Tingling in the lower abdomen after. Slight tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Having become pregnant, women take their health seriously, listen to the slightest changes, with fear, sometimes panic, react to unfamiliar manifestations in the body. Some girls complain of slight tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy. Naturally, expectant mothers are worried about a similar symptom, therefore, in order to eliminate tension, we will explain in detail why the stomach colitis during pregnancy.

Why does the stomach colitis during pregnancy

Colic, backache in the lower abdomen during pregnancy is primarily associated with growth, a rapid increase in the size of the uterus. The reproductive organ is developing every day. With the size of the embryo, her musculature, fibers stretch, stimulating stabbing, painful feelings. Who said that pregnancy is a “sweet” period, sometimes unpleasant moments happen.

The key reasons causing pain, tingling of the lower abdomen are:

  • uterine hypertonicity;
  • digestive failure;
  • flatulence, gas formation;
  • pathology of pregnancy;
  • injuries of the cervix and isthmus of the uterus;
  • inflammation of appendicitis;
  • early birth;
  • start of labor activity.
The tone of the uterus is observed during the entire pregnancy: how to initial stage, and the end. This is due to the work of the uterus, hormonal changes. It is not worth panicking because of hypertonicity and “healing” it. It is necessary to control the level of discomfort during the "petrification" of the abdomen and with the aggravation of the situation, contact the doctors.

Often, painful feelings when carrying a child appear in women with cervical injuries, which arose due to previous births with large fruit, using obstetric forceps, performing abortions.

Sometimes tingling of the lower abdomen is noticed when walking during pregnancy. Experts explain that fast walking, running, dynamic movements provoke contraction of the muscles of the uterus, “petrification”, which responds with discomfort in the lower abdomen, stabbing pain. In this case, slow down, if possible, take a horizontal position. After a certain period of time, the situation will normalize.

Colitis right side lower abdomen during pregnancy

Conditionally dividing right side human abdomen into two squares - upper, lower - then in the upper right segment we will see the liver, gallbladder, fragment of the intestine, right side diaphragms; the lower quadrant contains the appendix, the ureter, which carries urine from the kidneys to bladder, fallopian tubes. Given the placement of the internal organs, you can guess which one is bothering you.

Increased attention is required by the situation when the right side of the lower abdomen colitis during pregnancy. Especially if the girl did not remove appendicitis - an appendage of the caecum. It is the stabbing symptoms in the right lower abdomen, which progress for 12 hours or more, give a spasm to the umbilical zone, signal inflammation of the appendix. Such symptoms, being in a position, should not be ignored, because at any moment the appendage can fester, crack - lead to death.

When colitis during pregnancy in the lower abdomen on the right early dates, it can be assumed ectopic pregnancy(the fertilized egg does not descend into the body of the uterus, remaining in the fallopian tube). Especially when tingling dynamics are accompanied bleeding, general malaise, fainting, sometimes, fever.

Sometimes right-sided pain in the lower abdomen caused by sexual infections: gonorrhea, chlamydia. Sometimes colic signal the occurrence of cystitis: with such an outcome, tingling is accompanied frequent urination And cutting pains during this process.

Under any circumstances, the main thing is not to panic, not to engage in self-diagnosis, self-treatment - in case of acute prolonged pain, discomfort, seek qualified help.

Colitis on the left side of the lower abdomen during pregnancy

Tingling in the lower abdomen on the left during pregnancy is due to the same reasons as pain in the lower right side, except for inflammation of the appendix process. Circumstances that provoke discomfort are the following:
  • cystitis;
  • the occurrence of various sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, trichomoniasis);
  • the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy;
  • inflammation of the pelvic appendages (ovarian inflammation, tumor).
Due to pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body, organs abdominal cavity move from their trajectory, lose their muscles, elasticity, with the growth of the fetus they shrink, and often contribute to the failure of the digestive tract. Food passes through the intestines intermittently, often stagnates, which leads to constipation. Difficulty emptying the intestines causes colic, tingling in the lower abdomen on the left, right, spasms, aching pain.

Experts recommend that women competently approach the process of nutrition. Include in the diet the mandatory use of sour-milk products, fresh vegetables, fruits, whole grain bread: eat often, but in small portions. It is necessary to resort to the use of laxatives only on the recommendation of a gynecologist - self-medication during pregnancy is not permissible!

