Competitions for couples. Valentine's day contests

Competition "Love-dislike"
The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name two parts of the body: what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: "I love the ear of my neighbor on the right and I don't like the shoulder." After everyone calls it, the host asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like. A minute of stormy laughter is provided to you.

Competition "Serenade"
Write the first lines of love songs on paper hearts and invite each of the guests to sing the verse of the song, the first line of which he got.

Competition "Candy"
Necessary: candy wrappers
Guests are divided into pairs. Each pair contains a man and a woman. The task of each pair is to unfold and eat the candy that the leader will give by joint efforts without the help of hands.
Winner: the couple who did it first.

Birthday contest "Feed your loved one"
Necessary: soft ice cream and plates
The guests are divided into pairs. Each contains a man and a woman. In front of each couple, a few meters away, there are plates of ice cream. The task of women is to take a spoon, scoop up ice cream and, taking the spoon by the stalk with your lips, carefully return to your partner and feed him without letting the spoon out of your mouth.
Winner: the couple who ate the ice cream first.

Cheerful competition "Leaflets"
Two boys and two girls take part in the game. Two chairs are placed on which the young men sit. Next, two sheets of A4 format are taken and placed on the knees of young people. After that, the girl sits down on the sheet of paper lying on the knees of the young man. The task is to crush the sheet as much as possible within 1 minute. From the side it looks very impressive and fun! :)

Competition "Arrows of Cupid"
Necessary: a large slingshot (the size of an adult palm), balloons in the form of a heart. A large slingshot is bought (the size of an adult palm), craftsmen can be recommended to do it themselves. Inflatable heart-shaped balloons inflate slightly so that they fit in a slingshot.
The "angel of love" must hit his Chosen One with "Cupid's arrow" in the heart, the first time this is rare, since the Chosen One is at some distance. The places where the balls fall must be kissed. The game is played until "Cupid" hits the heart. It is especially interesting when several men armed with slingshots try to hit the heart of one Chosen One.

Competition "Thorny path"
Needed: a few bottles from the table
The host invites three married couples. Men become 3-4 meters from their wives. The host opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and puts them in the path of each man. After that, each man is blindfolded, turned several times around himself, placed facing his wife and asked to walk up to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the host quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Viewers are asked to remain silent :)

Funny competition "Kama Sutra"
The competition is quite funny, it can be held in any conditions, but it is very desirable to have a camera and an approximately equal number of girls / boys.
The bottom line is this - 2 sets of names of body parts are written on pieces of paper - well, a hand, a stomach, a forehead .... then 2 pairs are pulled out in pairs. The task is to touch the indicated parts of the body. and in the process ... it turns out just a visual aid to the "Kama Sutra" here a camera is simply necessary !!! and the winner is the couple that managed to touch the most points!!! This competition will be very pleasant if it is held in the youth company of close friends.

Cheerful competition "Fool"
Two couples (married couples can also be used) are blindfolded, five pins each are attached to their clothes. They turn on slow romantic music and speed couples must find all the pins on each other.
The winner is the couple who first realizes that everyone was deceived - for example, on girls, as promised, five pins are attached, and on young people - only four.
Before the subjects understand the meaning of deception, they must search through all the clothes of the second half in more than one circle.

Competition "Stickers"
Stickers (usually 5-10 pieces) are pasted in various places (usually on the arm, on the neck, behind the ear, on the cheek, on the lips, and sometimes on the tongue :-)). The girl or guy should carefully tear off this sticker with their mouth, teeth, tongue and nothing else touching the sticker.
The sticker should not be too sticky!

Competition "Lemon Slices"
The girl lies down horizontally, napkins with lemon slices are laid out over her body, and one must be in her mouth (you can’t swallow it). The guy is blindfolded, and he must find all the slices and eat. It is also possible to drink vodka / water. Winner: fastest pair.

Even those people who have never been to weddings in their lives know what competitions are usually held at these events. But very few people know about what contests can be held on Valentine's Day. And this despite the fact that most people had to celebrate this holiday. The fact is that many are convinced that this day should be spent only together with your loved one. But if this is the way to celebrate this holiday from year to year, then it can become boring. Therefore, people need variety, which they can get through fun games and competitions on Valentine's Day.

