lord, brought it to her World.

I eat an apple, I gain normal weight.

From this day on, I will lose weight and get prettier.


As soon as weight loss plot read on an apple , you need to eat a fruit and thereby start the process of losing weight in the body with the help of magic - magic.

© Copyright: Maginya


A conspiracy to lose weight on an apple will really help you lose weight REVIEWS WHO DID:

Well, my review will be the first. More than a month has passed since I read the conspiracy to lose weight with an apple. During this time, I lost 12 kilograms and almost 600 grams. I did not deny myself anything and led a normal life - the same kitchen and work, and on weekends I also went out into the countryside with barbecue and other sweets. Of course, I would like more rapid weight loss with the help of a conspiracy, but such a result is already an achievement and I am very happy with it. Came back to your site to try another weight loss plot to get my waist in shape and get rid of excess fat. Good luck to everyone who decides to try magic and lose weight with simple conspiracy on an apple.

In trying to achieve a goal, a person can even resort to those things that seem useless and have no reason to believe in them. The category of such methods includes conspiracies and rituals for weight loss, carried out at home according to the moon calendar or on significant days in paganism. A number of reviews raise doubts about the "emptiness" of this way to lose weight and interest in the effect it has. Is there any sense in self-performed magical rituals and how do they work?

What is a ritual for weight loss

Love spells, lapels, conspiracies, slander - all these manifestations of pagan magic were the main way to influence the situation in antiquity and the Middle Ages. traditional healers they treated more with a word - not with a medicine, and it worked. After the spread of Christianity, the church began to deny magical rituals, as "games of demons", psychics, fortune-tellers, and other representatives of this group were recognized as "devil's offspring." However, church prayers, to which a person began to entrust himself, are of the same nature as conspiracies.

The essence of these rituals for weight loss is one:

  • Any ritual, during which a person needs to pronounce (read) a certain text, is neuro-linguistic programming (abbreviated as "NLP") - modeling and cultivating faith in a successful situation. If you call it easier, then any ritual for weight loss is self-hypnosis.
  • If a person does not believe in what he says or hears, positive result he won't see. All "magic" helps not by action, but by faith.

Regarding women's attempts to lose weight with the help of magic at home, a clarification needs to be made: conspiracies or rituals can change the principle of thinking, correct some eating habits, make them fall in love with initially unloved food and vice versa, give motivation, desire to change. However, no weight loss ritual will act as Magic wand, burning fat: without additional effort, it becomes an empty business.

Black Rite

The danger of such rituals is a fee or “kickback”, as experts call it. In terms of effectiveness, any ritual for losing weight from black magic is stronger than from white magic, but the consequences can be more serious. You have to pay for a generous gift, so if you suddenly lose 5 kg in a week, this is compensated by getting another problem, and it is not known in what area: health, work, family, etc. The reason for this is the form of influence: black rites work through exchange. Your extra pounds go to someone else, and do not dissolve into emptiness.

white rite

The rituals of light (in other sources - creative) magic are relatively safe, since the one who is affected does not take away the good from the third person and does not transfer evil to him. However, white rituals for weight loss do not work as fast as black ones: they, like fabulous helpers, give direction, a hint, but the person must do the rest on his own.

Effective conspiracies and rituals

Experts are sure that conspiracies are the most effective, during which a person does not deny what he wants to remove, but confirms the desired goal. That is, if you intend to lose weight, you are already forming a mental image slim figure and correct eating habits instead of telling yourself "I'm not overweight." The subconscious mind skips all the particles “no” and “not” and therefore accepts the reverse phrase. In addition, remember that even black magic is only help, but not a sorceress who does everything for you, so the listed rituals and conspiracies must be backed up by deed.