Stomach tingling during early pregnancy

Tingling in the lower abdomen in early pregnancy, first of all, says that your uterus is changing. At the time of fertilization, the reproductive organ is constantly changing its configuration. And at the time of 6-8 weeks, it changes shape from pear-shaped to ovoid and then grows in size. Such a transformation indicates the correct course of pregnancy and intrauterine development the fetus as a whole.

Due to the transformation and maturation of the uterus, its walls, muscles lengthen, causing stabbing sometimes aching pains in the abdomen. Specialists note: such symptoms are considered the standard at the beginning of fertilization, and girls are usually worried, in whom the menstrual cycle was accompanied by severe pain before pregnancy, inflammation of the appendages was observed. When the tingling in the lower abdomen is short, disappear within an hour and a half - doctors recommend that mothers calm down, lie down, or take a leisurely walk on fresh air. With prolonged symptoms, you should consult a doctor to localize the problem.

It happens that the lower abdomen pricks in the early stages of pregnancy when sneezing or coughing. In this case, you should not be afraid either, due to such manipulations, the muscles of the uterus are compressed, causing some discomfort. There is some discomfort in the lower abdomen with sudden movements, when there is a scar on the uterus after surgery caesarean section. The body of the uterus with a suture is less elastic, and when stretched, it causes certain tingling, pulling pain.

Girls re-pregnant after surgical intervention you have to be doubly alert. Because the seam on the uterus can disperse, leading to a disappointing outcome.

Also abnormal pregnancy caused by the formation of an ovum wrong place, characterized by pain, tingling in the right lower abdomen.

Stomach colitis during late pregnancy

Stab belly during pregnancy later dates often starts because intrauterine growth fetus, respectively, an increase in the reproductive organ. In view of this, the child presses on the bladder, and during the period of urination or when urging to go to the toilet, the stomach below provokes colic.

Pricking in the lower segment of the belly from the middle of pregnancy begins with training bouts. At the end of the period, increasing prolonged colic becomes one of the signs of imminent childbirth.

Painful sensations and tingling in the lower abdomen indicate that a serious pathology is developing in the body.

Similar symptoms occur in both women and men. Depending on which side - left or right - the tingling appears, you can determine the causes that create discomfort.

To make the correct diagnosis, you need to contact your therapist, who will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment.

How and why does the lower abdomen hurt?

Many years of practice in the treatment of various diseases convincingly proves that tingling in the lower abdomen is not always a signal of the development of some pathologies in the body.

In women, this is often associated with physiological processes. Monthly cycle renewal of the endometrium is almost always accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen.

The physiology of the body in men is arranged differently. For them, even a slight tingling in any, right or left, side serves as a clear signal about the development of an infectious or inflammatory process. It follows that the response to these signals must be appropriate.

When a patient visits a doctor, he needs to clearly explain his condition and the peculiarities of the discomfort that has arisen. First of all, this applies to men.

Tingling in the lower abdomen can be felt on the left and right. If we talk about women, then gynecologists are able to determine the nature of the pathology in general terms without additional explanations.

Although in this case it is necessary to strictly adhere to certain terminology.

Specialists distinguish the following types pain:

  • aching and pulling;
  • especially sharp and cutting;
  • with intermittent tingling.

In order for the attending physician to receive sufficient information to make a diagnosis, it is necessary to correctly characterize your condition.

It often happens that the source of pain is difficult to determine. Tingling in the lower abdomen appears in the right, then in the left side.

It is impossible to determine the causes of wandering pains on your own at home, and it is even more unacceptable to prescribe treatment for yourself.

First of all, this rule applies to men.

Experts know that similar sensations occur with the following diseases:

  • problems in the genitourinary system;
  • disruption problems gastrointestinal tract;
  • problems of the musculoskeletal system.

In women, diseases of the pelvic organs and reproductive system generally.

According to medical statistics, tingling in the lower abdomen in women is largely associated with gynecology. These causes account for 60% to 70% of diseases.

Much the situation is more complicated in men. With age, the reproductive system becomes a weak link in the body of a man.

At a certain stage, such a serious disease as prostatitis appears.

Very often, a person does not even suspect the presence of this pathology, explaining the problems that arise with a cold or overwork.

Gradually, the pain occurs on the left in the side, and gives to the groin, and to the rectum. As a result, you have to go to an appointment with a urologist.

Diseases of the genitourinary system

Systematically occurring tingling in the lower abdomen on the left in men indicates that not everything is in order with the reproductive system.

