How to understand that a guy has stopped loving you? How to understand that a man has fallen out of love: characteristic signs

It's not easy when love leaves. Often a woman does not understand at all what has changed in a relationship, why they no longer bring joy, and what to do to make everything come back. After all, everyone dreams of meeting love, if someone says that she is not needed, this is only due to the pain that they caused her and the disappointment that froze her soul, and not with a conscious desire to be always free. And if love disappears, it becomes very painful, sad and bitter - so much effort has been spent to find it, and suddenly everything collapses. But so that the temporary cooling that happens in many couples is not perceived as the disappearance of love, it is important to know what signs indicate that you have actually fallen out of love, and are not tired of household chores.

How to understand that you fell out of love

Usually, when it comes to the fact that love is over, they often mean men who often leave, leave, cheat and sometimes admit that they didn’t love or fell out of love, so it’s time to leave, or they like to disappear in English without saying goodbye. But women are often the initiators of the gap, though for this they still have to mature and understand for sure that everything, love has passed and there is nothing more to wait. It is not easy for women to realize that they have fallen out of love, they, unlike men, do not understand their feelings so accurately, which is why so much time passes until they realize that this is the end.

One of the signs that love has passed is the amount negative emotions, which she experiences in relation to a man. In the first days of acquaintance, this was out of the question at all, but as soon as feelings began to fade away, irritation grows and the further, the stronger it becomes. And this is more often due to the fact that he does not behave the way she wants, does not want to understand her, help, discuss problems, does not support and ignores all her requests. The negative towards him continues to grow when he allows her to constantly criticize, ridicule, make fun of, belittle everything that she does, devalue all her achievements, words, dreams, desires and goals.

What can we say if he turned out to be a tyrant and a despot, constantly humiliating and raising his hand against a once beloved woman. In such a terrible situation, a woman with a normal psyche will experience hatred and a desire to deal with the tormentor as soon as possible, the same one who suffers from neurotic relationships is capable of for a long time find an excuse for him, not realizing that she had stopped loving him for a long time and it was time to tear this “Gordian knot” called “tyrant-victim”.

Sometimes claims against a man can arise without sufficient grounds, it only seems to a woman that he has become different, stopped loving her, or even changes. She has no evidence of this, but her Negative influence it already has - love quickly disappears. Although in reality she fell out of love with him earlier, because of which she began to get annoyed over trifles and in everything that he did not do, to see the negative.

Of course, there is no smoke without fire, and no one will stop loving just like that, but this does not make it any easier, because the problem is already there and it will have to be solved. Otherwise, without understanding her feelings, thoughts and what she wants, it is easy to turn into a nervous person who breaks down over any trifle and lives her life in vain with an unloved person.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that for many men to agree that it is worth working on relationships and changing something in them in better side, time there were problems, it is similar to death. He will try to convince the woman that she is mad with fat and will accuse her of excessive demands.

It is rare for anyone to agree, even after numerous claims against him, quarrels and partings, that he does not know how to build relationships and satisfy the chosen one. Faced with this, it is not surprising that a woman’s feelings begin to gradually disappear, leaving behind a deafening emptiness, resentment, disappointment and confusion about why this happened.

Deep down, women often believe that it is they who are to blame, that they are so consumerist and disrespectful, and this deals a crushing blow to their self-esteem, which must be overcome if she wants to be happy. As well as to reconsider her habit of choosing those men who behave in a similar way and clearly do not bring her happiness, if this did not happen for the first time.

To avoid unnecessary worries because you fell out of love and serious mistakes that can destroy self-esteem and complicate life even more, you can, if you remember what signs say exactly that you have stopped loving him, and it's time to move on or revive feelings, if there is a chance, but the main desire.

