Love for all ages. Dispute (script). It all starts with love - an evening of family fun. Scenario

14:00. The hall is festively decorated. On the back of the stage are silhouettes of a young man and a girl holding hands, hearts, Balloons in the form of hearts, posters with aphorisms on the theme of love. Lyrical music plays in the background before the evening begins.
14:30. Fanfares sound, turning into the music of the ball (Mozart, 40th symphony). Balmeister comes out of the wings - the manager of the ball. He is wearing a wig, livery, white gloves and a standard in his hands. Music is mixed and played in the background.

Balmeister: (lights candles in a candlestick)
Attention! Ball of love, gentlemen!
Cavaliers engage ladies!

He hits the floor with a standard and goes to the backstage to the right of the viewer. From the wings, to ball gowns and tuxedos come out couples and ( dance group) after the curtsey freeze in the "freeze frame". The melody “Love Story” sounds and, having passed through the hall, the first pair of presenters rises to the stage - Boy1 and Girl1

1Young man: Unhappy love does not exist
You only know how to love
You will see how your strength remains
Learn how to live happily.
1Girl: You will become freer and wider
You will understand that you are strong and rich,
And something will suddenly change in the world,
He will become more beautiful a hundred times!
1Young man: Will you enter the house
Or leave the house
Can't stop the glow in your eyes...
I wanted to say it differently
And it turned out - like a thousand times.
1Girl : Well, what to do now? ..
No need to be embarrassed
And there is nothing to hide the truth ...
As a gift from God, I'm glad
I'm glad that I know how to love!
1Young man : And how many b, friends, events did not happen,
And no matter how old we are -
1Girl: Love!
1Young man : Love!
1Girl: love
Together: Talent is not available! (splash soundtrack)
1Young man: Good afternoon
1Girl : Hello!
1Young man: You, of course, understood that today we dedicate our holiday to the eternal theme - love!
1Girl : We have some great reasons to talk about love...
1Young man: First, our youth...
1Girl: Secondly, the approach of spring ...
1Young man : And thirdly, Valentine's Day.
1Girl: Probably, some of you may ask a reasonable question: “What does Valentine have to do with it, and even a saint?”
1Young man: And our answer will be extremely simple... The fact is that for a very long time the whole of Europe, followed by America, has been celebrating on February 14 "Valentine's Day" or "Valentine's Day".
1Girl: The history of the origin of the holiday is lost somewhere in the mists of time, but now it is associated with one romantic legend...
1Young man: A certain Valentine was unjustly convicted and imprisoned. According to the verdict of the court, he was to be executed on February 14th.
1Girl: But the daughter of the head of the prison fell in love with him, an exceptionally kind and gentle creature, who, moreover, was blind.
1Young man: And this love did a miracle - Valentine was pardoned, and many years later - elevated to the rank of saints (canonized).
1Girl: Then, about this, Stendhal wrote the novel The Parma Monastery.
1Young man: Or maybe it wasn't like that... But, today, it doesn't matter anymore...
1Girl: It is important that all the lovers got their holiday and an extra reason for ardent confessions, tender hugs and gifts.
1Young man: So we congratulate everyone who is in love and wish that Cupid's arrows pierce the hearts of those who have not yet been in the grip of an all-consuming feeling!
1Girl: Love each other! Rejoice each other! Think of each other!..
1Young man: And we start our wonderful holiday Love!
(splash soundtrack)
1Girl: You heard how the manager of our ball - Ballmaster - said a phrase that has been living at the Balls for 300 years:
"Cavaliers engage ladies!" - that is, they entertain, patronize and ...
1Young man : ... Invite!
And, therefore, we, gentlemen, invite everyone to the first dance of our "Ball of Love"!
Let everyone experience this feeling
Let happiness await, friends, you to heaven
Let love fill your heart
Like our beautiful, light "Polonaise"!