Immortalized Couples

Before the competition, the presenter must find the most famous couples in love on the Internet. Remarkably, the list can include both real people and fictional characters, such as Ruslan and Lyudmila. After that, it is necessary to divide the guests into two teams, for example, into men and women. To each team, the leader in turn calls the name of one person from the famous couple in love. The task of the participant is that they need to say for whom this person was a couple. For example, the facilitator says: "Romeo", and the team must say for whom this character was a couple.

If the teams are divided into men and women, then the ladies can make it easier to win by naming representatives of truly famous couples, for example, Bonnie and Clyde, Master and Margarita, Tristan and Isolde. Well, men can be invited to recall lesser-known couples who are not constantly on everyone's lips. For example, Paris and Helen, Mark Antony and Clepotra.

Desired candy

The host invites couples in love. He asks the girls to sit on chairs, and the guys to stand near their ladies. At the command of the host, each man must take a pre-prepared candy from the table and feed it to his chosen one. But he must do this without using his hands. Moreover, the girl also should not help her young man with her hands. The winner is the couple in which the girl ate the candy the fastest, after getting rid of the wrapper.

wrap me around

For this competition, you need to prepare several skeins of satin ribbon of the same length. The host invites couples and hands each girl a skein. The task of men is to take one edge of the ribbon with their teeth and wrap the girl around. As a result, the girl should get a new outfit, for example, a ribbon dress. The winner is the couple whose outfit turned out to be more convincing and beautiful.

White congratulations

Before you start this contest, you need to lay out various white things around the room, such as a T-shirt or sheets of paper. At the command of the host, each girl must find a white thing in the room and try to make a Valentine out of it for her lover. The winner is the lady who managed to make the most original postcard for her beloved from improvised means.

strip kisses

A rather frank competition, which not all couples will want to play, but the more participants there are, the better. Having chosen a sufficient number of couples, the presenter explains to them that the lovers will have to kiss before undressing. For example, a guy kisses a girl, after which he takes off any clothes. After that, the girl should kiss the guy and take off something. With each round, fewer and fewer couples will be ready to undress. A couple who, after another kiss, cannot take off their clothes, flies out. The competition continues until one pair remains.

Warning: This contest is for adults only.

Serenades of love

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare a lot of paper-cut hearts. On each of them you need to write the first line of a really popular love song. The task of the participants is that they need to pull the heart out of the bag and sing the verse of the song that they came across. The most musical participant who was able to sing all the songs that came across to him wins.

Nothing will stop me

For this competition, the leader needs to lay two routes on the floor, which will symbolize a swamp. The leaves must be laid out in a checkerboard pattern and at such a distance from each other that the participants can jump from one sheet to another. At the end of each route there should be a girl, to which the man will pave his way. The leader gives a start, and men with bouquets in their hands begin to overcome the route. They need to jump from one sheet to another, trying not to stumble into the "swamp". The winner is the man who first gives flowers to his lady.

Ring for lovers

Everyone remembers the classic game with the ring, when the participants passed the jewelry to each other, trying to do it so that the other participants in the game did not notice. For Valentine's Day, you can have a more modern and intimate version of this famous game.

Participants are divided into pairs and take a match in their mouth. The guy from each pair puts a ring on the match. At the command of the leader, the guys must throw the ring onto the girl's match. The team that manages to do it faster without dropping the rings on the floor wins.

And you are better

Couples also participate in this Valentine's Day contest. The facilitator asks each girl to name three nouns, for example, lemon, coffee sugar. After each girl says her words, the host asks the ladies to say how their other half is better than these nouns. For example, my favorite is sweeter than sugar. The first girl compares her lover with one word, after which the turn passes to the next lady. The competition continues until each of the participants compares all the named words with their chosen one. The lady with the most original comparison wins.

Looking for hearts

This contest may continue throughout the celebration of Valentine's Day. At the beginning of the evening, the host announces to all guests that multi-colored hearts are hidden around the hall. Well, the one who finds the largest number of these hearts by the end of the evening wins and receives a prize. Hearts can be hidden in a variety of places, such as attached under chairs, hung behind curtains, or placed under plates.

Longing in the soul

To hold this competition, it is enough to purchase a package of clothespins. The host invites interested couples. The girls, at the request of the presenter, close their eyes and turn away. At this time, he attaches ten clothespins to each participant. Remarkably, clothespins can be hooked to a variety of places, for example, from the inside of the leg. As soon as all the clothespins are hung, the presenter starts the competition. The task of the girls is to find absolutely all the clothespins hidden on the guy as quickly as possible.

