How to make a sachet at home. How to fill the Aromatic sachet? Ingredients for fragrance bags

Aromatic pads are one of the oldest methods of aromatherapy, which has not lost its relevance and popularity even today. Affordable and easy-to-make sachets that allow you to fill the house and your favorite things with a magical aroma, were once considered an invariable attribute of the home of every lady and real hostess. And although today they rather appear as one of the many means of aromatherapy, aromatic pads do not lose their relevance.

Sachets are simple small pillows or bags filled with fragrant eco-friendly materials - twigs, petals, herbs, spices, needles. In order for dried flowers and other plant materials to retain the smell longer and create a brighter fragrant background, essential oils are also added to the filler during the manufacture of the sachet. They allow besides overall effect use sachet to change emotional background, disease prevention.

Scented sachets will be great a personal gift- especially if they are handmade.

How to use the sachet

Most often, sachets are used to flavor chests of drawers and wardrobes with clothes, to flavor bed linen and other things. Of course, a simple pillow can also be used as a fragrant pillow, but with skillful decoration, sachets can become a real decoration of a room: laid out on shelves or in baskets, they will attract the eye and envelop the room with a subtle pleasant aroma.

  • Near the bed (if you use soothing fragrances) sachets will come out excellent tool helping to relax and calm down, get rid of sleep disorders and.
  • Near the workplace, impregnated with suitable effects, they will stimulate efficiency and concentration.
  • In the living room, sachets will be a great addition to family vacation or romantic encounters.

If ribbons and loops are sewn to the sachet, they can be hung on hangers, shelves, handles of drawers and chest of drawers. And although many superstitions have already sunk into oblivion, sachets are often still perceived as a kind of home amulet, a means of protecting the house from negative energy and bad intentions.

Sachets can be purchased at aromatherapy stores, pharmacies or souvenir shops and you can easily make your own. So, any cotton and mesh fabric can turn into a primitive bag or pillow in a few seconds of working with a thread and a needle, and you can simply intercept a handkerchief with a ribbon if you are too lazy to sew.

Fillers and essential oils

As for filling, the most popular materials are lavender, thyme and lemon balm, as well as spices - oregano, basil, dill. You can add any dry flowers, fruits and seasonings that you and your loved ones like to them.

Some materials are associated with certain sacred properties.

  • It is believed that the best option for a romantic sachet is filling with rose petals, orange peel, as well as sage and gypsophila.
  • A mixture of patchouli, cinnamon and cloves is said to attract wealth.
  • Basil, dill, laurel, fennel, rosemary and fern leaves with a handful of salt protect the house from evil spirits.

Essential oils are added to the filler after dissolving them in a teaspoon of alcohol or vodka. Usually, 5 drops of aromatic oil or a mixture of different essential oils are used per 10 grams of plant materials.

The materials mixed in the container are sprinkled with the prepared aromatic mixture, thoroughly mixed, left to “soak” for at least half an hour in a closed container, and only then they are filled into bags and pillows. This allows essential oils to retain their fragrance longer. You can just drop a few drops on the finished sachet.

There is another way - do not use a vegetable base, but fill the bag with absorbent material - finely chopped synthetic winterizer, foam rubber, sponge, cotton wool, knitted fabric. Essential oils are simply dripped onto a small piece, and after the sachet is filled, the fragrant ball is “buried” inside the rest of the material.

The aroma of the sachet almost completely disappears in best case after 5 days, and most often after 2 days, essential oils will have to be “added” to it. If we are talking When it comes to natural materials, essential oils are dripped onto the pad or into the middle, if we are talking about an artificial filler, they soak part of the filler and again “dig in” inside the sachet.

  • The classic combination of essential oils for a universal sachet -

The word "sachet" came to us from French, which means it is translated into Russian - "pouch". Most often, this item is a fabric pocket filled with fragrant herbs or stuffed with matter impregnated essential oils. The sachet is used for aromatization of rooms, linen, clothes.

What is a sachet?