(Dance "Polonaise" is performed) 1 *
(Dance is over)

1Girl: We thank the guys for the bright dance and invite couples in love to the stage, who, to your applause, will solemnly enter our “Love Ball”! Meet the young lovers!
(Music from the movie "The Godfather" sounds. Couples rise to the stage. Presentation of couples)
1Young man: So, the first competition at the "Ball of Love", friends!
The window was opened by a girl on a knock,
Swung to the guy easier than a light song
And thin brushes of gentle hands
I took his face with lilacs together ...
... As you know, in knightly times the cult of the Lady reigned. Each knight worshiped his chosen one, performed feats in her honor, praised her beauty in songs ... Yes, yes, in songs, friends!
1Girl: But the lovely ladies did not remain in debt. They dedicated not only odes and poetic declarations of love to their knights of the heart, they dedicated beautiful love serenades to them. That's exactly why we called our first competition at the "Ball of Love" "Serenade for the beloved" (beloved)
1Young man : Participating couples are given one minute to prepare, and we are pleased to present you our uncompromising and, of course, very kind jury - today's "Arbitration Court" of couples in love.
(jury presentation)
1Girl: The couple numbered “1” starts our “Love Serenade” competition....... ......! Ballmaster, music, please!
(The first competition "Serenade of Love" is taking place. The jury evaluates this competition, briefly commenting on it. All competitions are evaluated on a "five-point scale" of ratings. The jury's word)
1Young man : This bright ball charmed everyone,
After all, without him I would not know you
I see your eyes... everything is silent...
Only a song for lovers of all sounds!
On the stage ....................................... with a song ...............! Applause!
(Song) 2*

1Girl : Lord! We continue our Valentine's Day Love Ball and bring you the next couple of hosts wonderful holiday!
1Young man: We are giving way on stage to this year's graduates......................... and......................................! Meet the young hosts of the ball!
(The phonogram of the melody “Love Story” The presenters rise to the stage - 2 Girl and 2 Boy. They are at the microphone. The phonogram is mixed and sounds in the background)
2Young man: Love, love - says the legend,
The union of the soul with the soul of the native,
Their unity, combination,
And their fatal merger
And the fatal duel...
2Girl: Love for all ages,
But to young virgin hearts
Her impulses are beneficial,
Like spring waters to fields...
2Young man: I love you, even though I'm mad
Though it's labor and shame in vain
And in this unfortunate stupidity
At your feet I confess...
In the soul the light would fade, and the darkness would come again,
Whenever we expelled love from it
Only he knew bliss, who did not live with passion in his heart,
And who did not know love, he is still unlived ...
2Young man: Hello young lovers!
2Girl: Hello everyone who came to our beautiful "Ball of Love" today!
2Young man: “All ages are submissive to love,” the great A. S. Pushkin once said. And that's right... Goethe, at the age of 74, proposes to 19-year-old Ulrika. The famous Enrico Coruso was choked with sobs when he sang about love, the same sobs and tears choked the audience in the hall.
Love is wings. No wonder they say: "All lovers are talented"
2 girl: And these fair words will help us to prove dear lovers - boys and girls - lovely couples in the second competitive task - "Declaration of love".
2Young man : And let our heroes are still very young, but they believe that in the coming year 2007, bright, pure and boundless love awaits them!
2Girl : And now, the conditions of our second competition task ...
2Young man : Our cute couples in love should declare their love to each other. And it doesn’t matter how they do it - in the language of the great Shakespeare or Tolstoy, Pushkin or Moliere - the main thing is that this declaration of love should come from their loving hearts, tender souls and pure thoughts ...
2Girl : Indeed, friends, how wonderful it is to love and be loved ...
I love you with a capricious dream,
I love you with all the strength of my soul
I love you with all my blood young
Love you, love you, hurry up!
2Young man: I think it's time to give the floor to our young couples in love ... So, the contest "Declaration of Love" gentlemen!
And this competition will start with a young couple under number 2 ...............................!
Applause and welcome!
(Competition No. 2 “Declaration of Love” is underway. The jury sums up the results of this competition with a few comments)

(Jury's word)
You can use heroes from the classics:

1. Tristan and Isolde;
2. Romeo and Juliet;
3. Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky;
4. Tatiana Larina and Eugene Onegin;
5. Napoleon and Josephine;
6. Constance Bonacieux and D*Artagnan;
7. Ophelia - Hamlet;
8. Desdemona - Othello;
9. Assol - Arthur Gray;
10. Dulcinea - Don Quixote;
11. Mercedes - Monte Cristo;
12. Angelica - Geoffrey de Peyrac;
13. Orpheus - Eurydice;
14. Ruslan - Lyudmila;
15. Odysseus - Penelope and others

(Competition ended)

2Girl: We thank our young couples and continue the Love Ball, gentlemen!
2Young man: We continue to dance a bright ball,
To drink its beauty like from a source
So that he charmed all those in love,
Helped in beautiful world find yourself!
Meet the young dancers, friends!
(Dance) 3*
(Dance is over)

2Girl: And now it's time for us to give way on stage to the next presenters. I invite you to the microphone .............................. and .............................! Applause!

