What should be high-quality bed linen: we make a choice. How to choose bedding

How to choose bedding and what determines the quality of sleep

Good sleep is an indicator of a healthy lifestyle. A person spends a third of his time in a dream. Therefore, a number of requirements are imposed on the quality of bed linen. In addition to aesthetic appeal, it must meet safety criteria. Very often, a hidden threat lurks under external beauty, and it easily overtakes those who do not know how to choose bed linen and do not understand how important this choice is.

Bed linen safety criteria

The mention of bedding evokes the most pleasant associations in a person. This is the sweet sniffing of a baby, and the hugs of a loved one, and just pleasant dreams. But no matter how romantic it is fanned with a halo, linen, first of all, is a subject of hygiene, and certain hygiene requirements are imposed on it:

  • Hygroscopicity- the ability of the material to remove moisture from the body and absorb it. This is one of the most important indicators of fabric quality. The higher the level of hygroscopicity, the more comfortable the sleep. Cotton and linen absorb moisture best. The hygroscopicity of silk is approximately 30%. For synthetic materials, this figure is 1%.
  • Hypoallergenic- the absence of fibers in the tissue that cause allergies. All-natural fibers meet this criterion. But synthetic materials, according to doctors, confidently hold the lead in contact dermatitis.
  • Breathability- the ability of the material to pass air, providing ventilation and creating comfortable conditions for sleeping. Poor breathability can lead to the emergence and development of skin allergic and infectious diseases. But even if this does not happen, then in the morning a person will wake up tired. Good breathability in cotton and linen. But silk passes air very poorly.
  • Thermal protection- the ability to conserve heat. Linen and ranfors are ideal in this respect. They are called air conditioners in the world of textiles: in summer it is not hot on such beds, and not cold in winter.
  • Tactility- the ability of the fabric to cause pleasant sensations when in contact with the human body. This indicator is especially important for owners of sensitive skin. The most preferred in this respect are silk, tencel, bamboo and terry.
  • Electrostatic- the accumulation of excess static electricity in the fabric. This "sin" synthetic materials.

Possesses the increased sorption ability. Underwear that does not meet hygienic requirements is fraught with serious consequences for the body in the form of allergies, exacerbation of chronic skin diseases, and sometimes serious disorders in the functioning of internal organs and even blood.

How not to end up in bed with the enemy

Bed linen is made from natural and a huge number of artificial fabrics. To reduce the cost of the kit, manufacturers use synthetic materials. Sleeping on such a bed, if the synthetics are also of poor quality, can lead to serious consequences. The expression "in bed with the enemy" fits in this case as well as possible. The enemy is illness, insomnia, morning fatigue. But if saving is important to you, give preference to better synthetic materials - fleece, microfiber, micromodal. These materials are gentle, soft, less static than other synthetics.

But still, whatever one may say, high-quality underwear should be made from natural fabrics. "Silk is the key to a good sleep," - so they say in the East. Europeans, on the other hand, prefer cotton and linen - these are ideal fabrics for sewing bed linen in terms of hygienic indicators.

The most practical - cotton underwear

The cotton material family is represented by a range of fabrics. All of them have properties that are unique in their effect on the skin: they do not create a greenhouse effect, absorb moisture well, do not electrify, are easy to care for and are durable. The fabrics are made of cotton threads and differ in the way of weaving. The price and demand for bed sets depends on the pros and cons of each material.

  • Satin or Egyptian cotton- the most expensive and luxurious cotton fabric. In terms of aesthetic characteristics, it is not inferior to silk. From it sew expensive kits. A huge advantage is that satin is easy to care for and quite wear-resistant. And the one that belongs to the "luxury" class does not wrinkle even with intensive pressing.
  • Coarse calico inexpensive and practical. Linen from it does not need delicate care, it dries quickly. The material is wear-resistant - a set of it will last for many years. Great for everyday use in summer.
  • chintz the most short-lived and loose, but extremely tactile, therefore ideal for sensitive skin.
  • Poplin almost does not wrinkle, easy to care for, pleasant to the touch due to the silky surface. The main advantage is the price, it is quite democratic.
  • Flannel or brushed cotton- the most preferred fabric in the cold season. In terms of tactile sensations, she has no equal in this group. No wonder baby diapers are made from flannel.
  • Batiste sets airy and flowing. They are best purchased for guest rooms or as an elegant gift. The fabric is not strong enough, so it is not suitable for daily use.
  • Ranforce surpasses even flax in density and has all its advantages, but at the same time it practically does not wrinkle and dries quickly.
  • Percale used for tailoring luxury linen. The fabric is made from premium, long-staple cotton. One of the most wear-resistant materials - can withstand more than 1000 washes.

All listed fabrics are environmentally friendly, because they are 100% made of natural cotton.

Linen, jacquard, and exotic materials

There is no alternative linen- it is the most wear-resistant, it is well washed and becomes even brighter with each subsequent wash. Linen has no flaws, except for one thing - this fabric is easily wrinkled. But dermatologists do not advise giving preference to linen if a person has dry skin or suffers from ichthyosis - in this case, materials that are soft in tactile terms should be chosen.

Just as strong and durable jacquard. It can consist entirely of cotton (certainly long-staple), or it can be diluted by half with linen or silk. Polyester up to 20% is acceptable. It is added to emphasize the beauty and add tactility to the drawing. Jacquard is used for elite tailoring - it is an expensive and noble fabric. Its feature is that the pattern is created at the stage of weaving threads.

