Clean a white mink coat at home. We clean a mink coat: high-quality fur care at home

Have you bought an expensive fur coat, purchased a fur vest or grabbed a hat at the annual sale, but after a while the fur of the products became shiny, lost its shine and color? Well, it happens to everyone! But knowing how to clean the fur at home, you can very quickly restore the presentation of the “fluffy wardrobe”.

Before starting work, decide on the type of fur, because each of them has its own cleaning methods. Let's talk about them in more detail!

Arctic fox and silver fox

Fur coats or vests made of arctic fox and silver fox can be easily cleaned at home, unless, of course, stock up on any of the described means.

Method 1 - ammonia

Method 2 - hair shampoo

To clean natural fox fur well, use your shampoo. Alternatives include pet shampoo, wool and silk detergent, or pure gasoline.

Chinchilla, muskrat, otter

The animals themselves clean themselves with sand. So why don't you and I use this method?


To clean mink fur, you can safely use the following recipes.

Method 1 - vinegar and alcohol

Method 2 - ammonia, gasoline, water

  1. Connect 3 tbsp. l. salt, 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp. l. ammonia.
  2. Treat with a swab the saline parts.

Rabbit, goat, nutria and wolf

Rabbit fur will endure any cleaning just fine. To return a presentable look, choose any of these recipes.

Method 1 - alcohol and vinegar

Method 2 - bran (suitable for cleaning a white rabbit)

Method 3 - knock out the dust

How to clean white fur?

How to clean white fur from yellowness? Be very careful not to ruin the pile and natural shade. First, try the product on an inconspicuous area, and then proceed to cleaning the surface of the fur coat. Give a good effect:

Be sure to hang your fur in a well-ventilated area to dry completely.

Important! If you have spilled wine, juice, sauce, coffee, tea on a fur coat, vest or sheepskin coat, take it to the dry cleaners! Do not risk with a home remedy, so as not to spoil the fur.

Artificial fur

Modern artificial fur is made so beautifully that it cannot be distinguished from natural products. Under the "fox", "raccoon", "mink" - the cost of such products will be much cheaper. But this does not mean at all that faux fur does not need any care! Remember a couple of recipes that will help you clean it of dirt.

Method 1 - glycerin, alcohol and water

Method 2 - starch and dish liquid

  1. Pour starch with dishwashing gel.
  2. Apply gruel to faux fur and spread with a brush.
  3. Rinse off the residue with a clean sponge dipped in warm water. You can also leave the product to dry completely, and then just shake it off or brush it out.

Method 3 - machine wash

An unnatural fur coat can be washed in a washing machine on a delicate cycle. Pressing must not be used! Faux fur dries for a long time, so hang the product on a balcony or in a room with open windows. Make sure it is not exposed to direct sunlight. However, this also applies to natural fur. The sun will make the pile brittle. It will also lose its luster and may turn slightly yellow.

Method 4 - gasoline from greasy stains

Wipe greasy pockets, sleeves or a fur collar with a cotton swab dipped in pure gasoline. An alternative to it will be a liquid for cleaning carpets and upholstery. In this case, follow the instructions on the package.

Important! Means will have to be washed off with water or a damp cloth!

Method 5 - powder and water

This is the safest and easiest faux fur cleaner ever!

  1. Prepare a soap solution by mixing laundry detergent (1 tbsp; should not contain bleach) and 1 liter of water.
  2. Cool this liquid and apply to the fur with a cotton swab or regular washcloth.
  3. At the end of the process, wash off the foam with a clean cloth soaked in warm water.

Now you know exactly how and how to clean the fur at home. But do not forget about the nuances, because they are very important!

  • Do not dry the fur product by hanging it on a radiator, ironing it or blowing it with a hair dryer;
  • For natural fur, washing is strictly prohibited. Mezdra should not get wet!
  • Vinegar is contraindicated for artificial fur;
  • Do not use sawdust of coniferous trees for cleaning - they contain resin;
  • Do not comb the astrakhan fur, but just shake it well;
  • If the fur has lost its luster, soak a cotton cloth in glycerin or table vinegar and walk it over the pile. Apply alcohol on top and comb the fur with a comb. Do not repeat very often - vinegar makes the fur stiff;
  • To prevent the base of the fur collar from becoming coarse over time, regularly treat it with a glycerin solution (1 part water and glycerin each).

