Why can urine smell in women. Uncharacteristic smell of urine in women: causes and possible diseases

Human urine is many times filtered blood plasma, in which the kidneys leave only those substances that the body no longer needs. Usually this is uric acid, some ions, individual, already used drugs, some substances from food, hormone metabolites, as well as a liquid to dissolve all these substances.

The smell of urine is due to ammonia. It is weak and intensifies if the urine container is left open. But if the urine smells bad immediately after entering the toilet (or potty), while you know for sure that no new drugs or products have been taken, such a sign may be a symptom of the disease. Which one, and what to pay attention to, we will talk further.

What does urine say

Urine is the "product" of the kidneys. Blood passes through the kidneys - every milliliter of it. The blood first passes through the kidney filter, which leaves large molecules in it (mainly proteins and blood cells), and sends the liquid with substances floating and dissolved in it further. This is followed by a system of tubules - tubules. They have special "analyzers" built into them. They test what substances are in the urine, and together with the liquid they take the substances necessary for the body (this is glucose, potassium, hydrogen) back into the blood. As a result, out of 180 liters of former blood that has passed through the filter, 1.2-2 liters of urine remains, which is excreted during the day. Such urine is called "secondary" and is an ultrafiltrate of blood plasma.

Formed in the kidneys, the “final version” of urine passes through the ureters, is collected in the bladder, and then exits through the urethra. In these organs, a few obsolete cells are normally added to the plasma ultrafiltrate, and in diseases - bacteria, blood cells, dead own cells. Then the urine comes out. At the same time, in women, it mixes with some amount of discharge from the genital organs, which is always present in a small amount in the area of ​​​​the exit from the vagina.

The smell of urine is given by:

  • some drugs that are excreted mainly through the kidneys;
  • individual strongly flavored substances contained in food;
  • metabolites of certain hormones;
  • pus;
  • blood;
  • discharge from the glands of external secretion, located on the way from the kidneys to the skin of the perineum;
  • some substances that are formed in the internal organs during their illness.

When an unpleasant odor is not a sign of illness

Not always the causes of an unpleasant smell of urine are a symptom of some disease. As is clear from the list in the previous section, they can be observed in the norm. These are the following cases:

  • when a person takes medication. Basically, these are antibiotics (especially Ampicillin, Augmentin, Penicillin, Ceftriaxone) and vitamins (especially group B), and it doesn’t matter how these drugs were taken: inside or in injections. In this case, there is a smell of urine with medicine;
  • if a person ate a large amount of onions, garlic, asparagus, seasoned the food abundantly with horseradish, curry, cumin or cardamom seeds. The smell of urine in this case is sharp, but you can also catch notes of the consumed product in it;
  • during hormonal changes: in adolescence, in women - during menstruation, pregnancy and menopause. In this case, the plasma ultrafiltrate smells simply more strongly and sharply;
  • with poor hygiene of the external genitalia.

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that against the background of menopause or the use of garlic, some other disease could not have arisen that changed the “aroma” of urine. Therefore, if in any of these conditions the sense of smell picks up notes of acetone, rotten eggs, fish, you need to see a doctor. After eating foods with a sharp "amber", urine stops smelling within 1 day. The "aroma" of the drug can last up to 3 days after the end of the course of treatment.

If urine smells like acetone while on a protein diet (“Kremlin”, Dukan, “dry” fasting or other similar), this is not the norm, but a sign that it needs to be stopped. Such a smell indicates that an acetonemic state has developed, when the body consumes not glucose, but incoming proteins to provide energy for ongoing processes. As a result, acetone (ketone) bodies are formed, which have a toxic effect on the internal organs and the brain. Therefore, the appearance of "notes" of acetone suggests that it is time to stop such a diet.

About when urine smells like acetone, while a person does not adhere to a protein diet and does not starve, we will talk below.

When the smell of urine indicates illness

Consider situations where what our nose catches while urinating is a symptom of an illness. To make it easier to find exactly your condition, we will group the diseases precisely by the nature of the amber. Within their framework, we will name the reasons that are characteristic only for men, for women. Separately, consider the reasons why urine smells in a child.

Urine smells like acetone

In medicine, this condition is called acetonuria and suggests that the body does not use carbohydrates, as it should be, but fats or proteins to provide vital processes with energy. As a result, so many ketone (acetone) bodies appear in the blood that the body tries to get rid of them and excretes them in the urine. They give urine its characteristic flavor.

Acetonuria develops not only in diseases, but also in such cases:

  • with the predominance of animal proteins in the diet;
  • during fasting, when an insufficient amount of fluid is consumed. As a result, the body breaks down its own fats, and then proteins, but their concentration has become high due to a decrease in the volume of the liquid part of the blood;
  • with a prolonged increase in temperature, when liquid is lost with sweat, and proteins and fats (own or from food) are consumed as energy;
  • during intensive physical work;
  • with intoxication, when there is a negative effect on the pancreas (for example, when taking large doses of alcohol);
  • after general anesthesia, which involves deep relaxation of all skeletal muscles.

The main disease in adults that causes the appearance of “notes” of acetone is a complication of diabetes mellitus, such as ketoacidosis, a life-threatening condition. A person does not always know that he has diabetes mellitus, therefore, if there were no reasons listed above, you should immediately think about diabetic ketoacidosis and immediately consult a doctor until he goes into a ketoacidotic coma.