(After passing through the hall, the third pair of presenters rises to the stage)

3Girl: Love for all ages
She is called a saint in her youth
She is gentle, fresh as waves,
And only it is given by God.
3Young man: There are infinite ways in the world
Do not count the roads dangerous and steep
But I realized a long time ago: love is dear
Longer and steeper than all other roads! ..
3girl: I think I'm still young
I'm always on this road
I walked and fell and will fall again
But I'm proud of my path!
3Young man : Hello everyone who is with us today, friends!
3Girl: Hello everyone who came to our Ball to sing the Hymn to the most sacred and great feeling on earth - love!
3Young man: We move on to the next competition task at our Ball and therefore we say to everyone:
We need to save love in the future,
Beautiful, imperishable, holy,
Divine sweetness of the first meetings
And kiss the unearthly sweetness...
3Girl: We will preserve the greatness of beauty,
Poets' lines that have been given in all ages,
Who idolized love
Dreams took us to the world of dreams...
3Young man: What awaits us next - we do not know yet ...
But let's keep love, we are sure, friends,
Let's celebrate this holiday:
Love came ... And a new family appeared! ..

(Mendelssohn's wedding march sounds)

3Girl: "Now seal your union with a kiss!" - these words end wedding ceremony. From this solemn moment, lovers start on a family ship to an endless, unknown Universe, where not only a fabulous Honeymoon but also everyday life with many challenges...
3Young man: But all this will be later... In the meantime, congratulations and kisses from friends, champagne, which makes your head spin sweetly, toasts, gifts and, of course, the unrestrained fun of young and all invited guests...
3Girl: ... That's why we called our next contest - "Wedding Dance Marathon". During the preparation for the Ball, our lovely couples were invited to learn and present to the audience and the jury several dances - from the Russian dance "Lady" to the modern "Rap" and "Rock and Roll".
3Young man : The music will not stop for 4 minutes and ours, already " couples”, it is necessary to dance each fragment of this composition only in the nature of the musical passage that is being played at the moment. Stop, slow down the pace and rhythm - you can not! Is the assignment clear? Ballmaster, music!

(The 3rd Family Marathon competition is underway)

3Girl: While our esteemed jury is evaluating the dancing talent of young couples in love, we want to give everyone in the hall a gift...
I'm happy... What a brilliant ball
And I found the one I was looking for
I danced a lot with him today
He charmed my girlish soul! ..

3Young man:
Darling, I sing you year after year
And in my voice such pain lurks,
That my melody groans, languishes like a bird,
That collapsed on the ice, wounded in flight ...
On the stage .............................. with a song ............................. ! Applause!

(Song sounds) 4 *

(song ended)

3Girl: And now I give the floor to the jury.

(The jury evaluates and announces the scores for the 3rd competition)

3Young man: Lord! We're making way for another pair of hosts on the festive stage! Let's meet ............... and ............... !

(To the tune of the song "Love Story", the 4th pair of presenters rises to the stage)

4Young man: I want to proclaim love as a country.
Where people lived in peace and warmth,
So that the Hymn begins with her line:
"Love is above everything on earth!"
4Girl : To the anthem lovely people sang standing,
And so that the song takes off to the sky, to the heights,
So that on the Emblem of the country of love merged
Shaking one hand with the other!
4Young man: Our Ball is magical... Meetings are ecstasy...
We will forever keep them in our hearts.
We thank the hosts of the Ball and the guests
For this wonderful, wonderful moment!
4Girl: Love has come and we, friends, are ready
Accept it, keeping traditions,
Where the "Love Ball" will resume again
Lifting us to the pinnacle of happiness! (splash soundtrack)
4Young man: Good afternoon, Dear friends!
4Girl: Hello our dear teachers, dear children and all the guests of the wonderful "Ball of Love", dedicated to St. Valentine's Day - the holiday of all lovers.
4Young man: With your permission, ladies and gentlemen, we move on to the last competition task of our Ball. But before explaining it, a little history...
4Girl : ... It is believed that the very first letter - "Valentine" - was made in the form of a heart in 1415 by the Duke of Orleans. Imprisoned in the Tower of London, he wrote love message in verse to his wife, who was at that moment in France.
4Young man: But you, thank God, are not in prison, and it will be somewhat easier for you to write a love letter. So, the conditions of our last competition:
4Girl: Our lovely couples in love need to write a “valentine” to your loved one within 3 minutes. It can be anyone on stage or in the hall...
4Young man: Your wish will take into account originality, sense of humor and, of course, the sublime style of the message. And we believe that your chances of a reciprocal feeling will increase many times over.
4Girl: So, couples in love, let them begin the task, but for now ...
What a pity to leave this evening ...
Minutes and years are running fast
We continue our meeting with a song
To keep it in our hearts forever!
On the stage............................................... !