Video: bio-cleaning fur:

Any thing from your personal wardrobe needs cleaning, a mink coat is no exception. Of course, it will be a little more difficult to clean it, and the easiest way out of this situation will be to contact dry cleaning specialists. The disadvantages of dry cleaning include high prices and some risks that things can be spoiled, even if the probability of this is quite negligible. That's why people try to find out how to clean a mink coat at home. There are many ways to clean yourself, but we will describe only a few of the most effective.

How to determine if a mink coat needs cleaning?

Surely you know that these products are able to serve their owner faithfully for many years, you just need to properly care for them. Now let's move on, so to speak, to centenarians, mink can be worn without problems up to 12 years, but products made from otter and beaver fur will serve you, attention ... right up to two decades. The main signs that a thing has worn out can be considered: the appearance of dust and plaque on it, the loss of its luster, dirt adhering to the hairs, a crumpled appearance, and the lack of pomp of fur.

What is contraindicated to do with a mink coat when cleaning the house yourself? Firstly, fur products cannot be washed in the usual way, stains can be removed using local washing, powders or other detergents not intended for fur can be used. No matter how trite it may sound, but no matter what they tell you, do not dry it over an open fire, you should not use various heaters, including batteries. If you are caught in snow or rain, then you need to dry the mink coat only in a room that has good ventilation, pay attention to a room with a draft is not suitable.

Never iron a mink coat! You might think: who would even think of ironing fur? But as the practice of some dry cleaners shows, there are also cases when a client brings his favorite fur coat, which looks as if the skating rink has not walked along, and most importantly, the hostess of the thing, standing on her own, says that it is necessary. We repeat once again - do not iron fur products! Over time, the fur coat itself will acquire its original, not wrinkled appearance.

How to clean a mink coat at home:

1. First of all, the mink coat must be washed, this is done carefully but at the same time with the application of force, then with a brush slightly moistened with gasoline, we clean the fur. If the mink itself is light, then in order to avoid yellowing, it must be treated with a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water (1 tablespoon per liter of water). A yellowed mink coat is cleaned with a richer mixture, but care must be taken so that hydrogen peroxide does not get on the base - this can damage it. The fur can be wrinkled very easily, and if this happens, go over it with a slightly wet sponge, while the villi should get wet. Then he is combed so that the movements are in the direction of the villi, at the end leave the fur coat to dry but only on a hanger. At the end of drying, beat it again.

2. Cleaning a mink coat in the following way - involves the use of a heated soapy solution. To prepare it, you need to add hair shampoo or any other non-aggressive detergent to a basin of water. A sponge or just a piece of cloth is ideal for applying the solution to the fur. There is a slightly different cleaning option using this method. Take a comb and wind the cotton wool treated in the solution on its teeth, fix it well there, and then just comb the fur.

3. Purchase sawdust from hardwood trees at your nearest zoological shop. Pour a little into a bowl and add clean gasoline to them. Lay the fur coat on a flat surface, leveling it at the same time, and pour sawdust processed in gasoline on it. Next, use a brush to thoroughly clean everything.

4. How to clean a mink coat at home with the addition of potato starch? This white free-flowing powder does an excellent job of removing dirt without harming the fur at all. Just like with sawdust, the fur coat must be placed on a smooth surface and leveled, only after that we sprinkle the fur with starch. Rub it all with your hands and then shake off the potato starch. Along the way, it may darken slightly, which means that it will not be superfluous to repeat the process one more time.

5. Semolina does an excellent job of removing dirt from fur, especially considering the fact that this product can be found in any home. First, semolina must be boiled, for this, take a tablespoon of cereal in a glass of milk. The porridge is applied to the fur in a very thin and even layer, after application, leave the fur coat for 6 hours. After that, you need to comb it, for this, pick up a comb with a small number of teeth, then beat it well.

6. Thanks to the following recipe, your mink coat will regain its attractive appearance. To prepare this solution in 1/5 cup of hot water, you need to add a few drops of alcohol and 1 drop of cleaning agent (any one is used), all this is well mixed. To check if this product is suitable for your fur coat, first apply a little on an inconspicuous area, namely on the leather part. Then stretch this place a little and if any damage does not follow, then feel free to proceed with cleaning the rest of the part. It is most convenient to use gauze or cotton wool, apply the mixture on them and begin to draw along the fur, in the direction of the pile.

