Fungal and non-fungal toenail diseases - symptoms and characteristic signs, treatment methods. Diagnosis of health on the nails of the hands and feet. Nails and human diseases, how are they interconnected? Color, shape of nails and health. We determine the disease of a person by the legs

According to Tibetan medicine, nails are a by-product of bones.And in ancient China, the primary diagnosis was made by the condition of the nails and points on the body.

Currently, this method has become very popular, as it can be done independently.

You yourself can diagnose yourself and your loved ones and identify the disorders that have begun in the body.

Look closely at your nails. You will see that the holes have become much thinner than before, or even completely disappeared. Only on the thumbs the holes are still large and light.

In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the holes will be small and thin. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole in his thumb, then he is not all right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb, but what about others?

It is believed that the index finger reflects the condition of the large intestine. If the hole on it is significantly reduced or even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the holes of the nails of the index fingers.

The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If the hole on the nail of the middle finger is missing, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.

The hole on the nail of the ring finger reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates a metabolic disorder and problems with the lymphatic system.

The holes on the nails of the smallest finger are responsible for the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine is slagged and as a result, the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the hole of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the hole on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the large intestine is the last to surrender.

Long lines on the nails indicate poor absorption of food in the digestive system. Cross grooves on the nails indicate poor nutrition or advanced diseases.

Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, bulbous, similar to drumsticks. This condition of the nails indicates weakness of the heart and lungs.

When the nail is spoon-shaped and concave so that it can hold a drop of water, it indicates an iron deficiency.

White spots on the nail indicate a lack of zinc or calcium.

Nail coloration may indicate specific disorders.

If the moon is a crescent at the base of the nail (blue means liver disorders; red is a sign of heart failure).

Pale nails indicate anemia. Excessive redness of the nails indicates an excess of red blood cells. Yellow nails indicate liver weakness or jaundice. Blue nails indicate a weak heart and lungs.

White dots on the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. If there are white dots on the index finger, this indicates an accumulation of calcium in the lungs.

Each finger has a connection with a specific organ. The thumb is associated with the brain and skull, and the index finger with the lungs. The middle finger is associated with the small intestine, the ring finger with the kidneys, and the little finger with the heart.

If the nails are dry, hooked, rough, break easily, then the body is dominated by the wind

(in Ayurveda, this type of body is called Vata).

When the nails are soft, pink, tender, easily bendable and slightly shiny, then bile predominates in the body (in Ayurveda, this type of body is called Pitta).

If the nails are thick, strong, soft, highly shiny, with the same contour, then mucus predominates (in Ayurveda this type of body is called Kapha).

Shape and structure of nails

Nails enlarged, convex (like a watch glass) - may be a sign of a respiratory, cardiac or hepatic chronic disease.

Nails brittle and thin, concave, reminiscent of a spoon (koilonychias) - a sign of a violation of mineral metabolism, skin problems, anemia, thyroid disease, this also indicates a lack of iron.

Transverse in-depth stripes (Beau's line) - with a temporary slowdown in the growth rate of the nail. And the transverse grooves on the nails indicate a poor unbalanced diet or advanced diseases.

Longitudinal grooves - predisposition to rheumatism, bowel problems, poor digestion leading to the formation of gases, poor digestion of food, a feeling of general fatigue, irregular menstruation, sexual weakness, depression, nervousness, insomnia, etc.

The absence of a hole on all the nails of the hand - a lack of vitamin B-12, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, neurosis is possible.

A greatly enlarged hole on all nails of the hand - cardiac weakness.

A perforated nail is a violation of the spleen or pancreas.

The nail is flat, split at the end - typical in the presence of worms. Medically speaking, this is "helminthic invasion", "enterobiosis" and so on.

White cross strokes - lack of zinc or calcium.

Red hole - indicates cardiovascular, autoimmune or endocrine problems, rheumatic diseases.

Additional Features

Long lines on the nails - poor absorption of food in the digestive system, inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract, in addition, this indicates a lack of vitamin B12 and iron. It is also a signal of reduced liver and kidney function - which can cause a feeling of general fatigue;

A short flat nail is characteristic of people with an organic heart disease, which is expressed in sensitivity to "stuffiness", rejection of heat, physical fatigue;

The large size of the "crescent" - tachycardia;

The absence of the crescent is characteristic of heart neurosis;

An elongated nail is observed in diabetes mellitus.