We analyze the points, how to understand that you have fallen out of love

  • Doubts arose in their love and do not disappear in any way, but appear again and again, which means there is a cooling to the partner. And since they never leave, things are moving towards parting.
  • This is also evidenced by the unwillingness to spend time together, as before. Instead, I want to be alone, chat with friends and acquaintances.
  • If, when meeting with others, a woman feels embarrassed for her man, feelings have faded. When we are in love, we are only interested in the opinions of the people we love, not what others think.
  • There is no place for him in dreams of the future. You can’t imagine him next to you when you achieve everything you dreamed about.
  • There is no longer a desire to take care of yourself so carefully. You stop thinking about how you look when you're around him. Do you care that you walk around the house in stretched sweatpants, unkempt, unwashed and with peeling manicure.
  • There is no desire to cook for him delicious dishes, pamper, arrange romantic dinners, and nighttime communication makes you feel like it's a duty. This is the reason why you get headaches so often and PMS turns you into a fury though earlier time spent at night, relieved stress and helped to survive these days painlessly.
  • When a woman has fallen out of love, she stops pretending that she is very interested in listening to his stories about football. She no longer cares who won when the next game, she is generally ready to let him go with friends for at least a month, for their favorite football, as well as fishing, a conference, a bathhouse and meeting old friends.
  • There is no desire to go and put that impudent girl in her place when she tries to take him away and, without embarrassment, makes eyes at him. Flirting on his part in relation to other girls, the desire to look at them from behind when they go somewhere together, go unnoticed, because only one thought sits in his head, how to quickly go about his business and stay alone.
  • When he is late at work or with his parents, there is no desire to interrogate him, trying to find out if he was really working, and not relaxing with some beautiful colleague. No persistent phone calls to the office or parents to see if he's there.
  • His phone number and social media page the network can be open at least the whole day, you are not interested in what he does there and whether he is chatting with a beautiful stranger.
  • You are not afraid to leave him alone with your girlfriends or sister, although you know that sometimes it ends with the loss of both your lover and your girlfriend.
  • No matter what he tells, there is no desire to listen to him, it has become terribly boring and you no longer want to laugh at his jokes, even if he really has wonderful feeling humor, and does not try to create an image of a merry fellow, who used to be so touching anyway.
  • You no longer ask for his advice or compliment his intelligence and erudition.
  • Recently, more and more often you feel the desire to get acquainted with that handsome man who recently appeared on your way.
  • And often now you find a reason to spend time in splendid solitude, after which you are more and more persistently thinking about how to end this relationship.

Photo: how to understand that you fell out of love

When you realized that love has passed, it is very important to realize for yourself that everything that happened is not your fault and not a fleeting cooling that happens to everyone, but something has really changed, and you stopped loving him. It's just that a moment in life has come when it's time to decide what to do with it all, and that's it.

Not understanding themselves, afraid to admit their feelings to themselves, women often continue to suffer, trying to fix their partner, instead of honestly admitting to themselves that they cannot return love to him, because they fell out of love and that's it. And they did it, not because they are bad, some wrong, losers or do not deserve normal relationship, but because he was not the guy that she needs, that suits her.

What can give more happiness, physical and warmth than a relationship with a loved one? And the closer and dearer a man is to us, the more we value relationships and are afraid of parting.

In any relationship, ups and downs, periods of “seething” passions and almost complete cooling are possible. It is not always easy to understand whether we are talking about a temporary crisis or a real distance from a loved one. Men's logic for a woman is a mystery, as, indeed, and vice versa. Therefore, the behavior of even the closest and well-known man is not always possible to correctly understand. How does a man behave if his feelings have cooled?

Psychologists say: there are several signs that are evidence of the cooling of a loved one.

  • If a man began to see flaws in you more often, look for reasons for comments, and sometimes just take it out Bad mood- this is one of the signs of leaving feelings. Perhaps a loved one feels guilty for his own cooling or even betrayal, and by such behavior he tries to compensate for internal discomfort.
  • If your meetings have become less frequent, but a pleasant romantic evening a loved one each time prefers a football match or a meeting with friends, it is worth thinking about reciprocity. Sometimes even the closest people need to take a break from each other, but if there is no desire to spend time together all the time, this is a clear sign of cooling.
  • Close people consult and support each other. Even the most restrained man sometimes needs affection, support, warmth. And if the desire to consult and communicate disappears, and the usual touches and hugs are gone from everyday life, this is also a sign of a loved one cooling down.
  • One of the needs loving man- take care of your woman, give her a sense of security. And it doesn’t matter if we are talking about material things or spiritual warmth and a couple of encouraging words after difficult day... If the desire to take care of a companion does not arise for a long time, alas, there is no doubt about the cooling of a loved one.
  • One of the indicators of a relationship in a couple is physical intimacy. If sexual desire the beloved shows less and less, and cares less about the pleasure of the partner, possible cause Problems can be precisely lack of feelings.

