Well-groomed look. Symptoms of beriberi - signs of general and specific. Not a single extra hair

Experts name eight signs of a well-groomed woman.

1. Beautiful hair. There are two main components of a beautiful hairstyle: the right haircut And quality care. The head should always be clean and well-groomed. This will surely help you.

2. Successful hairstyle. Complex styling not required. Simplicity is always relevant. light waves, soft curls or straightened hair is appropriate in any situation. And for women in post-Balzac age

3. Perfect skin. WITH clean skin a woman may spend less time on makeup, so she needs to be cleansed and moisturized.

IN different ages facial skin requires special care. In particular, after the age of 45, the skin begins to lose its elasticity, the production of collagen by the body decreases, and later stops altogether. By the way, there are different ones.

All this leads to the fact that the skin of the face over time requires more moisture than before. To moisturize the skin of the face alone external influence in the form of creams and ointments will not be enough, the skin also needs moisturizing from the inside. You don’t need to do anything special for internal skin moisturizing, just try to drink 1.5 - 2 liters of ordinary water (preferably purified) every day. This condition is not at all difficult to fulfill, but very important for the skin of your face, because without it, creams may not bring any result at all, and may even harm the skin, “taking” moisture from the upper skin tissues.

For facial care, continue to use scrubs and face masks according to your skin type (see). Also for the skin, as well as for the whole organism as a whole, it will be useful to include more natural juices and fruits in your daily diet, because they contain most of the vitamins that your body needs so much.

Facial skin is one of the indicators of the health of the whole organism as a whole. Stress, lack of vitamins, fatigue - all this is reflected on your face, and far from being better side. Take care of your face from a young age, then in more mature years you don't have to apply special efforts to maintain your beauty.

4. Graceful eyebrows. It is necessary to correct their shape at least 2 times a week. Untidy eyebrows catch the eye immediately.

The expression of the eyes, face depends on what shape of eyebrows you have, their color and length. This procedure, which is called eyebrow correction, is not known to everyone. Don't believe? Look at the women around you. Perfect eyebrows are very rare. Some prefer threaded eyebrows, hoping that they look gentle, but they make the facial expression look like a puppet. "Brezhnev" eyebrows - symbolize indifference to one's appearance. Vulgar eyebrows, summed up like black arrows ...

Eyebrows should be long and elegant, smooth and graceful. They are slightly wider at the bridge of the nose, further the width to the upper point of the bend is almost unchanged, narrowing only at the temples. What should be considered when correcting eyebrows? The shape should be selected strictly individually, taking into account the shape of the face, for the first time it is better to contact the master for correction. Arched eyebrows rejuvenate the face, give a clear expression to the face. thick, wide eyebrows give the face severity and severity. Too much long eyebrows that fall to the outer corners of the eyes, make the expression sad, age.

To determine exactly where your eyebrow should start and end, use this pattern:

5. Impeccable makeup. It is better that it be natural, as it is suitable for any occasion. The main thing is not to repeat. Also one of the main principles - the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips.

6. Light tan. In summer, the skin should be at least slightly bronzed. Sunburn is associated with health and well-being. In addition, it improves the appearance of the skin. By the way, do you know

7. Well-groomed hands. If it is not possible to do perfect manicure, it is better not to paint your nails at all, but they should be beautiful shape and healthy.

Of course, every woman wants to have beautiful hands. But not always this can be done only with the help of a manicure. With persistent reddening of the hands, alternating hot and cold baths have a positive effect. cold water. You can enhance the effect of this procedure with a hot infusion of calamus and nettle tubers (2 tablespoons of the mixture per 1 liter of water) and a cold decoction of oak bark (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), 10-15 alternations should be completed with a cold procedure.

To strengthen fragile brittle nails 1-2 times a week you can do baths from warm vegetable oil with the addition of three drops of iodine and five drops lemon juice. Nails grow faster and become stronger when eating foods rich in proteins, mineral salts, vitamins and gelatin. A very positive effect for strengthening brittle nails is given by thimbles made of beeswax. Wax is heated in a water bath, then, while it is warm, fingers are almost completely immersed in it. Try to keep the wax frozen in the form of thimbles on your fingers until the morning.