You need to think about diabetic ketoacidosis even in the case when, seemingly against the background of complete health, although the person did not use the day before, neither the missing products, nor salads with mayonnaise that had been in the refrigerator for more than 3 days, nor pies at the market or train station, symptoms of poisoning suddenly appear : nausea, vomiting develops, the stomach may hurt. And before that, it was possible to pay attention to increased thirst, nighttime urination, poor wound healing, deterioration of the teeth. And on the eve of the "poisoning" it could have been just the use of sugary foods, or it might not have happened: some more pancreatic cells that produce insulin died, and now the body can hardly get energy from glucose.

And of course, the appearance of the smell of acetone from the urine of a patient with confirmed diabetes mellitus should definitely immediately make a person think about ketoacidosis and consult a doctor urgently. In diabetics, this condition can be caused by:

  • skipping insulin injections;
  • use of an expired insulin preparation;
  • the development of an infectious disease against the background of diabetes;
  • injuries;
  • stress
  • a combination of diabetes mellitus with other endocrine diseases: thyrotoxicosis, Cushing's syndrome, pheochromocytoma, acromegaly;
  • surgical diseases and operations.

In addition to diabetes mellitus, acetonuria is characteristic of such diseases as:

    1. poisoning with phosphorus, lead, heavy metals;
    2. narrowing of the sections of the digestive system (stenosis) due to their inflammation or growth in the wall of the neoplasm - malignant or benign.

Despite the variety of diseases and conditions in which urine acquires an acetone "spirit", the first thing to rule out is diabetes mellitus.

"Aroma" of acetone in women

The appearance of such amber in young women who do not sit on a protein diet and do not abuse alcohol is especially dangerous during pregnancy. Arising in the first trimester, when the lady herself may not be aware of her “interesting” position, it indicates dehydration when accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In the 2-3 trimesters of pregnancy, the appearance of the smell of acetone often indicates the development of a condition called gestational diabetes mellitus, which is complicated by ketoacidosis. If ketoacidosis is stopped in time and then carefully controlled blood glucose, such diabetes disappears after childbirth. But its development suggests that subsequently a woman should carefully monitor her diet, weight and blood glucose levels, since she has an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Other causes of the "acetone aroma" of urine in women do not differ from those in men. Even during pregnancy, not gestational diabetes mellitus can develop, which goes away on its own, but "real" - insulin-dependent (type 1) or non-insulin-dependent (type 2) diabetes mellitus.

When the smell of ammonia appears

As mentioned earlier, ammonia is the main constituent of urine smell. If the urine smells like ammonia, then it can be said that it has acquired a strong smell due to an increase in the concentration of ammonia in it.

This can happen in such cases:

  • with dehydration: when a person drank little water, sweated a lot - when working in the heat or at elevated body temperature, with diarrhea or vomiting;
  • with urethritis (inflammation of the urethra). In this case, it becomes painful to urinate, and streaks or blood clots may appear in the urine. Urethritis often develops after sexual contact;
  • with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder). Its symptoms almost do not differ from urethritis. The main difference, which does not appear in everyone, is the frequent and painful urge to urinate. Hematuria may also occur;
  • with pyelonephritis (inflammation of the kidneys), usually chronic. If an acute process is manifested by an increase in body temperature, back pain, a deterioration in general well-being: weakness, nausea, loss of appetite, then a chronic one, except for the smell of urine and the feeling that the lower back is freezing, may not have any other symptoms;
  • with malignant tumors of the urinary tract. In this case, there may also be a change in the color of urine, the appearance of blood in it. Pain is not always observed, but with a large tumor, urination is difficult;
  • with some systemic diseases: tuberculosis, renal failure.

If the urine smells strongly in a man, this may be due to prostate adenoma. In this case, urination is difficult (adenoma tightly wraps around the neck of the bladder), and urine stagnates. As a result, an unpleasant odor appears.

If urine has an unpleasant smell in women, even during pregnancy, this is still the same list of reasons that are listed above.

Rotten smell

The smell of hydrogen sulfide can occur after drinking alcohol or a large number of spicy foods. In addition, if the urine smells like rotten eggs, this may indicate diseases such as:

  • pyelonephritis. Its symptoms have been discussed above;
  • liver failure. This disease is hard to miss, it is accompanied by poor health, yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, bleeding gums, injection sites, heavy menstruation (in women); the body often smells of raw liver. Liver failure develops as a result of liver diseases: chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis. In some sl
  • urine smells rotten also in cases where, as a result of a long-term inflammation in one of the organs adjacent to each other - the bladder, intestines or tissue between them - a pathological passage forms between them (fistula). Then the gases from the intestines enter the bladder and, dissolving in the urine, give it a specific smell. If feces enter the urinary tract, the urine acquires the appropriate smell of excrement. Before the onset of this symptom, a person may remember that he suffered from chronic cystitis, colitis, paraproctitis.

These pathologies cause an unpleasant smell of urine in women and men.

"Chemical" smell

These words can describe the smell in the diseases discussed above:

  • taking medication;
  • cystitis;
  • diabetes.

The smell of soaked apples

It is characteristic of diabetes. For other diseases, this description does not usually apply.

Urine smells like "mice"

This is how the smell is described in such a hereditary disease as phenylketonuria. It begins to manifest itself from early childhood, and if the child is not transferred to a special diet that does not contain the amino acid phenylalanine, it leads to profound mental retardation.