Thanks to the methods described above, you can easily clean a mink coat at home, but of course you need to do everything right, preferably without amateur performance. When examining the contamination, it may seem to you that no method will help, or you simply doubt it, if this happens, then it is better to contact a dry cleaning specialist. However, as we wrote at the very beginning, not all owners of dry cleaners treat their activities in good faith and therefore there is a possibility of damage to the product. If you are already applying to such establishments, then you should not pay attention to the price, let it be great, but the work must also be done in good faith.

If the mink coat has lost its luster, creases or various impurities have appeared, then it's time to clean it. Next, you will learn how to dry and wet cleaning, what products can be used. Separately, instructions for cleaning a white mink coat are given.

Dry cleaning mink coat

The most gentle is, of course, dry cleaning. With it, ordinary dirt is removed, for example, if a machine has sprayed or the product has become dusty. To do this, you need to purchase a special brush for fur products with frequent, short and metal teeth.

Dirt cleaning

A fur coat splashed with mud is dried at room temperature, hanging on a coat hanger. As soon as the fur is completely dry, it is gently combed in the direction of hair growth several times. Now it remains to shake off the product well - there will be no trace of dirt, and the fur will shine again.

Cleaning to combat the effects of prolonged wear

Talc or semolina will help to cope with glossy fur and fur that has lost volume.

Semolina helps to get rid of greasy stains, as it is a good absorbent. Talc will not only help remove grease, but will get rid of odor and dust, but it is not used for dark fur, as it can leave white marks on them.

The same tools will return the former shine:
  • The fur coat is straightened on a straight surface, the contaminated places are sprinkled with either talc or dry semolina.
  • With light movements for 30 seconds, rub the components into the fur.
  • Then shake off and go through with a special brush, removing the remnants.

How to clean a mink coat from stains?

For more stubborn stains, use wet cleaning. But only the hairs of the fur are gently moistened, trying to prevent moisture from getting on the base. For wet cleaning use:

soap solution

The solution is prepared from a non-aggressive agent. It is better to use hair shampoo, which is mixed with warm clean water and whipped until foam is formed. It is applied with a sponge or soft cloth to the fur in a circular motion. Then the soapy solution is removed with a damp cloth and the fur coat is allowed to dry naturally. It remains to walk along the pile with a brush, and the updated fur coat is ready to wear.


Gasoline is used to tidy up fur coats only from dark pile. It leaves yellow spots on light-colored fur. When working with combustible material, observe safety precautions - carry out work with an open window and away from the source of fire.

Cleaning can be done in two ways:

  • The brush is moistened in gasoline and the fur coat is combed gently without strong pressure on the fur.
  • They buy sawdust from non-resinous trees (linden, oak, maple), soak them in water, adding a little clean gasoline. The fur coat is straightened on a flat surface and sawdust soaked in a gasoline solution is laid out on it.
Regardless of the method, the final step is combing the fur with a brush and airing the fur coat for several hours in the fresh air.


The vinegar solution helps bring back the shine to the fur. Vinegar is diluted with water (the concentration of the solution should not exceed 5%), a cotton pad is taken, moistened, squeezed out of excess moisture and wiped with a pile. Long fur is processed according to hair growth, short - against.

In this case, the main thing is not to overdo it and not to wet the base, otherwise damage cannot be avoided.

How to clean a white mink coat

A white mink coat is a luxurious and easily soiled product. If the fur coat is dirty, then you can try to clean it at home.

Dry brushing with talc or tooth powder

The fur product is laid out on a flat surface and completely sprinkled with the chosen agent - talc or powder. Leave for a few hours, then shake off and brush if necessary.

Cleaning with a solution of hydrogen peroxide or ammonia

They help restore shine to the fur and an attractive look to the product, refresh it:
  • For 1 liter of water, take 1 tablespoon of peroxide and clean the fur coat with this solution. The algorithm of actions is the same as when cleaning with vinegar. If yellowness appears on the pile, then the concentration of the solution is increased.
  • Prepare the following solution - add 1 tablespoon of ammonia and 3 tablespoons of salt to 1?2 liters of water. Wet a cloth in this solution and wipe the fur with it. After that, let the fur coat dry and comb the pile with a brush.

How to clean a mink coat from vomiting?