Natural materials include innovative materials that have recently appeared on the market - bamboo fabric and tencel- Australian eucalyptus. These are excellent fabrics for making thin, durable, hygienically perfect bedding, especially for summer. Their main advantage is the bactericidal and anti-allergenic properties of the material. But exotic sets are more expensive than cotton ones.

Silk luxury

Silk is an exquisite and romantic material sung by lyricists. However, it is prohibitively expensive - the price of the kit starts at $ 500. Unfortunately, the market is filled with quality fakes. But to determine whether it is actually silk is not difficult. To do this, turning the pillowcase inside out, you need to pull the thread on the seam. Natural silk has a very thin fiber. It burns with the smell of a feather, the ashes do not clump and are easily rubbed between the fingers.

An alternative to silk can be a satin or percale set, as mentioned above. But the atlas will replace the original only in appearance. In all other respects, this is ordinary synthetic underwear.

you came to the store

Experts advise buyers to carefully examine underwear before buying. In shops whose owners value their reputation, you will even be allowed to set fire to a sample of the fabric from which the set is sewn. Synthetics burn, fusing into a solid ball, with black smoke.

Bed linen is not a product with mandatory certification. But some manufacturers, in order to prove the quality of their products, carry it out. So having a certificate is an important plus when choosing.

Also pay attention to the following points:

  • Coloring. Wipe the front side of the product with a damp cloth. The paint transferred to the napkin indicates the low quality of the product. If the front and back sides differ significantly in color, there is a chance that the laundry will shed heavily. Many pigments contain the color fixer formaldehyde, which is practically not excreted from the body. Experts do not advise buying underwear with a very bright fabric pattern.
  • Weaving densitychecked in the light - the binding should be uniform and dense, the looser the weave, the lower the quality.
  • Tactile feeling.Synthetics are slippery like glass. Flax is heavy and slightly rough, has characteristic nodules on the surface. Cotton is softer and warmer to the touch. Tencel is silky, slightly reminiscent of the surface of a peach. Bamboo is somewhat similar to cashmere.
  • Smell. If a natural product has a noticeable chemical smell, it means that it was dyed with low-quality pigment. It is better to refuse to buy it.
  • Sewing.Turn the linen inside out and check the quality of the stitches - they should be even, with a scar of no more than 3 mm, without protruding threads. The sheet is sewn from a single piece, without any seams in the middle. The valve of the pillowcase is standard 25 cm, otherwise the pillow will fall out of it.
  • Label. It must contain the composition and recommendations for care. It is best to take a set that can be washed at a temperature not lower than 60 degrees. A good manufacturer indicates his address and phone number. Be sure to have information about the completeness in full accordance with the actual dimensions of the kit. It should be remembered that European manufacturers do not always complete the set of sheets.
  • Size. There are bed linen standards:

one and a half (140x205 cm);
double (175x205 cm);
euro (200x220 cm);
family - equipped with two duvet covers;
children (110x140 cm).

Length-width can vary upwards by 10-20 cm.

If you buy underwear in an online store and the courier delivers it to you, inspect the set with him before you give the money. If received by mail, do the same at the branch. Remember: bed linen cannot be returned to the store. Therefore, after you bring it home, it will no longer be possible to return the product you did not like.

Color heals, soothes and invigorates

Psychologists and doctors advise giving preference to underwear of cold, neutral shades - white and blue. But experts in the field of color say: the morning mood is directly related to the color of the bed linen. In addition to complete harmony with the overall interior of the bedroom, the color and pattern should match the character of the person.

For business people, practical, non-distracting shades and colors are preferred. For those who value stability in life, classic tones are suitable. Workaholics are shown geometric patterns.

Those who lack care also need to purchase a pink or light green set. Spouses who have long been accustomed to each other can bring a touch of novelty to the relationship by buying emerald-colored underwear. Romantic couples are advised to relax on a purple bed.

To raise the overall vitality will help linen of exciting shades, in particular, red. If you are prone to frequent mood swings, give preference to yellow or orange.

With SARS, as well as to calm the nervous system, the bed should be dressed in blue and blue tones. For muscle and headaches, choose green shades.

We wish you a good choice and pleasant dreams. We hope that our advice has helped you choose the best quality bedding in terms of comfort and harmlessness to the body.

Each of us spends a significant part of his life in a dream. Our well-being, mood and health depend on its quality. To ensure a calm and healthy vacation, it is important to take into account everything to the smallest detail. The bed, mattress, pillow and even linens should be of the best quality possible.

Today we will talk about the last factor, because many people do not attach much importance to it. And in vain, it is bed linen that is in contact with your body all night, therefore it can directly affect the quality of sleep, making it comfortable and calm.

Most people have a question: “How to choose bed linen so that it is inexpensive and of high quality?” This is the subject of our article.

To begin with, let's figure out - what should be the bed linen, what are the requirements for it? In fact, many criteria must be taken into account.

The choice of bed linen: the main characteristics

In order to choose a really good set, you should pay attention to the following parameters of bed linen:

  • packaging and label;
  • canvas;
  • tissue density;
  • smell;
  • bed linen sizes;
  • from what fabric;
  • design.

Let's deal with all this in more detail.

Packaging and label

The first thing you need to pay attention to when choosing a bed set is its packaging. A manufacturer that produces a really good product and values ​​​​its reputation will not save on packaging. Therefore, we do not even pay attention to goods with a poorly printed and poorly glued label that does not have the manufacturer's coordinates.

The label of a good bed linen should contain the following information:

  • name of the manufacturer, its address and telephone number;
  • the composition of the fabric (often by especially cunning manufacturers is indicated in the corner and in small print);
  • kit scheme and dimensions of each of the products;
  • care tips.

cloth fabric

The second thing to look at is the canvas. Poor quality fabric has a sparse structure and is translucent. It is better to refuse to buy such a set - it will not withstand even 3 washes.