To make the contest more fun, you can hang on the guys not ten, but nine clothespins. Imagine how the girls will try to find the last clothespin and win.

Asterisk from the sky

How often do guys tell their lovers that they are ready to get a star from the sky for them. So why not hold a competition for young people that will allow them to present a star to their loved ones on Valentine's Day.

For this competition, the host gives the guys an album sheet and asks them to make a five-pointed star with their own hands. In this case, do not use foreign objects and bend the sheet. Men are given two minutes to make. The winner is the one whose star is more equal and more beautiful.

Valentine's Day is a romantic and beautiful holiday that everyone celebrates in different ways. Someone prefers to spend a holiday together with their soul mate, while someone is more interested in the format of a friendly party.

In order for the party to be relaxed and fun, it is worth considering the scenario of the event. Add fun contests for Valentine's Day. Games can be varied, choosing them you need to take into account the format of the event. It's one thing if it's a party for young people, and another thing if it's a holiday for couples.

Matching games

If the company does not have established couples, then they can be created using interesting contests for Valentine's Day. It is possible that the couple formed during the party will not want to leave after the holiday.

It is important that an equal number of girls and men are invited to the party so that no one has to be bored alone.

There are many ways to "add" pairs. For example, you can give each incoming guest the opportunity to pull out “blindly” from a hat (or other suitable container) a heart on which the name of a character in a movie or book is written. It is necessary that these be "paired names". For example, Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliet, Rose Bukater and Jack Dawson (the heroes of Titanic), etc. To avoid confusion, the hearts are laid out in two containers, in one - with the names of female characters (the girls are offered to choose from it), to the other - with male names. Guests who receive hearts pin them on their clothes with a pin. When everyone has gathered, the owner announces that everyone should find their own couple, and they will be “Valentine” and “Valentina” for each other this evening.

If the company is not very big, then you can offer guests a more difficult task. You need to prepare in advance hearts cut out of cardboard, one for each pair. Then each blank must be cut in the middle, but not in a straight line, but in an intricate zigzag. The halves are laid out in two containers. Guests receive half of a "broken" heart and will have to find its other half so that the cut line matches perfectly.

Another way: the girls are blindfolded, they stand around with their backs to the center. The men form another circle around the girls. To the music, both circles begin to move in opposite directions. As soon as the music stops, the girls have to "grab" the guy who happened to be next to her.

Games for an unfamiliar company

If the company gathers people who are not very familiar with each other, then funny, but not too frank contests should be selected. The same can be said if a party is being prepared for schoolchildren.

You can warn all guests in advance so that they prepare a homemade card with a declaration of love at home, and then host a valentines day contest for Valentine's Day. The organizers should take care that none of the submitted works is left without an award (especially if the game is held in a small company). It is worth preparing prizes: "For sincerity", "For creativity", "For beauty" and so on.

Song Contests

Usually, music competitions are held well in the company. You can prepare paper hearts, on each of which write the first lines of famous love songs. The players take out a heart at random from the box and sing the first verse of the song.

A funny song contest can be held by dividing the guests into two teams. One should ask a question, with words from the song, for example: “Where are you, my black-eyed, where?” And the second team must answer with a phrase from another song. For example, a question asked can be answered with the phrase: “There, there, where the currant grows.”

Game "Marriage Ties"

Paper hearts or any other small objects (for example, matches) are scattered on the floor. The playing couples stand side by side, the leader ties them up: the girl’s right leg is tied to the guy’s left leg, and his hands are tied in the same way. At the signal of the leader, the players begin to pick up objects scattered on the floor, the pair that has collected the most wins.

Game "Collect Hearts"

This game is well suited for corporate events. It is necessary to hide a large number of paper hearts in the hall before the start of the holiday. They can be glued on the back of tabletops, on the backs of chairs, on bottles, put under plates, attached to curtains, etc. Then it will be necessary to announce that the one who finds the largest number of paper hearts during the evening will receive a prize.

