How to fix a New Year's wreath on the front door. DIY Christmas wreath: ideas and instructions. Original New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands

New Year's wreaths are the main traditional decorative element, which is very popular during the winter holidays. With the help of a wreath, you can decorate the front doors of a house or apartment. It can also be a great addition to your holiday table. Children love to make this attribute with their own hands, because the family unites even stronger, as they spend their free time together.

History of occurrence

Christmas wreaths will be a great decoration for any home for the New Year or Christmas. Today, a large number of people hang them on walls, windows or front doors. The history of the appearance of such an accessory goes into the deep past. In pre-Christian times, there was a tradition to honor the winter solstice and honor the rebirth of the sun. For this, people themselves made such unique wreaths that became a symbol of the holiday.

But the world is changing every year, and over time, all existing pagan traditions are able to intertwine with Christian holidays. In ancient times, such wreaths were made, candles were inserted into them, and they acted as a kind of symbolism of counting down to the date of the birth of Jesus Christ.

Features of the New Year's wreath

New Year's wreaths began to be used relatively recently in Russia. Such a tradition came from the far West, and already many people cannot imagine a holiday without this attribute. Such wreaths are highly valued due to their beauty and ease of manufacture. Children love Christmas decorations because they bring the mood of the holidays into the house, and also create a special atmosphere of joy and fun.

Several decades ago, New Year's wreaths had a great symbolic meaning. In those days, they were made from branches of fir and spruce, and four candles served as decoration. Needlewomen even used red ribbons, which denoted the birth of the Son of God. Today, a variety of materials and decorative elements are used to make such an attribute. Professional designers have the opportunity to bring to life all their bright ideas. It is believed that if you hang such a wreath near the house for the holidays, then a whole year of household members will have good luck and luck.

Christmas wreath of fir branches

Today, everyone can make New Year's wreaths with their own hands and put a piece of themselves into them. For work, you will need a small list of materials that can be obtained at any decor store. Coniferous branches of spruce, pine or fir are suitable as a basis. To secure the wreath, you need to take a dense thread or twine.

Sometimes the work requires soft and flexible twigs that can be neatly folded into a circle shape. If the coniferous branches are rigid, then they must additionally be fixed with a thread or flexible wire. The resulting structure must be firmly closed in a ring.

Any excess branches can be trimmed to make a neat circle. Using a thread or ribbon, you can fasten the ends of the branches in a spiral so that the wreath has a complete look. Do-it-yourself Christmas wreaths are made quickly and easily. To decorate a wreath, you can use tinsel, small garlands, balls and other toys.

How to make a pine wreath on the door?

Today, quite often you can find houses where there are wreaths on the doors. They differ from each other in decorations and in the way they are made. This tradition came to Russia from the West, where such an attribute is considered a necessity for every family. New Year's wreaths on the door are now very popular, so everyone can make such a decoration with their own hands.

First you need to prepare all the necessary materials. This is a frame in the form of a circle of grapevine, pine twigs, wire, scissors and thin wire. Coniferous branches must be attached to the taken frame and firmly fixed. The result is a beautiful and lush New Year's wreath. It can be decorated with any balls, ribbons or beads.

Christmas wreath

Today, many girls and women want to learn how to make New Year's wreaths. The master class will help to reveal in detail all the secrets of making this attribute. To work, you will need a wire or an already made frame. You can take green artificial or live branches, leaves and berries. For fastening you will need a thin wire and wire cutters.

It is necessary to use a sufficiently strong wire, make a circle out of it and properly fix the ends by hooking them together. Next, the branches are attached and firmly fixed on the frame. Instead of live needles, you can take tinsel of bright colors and wrap the wire around it. Now you can start decorating. For this, Christmas decorations, braid, beads, nuts, ribbon bows, and much more are used. All this is attached to the tinsel with a thin wire. The upper central part of the wreath is decorated with a ribbon bow.

How to make New Year's wreaths, surely everyone understands. Christmas have some distinctive features. You can use cones or berries to decorate them. Such accessories for the New Year's holiday are hung only on the window or on the door. Some girls put them under an artificial Christmas tree so that the room smells like pine needles if the wreath is made from natural materials.

What are the unusual New Year's wreaths?

As a decoration for a New Year's wreath, you can use unusual candles or Christmas tree garlands. A wreath made of Christmas balls with different diameters looks quite original and unusual.

How to make Christmas wreaths for kids? Cozy and beautiful Christmas decorations can be made for the smallest members of the family. To do this, you need to use only safe materials. For example, it can be small balls of thread. You can also take the foam and wrap it with multi-colored threads. These decorations will not harm the child and injure him. Christmas wreaths can be made from delicious candies and many other sweet treats. Thus, you can create a special atmosphere and incredible comfort in the house. Children will definitely like such decorations, which they can then eat.

This is a magical time, and a huge number of tasks need to be solved:

    how to treat guests;

    what to wear;

    which tree to choose

    and how to decorate your home or workplace.

Today we will talk about the latter and analyze how to make a Christmas wreath with your own hands.

* There are a lot of photos in the article, so that it is more convenient to navigate in it, you can use engraving.

New Year's wreath on the door and not only

This tradition is more Western, but at present, many families in Russia have adopted it, and are happy to decorate their homes with New Year's wreaths. It's understandable, this decoration looks just great!

Variants of such wreaths may be different. They are made from living branches:


    ordinary willow twigs,

  • cypress,

But sometimes it is created from completely unexpected materials, which we will also talk about.

Of course, such a New Year's wreath can be easily bought at the store. But it is much more interesting to do it yourself. In this case, it will be truly unique and festive.

