Relations reached an impasse: what to do, signs of a "wake-up call"

Often the question arises: what to do if the relationship is at an impasse.

Psychology gives an answer to it and helps get out of a difficult situation, saving the union.

signs of wilting

Relationships never are not stable, periodically happen, misunderstanding, people get tired of each other.

How to understand that they really are at an impasse:

  • no trust;
  • lie;
  • partners tend to spend less time together;
  • pressure from one of the partners;
  • unwillingness to compromise;
  • the appearance of a potential or real rival;
  • rare intimacy compared to past periods;
  • leaving home;
  • intervention in the conflict of other people - parents, children, friends;
  • loss of emotional closeness;
  • dissatisfaction with: life, work, family, partner, self;
  • fear of living together, lack of desire for one or both partners to register a marriage,.

Your person should inspire you. If only negativity, criticism, attempts to humiliate him come from him, then such relationships are doomed to failure sooner or later.

Do you want to suffer all your life next to someone who does not perceive you as a complete and equal person? Your person will encourage you, support you in difficult times, and not show indifference and indifference.

After some time together, ask yourself: does the person suit you?

Of course, everyone has flaws. But if the relationship suits you, then it is quite possible to put up with some shortcomings.

Of great importance sexual compatibility. This at first seems to be a minor problem, especially since at the peak of romance your intimate relationship is bright.

But then differences in preferences, frequency of contacts are revealed, and this also often becomes the cause of quarrels and misunderstandings.

One of the signs that your relationship is at an impasse is that you are not developing together. That is, everyone lives as if by himself.

One partner at the same time may strive to develop, the other is satisfied with the one in which he resides. Different needs, the pace of life, goals again become the causes of misunderstanding.

As a result, you start to think - what's next, do I have prospects with this partner?

So, you realized that the relationship has reached a dead end, you urgently need to do something, change, otherwise collapse is inevitable.


Relationship with a girl reached a dead end: what should a guy do?

Your girlfriend does not want to do what you need. She got her own interests she is getting more and more distant.

It is likely that respect for you has been lost. At the same time, do you feel all the same affection, do you want to maintain and develop relationships? What to do in this case.

Take control of your emotions. This is not easy, but if your relationship is dominated by negative emotions - anger, irritation, anger, then the break is close. Try to be positive, create a mood, and first of all for yourself.

The girl does not like to be near a gloomy and always dissatisfied guy. Change your attitude towards life if the prevailing mood is pessimism.

Be sure to take the time to be together- go to the cinema, go for walks, have dinners and picnics. However, do not limit your world to just the two of you, otherwise there is a danger of getting tired of the presence of a partner. Good unloading - meeting with friends.


Relations with a man reached a dead end: what should a woman do?

You really like a man, you understand that you would like to continue to communicate with them and, perhaps, live life and start a family.

But there is a crisis in your relationship, and you don't know how to deal with it.

It is very important to understand whether the man himself sees the prospect in your relationship or he perceives them as a temporary phenomenon.

Unfortunately, many women realize too late that they were only an "alternate airfield", and when a brighter, more interesting, active, rich one appeared on the horizon, the man begins to look in her direction.

Bad habit- try to change another person and impose your views on him. Change yourself, and then close people will follow you.

Each person is free in his choice, so if your man doesn’t want something, doesn’t do it, this is his personal decision. You can only start to look at your life differently, change it.

In the same time You don't have to completely adapt to the other person., you must remain an individual.

As mentioned above, a man is actually interested in a woman who is self-sufficient, with an active lifestyle.

Do not dissolve in a partner, remain yourself, and then you will be interested in him even if you are 40, 50 or older.

For couples

What should a husband and wife do if the relationship in marriage is at an impasse? Family life consists of several stages, each of them ends in crisis.

Unfortunately, not all couples successfully survive the crisis period, many get divorced.

However, if you approach family relationships correctly and take into account the dangerous stages, you can save the union and make it stronger.