Now children are tested for phenylketonuria immediately after their birth, so in rare cases it can be detected later at the age of 2-4 months (only if the hospital forgot to do this test or they ran out of reagents). In adults, this disease does not debut.

fishy smell

When urine smells like fish, it could be one of the following:

  • Trimethylaminuria. This is a genetic disease in which the non-metabolizable amino acid trimethylamine accumulates in the body. As a result, the body itself begins to smell like fish. It is not felt by the sick person, but is felt by everyone around. The fishy "flavor" mixes with urine and sweat, and gives these fluids the appropriate smell. Because of this, a person has social problems that lead to mental disorders.
  • Gardnerella infection of the genitourinary tract, characteristic mainly for women. Gardnerella is a special bacterium that begins to multiply, mainly in the woman's vagina, when the balance of other microorganisms in it is disturbed. It practically does not cause "particularly malignant" symptoms. Only, basically, the appearance of mild, muco-serous, rotten fish-smelling discharge from the vagina in women or from the urethra in men. In rare cases, mainly with reduced immunity, gardnerella causes the development of cystitis in both sexes, pyelonephritis in men, the development of prostatitis, epididymitis.
  • Rarely - a bacterial infection (staphylococcus, E. coli, streptococcus) of the urinary tract. In this case, the symptoms of cystitis or urethritis, described above, develop.

The smell of beer

This does not describe the smell of urine in men who have drunk a lot of beer, but a symptom of a disease called malabsorption. This is a condition in which the absorption of food in the intestines is impaired. It is characterized by the appearance of diarrhea with the release of fatty, poorly washed feces from the toilet, weight loss. Since few necessary substances enter the body, the composition of all its biological fluids, including urine, changes.

Hypermethioninemia is an increase in the level of the amino acid methionine in the blood. When it is hereditary (including in diseases of homocystinuria and tyrosinosis), the smells of physiological functions change even in childhood. So, urine acquires the amber of beer or cabbage broth, and feces begin to smell like rancid butter.

Sometimes the smell of beer is characterized by the smell of urine in liver failure. So you can say when this condition developed as a result of the intake of large amounts of methionine into the body, as well as with hereditary diseases of tyrosinosis and homocystinuria (they debut even in children). In most cases of liver failure, urine acquires only a dark color, similar to dark beer, and if the liver suddenly loses its ability to do its job (for example, as a result of acute hepatitis), then an unpleasant smell of raw liver appears from the human body, from his sweat and urine. Some people say that urine in this serious condition begins to smell like rotten fish or garlic.

Purulent, putrid odors

So, basically, acute purulent urethritis or acute purulent cystitis are described. In these cases, pain in the lower abdomen, painful urination, when it seems that after each trip to the toilet, not everything has stood out from the bladder, come to the fore. The urine may contain streaks, blood clots, and even visible yellow or yellow-green pus.

Stool-smelling urine

Developing against the background of long-term problems with urination or defecation (their soreness, difficulty), such a symptom indicates the possible development of a fistula - a pathological channel between the genitourinary system and the intestines.

If the urine began to smell like excrement against the background of complete health, perhaps the reason was poor hygiene of the genitals.

Change of "aroma" only in the morning

If urine has an unpleasant odor only in the morning, then this indicates either a small intake of fluid, a low-carbohydrate diet or fasting, or stagnation of urine, which can develop as a result of:

  • urolithiasis;
  • tumors and polyps of the urinary organs;
  • in men - prostatitis, a malignant or benign tumor of the prostate.

In addition, the situation can be caused by poor hygiene of the genitals in the evenings, especially if an adult (it can be both a man and a woman) practices anal-vaginal sex.

When not only the smell changes, but also the color

Now about when dark urine is observed that has an unpleasant odor:

  • Kidney diseases. If clots and streaks of scarlet blood are more characteristic of cystitis and urethritis, then inflammation or swelling in the kidneys, where urine is directly formed, damaged vessels will directly stain this biological fluid. Tumors of the kidneys can be asymptomatic, and inflammation of this paired organ causes back pain, deterioration in general condition, and increased blood pressure.
  • Renal failure in the stage of production of a small amount of plasma ultrafiltrate. In this case, the urine is dark (concentrated), there is little of it, it smells strongly of ammonia. Kidney failure develops either as a result of any kidney disease, or due to dehydration, or as a result of almost any serious illness.
  • Liver failure due to diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Symptoms such as weakness, nausea, bleeding, yellowing of the skin and sclera predominate.
  • Hypermethioninemia, in adults - developed as a result of either liver or kidney failure.

What diseases can change the smell of urine in a child

A change in the smell of urine in a child may be due to:

  1. congenital disease. In this case, "ambre" appears almost immediately after birth or during the first year of life. Rarely (for example, in diabetes mellitus), a congenital disease manifests itself at an older age;
  2. acquired pathology: this can manifest itself both immediately after birth (as with gardnerellosis, when the bacterium was transmitted from mother to child during childbirth), and at any other time;
  3. immaturity of internal organs.