The tradition of decorating the house with wreaths: history

Before starting to make a wreath, let's remember the history of this Christmas decoration. To begin with, we note that such wreaths are of two types:

  1. The first is a classic Christmas wreath, which is placed on the table and decorated, among other things, with candles. It is sometimes called the "advent wreath".
  2. The second is hung on the door (or wherever you like).

The history of the origin of the first is not so ancient - it was invented in Hamburg, Germany, only in the 19th century. The legend says that there lived such a theologian, a kind and pious man - Johann Heinrich Wichren, who taught the poor and orphans.

In the pre-holiday time, the kids kept asking him: “Is Christmas coming soon?” And so, in order to visually show the approach of the holiday, he took the rim from the wheel, decorated it with fir branches, cones and candles - 24 small red ones and 4 large white ones.

Every morning he lit one candle - a small one on a simple day and a large one on Sunday. The kids answered:

When the last candle is lit in the wreath, Christmas will come.

All the townspeople liked this idea, and soon they also began to make similar wreaths for the holiday. Later, the tradition passed from Lutherans to Catholics and Protestants.

As for the Christmas wreath on the door, its history is much older than you can imagine. It has its roots in the Celtic tribes and the celebration of the winter solstice - Yule. Yule is one of the celebrations of the pagan Wheel of the Year, dedicated to the rebirth of the solar deity.

The Celts made wreaths of juniper, holly twigs and mistletoe as a talisman and as a symbol of the eternal annual cycle.

Now the ancient meaning has left the traditions, and such New Year's wreaths are just a cute decoration for the holiday.

How to make a DIY Christmas wreath

We will consider several options for creating this decoration. From the classic with spruce branches to the original of Christmas balls. But in both cases, we need a base on which, in fact, twigs, ribbons, cones, balls and sweets will be attached.

wreath frame

The frame for the New Year's wreath can be made from almost anything. Vihren made it from a wooden wheel, but now such an item is not so easy to find. We will manage with other materials:

    Yule wreaths were traditionally woven from willow twigs, which are still used for this purpose.

    Other flexible rods are also great (cherry and sea buckthorn, for example).

    Old newspapers and paper rolled into a ring are a good base.

    Old garden hose.

    The circle can simply be cut out of cardboard.

    Ordinary wires (even from an old extension cord), twisted together.

    Hose from under the old vacuum cleaner.

    Disposable plastic plate.

    The ring can be cut out of foam or foam rubber.

    A wire hanger can also be a good base if you unbend it and then bend it again, but already into a ring.

    A simple wire, but it is better to take one that bends well and holds its shape.

    Dry grass or straw gathered together, well tied and braided in the shape of a circle.

In other words, take everything that you have on hand and make them of this “bagel” of suitable sizes. This will be the basis for our New Year's wreath.

Article almost on the topic: Autumn wreath on the door, how to make it yourself?

How to decorate holiday wreaths?

Now that we have the base, we can proceed to the most important thing - decoration. After all, we have already decided what exactly we will make a wreath from? Traditionally, it is made from spruce and other evergreen twigs, and such decoration looks more elegant.

If you want your wreath to be non-disposable, then it is better to use artificial materials. For example, many have an old artificial Christmas tree lying around somewhere in the attic or mezzanine, so you can put it into action.

Trimming branches, both artificial and real, is easiest with secateurs.

Do you think that a wreath made of spruce branches alone will look boring? Take several different types of trees.

It is best to fasten the branches tightly to the base, and do it so that the frame is not visible. For these purposes, it is better to take a wire in color, a dense thread or fishing line. Remember that all branches should fit very tightly to the base.

Photo of Christmas wreaths on the door

This is the traditional version, from twigs.

* All photos are enlarged to full size.

Task No1 completed, the wreath is ready. Now it's time to start decorating. For these purposes, you can take anything. Here you are limited only by your own imagination. Here are just a few options for decorating a Christmas wreath:


  • miniature gift boxes

    woolen threads,

    christmas gingerbread and gingerbread men,

  • artificial fruits and berries (viburnum, mountain ash, blueberries),

    tinsel and garlands,

  • orange or tangerine peel,

  • poinsettia flowers,

    Christmas toys,

    cones and other natural materials,

    and much more.

For "horizontal" wreaths, you can use candles.

The traditional Christmas color palette is as follows:

There are also a few small secrets that you can keep in mind when creating a wreath with your own hands:

  1. if you want to attract prosperity next year - fix a coin on the wreath;
  2. happiness will bring a small horseshoe,
  3. and for good luck, you can attach a symbol of the new year to the wreath, now it is a pig.

How to attach decor to a wreath?

As we said above, it is best to tightly tie the branches to the base with a thread. But what about other decorative elements? How to attach them to a wreath? There are several options:

Chestnuts, acorns, nuts, flowers, berries can be easily glued to the surface with a glue gun.

Christmas balls can be attached with thread or wire. You can also glue them, it all depends on the decoration itself.

Ribbons can be beautifully wrapped around the wreath, bows can be tied on it. In a pinch, a good glue will always help you out!

Advent wreath (photo)

* All photos are clickable and enlarge.

Making a New Year's wreath of sweets

A sweet original New Year's wreath will definitely delight your guests, especially the little ones.

Wreath on the door of Christmas balls

A wreath of Christmas decorations always looks advantageous.

How to attach a New Year's wreath to the door?

Another very important question. It would seem that it could be easier, but it only seems so. Firstly, you can’t just screw a screw into a door, especially into a metal one. And secondly, it is somehow a pity to make a hole in the door - Christmas will end, but the hole in the door will remain. And how to be?