Fabric Density

This is one of the most important criteria when choosing bedding. The greater the density of the material, the stronger and better the product. As a rule, the density of the fabric (the number of threads per 1 cm²) is indicated on the label only by the manufacturer of very good products.

Classification of bed sets by density

  1. low fabric density - 20-30 threads per 1 cm²;
  2. below average density - 35-40 threads per 1 cm²;
  3. the average density of the material is 50-65 threads per 1 cm²;
  4. fabric density above average - 65-80 threads per 1 cm²;
  5. high fabric density - 85-120 threads per 1 cm²;
  6. very high material density - 130-280 threads per 1 cm².

Remember - the thicker the linen, the longer it will last.

On a note

  • Batiste has a low density (at least 20-30).
  • Linen and cotton - below average and medium (there must be at least 60 weaves per 1 cm²).
  • Turkish silk is above average.
  • Percale, satin and Chinese silk - high (more than 65).
  • Japanese silk and gloss satin - very high.

On the label you should find tips on how to care for the linen, information about the composition of the fabric, the appearance diagram and the number of pieces of the bed set.

By the way, it is much more practical (and healthier) to choose a set with a classic “deaf” duvet cover, as well as pillowcases and sheets with an elastic band around the perimeter.

The main advantage of such underwear is the possibility of fixation, it will not peel off during sleep, which means it will not cause inconvenience, prints on the body and circulatory disorders. It is not recommended to purchase duvet covers and pillowcases with buttons and zippers, as they can scratch the skin.

Quality bedding should be made from solid material and not have seams and joints in the middle. And it's not just about convenience. A bed set made of solid material is more aesthetic and beautiful, comfortable and reliable.


To choose the right bed linen, you need to look at its wrong side. Good underwear should be stitched exclusively with a linen seam.

If it is sewn with a regular seam and has raw edges, you should not take it, it will spread along the seam after two or three washes.

It is worth paying attention to the threads with which the linen was sewn - they must be strong enough and strong, matched by color. Their ends must be hidden.


Good bed linen should only smell like new textiles, additional smells (paint, mold or chemicals) indicate its poor quality. If the kit has a too strong smell of paint, then it will most likely shed quickly. In addition, such underwear can provoke allergies and even poisoning.

Pay attention to the color intensity: it should not differ much from the inside and the front side.

We check the durability of the paint application as follows: we strongly rub it on the front side with our hand, if there are no color marks, then the paint is resistant, and the linen is of good quality. You can also find out how good the dye is from the values ​​on the label: if the maximum allowable washing temperature is 60 ° C, then it is stable.

Wrong-sized bedding - what could be worse? To prevent this from happening, before buying a brand new sleeping set, measure yours, mattress, available and blankets (of course, if you are not going to change them at the same time).

When choosing bedding, everything matters, even the height of the mattress. To figure out what size sheet is right for you, add the height of the mattress to its width.

When choosing a set, do not forget that the sizes of domestic and imported linen are slightly different.

For example, “our” underwear is made in 3 sizes:

  • one and a half;
  • double;
  • euro size.

Foreign bed sets are:

  • single ("1-bed" or "single");
  • one and a half ("1, 5-bed" or "extra long single");
  • double ("2-bed" or "full");
  • enlarged, suitable for a triple bed ("king size").

Sizes and shapes of pillowcases also differ depending on the country of manufacture, so always keep this in mind when buying. And it is better to be guided by the dimensions in cm and mm.

Also, keep in mind the following bed linen size standards:

  • children's set - pillowcase 60x40 cm, sheet - 100x150 cm, duvet cover - 112x147 cm;
  • one and a half - pillowcases 70x70, 50x70 or 60x60 cm, sheet 150x215 cm, duvet cover 145x210 cm;
  • one and a half European: pillowcases 50x70, sheets 180x220 cm, duvet cover 160x220 cm;
  • double (Ukrainian): pillowcases 60x60 cm, 50x70 or 70x70, sheets 200x220 cm, duvet cover 175x210 cm;
  • euro (king size): pillowcases 70x70 or 50x70, sheet 220x240 cm, duvet cover 200x220 cm.

Bed linen fabric

The fabric from which the bed linen is made is the most important criterion when choosing it. Consider what fabrics are and how to choose the best.

So, what characteristics should the best fabric for bed linen have?

There are several indicators that it must meet.


This is the most important setting. High-quality fabric well passes moisture and air, and also absorbs sweat. These criteria can only be met by natural bedding made from materials such as linen, silk and cotton.


A very useful feature. Since linen needs to be washed frequently, durability is a guarantee of its long service life.

A set that is sewn from too delicate and soft material, after a couple of washes, can present an unpleasant surprise in the form of holes and sprawling seams. When choosing, it is worth remembering that the more weight the fabric has, the more dense and durable it is.

Also consider the wear resistance and purpose of the materials (summer / winter). Read about the most common and popular bed linen fabrics below.

Types of fabric for bed linen


Cotton bedding is the most popular today. A variety of materials are produced from cotton, which differ in the technology of torsion and interlacing of fibers: ranfors, calico, batiste, satin, biomatine, chintz.

From the same raw material, different materials can be obtained, which differ in terms of density and surface quality. The denser the weave of the threads of the fabric, the greater the strength of the underwear, the longer it pleases with its good service.

High-quality cotton fabrics have up to 500 weaves per cm², but already at 60 cotton underwear is considered good.

A cotton bedding set is famous for its durability, it is able to withstand a large number of washes.