Each house has its own specific and special smell and, unfortunately, it is not always fragrant and fresh. The reasons for this may be the age of the dwelling, the end of a protracted repair, as well as the smells that a person brings from the street. To eliminate these very problems, sachets are used.

Such bags were invented in ancient times. The first of them were sewn from fabric, leather, grass could even be worn in furs and medallions. A little later, aromatic substances began to be sewn into clothes to protect themselves from evil spirits, bad people and the evil eye. Moreover, the components were mixtures of herbs and flowers in order to doom the house, lure love, finances, and improve one's health. But often, compositions were simply made from the most pleasant smells, and after that the bags were hung or laid out throughout the living space.

Sachets were especially popular in order to give a unique and pleasant aroma to lace and bed linen, towels. Housewives made bags from various materials, decorated them with embroidery, patterns, lace, beads and even pearls! A small loop was sewn to such a pillow and then hung in the kitchen, near front door, in the bedroom. The finished sachet served as an indicator of the skill of the needlewoman, and also gave an idea of ​​her as a hostess and as a woman in general.

How to sew a sachet bag yourself?

Nowadays, sachets in the form of small bags filled with fragrant herbs are very popular. Thanks to such devices, it is possible to give nice smell not only clothes, but also paper, toys, linen. Sachets are also an excellent remedy for moths.

Herbs for the bag can be purchased ready-made or independently collect those whose aroma is most preferable to you. Herbs should be collected early in the morning. Dry them in a well-ventilated place, in the shade, without penetration of direct sun rays. Drying often takes 5 days, after which you can start creating a composition for a future sachet.

If you want to make a bag with refreshing properties, then you should fill it with lavender, rose petals, sage, and add a drop of lavender oil or rose oil. So the smell will remain for a long time.

For children's room suitable mixture rose petals, sage, chamomile and lavender. We must not forget that the smell should be barely audible, not pronounced. Hanging the bag next to the baby's crib is not recommended. It is better to put it in the closet with clothes.

For the kitchen, a combination of herbs, spices with citrus zest is suitable. By the way, in the kitchen, sachets are used not only to add flavor, but also to prepare the food itself. For example, a bag filled with Tuscan herbs can be dipped into a saucepan in the process of boiling broths, stewing fish or meat.

For the pillow itself, it is best to take fabric from natural material, perfect for embroidery. Unlike synthetic, such a fabric will exude fragrance in the room for a longer time, which in turn will not be drowned out by notes of synthetics. Since the bag itself should be beautiful and original, it can be decorated with embroidery.

If you do not have the necessary herbs at home, then do not despair, you can fill the sachets with ordinary sawdust, which were previously soaked in essential oils. Sawdust is inexpensive, and you can buy them at almost any pet supply store. A huge selection of essential oils can be found in pharmacies.

To prepare sawdust, you need to pour some of them into glass jar with a tightly screwed lid, add a few drops of essential oil there, then close the jar and shake everything well. Then repeat the same manipulations: pour sawdust into a jar, drip essential oil, shake. Then the jars with contents should be placed in a dark place for at least 7 days.

It is also very easy to sew the bags for the future sachet: for this, rectangles or triangles, rhombuses, circles should be cut out of the fabric - as you like, decorate with lace, embroidery, beads, and then sew the edges. After the bag should be tightly stuffed with a mixture of herbs prepared in advance or sawdust with essential oils and simply tied with a ribbon or braid.

So, sewing a bag is not at all difficult, but still how to fill it? There can be a lot of options, here are the most popular ones:

  • Many people know that the smell of coffee cheers up, kills unpleasant odors and also helps to increase appetite. A sachet filled with coffee beans can be hung in the kitchen, it will bring a lot of benefits there!;
  • The smell of pine needles has an antibacterial and refreshing effect. The natural aroma of pine and spruce needles can be enhanced with essential oils. By the way, cedar, fir and pine oils are not only useful for human body, but also cheer up;
  • Herbs such as fennel, basil, mint, thyme, rosemary have unique useful properties and aromas, and mint also soothes, relieves stress and puts in order emotional condition person;
  • To improve sleep, sachets can be placed inside pillowcases or your regular pillow stuffing. In addition to herbs, you can use berries or wild rose. To create such a sachet, you need 1 part lavender buds and ½ parts each of jasmine, chamomile, hop and rose petals. Herbs need to be mixed, poured into a bag, and, in turn, hidden in a pillowcase or pillow itself;
  • To strengthen immunity, mix sage, rosemary, lemon balm, thyme and essential oils of these same plants;
  • In the child's room, you can place a sachet filled with sage, rose petals, dill seeds, lavender and chamomile flowers with the addition of essential oils of lemon balm, chamomile and sage.

By the way, it is the lavender smell that leads among others when choosing the components of sachet fillers. It is persistent, prevents the appearance of moths, brings health benefits - calms and relieves stress.

Do-it-yourself sachet: master class

For self-manufacturing at home, sachets are needed:

  1. A piece of linen, cotton fabric or cambric;
  2. A small piece of lace;
  3. Braid, ribbons - it is necessary to choose such details based only on your taste preferences;
  4. Napkins for decoupage or transfer paper;
  5. Filler for the bag: dried herbs, needles or orange peel or sawdust, pre-soaked in essential oils, as well as a small ball of padding polyester, so that the sachet has a beautiful shape;
  6. Needle, thread, scissors.

First of all, a pattern should be made from the material desired shape. As an example, 2 blanks are presented - 1 in the form of a heart, and others in the form of a rectangle.

Using a hot iron, you need to transfer the image from the transfer paper onto the fabric. To do this, the paper should be ironed several times, then peeled off, and the image will be transferred to the fabric!

Then, with the help of pre-selected ribbons of braid and lace, decorate front side bag. By the way, it is better to do it manually, without the help of a sewing machine.

Now it's time to sew both halves of the heart and the rectangle by hand. This is done from the wrong side of the product with a rough seam. A small loop of tape should be sewn to the corner of the rectangle and in the middle of the heart, for which the bags will subsequently be hung.

Now the rough seam must be stitched on sewing machine, while leaving a small hole through which the sealant will be poured, turn the product on the front side.

It remains to fill the pillow filler. To begin with, they should be filled with crushed and dried orange zest, for the accuracy of the procedure, a synthetic winterizer should be placed around the corners and edges. Then take a couple cotton pads and drip on 1 of them a few drops of essential oils prepared in advance, and then cover it on top with the 2nd cotton pad and place inside the bag.

After that, the hole must be carefully sewn up and that's it - the aromatic sachet for the house is ready!

It is best to store such bags in a tightly closed container; it can be a large jar or any other container with a lid.

There is a legend that the wife of the God of Olympus, Zeus, Hera, seduced him with the help of a magical fragrant belt. Modern experts in the field of aromas believe that the composition of the filler of such a belt could well be as follows: nutmeg, jasmine, carnation, pink vanilla. You can take this into service by creating a composition of aromas for sachets with your own hands.

Aromatic sachets have long been used by housewives. A sachet is a small decorative pillow filled with solid aromatic herbs and dried flowers. They were traditionally placed in wardrobes next to clothes and bed linen and also at the head of the bed.

Now aromatic sachets are no longer hidden in cabinets, although this method of use is not outdated. This is a simple and wonderful way to scent the space around you: room, bathroom, closet or car.

Today, manufacturers offer many options for scented pads with scented blends. But, I am sure that it is much more pleasant to make an aromatic bag with your own hands, when you know exactly what is included in its filling.

Sachet scents should be chosen wisely and tastefully.

For linen it is better to use: dried oregano, dried lavender, mint, blackcurrant leaf, rose petals, orange peels, cinnamon sticks, clove stars, lemon. Thanks to them, clothes will always be fresh and fragrant.

Can be bought already ready mixes dried flowers for sachets (in stores you can find very interesting options, for example, with the smell of the sea).

In the nursery, it is best to hang an aromatic pillow where rose petals, sage grass, dill seeds, lavender flowers, chamomile, chamomile, lemon balm and sage soaked in essential oils are sewn up.