To keep your hands soft, baths of potato broth are good. To do this, put your hands in warm water, where the potatoes were cooked, for 15-20 minutes. The results of such procedures will undoubtedly please you. see also

8. Thoughtful look. A well-groomed woman always chooses an image according to the circumstances. In addition, it would be useful to know

Classic style clothing will be relevant at all times, it is the foundation of the fashion world. It will always be popular with those people who want to dress elegantly and comfortably.

The classic style of clothing is characterized by some features.

1. The fabric must be expensive and of high quality.

2. The color scheme should be unobtrusive and dim.

3. The absence of bows, ruffles, etc.

4. The simplicity of the cut should emphasize the dignity of the figure.

5. Minimal amount accessories.

6. The presence of jewelry on shoes is unacceptable.

Simplicity of style and modesty, wonderful taste are present in all clothes of the classical style.

Who among us does not dream of being the most beautiful? Catching the admiring glances of men, accepting sincere compliments, and with a feeling of complete satisfaction, and even joy, look at your reflection in the mirror.

But the reality is much more severe than our dreams.

Think about how often you are unhappy with your appearance? Meanwhile, this problem can be solved, perhaps, much easier than you think, without resorting to the services of cosmetologists, stylists and plastic surgeons.

You may or may not be beautiful...

... but well-groomed - by all means!

Look how little the world really is beautiful people! beautiful toy the most, natural, ideal beauty. Such units...
But there are many people who have a special, inherent only to them attractiveness and charm. They are not perfect, they are all different, but there is something in them that attracts like a magnet. This is a charm, a kind of charisma! The desire to please people.

I want you to understand that it's pointless to want to be like a model or some super beauty. After all, you are a thousand times the best, you just need to reveal your potential!

But there is one more little secret success - you should always be well-groomed. Well-groomedness has great power, it is your highlight, your attraction.

What prevents us from looking well-groomed?

Just let's not talk now about the lack of money for expensive cosmetical tools, clothes, stylists. To be well-groomed, they are not required at all. These excuses are just harmful stereotypes ingrained in your brain.

Let's get rid of them immediately!

So, what is it that prevents us from looking well-groomed? And everything is simpler than simple - it's banal laziness!

Doubt? Do not believe?

What does a well-groomed girl look like?

A well-groomed girl can be seen from afar. She may not be very different. natural beauty, but there is something in it ... Some special harmony, gloss. She's always flawless silky hair who want to touch, tender velvet skin, bright radiant eyes, a special style that makes her a truly unique personality. She is flawless.

I think now you understand what a well-groomed girl looks like, the next step is to understand how to become one.

How to always look well-groomed?

It is naive to believe that now I will give you magic pill, and you will immediately become so well-groomed, well-groomed, beautiful-beautiful, and the guys will be stacked at their feet, and the princes will take off their hats.

Being well-groomed is a whole science. This is daily work. I repeat, you need to work every day. 1-3 hours a day. Is it a lot or a little? It depends…

I anticipate your protests regarding the acute shortage of time.

Always and everyone misses him.

The problem is that we spend a lot of time on trifles. Such precious time, which could be very useful to us for more important matters ...

To do this, I developed a small step by step instructions, which will tell you how to always look well-groomed.

"How to look well-groomed"

Step 1 - Find time for yourself

In order to be well-groomed and beautiful, you need to take care of your appearance every day. Don't waste your day on trifles. Moreover, in order to become well-groomed, it does not take much time.

Allocate for your beauty 45 minutes in the morning, and 1.5 hours in the evening on weekdays. And on weekends, dedicate 3-4 hours to your appearance.

This will be enough.

Step 2 - Start your morning right!

Well-groomed girl sets the alarm clock in advance right time. She wakes up with a smile and does exercises to be cheerful, beautiful and full energy the whole day ahead. Much has been said about a glass of water on an empty stomach and a proper breakfast - this is very important for maintaining health and attractiveness with age.

Step 3 - sports should be! (And they should also be happy)

Perhaps it would be unnecessary to talk about the importance physical activity. However, not every one of us is able to overcome laziness and go to the nearest fitness center and gym.

meanwhile you have great chance save your time and money, and even get excellent figure. And I'm quite serious about it.

Now on the Internet you can download a lot of the most different videos lessons.

For girls with poor athletic training, who love smooth stretching exercises, body flex is ideal. I recommend downloading exactly “Bodyflex with Marina Korpan”, because today her system in Runet has no equal.
For lovers of active fitness, the course " beautiful figure in 30 days with Jillian Michaels." I recently found this course online and really enjoyed it. As Gillian herself says: "It's simple and effective!".