Video "Signs that a man has cooled off for you"

Far from always, changes in a man's behavior speak of his cooling. It happens that a loved one simply withdraws into himself, for example, due to health problems or difficulties at work. Close person may be too busy with business or plunge headlong into a new hobby that does not yet leave time and energy to show tenderness to the still beloved and only woman ...

Likes/dislikes: test for women

To know true motives men will help our test. Each of these questions must be answered "yes" or "no".

  1. He was no longer pleased with mutual touches, the desire to hug or kiss was gone.
  2. He began to treat you with less respect, more often unreasonably finds fault and reproaches.
  3. The beloved lost the desire to consult, to communicate on familiar topics, to share experiences.
  4. In your presence, a man rarely jokes and most often is in a bad mood.
  5. He shows a noticeable interest in another woman, and it is far from necessarily talking about physical infidelity.
  6. The need to take care, to show attention in a man began to disappear.
  7. Cooling in intimate sphere drags on for many months, and the initiator of intimacy is increasingly a woman.
  8. A man is no longer jealous of you, even if there is a reason for this.

If you answered yes to at least half of the above questions, it is highly likely that the man really fell out of love. However, there may be other reasons for this behavior.

Svetlana Rumyantseva

Sometimes in a relationship, a girl begins to feel cold or that she has become less loved. It often happens that a woman winds herself up, she wants even more attention, or in Once again confirmation of the feelings of a loved one. But there are situations when such doubts arise not without grounds. How to understand that a guy has stopped loving you? How not to offend him with suspicion and distrust?

If you feel that the relationship has changed and it seems that the young man no longer loves you, you should take this seriously. Perhaps he really fell out of love with you, but does not know how to say this so as not to hurt you and remain friends. To understand this issue, analyze the behavior of a man, note what changes have occurred and think about what this is connected with. Suddenly he began to behave like this, because he had serious problems at work, at home, with friends, or he is currently experiencing.

How to understand that a guy fell out of love with you? If a young man stopped calling and answering calls, disappears for a while, and then says that he had urgent business that he could not report. Try to find out if there really were important circumstances that prevented you from calling and reporting. Don't ask for proof and don't make a scene. It's easy to find out through friends, in a conversation with a guy in between times. Or soon he will pierce himself. It happens that it is hard to believe in the story told by the guy, but in the end it turns out that it was so. If you feel that these are just ridiculous excuses, then this guy shows that he has lost interest in you.

Or, looking into his eyes, you will see that in his thoughts he is no longer with you.

Here you need to be extremely careful and prudent. If you have a unique ability to make an elephant out of a fly, wind yourself up and turn everything upside down, think a thousand times before you do or say anything. In this case, instead of fantasizing and tormenting yourself, talk to the guy and dot the "i". Select right time and the environment for such a serious conversation when the guy is not busy with work or solving problems. Tell us about suspicions, doubts, about what you feel and do not want to lose. If a young man experiences bright feelings, he will definitely reassure and make it clear that you are mistaken and everything will be fine.

If there is no love, he may say that you are right, because he himself was afraid to say so. If he is a complete coward or for some reason a relationship is beneficial to him, he can assure that everything is fine or move away from the conversation and avoid this topic.

There are some signs by which you can determine that the guy has stopped loving you.

Criticism against you

The guy criticizes and compares with other women. Shows dissatisfaction with outfits, styling, character, food that you cook. Or he says that a friend's girlfriend cooks much tastier and does not make scenes. Makes fun of you (as if jokingly) in the presence of friends and acquaintances, putting you in an awkward situation. If this has not happened before, this is a sign that something is wrong. Who will enjoy it? Will you tolerate this attitude?