If, despite the ongoing quarrels, the partners still feel that they need each other, there is still hope that the relationship can be improved. However, this requires the will of both parties.

Analyze, for what reason you have who provokes them, how the spouses react. Many quarrels are easily prevented simply by learning to ignore the little things.

For example, everyone wants order at home, but an unclosed tube of toothpaste - not a reason to inflate scandals and disturbances in the family.

If you are really tired of your relationship, monotonous life, then make changes in your life. What's stopping you? Change your place of residence, work, hobbies, make new friends with completely different interests.

Even rearranging the furniture in the house already affects your consciousness. The human psyche needs change, new events, otherwise life becomes insipid. So it is in the family.

Monotonous life, scandals on the same occasions are tiring, cause a desire to run away, hide, or simply become indifferent and not pay attention to what is happening.

To get a relationship out of an impasse, need to work on them change reality and change yourself. Start with yourself, show your partner that you are active, purposeful, optimistic, and he will have no choice but to start changing himself to fit the new reality.

What to do if the relationship is at an impasse? Find out from the video:

You can often hear phrases like "Our relationship has reached an impasse." But every person strives to create harmonious relationships filled with love, trust, joy, happiness. Perhaps the reason for this is the selfishness of a guy or girl. What happens in this impasse? And how to get out of it?

After a romantic relationship, any couple goes through a period of disappointment and resentment. Why is this happening and what can be done specifically to return these wonderful relationships?

Do not believe those who are trying to explain to you that the easiest way is to leave and start looking for a new partner. This is not entirely correct. First, you may have children who understand everything and desperately want mom and dad to always stay together.

Secondly, if you made a mistake and did not learn how to build relationships, there is no guarantee that the same thing will not happen again with a new partner. And then what? Until when to look for new meetings, until old age? But at the same time, it is easy to be left with nothing and then bitterly regret that you took the easiest path.

In these relationships, one cannot blame only the husband or only the wife. There are two people in the family, so both are to blame.

What to do and how to be?

First you need to decide what kind of relationship you have. And is it worth keeping and fixing them at all. There are 2 types of such relationships:

  • When the relationship is completely damaged: eternal quarrels, disputes, etc. You are sure that there is no way at all to understand each other and agree. Such relationships weigh down both partners. They just ended, and there is no point in continuing them. It's not just a dead end, it's a point.
  • Another kind of impasse is the same quarrels, scandals, etc., but both sides need each other. They only want to shout to each other in order to find mutual understanding. They cannot live without each other.

But something is wrong, happiness and joy are mixed with resentment, pain, bitterness, guilt ... It looks like a spiral. One period of the relationship has ended, but a new one has begun, in which they still do not want to lose each other.

If you have exactly the second type of relationship, then consider a few steps in order to understand what is happening and try to improve them:

Step one

Do you want harmonious relationships? Finally, take control of your emotions! Don't answer reproach with reproach. Don't bring up old grudges. Forgive each other. Understand. Perhaps your partner lacks tenderness and understanding from you? Take the side of your loved one, stand in his position, try to hear and understand him. Give in to each other, do not insist categorically on your own. Be flexible, because your happiness depends on it!

step two

There is no need to look for the causes of damaged relationships outside, i.e. domestic difficulties, the influence of acquaintances, etc. are not the cause of the impasse into which the family has entered. It is important how spouses respond to the difficulties that fall to their lot. Support each other always! Do not bring irritation and anger into the house, but do not hide them in yourself, but share your experiences, but do not take out your bad mood on a loved one!

Step Three

Change reality. Play some game together. 100% that during the game you will get close. After all, nothing brings you closer than the time spent together.

Step Four

Learn to talk about feelings! We are so afraid to open up!.. We hide our feelings behind reproaches, a mask of indifference... This is a dead end. Speak! Confess your love! Every day. By phone. At the meeting. Say how much you appreciate each other. Give thanks even for the little things, because there are no little things! Our lives are made up of little things. These are bricks, pull out one, everything will collapse!