The nail of the ring finger in the form of a semicircle is characteristic for various pathologies of the kidneys;

Stripes and blotches on the nail appear in diseases of the spleen and small intestine;

Triangular nails are typical for people with diseases of the spine and spinal cord;

Growths at the end of the nails - a chronic infection of the lungs;

Brittle nails are a sign of an insufficient amount of iron or vitamin A in the body, dysfunction of the thyroid gland, kidneys and poor blood supply;

Lack of holes - heart neurosis, insufficiency and circulatory disorders;

Blue holes are a sign of liver dysfunction;

Red holes are a symptom of heart failure;

Tears are a signal of a lack of proteins, vitamin C and folic acid. The reason for this may be either insufficient use or their poor digestibility;

Exfoliating nails - a signal of energy depletion of the digestive system, disorders in blood circulation, reproductive and nervous systems.

Diagnostic signs by nail color

Oriental medicine: What diseases can be recognized by the nails

A pink nail is in a healthy person.

Yellow color is a sign of liver pathology.

Bright red - about erythremia.

Bluish-violet occurs with congenital heart defects.

White spots on the nails, then, perhaps, a violation of the central nervous system.

And yellowish spots on the nails can be signs of brain dysfunction.

Cyanotic - cardiovascular pathology.

Pale nails, flat or arched, with longitudinal grooves - a sign of anemia - anemia, lack of iron and vitamins.

White can be with damage to the adrenal cortex (Addison's disease).

Pale pink, transparent - changes in the blood, anemia.

Milky white - with cirrhosis of the liver,

Black - with thrombosis of the brachial artery and diabetic gangrene.

Gray with an attack of malaria.

Bluish-white color - it is necessary to appear to a neurologist and gastroenterologist.

Bluish (cyanotic) nails are one of the symptoms of heart or lung failure that occurs due to a lack of oxygen in the blood. Often accompanied by shortness of breath and weakness.

Discoloration of the nails can be caused by nicotine, liver and gallbladder problems, and infectious diseases.

Bluish or greenish skin at the base of the thumb - digestive problems

Nails do not grow well - you need to contact an endocrinologist. Such changes occur in thyroid disease.

Brittleness and brittleness of nails is a lack of minerals such as iron, calcium, and vitamins B and D. It is the signal of the body that requires a short-term intake of special drugs to prevent more serious diseases.

Long-term studies have shown that it is the nails that reflect the early onset of any disease. They carry information about future diseases long before the onset of symptoms.

Our body is a holistic system, the elements of which are closely related to each other. Malfunctions in the work of one organ will certainly affect the other. It happens that this happens even before the “main” part of the body hurts. For an experienced doctor, such indirect signs are as important as obvious and noticeable ones.

It is important to know that nails are one of the indicators of the general condition of the body. Even slight changes in their relief and color can tell you about health problems. Therefore, if you suddenly notice that the nail plates have changed, you should know that this is an occasion to listen more carefully to your body and, possibly, consult a doctor.

In some cases, poor nail health hints at health problems.

Is there any reason for concern?

Not every dot or groove is a sign of a serious illness. Sometimes nails deteriorate due to adverse factors that directly affect them. For example, nail plates are harmed by:

  • aggressive household chemicals and chlorinated water (which is why it is recommended to carry out any household chores with gloves);
  • exposure to ultraviolet. By the way, this also applies to working with equipment like a copier. To protect your nails, you can cover them with varnish with UV filters;
  • poor-quality manicure tools and improper performance of this procedure. If you are not confident in your own abilities, abandon the traumatic cutting technique and switch to the "European" version. The cuticle in this case is not removed, but softened by special means and moved away. This type of manicure is considered more gentle than edged;
  • using acetone-based nail polish remover. It dries out the nail plate;
  • injuries - bruises, blows, pinching, etc.

If your nails have not been subjected to any such tests, and their surface is still changing, it is quite possible that this is indeed a sign of illness. Fears should increase if, in addition to problems with nails, you observe other symptoms: pain, fever, aching bones, disorders of the functioning of any organs, etc. So, what could a change in the condition of your nails mean?

What does brittle nails mean?

Firstly, such an effect may occur due to a lack of fluid or fat in the body. Their deficiency leads to the fact that the nail plate loses its elasticity and begins to crumble. In addition, breaking off the tips of the nails may indicate that the body lacks vitamins and minerals. Presumably, calcium, fluorine, zinc, biotin, vitamins A, E and group B, especially B12, were in short supply.

Brittle nails in women who have entered the menopause indicate that the body needs calcium. The hormonal changes that occur with the onset of menopause affect the absorption of this substance. So even with sufficient intake of calcium from food, the body may feel the need for it and signal this with brittle nails. In addition, weak, crumbling nails are a common symptom of fungal diseases.

Slow nail growth

The rate of growth of the nail plate depends on many factors, including your age and time of year. So, in older people, this process is slower than in young people. In the cold season, nails also do not grow as fast as in the warm season - so in winter this should not be a cause for concern.