Relay race

If the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room in which the holiday is held allows, then you can organize cool competitions in the form of a relay race. Here are some examples:

  • participants of the competition included in the same team are installed in single file and tied with one rope. In such a tied position, the team must run to the finish line and return back;
  • the guy and the girl are placed with their backs to each other and tied with a rope. The couple runs to the finish line so that one player runs straight, and the second back, then turn around and return to the start;
  • The girl is at the finish line and the guy is at the start. In the hands of the girl is a ball of thread, the end of the thread is held by the guy. On a signal, the girl begins to wind the thread, and the guy approaches her. The main condition is that the thread should not sag, so the guy should not move too fast. If the rule is broken, then the couple is out of the game or the guy returns to the start;
  • for each team at the finish line, a heart is fixed on the wall, cut out of foam or other suitable material. You can draw circles on it, like on a target. Each relay participant receives a dart. Running to the finish line, you need to throw a dart, trying to hit the center of the heart. The team whose players were more accurate wins.

Games for a liberated company

If everyone in the company knows each other well, then you can hold more daring fun contests for Valentine's Day. These can be competitions for couples, but if people are liberated in the company, then people can be randomly selected to participate in the games. Of course, it is worth holding contests for adults if there are no minors in the company.

Game "Lovers"

To hold this competition, you will need for each pair of participants:

  • wide chintz men's "family" briefs;
  • cap;
  • scarf;
  • a bib (like a bib in babies) or a large bra.

Participants are divided into pairs, the girls from each pair put on men's underpants and a cap, the guys, respectively, scarves and bibs (bras). The host announces that the couples are "lovers" who got dressed in a hurry, so they mixed things up. Now they need to quickly change clothes while the music is playing. The host turns on the music, and the participants in the game try to quickly exchange clothes. The pair that completes the task first wins.

One breath game

Participants become in a circle, alternating boy-girl. Then one of the girls eats the candy, and uses the candy wrapper for the game. Drawing in air, the girl holds the candy wrapper to her lips. The second participant in the game must, without the help of hands, that is, with his lips, take the candy wrapper and hold it on his lips, pass it to the third player. The player who dropped the candy wrapper is out of the game. And the next one takes another candy and the game continues.

The game "Lady's Favorite"

This game is for a large company, only men participate in it. Girls are offered to tint their lips. Then, at the signal of the leader, the players must move around the hall “collecting” kisses. The one with the most lipstick marks on their face wins. The task of the presenter is to ensure that the players do not cheat and do not receive more than one kiss from one girl.

Game "Strapped"

This game is interesting in a large company, couples take part. Girls and boys are bred in different directions, they are blindfolded. On a signal (for example, when turning on the music), the players begin to look for their mate in the crowd. Having found her partner, the girl fastens him by the clothes to her dress with a safety pin. To identify a partner, one cannot use sight (the eyes of the participants are blindfolded, you can also turn off the overhead light) and hearing (it is forbidden to give voice signals).

After the music is turned off, the players must leave the search, and the girls fasten the guy who was nearby at that moment with a pin. Then everyone removes the bandages, and the leader determines the winners, that is, those who managed to find their partner.

Honey, kiss!

The man is blindfolded.
Girls are evenly distributed around the room.
At the command of the man, the girls freeze in place.
The task of a man is blindfolded to find and kiss every girl as soon as possible.
(The player knows how many girls are participating in the game; the time is recorded by the DJ-animator.)
After one participant has passed the “route”, the next one begins.

During the game, other men can be added to the girls - disguise themselves as girls, for example, change clothes, glasses, etc.

Kiss and bite

- Look closely at each other. Say what you like about your partner and what you don't like. For example, "I love Vasya's ear and I don't like his shoulder."
The boys and girls are talking.
“Now kiss what you love about your partner and bite what you don’t like!”

To offer everyone mentally, to himself, to determine what he loves and what he does not like in a partner. Give this time, 10 seconds. After that, without further ado - kiss your beloved and bite your unloved.

Unwound! Wrapped up!

DJ, arms outstretched wide
- Unwound!
DJ hugging a girl
- Wrapped up!
DJ with arms outstretched
- Unwound! Do like me!
DJ hugging another girl:
- Wrapped up! Do with your neighbor like me!
- Unwound!
- Wrapped up!
- Unwound!
- Wrapped up!...

The pace is accelerating.

Let him burst!

The DJ distributes inflated balloons to the couples.
- Please put the ball between you and dance like this without letting the ball fall. Do not touch the ball with your hand! Hold with your body.
Couples are dancing. The DJ comments and rewards the couples who are the most skilled in dancing with balls.
DJ (at the end of the dance):
- And now attention! Men, press your ladies to you so that the balls burst!

chocolate dance

- Only on Valentine's Day! The chocolate dance is coming!
>> Slow music, pair dance.
A moment before the end of the music and the parting of the partners, the DJ continues:
- ... And now, gentlemen, please give your ladies a chocolate bar!