Step Five

Touch each other, don't just walk by! Stroke, hug, kiss! Look at each other, exchange glances and smile!

Rejoice that you are together!

Try to replace reproaches and resentment with love and care. Talk about real feelings, be aware of them. We are all not without flaws. If you want to tell your partner about his lack, try to do it gently, with love, and it is important to remember that you can only build relationships together, not separately, so always discuss the problem that has arisen and solve it together. Don't hold a grudge because it will grow and build a wall between you. Share your feelings and don't let the alienation grow.

Good luck and love to you!

If you find it difficult to cope on your own, ask questions and together we will try to find answers.

As a well-known humorist rightly noted: "Human relations are a perishable thing." The strongest mental pain brings us the cooling of love feelings and the destruction of the family idyll. You may have come a long way to build a personal space of comfort and warmth in a hectic world. They put a lot of effort and patience, but you realize with bitterness that the relationship has reached an impasse. Let's try to understand the origins of the problem and how to get out of a difficult life situation.

Final discord or temporary difficulties?

As long as the connection continues, it suits both partners. This is the key to understanding the situation. A dead end is an extremely undesirable development of personal relationships that occurs unconsciously. None of us intentionally wants to go into a stalemate. The main thing to understand is whether it is an insurmountable obstacle or a temporary difficulty on the way?

Quite often, an impasse occurs at a stage when the relationship requires reaching a new qualitative level, but the partners are afraid to make the transition. For example, a couple has been dating for a long time and often hears a sacramental phrase from acquaintances: “When will you get married?” Periodic meetings have long exhausted themselves, but the complexities of coexistence are frightening.

Another example is long-distance relationships when partners live in different cities and countries. Man is a social being. He needs not only intangible spiritual intimacy, but a faithful hand and a strong shoulder nearby. If you are at a dead end, living at a distance, decide what to do: leave or reunite.

We have considered not the worst dead-end options: they involve the probability of an exit. It remains to find strength and courage, to stop giving in to change. As the poet said, love consists not only of kisses on the bench. Only that desperate lover is happy who is not afraid to make fateful decisions.

It is much more dangerous when the feelings have faded, but the partners do not dare to make a final break. The forces that keep spouses from parting are different:

  • feeling of guilt before the companion;
  • fear of loneliness;
  • unwillingness to injure children;
  • fear of domestic and social changes.

When should you consider breaking up?

Despite the significant arguments, we will try to immediately cut off truly deadlock situations when it is better to unequivocally end the relationship with a man:

The presence of a partner in the house annoys you

The proverb about paradise in a hut accurately conveys the essence of a loving couple. A person has his own living space, into which he lets only dear people. Congenial spouses easily get along even in a small room, while strangers can easily get along even in a huge house.

Divergence of life goals

For example, you strive for family comfort and think about children, and your partner is close to the image of "the lonely tramp of Casanova's love."

Flaw incompatible with family

We are talking about pathological jealousy, infidelity, aggression, alcoholism, drug addiction. Perhaps falling in love forced the partner to give up bad habits in order to win the good attitude of the chosen one. A return to former addictions indicates a cooling of feelings.

If a man does not want to get rid of bad habits, do not think about breaking the deadlock. A person who destroys himself with a destructive passion is able to cause significant harm to his close environment, first of all, to the family. The woman associated with him should think about maintaining her moral and physical health. Don't witness the long and painful agony of a relationship.

Gone is the sexual chemistry

Trouble in the intimate sphere manifests itself in different ways. Usually, the relationship is deadlocked when a husband and wife stop having sex. Psychologists have long coined the name "sexual desert". In most cases, this happens through the fault of a man who does not show proper initiative.

If sex happens rarely and only at the suggestion of the wife, it is worth hinting about the desired activation on the part of the spouse. If the tactic of hinting does not work, this is an occasion for a frank conversation without a hitch.