There are several options:

    you can use a suction cup with a hook (such as in the bathroom), for better adhesion to the door, before gluing, treat the surface of the metal door with alcohol;

    light paper wreaths are usually attached with tape or double-sided tape;

    if there is a peephole in the door, then using a wire or nylon thread, you can attach a Christmas wreath to the door using it;

    and finally, you can make two identical wreaths, tie them with a ribbon and throw them over the door so that one is inside and the other is outside.

Go to the product catalog section » Trees ■ Artificial Christmas trees ECONOMY (PVC needles) . Table Christmas trees up to 0.8 m Christmas trees 0.9 - 1.0 m Christmas trees 1.2 - 1.4 m Christmas trees 1.5 - 1.7 m Christmas trees 1.8 - 1.9 m Christmas trees 2 ,0 - 2.2 m. Fir trees 2.3 - 2.6 m. Fir trees 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall fir trees from 3.5 - 5 m. Table Christmas trees up to 0.8 m Christmas trees 0.9 - 1.1 m Christmas trees 1.2 - 1.4 m Christmas trees 1.5 - 1.7 m Christmas trees 1.8 - 1.9 m Christmas trees 2 ,0 - 2.2 m. Fir trees 2.3 - 2.6 m. Fir trees 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall artificial fir trees from 3.5 - 5 m ■ Artificial Christmas trees DELUXE (cast PE needles) . Christmas trees up to 1.0 m Christmas trees 1.2 - 1.4 m Christmas trees 1.5 - 1.7 m Christmas trees 1.8 - 1.9 m Christmas trees 2.0 - 2.2 m Christmas trees 2, 3 - 2.6 m. Spruces 2.7 - 3.0 m. Tall spruces from 3.5 - 7 m ■ PREMIUM artificial Christmas trees (100% PE cast needles) . Fir trees up to 1.55 m. Fir trees from 1.85 m ■ Table trees. Christmas trees with PVC needles. Christmas trees with needles from fishing line. Christmas trees with cast (PE) needles ■ Wall and wall-mounted Christmas trees ■ Narrow Christmas trees ■ Christmas trees with bulbs. Christmas trees with lights up to 1.70 m. Christmas trees with lights from 1.80 m ■ Decorative Christmas trees. Designer trees. Artificial fir-trees with cones · Fir-trees up to 1.4 m with cones · Fir-trees 1.5-1.9 m with cones · Fir-trees above 2.0 m with cones. White fir-trees · Table-top fir-trees up to 1 m white · Fir-trees 1,2-1,9 m white · Fir-trees above 2,0 m white. Blue trees. Snow-covered fir trees · Fir-trees up to 1.4 m snow-covered · Fir-trees 1.5-1.7 m snow-covered · Fir-trees 1.8-1.9 m snow-covered · Fir-trees from 2.0 m snow-covered. Shiny foil Christmas trees. Decorated Christmas trees. Original "fantasy" Christmas trees ■ Elite Christmas trees of world brands. TRIUMPH TREE Firs up to 1.55 m Triumph Firs 1.85 m Triumph Firs 1.95-2.15 m Triumph Firs 2.3-2.5 m Triumph Firs above 2.6 m Triumph Coniferous decor Triumph Electric garlands Triumph . BLACKBOX. NATIONAL TREE Co Spruce up to 1.4 m National Tree Spruce 1.5-1.7 m National Tree Spruce 1.8-1.9 m National Tree Spruce above 2.0 m National Tree Coniferous decor National Tree . KAEMINGK Table Christmas trees up to 0.9 m Kaemingk Spruces 1.2-2.4 m Kaemingk Coniferous decor Kaemingk . NORDIC Collection. EverChristmaS Tsar Elka Spruce 0.6-3.0 m PVC and fishing line, EverChristmaS Spruce 0.6-3.0 m cast needles-PE, EverChristmaS Coniferous decor EverChristmaS. CRYSTAL TREES. BEATREES MOROZCO ■ Optical fiber Christmas trees ■ Stands for fir trees ■ Bags for storing Christmas trees ■ Decorative baskets-stands ■ Decoration of the base of fir trees ■ Electric garlands for the Christmas tree ■ Luminous tops for fir trees High-altitude fir trees ■ Tall outdoor fir trees 4-45m. Stem street fir-trees 4 - 45 m · Fir-trees MOSKOVIYA and others, PVC needles · Fir-trees CRYSTAL and others, needles LINE · Fir-trees WHITE PVC needles, LINE. Frame street spruces 4 - 45 m · URAL spruce, PVC needles · URAL spruce, LESK needles · EURO-2 spruce, PVC needles and LINE · IMPERIAL spruce, PVC needles and LINE ■ Lighting of high-rise Christmas trees. LEGOLED system. Electrogarlands. Clip Light. Duralight · Duralight 3-wire chasing · Duralight LED round 11-13 mm. Complex lighting · Lighting ECONOMY · Lighting DYNAMICS · Lighting CLASSIC · Lighting COLOR CASCADE · Lighting MELTING ICICLES · Lighting NORTHERN LIGHTS (premium class). Glowing tops. Luminous toys ■ Decorations, fences, installation and decoration. Decorations for high-rise Christmas trees · Large plastic balls · Beads, cones, clusters, bells, bows · Stars, various toys, tops · Snowflakes, icicles, foam plastic decorations. Fencing for stem trees. Fencing for frame Christmas trees. Installation and decoration of high-rise Christmas trees GREEN TREES Products from needles ■ Coniferous garlands ■ Coniferous Svags and Lambrequins ■ Coniferous wreaths ■ Decorative wreaths ■ Coniferous branches ■ Decorative coniferous compositions ■ Ceiling coniferous decor ■ Coniferous decor in baskets, planters, pots ■ Coniferous-floristic decor ■ Coniferous decor with bulbs ■ Coniferous arches ■ Cones Balls ■ Plastic balls. Balls 30 - 50 mm. Balls 60 mm. Balls 70 - 90 mm. Balls 100-120 mm. Balls 140 - 150 mm. Balls from 200 mm. Sets of balloons DELUXE. Balls with decor. Bunches of balls. Beads from balls. Gift balls and sets PAPIER-MACHE. DISNEY Balloons ■ Glass balls. Sets of plain balloons · Balloons up to 60 mm · Balloons from 65 mm. Sets of colorful balloons. Transparent balls SOAP