Not "we", but "I"

This suggests that on a subconscious level, he is already free from relationships, but for some reason he cannot stop them. Or he stopped sharing plans for the future altogether, even the very near future, and you will learn about what he has done or planned from friends and relatives. Why continue a relationship if the guy doesn't take you seriously? This is also a sign that he does not see you together.


When asked for help, there is often irritation and dissatisfaction with the fact that he is distracted from important matters because of nonsense. He calls you dependent, unable to do anything without whining, while even raising his voice. Although quite recently he was sensitive and responsive and fulfilled requests without problems and helped with pleasure, and sometimes it was not even necessary to ask, he showed initiative.

Lost care for you

The guy stopped courting, doesn’t open the door, doesn’t let you go ahead, doesn’t give a coat. He does not ask how you feel, what you want and does not show care, affection and quivering feelings. You have faded into the background and are not as important as before. After all, man's love is manifested in the care and protection of his beloved.

Lack of body contact

The young man stopped touching you, giving a hand, holding your elbow, kissing, hugging. It may also be accompanied by a lack intimacy due to "fatigue" or "sickness". And when you try to kiss or hug, he pulls away and makes it clear that this is unpleasant and not pleasant. This is another sign that he has cooled off or he has another girl who satisfies him in every sense of the word and he no longer needs your affection.

Lack of jealousy

If the guy completely stopped being jealous - this is alarm symptom. Men are owners and if they love, they show jealousy to one degree or another (openly or less clearly). Before, he always asked where you were going, who would be there, for how long. And now he shows indifference. This suggests that he does not need you so much. And he might be happy if you find another guy, so he doesn't have to take responsibility for the breakup.

Sheer indifference

There was some indifference on his part, confidential conversations stopped. He called less often or stopped altogether. And he answers your calls every once in a while. The man has a lot of work, after which he gets very tired and cannot meet you. Or he often began to meet with friends or acquaintances, but there is no time for you. You feel like he doesn't need you like he used to.

Dryness in communication

He was not interested in talking to you. Meetings are accompanied by banal conversations, which he tries to finish as soon as possible, finding a bunch of reasons for this. If this is not related to a recent quarrel (after which the guy held a grudge), this is a reason to be wary. Try to find out if he has a lot of free time, and then see if he spends it with you. If not, then most likely he is avoiding you and waiting for you to realize this.

Friendly communication

Compare how he behaves with friends and with you. If he began to communicate in the same way as with the guys, this is another sign that the young man has cooled off. Especially if it was different before, he “lisped” with you, said compliments and called diminutive words. Perhaps he does not want to hurt and is trying to gradually reduce the relationship to friendship, not realizing that this is impossible.

Stories about girls

If a guy began to talk about the girls who are attracted to him or about past relationships - an alarming bell. Of course, if this happens with enviable regularity, and was not said to keep the conversation going. This is unpleasant, and he understands perfectly well, just everyone possible ways tries to say that he does not want a relationship with you, and he wants to date another girl, because you are not his type.

Looks and gestures

When meeting you, the guy is very tense, hides his eyes, looks away, does not touch you, keeps to the side. A sign that he does not want to continue the relationship or is hiding something and is afraid to start a serious conversation.

He has no free time to meet

You began to meet less often, call yourself more often and arrange a meeting, and he, as it were, is doing a favor. It's logged in.

This means that he does not want to see you and is looking for reasons to cancel the date.

About how a guy behaves with other people, you can tell what place you occupy in his life. Watch how he interacts with other girls. If you notice that in communication he uses the same script as with you, this indicates that he does not distinguish you from others. He shows interest in other girls, despite the fact that you are around. Or you notice frequent calls from other girls that he does not even hide. This suggests that he is indifferent to you or this is normal for him (in the future this will lead to betrayal and hassle). Are you ready to continue the relationship, knowing about this character of your beloved? Are you ready? Think about why you need it.

The guy became less emotional with you

When a young man has feelings and talks about them. Lovers stay in, glow with happiness, rejoice at the meeting. If the guy has become squeezed and closed, and the meetings have become too serious character(an exhausted guy with a sullen face who is strained by relationships). You will immediately feel it and understand it by the look, by the actions and by the manner of communication.

