DIY birthday cards are complicated. Volumetric postcard with your own hands. Postcard for Teacher's Day with colored paper leaves

It has long been believed that one of the best gifts is a handmade gift. And it doesn't matter what time we live in, but it is such a gift that touches the hearts of millions of people. The most popular gift for any occasion is, of course, a postcard. And if it is also made by hand, then it generally has no price. We invite you to familiarize yourself with our section, where you will find master classes and photos of works performed by preschoolers.

DIY postcards

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Valentines. DIY Valentine's Day Cards
  • New Year invitation. DIY New Year's invitation cards
  • Postcards for February 23. We make gifts for dads for Defender of the Fatherland Day with our own hands

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All sections | DIY postcard

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Postcards created by children's hands bring great joy to their parents. And it's okay if the crafts do not differ in design from the rest of the work of the pupils of the kindergarten group, because the kids are trying very hard and the gifts are always received from the bottom of their hearts. In this section, we have collected unique recommendations for making such postcards, as well as a huge amount of advice for beginner cardmakers, because that is what they call those who make postcards with their own hands. You can make them with your kids with absolutely no effort.

You can also make them from old useless postcards, colored paper, and even toilet paper. Absolutely everything that comes to hand. You can take our resource with the works of preschoolers as the basis for making holiday cards, and also connect all your imagination, and everything will work out for you and your baby.

We love holidays and we love gifts. And we all love postcards - to receive and give. Postcards are given for many events - birthday or New Year, March 8 or the birth of a child.

You go to the store - there are a lot of postcards, even the text is already printed inside - everything has already been invented and said for you, only - not from the heart.

Gift with love

Only handmade postcards can convey your feelings towards the gifted person. Buying an ordinary cardboard postcard is easy, but making it yourself means putting a piece of yourself into it. After all, making such a gift, you imagine the person to whom it will be intended.

Remember, we all tried in childhood, in kindergarten or school, made postcards for the holiday for our parents - carefully cut out, folded, glued. Then they were handed over. Remember how carefully mom and dad took the gift, kept it, and many still keep it with your children's drawings and crafts.

Today, handmade products are becoming more and more popular. Embroidered pillows decorate the house, knitted things are worn with pride. He does not sew, does not knit and does not glue, only the completely lazy.

Scrapbooking is gaining more and more fans - photo albums, paper postcards, made with love, made in a single copy - become a unique gift for various festive events.

For someone who has mastered at least the basics of scrapbooking, there is no question - what to give to a loved one, and these gifts are admirable.

The art of giving joy

Making postcards out of paper is called cardmaking. It is based on the use of paper and various additional materials. For an experienced scraper, when making a postcard, everything will be used - ribbons, small paper, fabric flowers, cutting - elements cut out of paper, buttons, lace and much more.

There are many ways to make postcards out of paper.

Experienced craftswomen make multilayer volumetric products, the more layers, the more interesting the postcard looks.

The elements are glued together and even stitched. The styles in which the masters work are also different - shabby chic, steampunk and others.

It is impossible to create two completely identical postcards.

It is impossible to say that card-making is a simple art. After all, in the process of creating just one thing, a composition is created, changed, and formed. A scraper must be an artist - to know the basics and subtleties of creating an ideal composition, selecting materials, and combining colors.

Sometimes this process of selection and application takes more than one hour, or even a day - the artist is a delicate nature, there is no inspiration, and nothing masterpiece will be created. And sometimes everything seems to add up by itself - and now a do-it-yourself postcard for the birth of a child or for the birthday of a loved one is ready.

Look at a variety of photos of postcards - how rich is the imagination of the masters who create harmonious compositions from many small disparate details.

We create a gift ourselves

Experienced scrapers use special scrap paper for work - it is dense, tends not to fade, does not fade over time. This ensures that your gift will keep its beauty for a long time.

Scrap paper comes with various patterns, sold in sets or individual sheets.


We also need:

  • Thick plain paper for the base - watercolor is suitable.
  • A utility knife and a metal ruler (if you are into scrapbooking, you can later purchase a special cutter to cut the paper straight - scissors are not the best option for this).
  • Scissors for cutting small parts.
  • Glue - ordinary PVA, clerical - will not work, it warps the paper, it will turn yellow over time. Take Titan, Moment and the like - scrap shops will advise you on others - see what is available to you.
  • Double-sided adhesive tape - they can also connect the elements of a postcard, and with adhesive tape on a porous basis, you can create multi-layer volumetric compositions.
  • Decorative elements - flowers, cuttings, ribbons, pieces of lace, elements cut out of scrap paper - butterflies, birds, twigs and others.