Among possible diseases the following can be named:

  • inflammation of the prostate gland;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammation of the urethra;
  • inflammation of the seminal vesicles;
  • prostatic hyperplasia.

Tingling in the abdomen signals the development of prostatitis. So in everyday life is called inflammation of the prostate gland.

A few decades ago, this pathology was considered age-related, but today it affects men in the prime of life and desires.

Inflammation of the bladder, like the urethra, can occur for various reasons. These are serious diseases that need to be treated without delay.

Practice shows that postponing treatment will not work. Stomach tingling only portends more sharp pains and consequences.

It does not matter at all which side, left or right, pain is indicated. It is important to respond to these signals in a timely manner.

The correct response is to contact a urologist who will make an appropriate diagnosis. Often, to find out the cause, it is necessary to perform a comprehensive examination of the body.

Today, prostate adenoma has become known in a new way - prostatic hyperplasia. At this stage of the development of the disease, unpleasant tingling in the abdomen intensifies and turns into pulling pains.

For men, this is a serious condition, from which you can get out only after targeted treatment. It also happens that blood appears in the urine.

Along with this, painful sensations are fixed either in the left or in the right side and become intolerable.

Observations show that sometimes tingling in the lower abdomen appears at the stage of exacerbation chronic disease, therefore, it is necessary to react to signals of this kind with full seriousness.

Violation of the digestive tract

There is a lot of talk about healthy eating these days. From the TV screens there are calls to use only those products that are good for the body.

At the same time, many of the women notice that after eating “correctly” cooked foods, tingling appears in the stomach.

Sometimes unpleasant sensations appear in the abdomen on the left, sometimes on the right.

With a disease of the stomach or intestines, the first signs may be:

  • heartburn;
  • constipation or diarrhea;
  • bloating.

If proper attention is not paid to these similar symptoms, then in short time the disease can take an acute form.

The causes of diseases such as gastritis, ulcers, colitis are well known. As a rule, the development of the pathology of the gastrointestinal tract begins with the use of low-quality products and alcohol abuse.

First of all, this applies to men. In rare cases, a proper reaction to tingling in the abdomen follows.

The most common approach in such situations is to take different pills. For pain in the left side, one is taken, for pain in the right, the other.

In this way, you can muffle the tingling in the lower abdomen for some time. Drugs bought at a pharmacy do not have a therapeutic effect - they only relieve pain.

Joint diseases

For many men and women, it comes as a revelation when they learn that tingling in the abdomen can result from musculoskeletal disorders.

The musculoskeletal system in general and the hip joints in particular are susceptible to various diseases.

It often happens that the resulting pathology in the spine causes tingling in the lower abdomen or subluxation of the left hip joint causes colic in the lower abdomen on the left.

This kind of discomfort in the lower abdomen is caused by the following diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • joint swelling;
  • scoliosis.

This list includes a dozen more pathologies.

Practice shows that even a slight violation of the articular joint can cause tingling in the abdomen.

As a rule, a tingling sensation occurs in the left side when hip joint damaged on the left, although a clear dependence is not observed here.

Deeply hidden injuries that develop and worsen over time can cause tingling in the lower abdomen from any side.

The causes of such wandering pains are revealed when comprehensive examination organism.

It is desirable for every adequate person to know at least in general terms about the characteristics of his body.

When tingling in the abdomen occurs in women, it may be a sign of approaching menstruation. Similar sensations in the right side or left lower abdomen in men do not mean anything.

The causes of tingling need to be determined. In such cases, you need to be aware that an accurate diagnosis can only be made by a specialist to whom the patient is referred by the attending physician.

When visiting a doctor, it is very important to explain your condition to him and indicate the area in the lower abdomen in which tingling occurs.

To make a diagnosis, it is important to know where, in the right or left side, pain is felt. At the reception, you should tell in detail about your lifestyle, diet and habits, remember after what events tingling appeared in the stomach.

The most important thing is not to postpone the visit to the clinic when the tingling is indicated. A delay in visiting even for one day can cause serious consequences.

Pregnancy is not only a moment of painful, but promising expectation of the birth of the most important little man, but a serious test for the body. During this period, a serious hormonal and physical restructuring takes place inside a woman. Therefore, very often at the stage of pregnancy future mommy experiencing some discomfort. One such inconvenience is a strange tingling sensation in the abdomen. This symptom sooner or later appears in every pregnant woman, and usually it does not lead to any problems. However, tingling in the abdomen may be a sign various diseases and threats. How to determine if your pain is dangerous - read on.