Sometimes it is not enough to treat nails - you need to pay attention to the body

Also, nails can slow down growth if the body is deficient in magnesium and calcium. And in this way he reacts to stressful conditions. Experiences affect the functioning of all organs, including the functioning of the circulatory system. Stress causes vasospasm, from which the nail matrix suffers. It doesn't get enough nutrition and growth slows down.

Nail color changes

A healthy nail plate has a pinkish color. If its color changes, this may indicate that something is wrong in the body. Of course, before going to the doctor, make sure that the nails could not have discolored for other reasons. For example, they can turn yellow from nicotine and when in contact with vegetable juice (for example, carrot and beetroot); also, colored varnishes and shedding fabrics that you washed by hand can affect the shade of the nail plate. If this is not the reason, it's time to see a doctor - a change in the color of the nails may indicate serious illnesses.

  • White color. Whitish nails are a sign of anemia and disorders in the liver (up to hepatitis), and individual white spots will report a lack of calcium, iron, copper or zinc. Hormonal disruptions can also be the cause of the appearance of such points.
  • Yellow. In diseases of the lungs (for example, emphysema), the nails grow slowly, thicken and turn yellow. In a similar way, diabetes makes itself felt. Only in this case, the yellow color of the nail plate is accompanied by a slight blueness of its base (hole).
  • Red color. Red nails indicate a malfunction in the heart. If the red lines do not appear on the nail itself, but on the skin roller at its base, it is quite possible that you have lupus or a dysfunction of the connective tissue. True, the nails can turn red from the defeat of the fungus. So, before you go to see a cardiologist, consult a dermatologist.
  • Blue color. The bluish color of the nails also indicates cardiovascular diseases.
  • Black color. Black lines that have arisen under the nail plate require special attention. They may be the result of a blow - the blood is "cooked" under the nail. But if you remember exactly that you were not injured, see a doctor as soon as possible. This is how melanoma makes itself felt. It can also cause darkening of the skin, as well as the formation of growths and seals around the nail plate.

Inhomogeneous surface of the nail plate

This group of nail lesions includes grooves, longitudinal lines, bulges and dents. Normally, the nail should be smooth and even. If deformations appear on it, their nature will tell you which doctor you should make an appointment with.

  • Convex nail plates most often report problems with the respiratory system. We can talk about lung diseases, bronchitis or cancer.
  • If, on the contrary, the nails become concave, this is a sign of an insufficient amount of iron in the diet, and in severe cases, even iron deficiency anemia.
  • Transverse furrows appear due to a heart attack, pulmonary embolism, fever, or other serious illness. They indicate that for some period, while the body is struggling with the disease, the nail has stopped its growth. As soon as the disease recedes, the plate will grow as quickly as before.
  • The appearance of longitudinal stripes is often associated with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular, with a violation of the digestibility of food.
  • If the nail looks "porous" and is covered with small dents, holes, this is a sign of spleen disease.

Pay attention not only to the color of the nails, but also to their structure!

Ayurveda warns

Ancient Indian healers also noted the connection between the condition of the nails and health. According to their concept, each of the fingers is responsible for a specific organ or body system. To diagnose the disease by the nails, Ayurveda masters pay attention not to the plate itself, but to the hole. Normally, the hole should be white and have the shape of a crescent. The nail is pink and matte. If the type of hole differs from that described, this may be a sign of a disease.

  • Thumb. Corresponds to the head and respiratory system. If the nail hole has become smaller than usual, Ayurveda advises contacting specialists of the appropriate profile. A missing hole may be evidence of mental illness.
  • Forefinger."Responsible" for the pancreas, liver and large intestine. Changes to this hole should lead you to the ultrasound room.
  • Middle finger. He is in charge of the circulatory system and all the vessels of the human body. A brightened or disappeared hole is a sign that problems have begun with the blood supply. A good therapist will help, and preferably a phlebologist.
  • Ring finger. The lymphatic system and hormones are his area of ​​responsibility. Changes in the hole signal that the body is experiencing difficulties with metabolism. The thyroid gland and the entire hormonal background of the body are also under threat. Do not delay your visit to the endocrinologist.
  • Little finger. Indicator of the state of the small intestine and heart. If the socket is gone, you may have atherosclerosis, arrhythmia or other heart rhythm disturbances, as well as high blood pressure. There are also suspicions of ulcers and enterocolitis. In any case, with any changes in the hole on the little finger, a consultation with a gastroenterologist and a cardiologist will not be superfluous.