Verbena, geranium, rose petals and valerian are popular in the bedroom.

The aroma of lemon balm will bring you calm and tranquility, refresh, relieve headache and give you sound sleep.

The smell of citrus is more energizing, it may even prevent you from falling asleep, but it will wonderfully help you forget about the daily routine of a working day.

Coniferous smells of cedar, juniper or pine act as antiseptics, soften mood swings, and relieve heart pain.

Do not allow such fragrances as: jasmine, daffodils, lilies, lilies of the valley, bird cherry into the bedroom - no matter how much you like them, otherwise you have a chance to spend a lot of restless nights in the fight against headaches and nightmares.

The most popular scent is lavender. Firstly, it lasts for a long time, secondly, it drives away freeloaders such as moths, and thirdly, it has a very beneficial effect on our health, it has a calming effect, and relieves stress.

Fragrant bag fillers can be herbs with pleasant odors or natural plant extracts (essential oils). You yourself can create compositions, the aromas of which will permeate the space around you.

Scented sachets are easy to make with your own hands. I want to bring to your attention several types of aromatic sachets.

They are different in appearance, filling, as well as the materials from which they were sewn.

Let's start with a rectangular sachet, which you can decorate to your liking, but the materials are completely different.

I took an ordinary canvas for the bag itself, and used pink chintz and printed calico for decoration.

For the filling, I used a purchased aromatic sachet of dried flowers left after creation. You can use other natural ingredients: dried aromatic herbs, dried orange slices, coffee beans and even flavored tea, with a pleasant rich smell.

Let's start by cutting out the details of our bag: height 17 cm, width 13 cm.

I cut off decorative stripes by eye. I loosened the pink chintz along the lower edges, pulling out the longitudinal threads.

We put printed calico with roses on pink chintz, fasten everything with pins on both sides of the patterns, at an equal distance from bottom edge bag.

We sew our decorative strips along the lower and upper edges of the printed calico, and then we sew lower part bag.

We make sure that everything matches with us and we sew on the sides. We sew the formed corners of the bag obliquely and turn it inside out. We fold the upper edge and process it on a sewing machine.

If you have a very small bag filler, then it is better to sew an inner bag of a slightly smaller size, for example, from madapolam (French madapolam - by the name of the city of Madapolam in India, - plain weave cotton fabric, smooth and hard to the touch, with a glossy surface) or other very thin fabric.

Place the filler in the Madapolam bag, sew it up, and then put it in the main bag.

We tie the bag with either a ribbon or a linen rope and decorate it to your taste. I used foamiran. Here's what I got…

Now I want to talk about another type of aromatic sachet, when sawdust or unflavored tea is used in the filler with the addition of aromatic oils or cosmetic fragrance.

Here I decided to give the sachet the shape of pillows and decorate them with a satin ribbon.

From the materials I took yellow printed calico with a pattern and Madapolam: width-13 cm, length-15 cm.

Filler sawdust, which can be bought at any pet store.

Let's start with cutting out our pads.

Two cushions made of printed calico with a pattern and one made of yellow calico. We also cut a bag of Madapolam.

To begin with, we sew our bags on a sewing machine, leaving one side free, which is narrower.

Now let's start creating our filler. We take a small amount of sawdust, which could approximately fit in our bag.

We put it in some container and add our aromatic oil or cosmetic fragrance there, no more than 5-7 drops. We do not drip everything at once, but 2 or 1 drop and mix to disperse the contents.

Instead of sawdust, you can use tea without aroma additives. I used sawdust and cosmetic fragrance.

We place our tasty-smelling sawdust in a Madapolam bag and sew it up, and then into the main pillow bag.

We fill only one pillow with aromatic sawdust, yellow color, and we will fill the other two with padding polyester.

Now we need to sew our pads so that the seams are not visible. We take a needle and thread and carefully sew it with a blind seam.

It remains to decorate our pillows with a satin ribbon.