No need to buy CDs! All of these lessons can be downloaded online for free. If you do not find it, write to me, I will share my notes.

Step 4 - Face and Body Care

Make-up remover, facial toner, body creams and, of course, perfumes should always be in your beauty arsenal!

Don't forget to look after your appearance every day.

Don't go to bed without thoroughly cleansing your face first.

After taking a bath, always apply cream to the body, because it is not only good for the skin, but also insanely pleasant! Do cosmetic procedures home from simple ingredients. We have recipes on our website.

Pamper yourself more. And never forget how a well-groomed girl should look and how she should not look!

Your hair also needs attention and care. Let it be not only shampoo and balm, but also masks once a week, and self-massage of the head with every wash. It would seem that little things that do not take much time - but they will make your hair truly royal. That's when you'll understand what it is well-groomed hair radiating health and natural strength.

And try to minimize the use of a hair dryer. He has his hair split and broken.

Do not forget about your hands: they should always be in order. Beautiful, neat nails, manicure, successfully harmonizing with your clothes.

Don't go out without a drop of your favorite perfume and light natural makeup. The aroma of perfume should be slightly perceptible. If you are going to an important meeting, it is better not to use perfume, the interlocutor may not like the aroma and the meeting will fail.

Speaking of makeup...

Step 5- Flawless makeup

Makeup is a must! And it has to be natural. More details about natural makeup I said in the article "".

Learning how to apply makeup is not difficult, it's all about practice. And do not listen to those who say that a girl should be without makeup. Ladies should be liked by the surrounding men, and then the beloved will appreciate you and be afraid to lose you.

However, remember that for special occasions there should be a special, brighter and more noticeable makeup.

How to do nude makeup summer period you can watch in this video:

Step 6 - Shape and refine your style

Do you have your own style? No? You're wrong! Each person has his own style, it's just that someone has it, well ... lame, let's say so.
And all because we often buy things impulsively: we like it - we don’t like it, without thinking about our image as a whole.

Buying new thing in your wardrobe, think about what you will wear it with, how to look at the same time. Important detail in a woman's wardrobe, it's shoes. The costume may not be expensive, but the shoes (boots) should be beautiful and of high quality. It is better to save up money for expensive and good shoes than to buy cheap ones. Such shoes will raise self-esteem and do not injure the feet.

Look closely at other people on the street, on TV. Find your style and stick to it. And this does not require a lot of money. The video that is in this article will help you understand how to choose and combine clothes and how to look expensive without spending too much.

By the way, do not forget that makeup is also an important part of your style. And it should always match your clothes and then you will create a harmonious image.

I think that the best style for a girl is lightness and femininity. Love skirts and dresses, bright fabrics. Do not be lazy to experiment with accessories and jewelry, because they give our image a special charm and charm.

Well, now you know how to look well-groomed, the matter is small ....

So gradually, step by step, you will approach your ideal. I only ask you to start right now, without delay until better times!

After all, every path begins with such a small, but insanely important step towards your true beauty...

You just need to love yourself from the bottom of your heart, and then you will not ask desperate questions into the void: “how to look well-groomed?”, “How to become a well-groomed woman?”, “How to become well-groomed at 13,14,15,25,50 years old? ". You will just be her - beautiful and well-groomed girl! And let your female hobby be love and self-care.

Stylish and gorgeous Coco Chanel said: "Not every woman is born beautiful, but if she has not become so by the age of 30, she is simply stupid." Perhaps the irresistible Koko should not have been so categorical, but her main idea contains a weighty grain of truth. A woman in a sense has power over time: even if her appearance is far from ideal, she is able to present herself in such a way that men will turn around after her, whether she is 20, 40 or 60. But how to always become beautiful and well-groomed?

Maybe for this you need to have some special qualities given at birth by Mother Nature? If you wondered: “How to become beautiful - where to start?”, Then you can listen to our advice.

The main secrets of charm

Actually, any lady who has thought about how to become very beautiful and well-groomed, how to look attractive, deep down knows the answer. The first thing she needs to do is love herself. But in this feeling, not pity should prevail, but exactingness towards oneself beloved.