To believe in Ayurveda or not is the personal choice of everyone. But more than once it happened that official medicine discovered the effect of any substances only when the unofficial one had already used them for more than a dozen centuries ... Who knows - it is quite possible that the theory of Ayurveda is correct. In any case, no one disputes the fact that nails testify to diseases today.

Regardless of which view of treatment you adhere to - traditional or non-traditional - pay attention to your nails and perhaps they will help you prevent or alleviate a serious illness.


Preliminary diagnosis by the condition or type of nails:

When studying nails, as well as the entire appearance of a person, they take into account the color, shape, stiffness, delamination or curvature of the nails, their curvature to the left or right, asymmetry, indentation, etc. Nails, say, turned yellow, this may not be to blame only diseases (and there are at least a dozen of them), but also the fact that a woman uses acetone to remove varnish or, for example, a man smokes. Nevertheless, the type of nails allows us to judge the state of various body systems and, above all, about the disease of the blood. For example, brittle nails can occur for many reasons, including household ones. Now, when a lot of chemicals are used to help with housekeeping, and some housewives are too lazy to wear rubber gloves, the result can be a delamination of the nail plate. The same thing happens with the use of household solvents containing acetone, etc. But such “malfunctions” are the most banal violation of the horny plate caused by external causes. In this case, it is enough not to use aggressive substances for some time and use mild soap and glycerin to wash your hands.
The nutrition of the nail matrix, from where it grows, suffers along with other cells of the body in all acute and chronic diseases. Transverse grooves and scallops, thinning of the nail, loosening, discoloration, starting at the root, will remain for the entire time until the nail grows and falls under the scissors. And until the person gets rid of the disease.

Each finger is a reflection of the state of the corresponding organ or group of organs

Each finger is associated with a specific organ or group of organs:
- The thumb is interconnected with the brain and skull. In heavy smokers or people who have lung problems, the sockets (or lunules - crescents) will be small and thin. Oriental medicine, by the way, believes that if a person does not have a hole in his thumb, then he is not all right with his head. The majority of people still have a hole on their thumb.
-The index finger is associated - with the lungs, but also reflects the state of the large intestine. If there are white specks on the nail of the index finger, we can talk about the accumulation of calcium in the lungs. If the hole on it is significantly reduced or even absent, you need to pay special attention to the condition of the intestines, liver and pancreas. Inflammatory processes and gynecological diseases are also reflected in the holes of the nails of the index fingers.
-Middle finger - with the small intestine. The nails of the middle finger are responsible for the circulatory and vascular systems. If the hole on the nail of the middle finger is missing, the person has problems with blood pressure, veins and capillaries.
- Ring finger - with kidneys, so white specks on the nail of the ring finger indicate calcium deposits in the kidneys. The hole on the nail of the ring finger also reflects the work of the endocrine system. The absence of a hole on the nail of this finger indicates a metabolic disorder and problems with the lymphatic system.
- Little finger - with a heart. The holes on the nails of the little finger reflect the condition of the heart and small intestine. That is why, with age, it is the little finger hole that disappears first. The small intestine is slagged and as a result, the hole disappears. All this leads to disturbances in the functioning of the endocrine system (the hole of the ring finger becomes thinner), the heart cannot withstand negative changes (the hole on the nail of the middle finger disappears), and the large intestine is the last to surrender.

Color of nails and nail holes
The nails of healthy people are always an even pink color. Their unnaturally yellow color indicates liver weakness or jaundice. Bright red indicates an excess of red blood cells - erythrocytes. Bluish-violet indicates a weak heart, as does blue. Pale nails are one of the symptoms of anemia.
White spots on all nails indicate a lack of zinc, a malfunction in the central nervous system.
Yellow spots are a sign of brain dysfunction.
Now, attention, when the very shape of the nail or its color changes. This suggests that disorders in the body have been “ripening” for more than one month, or even a year. Normally, in general, the nail plate should be even and smooth, its color without varnish is pink and shiny, the nail halo is in the form of a small crescent, the thickness of the nail is about 0.3 mm. The shape of the nail itself, which can be flat and concave, oblong and club-shaped, can tell a lot about the attentive eye. So, a certain shape of the nail can give an observant person several directions for reflection at once, and, in this case, it is possible to decide what the bitten nails are talking about - about neurosis, gastritis or sexual dysfunction in women, only after clarifying the preliminary diagnosis.