If there is a feeling that you have fallen out of love, do not rush to leave.

Understand these reasons. Most the right waystraight Talk. After all, if you love each other, you should not keep anything in yourself. Say what you feel, the young man may not realize that you are tormented by doubts. And after the conversation, everything will fall into place.

All these signs are guys trying to say that the relationship has reached an impasse and should not be continued. It's just that the strong half of humanity is afraid to take responsibility and beautifully put an end to it. They are trying to humiliate a woman to show that they no longer want to meet with you. This is very sad. Do not humiliate yourself and do not run after the young man. Carefully analyze the relationship and behavior of the guy.

If you understand that a young man no longer loves you, do not try to glue the relationship and return love, this will cause pity and will not lead to anything good. This happens, it's just not your person and you will definitely meet a soul mate and be happy. Behave with dignity, do not throw tantrums, this is how the relationship developed. Try to remember that you had a good time together, but, unfortunately, this has passed. Try to maintain a neutral relationship. This is not the end of life. Everything will work out after a while, and you will fall in love with another man who will carry and take care of.

February 24, 2014

They say that even the most true love by the end of the third year of the relationship begins to fade. This is because the first months of a relationship, pheromones are produced in our blood that attract us to another person. After a year, the chemical effect is no longer so strong, and if you and your boyfriend do not constantly throw firewood on the fire of your love, then it will gradually become weaker and weaker.

Feelings can be warmed up not only positive emotions, but also negative, so many couples, a year after they met, experience a period of quarrels over trifles. Don't be surprised if after a few months of your relationship you feel a chill towards the guy. Most likely, the turning point has come when you need to decide what to do: leave or give your feelings a chance to be rehabilitated.

Should the guy talk

Before you tell a guy that you no longer love him, think carefully. Indeed, after these words there will be no turning back: your relationship will most likely begin to fall apart, because no one wants to be with a person if the feelings are not mutual.

Maybe you just thought your love was starting to fade. In this case, you and your boyfriend need to experience some vivid emotions together. You can invite him to go somewhere together or add variety to your intimate life. Vivid emotions and new experiences often reanimate relationships, but not always for a long time.

That is, you will have to constantly invent new ways to entertain yourself and your faithful, so that feelings do not cool down. Are you ready for this? If you don’t really value this relationship and the person has begun to annoy you, it is unlikely that you will be able to cope with your dislike. In any case, do not make hasty decisions that you may regret. Give yourself time to reflect on the situation and try to love the guy again.

How to love a guy again

Have you decided to try not to rush things and try to wake up your feelings? Great, then immediately proceed to return your love. First
the thing is to go back in time and remember why you fell in love with your boyfriend.

You can even go to the place of your first date and take a walk there, evoking memories. Maybe you just forgot how happy you were to meet and how you were fascinated by his attention and by himself? After your memories are stirred up, you need to carefully analyze your current relationship. Think about what they bring you good, and what causes negativity in you. If there is clearly more good, then you should not scatter these relationships. Try to look at the guy with different eyes, for example, imagine that you are unfamiliar.

Talk to your friends and discuss your boyfriend with them. You will see that some of them are not averse to creating a couple with him, because for them he is an attractive and interesting young man. Finally, pretend that you still love the guy. That is, behave as if the feelings have not cooled down. Keep dating him, taking care of him, and talking about love. Perhaps after a while everything will really return to normal, and your love will flare up with renewed vigor.

End of love - end of relationship

If you failed to make your heart fall in love with a guy again, you will have to part with him. You should not wait until a fan appears in your life to whom you can go. It’s not nice to do this to your boyfriend, and besides, this situation can someday happen to you too. Agree, it will not be too pleasant to find out that your boyfriend was with you only because he was waiting. suitable option and at the same time met other girls.