Cotton fabric has good ventilation, as well as excellent moisture absorption. Another important advantage is that it does not accumulate static electricity.

In stores, combined fabrics made of cotton and polyester are often found. They are much more durable, but artificial fibers cannot completely replace natural ones. Their disadvantages include the ability to electrify and roll, easily slide off and stick to the body.


Chintz is one of the cheapest and at the same time practical fabrics that do not need special care.

However, cotton bedding does not tolerate washing well - it quickly loses its former brightness and becomes thin.

Terry jersey

Terry bed linen consists of small villi, which give it a special softness and tenderness. Does not need ironing and stretches well, warms well, easy to wash. The only drawback is that it dries for a long time, it is recommended to dry it in a special machine.

Coarse calico

Coarse calico bed sets are characterized by good strength and wear resistance, they are slightly stiffer than calico. High-quality coarse calico is a very dense and practical material. She is able to serve for years without losing her beauty.


Batiste successfully combines seemingly incompatible qualities: lightness, transparency, airiness and excellent strength.

But after twenty washes in the washing machine, its threads begin to “gather”, which contributes to the formation of gaps in the material. Therefore, cambric is most often used to make expensive sleeping sets that are not intended for daily use.

Satin (Egyptian cotton)

In appearance, the fabric is similar to smooth silk. It is made by twisting a double-weave cotton thread.

The material has a luxurious sheen and radiance, which depend on the degree of twisting of the thread.

Satin is a durable and reliable fabric, it has good ventilation, does not wrinkle and can withstand a large number of washes.

Cons: fades a little over time, costs more than other cotton fabrics.


Warm and soft fabric with a slight fluff that can warm you up on a cold evening.

With frequent use, flannel bed linen can become spooled and lose its original appearance.


It is considered the most environmentally friendly and practical fabric. A very pleasant and soft to the touch material that is easy to wash and iron (if the linen is made from a mixture of linen and cotton).

The beneficial effect of linen on the body has long been proven by scientists: linen fabric inhibits the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, therefore it is considered more hygienic than other materials. Linen underwear can bring particular benefits in the summer - it is well ventilated and suitable for sleeping even at a temperature of + 40 ° C.

Due to this property, linen bed linen has gained great popularity in countries with a hot climate. It is better to iron linen while it is wet.


Cotton thin material, easy to wash and keep warm.


The fabric does not need ironing, keeps warm, dries quickly.


100% cotton. Poplin bed linen has a dense soft texture with transverse scars and a noble sheen, very pleasant to the touch.


Cotton material with twill weave. Twill fabric is characterized by a diagonal structure.

The twill bedding set is breathable, easy to wash, does not wrinkle and dries quickly. Twill can be called a good middle ground between satin and calico linen (it has the quality of satin and the price of calico).


The most beautiful and expensive fabric for bed linen. But not all silk is good.

The most valuable is Japanese, its price is several times higher than the cost of a bed. Thanks to Japanese silk, your bed can become luxurious and elegant, but Turkish or Chinese silk can turn your vacation into a nightmare: it either cools, then slips, then completely sticks to the body in the heat, and after some time it “pleases” with a large amount of puffs.

If you decide to buy a silk bedding set, then either get ready to shell out a tidy sum for hand-made Japanese fabric, or completely abandon this idea.

High-quality Japanese-made silk can be used at any time of the year, but it needs special care - hand washing (dry cleaning is possible) and protection from direct sunlight.

artificial fabrics

Most often on sale you can find bedding sets made of cotton with polyester or pure polyester. These are the most practical, easy-to-wash and iron materials. But they are completely useless.

When choosing bed linen made from synthetic fabrics, you need to know how your body reacts to them. Underwear made of artificial fabrics can cause poor health, allergies, a feeling of cold or vice versa - heat.

Video: bedding fabrics

Bed linen design

The design of bed linen is a matter of taste for everyone. However, some general recommendations do exist.

  • One of the main rules that it is advisable to follow when choosing a bedding set is that its colors should be combined with the overall design of the bedroom. The easiest option is white or classic pastel shades.
  • Romantics will suit bed linen with bouquets of roses, ruffles and flowers.
  • For strong-willed and resolute natures - bright lingerie in oriental style.
  • A calm, balanced person will like a set in warm colors with a pattern of a plant theme.
  • For business people - plain jacquard fabrics.
  • If you want to emphasize the beauty of wooden furniture in the bedroom, buy bedding in blue and white shades.

That's all the main criteria that should be considered when buying bed linen. Finally, I would like to give a few more recommendations for the selection and care.

When choosing a bed set, be guided by the following rules:

  1. The stronger the material, the better. Loose tissue is immediately visible.
  2. Be sure to smell the linen before buying - it should not smell like chemical dyes, mold or dampness.
  3. Feel the fabric - it should be pleasant to the touch for you personally.
  4. One of the main rules of the market is that the better the packaging, the better the product.
  5. Choose bedding with a fabric density of at least 60.
  6. Pay attention to the seams - they should be linen, neat and even, not have protruding or torn threads, the color of which should match the shade of the set itself.
  7. The frills and embroidery on the underwear should be made of high-quality threads and fabrics that do not scratch the skin. This is easy to check - just rub the frill on the back of your hand.
  8. A high-quality bedding set should be sewn from a single piece of fabric and not have seams in the middle.
  9. Good bedding usually does not have bright, flashy colors.
  10. The packaging must be reliable and durable, it must contain information about the manufacturer, the size of the kit, as well as advice on care.
  11. When choosing bedding, pay attention to its cost. A quality set cannot be cheap!

Now you know everything about how to choose bedding. Happy shopping and healthy sleep!