BUBBLES. Bunches of balloons on a wire. Garlands of balloons and decorations ■ DELUXE glass balloons. Glass balls VINTAGE. Collection of glass balls DECOR. Sets of decorated balloons DELUXE. Collectible handmade balls ■ Glass balls with artistic painting (Yolochka, Russia). Spheres with a diameter of 95 mm. Balls with a diameter of 85 mm. Spheres with a diameter of 75 mm. Balls with a diameter of 60 mm. Spheres with a diameter of 115 mm ■ Sets of painted glass spheres (Yolochka, Russia). Balls 85 mm, 4 pcs. . Balls 75 mm, 4 pcs. . Balls 62 mm x 4 . Balls 62 mm, 5 pcs. . Balls 50 mm, 6 pcs. ■ Sets of glass balls with tops (Yolochka, Russia) ■ Hand-painted glass balls (Ariel, Russia) ■ Glass balls and flasks with compositions ■ Stands, pendants, hooks, boxes for balls Christmas decorations ■ Glass Christmas decorations and toys (Yolochka, Russia) . tops. New Year's garlands. Mini garlands on a blister. Figurines. Figurine sets. Hearts. Bells. Sets of pendants (icicles). Sets of cones (Herringbone and others). Beads ■ Handmade glass jewelry (Ariel (Russia) . Thematic collections. Molded toys. Symbol of 2020 Mouse ■ DELUXE glass jewelry. Christmas tree tops. DELUXE jewelry sets. Antique collection. Christmas stories. New Year and fairy tale characters. Vintage toys. Animals and birds.Cats,Dogs.MOUSE-symbol of 2020.Toy stands, pendants and hooks ■ Christmas decorations made of plastic.Toppers.Sets of Christmas decorations made of plastic.Beads.Bells 5-25 cm.Cones, icicles, stars, bows, flowers Vintage plastic toys Large foam and plastic toys ■ Vintage jewelry from world brands Vintage collection Kurt S. Adler, Netherlands Vintage collection Goodwil, Belgium Vintage collection Katherine's Collection, USA Vintage collection SHISHI, Norway-Estonia Exclusive jewelry BOLTZE, Germany Sets of collectible balls Interior decor Exclusive decorations Mr. Christmas, Ireland COUNTRY style collection, BREI TNER, Germany ■ DELUXE Christmas decorations (European collections) . Toys for the children's Christmas tree. Retro collection (polystone). Acrylic pendants. Pink collection. Fine gold jewelry. Jewelry is elegant white, transparent, silver. Ornaments are graceful red. Ornaments are elegant in different colors. Jewelry in the style of "COUNTRY". Feather jewelry. Textile collection. ceramic collections. Metal Christmas decorations. Christmas toys made of wood. Tree tops. Luminous Christmas decorations ■ Snowflakes, icicles, stars, cones. Snowflakes. Icicles, pendants. Stars. Cones ■ Thematic collections of Christmas decorations. Soft Christmas toys-animals. Animal toys made of polyresin. Animal toys made of plastic and metal. Santas, Santas, Snowmen. Dolls, harlequins, elves, fairies. Retro Glamor Collection. Gingerbread collection. Jewelry collection. Marine collection. Tropical collection. Deer. Angels. Ballet. Butterflies, dragonflies. Birdies. Dogs. Owls. Horses. Mice - Symbol of the Year. Houses. Skates, skis, sleds. Christmas stories. Fairy tale characters ■ Decorations for table Christmas trees ■ Decorations for tall Christmas trees ■ DIY Christmas decorations ■ Stands, pendants, hooks, boxes for Christmas decorations Electric garlands ■ Garlands for the Christmas tree ■ Electro garlands THREAD. Electric garlands with LEDs indoors 220V indoors and outdoors 220V indoors and outdoors 220V with an adapter. Electric garlands with microlamps · indoor · outdoor. Electric garlands with mini-lamps. Garlands with curly lamps and nozzles Garlands with microlamps LED garlands-LED-lamps Icicles, snowflakes, cones, stars ■ Garlands MULTI-BALLS ■ RETRO LAMPS electric garlands with large lamps ■ Garlands with CANDLES ■ PLAY LIGHT-light curtains. LED curtains - LED lamps. Light curtains with microlamps ■ ICICLE PLAY LIGHT - icicles, fringes. ICICLE on PVC wire. ICICLE on rubber ■ Electric garlands with minidiodes DROPS (DEW) . Droplets - threads 220V / adapter. Droplets are threads on batteries. Horse tails. Dew - clusters and semi-clusters. Droplets - curtains and icicles. Decorative garlands and compositions with minidiodes. Retro lamps with minidiodes ■ BATTERY powered electric garlands. Garlands NITI (Durawise and others). ROSA garlands. Curtains, icicles, nets. Decorative garlands. Batteries ■ Frost-resistant garlands on RUBBER. Garlands NITI. Curtains, nets. Icicles, fringe. STROBE LIGHT, BELT LIGHT ■ Electric garlands PREMIUM CLASS on silicone wire. Garlands THREAD on silicone wire. Garlands on trees - CLIP LIGHT on a silicone wire. CURTAIN and ICUCLES on silicone wire. Electric garlands PREMIUM CLASS on batteries ■ NET LIGHT - light grids. grids with mini- and microlamps. LED grids (LED-lamps) ■ CLUSTER LIGHTS - bunches of garlands. clusters with microlamps. LED clusters ■ CLIP LIGHT - garlands for trees. CLIP LIGHT (PVC) . CLIP LIGHT (rubber) . CLIP LIGHT (silicone) ■ LEDSTRIP - light-emitting diode tapes ■ DYURALAYT - the glowing cord. LED DYURALIGHT 12-13 mm. LED DYURALIGHT 11mm ■ BELT LIGHT - tape with lamps ■ MELTING ICUCLES ■ SOLAR LIGHT- garlands and solar-powered lamps ■ Light PANEL and MOTIVES. panels and motifs for the street. panels and motifs for the room ■ Illuminated tops for fir trees ■ Lamps ■ Accessories for electric garlands Light decor ■ Luminous figures and compositions. Glowing figures made of