How to perform a ritual for weight loss

At home, a woman has a lot of effective conspiracies and rituals, but their effectiveness depends on following certain rules. Any magical sacrament requires adherence to the canons created centuries ago. The Golden Trinity looks like this:

  • The basic rule, without which the magic for weight loss will not work, is the observance of secrecy. You need to be silent about the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss. One of the reasons is the probability of the evil eye: even a person who is not your envious person can inadvertently “deactivate” the sacrament with his own thought.
  • All ceremonies in which something is required to be read must be performed facing the sun and, if possible, in an open area in order to see it. In a city apartment, you can stay by the window or even on the balcony; in a private house, you should go outside. In the morning, conspiracies are read with the face turned to the east, and at night (or in the evening) - to the west.
  • Experts in the field of magical arts say that the most effective rites are those performed at the beginning of the week, i.e. on Monday, or at its end - on Friday. Weekends are not affected. The explanation for this is simple: new life start with a blank page that opens when you are in front of new week. They get rid of everything with the last leaf, which marks Friday.

To the waning moon

If you want to remove something from your life, then you need to conduct the sacraments to achieve the goal when the moon begins to wane. Just as “pieces” gradually disappear from her, contributing to her rebirth, so a person gets rid of the superfluous, striving for the same. It is important to learn all the words of conspiracies and prayers by heart, i.e. words should not be read from the sheet, but come from the head. You can repeat until the new moon, every evening, and on the next waning moon, if you still continue to lose weight, perform the ceremony again.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Choose a night when the waning moon is visible.
  2. Remove all metal jewelry, including the cross.
  3. Go outside (the balcony will not work), turn around to face the moon.
  4. Slowly, with an understanding of the words, say the following phrase several times: “As you, the moon, decrease, ten fats come off me.”

For a candle

The principle of operation is to conduct a connection between body fat and wax. You need to melt the last one, and this will affect the figure. You see the process of weight loss with your own eyes and project the same process on yourself, only taking into account a slower speed. The ceremony should take place on the full moon, and you will have to prepare 7 days before that. The procedure is this:

  1. Buy some wax church candles. Melt all but the 1st.
  2. Roll up as many small balls of soft wax as you want to lose kilograms.
  3. Collect them in big ball and put it under your pillow.
  4. You need to sleep on this “accumulation of fat” for a week, and on the full moon over church candle melt a piece of wax, imagining that your pounds are melting.
  5. In the morning, bury it in the ground or throw it in the toilet. Repeat until the new moon or until the entire ball melts.

Clean Thursday

WITH church holidays also associated with many rituals belonging to white magic. The rite for weight loss here is a trip to the bath to start the process of "forcing" fat along with sweat coming out. In a city apartment, you can use the “Thursday water”, always in the evening, imagining how it washes off excess weight from you and strengthens your will.

For Palm Sunday

Important Orthodox holiday, with which it is easier for a person to start a new life (and this also applies to losing weight) - Palm Sunday with which many rituals are associated. In the morning, imagining a clear mental image of a slender figure, you need to eat 3 willow buds. They take light food all day, and in the evening, at sunset, drink a glass of holy water in small sips and repeat: “St. Paul waved a willow, drove away ailments from me! Amen". Overweight- health problems, so magical actions aimed at restoring it.

On the water

For this old rite church water and 3 candles from there are used for weight loss. Carrying out necessarily on the waning of the moon. The procedure is this:

  1. Light candles, take a glass of water in your hands.
  2. Look first at the fire, then at the liquid in front of you for a minute.
  3. Read to yourself: "Voditsa-voditsa, take the weight, through the stones of the leak."
  4. Put out the fire with your fingers, wash your hands with water outside and pour the rest into the ground.

For green tea

There are no difficulties with this rite, but you need a very strong faith in your own strengths and results. It can be done daily, the phase of the moon does not play a role. The scheme is this:

  1. Make a simple green tea drink.
  2. Holding the mug in front of you, whisper: “I drink hot tea, let the rattling fat come off.”

With red thread

To conduct a simple and effective magical ritual, you only need a sheet of paper, a piece of woolen red thread and patience. This ritual is carried out for weight loss on Thursday evening, writing on paper (preferably with a pencil) in a column the following: “Vitosap, Anazapta, Ohola, 13 25 79, Siritanos”. The paper is twisted, tied with a thread and placed in the ground, imagining how excess weight leaves your eyes with it. Kilograms will begin to leave from the moment the thread rots.