(Song) 5*
(song ended)

4Young man: And now we ask our contestants to read out their love messages - “valentines” - and to the applause of the audience, hand them over to those to whom they are addressed!

(Couples read out their messages and hand them to the addressees on stage and in the hall)

4Girl: Well, well, the time has come for our esteemed jury to evaluate the love messages of young couples. Please, you have the floor!

(The jury evaluates competition No. 4 on a 5-point rating scale)

4Young man: Dear friends! Before our "Arbitration Court" announces the general results of our "Ball of Love", we say to all of you:
Thank you for the ball and for the fun,
For the warmth of the soul and warm words
Thanks for the wonderful moments
And in the whirlwind of dance, let your head spin!

(Dance) 6*
(Dance is over)

4Girl: Lord! The most solemn moment has come at the "Ball of Love"! In a moment, the final results will be announced, and we will hear the names of a couple of winners of our competitive program!
4Young man: I ask all couples to go to the festive podium and give the floor to our esteemed jury!
(Solemn fanfares sound, couples on the stage. The jury announces the final results. The rewarding of the participating couples is underway. The phonogram for the award. The phonogram “Love Story” sounds. All couples are on stage)
4Young man: Ladies and Gentlemen! Our "Ball of Love", dedicated to the wonderful holiday of all lovers, has come to its logical conclusion.
4Girl: We thank all young couples, congratulate the winners and inform you that our Valentine's Day is not over yet, friends!
4Young man: With wishes of love and good luck, we invite you to the "Disco of Love" - ​​because, perhaps, it is there that acquaintances will be made and sympathies will arise, which over time will develop into a bright and wonderful feeling - love!
4Girl: And please don't forget:
The casket is lowered from the sky on chains,
The treasure chest of love hides...
Take good - it does not dry out
And we can't put it into words!
4Young man: This magical casket is so good
What comes out of it, like water from a well,
The more you take and give
The more treasures remain there!
Take care of love, friends!

(IN soundtrack splash. Balls in the form of hearts, streamers, etc. flew into the hall. The final song "I'll give you love" sounds)


Everything starts with love.

In the beginning was the word

But I proclaim again:

Everything starts with love!

Everything starts with love:

And illumination, and work,

The eyes of flowers, the eyes of a child -

Everything starts with love.

Spring whispers to you: live!

And you shake from a whisper,

And straighten up. And wake up.

Everything starts with love!

Leading: Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to the concert dedicated to love. No scientist can give you a precise definition of what love is. Love is the feeling that rules the world. Love does not lend itself to any chemical analysis, it has the property of “inadvertently descending when you don’t expect it at all”, it can be capricious, unpredictable, mutual and inseparable, fatal and platonic ... the only thing we know about it is that it exists, whether we want it or not.

concert number: "GRANITE STONE"

Leading: Love is a wonderful feeling that each of us is looking forward to. A lot has been written about love ... A lot has been said about it ... But so far no one can give precise definition: What is love? Eternity or moment? Supreme Happiness or Punishment? Some say that love comes with time, you just need to take a good look at a person ... And others fall in love at first sight and for life ... Is love joy and happiness? Or happy love can not be?

Concert number: "YOU DECLARED WAR"

Leading: Valentine's Day, unfortunately, did not originate in Russia. But we got on well. Do you know the history of this holiday? No? Listen, I'll tell you. The Roman emperor Claudius II, calling men to war, forbade marriage. Singles have nothing to lose. Under pain of death, priests were forbidden to marry lovers. But Bishop Valentine violated this prohibition, he secretly performed rituals. Caught in the act, Valentine was sentenced to death on February 14, 270.

Concert number: "YOUNG OFFICER"

Leading: Do any of you know what a Valentine is? (Answers) Right! This is a love confession card. In one of the legends that tells about the origin of valentines, it is also told that, being imprisoned, Valentine cured the jailer's daughter of blindness. When she saw Valentine, she fell madly in love with him. On the eve of the execution, he was able to send her love note signed "Your Valentine".