acrylic. Luminous figures made of acrylic threads. LED figures and compositions. Luminous and animated DEER. Luminous and animated SANTAS and SNOWMANS. Snow collection with illumination ■ LED floristry - branches, bouquets, garlands. Glowing branches and bouquets. Decorative luminous branches-snags and garlands. Decorative branches-garlands and wreaths ■ Luminous trees. Luminous mini trees up to 90 cm Luminous trees 1-3 m Christmas trees with lights Christmas trees with lights up to 1.55 m Christmas trees with lights from 1.80 m Fiber optic Christmas trees ■ Luminous motifs ■ Wooden Christmas lights ■ Wooden slides ■ Luminous paintings ■ Luminous volumetric decorations ■ Illuminated lanterns ■ Luminous houses and miniatures ■ Hanging luminous decorations ■ Light-dynamic and musical compositions ■ LEMAX ceramic collection. Luminous houses Lemax. facades. Musical animation compositions. Story compositions. Figures of people and animals. Decorative Lemax elements. Lemax accessories ■ Electric candles and candlesticks. Tea lights. Classic "flickering" candle-columns. Candles with a "live" flame. Electric table candles. Slides with electric candles. Lanterns with candles. Electric candlesticks. Electric garlands with candles. Glowing panels with candles. Batteries and adapters ■ Luminous Christmas decorations ■ LED projectors ■ SOLAR solar lamps ■ Decorative lamps Festive decoration ■ Inflatable Christmas figures ■ Decorative branches, flowers and garlands. Poinsettias. Roses. Flowers are different. Berries. Branches. Coniferous branches. Fairy lights. Decorative wreaths. Jewelry made from natural materials ■ Snow collection ■ Foil jewelry. Foil garlands. Stars, snowflakes, fountains, balls ■ Tinsel, rain ■ Paper decorations ■ Christmas decor. New Year stickers-stickers and stencils. Decorative ribbons. Bows. Fabrics for decoration. Artificial snow. Snow covers. Christmas sprays. Natural materials for decor. Wall panels, streamers ■ Christmas motifs ■ Father Frost, Snow Maiden, Angels, Fairies. Santas. Santa Claus. Snow Maiden. Angels, Fairies, Elves ■ Table and interior decoration. Dishes. Tablecloths, runners, napkins. Napkin rings. Vases. Stands, decorations, accessories for bottles. Ceramic and other figurines. Interior items. New Year's lamps. Glowing paintings. Luminous pillows. Candlesticks with electric candles. Candelabra. Candlesticks. Candles. Electric candles. Snowballs SNOWBALLS. Disposable tableware and accessories ■ Decor for summer cottages and gardens. Garden furniture. Fountains. SOLAR lamps on solar batteries. Lanterns. Electric fireplaces. Electric garlands for the garden and veranda. Decorative LED spotlights. Tree lighting. Luminous figures. Flowerpots and vases for flowers. Country interior items ■ Designer's and decorator's corner. "Snow" accessories - snow, blankets, sprays. Decor accessories. Stands, hooks, pendants, storage containers. Gift wrapping. To help the designer Candles and candlesticks ■ Candles. Candles - Symbol of the year MOUSE and RAT. Decorative candles. Table candles, antique and twisted. Hemp candles (columns). Scented candles. Gift candles. Tea candles. Shaped candles. Electric candles · Tea candles · Flickering electric candles "columns" · Electric candles "dancing flame" · Table electric candles · Garlands with candles · Batteries and adapters. Candle decor. Candle accessories ■ Candlesticks. Glass candlesticks. Metal candlesticks. Ceramic candlesticks. Candelabra. Decorative candlesticks. Candlesticks-lanterns. Coniferous-floristic candlesticks. Candlesticks with electric candles New Year's carnival ■ Carnival costumes. Carnival hats, headbands, kokoshniks. Light carnival costumes. Children's carnival costumes 0.5-5 years. Carnival costumes 5-10 years old. Children's costumes of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Military uniform "Remembering the Victory". Carnival costumes for adults. Inflatable carnival costumes. Carnival masks, wigs, accessories. Kokoshniks ■ Costumes of FATHER FROST and SNOW MAIDEN. Everything for Santa Claus. Everything for the Snow Maiden ■ Mittens for the puppet theater ■ Everything for the carnival Accessories, gifts ■ Symbol of 2020 MOUSE and RAT. Christmas decorations MOUSE-RAT. Christmas balls with MICE and RATS. Soft toys MICE - RAT. MICE and RATS-souvenirs-ceramics, wood, metal, plastic. Candles - The symbol of 2020 is the MOUSE and the RAT. Gifts for children - SYMBOL OF 2020 THE MOUSE. Symbols of the year of past years · Sheep-Goat · Horse · Dog · Snake · Rooster · Monkey · Pig ■ Soft Christmas toys. Animals and birds. New Year's figures on the Christmas tree and under the Christmas tree. The symbol of 2020 is the MOUSE and the RAT. New Year's electromechanical toys ■ New Year's accessories. Flappers, sprays, streamers, rains, New Year's small things. Packing tapes, film and paper. Paper bags, pouches, gift boxes. Decorations, coasters, bags for bottles ■ New Year's gifts and souvenirs. Worthy gifts. Snow globes - Snowballs. Gifts for children · Christmas coloring · Christmas creativity · Magic snow · Magic crystals · Puppet theater · Christmas toys-trinkets. Nice New Year's stuff. Christmas magnets and key chains. Stands, pendants, hooks, storage containers ■ New Year COUNTRY collection ■ Socks for gifts