We spend about a third of our lives in sleep, you can see for yourself: the optimal duration of sleep is 8 hours, that is, a third of the length of the day. Since nature has given so much time for relaxation, it makes sense to equip your sleeping place with maximum comfort.

Where to start choosing bed linen?

Product label. The label of bed linen always indicates the manufacturer and its contacts, the composition of the fabric is clearly affixed, there is a kit diagram that shows the dimensions of each of the products. Moreover, there are recommendations on how to care for linen. If the label is poorly printed and hastily glued, it is better to refuse the purchase.

Seams. If possible, they are worth checking out. They must be special, underwear. Ordinary seams, which also do not have finished edges, are not the best choice. Such underwear will quickly become unusable.

The number of stitches also matters. The fewer of them, the better (if you wish, you can find seamless sets). High-quality bed linen is always made from a single piece of fabric, while it does not have a seam in the middle. The threads used to sew the duvet cover and pillowcases must be strong, strong, and correctly matched in color.

Smell. Linen should smell like textiles, but in no case paints. In the latter case, linen can greatly stain the mattress and even your skin, an allergic reaction is not excluded.

The main criterion for choosing bed linen is the material from which it is made. It is better to give preference to natural sets - cotton, linen, silk.

Linen is often washed, so the fabric must withstand these loads. The heavier the fabric, the stronger it is. The most practical is underwear, where the density of the thread is not less than 40 threads per 1 sq.cm.

How to choose the right bedding?

Study the composition carefully. Often unscrupulous manufacturers indicate in small print the composition like "50% cotton, 50% polyester." Synthetic bedding is not allowed. At a minimum, it will be uncomfortable for you to sleep on it, and as a maximum, irritation may appear.

Pay attention to the size of the laundry items, which should be indicated on the label:

  1. Pillowcases come with parameters 50 by 70 cm or 70 by 70 cm.
  2. Measure the length and width of your blanket. If a small error in the width of the sheet is not terrible, then the parameters of the duvet cover must match.
  3. How to choose bedding

  4. There are four sets of bed linen:
  • one and a half (sheet, pillowcase, duvet cover up to 150 cm wide);
  • double (sheet, 2 pillowcases, duvet cover up to 180 cm wide);
  • family (sheet, 2 or 4 pillowcases, two duvet covers)
  • children's (sheet, pillowcase, duvet cover).
  • Different countries have different standards for width and length. The Russian family set will differ from the Italian family set.
  • How to choose the size of bed linen?

    The linen should not have any seams in the middle. Only on the sides (for pillowcases and duvet covers). And the sheets should be hemmed with a linen seam. If you see seams in the middle, even those designed to decorate linen, put such a set aside without regret. It will not serve you for a long time, but will wear out in the first year due to washes.

    Also consider carefully how the pillowcases are fastened and how it is suggested to thread the duvet into the duvet cover. Evaluate whether this option will be convenient for you.

    What is the best material for bed sheets?

    There are excellent sets in bed linen stores, but aesthetic pleasure is quickly replaced by bewilderment - what material to choose, what is the difference between all these satins and jacquards, because the price can differ tenfold.

    Satin, calico, chintz, cambric, ranford - all these materials are derived from cotton. They differ in the way weave threads and their density.

    Chintz is the cheapest material, it does not require much maintenance, but wears out quickly, not withstanding frequent washing. We all know about the quality of chintz from the Soviet past.

    Coarse calico is the most practical, it is stronger than chintz, it is inexpensive, it does not lose its appearance even after several years of operation.

    Batiste is the most expensive cotton material, it is thin, as if flowing, but not for everyday use.

    Satin, due to the special weave of threads, feels silky to the touch. This is a reliable durable material.

    Ranfors is similar to coarse calico, but denser and stronger, which means it will last longer.

    Linen is an almost perfect material for bed linen for the summer. "Almost" because of the high cost.

    Jacquard is one of the most expensive materials, valued for its strength, density, original design (the texture of the pattern is visible).

    Silk underwear is considered elite, nothing compares to it in terms of quality and feel, but silk is impractical.

    Thus, according to the editors of the site, the best option is to have simple bedding “for every day” and a festive set of good material “for the soul”.

    Comfortable sleep. How to choose bedding

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    Thinking about buying new bed linen, but the question of the fabric of the product causes confusion? After reading this article, becoming a textile expert will be a breeze!

    The best fabric for bed linen: there is a choice!

    There are a lot of requirements for good bed linen: so that the fabric does not fade, does not fade (the color does not wash out), does not roll down, after washing does not decrease in size, does not tear. Be sure to choose bed linen, the composition of which is as natural as possible, that is, 99.9% consists of linen or cotton.

    But still, what fabrics are well suited for bed linen and what should you pay attention to when buying?

    Coarse calico - the most popular fabric for bed linen

    Photo: holen.ru

    Coarse calico completely natural (100% cotton), easy to wash and practically does not wrinkle. Sturdy, durable and very inexpensive. Retains original color vibrancy for a long time. Anti-allergic, does not cause irritation - well suited for a crib. It is recommended to wash bed linen at 40 degrees, and the fabric is perfectly washed even with ordinary powders. Coarse calico is simply created to be bed linen!

    From reviews of calico bed linen: “Coarse calico is the very thing. In general, unkillable linen! ”;

    “I love coarse calico - it does not shed, it is pleasant to the body. I buy only such sets, I especially like the bright ones.