Perhaps, having sex, a woman ceases to receive the former pleasure. It's hard to overestimate the power of intimacy. This is not only a discharge, but also a powerful source of mutual energy exchange. Lack of satisfaction indicates a loss of spiritual connection with a partner.

In this case, a strong emotional shake-up can help. Approximately the same that the heroes of the action-packed film "The Jungle" experienced. Read on to find out how to get out of an impasse in a relationship, but for now...

View from the outside

In 1996, at the suggestion of WHO, three parallel psychological studies were carried out in America, France and Poland. 10,000 respondents were asked the question: “Why are marital relationships deadlocked?” The overwhelming majority of the respondents gave the same answers: "Domestic conflicts, betrayal, selfishness."

According to the unanimous opinion of ten authoritative psychologists, the townsfolk did not guess the true cause of discord in the family. Experts in the psychology of relationships unanimously give the leading place to boredom. Daily routine and monotony can ruin even strong alliances. Intellectual and sexual boredom invariably leads to a loss of mutual interests and a reduction in communication. The above answers occupy only honorable II, II and IV places, respectively.

Like a squirrel in a wheel

It happens that relationships have reached a cyclic impasse, similar to a vicious circle. The partners quarrel, after a stormy reconciliation, a short family lull reigns, inevitably ending in another quarrel. Constant conflicts are exhausting, accumulate a mutual account of grievances and strengthen the natural desire to break out of the enchanted cycle.

looking for a way out

Unlike true ones, there are apparent barriers. They acquire the dimensions of a hopeless dead end only in the mind of a person who does not see a specific way out.

If the threads of warmth and intimacy have not yet broken between you, try to use them to reach a potentially new level of relationship. An unconditional success factor is a frank conversation. Only by joint efforts will you find a saving loophole that will open prospects for a joint future.

Compatibility Test

Checking if the game is worth the candle is easy. Think about whether physical intimacy with your partner is pleasant for you: touching, hugging, kissing. Despite quarrels and resentments, do they cause positive feelings? Unlike the mind, the body cannot be fooled. If you do not feel overwhelming disgust and discomfort, then a positive outcome is real.

Let's take decisive action

Step 1. Emotional shake-up

When the love boat is ready to crash into everyday life, and the routine has swallowed up the romance, break the monotony of everyday life. Joint active pastime will help to cheer up from boredom.

Go in for extreme sports, fly in a hot air balloon, raft down the river, go rock climbing, play paintball. Adrenaline is a great helper in renewing the senses. Go on a romantic trip. Hiking in the Altai Mountains with tents will make you instantly forget about everyday boredom. If you are a fan of a civilized holiday, buy a ticket to the Caribbean, to Africa, to a round-the-world voyage, go to the end of the world to escape from the annoying home bustle.

Step 2: Control your emotions

The difficulty of self-control is undeniable. The slightest offense can destroy a week-long self-training to keep calm. However, without patience and endurance it is impossible to build a harmonious marriage, especially if it has reached an impasse.

The way out is to increase motivation. Remember the ultimate good goal - maintaining a relationship with a dear person. Every word spoken in the hearts falls on a negative scale. The burden of reproaches and insults can outweigh the years lived.

Try not to respond with accusation to nit-picking, do not get angry over trifles. Take a step back, go from the other side, try to hear the man. Behind scandals and discontent sometimes lies the need for female care, understanding, tenderness.

Step 3. Life is a game, and spouses are actors in it

If you can't change the situation, change yourself. Look at relationships from a different angle. Play an interesting game "We have been swapped bodies." For one evening or day, try on the role of a husband, and let him try to take your place. Those who have done such an experiment claim that they are making a lot of interesting discoveries.