How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands? This issue is especially relevant on the eve of the New Year holidays. After all, everyone wants to create a magical festive atmosphere, which means it's time to think about how to make a Christmas decoration on the door with your own hands.

By the way, do you know that in our time the tradition of hanging a wreath on the door is gaining popularity in Russia for no reason? According to the teachings of Feng Shui, a wreath is hung on the door not only to please the eyes of passers-by, but also to attract good forces into the house, and scare away the evil ones with a bright and beautiful decoration.

Therefore, we tell and show different options for how you can make a Christmas wreath with your own hands using examples of detailed photo instructions.

How to make the basis for a wreath with your own hands

Before proceeding with examples of how to make a wreath with your own hands, it is worth saying a few words about how you can make a base for it. After all, it is she who largely determines the appearance of the future wreath. Of course, the easiest option is to buy a ready-made base in a retail store or look for them on the Internet. But if you have not seen it for sale in retail stores, and there is no time to wait from an online store, there is only one way out: make it yourself.

What to make a base? From anything. As a basis, you can use an embroidery hoop, a wire, a circle cut out of cardboard or foam, a corrugated tube (for example, from an old vacuum cleaner), or a thermoflex (this is pipe insulation - sold in hardware stores). If you opt for thermoflex or corrugated pipe, you will need to work a little to create a circle shape, namely: just cut off the required length and glue the edges with tape or tape. A more troublesome method: Glue toilet paper rolls together.

In addition, you can build a good base from newspapers or old paper. And in several ways. You can glue a cardboard circle or wire with newspaper sheets or newspaper tubes, or you can form a tight circle purely from sheets of newspapers. In all cases, for reliability, the base of newspapers at the end must be wrapped with thick paper towels, and at the end with tape or nylon tights - this way you align/smooth the edges and give strength to this design and the wreath as a whole.

In addition to old newspapers and magazines, any other paper will do, fix it to the cardboard circle with threads, as shown in the photo example below.

And, of course, we must not forget that you can weave a wreath from branches with your own hands (from birch or willow). For weaving, it is better to use freshly cut branches. If they are not elastic enough, they need to be bent every 5 cm or soaked in water (if the excesses do not help). The weaving process itself, see the photo instructions below. In general, nothing complicated, if the branches slip out - fix them with glue or threads.

How to make a New Year's wreath with your own hands

Now let's talk about how to make a wreath with your own hands. In fact, we will consider different options for decorating finished bases.

Since the new year and Christmas is, first of all, the smell of a Christmas tree, first of all we will consider a couple of options for how to make a wreath from live spruce, fir or branches of some other coniferous plant. Where to get twigs of a coniferous plant? - As a rule, sellers of Christmas trees also sell twigs, or if you buy a live Christmas tree for home, when you install it, you will definitely have a few extra branches.

So, let's get down to business. Everything is simple here, we cut branches of a suitable size (as shown in photo No. 2 - we cut off from a large branch, smaller branches) and fix them to the base with threads, wire or staples. Using glue, we glue through the protruding edges to its side surfaces. When it is all hidden under the branches, start decorating: glue small Christmas balls, snowflakes, cones, nuts (pre-painted white as an option, except for paints in high esteem and sparkles) at the end we braid with beads or garlands. We hang the finished Christmas wreath on the door or lay it on the table, placing candles or a bottle of champagne in the center.

By the way, if you decide to make a New Year's wreath from living branches, the branch itself is perfect as a base, of course, it will turn out not so magnificent, but no less beautiful. Follow the instructions in the photo below.

The result is a beautiful Christmas decoration, and, by the way, it will take less time to create it than in the first case.

I hope you get the idea, but otherwise: you can come up with your own way to decorate a wreath: stick to some other color scheme, use some other decorations (wide ribbons, candies, bells, cinnamon sticks, dried oranges) let your fantasy!

In addition, live twigs can be braided with wire or embroidery hoops. Add decorations in the form of berries or beads, a beautiful ribbon bow and the Christmas decoration on the door is ready.

By the way, such a thin wreath can be hung from the ceiling above the dining table as an option. Add a chain of beads to greenery and you will get an elegant decoration.