We place our yellow pad in the middle, fix all the pads with hot glue, squeezing a little glue into the middle, and stack the pads on top of each other. We take a satin ribbon and wrap our pillows with it, gluing its ends with hot glue in the center of the top pillow.

From the same satin ribbon we make roses and decorate pillows with them.

To create a harmonious and beautiful composition I used ready-made leaves from artificial flowers. Complemented with white ready-made flowers.

Nothing even came out...

A handmade aroma bag can be filled with the aroma that you collect yourself.

Think about what you prefer most of all, what fruits, flowers, herbs your family loves - in this way, without much difficulty you will create the desired composition.

Such fabric bags also serve as a wonderful decoration of the premises, a source of pleasant aroma and freshness, as well as an excellent means of aromatherapy. DIY aromatic pouches also can become a good gift for your family and friends.

Creative success to you!

Beauty often depends on the internal state of a person. It's hard to hide the fatigue and Bad mood. Rest and rest is very important for every person. Healthy sleep, good mood and much more will help you find the aroma sachet.

Sachets are small rag bags decorated with embroidery, ribbons, beads. Aroma sachets are usually filled with fragrant herbs, dried flowers, spices and more.

Since the Middle Ages, fragrant bags have been in every housewife in the house. According to popular beliefs, sachets not only filled the house with a pleasant smell, but also protected from evil spirits, the evil eye.

Aromatic sachet can be bought at any hardware store, but most likely it will be cheap Chinese bags with artificial filler, the smell of which is completely different from the smell of real fragrant herbs and spices.

Aroma sachet production

Making your own scented bag that will decorate your home and give a softer and more pleasant smell is not at all difficult.

In order to sew a fragrant bag with your own hands, you will need:

  • A small piece of cloth
  • Scissors
  • Needles or you can use a sewing machine
  • Threads
  • Filler
  • Essential oils
  • Decor items (beads, ribbons, sequins, etc.) decorative elements to your taste)

To make a sachet you will need natural fabric. Linen, cotton, burlap and chintz are perfect. If use artificial fabrics, then the aroma of the filler will quickly lose its properties.

From the fabric you need to cut out two identical parts. They can be in the form of rectangles or squares, as well as any other shape, depending on your imagination and skills. Leave a seam allowance of about 1 cm.

If you want to embroider a design on the bag, it is best to do this before all the details are sewn.

In order to sew a sachet in the form of a bag, you need to sew three sides folded together outside inside the details. Next, we turn the sewn bag on the front side, do not forget to process the outer edge so that the fabric does not crumble, then fill it with spicy grass, tie it with a ribbon and the aroma sachet is ready for use.

It is worth filling only with dry herbs and flowers, otherwise you and your guests will enjoy the smell of mold. Herbs and petals will need to be crushed, mixed, and only then filled into sachets.

Filling the sachet

The filling can be so different that sometimes it is even difficult to choose.

Usually sachets are filled with dried flowers with a delicate pleasant smell, fragrant herbs, tree bark, coffee, citrus fruits, cinnamon, sea salt, etc. You can add essential oils to enhance the fragrance.

It all depends on your preferences, desires and for what purpose you want to do it.

The base of the bag should be one plant, and the rest should only complement it. The aroma of the sachet should be subtle, delicate, barely perceptible.

Pouch filler

What is the best way to fill the aroma sachet?

for closet

For the closet, it is best to fill the bag with lavender. In addition to a gentle, mild smell, the sachet will repel unwanted insects, such as moths.

You can also fill the aroma sachet with rose petals, lemon oil, mint, rosemary. For a bed linen locker, the bag can be filled with lemon balm or cloves.

Every time you get a clean bed sheets or clothes you will enjoy a pleasant, delicate fragrance.

For kitchen

Filling with spices and fragrant herbs is perfect for the kitchen.

One of the best options- the smell of coffee. The aroma of coffee will invigorate well, increase efficiency, improve mood - this is all that is needed for good start day.

Carnation promotes recovery after hard working days, relieves stress, helps to extinguish psychological stress.