Buttons, pendants, buckles and other small items can be used to create a composition.

Stamps are often used - with their help you can create an interesting background for a future postcard, add certain elements, make inscriptions.

An interesting technique when creating voluminous postcards is embossing - a transparent stamp is applied to the base, which is sprinkled with special powder.

The last stage - the powder is dried with a special hair dryer - as a result, a three-dimensional image is obtained: most often this technique is used when creating the contours of a drawing, inscriptions.

Figured hole punchers - they can make an openwork edge, with their help they make voluminous flowers, cuttings.


In general, there are a lot of professional tools for scrapbooking and card-making, it makes sense to acquire some only when making postcards for sale. But, having mastered the art, you will not only please your friends with original gifts, but also replenish the family budget.

Pick up several sheets of scrap paper that match the style, color, put a background on the base, and decorative elements selected by color on it. The composition should be a coherent whole so that each element has a meaning.

You can use special sketch diagrams, they will tell you how to arrange the elements to create a harmonious composition. Having carefully prepared everything, making sure that each element is thought out, glue.

If something seems to be missing - add a couple of sparkles along the edges of the flowers, rhinestones, half beads. The main thing is the unity and thoughtfulness of the composition so that the postcard does not look like an application.

There are many tricks - how to make a beautiful postcard:

  • quilling - curls are twisted from thin strips of paper, then they are given various shapes - these elements are glued to the base, creating a pattern, drawing - voluminous postcards are obtained;
  • iris folding - small strips of paper, ribbons, fabrics are folded in a spiral, overlapping each other - an unusual pattern is obtained;
  • shaker postcard - a multilayer postcard with a transparent window, inside which small elements move - foil rhinestones, beads;
  • postcard-tunnel - a three-dimensional postcard with many layers, the cut out elements of each layer create a common spatial pattern.


Inside the postcard can also be issued with stamps, paper. You can make an unusual card inside - when you open it, the three-dimensional element straightens out - a heart or a bouquet of paper flowers will undoubtedly surprise the recipient.

Such a postcard made of paper cannot but be liked - it keeps warmth and a piece of your soul. If you want to master the art of card-making, visit the master classes of experienced craftsmen who will tell you all the subtleties - you can make a beautiful card with your own hands.

DIY photo postcards

On March 8, on a birthday or an anniversary, I would like to congratulate my beloved mother sincerely, from the bottom of my heart.

Buying a ready-made postcard in any design is currently not a problem.

But how many emotions will mom get if you give her a handmade card?

Handmade postcard is not just a small bonus to the main gift, but a real testament to the love and appreciation of a sweet mommy. Such a souvenir will be kept by mom in a conspicuous place for many years.

Such a postcard is always very beautiful, elegant, original, easy to make and does not require much time and material investments. Be sure to find a suitable option for yourself and create a postcard with your own hands - please your loved one!

As a basis, you can take cardboard of a soft cherry shade, cut a rectangle out of it. Next, we take cardboard in a box and cut out a figure from it in an arbitrary form up to half of our cherry base, glue it, decorate the place of gluing with exquisite white lace. We decorate the card with bows, beads and buttons, add good sincere congratulations and our surprise for our beloved mother is ready!

The basis of the postcard will be the same cardboard. We glue two strips of fabric of different widths onto the base. On the upper wide strip, you can stick the words "mother" with letters cut out of different cardboard. We leave the bottom strip for decor and warm words of congratulations. The decor can be ribbons, beads, pieces of lace, various flowers, in general, everything that your imagination tells you.

The basis of the postcard will be white or other light cardboard. On top of the cardboard we glue flowers, leaves, hearts, ladybugs, cute birds, etc. in the form of an application. colors must be chosen very competently - no more than 3 shades so that your postcard looks harmonious. For volume, you can add beads, laces, buttons.

Do-it-yourself birthday card for mom from paper in stages.

For this we need:

To work, you still need to print on a printer vase template.

Do you like such a miracle made on your own?

Unusual and voluminous

If you have a desire to make a complex and unusual birthday card, there are many such options.

Which one is right for your mom is up to you. Each of them is original, beautiful and easy to perform in its own way.

Gorgeous and original

If you really want to give mom something more complex, give her something that will truly surprise and give positive emotions.

Take some of your precious time and create a 3D postcard, or postcard from unusual materials. This is not at all difficult to implement, but it will take a little more time, as well as patience and perseverance, attention and painstaking work. But such a masterpiece will be really appreciated and will cause a flurry of positive emotions!