On honey

Conspiracies for honey are held before dawn, when the month is still visible. Need to make a jar fresh honey(about a glass in volume), put it in front of you on the windowsill and, mentally turning to the sun, in your own words form a request for weight loss, which will be helped by healing honey. When Sun rays get on a jar, you can remove it, and every morning there is a teaspoon of this honey on an empty stomach.

Video: oil rite for weight loss

The desire of some to lose weight is so strong that they resort to the most different ways including magical methods. And what is quite good to insure also support higher powers. A weight loss spell will help you negotiate with your body and set it up in the right way.

General principles

Spells for effective weight loss- it's kind of mental attitude. A psychological aspect very important in this matter. Thus, you begin to lose weight not from a state of struggle, but from a state of agreement with your body. Exist general recommendations, which will help make such a spell even more effective:

  • It is better to choose the time for such a spell when the moon is waning. In this case, the lunar energy will work for you, you will be able to save more of your energy. female body generally very connected with the phases of the moon. It is easier to lose weight on a waning moon. All methods of losing weight at this time work better.
  • If we talk about the time of day, then here it is better to choose the time when the moon is already in force, it should be night.
  • To make the spell work better, choose a room where no one will disturb you. In such a room you need to be completely alone. A quiet environment will help you focus on the right thoughts.
  • The moment of faith in your spell is very important. If you firmly believe in what you are doing, then it will certainly be successful. If you do it for show, you should not count on a strong result.
  • It is not necessary to carry out the ritual on full belly. It is desirable that during the ceremony you have an empty stomach. Food grounds a person, when his stomach is empty, it is much easier for him to delve into higher matters.
  • It matters how you say the text of the spell. You must speak it confidently, calmly, understanding every word. It is better to get to know him in advance before reading the plot during the ritual, and even better to memorize it.
  • While casting the spell, you must be in a special frame of mind. There should be no unnecessary thoughts or doubts in the head. Your mind must be fully tuned to the desire to get rid of excess weight.
  • Do not tell anyone about what you are doing or have been doing magical ritual. Magic does not tolerate idle talk about itself, it loves when its rituals are kept secret. Therefore, even the closest people are better off not talking about the ritual.

Pig Spell

If you live in a private house, then you can cast a weight loss spell with the help of a pig.

During the waning moon, it is better to go to the bathroom after sunset, climb into the bathroom, close the drain with a cork, take a bucket cold water and bathe yourself in it from head to toe. After that, put on a dressing gown, collect at least half a bucket of this water and go to the yard to the piglets. This water must be poured onto the piglet and at the same time say the following conspiracy:

"I'm losing weight, you're getting fat, boar, take, boar, all my fat, you need it more."

For greater effect, it is desirable to perform this ritual three times on the waning moon. You don't need to do this more often either.

Spell for a glass of water

Water cleanses our body, it helps us lose weight, and if you cast a spell on it, it will have a miraculous effect.

For this spell you will need a glass clean water, white candle.

On the waning moon, stay alone in the room. Turn off all sources of electric light, light a white candle and place it in the middle of the table. Open the windows, preferably so that the moonlight falls on you when you are at the table. Place a glass of clean water in front of you.

Conspiracy to lose weight before bed.

Lesson 10 A very strong conspiracy on salt for quick weight loss

Conspiracy for weight loss.

Slimming conspiracy, lose weight in a week.

Weight loss spell - strong weight loss spell

Ritual for weight loss on the waning moon


10 weird ways to lose weight

Ritual for harmony from Svetlana Raevskaya

Conspiracy for weight loss on a candle

We lose weight quickly. Weight loss conspiracy. Conspiracies for the waning moon.

First, get in tune with the space. To do this, sit in silence, listen to the situation, to your sensations in the body. Look at the candle for a while so that your eyes lose focus. Then look at the glass of water, imagine yourself slim, feel the joy of the harmony of your body.