Congenital diseases include:

  • Leucinosis is a congenital severe disorder of amino acid metabolism. Parents may notice that after urinating, the diaper emits an unusual "aroma", which is described as both sweet, chemical, and similar to "maple syrup" (the second name for the pathology is urine disease with the smell of maple syrup). Periodically, the sweet aroma changes to acetone "ambre" due to the fact that the body uses fats as an energy substrate. If the pathology is not detected in time and the child is not fed with strictly special mixtures, the pathology ends fatally.
  • Homocystinuria. It starts at the chest. Such children begin to crawl, sit up late; they may have convulsions, tic-like movements. There is damage to the eyes, thin sparse hair, sweating, dry skin. Over time, if you do not make a diagnosis and start to follow a diet, damage to the nervous system progresses. Since the basis of the disease is an increase in the level of methionine in the blood, urine begins to smell like beer or cabbage broth.
  • Tyrosinosis is a severe hereditary pathology in which, as a result of a violation of tyrosine metabolism, the kidneys and liver are affected; changes in the state of the skeletal system. It is important to distinguish it from transient (that is, transient, temporary) tyrosinuria, which occurs in one in 10 full-term and one in three premature babies. With this disease, urine smells like beer or cabbage broth.
  • Diabetes mellitus, when urine smells like baked apples. The disease in children may debut with the development of a ketoacidotic state. Then the urine acquires acetone "ambre", the child develops nausea, vomiting, there may be abdominal pain, which is why children are often hospitalized with "poisoning" or "acute abdomen".
  • Trimethylaminuria discussed above. In this case, the parents' sense of smell says that the urine, sweat and skin of the baby smells like fish.
  • Phenylketonuria. From the filtered blood plasma secreted from the urinary tract, it smells like mice.

Acquired pathology is all that is considered in adults:

  • kidney failure - including dehydration, which could be caused by an intestinal infection with vomiting and diarrhea, diseases with high fever, prolonged exposure to a warm, stuffy room;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis.

With all these pathologies, the smell of urine is assessed subjectively. Some parents feel ammonia, the nose of others speaks of a feeling of hydrogen sulfide, rot, pus or fish.

Acquired also includes a lack of vitamin D in infants. It manifests itself mainly when the child does not receive good nutrition and is little on the street, where the ultraviolet of the sun's rays contributes to the production of this vitamin in the skin. With a lack of vitamin D, even before obvious signs of rickets develop, the child will noticeably sweat (especially on the back of the head), and urine and sweat will begin to smell sour.

The main smell that urine acquires in a child from birth to 12 years old is acetone. In some cases, it may be associated with the development of a complication of diabetes mellitus - ketoacidosis, but in most situations the cause of acetonuria is different. So, the digestive tract and pancreas of a baby up to 12 years old do not yet “know how” to respond correctly to loads, and when the following situations occur, they give a signal to break down either proteins or fats for energy:

  • bacterial or viral infections: more often - intestinal infections (especially rotavirus), less often - colds;
  • treatment with certain antibiotics;
  • dehydration during illness;
  • worm infection;
  • stress;
  • hypothermia or overheating.

The “culprit” of the fact that periodically from the child himself and from his physical functions smells of acetone can be neuro-arthritic diathesis - a special developmental anomaly associated with a gene-programmed violation of uric acid metabolism.

What to do if urine smells bad

The treatment for bad smelling urine depends on the cause of this condition and is prescribed on a case-by-case basis. So, with liver or kidney failure, this is a mandatory hospitalization in a specialized hospital, which has an intensive care unit. There, resuscitators will hourly monitor the state of health and correct it, introducing the necessary substances based on a strict calculation, literally in milliliters.

For urinary tract infections (cystitis, urethritis), treatment consists in taking antibiotics, sometimes washing the inflamed organs with antiseptic solutions.

Tumors of the urinary tract are subject to mandatory removal, and if malignant cells are found in them, then it is supplemented with chemotherapy and / or radiation therapy. If hereditary metabolic disorders are detected, then only a special diet can help, and in some cases experimental gene therapy.

Acetonemic condition in children and adults is treated in a hospital, where the patient's body is saturated with the necessary liquid and glucose. The concentration of acetone decreases when complex carbohydrates (Xylat) are injected into a vein and when solutions such as Citrarginine, Stimol, Betargin are taken through the mouth (they are not given to pregnant women). Children are also prescribed enemas with a 1% solution of soda, and inside they are given to drink "Borjomi" or "Polyana Kvasova", from which gas is released.

With the development of a ketoacidotic state, therapy resembles that of acetonemic syndrome, only intravenous administration of polyionic solutions and glucose occurs simultaneously with a gradual decrease in high sugar levels with insulin.

The cause of the unpleasant odor of urine is clarified with the help of urine tests: general with the determination of glucose and ketone bodies, according to Nechiporenko, bacteriological examination, determination of individual amino acids and their metabolites in the urine. By one smell, without an appropriate diagnosis, no one in their right mind can treat.

In any person, uncharacteristic odors of urine cause a certain alarm. Indeed, normally the color remains light yellow, the urine itself is transparent, like water, and does not emit unpleasant pungent odors. If deviations from the normal state become noticeable, there is a reason to carefully consider your own health and undergo an examination by a doctor.

Don't rush to panic

A bad smell noticed during urination is not always a danger signal. There are several non-pathological reasons why urine smells different than usual. A changed smell in a normal state of health may appear due to the following circumstances:

  • The human diet. Urine sometimes changes flavor under the influence of alcohol, asparagus, spicy and salty foods. The causes of the pungent odor caused by food go away on their own. This usually takes 1-2 days from the last intake of such products. But if you continue to regularly abuse beer and eat smoked meats, the situation will not change. If, after giving up such food, the aroma becomes normal, then the problem was precisely in the diet.
  • Medications. Vitamins, antibiotics and other drugs can affect the characteristics of urine. After the drug treatment ends, the substances are independently excreted from the body, and the urine returns to normal in all respects. For example, during treatment with ampicillin, many note a strange smell of urine, which disappears at the end of the course of therapy. The B vitamins also affect the characteristics of the urine.
  • Violation of the water balance. The unpleasant smell of urine in men and women can manifest itself if a person is on a strict diet or suffers from dehydration. This usually happens with those who play sports or try to lose weight. As a result, a pungent smell of ammonia is sometimes felt during urination. In order for the situation to normalize, it is necessary to drink a lot and eat a balanced diet, including the necessary amount of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in the diet.