Dance in the paper

Several newspapers are ready, each cut out for exactly two heads.
Couples put their heads through holes and dance like that.
Who doesn't have a newspaper torn before the end of the dance?

Pair dance in the newspaper to fast music.

find your half

For teenagers.

Prepared cards cut into two halves.
One half of each card is for girls, the other half is for boys.
The DJ distributes the halves to the girls and boys respectively.
The participants of the game are looking for their soul mates on the dance floor.
Asking each other is allowed only in a whisper and only in your ear.
The couple that reunites the fastest is the winner.
You can prepare prizes in the theme for each pair.

The names of literary heroes can be written on the cards:

  • Hamlet - Ophelia
  • Romeo - Juliet
  • Don Quixote - Dulcinea de Toboso
  • D "Artagnan - Mrs. Bonacieux
  • Eugene Onegin - Tatyana Larina
  • Master - Margarita

It can be heroes of fairy tales:

  • Ivan Tsarevich - Princess Frog
  • Prince - Cinderella
  • Kai - Gerda
  • Fox Alice - Cat Basilio
  • Pierrot - Malvina

Movie characters:

  • Clyde - Bonnie
  • Jo Bradley - Princess Anne ("Roman Holiday")
  • James Bond - Bond Girl
  • Korben Dallas - Leela ("The Fifth Element")
  • Vincent - Mia ("Pulp Fiction")

Pairs of skaters:

  • Pakhomova - Gorshkov
  • Torvill - Dean
  • Grischuk - Platov
  • Bestemyanova-Bukin
  • Linichuk - Karponosov

Dance of meeting and parting

During a slow (or fast) dance, a soloist and a soloist are chosen.
As soon as they are in the spotlight, the DJ explains:
- When the music stops, and it stops - I promise you - the partner, to your applause, will say goodbye to the lady and invite another guy to his place - of his choice.
The music is playing again.
The couple solos in the center of the circle in an updated composition.
But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of the dance floor, thanks her partner for the dance and invites another soloist instead.
So in the solo pair, guys and girls change in turn, but the intrigue remains: who will be next and how warmly will the partners say goodbye?

Dance with a flower

The DJ-animator puts a chair on the dance floor in front of the stage.
Invites a girl to sit on a chair.
Gives the girl a flower.
- Now slow beautiful music will sound. To the girl who sits in this velvet chair with golden tassels and holds in her hands a fragrant rose covered with diamond dew drops, two young men will approach - they will approach at the same time! With one of them, the girl, so be it, will agree to dance, but she will give the flower to another, and he will take her place in the chair.
Two girls will approach the young man sitting in the armchair at the same time. One of them - only one! - the young man will invite you to dance, and the other girl will give the flower, and she will remain in the chair.
The girl with the flower in the chair will be approached by two young men, and so on, until everyone is dancing!

>> Music.
The DJ makes sure that two of them come up. If the next couple does not appear for a long time, he praises the girl or young man sitting (s) in the “armchair”, urging the audience to “be bolder”.
When the music ends, the DJ asks the person sitting in the chair to keep the flower for herself.
Instead of a flower, there can be anything: a balloon, a toy, a book - they become a consoling gift for the last participant in the game who did not have time to invite.

When the game starts, the DJ suddenly turns the "chair" back to the audience, so that the person sitting does not see who is coming up to him. Those who come up put their palms on the shoulders of the person sitting, he “by touch” chooses a partner (partner) for the dance.

DJ poet

Funny: End each phrase with the words: “As only a real poet can say.”

The amount of buttons - 13

- Prizes in the competition are given to a couple, the sum of buttons in whose clothes is 13!
>> Slow dance.
Applicant couples come out.
There is a vowel count of buttons.
Sometimes participants decide to show some secret buttons. (But this requires courage or a good prize.)

Change partner

>> Slow dance.
- Now the music will stop for a couple of moments. In a pause, you are invited to change partners! If the music is playing again and you don't have a partner, you're out! Which couple will be the smartest?
The music is interrupted several times. As a rule, several couples win the competition at once.