Vomit is a hard-to-remove contamination. Therefore, it is better to entrust the cleaning to a professional. No opportunity? We clean the fur coat at home on our own, in 3 stages:
  • Fresh spots are covered with potato starch and rubbed into the pile in a circular motion.
  • Then a solution is prepared - washing powder is dissolved in water. Using a spray gun, apply it to areas with starch and around it.
  • Carefully remove everything with a sponge and dry the fur coat. When it dries, the remaining starch is carefully combed out with a brush.

When preparing a solution, carefully consider the choice of powder. So, if the fur coat is dark in color, the powder should not contain bleach.

Precautionary measures

To avoid unpleasant consequences after cleaning a fur coat, you should remember the following rules:
  • Under no circumstances should the coat be washed. This will lead to irreversible deformation of the fur product.
  • Drying a fur coat near heating devices (batteries, heaters, open flames) adversely affects it.

If the fur coat gets wet from precipitation, it is hung on a hanger and dried at room temperature in the room.

  • An iron is categorically contraindicated for fur. With it, you can not get rid of creases on clothes without negative consequences.
  • You can not store a fur coat folded. If this happened, the fur coat should be unfolded, hung on a coat hanger and allowed to hang.

Video: Cleaning a fur coat with purchased products

On sale there are special products for cleaning fur, for example, Bio Fur. In the following video you will see how to use this tool:

So, there are several ways to refresh a mink coat and rid it of pollution. Before each cleaning, be sure to test the new product on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe clothing to avoid damage to the entire product and unpleasant consequences. How to clean a fur coat at home?

As a rule, it is not worth taking a fur coat to dry cleaning with a small amount of dirt. There it can be spoiled, and not all dry cleaners accept fur coats. In fact, you need a little patience and everything can be done with your own hands ...
When should fur be cleaned?
We all know that the service life of fur products is quite long. For example, rabbit fur wears out most quickly and lasts up to 4 years, arctic fox up to 7 years, mink is worn up to 12 years, but beaver and otter fur turned out to be the biggest “long-liver” - it can be worn up to 20 years.

The main signs of product wear:
- dust pollution with plaque;
- loss of color uniformity;
- the presence of particles of debris between the hairs;
- formations in the form of tangled lumps, nodules, clearly cut ends of the hair.

What can not be done with a fur coat at home?
1. Wash fur, wash stains, wet with water and powder or detergent.
2. Dry a fur coat over a fire, heaters, batteries - drying after snow or rain should be in a well-ventilated area, in no case in a draft, away from batteries and heaters!
3. It is strictly forbidden to iron a fur coat! Such advice may seem strange to some, but, based on the practice of dry cleaners, many clients bring them fur coats ironed from the lining side - supposedly, the owner of the fur coat thought that the product was wrinkled, and it would be nice to stroke it - this cannot be done, period! The coat will straighten itself.
How to clean a fur coat from dust at home?
After the warm season, the fur coat may fall with dust - even if you store it in a special case, the fur product is not immune from the penetration of dust microparticles. To rid the fur beauty of dust, you need to gently shake or knock up the fur coat. Some people clean the fur coat from dust with a vacuum cleaner, but we would not recommend doing this - after all, direct air currents are not desirable for fur.

It is very good to clean the fur with a coarse animal brush. Such a metal brush for wool is sold in any pet store - when buying a fur coat, get such an accessory. And comb your beauty a couple of times a month - the fur coat loves care, like a real lady!

Fur cleaning at home.
arctic fox
For care, you need to take a solution of ammonia, approximately 1 teaspoon, 3 teaspoons of table salt and 0.5 liters of water. Moisten a cotton swab with the resulting liquid and begin to remove stains by combing. The last step in cleaning fox fur at home is drying the raw fur product.

Cleaning mink fur at home should bring shine to the furs, this is the first task in working with a mink coat. The shine is lost due to the washing out of the fatty composition - you can introduce a new one in this way: dissolve 100 grams of pork in 1 liter of boiling water, you can fish oil and 10 g of soap. While stirring the ingredients, add up to 12 drops of ammonia, then cool the solution to 35 degrees and apply the emulsion to the fur with a brush.

The initial cleaning of rabbit fur at home is done by combing it out with a comb. Next, they take a swab, abundantly moistened with acetic acid (5%) or hydrogen peroxide up to 5%, and treat the hair in the direction of fur growth. After the procedure, hydrogen residues are removed from the hair with a damp cotton pad, preventing the leather base from getting wet.