Using different types of branches, cones, artificial horns, God himself ordered to make an unusual New Year's wall wreath, as shown in the photo below. Agree, it turns out quite a worthy Christmas decoration.

In addition to the "green" branches, you can also use "naked" branches to create a Christmas wreath, the main thing is to paint them with paint and / or cover them with artificial snow - you get a truly magical winter decoration on the door.

Don't know how to make artificial snow? - it's simple: mix together semolina, white paint, pva glue and artificial snow is ready. Another way to make artificial snow is to mix grated white soap and starch diluted with warm water. Beat with a whisk until a homogeneous mass is obtained. In both cases, adjust the proportions yourself.

Continuing the theme of "natural" materials, it is worth noting the beauty and elegance of New Year's wreaths made purely from cones, walnuts (you can use any other nuts) or acorns.

Pay attention to the way to make a wreath of cones: rings are glued to each cone, which are then strung on a wire. In the same way, you can make a wreath of Christmas balls.

Cinnamon sticks also deserve attention, and you can stick whole sticks, or you can cut them into pieces.

And, of course, round "cuts" of branches glued to a circle made of wood or cardboard and decorated with a small composition of ribbons, twigs and cones. I think that such a New Year's wreath will appeal to many.

And if you do not have the opportunity to use live spruce branches for one reason or another. You can use Christmas tree tinsel, you can make a beautiful New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands from it. Decorate it with a ribbon and an artificial flower.

Artificial flowers are also worth paying attention to: you can make a wreath of artificial flowers. Make holes in the round base, insert the stems into them and tuck them up.

Or you can use a three-dimensional base: just wrap the stems around it or cut off the stems and glue the flowers.

Yes, if you decide to make a New Year's wreath on the door of tinsel, it is not necessary to take it only in green, other colors are also great.

Along with tinsel, "bows" made of ribbons, which are usually used for gift wrapping, are great.

Another great idea to make a New Year's wreath is to use glass Christmas balls, as mentioned above, you can string the balls on a wire, or you can glue them. The balls themselves can be of the same color, or you can combine different-colored balls with each other. In both cases, the finished New Year's wreath pleases the eye.

In addition to glass balls, you can use "woolen" balls. To create them, you need to wrap foam balls with threads or make small loose balls from one wool.

A good wreath is obtained: if you wrap the base with woolen threads and glue only a few woolen balls.

Or make wool pom-poms.

And you can combine balls with paper (pages from some not very interesting book). Make small bags out of paper and glue a circle with them, and decorate with small balls or beads on top.

Or make a wreath on the door purely from the tubes of some beautiful colored paper.

In addition, you can make an accordion out of paper, with which to braid the hoop.

And you can make paper stars or snowflakes. In the case of stars: it is better to make them from thick paper or cardboard, glue the stars to the hoop and paint the almost finished wreath with spray paint. After the paint has dried, wrap the wreath with several layers of twine with glued beads - and you can enjoy the result.

A New Year's wreath made of plastic snowflakes looks very nice, they can be additionally decorated with small mirrors and / or decorated with rhinestones and sparkles. In addition, paint in one color, or vice versa, make it multi-colored, sprinkle with sparkles, etc. Get an unusual Christmas wreath.

And do not forget that the wreath can be wrapped with a garland. She will make your wreath truly magical.

And you can make a large snowflake wreath on the door from ordinary ice cream sticks.

Let's return to woolen threads, you can wrap the base for the wreath with threads, and glue flowers made of felt, beads, etc. on top.

Another great way to make your own wreath is to use old socks. In this case, they used hoops of different sizes, laid them on cardboard and cut out a circle, which was then wrapped in socks, threads and placed between the hoops. It turned out a beautiful unusual New Year's wreath on the door.

In addition to socks, you can use any other fabric: burlap, organza, etc.

In addition to cuts of different fabrics, you can use an old sweater. Spread the sweater and wrap the round base with suitable pieces (you can sew the edges with threads or stick with glue), decorate with felt or felt flowers on top. A soft, somewhat “cozy” wreath will come out.

In addition to different fabrics, different ribbons, twine or rope will come in handy.

By the way, here's a good example of using a corrugated tube from an old vacuum cleaner. At first glance, you will not guess what such a wreath hides in itself.

A pretty wreath is also obtained using cotton balls. Moreover, if you add only a burlap bow to it, as shown in the photo below, you will get a wreath in a rustic style. And you can use brighter decorations.

A spectacular wreath can be created even from sweets (if you don’t feel sorry for them).

If you have a foam base: cut / squeeze out the leaves on it, decorate it with a green marker or paints, without touching the squeezed out areas, and glue the beads. The finished wreath pleases and it will not take you much time. By the way, even a small child can do it.

By the way, if you decide to make a wreath on the door with your own hands, it is not necessary to make it round. You can use the old frame. Paint it and tie colorful balls on ribbons to it - a bright wreath will come out.

Or even you can build a snowman on the door.

In general, as you can see, there are many ways to make a New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands, so experiment! And you will definitely succeed in making a beautiful Christmas wreath with your own hands. Happy New Year!

New Year's wreath has excellent aesthetic qualities New Year is one of the most long-awaited holidays for both adults and children. A Christmas tree smelling of freshness, fragrant tangerines, delicious Olivier are the invariable attributes of the celebration of a winter celebration. But in addition to the primordially Russian traditions, foreign ones also come to us, and, by the way, they take root well. For example, until recently, no one knew about the New Year's door wreath, and now many families are happy to hang it on the door and enjoy the feeling of the New Year's miracle that this decoration brings with it.