Such a staging really brings together, things that seemed inexplicable become clear. You will see yourself from the outside and feel what your partner is experiencing without unpleasant showdowns. The feeling of the game will relieve the accumulated tension, return you to a carefree childhood. Try to play as honestly as possible so that Stanislavsky himself believes you.

Step 4. Learn to Express Sincere Feelings

Some people find it difficult to express true emotions, often they are hidden under the guise of confidence and infallibility. Fear of opening your soul to your partner leads to resentment and irritation. Try to change the language of parting words and reproaches to the language of sympathy and care. Instead of the traditional "Why so late" say "I was worried and waiting for you." Your efforts will certainly be noticed and appreciated. Perhaps they will become that “golden key” that will destroy the impregnable wall of misunderstanding.

Leave beautifully

When the relationship with a man is completely spoiled, the dead end ends the joint path. If you try to revive such an alliance out of a sense of duty, other unfortunate people, especially children, will join the two suffering people. But chopping from the shoulder is an extreme measure. Try to save face and leave in a civilized manner, without descending to anger and revenge. The greatest stupidity is to prevent children from communicating with a departed husband.

Remember that your personal relationships have come to a standstill, and for the child, he remains a beloved dad. The universe does not tolerate emptiness. It is possible that the vacant position formed near you will be occupied by a more worthy candidate, and the dead end will turn into an open door for a meeting with the long-awaited second half.

The beginning of a relationship is almost always filled with happiness and love. But the moment comes when the couple notices that they are standing still, and their relationship has stopped developing. If the feelings have not lost their sharpness, young people will quickly find a way out. They will come up with something new, an interesting event or goal for both of them. After all, building relationships is the task of two, and you cannot save them alone. So that they do not reach a dead end, it is necessary to work on them together. And if one wants to continue them, and the other just goes with the flow, then they will end in a painful break.

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What should you pay attention to?

The period of romance is replaced by calmer trusting and harmonious relationships, and sometimes by a feeling of emptiness. Yesterday's happy couple suddenly realizes that they do not see further development and have reached a dead end. They face disappointment, resentment and the desire to leave forever. But don't give up right away. If you do not learn how to build relationships, the next attempt will also be a failure. A mature, unselfish person will always try to restore harmony and return old feelings.

A deadlocked relationship has two options:

  1. 1. After a quarrel, I don't want to see each other. Misunderstandings are becoming more and more frequent. There is hatred, anger and a desire to leave. In such cases, parting is the only way out of the impasse, and it's time to put an end to the relationship.
  2. 2. The scandal does not cause a desire to leave. Partners try by all means to convey their thoughts and want to be understood. With the help of a raised tone, they try to shout to each other and come to an understanding. This type of difficult relationship requires the help of a psychologist and has every chance of restoring harmony.

During a quarrel, it is necessary to take control of emotions and not overreact to reproaches too sharply. Do not lock yourself up during resentment, but learn to listen and express your feelings correctly. A guy and a girl will not find mutual understanding if they do not hear each other.

Relationship with a married man

How to get out of the impasse?

The psychology of relationships that have reached an impasse has several signs and solutions. With the help of a psychologist and your desire, it is possible to find a way out of the impasse and restore harmony and mutual understanding.

Signs that say that a love relationship has reached an impasse:

signs Behavior Solution
Relationships get confusingA lot of time has passed since the beginning of the relationship, and the guy does not offer anything and does not talk about a joint futureLook to the future together and try to see your couple in ten to twenty years. It is very important to be able to make mutual plans in order to understand whether it is worth continuing the relationship.
No strong connectionThe couple formed on physical attraction. Young people saw each other as sexually attractive people. Over time, physical beauty became boring and I wanted spiritual intimacyThe flame of passion needs to be fed with something, and in order to reach a new level, common ground, common interests and goals are needed.
There is a desire to spend more time without a loved oneBeing at a distance, a person does not get bored at all, but on the contrary, he understands that he is more comfortable and more interesting alone with himself than in the company of a partnerDecide if there are feelings and what they are. Think about whether it will always be so good, or is it just general emotional fatigue and a temporary state. Remember that spending time together is no less interesting by arranging a joint trip or an exciting walk
No recoil feltSomeone is working on the relationshipIn order for a couple to have harmony, it is necessary for two to lay the foundation for a long-term relationship.
Different priorities and life valuesAfter a while, young people realized that they were looking in different directions. They have different desires and goalsLearn to compromise and respect each other's interests. If there is love and common ground, the union can be saved. Do not stop developing and strive together to improve yourself and the quality of your life
There were lies and secretsThe partner has been caught in a lie more than once, and he has his own secretsThis is a serious indicator of the cooling of feelings. If there is no place for frankness, then there is no love and mutual respect. The couple should discuss their secrets and understand that cheating leads to separation
Lost trustJealousy, constant control and a sense of ownership appearedDistrust and jealousy appear because of the fear of losing a loved one. The doubts that have arisen should be dispelled, otherwise they will destroy the union of two hearts.
Obsession with a partnerYour ambitions and desires are relegated to the background, and priorities are set in favor of a partnerIt is better if relations are built on equality, with respect for each other's needs and interests. You can not dissolve in a partner and forget about your individuality
Inability to be yourself in the presence of a partnerIn the company of a loved one, one feels squeezed or depressed, a person does not recognize himselfOnly by remaining yourself, you can interest another. If you pretend or behave unnaturally, there is a risk of disappointing your loved one. He should not form a false impression. You can't always try and please. We must value and respect ourselves and see ourselves as a person
There are doubts about the futureThe man began to think about whether to continue the relationship. It starts to feel like there was no love at allStrong couples also have such doubts. But if thoughts about the impossibility of a joint future appear too often, and the beloved began to annoy with a lack of desire to move forward, it is worth talking about what he feels and what he wants from life.

Annoying husband

Relationship with an ex-boyfriend

Crisis in family relations

Family relationships are faced with many everyday problems, personal interests and selfish desires. Sometimes they reach a dead end, and the spouses cannot cope with them on their own. But if desired, they restore harmony and mutual understanding if:

  • want to save the marriage;
  • love each other;
  • they have a child;
  • do not see life without a spouse.

Marriage problems that lead to stalemate stem from the inability to speak and the lack of conversations between family members. Regular omissions lead to cold relations or indifference. You can’t hide anger and discontent in yourself, you need to talk about what doesn’t suit you, even if you have to argue in a raised voice. If one of the spouses feels guilty, he should apologize and try to correct the situation.

For a man, it can be help around the house, a bouquet of flowers or a small souvenir. But without an apology and resolving the conflict through conversation, nothing will work. The wife will accumulate resentment and remember that her husband remained cold and indifferent. A woman, in order to get a relationship out of an impasse, can:

  1. 1. Do not exceed the significance of the problem: there are chances that everything will be resolved much easier.
  2. 2. Cook your favorite dish and arrange a romantic evening.
  3. 3. Get together for a cup of tea and discuss the problem in a cozy atmosphere.
  4. 4. Go on vacation together and have another honeymoon.

The main thing is not to close in on yourself and together look for a way out of the current impasse.

In many families, scandals arise from scratch. In this way, spouses shake up a stagnant relationship. There is nothing to worry about if they quickly reconcile.

Dead end during pregnancy

During this period, a deadlock in relationships happens not because the husband has lost interest in his wife, but because of a misunderstanding of how to behave with a pregnant wife. It is no secret that during the bearing of a child, women often change their mood, habits, and unusual desires appear. All these changes put the husband on his guard and push him to spend more time outside the home.

The wife is offended, believing that she has become unattractive and unwanted for her husband, and withdraws into herself. Her husband thinks that his presence is annoying, and silently leaves for another room or is in no hurry to return home. Such omissions are dangerous as a breakdown and a dead end, after which it will be difficult to restore mutual understanding. After all, there will still be a time ahead when the husband will fade into the background due to constant worries about the baby.