Yellowed gray astrakhan fur can be lightened with a 3 or 5 percent solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 teaspoon per 1 glass of water) with the addition of a few drops of ammonia.

beaver, otter
Beaver, otter, mole fur products are cleaned with dry hot sand. Lay the product with the fur up on the table, sprinkle with sand and wipe with the palm of your hand. Dirty sand shake off, pour clean again. Do this until the product is completely clean.

Detailed instructions for cleaning fur coats at home

1. The fur coat must first be carefully, but not too hard, knocked out, and then cleaned with a brush moistened with gasoline. White furs, so that they do not turn yellow, are wiped with a solution of hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water). Furs that have already turned yellow are cleaned with a more concentrated solution, but only on the top of the wool, so as not to damage the mezra.

2. If the fur is wrinkled, wipe it with a damp sponge so that the villi get wet. Then comb the fur in the direction of the pile and hang to dry. When dry, knock out.

3. Sheepskin coat can be cleaned with soapy water with the addition of ammonia, while changing the water more often. We buy ammonia in a pharmacy and dilute it with water in a ratio of 1: 5. Dip a cotton swab into this solution and clean the greasy area. Then we wipe it with a sponge dipped in another solution - water with vinegar (1 tsp vinegar per liter of water). Now we will very well blot the moisture with a dry gauze cloth and dry it at room temperature.

When the sheepskin coat is completely dry, rub the surface with a white school eraser or the finest sandpaper. Well, you already know how to clean the fur. And the final step is to thoroughly wipe the whole thing with a rubber suede brush, and it will become like new!

4. Don't throw away potato peels. Rinse them under running water, pass through a meat grinder with a thick mesh and add a little ammonia. This mixture can clean old fur, carpet, stale suede. Apply the mixture to the soiled area and rub it with a brush, then rinse and rub the item well. After cleaning, you need to dry at room temperature, leveling the thing well.

5. If the light fur is heavily soiled, it is cleaned with starch and gasoline. Starch is kneaded with refined gasoline (aviation - former name, sold in hardware stores). The fur is wiped with this gruel, and allowed to dry. Then the fur product is shaken out. For safety reasons, work is carried out on the balcony.

P.S. Purified gasoline degreases the mezdra (skin) of the fur, thus prolonging the life of your fur coat.

If you have problems with buying refined gasoline, try contacting watch shops (I was sold 1.5 liters for 100 rubles in 2010 (author's comment)
6. To restore the softness of a somewhat coarsened fur, a fur coat will need: egg yolk, vaseline oil and glycerin. Rub the yolk with 1 tbsp. spoon of vaseline, add 0.5 liters of warm water.
With the resulting composition, wipe the leather base of the fur, dry, knead and pull in different directions.

7. Sometimes it is possible to restore elasticity to the fur coat by wetting the leather base with glycerin diluted with clean water.

8. You can fix the coarsened fur core at home in the following way. First, moisten the mezdra with a solution of vinegar essence (2 tablespoons of table salt per 1 liter of water), knead it and carefully stretch the fur thing in different directions. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times with intervals of 2-3 hours, then dry the thing in a stretched form, knead again and grease with a fat emulsion (100 g of castor oil and 15-20 drops of ammonia per 1 liter of warm water). Then keep the thing folded (mezdra to mezdra) for 3-4 hours, and then unfold it and dry it again.

9. A greasy stain from light fur can be removed with a solution of ammonia (1 teaspoon), table salt (3 teaspoons) and water (0.5 liters).

10. Beautiful and Lasting Glitter:
* Gently (in rubber gloves) lightly rub the fur with a cloth moistened with vinegar essence.
* Grind the walnut kernels to a powder state, tie the walnut powder in double-folded gauze and wipe the fur (along the hair) with this swab. Having absorbed nut oil, a fur coat, and other fur products, will acquire a beautiful and lasting shine.

11. Things made of artificial fur are recommended to be treated from time to time with aerosol antistatic agents: they protect the fur from pollution, as they remove electrostatic charges, due to which various dust particles and motes are attracted to the fur.

12. You can clean faux fur if you prepare a soapy solution (2-3 tablespoons of detergent for synthetic fabrics per 1 liter of water), beat the foam and, taking it on a brush, wipe the fur along the pile, then remove the remaining foam from the fur slightly dampened cotton cloth.