Don't dance with a broom

An old French game.

A DJ appears in front of the dancing hall with a broom in his hands:
- I want to dance too. But I can't do it because my partner, the broomstick, doesn't dance. But I have the right to do something else: take a broom, go down to the hall (does it), approach any couple, give the broom to the young man, and in return take his girlfriend and dance with her!
- True, the young man now has a broom! He, in turn, can approach any couple, give the broom to the gentleman and pick up his lady. And so on and so forth.

This game is best played in an audience where everyone knows each other.
Instead of a broom, there may be a staff of Santa Claus, a conspicuous toy.

Two start the game - He and She (Father Frost and Snow Maiden, a guy and a girl - animators, a DJ and his assistant). He, “breaking” the couples, takes the girl for the dance, She is the young man.

Instead of brooms, hats are used that are put on the heads of "victims":
- Don't dance in a hat!

The most dissimilar couple

Under slow music - a competition "for the most dissimilar couple." He and She must be different. Growth. By weight. Hair color, eye color, etc. Two prizes are awarded - to her and to him.

Disco blind

10 most diverse and unexpected dance compositions are being prepared in advance. For example, for a New Year's ball, in which people of different ages participate, it can be: disco, waltz, rock and roll, tango, techno, gypsy, theme from Swan Lake (remix), rap, blues, house.
Tracks are either recorded in a separate folder on the computer, or collected on one flash drive, or recorded on a separate disc.
Tracks are given faceless names: track1, track2, .. track10.
The DJ invites someone from the audience to choose any number at random.
- What kind of music this person chooses, we will dance to this one. I disclaim all responsibility! Are you sure of your choice? And are you afraid of the consequences?
In general, the DJ plays the host from the game "Who wants to be a millionaire?".
A person makes a choice or simply presses the start button, everyone dances. So 10 times (or less, according to the atmosphere on the dance floor).
This game is best played in the second half of the ball or disco, when the audience has dispersed and dances to almost any music.

Disco ball with postcards

DJ-animator invites three young people.
Gives each a Valentine card.
He asks to send postcards - throw them as far as possible.
Guys quit.
As a rule, postcards fall nearby.
The winner of the postcard throw gets a prize.
The animator announces that he will teach everyone how to throw New Year cards correctly.
Gently places the card on the index finger raised vertically upwards.
Gently, but strongly, with his free hand, hits the edge of the postcard, twisting it.
The postcard, revolving like a helicopter propeller, flies far away.


The DJ blows a piercing football whistle, immediately gathering all the attention. Humming the tune of a football march.
He announces that this year - the year of the World Football Champion - it is impossible to live without football, so the regional football championship begins on the dance floor.
Divides the audience into two teams.
One team is grouped to the left of him, the other - to the right.
DJ addressing one of the groups:
- What is the name of your team?
- "Spartacus"!
- And yours?
- Dynamo!
(Could call out any name.)
- The rules of the game are simple. When I raise my left hand, your team is Spartak(left) - loudly, unanimously shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise my right hand, your team is Dynamo
(on right) - shouts the word "Goal!"
When I raise both my hands... no one shouts anything.

Whistle. The game starts. The DJ raises up his left, then his right hands, from time to time - both hands.
Someone in the teams is sure to shout out of place. This counts as a team goal.
The DJ keeps score.
The winning team is rewarded with good music.
The optimal number of "footballers" in the team is 10-30. With a smaller number of players, they are collected, they rarely make mistakes. With a larger number of players, on the contrary, every time someone makes a mistake - the score is predictable.

Dance in silence

- Any fool will dance to the music. And you try to dance without music, in silence! I wonder if there are those who do not lose the rhythm?
So the music fades away
(dj mixer turns down the volume) and you dance, the music goes away, and you dance...
Finally, the dancers move in complete silence.
The DJ can make fun of: "What's going on here? Where am I?"
- Now the music will return. Let's see who hasn't lost the rhythm.
Turns up the volume abruptly. Awarded with the prize of "the most rhythmic".

Dance with nothing

- We dance ... without the help of legs! Only with hands! Squat down. Dance with your hands.
- And now, squatting, wrap your arms around your shoulders. We dance with our heads!
- Now the head is motionless. Let's dance mime!
- We dance only with lips!
- Only language!
- Only ears!
- Only eyes!
- Let's dance to the fullest!