Nail lines and nail shape
Now, about the lines on the nails and the shape of the nails. Long lines on the nails - the digestive system is not in order. Transverse grooves are evidence of poor nutrition or advanced diseases. Sometimes the nails are protruding, convex, similar to an onion or drumsticks. This condition may indicate weakness of the heart and lungs. The body is deficient in iron when the nail is spoon-shaped and concave enough to hold a drop of water. Concave nails warn: alcohol is contraindicated for their owner. Short flat nails can be a sign of heart disease. The owners of such nails are distinguished by increased sensitivity to stuffiness, they do not tolerate heat well, they quickly get tired. The large size of the lunula (crescent at the base of the nail) indicates a predisposition to tachycardia, and its absence indicates heart neurosis. Large convex nails are found in patients with tuberculosis. Flat curved nails are found in those suffering from asthma, bronchitis. Flattened-crushed nails - a hint: worms have settled in the body. Brittle grooves on the nail suggest lime deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Layers on the nail, resembling salt deposits, are a symptom of a disease of the gastrointestinal tract. Long nails are often a sign of diabetes. The nail of the ring finger in the form of a semicircle - kidney pathology is possible. Almond-shaped veins, like waves, on the nails speak of rheumatism. Stripes and blotches on the nail are evidence of a disease of the spleen and small intestine. Triangular-shaped nails are found in those suffering from diseases of the spine and spinal cord. A perforated nail indicates a pathology of the spleen. With “nail diagnostics”, it must be remembered that the signs only signal possible malfunctions, but only a practitioner with extensive experience can make an accurate diagnosis, and it is better to compare several research methods, including laboratory tests, to clarify the diagnosis.

List of main signs for diagnosis
It is highly likely to talk about the disease, in the presence of such signs that should at least alert:
-Short flat nail - organic heart disease.
-Tubular high nail - a harbinger of possible oncology.
- A concave nail is a hereditary form of alcoholism.
- Nail of the ring finger in the form of a semicircle - pathology of the kidneys.
-Sick kidneys can signal themselves with white and brown transverse stripes on the nail plates.
- A pale nail bed is one of the signs of anemia.
- A growth at the end of the nail may indicate chronic lung infections.
-Longitudinal grooves can be an indirect sign of chronic inflammatory diseases (paranasal sinuses, teeth).
- Nails that look like convex watch glasses indicate a lung disease (such as tuberculosis) or bronchitis. If, at the same time, at the base of the nail plate, a light halo has the shape of a large crescent, then, presumably, tuberculosis is congenital.
-If the crescents are large on all fingers, this indicates the risk of cardiovascular disease.
-Crescents on both hands are almost imperceptible - this is a signal of depletion of vitality and such signs simply call for rest.
- With heart disease, the nail becomes bluish.
- In diseases of the liver - yellowish.
- In people with impaired hematopoiesis, the nails are transparent.
- Brittle, brittle nails accurately indicate a deficiency of minerals in the body, namely groups B and D, iron, calcium.
-Psoriasis can be manifested by the so-called "oil spots". They have a yellow-brown color and are located closer to the edge of the nail.
-Fungal diseases declare themselves as white spots. At first, these traces are small, and then grow, occupying the entire nail. It becomes cloudy, dull, thickened and exfoliating. In this case, only serious antifungal therapy prescribed by a qualified dermatologist can help.

Cosmetic advice - for women
Advice (cosmetic) for women, in order to protect the nail plate from the negative effects of varnishes (even under the highest quality nail polish) of a bright or dark color (scarlet, purple, dark brown, black, etc.), a protective base should be applied - it does not bright coloring pigments are absorbed into the nail plate, and then the nails do not change their natural color. The basis for varnish (base) is the same varnish, only without dyes. The content of caring components in the base is usually higher than in decorative varnish. The task of the base under the varnish is to prevent the penetration of bright pigments into the nail plate, which over time give the nails a yellow color. A special base can be replaced with a regular light or transparent varnish.

Perform nail diagnosis - only in combination with other studies
Of course, like any other sign, a change in the type of nails alone, no matter how characteristic it may be, cannot say for sure about a particular disease, but it can suggest it, but then, with further detailed diagnosis, it will be possible to confirm or refute the alleged diagnosis. If you follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle, which we talk about in such detail on the pages of all the sites of our cascade about traditional medicine, then all the holes will gradually return to their rightful place. The undoubted truth is that by the color of the nails and their appearance, form, you can determine the state of the body and diagnose various diseases. After all, the nails of a healthy person are always smooth, strong, even pink.

Diagnosis by nails - the identification of diseases by the state of the nail plate, its appearance: color, the presence of spots and stripes, any flaws, as well as strength. This is the oldest method of oriental medicine, practiced to this day in China and Tibet. Of course, the diagnoses made on the nails are not a reason for self-treatment, they must be verified using modern analyzes and examinations. What can tell the secret signs on the nail plate?

What is it based on ?