Health problems

Not always the specific smell of urine can be attributed to diet, vitamin intake, or other harmless reasons. Even the strongest organism can fail. With age, the development of some chronic processes can adversely affect the excretory system.

Urine has a very strong odor in the following situations:

  • diseases of the genitourinary system (inflammation of the bladder, urethritis, prostatitis, ureaplasma, etc.),
  • metabolic disease,
  • diabetes,
  • kidney problems (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis),
  • urinary tract infections,
  • liver dysfunction, etc.

Urine can smell like yeast, mushrooms, beer. Sometimes it gives off bread, gouache and even phenol, apples, garlic or iodine. Such situations are often the result of non-pathological processes in the body. Unpleasant smell of urine in a man or woman, the causes of which are not related to food eaten or medication, may indicate serious disorders.

When the concentration of the aroma increases, or it becomes putrid, brown urine is released, or blood impurities form, it is necessary to undergo an examination and determine the cause of the changes. Especially if the process is accompanied by other symptoms in parallel. Only through detailed analyzes can provoking factors be identified and appropriate therapy prescribed. It is not recommended to use folk remedies without the consent of a doctor.

What can each specific smell mean?

Let us separately consider several situations when it is possible to roughly determine the causes of pronounced anomalous aromas.

  • Mouse smell of urine. It is observed with phenylketonuria - this is a genetically determined pathology in which urine stinks with a sharp chemical composition. It occurs due to the fact that the exchange of phenylalanine in the human body is disturbed. The disease affects the central nervous system, provokes the release of toxic substances.
  • Smell of ammonia. Especially if the aroma is felt in the morning, it usually indicates stagnation in the kidneys. A characteristic phenomenon for pregnant women, bedridden patients and those who spend a lot of time sitting. There is nothing dangerous in this, but you will have to change your lifestyle. Ammonia can also manifest itself in diabetes mellitus and infections of the genitourinary system.
  • Why does urine smell strongly of fish? If there is a sharp unpleasant smell of herring, you should beware. This aroma is characteristic of trimethylaminuria. Experts believe that urine smells like fish due to systemic disorders in the liver, or rather, in the fermentation processes. This leads to the accumulation of trimethylamine in the body. It is he who, getting into the excretory tract, leads to the fact that urine gives off fish. As the disease progresses, the aroma becomes very strong and may be noticeable to others. It is not treated with medication, but with the appointment of a special diet. Such a violation can be observed throughout life and increase with age if you do not follow the rules of nutrition.

  • The reason for the sharp smell of urine, reeking of acetone, penicillin or hints of sulfur, is kenothuria. This is one of the markers of diabetes, and acetone can also be a sign of a severe infection of the excretory system. This smell also appears during starvation and dehydration.
  • Cloudy urine with a pungent, stool-like odor, signals that an infection from the category of Escherichia coli is present in the body. Strong smells with a stench can indicate that there is pus in the urine. You should be tested for sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Smell of honey, maple syrup, or other sweet urine odor speaks of the likelihood of developing maple disease - leucinosis. This is a hereditary pathological disease caused by a decrease in the activity of the enzyme system. Some amino acids are not oxidized enough, resulting in a characteristic sweet flavor. Sugary notes can also appear due to diabetes.
  • Aromas of sauerkraut indicate insufficient absorption of amino acids. The sour smell of urine potentially indicates kidney damage, fungal infections of the excretory tract, and a violation of the functionality of the digestive system. Sometimes it appears with venereal diseases. When urine gives off vinegar, a sour, unpleasant odor, it is impossible to self-medicate and wait until everything goes away by itself.
  • When urine smells like coffee or roasted seeds, you should not worry too much in the absence of other symptoms and pain during urination. The aroma of the seeds is often due to the frequent use of coffee. From him, sometimes the urine smells like buckwheat and becomes dark in color. Try eliminating coffee from your diet for a while or reducing its dose. If everything passes in a few days, the reason was in the drink. If you do not drink coffee, but there is a change in the smell of urine, it is better to undergo an examination.
  • What does the situation say when the urine smells of burnt rubber, gray, chemical smell? Or phenol, tablets, iodine? This indicates chronic diseases of the genitourinary system. It is characteristic of age-related changes in the body and most often appears after 50 years due to natural aging.
  • Urine smells strongly of beer, crackers, bread, or yeast. Potentially, this is a sign of methionine malabsorption - a violation of the absorption function of the intestine. Pharmacy smell appears when a person takes various drugs, which include calcium and iron ions. With inflammation of the appendages in women from the intimate area, it sometimes smells like onions.

How to fix the situation?

For the most part, the appearance of a sharp smell of urine does not indicate a pathology. Especially if there are no other signs of health problems. But there are situations when the strong smell of urine is directly related to diseases. It is impossible to identify the disease purely by aromas. But it is the unusual pungent smell of urine in men, women and children that will be a good reason to get tested.

A number of diseases are distinguished by characteristic aromas, which can be used to identify violations at the initial stage of their development.

Urine with odors requires increased attention and a responsible attitude to one's own health.

Urine is a great source of information about the current state of the body. By doing some simple research, many questions can be answered.

Of course, one would hardly expect urine to have a pleasant odor as a body waste fluid, but an unusual pungent odor cannot go unnoticed. The reasons for the pungent smell of urine in a woman are varied, they include both safe factors that the woman herself can provoke, and some diseases that involve cooperation with a doctor. In any case, we are talking about a deviation from the norm. What are the main causes of bad smelling urine in women?