Spouses should not avoid talking and talking to each other. A future mother should not leave her husband without attention and love. He should not feel abandoned and forgotten. And the husband must show that his wife is still attractive and desirable for him. After the birth of a child, spouses also need to remember each other, maintain passion and provide mutual assistance.

You can often hear phrases like "Our relationship has reached an impasse." But every person strives to create harmonious relationships filled with love, trust, joy, happiness. Perhaps the reason for this is the selfishness of a guy or girl. What happens in this impasse? And how to get out of it?

After a romantic relationship, any couple goes through a period of disappointment and resentment. Why is this happening and what can be done specifically to return these wonderful relationships?

Do not believe those who are trying to explain to you that the easiest way is to leave and start looking for a new partner. This is not entirely correct. First, you may have children who understand everything and desperately want mom and dad to always stay together.

Secondly, if you made a mistake and did not learn how to build relationships, there is no guarantee that the same thing will not happen again with a new partner. And then what? Until when to look for new meetings, until old age? But at the same time, it is easy to be left with nothing and then bitterly regret that you took the easiest path.

In these relationships, one cannot blame only the husband or only the wife. There are two people in the family, so both are to blame.

What to do and how to be?

First you need to decide what kind of relationship you have. And is it worth keeping and fixing them at all. There are 2 types of such relationships:

  • When the relationship is completely damaged: eternal quarrels, disputes, etc. You are sure that there is no way at all to understand each other and agree. Such relationships weigh down both partners. They just ended, and there is no point in continuing them. It's not just a dead end, it's a point.
  • Another kind of impasse is the same quarrels, scandals, etc., but both sides need each other. They only want to shout to each other in order to find mutual understanding. They cannot live without each other.

But something is wrong, happiness and joy are mixed with resentment, pain, bitterness, guilt ... It looks like a spiral. One period of the relationship has ended, but a new one has begun, in which they still do not want to lose each other.

If you have exactly the second type of relationship, then consider a few steps in order to understand what is happening and try to improve them:

Step one

Do you want harmonious relationships? Finally, take control of your emotions! Don't answer reproach with reproach. Don't bring up old grudges. Forgive each other. Understand. Perhaps your partner lacks tenderness and understanding from you? Take the side of your loved one, stand in his position, try to hear and understand him. Give in to each other, do not insist categorically on your own. Be flexible, because your happiness depends on it!

step two

There is no need to look for the causes of damaged relationships outside, i.e. domestic difficulties, the influence of acquaintances, etc. are not the cause of the impasse into which the family has entered. It is important how spouses respond to the difficulties that fall to their lot. Support each other always! Do not bring irritation and anger into the house, but do not hide them in yourself, but share your experiences, but do not take out your bad mood on a loved one!

Step Three

Change reality. Play some game together. 100% that during the game you will get close. After all, nothing brings you closer than the time spent together.

Step Four

Learn to talk about feelings! We are so afraid to open up!.. We hide our feelings behind reproaches, a mask of indifference... This is a dead end. Speak! Confess your love! Every day. By phone. At the meeting. Say how much you appreciate each other. Give thanks even for the little things, because there are no little things! Our lives are made up of little things. These are bricks, pull out one, everything will collapse!

Step Five

Touch each other, don't just walk by! Stroke, hug, kiss! Look at each other, exchange glances and smile!

Rejoice that you are together!

Try to replace reproaches and resentment with love and care. Talk about real feelings, be aware of them. We are all not without flaws. If you want to tell your partner about his lack, try to do it gently, with love, and it is important to remember that you can only build relationships together, not separately, so always discuss the problem that has arisen and solve it together. Don't hold a grudge because it will grow and build a wall between you. Share your feelings and don't let the alienation grow.

Good luck and love to you!

If you find it difficult to cope on your own, ask questions and together we will try to find answers.