This alternative diagnostic method is based on ancient Eastern ideas that the human body is permeated with energy channels associated with various organs and systems. And each of them goes to one of the fingers, so the nails, as the bodily endings of these channels, carry rich information about. Wherein each of the fingers (and hence the nails) corresponds to specific systems and organs:

  • big- respiratory system: lungs, bronchi, trachea; liver;
  • index- oral cavity, including teeth, as well as small and medium intestines, pancreas;
  • average– cardiovascular and circulatory systems;
  • nameless– nervous system and kidneys;
  • little finger- colon.

Being constantly changing in their structure, nails give a dynamic picture of what processes are taking place inside us. Therefore, experts say that makes it quite accurate set the time of occurrence of functional failures in the body and systems and catch the disease at a very early stage of development. For a week, the nail grows by an average of 1 mm (in winter, their growth slows down, and accelerates in summer). Accordingly, the location of spots or irregularities on the nail plate allows you to determine when certain changes have occurred in the body.

What does he say nail color?

Since she herself nail plate translucent, ideally the color of the nails is pink, uniform, on the overgrown tips - whitish. Lunula- a moon-shaped spot at the base of the nail - has a lighter shade. The disappearance of the lunula speaks of a weakened state of health in general, low immunity and lack of energy, possibly a serious illness. When resting, restoring internal resources and strength, the nail moons return to their nail firmament again.

Normally, slight whitening and even blue nails under the influence of frost, which quickly passes in heat. You should be wary if the color of the nails:

  • pale, whitish as a consequence of iron deficiency anemia or disease liver, kidneys, spleen; leukemia and other forms of cancer can also lighten the color of nails; metabolic disorders, an unbalanced menu and a lack of vitamins can also cause whitening;
  • expressed white nail color - possibly the result of cirrhosis of the liver, nephrosis, Addison's disease, poisoning or shock, disruption of the adrenal glands;
  • yellowish- may indicate liver disease, jaundice; fungus and long-term use of varnishes in women also cause yellowing of the nails;
  • yellow-greenish- indicates a prolonged inflammatory process with the formation of pus, abscesses, for example, sinusitis or tonsillitis; fungal infections give an uneven yellow-green color of the nail;
  • redness the nail plate may be the result of overwork, disturbances in the work of the heart, kidneys, blood circulation, when blood stagnates in small vessels or erythremia occurs;
  • brown- indicates a fungus, a long stagnation of blood, fever;
  • bluish, sometimes with a purple tint - a consequence of tissue hypoxia due to disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system.

Stripes and spots on nails

Nail diagnostics pays great attention to the appearance white spots and stripes around which a lot of folk superstitions have developed. In fact, this phenomenon is called leukonychia and is due to a violation of the process of keratinization of the plate - its keratinization. As a result, voids are wedged into the dense structure of the nail, they look like white flies, stars and stripes.

The reasons for their appearance are injury, especially at the base of the nail plate, often due to unprofessional manicure, infectious diseases, poisoning and liver problems. Violations of mineral or general metabolism, the work of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine pathologies, neuropsychiatric disorders, depression can also provoke leukonychia.

Serious pathologies of organs and systems are indicated by generalized leukonychia affecting the nails of the upper and lower extremities. The defeat of more than 20% of the surface of the nail plates with white stripes and spots is a reason for a full examination of the hepatobiliary and endocrine systems.

Treat white stripes and spots on nails by itself doesn't make sense. The only exception is one type of fungus - normotrophic onychomycosis, at which there is no deformation, destruction and yellowing of the plate. So leukonychia can sometimes be the reason for treatment by a dermatologist.

Alimentary (food) factors cannot be discounted. Inadequate dietary intake of nutrients can also cause leukonychia. Necessary for normal nail formation amino acid cysteine, cholesterol and phospholipids, D, A, B, C, zinc, sulfur, silicon, phosphorus and other substances.

The appearance of black, dark, brown spots. They may be signs intoxication and pathology of the liver, kidney damage, psoriasis, endocarditis, advanced fungus, oncology(melanoma of the nail).

Form, smoothness and strength of nails

Nail diagnostics necessarily includes an assessment of their forms:

  • flattening and shortening nail plates may indicate a malfunction in the cardiovascular system;
  • concavity coupled with pallor - evidence of a lack of hemoglobin, anemia;
  • increase, expansion the surface of the nail indicates bronchopulmonary diseases;
  • convexity, spherical shape they can also talk about problems with the respiratory system;
  • incurvation can warn about the development of oncology;
  • nail lengthening may point to .