Coriander is suitable for relieving unpleasant experiences, it also fights fears and anxiety, actively whets the appetite.

Lavender soothes nervous system relieves headache.

Mint restores strength, relieves fatigue, helps to cope with heavy physical exertion.

Cinnamon improves digestion, relieves stress, encourages action.

Citrus fruits invigorate, cheer up, fight depression.

For the bedroom

The bedroom is the room in which a person rests, relaxes, gains strength for new victories.

In order to enjoy healthy sleep or just have a good rest, it is better to use essential oils and plants such as lemon balm, lavender, rose, mint, chamomile, thyme, pine, fir, geranium, valerian. These smells soothe, relax, relieve anxiety, fight sleepless nights.

In the bedroom, it is not advisable to use the aromas of bird cherry, jasmine, lily and narcissus, as they provoke nightmares, cause nausea and migraines.

For bathroom

Bathrooms are often humid and that is why the dry herb filler gets damp too quickly, so it is better to use bags of sea salt. It is advisable to pre-mix the salt with wax and add a couple of drops of essential oil to this mixture.

In order to cheer up, a few drops of clove, pine needles, sage, rose oil are dripped onto the contents of the sachet. In order to relax on the contrary, chamomile, myrrh, lavender and frankincense oils are used.

To get rid of the smell of dampness and prevent the formation of mold and mildew, oil is suitable tea tree, thyme or cloves.

For auto

While driving, it is important to be attentive and focus on the road, so it is better to fill the sachet with herbs and flowers with bright invigorating aromas.

Tea tree oil eliminates fatigue and reduces weakness in the body.

Basil has a positive effect on memory and helps to focus.

The smell of lemon fights nausea.

Grapefruit increases activity, relieves drowsiness while driving, and relieves aggression.

Verbena increases concentration, improves mood and mental activity, there is a surge of strength.

Whatever contents of the sachet you choose for your home or car, you need to change it to a new one every three months, as the aroma sachet loses its properties. Use the tips and tricks, and make a sachet with your own hands for home or as a gift close person. Such a gift will bring warmth and comfort to every home.

Sachets are small bags or pads filled with aromatic herbs and spices. Once upon a time, they were used to drive away troubles, attract good luck, and not let an evil spirit into the house. Modern housewives are more practical and use sachets as flavors.

What can you make a sachet with your own hands

The sachet is made only from natural material and products that are environmentally friendly. The composition of the sachet can be different, it all depends on what smells you like.

As a rule, the sachet is filled with herbs, dried flowers. You can combine them into a composition, or you can use them separately.

As a filler for sachets can be used:

  • essential oils;
  • medicinal herbs;
  • bark of coniferous trees;
  • spices;
  • dried peel;
  • and other aromatic herbs and plants.

Just like the filler is very often applied sea ​​salt. It absorbs odors very well and keeps them for a long time.

In rare cases, artificial filler in the form of synthetic winterizer is also used for sachet pads. It is impregnated with a mixture of essential oils and sewn into fabric. But this method of making sachets is mainly used in production.

A fragrant mixture for sachets can be prepared, but for this you need to understand at least a little about herbs. Otherwise, you are unlikely to be pleased with the bitter smell of wormwood or something like that. If you know herbalism, you can safely start collecting and drying herbs.

When things are different, do not be upset. Get a ready-made collection at the pharmacy.

The most common flavor combinations are:

  • mint-cloves;
  • rose-lavender;
  • lemon-cloves-rosemary.

Ready-made sachets can be put in wardrobes or linen closets, bags can be laid out on loggias, during the day they will heat up, and by the evening they will cool down and exude a sweet and warm aroma.

When making sachets, remember that smells have the ability to influence a person. Try to choose fragrances that are appropriate for the room in which the sachet will be located:

How to make a sachet with your own hands

For manufacturing you will need:

  • fabric for the bag (pads);
  • needle;
  • threads;
  • scissors;
  • decor elements;
  • dried lavender;
  • eucalyptus essential oil.

How to do:

The action of such a sachet will last up to five months. Then you will have to change the filler or make a new one.