Normal physiological secretions of a healthy person are characterized by a yellowish (golden) color and transparency. They, like most normal natural body odors, are not fragrant. However, urine that is cloudy and smelly in women may indicate certain changes in the body. First of all, it is a signal of the need for fluid supplementation - hydration of the body.

If, along with the smell, other deviations from the norm appear - color changes, pain in the lower abdomen and when urinating, fever, etc., it is advisable to immediately visit a doctor!

Easily Explained Causes of Bad Urine Smell

Often a woman herself provokes the manifestation of this unpleasant symptom. It may have a connection, in particular, with nutrition. Urine with an odor in women is sometimes the result of some lifestyle mistakes:

  • coffee - immediately after drinking a cup of coffee, it is excreted from the body, which is manifested by a short "smell";
  • multivitamins - a strong smell of urine in women can result from taking vitamin preparations, especially B vitamins; sometimes multivitamin preparations are able to color it in a more saturated color;
  • analgesics - causes of pharmacy smell of urine in women may include the use of certain painkillers and antibiotics;
  • alcohol – pungent-smelling urine is often a “side effect” of drinking alcohol;
  • aromatic foods - garlic and other aromatic foods (onion, black currant...) are reflected in the appearance of an unpleasant problem;
  • the exclusion of hormonal contraceptives after prolonged use is also often the reason why urine in women has an unpleasant odor.

In case of changes that persist even after adjusting the diet and drinking regimen, it is recommended to consult a specialist - perhaps the cause is a metabolic disorder.


Along with the smell, you should pay attention to the color, which may also indicate a pathology:

  • from to brownish-green - jaundice, elevated bilirubin - impaired liver function or biliary disease;
  • color from pink to - urinary tract infections, glomerulonephritis, renal failure;
  • color from pink to reddish without turbidity - inflammation of the muscles, injuries, burns, hemolytic anemia;
  • yellow or - indicates the removal of excess carotenoids, vitamin B2, the elimination of the sulfonamide antibiotic Sulfasalazine;
  • reddish-brown color - can cause the antibiotic Metronidazole;
  • whitish turbidity - the presence of protein.

Pathological causes of the appearance of a strong smell of urine

The problem should not immediately cause alarm or panic. With urine, various substances are excreted from the body, such as proteins, salts or ions. What does the smell of urine in women mean? It is an indicator of what foods or drinks have been consumed by her before. The composition of food or drink is naturally reflected in physiological secretions, which is not something exceptional.

In addition to the above factors that cause smelly urine in women, the causes of the problem can be more serious and include some diseases.

In diseases of the liver or kidneys, metabolites are found in the urine. Violation of liver function is accompanied by unpleasant odors caused by sulfur-containing amino acids.

Danger alert!

Sometimes the causes of smelly urine in women are due to the presence of pathogenic bacteria, which is a sign of an infection, usually in the kidneys. Inflammation of the kidneys, both acute and chronic, is manifested by frequent urination and discomfort during urination. Sometimes body temperature also rises. A medical examination is necessary, because. in particular, jade can lead to kidney failure!

If the bad smell of urine in women is associated with pain, burning and difficulty urinating, there is a high probability that bacterial inflammation occurs, suggesting the need to see a doctor who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The next risk factor is bacterial infections of the lower urinary tract, especially when bacteria that multiply over a longer period produce an increased amount of odorous bacterial products. In such cases, there is a discharge with the smell of urine in women.

Often the culprit of this kind of inflammation is E. coli (Escherichia coli). This bacterium usually lives in the digestive tract, but in women, due to anatomical features, it easily reaches the urinary tract, causing dangerous inflammation. Treatment consists of the use of antibiotics.

If the unpleasant smell of urine in women in the morning is most intense, this is directly related to its concentration, for example, with insufficient fluid intake. One of the reasons is excessive consumption of fatty foods. However, such a symptom may be a sign of one of the serious diseases that affect the digestive or excretory system and, therefore, this signal should not be underestimated.

The sweet, strong smell of urine in a woman is most often a symptom of a metabolic disorder. As a rule, this problem is present in phenylketonuria, a hereditary disease, which consists in a violation of the metabolic processes of aromatic acids. Phenylalanine is converted in the body to tyrosine, which accumulates in fluids. This disease is very serious and is characterized by excessive belching, sometimes vomiting, and impaired motor function. Very often, the disease manifests itself in infancy.

The smell of acetone in the urine

The composition of urine also depends on a number of other metabolic disorders, such as diabetes. The smell of acetone in the urine in women occurs when it is poorly compensated.

Type 1 diabetes is one of the most serious causes of acetone-smelling urine in women. This symptom is caused by ketones (particularly acetone). There is also a specific smell from the mouth.

Type 1 diabetes can be accidentally discovered by a doctor during a routine examination in a patient without any obvious symptoms. However, most often, the disease is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • feeling tired;
  • night sweats;
  • weight loss;
  • mental changes;
  • stomach ache.

The classic symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination with a large volume of urine, followed by dehydration and thirst.

Ammonia smelling urine in women

The smell of ammonia in the urine of women is quite natural, but it should not be very expressive.

Urine with the smell of ammonia in women indicates insufficient fluid intake.

With an increase in respiration and possibly an increase in perspiration, there is a significant loss of fluid, which must be replenished soon. After compensating for dehydration and adjusting the drinking regimen, the ammonia smell disappears.