Rewards the most inventive dancers "with nothing".

Find "treasure"

Before the start of the program, while the audience has not yet gathered, the DJ hides a "treasure" in the hall - a bottle of champagne or a toy.
At the right moment of the evening he invites two "treasure hunters". (Two teams of several people can also participate.)
- A treasure is hidden in the hall - champagne. Two absolutely identical cards, on which the treasure is marked, are in my hands.
- Now I will give these cards to treasure hunters. But first, I will ... tear them into 8, no, into 32 parts
(tears one and the other card into an equal number of parts), remember them(crumples), mix the pieces(interferes, admires the fruits of his labors).
Your task is to assemble the map from the pieces and find the treasure. Forward, filibusters!

If the "treasure" is really well hidden, you can first invite the public to find it.

Having torn and crumpled the scraps, one or two of them can be removed - to complicate the task.

Valentine's Day Contests- This is an essential attribute of a fun school holiday.

The main thing in such contests is, of course, humor. After all, everyone is well aware that boys and girls are often embarrassed to confess their first love even on Valentine's Day, which is why contests should be humorous in order to liberate teenagers, relieve general tension and add fun.

Competitions for young actors

Competitions in which schoolchildren will be able to show their acting talents are perfect.

Eg, competition "Tell with gestures". To conduct this competition, you need to choose several pairs, each pair must be a boy and a girl. The girls are given sheets on which certain words are written, and they also explain the background of the competition.

It turns out that we are talking about the fact that the girl was closed at home by her parents, who oppose her meeting with the guy. The girl leaves the balcony and tries to convey to her lover, who is waiting for her on the street under the balcony, the information that is written on a piece of paper.

But the balcony is too high, it is impossible to hear the words, so only gestures can be used to convey information. The guy's task is to try to understand what his beloved wants to tell him.

Several pairs should play in parallel, the pair in which the guy quickly guesses what the girl tells him wins.

It turns out very fun! Before the start of the competition, the girl must show the audience the words that are written on the sheet so that they also become participants in the competition.

A young man usually cannot immediately understand what a girl is saying to him, so he offers various funny options. The success of this competition directly depends on the originality of the participants' thinking.

Also interesting and fun are competitions in which schoolchildren must play famous love stories: "Romeo and Juliet", "Othello", "Tristan and Isolde". You can come up with special outfits and decorations, as well as offer your own options for the development of events already known to all stories. The couple that earns the most applause for their performance wins.

Mini-competitions for Valentine's Day

If it turned out that there are only a few days left before the holiday, and you are just now thinking about it, then mini-competitions are suitable for you, which do not require long preparation, costumes, scenery, rehearsals.

For example, you can spend competition "Recognition". To conduct such a competition, you need to select several participants, these should be guys. Each participant should be given a piece of paper and a pen. The guys should, on a signal, start writing “I love you” on the sheets as many times as they have enough time, of course, the words should be readable. The winner is the one who manages to write the most confessions on a piece of paper.

After that, each guy can, if desired, present his handwritten confessions to his beloved.

You can also spend competition "Original declaration of love". If it's a tradition in the classroom to exchange "valentines" on Valentine's Day, then make this tradition a real show. Invite five volunteers, both boys and girls, to present their "valentine" in the most original way. The winner is the one who manages to make the most amazing confession, you can vote with applause.

Intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day

It is also possible to carry out intellectual competitions for Valentine's Day. For example, competition "Rebus". To conduct this competition, you must select several pairs and a leader. The young men must write an original short confession on the pieces of paper and give their pieces to the leader.

It is also possible to carry out "Sweet Contest" To conduct it, you need to select several pairs.

The girls are seated at the table and blindfolded. Young people "arm themselves" with sweets and begin to feed the girls. The girl must guess what kind of candy is offered to her, what kind of cake or what kind of ice cream. The couple that guesses the most sweets wins.

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day

Traditional competitions for Valentine's Day are always interesting and fun. This Mail and Confessions Screen. Love mail can be organized in a separate class or made it schoolwide. To do this, you will need a beautiful box, converted into a mailbox, and a good competition advertisement!

To hold the "Screen of Confessions" contest, you can hang whatman papers with felt-tip pens tied to them in the classroom. The essence of the competition is that each participant can write his confessions, jokes and congratulations on the sheets. The one who makes the most original confession or wish will win.

Happy Valentine's Day to you all!