After that, look at the moon, then at a glass of water and say the following plot:

“The moon is waning, I am losing weight, the moon has beautiful horns, I have a beautiful slender body. The moon will help me, charge the water, cleanse the body of excess.

After that, you need to drink water, imagining how it washes the whole body from excess.

Negotiate with a bad person

A spell for effective weight loss can be in the form of an agreement with a thin person. You can arrange for his weight to be transferred to a thin person, with the goodwill of the same person. For example, you have a friend or acquaintance in your environment who suffers from thinness, everyone is trying to get better. Mutual agreements are the strongest conspiracies for weight loss, because there is the will of two people.

With such a person on a full moon, stay in a quiet place, preferably with moonlight on you. Hold hands, for a while just listen to your feelings and his. And then first you say this conspiracy:

“From (the name of the thin) thin, his thinness pass to me fat (your name), and let my fullness pass to this thin one. May he be healthy and happy with my fullness, and I with his thinness.

After that, a thin person also utters a conspiracy, just the opposite.

When the plot is read from both sides, you need to change clothes with a thin person, this will symbolize the transfer of weight, and then go home.

apple spell

Here is another weight loss spell for the waning moon. These are conspiracies for an apple. To perform the ceremony, you will need a red apple, a white candle, a glass of holy water.

On the waning moon, stay alone in the room, light a white candle on the table, sit down at the table so that the moonlight falls on you. Attune with the space, listen to your feelings in the body, imagine the image of yourself losing weight and at the same time remember the joy of this event in the body. After that, cut the apple in half and dip it into a glass of holy water. Look at an apple in a glass and say the following conspiracy:

“Moon, night and holy water! In this red apple, all my will. May it be filled with your strength. So that my will helps me not to get fat, so that my will helps me lose weight. To always be slim, this is my will now.

After casting the spell, leave the candle to burn to the end. Place a glass of apple under your bed, you will need to eat the apple the next morning. The remaining water must be poured under the tree. The apple must be eaten completely, leaving only the bones. Carry the bones with you as a talisman of your harmony, but do it in such a way that they are not visible to others.

Ritual for weight loss in the bath

Bath procedures in themselves contribute to weight loss, but you can increase their effect if you reinforce them. magic power. We offer you the following ceremony when you visit the bath.

When you just enter the bathhouse, namely, step over its threshold, then say these words:

“In a monastic cassock, a person walks, reads psalms, eats only water and bread. In this way, a person sweated a lot and lost weight. So I’ll sweat and lose weight in the bath.”

Read the same plot three times when you directly bathe in the bath. Do this every time you visit the bath. You will see that in the first month you will lose a few extra pounds.

Ritual for weight loss with prayer

Such a ritual works well for true Christians, since it is based precisely on this faith. From the first day of the new moon, you need to read the prayer "Our Father", stop reading it on the last day before the full moon. Read the prayer three times in a row, while looking at the young month. After you have read the prayer three times, stroke your body in those places where you want to find harmony.

During such touches, say these words:

“What I look at will increase, round off, and what I touch will decrease.”

Conspiracies to reduce appetite

Everyone knows that in order to lose weight you need to eat less. But before losing weight, there is always the question of how to tame your appetite. This can be done with the help of magical conspiracies.

These magic conspiracies also called lapels from food. You need to conspire against food on junk food, which leads to overweight. It is rich, sweet, salty, fatty. It is not necessary to carry out a lapel from all products, otherwise it will lead to exhaustion.

buy everything harmful products, which you want to refuse, you need to do this on the waning moon. Place this food so that moonlight shines on it. Stand opposite and say these words:

“As the Moon wanes, so my appetite for these products decreases, and my weight melts from this, I don’t want you harmful, neither my will nor my body needs you.”

After that, you need to take harmful products and take them out of the house, it is not necessary to throw them away, you can just leave them on a bench. After that, go to bed. From that moment on, your appetite for these foods will begin to wane.

All these conspiracies for weight loss can be easily done at home. The main thing during the spell is to believe in it.