    Satin - the most elegant fabric for little money

    Photo: bednoe.su

    satin Made from double woven cotton yarn. The more torsion of the thread, the brighter the luster of satin. Feels like silk, but is much cheaper (but more expensive than calico and many other cotton fabrics). The bed linen from sateen practically is not rumpled. It withstands well up to 300 washes, but then, unfortunately, it fades. Elegant fabric and low cost.

    From reviews of satin bedding: "Only pros, no cons. I have been buying only satin for 15 years already. The fabric is dense, smooth, it is a pleasure to sleep. Bed linen is used for a very long time and remains of high quality.

    Linen is the best natural fabric for bedding

    Photo: img0.liveinternet.ru

    Linen- the most classic, time-tested fabric for bed linen. A real natural "conditioner": in the heat, flax cools the skin, and in the cold it warms. Anti-allergic, has an antiseptic effect. Withstands an infinite number of washes. Moreover, the more washes, the lighter linen becomes. The fabric is as close to nature as possible - and, probably, that is why it has such healing properties.

    From reviews of linen bed linen:“My husband and I are delighted! The material is excellent, very soft, pleasant. The design fits perfectly into the interior of the white bedroom. Linen is the best material for bed linen!

    Chintz - the cheapest, but practical fabric

    Photo: holen.ru

    Chintz - one of the cheapest fabrics for bed linen. It resembles coarse calico in its qualities, but chintz is thinner and, as a result, wears out faster. Practically does not wrinkle. Suitable for everyday use, but, unfortunately, not for long - the fabric either fades a lot or breaks.

    From reviews of chintz bedding:“For more than 7 years I have been buying cotton bed linen. After washing, it does not settle, the pattern is not erased, it is gentle, it does not prick, like other cheaper bedding products. And expensive bedding, of course it can be good, but why overpay?

    Percale is the most durable fabric for bedding

    Photo: ohmybed.ru

    Percale- a kind of fabric: it feels a bit like velvet. Bed linen connoisseurs compare percale to a rose petal. However, it is very dense, durable, hypoallergenic. The only downside is the price. Withstands up to 1000 washes. A real textile "fortress" - does not miss the stuffing of pillows and duvet covers.

    From percale bedding reviews:“The fabric is strong, dense, does not shed when washed, does not shrink, does not fade. Comfortable to sleep on it. True, there is also a small minus - these bed linen sets are hard to iron even with a steamer, but this problem is solved by adding a conditioner-rinser.

    Silk is the most luxurious fabric

    Photo: textures.kartinki-i-oboi.ru

    Silk- truly "royal" fabric. It has a smooth matte surface and will be a real decoration of any bed. Silk is not only beautiful bedding, but also healing: rheumatic and skin diseases are cured faster if you sleep on silk bedding. Hypoallergenic and dirt-repellent fabric, perfectly regulates body temperature. Quite durable, does not lose color, but you have to pay a rather large amount for such quality.

    From silk bedding reviews:"Textile does not wrinkle, does not shed when washing, the pattern does not wash out. I don’t know if it improves blood circulation, but I sleep comfortably, I get up in the morning rested and in a great mood. The fabric does not gather into folds, does not stick to the body, does not beat with current and does not spark.

    Poplin - the most unpretentious fabric

    Photo: holen.ru

    Poplin- very soft to the touch fabric. Feels like satin, but does not have a specific matte sheen. Looks great in bright, bold colors. The most unpretentious fabric - bed linen can be washed at 60 degrees, and ironed even at 110 degrees. The fabric is durable and completely non-allergenic. A good fabric for bed linen for those who do not want to bother with washing.

    From poplin bedding reviews:"I love poplin bedding, it's thin and soft to the touch, pleasant to the body and really holds the color for a long time."

    Jacquard - the most delicate fabric

    Photo: wiki.wildberries.ru

    Jacquard- expensive and beautiful fabric. It has a pronounced embossed pattern due to the complex weaving technique. Jacquard looks luxurious and elegant. But in addition, jacquard and very delicate fabric: washing is possible at a temperature of no more than 30 degrees. Under no circumstances should it be dried in direct sunlight. Jacquard should be ironed only from the wrong side.

    From reviews of jacquard bedding:“Cotton jacquard is my favorite. It is very good to sleep on it - it is pleasant to the body. Bed linen is easy to iron (if ironing, of course). And it looks beautiful (even if not ironed). And more durable than satin.

    Ranfors - the most durable fabric

    Photo: ohmybed.ru

    Ranforce- expensive and durable fabric. 100% cotton. The weaving technique can be characterized by the phrase "thinner thread, denser weaving." According to the "technical" characteristics, bed linen from ranfors is pleasantly striking - it is washed without special "greenhouse" conditions, it wrinkles minimally. The canvas does not lose its original appearance for several years. In addition, it perfectly adapts to the body - it warms in the cold, cools in the heat.

    From reviews of bedding from ranfors:“We have had bed linen for over a year now. I wash quite often at 60 degrees and wringing out 1000 revolutions. The set did not shed, did not stretch out and did not sit down, the coloring remained the same. The linen is so soft, pleasant to the touch, gentle that it is pleasant to fall asleep. You feel a sense of comfort."

    Bamboo is the best fabric for the body

    Photo: thefabricfairy.com

    Bamboo appeared on the domestic fabric market relatively recently, but has already earned a huge army of buyers. And for good reason, because bamboo is a fabric really created for the body. Hygroscopic, antibacterial and deodorant, it adapts to the needs of the body and ensures healthy sleep. Bamboo bedding is a good choice for those who love a good night's rest. It is easy to care for - durable and easy to wash.

    From bamboo bedding reviews:“I have excellent bamboo underwear, soft and gentle, like plush. It doesn’t wash out, it doesn’t smell bad and you don’t sweat under it.