Thank the guy for everything that happened between you and offer to remain friends. Even if you do not want to communicate with him, at first it will be easier for him to know that you are not lost for
him completely. You can support him for a while, if you really want to. You should not do it through force, out of pity, otherwise you will then hate the guy you used to love.
So you fell in love with a guy. What to do, you know! Do not make hasty conclusions and wait a while, sort out yourself and your attitude towards your partner. If you decide to leave, then after the breakup, give yourself time to take a break from the relationship, and do not rush into a new one. Then your following feelings, perhaps they won’t pass as quickly, because during your loneliness you will understand what kind of guy you need next to you and you won’t exchange for others.

“You don’t love me anymore!” - confess, how often have you rashly thrown this phrase in the face of a loved one? And they probably never really believed their own ears. Until real doubts crept in about whether a man loves you. Such fears are the first sign that discord has begun in a relationship. Neither disputes, nor quarrels, nor even reproaches are exact signs, and yet they help to understand that a man has stopped loving you. It's time to stop high-profile accusations based solely on the desire to hear excuses, and act more reasonably.

Only a sober assessment of the situation will help you understand that a man has fallen out of love. Or, to your relief, be convinced of the opposite and continue not to draw rash conclusions. Neither time nor social status relations does not play a role - someone wants to understand that the guy fell out of love, someone - that the husband fell out of love. Eat common features that a man fell out of love. You can use them at any time when it seems to you that there is an understatement between you. But be prepared to find out that a man has fallen out of love, and with dignity to accept this truth. Because the answer to the question "Does a man love me?" can be both positive and negative.

Loves-does not love, spit-kiss? True Signs male love
Fortune telling on chamomile, coffee grounds, palms and even the actions of a lover is an eternal female fun, with the help of which you can not only understand what feelings a man is experiencing, but bring it to nervous breakdown doubts and suspicions. And not only yourself, but also the man himself, who (take note!) May not even be aware of your torment. It would be much more humane and effective to pay attention not to your projections, but to the real object of your passion and notice in his behavior signs that a man loves (already/again/still - underline as necessary):
When a man is in love, he puts his beloved in a priority (comparatively) position in relation to the rest of his life. When a man fell out of love - everything happens exactly the opposite. Therefore, to begin with, try to understand whether he really loved you, or you just really wanted to think so. Start from the real actions and words (to a lesser extent) of a man in order to understand that his behavior has changed. And it changed in the opposite direction to the signs described.

How to understand that a guy has fallen out of love?
The beginning of a close relationship always poses many questions for both lovers. And if you consider that boys and girls usually do not have much experience in mutual understanding and are simply embarrassed to speak frankly, it is not surprising that the number of misunderstandings increases, rather than decreases, as they get closer. Moreover, the “beginning of a relationship” is different for all couples, and can last either a month or a couple of years. How during this time not to go crazy with doubts and not drive your partner crazy with your suspicions? You need to try to understand that the guy has fallen out of love, or continues to keep you devotion:

  • Time, which he spends with you and without you, should be in your favor. Pay attention to how he manages his free evenings and weekends, not to mention the holidays. If you used to spend all weekends together, and now he prefers to see friends without your participation, then perhaps he makes it clear that he has stopped loving you.
  • Attention to you and your relationship. Have you noticed that calls and SMS have not only become less frequent, but have almost disappeared from your daily communication? Has he stopped admiring you and giving you compliments? He did not ask about your well-being, although yesterday you canceled a date and spent the whole evening at home with a temperature? Individually, everything does not look so tragic, but in the complex it makes you think that the guy has fallen out of love.
  • Words and communication. A guy in love does not stop noticing other girls, but they all seem to him worse than his beloved. Surely you at least once heard from him phrases like “You are so good, not like Seryoga’s girl!” and stories about how Serega suffers from the nit-picking and whims of his passion. If a guy has fallen out of love, he will not only stop distinguishing you from the rest, but he may also complain to the same Seryoga that you are not at all who he needs.
How younger girl, the more she tends to overestimate the tragedy of the situation and exaggerate alarm bells in your boyfriend's behavior. With age comes respect for oneself, for a man and for the freedom to which both are entitled. Just don't let dark thoughts take possession of you and do not turn into a bore who only does what she tries to understand that the guy has stopped loving.