Dark fur - bran and nuts

To bring the fur coat “to mind”, we need ordinary bran (you can buy it at a pharmacy - they are sold as a dietary supplement) and half a glass of walnut kernels. We heat the bran in the oven or microwave to 60-70 degrees (this is quite hot to the touch). Now we will gently rub them into the fur, simulating washing, until the bran collects all the dirt. Now grind the nuts in a coffee grinder and tie the powder into doubled gauze. With this swab we wipe the fur along the pile. Walnut oil nourishes the hairs, and they will have a lively, spectacular gloss for a long time. In conclusion, comb the coat with a natural bristle brush.
Light fur - starch and brush

Folk advice says: in order to clean light-colored fur from dirt, it is necessary to use starch and semolina, sprinkle a fur coat with these contents, and then comb it out well.

Alcohol solutions, a mixture of vinegar and water, hydrogen peroxide - all these substances may help to eliminate greasy and dirty stains from natural fur coats, but their use is associated with a huge risk! If the proportions are too "vigorous", if such a solution gets on the core, and not on the pile, if the fur coat is far from new, then the product may be seriously damaged.

We offer two ways to clean light fur at home:

Method number 1. The best friend for a white coat or hat is starch. We pour it, without sparing, directly into the fur, gently knead and rub until the powder collects dirt. Then the coat should be well shaken and combed. If the starch from the fur spills out frankly gray, the procedure must be repeated.

To clean a very dirty white sheepskin or zigeyka (usually on the sleeves and hem of a sheepskin coat), we rub the same starch into the fur. Then, from the spray gun, we abundantly spray the edge with a solution of washing powder and smear the resulting mass with our hands all over the wool. When the "dough" dries, brush it off, shake it well and comb it with a slicker brush.

Method number 2. You can clean dirty fur at home in the following way: first pour the pile of fur with an adsorbent that absorbs dirt. Rye or wheat bran, dry sifted sawdust (only hardwood) are suitable as an adsorbent. If the fur is light, then you can use dry starch, potato flour or semolina. The fur sprinkled with the adsorbent should be carefully rubbed between the palms so that the dirt passes to the adsorbent, and then shake off the adsorbent and carefully clean the fur with a soft brush or vacuum cleaner.

In most cases, we still recommend contacting a professional dry cleaner who specializes in fur treatment.
Remember! Fur cleaning at home is possible only if it is not too dirty!
fur storage

* Before laying fur items for summer storage, they must be dried in a draft indoors or outdoors in the shade. After drying, the fur thing must be carefully knocked out and shaken.
* In summer, fur coats and coats with fur collars are best stored in thick paper bags or in plastic bags with a moth repellent inside (there must be air in the plastic bag, otherwise the fur will deteriorate). So that the fur does not wrinkle during storage, these bags and covers should not be put in the chest, but hung (not closely) in the closet.
* Since light fur turns yellow from light, products from it should be stored in bags made of thick fabric or dark thick paper.
* Do not hang things made of dyed and undyed fur next to each other - undyed fur will be dyed.
* You can not hang a fur coat against a whitewashed wall, as lime spoils the fur.
* If the fur coat is wrinkled, it must be wiped with a damp sponge, and when the villi become wet, dry the fur coat and shake it properly.
* Hats are best stored in boxes or at least in linen or paper bags or bags. At the same time, fur garments should be stored separately from felt and woolen ones.

What should you protect your fur coat from, so that you don’t clean it at home later?

1. Direct sunlight. Natural fur does not like bright, especially artificial light. Many products spoil, already being in the window. You could see yellowish fur coats in the salons, which, in fact, should be milky or snow-white tones.

2. Harmful insects. Leather beetles, as well as moths - they are very fond of fur products, especially those that have been hanging in the closet for a long time and have not been remembered for a long time. You can save a fur coat from these pests with the help of proper storage in perforated cases, and be sure to put a bag of lavender next to it.

3. Perfumes and cosmetics. With foundation and perfume, you must be extremely careful. You need to apply perfume in advance, and put on a fur coat only after it is completely dry. The foundation on the face is also dangerous - it is better to put on a scarf or scarf around the neck, which will become a kind of protective layer between the fur coat and the skin of the face covered with tone.

4. Accessories made of suede and nobuk. If your bag is made of such materials, make sure that it does not touch, let alone rub against fur, especially light-colored. The fur coat can be painted in the color of the bag after such "communication".