The smell of fish

Urine with the smell of fish in women can have quite serious causes. This symptom is accompanied by diseases of the lungs (including tuberculosis), bronchi, and also the large intestine. If this symptom appears, a visit to the doctor is necessary to conduct research and prescribe treatment.

Hydrogen sulfide smell

Hydrogen sulfide indicates the presence of pus! In the case of a constant and intense expression of this symptom, a dangerous illness or infection may occur. Do not underestimate it - consult a specialist!

The smell of urine during early pregnancy does not necessarily indicate pathology. As a rule, this is a symptom that accompanies the upcoming changes in the body. But, at the same time, the smell of urine during pregnancy, as in any other case, can be a sign of an infection, for example, the bladder. It will not be superfluous to contact a doctor who will help solve the problem.

A change in smell and color, turbidity of urine, as a rule, indicates an excess of certain substances. These symptoms can also be caused by the presence of pus from current urinary tract, ovarian, or uterine infections. Such changes should not be ignored - this will help to diagnose the disease in a timely manner (if present) and begin treatment.

What do you know about changes in urine - color and smell? Your comment will be extremely helpful. Share your opinion and experience!

In a healthy person, urine is light yellow, clear, without any impurities and pungent odor. Only after a certain time it acquires an ammonia smell. It occurs as a result of alkaline fermentation. All fluid with waste products of the body passes first through the kidneys, then the ureters, bladder and urethra.

The organs that are involved in the removal of the liquid may well give it an unusual smell. If you notice an unpleasant smell of urine in yourself, this may signal a malfunction of the internal organs. What exactly causes the change in color and smell of urine, you will learn from this article.

The first reason can be called an inflammatory process in the kidneys (pyelonephritis). Often, pulling pains in the lower back, along with a fetid odor of urine, indicate the development of this disease. Pyelonephritis at the initial stage is quite easily cured, the main thing is not to delay contacting a doctor.

Unpleasant smell of urine occurs with cystitis (inflammation of the bladder mucosa). With this disease, cutting pains are observed after urination, the urine becomes cloudy, a rather sharp ammonia smell appears, as if it had stood for a day in the fresh air.

If cystitis is of non-infectious origin, that is, it occurs as a result of long-term use of medications that irritate the mucous membrane of the bladder, then the urine may acquire a chemical or pharmacy smell.

The same thing happens with inflammation of the urethra (urethritis). The urethra is affected by viruses or bacteria that provoke the appearance of purulent and even bloody discharge in the urine, which undoubtedly affects its "aroma". It should be noted that a specific smell appears much earlier than other manifestations: pain, burning.

Urine speaks of a rather rare metabolic disease (trimethylaminuria). The disease is due to the fact that in the human body there is a large accumulation of the substance "trimethylamine". It is excreted with our breath, sweat and urine. The high content of trimethylamine causes a person to smell like rotten fish. For treatment, you will need to exclude from your diet foods containing dietary precursors of this substance: choline, lecithin and carnitine.

Certain foods can cause bad urine odor, such as asparagus. Fans of asparagus delicacies often notice a bad repulsive "aroma" when emptying themselves. Often, a change in smell is associated with taking medications, for example, ampicillin, trovan, amoxicillin, ciprofloxacin, omnipen, vitamin B. Although this is necessarily indicated in the annotation for any remedy. If this is a problem for someone, it is better to ask the doctor to prescribe another drug.

Gastrointestinal diseases and dysbacteriosis are the most common cause of sour urine. With increased acidity, a sour "aroma" is observed quite often. To get rid of this problem, it is necessary to cure the existing disease.

In diabetes, significant changes in urine are observed. In the severe stage of diabetes mellitus, urine acquires an apple "flavor". It's all about the high content of ketone cells, but when their level reaches a critical level, acidosis develops. Then the urine smells like acetone. If you do not take action, then the onset of a diabetic coma is quite likely.

In the presence of a UTI (genitourinary tract infection), urine emits a fetid odor. It contains mucus and blood. It becomes cloudy and loses its transparency. It is necessary to conduct a complete examination to identify the focus.

Dehydration and frequent diets throw our bodies out of balance. Water imbalance affects the quality of urine. It acquires a pronounced ammonia smell, becomes much more concentrated. To prevent this from happening, you need to consume at least 1.5 liters of pure water per day.

Here are the main causes that cause bad smelling urine. Let there be no such problems in your life, watch your health and pleasant aromas!

The properties and composition of urine give an idea of ​​the general state of women's health and are interconnected with various changes occurring in the body. The unpleasant smell of urine in women signals the possible development of pathology. It is important not to ignore this symptom and consult a doctor in a timely manner. However, not only pathological processes can be indicated by a change in the smell of urine in girls and women, the reasons for this condition are varied.

Non-pathological factors

In a healthy female representative, urine should be yellow (light shade), transparent, without additional impurities, and have a slightly perceptible aroma. As a result of rapid oxidation, shortly after urination, urine smells like ammonia (ammonia).

The causes and factors that provoke the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in women can be physiological and pathological. It all depends on whether the process is accompanied by additional symptoms. If the urine smells bad, it is not always associated with a disease. The female genital organs are located near the anus, which often changes the aroma of urine. It will be possible to correct the situation with the help of careful hygiene of the intimate area.

Urine smells unusual in women due to certain foods in the diet. If you often eat spicy, fatty or salty foods, urine acquires a bitter odor. A sharp odor is accompanied by urine after taking alcoholic beverages. In girls, urine has a specific smell as a result of taking certain antibiotics or B vitamins. There is no need to treat this condition, it is enough to exclude the provoking factor.