Health disorders can manifest themselves through a change in the structure, texture, strength and flexibility of the nail plates while maintaining their normal shape. Instead of a slightly shiny smoothness, the surface of the nail may take on an unaesthetic appearance due to the following flaws:

  • transverse bifurcation the nail plate into two parts: the lower one is white and the upper one is normal, indicating renal pathology;
  • longitudinal cracking into two parts indicates psoriasis or eczema;
  • tuberosity- a sign of infection;
  • longitudinal (vertical) furrows- they talk about metabolic disorders, unbalanced, an excess of carbohydrates and iron deficiency, a violation of bowel functions; about depression and insomnia;
  • large grooves and breaks- signs of intestinal ulcers and disorders of the intestinal microflora;
  • furrows with simultaneous delamination the surface layer indicate psoriasis or;
  • wavy defects may be due to rheumatism;
  • multiple pits- evidence of psoriasis.

Nail diagnostics draws attention to their strength. and a tendency to are due to a deficiency of the minerals necessary for the growth and health of nails, in particular. Dystrophy of the nail plate can be caused by strict diets and simply unbalanced nutrition. In both cases, we can recommend an innovative calcium supplement for the production of the Russian pharmaceutical company "

Usually, when you see changes on the nails of the hands or feet, the first desire is to run to the pharmacy for an antifungal ointment. However, the reasons for such changes can be completely different, moreover, non-fungal diseases of the nails on the hands or feet sometimes act only as a symptom of other destructive processes in the body.

Causes of Unhealthy Nails

Normally, the nail should be smooth, loose and have a pink color. If it changes color, shape, becomes brittle and brittle, the nail plate partially or completely moves away from the phalanx of the finger, this may indicate the presence of the following problems:

In addition, nails are subject to age-related changes. By old age, they can turn yellow, become hard or brittle.

Descriptions of diseases

Simultaneous diseases of the nails on the hands and feet are quite rare, usually the nails of the upper extremities are affected.

Hippocratic nails

The extreme phalanges of the fingers thicken, the nails become convex and round. Hippocrates was the first to describe this phenomenon that affects the hands, for which it got its name. It is not an independent disease, it may appear as a symptom when:

  • emphysema;
  • prolonged endogenous intoxication;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • cancers, especially in the lungs.

Sometimes Hippocratic nails can be a hereditary or congenital pathology. In cancers, it develops rapidly over months or weeks; in other cases, the process of change can take years.


Hypertrophic changes occur both on the arms and legs. The nails harden, become transparent, taking on a yellowish-gray tint, over time they can separate from the nail bed. This is considered a manifestation of endocrine diseases, although the main causes of scleronychia are still not known.


Another name is "bird's claw". May develop as a result of frostbite or severe bruising.

The nail becomes dense and uneven, taking on an unnatural color from gray-yellow and brown to almost black. In addition, its free edge is bent, like a bird, or twisted in a spiral.

Treatment consists of softening the surface of the nail with a salicylic patch or ointment, and in advanced cases it may be scraped off or surgically removed.


Growth of the subungual cornea, which is accompanied by darkening of the nail and inflammation of the nail fold. It affects 1-2 fingers, in rare advanced cases, it can be observed on all fingers and toes. It usually manifests itself as a result of malnutrition of the nail in diseases such as:

  • varicose veins;
  • elephant disease.

Also, the cause may be an injury or poor-quality manicure, sometimes onyhauksis warns of a lack of certain vitamins and minerals in the body. For correction, diluting and activating blood circulation drugs are prescribed, with beriberi, the menu is enriched with the necessary nutrients and multivitamins.


Onyhauxis of the thumb nail

Sometimes it accompanies fungal or bacterial diseases of the nails on the hands and feet, often due to mechanical damage or regular nail biting (onychophagy). The nail bed becomes inflamed, the nail matrix itself darkens and after a short time completely disappears from the finger. This happens both from the free edge and from the inside, depending on the cause of the disease.

Treatment is aimed at improving blood circulation in the sore finger through massage, vitamins and medicines. If onychomadesis is of infectious origin, the disease that caused it is treated accordingly. In addition, they try to protect the exposed nail bed from fungi and bacteria, otherwise the affected nail will never grow.

Beau transverse furrows (Beau-Reil lines)

Appear due to inhibition of the growth zone of the nail due to metabolic disorders, trauma or unsuccessful manicure, quite often appears in children as a reaction to a viral infection. Depending on the course of the disease, there can be either one or several, which makes the nail look wavy (see photo above).

The Bo line has the form of an arc stretching across the entire surface of the nail from one side roller to another. Its depth can reach 1 mm and directly depends on the severity of the course of the disease. In difficult cases, the groove can pull the nail so hard that its free edge ceases to receive enough nutrition, gradually atrophies and leaves the finger.

After eliminating the factor that provoked the appearance of the Bo line, defects on the nails eventually disappear on their own.