How to understand that a husband has fallen out of love?
Family life is the pinnacle of relationships, where success depends on mutual understanding. To love a wife or husband means not only to give flowers and compliments, but also to respect, understand and know what the other half loves and does not tolerate. If it seems to you that your husband has fallen out of love, then you have probably lost sight of something important for more early stages, which led him and you to disappointment. But it's not too late to pull yourself together to find out that your husband has fallen out of love, or to be convinced of the opposite:

  • Tenderness. Regardless of age, while a man is in love, he will hug, kiss, touch you at every opportunity. If he does not take your hand, as before, before leaving the house he kisses not on the lips, but in the air somewhere near your cheek, makes love to you rarely and without passion - there is only one explanation. You already know yourself: your husband has fallen out of love with you.
  • Respect. IN family relationships enthusiasm and romance may fade into the background, but respect and tolerance remain unchanged. If the husband has fallen out of love, he will stop smoothing out awkward moments in disputes and directly express what he is dissatisfied with. Instead of patiently waiting, he will resent your slowness and will not fail to mention that you have stopped taking care of yourself.
  • Proximity. The part that holds the halves married couple together and connects them together. It is she who allows you to feel the community even at a distance and understand each other without words. If the husband has stopped consulting with you, sharing thoughts and problems, it’s time for you to understand that he has fallen out of love or is close to that.
  • Future. Even established couples continue to develop. After the wedding, life does not end, but moves on to new level followed by many more levels of growth and improvement. Plans for the birth of a child (first, second or fifth), purchase new apartment, repairs in an old apartment and even the coming weekend are signs strong family. The absence of such projects on his part is a reason to understand that her husband has fallen out of love.
It is possible that many changes in your husband's behavior are not accidental and you are the direct reason that he has cooled off towards you. Perhaps you really stopped taking care of yourself and, as a result, inspiring compliments and hugs. In this case, it is important to understand as soon as possible why the man fell out of love, and quickly correct the situation. Sometimes it is difficult for a man himself to understand that he has fallen out of love, but an attentive wife, at the first sign of discord, will notice and correctly interpret what is happening.

How to understand that a man has fallen out of love with you?
The signs that a man has fallen out of love can be arbitrarily logical and perfectly rational, but in the field of love you cannot rely on reason alone. A woman can not always correctly interpret male behavior, but you can’t deceive yourself if deep down you already feel that a man has fallen out of love. Women's intuition is a unique tool that, when properly tuned, allows you to understand what a man loves and / or that he has stopped loving. But if you don't want to rely on inner voice try these hints:

  1. Analyze not just the behavior of a man in Lately, and the entire history of your relationship from the moment you met to today. All people are unique and, despite the similarity of manifestations of male love, your case may be special. So, it is pointless to be upset because your husband does not share his feelings with you if he is essentially a taciturn and reserved person. Tell me honestly, maybe the guy does not give flowers, not because you are indifferent to him, but because his mother did not teach him this, and even on his first date he came to you without a bouquet?
  2. To organize your thoughts and memories, write them down in two columns. In one column, write the arguments "for", in the other - "against" his love for you. Set the list aside for a couple of days, then re-read it with fresh eyes. This simple exercise will help you rethink your own conclusions and notice what eluded your attention due to an excess of emotions.
  3. Talk to him. Especially if you want to understand that your husband has fallen out of love, because this is the simplest and most natural way contact with a loved one. If we are talking not about a husband, but about a boyfriend, then starting a conversation can be more difficult. You are not yet close enough and do not know each other so well to predict his reaction. But this is also good: the guy will either show understanding and correctly understand your fears, or demonstrate an unwillingness to meet you halfway. That will make it clear that he did not love you at all.
There is nothing more inspiring than, after painful doubts, to understand that a man loves and is not going to part with you. But if the conclusion turns out to be the opposite, you will be mentally prepared for this state of affairs and retain dignity and self-respect. In any case, judicious and planned behavior will help you find Right words and actions, if a man stopped loving. And also in the event that you have fallen out of love with a man and do not know how to end the relationship correctly. Be patient, considerate, and kind to those you love and those who love or dislike you. Take care of yourself and close relationships!