Any white fur coat on the shoulders of a girl looks very beautiful and feminine. Everyone knows that these fluffy products require special care, and if you do not follow it, the white fur coat will fade or turn yellow, completely losing its expensive look and attractiveness. Of course, this situation is very unpleasant, but there is a way out of it. In this article we will tell you how to clean the fur from yellowness at home.

Dry cleaning - is it possible?

Of course, the best option is to take the fur product to dry cleaning. But:

  • This should only be done when the item is heavily soiled.
  • It must be remembered that mink fur can withstand a maximum of five chemical cleanings.
  • This procedure is not for everyone.

Therefore, if the fur is not so dirty, but just acquired a shade of yellowness, it is better to deal with it yourself at home.

Causes of yellowness

Before proceeding directly to cleaning such material, it is necessary to find out the reasons for its color change and understand what we are dealing with. So, here are the main reasons for the appearance of yellowness on a mink coat:

  • The moth ate the product. This can happen due to improper storage of the fur thing or poor-quality processing. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can fix here, because you will have to completely replace the product.
  • Excessive use of essential oils and perfumes. The abuse of such products can lead to discoloration of the spots on the fur. Also, girls need to remember that perfumes should be applied to the skin, and not to clothes. In this case, the stains are also impossible to remove.
  • Fur fades in the sun, losing its original color. White fur is the most capricious in relation to the sun, it must be protected from exposure to rays.

Important! Girls, do not take fur products from the window, so that later you do not wonder how to clean a white fur coat from yellowness. Through the sun's rays, even if they fall on an object through glass, ultraviolet exposure still occurs. As a result, the thing quickly acquires a worn and unattractive look.

Mink bleaching methods

Cleaning fur from yellowness at home, in fact, is not a very difficult task. We have selected the most effective and simple ways to whiten mink fur at home.

Wheat bran

To effectively whiten a lady's white fur coat, we only need wheat bran. So, here is the procedure:

  1. Pour the bran into a saucepan or any other dense container.
  2. We put the container on fire.
  3. We constantly stir our bran, heating them well and making sure that they do not burn.
  4. We put the fur product with the pile up, so that it is more convenient to carry out the procedure.
  5. We sprinkle our mink with hot bran, carefully clean it with some kind of brush.

Important! After cleaning, carefully shake out the material and vacuum it thoroughly with a special nozzle.

We use gasoline, sawdust or starch

These methods include one common ingredient - gasoline. That is why we combine them in one way:

  • Every pet store sells sawdust. In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home, you just need to slightly moisten the purchased sawdust with refined gasoline, then clean the fur coat with this mass.
  • If the yellow spot is formed with oil, it is necessary to mix potato starch with gasoline until a thick porridge is obtained, then apply this mixture to the stain. After drying, you need to sweep the dried “porridge” from the pile and comb it with a comb with fine teeth.

We clean the product with a regular shampoo

If a girl noticed very small spots on her fur coat, but she no longer wants to walk in it, then you can clean your favorite piece of clothing with a regular hair shampoo. To do this, follow these steps:

We use peroxide and ammonia

What to do if a white mink coat turned yellow at the most inopportune moment, and there is very little time? Quick cleaning can be done with ordinary hydrogen peroxide and ammonia.

To do this, you need to follow this algorithm:

  1. We make a solution from the means at hand: 1 cup of warm water, a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide and 3 drops of ammonia.
  2. We moisten a large piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and put it on a comb with a wide comb.
  3. We clean the mink, combing it in the direction of the villi.

After that, you can dry the fur coat with a hair dryer, or hang it to dry in the fresh air. It all depends on the speed of the approach of the event, which will require an expensive piece of clothing.


Almost every housewife has a bottle with this name, and she rarely resorts to using the contents of it. So, her time has come. This method of bleaching mink fur is proven and effective.

In order to whiten the pile with blue, you must:

  1. Make a solution of blue with water: mix these two liquids until a light blue solution is obtained.
  2. Wet the sponge in this solution and carefully treat the yellowed surface.

Important! After the procedure, you need to hang a fur coat in the sun.

Whitening with Vinegar

This method is the most simple.

In order to clean the fur from yellowness at home using ordinary table vinegar, you need to moisten a cloth with it and wipe the fur with it in the direction of the villi. The result will be visible immediately.

Cleaning the lining of a mink coat

Of course, the ideal option would be to strip and then wash the lining according to the instructions. Otherwise, it can sit down or deform and simply not fit the fur coat.