Handsome and well-groomed appearance means that the woman is doing well. No matter what happens in her life, she is always optimistic. The motto of such a lady can be the words inscribed on the ring of Solomon: "And this will pass." Surely you know such women - they are in your environment.

Look into their faces: you will not see melancholy and sadness, a look "into yourself", you will not hear the endless condemnation of other people's actions. Such a lady is always self-confident, majestically calm, her eyes light up easily with curiosity, and a slight half-smile is always ready to play on her lips. She firmly believes that there are many good things ahead in life, and often attracting pleasant surprises depends on ourselves. How to become beautiful lady- like your colleague Natalya Petrovna, after whom men still look with interest, although she has passed her fifth decade? Pay attention to your posture and gait. If you:

  • - stand and sit hunched over;
  • - shuffle your feet, as if dragging them along the ground with difficulty;
  • - on the contrary, you walk with too energetic sweeping steps, like a participant in a military parade;
  • - walk, "lowering your eyes to the bottom", like a modest maiden from the century before last, -

Of course, you will have to practice a little.

Your task: to look both confident and a little mysterious. Absolute completeness and at the same time a certain understatement - these are your trump cards. Smooth, soft movements, straight "royal" posture will complement the image perfect woman are the dreams of every man.

Close attention to the skin

Once you have learned the main commandment - to fall in love with yourself, so that others understand that you are worthy of love - it's time to move on to the next section: "How to look well-groomed every day." Beauty starts small - that's why the main rule of a real beauty is: "Every day, start and end with facial skin care procedures." How to be beautiful if the skin betrays treacherously:

  • - age;
  • - youthful (in the sense of girlish) problems;
  • — existence among constant stresses?

Agree, it's not easy. Therefore, you should first visit a beautician so that the specialist evaluates the condition of your skin and gives recommendations on bringing it into perfect look.

It is enough for young girls to cope with acne or oily sheen and moisturize your skin regularly. An older lady should know: the main condition for an excellent appearance, preserving youthful skin to the maximum long term- regular cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing the skin. After 30 years, anti-aging programs will be needed to eliminate the first wrinkles and preserve fresh color faces. After 40 years, anti-aging procedures, “beauty injections”, a lift may be required if the oval of the face is not as clear as before.

How to look beautiful if visiting beauty salons is an unaffordable luxury for you? You need to determine the type of your skin and start taking care of yourself regularly at home. Moisturizing and nourishing masks, creams and masks for wrinkles, gels for moisturizing the delicate skin of the eyelids - today in the world of cosmetics there are all means that help a woman remain beautiful regardless of age.

Let's say a word about the beauty of hair

French women, who are for us a real standard of beauty and elegance, especially close attention give hair care. They are credited with saying: clean hair- it's already a haircut! A completely fair statement, only it can be “deepened and expanded”: to become gorgeous girl you can, if you begin to regularly care for hair, which, if loosened over your shoulders, will cause admiration from others.

This is important: the golden rules of a well-groomed woman include the mandatory use of health-improving and shiny hair products and recommend using a hot air dryer as little as possible. Nourish and pamper them with masks, usma oil and burdock oil with red pepper.

In addition, you need to trim split ends, as well as dye your hair in the most suitable shade for you. Last wish refers to women whose hair is already touched by gray. Gray strands have not made anyone younger yet, and therefore it is worth making it a rule to immediately refresh the color as soon as “your” hair begins to grow.

Another note for those who are pondering the problem of how to become gorgeous woman: You don't need to grow your hair if you are over 35-40 years old. The older the woman, the shorter her hair should be - this rule was not invented yesterday, but meanwhile it still works. Look at the daguerreotypes and portraits of ladies of the “Balzac age” and older, captured by artists, say, of the beginning of the last century: those who simply put their hair in a bun look either their age or older. But these women had no choice: this hairstyle was recommended to them by fashion and public opinion. And we have a choice today! Maybe, to become a beauty, it is enough to use it?

neat nails

How to look expensive and stylish if you have unkempt hands? None holiday dress, no magic make-up will save the day when a lady neglects nail care. So, it's decided: we always do a manicure (and not just before the upcoming corporate party).

Behind nail plates you need to watch: cut in time ( short nails it is better to file), giving them the desired shape, polishing for shine and covering protective equipment to maintain a fortress.