Longitudinal furrows

They are also called vertical. Possible reasons for their appearance:

  • age-related changes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • defects in the work of the intestines or pancreas;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • damage to the root of the nail plate;
  • lack of iron and.

After the cause is eliminated, the nails themselves take on their original appearance. For the duration of treatment or in case of age-related changes, to improve the appearance, the longitudinal furrows can be hidden under a layer of special varnish.


White spots appear on the nails. Their shape, number and location differ with different dysfunctions of the body. The appearance of spots on the nails indicates the presence of such problems:

  • protein deficiency;
  • deficiency of vitamins (especially C, E, A) and trace elements (calcium, zinc, iron);
  • fungus;
  • violations of metabolic processes in the body;
  • a strong load on the nervous system: stress, anxiety;
  • bowel problems;
  • frequent contact with household chemicals, low-quality varnishes;
  • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • kidney disease;

If there is no suspicion of disease, then this defect can be corrected independently. It will be enough to establish a regime of rest and work, supplement the diet with products with the necessary nutrients, and wear gloves when in contact with household chemicals.


There are changes in the periungual roller, nail plate and bed. The nail becomes less transparent, its thickness changes, growth slows down. It is also possible the appearance of longitudinal furrows and a change in color to grayish-yellow. The causes of this nail disease on the hands can be:

  • mycoses;
  • trauma;
  • skin diseases (,);
  • avitaminosis;
  • chronic diseases of the endocrine system;
  • problems in the work of the heart and lungs;
  • interaction with alkalis, acids, chemicals with unprotected hands.


Refers to onychodystrophy. With onycholysis, a change in the color of the nail plate from yellow to brown is observed. The nail becomes brittle and partly or completely departs from its bed. Possible reasons:

  • fungal and bacterial infections;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • trauma;
  • contact with allergens;
  • some chronic diseases.

Ingrown nail

This type of toenail disease occurs, as the main causes are too tight shoes and improper cutting. The nail grows into the lateral roller, which causes swelling of the finger, pain when walking, inflammation of the soft tissues.

In mild cases, foot baths and softening compresses can be dispensed with; in neglected cases, only a surgeon can correct an ingrown nail.


Brittleness and fragility of the nails, which leads to their delamination. It usually accompanies diseases and conditions that cause impaired microcirculation in the fingers. Also, the cause can be a harsh diet, frequent contact with an alkaline environment. Onychorrhexis is extremely rare on the legs.


Absence of the nail plate. It can be both congenital and acquired after trauma, diseases of the nervous system of an organic nature, some dermatoses.


The nail becomes thinner and becomes concave like a spoon. Possible reasons:

  • heredity;
  • constant destructive action of acetone or household chemicals;
  • some infections;
  • wrong manicure.


Pathologically small, shortened nails. May be congenital or develop as a result of nail biting. Also, micronichia sometimes manifests itself as a symptom in diseases such as:

  • progressive scleroderma;
  • Trenaunay syndrome;
  • flat angioma;
  • Genuine epilepsy;
  • hand malnutrition.


Transverse stratification of the nail plate. It often occurs due to the aggressive influence of substances in household chemicals and decorative nail products. Often found in professions with increased mechanical stress on the fingers: musicians, printers. Onychoshisis also appears with beriberi.


Most often it can be found on the legs and there are a lot of their varieties, so for more effective treatment it is better to consult a dermatologist.

You can get the fungus anywhere, but it needs a warm, humid, and dark environment to thrive, which is why it's the feet that are most affected. The disease develops for a long time, the first symptoms may appear only after a few months.

At first, itching is felt in the infected area, the skin begins to dry and peel off. Further, the nail itself is affected, its color changes, cracks appear on the surface and a putrid odor. If it is not treated, then over time, mycosis will spread throughout the body and cause all sorts of complications.


The nail plates become soft, break and split. It occurs due to diseases of the endocrine system, metabolic disorders in the body, regular exposure to aggressive chemicals.


The surface of the nail is completely flat (see photo). It can be congenital or acquired as a result of professional activity. Also, some chronic inflammatory processes can provoke this defect.


The following list of simple rules will help you prevent many possible diseases of the toenails and hands.

  • You can't bite your nails.
  • File your nails with a glass or cardboard nail file.
  • Manicure should be done on steamed hands, so the risk of microtrauma and, as a result, infection of the wound is reduced.
  • If you use the services of a salon for nail care, make sure that the nail technician disinfects the tools before use.
  • Dry your hands and feet.
  • Your diet should include enough foods containing vitamins and minerals.

And most importantly, do not be lazy to contact doctors and undergo additional examinations from specialists. The earlier the disease is detected, the greater the chance of defeating it.

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