Why do you feel tingling in the uterus in early pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body of any woman experiences serious stress. Therefore, at this stage of life, various unfamiliar sensations may arise. Including lumbago in the lower abdomen.

Pain in the tummy during pregnancy can have various causes. Usually they do not lead to any deviations.

A woman's pregnancy is divided into trimesters. And at each stage, periodic tingling of the abdomen has different causes. Depending on the factor that led to the fact that the lower abdomen of your colitis, the way to alleviate them is chosen.

For the first time, tingling may begin to disturb a woman a few days after a successful conception. On this basis, as well as on the swelling of the mammary glands and the delay in menstruation, one can judge the occurrence interesting position. If you feel similar symptoms, do not worry, it may well be natural causes. Let's see what.

Why women are concerned about tingling in the uterus in the earliest stages of pregnancy:

  1. In the first trimester, it tingles in the lower abdomen due to the fact that the shape of the uterus is changing. Vessels fill with blood and round it.
  2. Also, pain in the uterus can be caused due to changes in the cervix. It softens, and pains arise on the right and on the left side.
  3. At this stage, the stomach may prick. Such sensations are caused by toxicosis.

Usually pain does not cause severe discomfort in a woman. But sometimes they can be accompanied pulling pains similar to monthly. Often, pain in the neck and uterus appear with sudden movements, coughing and sneezing.

Every woman wants to get rid of the sensations that disturb her. To do this, you need to change your posture, taking lying position. You can also try to perform several exercises on the fitball.

Colitis in the lower abdomen in the second and third trimester of pregnancy

It happens that a woman's stomach aches in the later stages of pregnancy. In this case, it is also not worth sounding the alarm; there may be quite natural reasons for this.

In many ways, the comfort of a woman while waiting for a child depends on her lifestyle. During this period, it is important to monitor your diet and avoid excessive exercise.

If the stomach pulls or aches in the second stage of pregnancy, then the growth of the uterus is possible. The growing uterus puts pressure on the intestines and stomach. Therefore, such pains can be associated with colic in the stomach and intestines.

A slight tingling in the abdomen in the second part of pregnancy can be eliminated by doing a few simple tips. First of all, it concerns nutrition.

How to get rid of abdominal pain in the second part of pregnancy:

  1. The first step is to abandon products that contribute to the formation of gases. These include cabbage, grapes, wheat bread, legumes, nuts and potatoes.
  2. It is very important to prevent stagnation in the intestines. This can be facilitated by walking in the fresh air and doing special exercises for pregnancy.
  3. You also need to listen to your feelings. Perhaps the rumble and sudden movements in the abdomen are caused by pushing the child.

If it shoots in the center of the abdomen in the third trimester of pregnancy, then perhaps the whole thing is in preparing the body for childbirth. At this time, training bouts begin, which cause similar discomfort.

If the pain has become unbearably strong, then you may have started generic activity. In this case, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

When to see a doctor for tingling in the lower abdomen

Usually pain in the lower abdomen is a completely natural process throughout pregnancy. However, sometimes these symptoms can indicate the presence of serious complications. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your feelings in this period of your life.

Do not try to fix the problem by self-treatment. This can lead to the most serious problems during pregnancy and even the loss of a child.

Usually, abnormal pain is accompanied by other characteristic features. Therefore, you need to carefully listen to your body and not ignore characteristic symptoms.

What are the symptoms that accompany abdominal pain, suggest that you need to immediately visit a doctor:

  • Diarrhea, vomiting and other signs of poisoning;
  • Fever and severe fever;
  • Very severe pain for a long time;
  • Intolerable pain in the lower back, ovaries and navel;
  • Abundant vaginal discharge, may have bloody streaks.

These signs, coupled with abdominal pain, may indicate serious complications. It can be both problems in the body of a woman, and the threat of a miscarriage. With any of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a competent specialist will be able to identify true reason discomfort below the abdomen.

Tingling in the left side of the lower abdomen

Tingling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy can be triggered by the most different reasons. We have described most of them to you. However, there are other factors that cause such sensations.

Such pain may not be related to pregnancy. They can be caused by organ problems.

A delay in menstruation within a week does not always indicate pregnancy. Such a problem can be caused by problems in the female part or simply by a cycle failure.