Menopause is a natural period when reproductive and menstrual functions decline. On average, it occurs after 50 years (sometimes even after 35 years). Allocations in women with menopause also smell unpleasant. This suggests that the hormonal background has changed. With age, the aroma of urine may change, smell like iodine or sulfur.

Later, the pelvic floor muscles weaken, resulting in urinary incontinence. It happens that because of this, even clothes stink in an elderly woman.

Diseases of the urinary system

If non-pathological factors are excluded, and urine with an unpleasant odor is observed for more than 5–7 days, there is a possibility of an inflammatory process developing in the urinary tract and organs of the excretory systems. It is noteworthy that the changed aroma sometimes appears long before the development of the characteristic clinical picture. Thanks to this, the doctor can timely prescribe treatment even at the initial stages of the disease.

The strongly pronounced aroma of urine in infections of the genitourinary system is the result of the release of waste products of the pathogenic microflora that caused the disease.

Often, urine in such situations smells like penicillin, which is also a consequence of the development of dangerous bacteria in the urinary system. If it smells like onions, the problem may be related to inflammation of the appendages.

The cause of a strong smell of urine in women can be:

  • pyelonephritis;
  • urethritis;
  • cystitis;
  • pyelitis.

In addition, the urine acquires a dark yellow color or becomes colorless. Turbid urine indicates serious inflammatory processes. The smell of urine with cystitis, for example, becomes ammoniacal, with urination there are sharp, terrible pains. In addition to darkening of the urine, there are pains in the lumbar region, giving off in the lower abdomen. Turbidity, a change in the aroma and color of urine, the appearance of impurities in the urine of women is a reason to be wary.

Sexual infections

Often a change in flavor is a consequence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). With chlamydia, a strongly perceptible smell of urine from the vagina exudes, and an unpleasant-smelling discharge appears. Mycoplasmosis leads to inflammation of the genitourinary system, often accompanied by the development of bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal discharge causes the urine to smell like fish.

With thrush, which is not an STD, but often accompanies these infections, a sour smell (vinegar) appears. In some cases, candidiasis in the later stages is characterized by the aroma of herring. In the initial stage, there may be a burning sensation during urination. The problem will disappear immediately after taking the first doses of antifungal drugs.

Liver pathology and diabetes

In diseases of the liver, dark urine with a pungent odor is characteristic. Excessive amount of bilirubin stains urine. There is a fishy smell, sometimes - garlic. The smell is so strong that even regular hygiene procedures cannot cope with this problem.

The appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine in women can signal a disruption in the endocrine system. The smell of urine in diabetes is sweetish or sour, reminiscent of acetone or pickled apples. It is important to consult a doctor immediately after such changes. Perhaps the development of hyperglycemia, fraught with dangerous consequences, one of which is a diabetic coma. The pungent smell of urine is accompanied by additional symptoms of diabetes. Women feel constant thirst, dry mouth, there is an excessive increase in the volume of urine excreted, jumps in body weight are observed.

Other pathologies

Often, the strange aroma of urine becomes the only sign of a pathological process in the female body. A different smell of urine in women can appear under the influence of the following reasons:

  • The persistent aroma of mold is a hereditary disorder of protein metabolism (phenylketonuria).
  • The smell of fish, and rotten, is characteristic of the rare disease trimethylaminuria.
  • The sugary sweet smell of urine, reminiscent of maple syrup, is a sign of a genetic disease called leucinosis.
  • The smell of putrid cabbage - appears when the absorption of amino acids and monosaccharides is impaired.
  • Strong smell, fetid - observed with purulent inflammation in the urinary tract.
  • A chemical smell is often the result of dehydration, when urine becomes very concentrated.

Changes in the properties of urine during pregnancy

The period of bearing a child is characterized by colossal changes in the work of the female body. It is due to serious hormonal changes that the smell of urine changes during pregnancy. Often, the expectant mother, who is not yet aware of her interesting position, feels the sweet aroma of urine in the early stages. Often there is a slight ammonia odor as a result of the breakdown of nitrogenous products.

In the later stages, when the enlarged uterus puts pressure on the urinary tract and kidneys, there is a slight stagnation of urine in a few hours of a night's sleep. As a result, in the morning when urinating, a pungent odor is released. Usually, after giving birth, the smell of urine normalizes for some time.

A change in the smell of urine during pregnancy can be observed with insufficient fluid intake. Often, orange-colored urine appears at the same time - this is due to the use of various vitamin complexes based on vitamins C and B12, which cause a pharmacy aroma.

An unpleasant smell of urine during pregnancy can signal danger in the event of any additional unpleasant symptoms (dry mouth, a state of general weakness, a cardinal change in the color of discharge, etc.). In such a situation, a doctor's consultation is necessary.

What should be the treatment?

Before starting treatment, a thorough diagnosis and a number of necessary tests are carried out to exclude or confirm the existing pathology. Appropriate therapy is then prescribed.

If changes in the urine are caused by taking certain medications, it will be possible to correct the situation by canceling the pills. In the case of pathological factors that provoked this problem, it is necessary to abandon self-treatment. Treatment with folk remedies is not always effective. Only a specialist can help get rid of the existing pathology. Kidney disease is treated with diuretics to speed up the formation of urine and clear the infection.

If pregnant women experience an unpleasant aroma of urine during morning urination, it is necessary to pay attention to possible non-pathological causes. If they are excluded, but the problem persists for more than 1-2 days, you should contact your doctor and undergo the prescribed course of treatment.