Master class "How to make an endless postcard?" see our video:

You can bring your own flair, change colors or materials, add missing decor elements in your opinion, etc. but most importantly - kind, warm and sincere words for your beloved mother!

Beautiful birthday card for my beloved mother

In order to create such an unusually beautiful postcard, you will need:

  • double-sided cardboard coated white;
  • paper with verses, it is possible with notes, with the effect of aging;
  • - artificial leaves and flowers;
  • - two round stickers with congratulatory inscriptions;
  • - blue ribbon
  • - colored sequins;
  • - a sticker or a pre-printed inscription "Congratulations!";
  • - pencil, scissors, ruler, double-sided tape, glue.

Let's get to work.

In conclusion, I would like to note that in your own handmade card for your beloved mother, the most important thing is not paper, ribbons or rhinestones at all, and not even the wishes that you write on the spread of the card. The most important thing is your sincere desire to please your mother, to show care and attention!

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A voluminous postcard, which is made by hand, will be an unexpected and very pleasant surprise for your loved one. There are a huge number of beautiful cards for any occasion, so you can simply find the right holiday gift.

This is an original postcard, despite the apparent intricacy.

It is wonderful for every person close to you. The occasion can be Women's Day, New Year's Day, and even Valentine's Day.
To make a postcard, you will need:

  • cardboard or paper thick enough
  • knife
  1. First of all, you need to make a printout of the postcard template located here. There are several copies there.
    You can try to sketch a drawing with a heart on your own. To do this, you need a ruler and a simple pencil.
  2. Take a knife and use it to make special cuts on the resulting template.
  3. Try to fold the card as carefully as possible so as not to wrinkle it. First of all, you need to make folds, in the picture they are drawn with a yellow pencil. Then, slowly, bend where you need a postcard.
    The rest of the pieces will fold themselves. Iron each curve well on the card for a clear work of each individual element.
    To make it convenient, you can attach the postcard to the table with tape.
  4. Now it's time to decorate the postcard. Glue the edges with colored paper.
    Almost everything is ready, you just need to add nice and good words.

Volumetric postcard Volcano of hearts

Such a postcard consists of several parts that need to be connected with glue.

To create a postcard, you will need:

  • cardboard and colored paper
  • scissors
  • white glue.
  1. Download the template in the appropriate format.
    Templates for a volumetric postcard, which is made by hand.
    Knowing some rules, you can draw hearts yourself. You will find the rules below.
  2. Take out a huge heart from the middle. It is located on the fold.
  3. When cutting out the hearts, try not to touch the places where they bend (see picture).
  4. On the hearts that are shown in this figure, you need to make cuts to connect them together.
    So that the voluminous postcard can be closed as tightly as possible, you need to cut the paper at the middle fold to glue individual hearts to the base in the form of red cardboard. This cardboard is the background base of the postcard.
  5. After you have glued the halves to the base, you need to fasten the hearts using the cuts previously made on them.
    The size of the hearts should be the same on all sides.
    The line in the diagram, which is drawn in blue, indicates the same distance that is from the central fold to the beginning of the incision, and the red lines indicate that there is exactly the same distance between the hearts, which are located closer to the middle part of the postcard.

Ideas to keep in mind

In childhood, a birthday is a special holiday for any child. He is in the center of attention, receives gifts and congratulations. This makes the child feel their importance, individuality and love of loved ones, so the children are looking forward to their birthday and carefully prepare for it. With no less enthusiasm, they go on holidays to their friends and congratulate loved ones on their special day.

The birthday boy most of all likes to receive congratulations, and the child can do this with a postcard. Try to make it yourself. Such an activity for children is of particular importance: they put their skill and effort into crafts, learn patience and work with paper, cardboard, scissors, and glue. He develops not only fine motor skills, but also a sense of beauty.

Here are 10 postcard ideas that a child can make on their own or with a little help from an adult.

Postcard with buttons

Postcard with 3D application

Postcard with balloons

Volumetric flower for a postcard

Butterflies can be cut out of paper or use ready-made stickers

Envelope with confetti

Heart balloons

A teenager can make such a card, but kids can stick ready-made pompoms on paper

Bouquet of paper flowers

For this postcard, you first need to cut out flowers from colored paper, stick them on paper or cardboard and draw a stem.

It is not at all necessary to repeat ideas exactly to the details; in the process of work, the child may have his own vision. And this is the most important thing in creativity!