    Polycotton is the best bedding fabric for frequent washes

    Photo: www.mebelmagic.com

    Polycotton is a fabric made from cotton and polyester. Not only bed linen is made from polycotton, but also table textiles. A fabric with a minimum of synthetics, but it is added in order to increase the wear resistance and durability of polycotton. It does not wrinkle, practically does not get dirty, it is easy to wash - this fabric is preferred by the owners of restaurants and hotels for its hygiene. Washable with neutral detergent at 40 degrees.

    From reviews of polycotton bedding:“I took polycotton bedding for myself and was satisfied, I washed it about 8 times already, I didn’t find any changes, the color of the fabric didn’t change, it’s not hot to sleep, it lets the air through well.”.

    Polyester is the fastest drying fabric

    Photo: tkani.vn.ua

    Polyester not only the fastest drying fabric, but also the least wrinkled and does not change its size. It is produced from substances contained in oil, while the reaction must take place under conditions of high temperature and vacuum. Polyester is easy to wash (even in cold water), but needs gentle ironing. In addition to bed linen, outerwear and sportswear, underwear, curtains, and draperies are made from polyester.

    From reviews of polyester bedding:“Polyester is a new and trendy fabric! Breathable. Temperature regulating and retaining heat. It does not wrinkle, which is very important and very convenient for a large item. You do not need to carefully and often iron.

    Tencel - the most technologically advanced fabric for bed linen

    Photo: www.techbutik.ru

    Tencel (tencel, tencel, lyocell)- the fabric is made using the most complex technology from wood (most often it is eucalyptus). Tencel® is the commercial name for a fabric manufactured by Lenzing (USA). Lyocell helped the textile industry take a leap forward. The creation of this fabric is recognized as the most useful discovery in the last 30 years. It feels like cotton to the touch, looks a bit like silk, but it does not slip. Tencel is much stronger than other natural fabrics. It does not wrinkle and retains its original color for a long time. Regulates body temperature and limits the growth of bacteria. And most importantly - its production does not harm the environment!

    From reviews of bed linen from tencel:“This is not the first time I buy bed linen from tencel. I agree that it is a little expensive, but it is so soft, dense, even slightly heavy. I don’t agree to another - even good - bed linen!

    Bedding fabric: which is better to choose?

    The choice of the best fabric for bed linen should be based only on the personal feelings of the buyer. A lover of soft, warm fabrics is unlikely to like the touch of cold silk, and a satin lover will not always appreciate the relief structure of linen. It is also worth paying attention to the "operational" properties: wear resistance, long-term preservation of the original size and color, "non-capriciousness" when washing and ironing. And, of course, the final point in choosing will be the cost of the kit you like.

    In any case, the most important thing is not the opinion of strangers, but the personal pleasure of sleeping on the selected bed linen!

    Reading time: 6 minutes

    A comfortable bed and bed linen made from natural materials are essential for a good rest of a person. Sleep affects how you feel and your mood throughout the day. What is the best quality bed linen, and how to choose it? We invite you to study all the characteristics in order to decide which kit is best for you. Stores offer a wide range of products from budget to luxury.

    The main characteristics of the CPB

    A quality kit has the following characteristics:

    • High strength and wear resistance. The importance of these parameters, you realize after a few washes. Too loose linen will quickly lose its appearance and become unusable.
    • Good hygroscopicity and breathability. This is useful in the summer, when a person sweats more often. Cotton, linen, silk and other natural fabrics will help to endure the heat.
    • Dyes should be hypoallergenic and resistant to regular washing.

    What is the best quality bed linen?

    Fabric Density

    Density is an important selection criterion that affects the strength and durability of the kit. Density indicators are often indicated on the label only by manufacturers of products that meet all standards. The density is divided into linear (number of threads per 1 cm²) and surface (grams per m²).

    Table 1. Linear density (n. per 1 cm²)

    Very low 20 to 30
    Low 35 to 40
    Medium 50 to 65
    above average 65 to 80
    High 85 to 120
    Very high 130 to 280

    In determining the surface density, the type, weaving method and twist of the thread play an important role. Therefore, it is impossible to make a general gradation, since each canvas must be considered separately.


    Packaging should be light but strong. It protects the kits from moisture, light and ensures safety during transportation and storage. The appearance and quality of the packaging reflects the quality of the laundry inside. Polymer film and reinforced multilayer materials are common. Reinforcement makes the packaging stronger, which contributes to the safety of the goods.


    The presence of a label with marking is a prerequisite for the production and storage of bed linen. The marking includes symbols, tips for caring for the product, the date of packaging. The technical characteristics of the goods and the list of products included in the kit are also indicated. The text should be easy to read and be understandable for a simple buyer. The label is attached directly to the kit or package.

    Conscientious manufacturers, whose goods comply with all standards, provide information about the product and contact details. The absence of information on the label indicates the low quality of the product and the manufacturer's unwillingness to disclose the name of the company.


    A set that meets the requirements of GOST must be sewn from a single piece of fabric. The presence of a seam on a sheet or duvet cover is unacceptable. The seam reduces the strength of the product and spoils the appearance. Also, avoid an abundance of accessories - buttons complicate washing and can injure a person while sleeping. If possible, it is worth checking the seams for strength. To do this, stretch the fabric in different directions. If the thread tension during sewing was insufficient, the seam will be loose, weak and you will see gaps. It is worth refraining from buying such a kit. All cuts must be finished with a linen seam.


    High-quality paint is able to withstand high temperatures during washing. The label must contain an inscription about the recommended mode and maximum washing temperature. Some manufacturers indicate the strength of the dye, which should be 4 or higher. In order to check the quality of painting, you need to rub the front side of the fabric. A colored palm indicates low quality. The pattern must be clear on both sides, otherwise the kit will quickly shed.