With the appearance of acute pain in the abdomen, it is urgent to contact a gynecologist, or even call an ambulance. However, if you are worried about small goosebumps and a chill, you should not worry. Pain in the abdomen on the left can be caused physiological changes during pregnancy. However, it can be a symptom of serious inflammation of the internal organs.

Why can there be severe pain in the left side:

  • Such symptoms may indicate problems with the spleen;
  • Also, pain on the left side can be caused by pathologies in the intestines;
  • Sometimes pain syndrome in the left side means the presence of an inflammatory process in the left kidney;
  • Diseases of the diaphragm can also cause severe pain in the left side;
  • Diseases of the ovaries, adhesions and cyst in the left side of the body;
  • An ectopic pregnancy also causes severe pain.

As you can see, the causes of pain on the left side of the abdomen can be not only serious, but also life-threatening. Therefore, if it hurts badly, do not delay going to the doctor.

Where does the tingling in the right side of the abdomen come from

Sometimes sharp pains occur in the right side of the abdomen. This can also be a symptom of organ diseases unrelated to pregnancy.

Possible reasons sharp pains right abdomen:

  • Acute appendicitis;
  • Problems with the liver and pancreas;
  • Pathology of the intestine;
  • Cyst, inflammation of the ovary and adhesions in the left side of the body;
  • Ectopic pregnancy;
  • Right kidney problems.

If your stomach hurts on the right side, this does not always mean the development of serious complications. However, the organs located there require special attention.

Why during pregnancy colitis in the lower abdomen (video)

Abdominal pain during pregnancy is usually physiological in nature. However, sometimes they are a symptom serious illnesses, which can lead to severe complications or even the loss of a child. Therefore, report all your new sensations to the gynecologist and be healthy.

The first week of pregnancy is the most uncertain of all nine months, because to calculate the probability successful conception within this period exact signs and distinct sensations will not help. Theoretically, only the expectant mother can know the date of conception, provided that pregnancy is planned. In other cases, the first week after successful fertilization is accompanied by the usual rhythm of a woman's life with minor changes present, which can be felt in the first days of pregnancy. And for those who are planning to become parents, we will tell you what characteristic signs and symptoms a woman first experiences after conception, as well as how the life of a child begins in the womb with a photo.

Throughout pregnancy, the expectant mother can be accompanied by a wide variety of sensations (pulling the lower abdomen, nausea, swollen breasts, discharge, etc.), but what she experiences in the first week after the long-awaited planned conception cannot be compared with any others. In addition, changes within the body during the first seven days after fertilization can be regarded as clues, signs positive result before official confirmation.

Pregnancy theoretically and practically

Theoretically, the beginning of pregnancy is considered the moment of fertilization of the egg. But since so far they have not been able to invent a test that can accurately determine the specific time of conception, the countdown is done a little differently.

According to obstetricians, the first week of pregnancy is the one that completes the last menstrual cycle. Moreover, depending on the timing of ovulation, obstetricians consider the first week of pregnancy to be the third (sometimes even the fourth). Therefore, this period was called the obstetric week and became the starting point by which you can determine the approximate date of birth of the baby. Usually, the next 38-40 weeks are counted from this period (development of the fetus in stages in the photo), which separate the moment of conception and the birth of the baby.

Considering early signs long-awaited event, characteristic of the first seven days after conception, in fact, they cannot be called pregnancy. The fact is that during the obstetric week, a fertilized egg lives one of the stages menstrual cycle. During this period, you can observe its movement in the direction of the uterus. Upon reaching the “end point”, the egg is attached to the walls of the uterus, where the fetus will develop in the future, which will be prompted by accompanying signs (it may feel sick, pull the lower abdomen, the mammary glands will swell, there will be discharge, etc.). It is from the moment the implantation of the embryo occurs (implantation after successful fertilization of the egg into the uterus), you can start counting the onset of pregnancy.

At the same time, the practical side of the issue shows that, despite early symptoms and inexplicable sensations that have appeared, the specialist cannot accurately determine the day of successful conception. Therefore, it is rare when obstetric week coincides with the actual date of fertilization. With careful planning, only the expectant mother can know it.

An important period in the life of a future mother

The first week of pregnancy is considered very important period in everyone's life future mother. The importance of such a plan can be seen not only from the point of view of its significance, but also from the point of view of the struggle that takes place within female body. The fact is that it is precisely the first 7-10 days (the scheme of movement in the photo), when, after fertilization, the egg begins its journey to the uterus and tries to gain a foothold in it, the woman’s body, by inertia, perceives it as a foreign body.