Make it a rule to choose a specific night of the week for hand baths, cuticle cream, nail polish, and polish. There is no need to sign up for a beauty salon: you will find everything you need for caring procedures at home. It is desirable that the nails are always covered with varnish of not too flashy colors. From above, do not forget to apply a fixative, otherwise the varnish will quickly crack and lose its appearance. Great option for weekdays - French manicure and all its varieties.

Makeup: the basic rules for its application

Thinking about how to become a beauty, women sometimes begin to pay too much attention to makeup, believing that it is “all the salt”. However, too flashy, bright or playful beyond the years of makeup can spoil the impression, instead of giving you additional charm. Do not forget that when applying cosmetics to the face, you need to focus on one thing: on the lips or eyes, otherwise it will turn out not beautiful, but simply bright.

The procedure should begin with cleansing the skin with a tonic. Then we wipe the skin with milk - and again add a little tonic. After - a moisturizer. Pay attention to the area around the eyes: there the skin is very thin, it begins to lack moisture early.

Next, you need to apply Foundation trying to match the shade with the color of the neck. Gently apply shadows (remembering general rule: more suitable for summer warm shades, for winter - cold). We emphasize the contour of the eyelid with a pencil or eyeliner.

If you have Blue eyes- peach will look good, gray shades shadows. For brown, brown, purple are suitable. For green - blue, gray, purple.

Mascara "walk" on the cilia, after lightly powdering them (to add volume). We apply a drop of blush (focusing on the shape of the face), and then - the final touch: lipstick. To make the lips appear more voluminous, you can draw more dark lipstick and light in the center. Another secret: add some glitter to the very center.

Makeup for every day should look as natural as possible. His the main task- Refresh your face.

Get on the charger!

How to become attractive to men if your tummy sags slightly, your arms become flabby, your back is tiredly bent all the time, because weak muscles do not allow you to keep your posture for a long time?

Of course, a slender, fit figure simplifies the task. But where to start exercising so that exercise is always a pleasure and gradually becomes a habit that does not cause a desire to quit it? Start with the easiest, the one that is always available: brisk walking. Take every opportunity to walk. At the same time, learn to walk smoothly, with catlike grace, and not with huge steps.

Then you can add to the "daily diet" morning exercises, including exercises for the hands and the press. It should turn into a need, without the satisfaction of which the body feels uncomfortable. Therefore, do not engage too actively: do what you have time for. But - every day, including weekends, relaxing Friday and hateful Monday.

In general, in winter you can add skiing and skating, and in summer - swimming in the river in the country. Just do not miss any turned up opportunity to let the body move!

How to dress?

Signs of a well-groomed woman after 40 include a well-thought-out wardrobe, selected strictly according to the figure. In your closet should be more things that are close in style to the timelessly elegant classics. Among them:

  • - strict sheath dresses (which, by the way, can decorate any figure);
  • - knee-length skirts;
  • - charming thin blouses;
  • - shoes with small heels;
  • - jackets and jackets.

Do not give up jeans and denim dresses. Buy at least one pair high boots and at least one noodle dress: together they will make a magnificent duet. Do not get carried away with mini-skirts and blouses with an impressive neckline. Of course, they will attract male taking out. But not in the way you would like.

And after 40, you should be especially careful: you don’t need to show your knees, elbows, hips and other problem areas. At this age, neckerchiefs and scarves give a special charm. You just need to learn how to tie them in many different ways.

Finishing touch: light fragrance

Don't forget to put your favorite fragrance on your skin before leaving the house. There are no special rules here: the main thing is that you should like the perfume. Don’t overdo it too much: instead of admiring others, you risk causing allergic sneezing attacks in them. Your task is to create a thin plume, a subtle aroma that leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

So, now we know the 10 commandments of a beautiful and well-groomed woman. Here they are:

  1. - always get enough sleep, before going to bed, be sure to remove makeup, and in the morning apply it according to all the rules;
  2. - have clean and well-groomed hair;
  3. - do not forget about manicure;
  4. - take care of the skin of the face and body;
  5. - bring nutrition closer to the right one;
  6. - Attend exercise;
  7. - wear elegant clothes, corresponding to the figure and age;
  8. - apply makeup close to the natural colors of the face;
  9. - regularly visit a dentist, gynecologist and, if possible, a beautician;
  10. - buy (accept as a gift) only expensive perfumes!

Appreciate yourself, maintain a charge of vivacity and good mood. Let your back be straight and look bold and confident. And you will soon become a real beauty that the great Coco Chanel herself would approve of.