    Bed linen, created in accordance with GOST, has an unobtrusive smell of a new textile product. The presence of a chemical or smell of paint indicates a high content of harmful substances and non-compliance with production technology. It also indicates improper storage and transportation.


    Before buying, measure the parameters of the mattress, blanket and pillows, because the sizes of the Russian and foreign manufacturers are different.

    Set Duvet cover Sheet Pillowcases
    1.5 sleeping From 143x210 cm

    Up to 160x230 cm

    145x200 cm 50x70cm
    2 bedroom (Russian standard) From 175x210

    Up to 180x220 cm

    175x210 cm 50x70 cm
    2 bedroom () From 200x220 cm

    Up to 215x220 cm

    200x215 cm 70x70 cm
    Royal (Euro maxi) 240x260 cm 220x240 cm 70x70 cm
    and 2 duvet covers From 140x210 cm

    Up to 160x230 cm

    From 175x210 50x70 cm


    When buying European bed linen, you should know some markings:

    • 1 bedroom - 1 bed / single;
    • 2 bedroom - full / double / 2-bed;
    • Euro - Queen;
    • 5 set - extra long single;
    • 3 bedroom - King size.

    How to choose CPB from fabric varieties

    Coarse calico

    Solid at a budget price. increases strength, so the material does not need careful maintenance.

    The benefits include:

    • wear resistance;
    • Strength;
    • Quickly absorbs moisture;
    • The cost is within 1300 rubles;
    • Dries quickly;
    • Hygiene.

    Bed linen from satin

    Created by twisting cotton fibers. In production, not only natural, but also synthetic threads are used. The stronger the twist, the stronger the shine. doesn't wrinkle at all. Outwardly resembles silk, but the cost is much lower. The wrong side has a rough structure and due to this it does not slip on the mattress.


    • Strength;
    • Practicality;
    • noble brilliance;
    • Aesthetic appearance;
    • Warms up in cold weather.

    Despite all the advantages, there are also disadvantages: if gloss was used to create the fabric, then it will be slippery to sleep on such linen. In the summer, it is worth abandoning satin in favor of breathable materials.


    Outwardly, it is similar to coarse calico, as it has a plain weave. However, in the production of poplin, silk, viscose, woolen and synthetic threads are added to the composition. The main difference and feature is the use of two threads of different widths, which determine the appearance of the fabric - in the hem.


    • Shine;
    • Softness;
    • Elasticity;
    • Smooth, even surface;
    • Withstands up to 300 washes;
    • Excellent hygroscopicity;
    • Heat preservation;
    • Does not lose shape after crushing;
    • Doesn't shed.

    In general, good quality for a low cost. It can be washed at 100°.

    Percale in bed linen

    - a type of cotton fabric with strong weaves of fibers. To create it, cotton with a long pile is used. The threads form a plain weave. The untwisted thread adds strength and smoothness to the finished product. Percale density 90/160 per 10 cm of fabric. This is a high figure, which increases the service life without losing shape.

    • Density 100-160 per cm²;
    • Comfort during sleep, due to the velvety, delicate surface;
    • Good breathability and heat preservation;
    • In terms of quality and appearance, it is not inferior to satin, but it is cheaper;
    • Eco-friendly, therefore suitable for the manufacture of children's kits.


    - a sophisticated and airy material, which is made from cotton, linen and synthetic fibers. The density of the cambric increases due to the simultaneous use of several types of threads. The density in the range of 20-30 threads per 1 cm provides a silky surface and airiness of this fabric. Inferior to poplin and satin in terms of the number of washes. For comparison: poplin can withstand up to 200, and satin up to 300.

    This aristocratic material needs delicate care. You need to wash in warm water without wringing, and iron from the wrong side through cheesecloth.

    • The small weight of the cambric creates a light, airy coating, so it is very comfortable to sleep on such linen;
    • The fabric is breathable, so it is suitable for the summer period;
    • Hypoallergenic material;
    • Baptiste, despite the airiness, keeps its shape well and retains its original appearance for a long time;
    • Dries quickly and is pleasant to the touch.

    Bedding sets from ranfors

    - a material made from refined cotton. The higher the cleaning quality, the less shrinkage the fabric will give after washing. It has a diagonal weave, due to which strength is increased and the surface becomes smooth. The density of this material is higher than that of coarse calico and is 42 threads per 1 cm².

    • Lightweight yet durable. Does not require special care and tolerates washing;
    • Quickly absorbs moisture, so it is suitable for the summer;
    • Does not lose shape
    • Does not electrify;
    • Hygienic, as only high quality dyes are used in the production.

    Ranforce is sometimes confused with coarse calico or poplin, as the characteristics are similar. However, it has a higher cost.


    This material is considered elite. Delicate and flowing silk will appeal to even the most selective individuals. has a natural composition without impurities and chemicals.

    If you exclude the high price tag, silk has only one advantages:

    • Does not cause allergies;
    • Conducts heat well. It is not hot in summer and not cold in winter;
    • Will last a long time due to the strength of the threads;
    • Aesthetics in appearance and pleasant tactile sensations.

    In order not to buy a fake, it is worth touching the material - it will quickly heat up, and the artificial one will remain cold.

    Also, take a closer look at the pattern: it should match on the face and inside.


    Top 10 manufacturing companies:

    Regularly there is something new in the world of bed linen. Improved technologies are being introduced and new fabrics are being created. The choice is huge, but among this variety it is important to find what suits you.