Thus, against the background of hormonal changes in the body of the expectant mother, there are also attempts to reject the egg. Therefore, during such a period, you should especially pay attention to your feelings. Perhaps the first signs of the baby's life that has begun will make it clear to the woman that it is worth taking care of.

So, for example, the introduction of the future embryo into the uterine wall after a 6-7-day egg journey (pictured) may be accompanied by early stages minor bleeding (implantation discharge). This phenomenon is purely individual and depends on the body of a woman. For those who are planning a pregnancy, this phenomenon can be regarded as the first symptoms of the birth of a small organism. For many such slight discharge may resemble the onset of menstruation. However, significant ones are a reason for an urgent visit to the doctor, as they are a signal of a threatened miscarriage.

Therefore, it is so important to know what are the signs and early characteristic symptoms of a successful conception in order to be able to timely determine the onset of pregnancy or problems that have arisen.

Changes in the body during the development of the embryo

In the first seven to ten days after successful fertilization, when the egg is attached to the uterus and the development of the embryo begins (see the photo below), in female body numerous changes are taking place.

The so-called hormonal restructuring of the body provokes the production of the hCG hormone characteristic of every pregnant woman. Produced in the blood of the expectant mother hCG hormone can with a probability of 100% indicate a positive result of conception. After passing blood tests, a specialist in the level of this hormone can determine the onset of pregnancy and even determine its approximate duration (table of hormone levels weekly in the photo).

At the same time, in parallel with how the fetus begins to develop in the mother's womb, a woman may feel symptoms corresponding to the first week of pregnancy. These include common features.

Minor blood loss

As previously mentioned, during the implantation of the future embryo in the uterus, slight bleeding may occur. In most cases, they resemble the very beginning of menstrual flow, which is often "confusing" for women who do not carefully plan a pregnancy.

Minor discharge may appear around the sixth day after a successful conception. However, this moment may come earlier or later, depending on individual features female body. During this period, from 6 to 12 days, can be seen on underwear discharge in the form of a few drops with a yellowish or brownish tinge. If they are more abundant or last longer than 2-3 days, you should pay attention to your feelings and at the same time consult a doctor in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

Heaviness in the lower abdomen

Like discharge, the characteristic signs of pregnancy are discomfort in the pelvic area. , it's quite normal. Almost every woman begins to feel the heaviness of the pelvic organs.

Early signs of successful conception within the first 7 days complement pulling sensations extending to the lower abdomen. Such symptoms may indicate hypersensitivity to changes in the uterus. Given the individuality of each female body, such signs, when the lower abdomen is pulled in a pregnant woman after conception, can manifest themselves to varying degrees. According to the reviews of many patients giving birth, the lower abdomen and the sensations when it “pulls” are more pronounced during the second and subsequent conceptions.

Such signals of the body, when pulling the lower abdomen, can be a reason for gynecological examination ladies who do not plan to acquire a small miracle.

Breast tenderness, swelling

Along with how the lower abdomen pulls and slight discharge appears, the expectant mother may swell and become sensitive breasts. Such symptoms are also characteristic of one of the stages of the menstrual cycle.

In any case, pay attention to the sensitivity and swelling of the mammary glands or the absence of such sensations. For the first week after successful fertilization, a strong sensitivity of the breast is characteristic, up to the appearance pain. In some women, on the contrary, with the birth of a new life in the mother's womb during the first week after conception, there are no such signs.

General weakness, malaise

Not only pulls the lower abdomen, and discharge appears at first after conception. A woman after a successful conception during the first week may feel a deterioration in well-being. Against the background of the changes that have come, the woman's body is weakening. This can be regarded as a decrease in immunity and manifested characteristic symptoms:

  • weakness;
  • drowsiness;
  • slight malaise;
  • rapid onset of fatigue.

"Tingling" in the pelvic area

In the first 7 days after successful conception, the lower abdomen not only pulls, there may also be slight “tingling” sensations. They occur in the uterus as a sign of confirmation of a positive fertilization result and are considered a purely individual indicator.


Early signs of a long-awaited event, along with how the lower abdomen pulls and discharge appears, is nausea. Toxicosis can be very early and one of the first to indicate a positive conception. Therefore, if you have lethargy, pulls on the lower abdomen and there is an aversion to your favorite foods, you can visit a doctor to hear the good news and prepare for motherhood.