Looking pretty is a pretty simple art...

Looking pretty is a fairly simple art. Knowing the seven rules of a well-groomed woman, you can be attractive in any status, age and with any external data.

According to psychologists, we transmit information to everything outside world about ourselves with our appearance using hidden passwords and messages.

Every woman can be irresistible one day and at other times cause only a feeling of pity. It doesn't matter how good her looks are.

Looking well-groomed and taking care of ourselves is the responsibility of each of us, not a luxury or a whim. Our well-groomed appearance serves as respect for everyone who looks at us and communicates with us.

You can't be a well-groomed woman in a hurry

What style of clothing you choose, hair color or mascara color is a personal matter. However, some rules must be followed unquestioningly. Surprisingly, it is not necessary to spend a lot of money on self-care, it is enough to do it regularly.

It is rare when it turns out on an emergency basis to give yourself a well-groomed and blooming look,
if you don't care about your looks. But for taking care of ourselves, we will always be repaid in kind with the body, hair and face. And even in such a situation, when you suddenly need to go to a celebration or a party and look your best there, our appearance will not let you down.

Habits of a well-groomed woman

It is never too late to acquire the habits of a well-groomed woman. Let's start working on ourselves, relying on advice, having patience and forgetting about fatigue and lack of time.

Important advice: based on your characteristics and the rhythm of life, work out a schedule for mandatory visits to beauty salons.

1 habit of a well-groomed woman - cleanliness

2 habit of a well-groomed woman - clarity of lines

The clarity of the lines of everything that you do yourself - the shape and length of the nails, the line of the eyebrows, the haircut - must always be impeccable.

After all, nails different lengths and the hairs that have grown under the superciliary arches will not give you a well-groomed appearance. Eyebrow tweezers and a nail file should always be in your cosmetic bag and at home on the dressing table. But with a haircut is much more difficult.

And if you decide to grow your hair - be sure to warn your master about it. To maintain a good haircut adjust it at least once every 3 months. And even better - if possible - once every 28 days. When you do the styling yourself, fix the hair well with a gel and fix the result with varnish.

Choose those products that allow you to maintain the mobility and naturalness of your hair, even with super-strong fixation.

3 habit of a well-groomed woman - color

Attention: the color can give the haircut dynamics, add expressiveness to your appearance and even change the image. However, as your hair grows back, it will show off your natural color at the roots. Both with highlighting and with single-color dyeing, such hair looks too sloppy.

It is important - once a month to tint their roots. And if you want to return your natural color you need to choose the paint to match the color of the roots and dye it all over the hair. Do not forget that any paint (even a gentle one) spoils your hair, so you need to help them with special caring shampoos, conditioners and masks.

4 habit of a well-groomed woman - "no" to hated hairs

Without a single hair is your motto! What to choose - a razor, epilator, wax, depilation cream, electrolysis or laser - a matter of taste. But! Your skin should be smooth regardless of the season and not have a single extra hair!

5 habit of a well-groomed woman - matte skin

When is shine too much? When it is in greasy areas in the T-zone. A well-groomed woman is a woman with matte skin faces. However, remember about reverse side drying procedures: they can cause premature wrinkles and thinning of the skin.

If you feel persistent hyperfunction sebaceous glands, then it is better to seek advice from a dermatologist or cosmetologist. If this problem temporary, it is good to use mattifying moisturizers or masks to solve it.

6 habit of a well-groomed woman - perfect nails

To the tips of your nails, you must be beautiful! Manicure and pedicure procedures are comparable to brushing your teeth - the same mandatory and regular.

No matter what color of polish you choose to cover your nails, it is important that the cuticle is well-groomed and the shape of the nails is worked out. If you use colored varnish, do not forget to put it in your purse so that if the slightest defects appear, you can immediately fix them.

7 habit of a well-groomed woman - "no" to the variety of fragrances

A well-groomed woman should not smell like a fragrant factory. For a long time, many cosmetic companies have been producing perfume lines with combined scents of deodorant, shower gel, perfume and body cream. If all these products have different flavors, then the resulting cocktail will disperse everyone around.

However, if it is impossible to purchase the entire line of products of the same name or with a passion for frequent shift perfume try to choose cosmetics without aromatic components or with a neutral odor.