Now, many families decorate the doors of their houses and apartments for New Year and Christmas with small wreaths made by themselves or bought in a store. Where did this tradition come from?

With the help of a wreath, you can beautifully decorate the door for the New Year holidays.

Back in 1839, the theologian from Hamburg, Johann Heinrich Wiechern, came up with something resembling the first celebratory wreath. The fact is that the man raised children from poor families who were looking forward to Christmas and constantly asked when it would come. Then Johann, in order to make it easier for the children to keep track of time, took an ordinary wheel from a cart and made a wreath based on it, decorated with 19 small red candles and four large white ones. Early in the morning, every day, the man lit one small candle, and on Sundays a large one. So the children saw how much time they had to wait. Over time, other residents who saw this wreath began to do the same, and such an action grew into a tradition that has survived to this day.

Today there are a lot of options for Christmas wreaths. They can be made from anything, relying on your own imagination.

The most common materials for New Year's wreaths are:

  • Living materials - fir or pine branches, vines, dried or fresh berries, cones;
  • Artificial objects - tinsel, any fabric, paper, cellophane, beads, cardboard, wire, wine corks, buttons, ribbons, Christmas decorations and other beautiful details;
  • Sweets - cookies, sweets.

The classic colors of wreaths are green, gold, white and red, but this does not mean that other shades cannot be used. If you want to come up with something original, then why not.

By the way, you can hang a Christmas or New Year wreath not only on the front door, but also on the interior door too. It will look original if you put a hand-made wreath on a windowsill or table, and put candles inside that you can light for a holiday.

Instructions: how to make the basis for a wreath on the door

The basis of any festive wreath is the frame. Without it, it will not be possible to make a beautiful Christmas decoration. More precisely, it will turn out, but not the fact that it will “live” for a long time. Therefore, the manufacture of a wreath begins with the creation of its base.

Thick cardboard or plywood is well suited as the basis for a New Year's wreath.

As a framework, you can use:

  • Cardboard ring;
  • A twisted newspaper tied with threads;
  • Foam rubber;
  • A thick wire twisted around its axis;
  • Tree rods;
  • disposable plate;
  • Grapevine;
  • Bicycle tire.

The process of creating a wreath looks like this:

  1. A small circle is made of wire, which is wrapped with newspaper or paper. To keep the material, its ends can be glued.
  2. If the frame is needed thicker, a second row of paper is used.
  3. Further, to increase the strength of the base, you can additionally glue it with napkins and wrap it with organza so that nothing shines through. Secure all material with threads.
  4. Then you can decorate the wreath to your taste. You can take a shiny New Year's tinsel. If this decoration is dark green, then it will seem that the wreath is made of real spruce branches.

If you want to create a wreath from living material, then the base can be made of wire by forming two rings: one is large, the other is smaller, and then fasten them together.

Living branches can be tied into bundles and attached to the base so that each bundle overlaps the previous one or just fits very tightly to it. After that, you can start decorating the wreath with ribbons or toys.

Original New Year's wreath on the door with your own hands

New Year's wreaths can be made from anything your heart desires. By giving free rein to your imagination, you can make a very original wreath that will bring joy to you and your household.

You can decorate the New Year's wreath with various toys and sweets.

Options for creating holiday wreaths:

  1. From buttons - everything is very simple here. For manufacturing, you will need glue, cardboard, and, in fact, the buttons themselves. In the manufacturing process, you just need to stick the circles on a cardboard base, alternating them with each other and that's it.
  2. From Christmas balls - decorations can simply be strung on a wire, or can be glued to the base or to each other. A lush bow or a small garland will not be superfluous on such a wreath.
  3. From cellophane - to make such a decorative wreath, you should cut the plastic bag into ribbons, at the ends of which you should make small cuts in the form of a fringe. After that, all the resulting ribbons are glued in layers to the frame of the wreath. Moreover, the more layers there are, the more magnificent and elegant the wreath will be.
  4. From cones and flowers - in this case, they are glued to the base of the wreath and additionally decorated with bows, beads or bright pine branches.
  5. From balloons - one of the easiest options to perform. You just need to inflate the balloons and tie them around the frame. A bright New Year's wreath is ready.

If you want the wreath to please not only the eye, but also give delicious aromas, you can decorate it with dried citrus slices, a cinnamon stick and other fragrant ingredients and herbs.

Tips for attaching a Christmas wreath to a door

Having made a Christmas wreath, it remains to figure out how to attach it to the door. It's easy to do.

The Christmas wreath can be attached to the door with string or tape.

Ways to attach a wreath to a door:

  1. Double - for this you need two wreaths of the same weight and a long ribbon. One end of the ribbon is fixed on one wreath, and the other on the other. Then the ribbon is thrown over the door so that one wreath is on the outside, and the other is on the inside. On top of the ribbon can be glued or fixed with tape.
  2. Adhesive - for these purposes, you can use double-sided tape. On the one hand, the wreath is glued to adhesive tape, which in turn is fixed on the door.
  3. Suction cups are the easiest way. To do this, you just need to purchase special hangers with suction cups and attach the decoration.

By the way, wreaths can be not only in the form of a circle, but also in the role of a Snowman (for this you just need to make three wreaths, not one and connect them), a heart or another shape.

Christmas wreath on the door (video)

A Christmas or New Year's wreath is a beautiful decoration for your home on the eve of the holidays, which you can make yourself by showing a little of your imagination. A good tradition that arose many years ago found a response from modern people, bringing warmth and a sense of miracle into our souls. Don't be afraid to experiment! Use any suitable dressing elements to create this decoration, which could very well be a small masterpiece.