It would seem that the answer to the question stated in the title of the article is simple. To be stylish, you need to follow fashion trends, and to be well-groomed, you must not forget to monitor your appearance. Why doesn't everyone get it? Probably, the upbringing and attitude of others towards women who spend energy, time and money on self-care interfere. But we must resist these views and start treating ourselves differently. How to become stylish and well-groomed? Tips on this topic can be found in the article.

You have to make time for yourself

In order to start taking care of yourself, without fail need to make time. In most cases, women and girls look bad, who believe that spending precious hours looking after their appearance is bad. They are ashamed to take it away from their family, work or study. This is fundamentally the wrong approach.

No one will argue that a well-groomed look can only be a person who adheres to healthy habits. Is it bad for the family if the wife and mother keep good health? And for active work or study, isn’t this a help? The answer is obvious. Therefore, first of all, you need to go to the fitness room or go for a run in the park.

Healthy lifestyle

Self-care implies that a person takes care that his body remains in good condition. good skin, beautiful hair and nails, straight posture is distinctive features healthy person. There are things that a person cannot change. Of course, the appearance of a woman changes with age and there are diseases that harm beauty. But you should do everything you can to resist these misfortunes. People around you will notice and appreciate it.

Daily regime

To look great, you need to sleep well. When a person is young, he may not notice how bad dream reflects on his appearance. But as a result of years spent in the wrong rhythm, there will come a more early aging. This does not mean at all that at the age of twenty it is necessary to adhere to the regime of a pensioner. You just have to try to give yourself time to recover.

Proper nutrition

Get into the habit of eating right as early as possible. The foods we consume can seriously harm our health or, conversely, contribute to its maintenance. It is necessary to develop your own diet, listening to the advice of your doctor and your body. A girl eating a layered hamburger does not look stylish and well-groomed.

fitness classes

To have an attractive figure, be strong and energetic, you should pay attention sports loads. Now there are a huge number of proposals for how you can do fitness. It is not difficult to choose the option that will bring pleasure. And there are offers for every pocket. The main thing is not to look for excuses, but just start practicing.

Beauty saloon

Today, in order to stand out for the better against the background of other women, you need to regularly do certain procedures in a beauty salon. We must immediately make a reservation that many things can be done at home on their own.

What must be done once in a certain time?

  1. Visit to a hair stylist. hairstyle modern woman should be fine. Before the next visit to the master, it is worth studying the latest fashion trends in cutting and coloring hair.

  1. Shaping and coloring of eyebrows and eyelashes (possibly eyelash extensions). These procedures can be done at home, but it must be done.

  1. Visiting the master nail service. Manicure is an integral part of the image of a stylish and well-groomed woman. If you don’t want to devote too much time to manicure, you can only do the hygienic option with transparent coating. But you should not do too “rich” design on the nails. It won't look classy.

  1. Cosmetic care tailored to the individual, e.g. age characteristics. This refers to procedures such as facial cleansing, masks, hardware care etc. If it is not possible to visit a beauty salon, then you should do at home those procedures that are easy to perform.
  2. Depilation of certain areas of the body.
  3. Of course, the face and body must be looked after daily. For the face and body, you need to purchase a set of creams and serums suitable for your skin type. It is necessary to apply the funds every morning and every evening.

Makeup, clothes, shoes and accessories

Fashion changes every six months, but do not think that it is impossible to keep track of it. Must dedicate to watching fashion magazine at least half an hour before the start of the new season. This will be enough to understand what colors, prints, shapes and silhouettes will be worn. stylish women in the near future.


It is important not to overdo it with the application decorative cosmetics on the face. Under no circumstances should you be confused evening make-up and daytime. What is appropriate for going out into the world is in no way suitable for work and Everyday life at all.

Clothes, shoes and accessories

A stylish woman always knows what clothes to choose for this or that occasion. It is necessary to understand the difference between the image for business meetings, for a date or for relaxation. There are many options for images, but you can figure them out. It is necessary to devote time to studying these details and then there will never be questions about what to wear to this or that event.

Probably, it would not be superfluous to recall that a woman’s shoes should be in perfect order. Accessories for everyday look are chosen not too luxurious. If the outfit was worn conspicuous, then the accessories should be discreet.

In order to develop a taste, it is necessary to visit exhibitions more often, leaf through magazines and books about fashion and art. Then the errors in the choice own style will not be.