However, postcards are valentines, in modern understanding this word appeared much later. The creation of the first Valentine is attributed to the Duke of Orleans. In 1415, he was sitting in solitary confinement and, out of boredom, decided to “shower” love letters own wife. So in the 16th century, writing valentines became widespread. Valentine's card is traditionally not handed into hands, but placed in a bag or table to the object of adoration. Perhaps under the pillow or in special boxes, from which they are then carried to the addressees by special postmen. It is not at all necessary to sign a Valentine card - let the person who received the love letter guess who it is from. You will now hear one of these declarations of love.

Concert number: POEM "LOVE"


Happy Valentine's Day

Intoxicated, illuminated

Feelings are wonderful,

The most powerful.

May God keep you apart

Enjoy eternal happiness.

And now I will test your knowledge. How much do you know about love? Listen carefully to the questions and answer them correctly.


1. Name the beloved Piero. (Malvina)

2. What do all newlyweds in Russia listen to? (Wedding March by Mendelssohn)

3. What work was most often performed by young men in love, standing under the windows of their chosen ones? (Serenade)

4. Name female names, which begin with the syllable "lu" (Lyuba, Lucy, Lyudmila)

5. What was the name of Romeo's beloved? (Juliet)

6. Which feature films have the word "love" in their titles? (“Love and Doves”, “The Tale of First Love”, “Once Again About Love”, etc.)

7. What period of life is associated with first love? (Youth)

8. What is the name of the winged shooter of love? (Amur)

Leading: Well done!

Love for all ages,

As the wise classic said.

So let Cupid be nimble between us

Flutters, sparing no wings.

Concert number: "IF YOU ARE SOME"

Leading: Love unites two loving hearts, making them beat in unison.

All the words that there is light,

Put it in the palm of your hand and weigh it

Pass the stream after the stream

Gently sift into the light

And you will see that in the world there is no

Words are better than "I love."

Happy is the one who whispered it

Happy is he who hears it

Who saved him forever

With any steepness of the roads.

Concert number: "SNOW"

Leading: Saint Valentine came into this world to bless love, for only love is pleasing to God... He came to bless loving hearts, for they are not afraid of any obstacles ... He appeared to say to all those who love: believe, hope, for Faith and Hope are faithful companions true love before which everything is powerless!

And let this heart (raises the heart above the head) be a symbol of Love! And may it protect all lovers from misfortunes and troubles!

And let LOVE live!!!

Concert number: "TO THE END OF THE EARTH"

Leading: Most strong feeling, which can only be, is Love - sublime, beautiful, giving wings and a feeling of flight ....

The most great power, forcing a person to do unusual, sometimes insane acts, is Love - unearthly, passionate, exciting ...

The most exciting and bitter disappointment is Love - unrequited, rejecting, bringing despair and pain...

The most beautiful state of the soul is Love - giving hope, making the heart either freeze in anticipation, or beat furiously ...

The greatest happiness that is given to a person is Love!!!


Leading: For the sake of love, some people perform feats, overcome mountains and seas. And others go to crime... Is love an all-consuming passion and wild jealousy? Or romance and adoration? Let's try to figure it out.

The game "LOVE IS ... .."

Leading: Everyone knows that the names of Romeo and Juliet have become symbols of Great Love... Who knows who Tristan and Isolde are. Tristan was a brave knight, and Iseult was the king's wife. Evil fate did not allow them to be together ... They died without their love. People buried them in different graves. But in spite of everything, “... a beautiful thorn bush, green and lush-leaved, rose from Tristan's grave, and, spreading across the chapel, grew into Isolde's grave. The inhabitants of the neighborhood found out about this and informed the king. Three times the king ordered to cut this bush, but each time the next day it grew as beautiful as before ... "As if saying to everyone:" We cannot be separated even after death! Even death has no power over Great Love!

Concert number: "HERBS, HERBS"


We wish you happiness on this day

Warmth from all hot hearts,

Smiles bright on the face

AND sun rays in addition!

We wish you a lot of happiness

A piece of blue sky

And in it - desired star:

Your love, your dream!

Concert number: "VASYA AND MITIA"

Leading: So our holiday of love and lovers has come to an end. I would like to end it with words from a poem by Marina Tsvetaeva:

Don't part with your loved ones

Grow in them with all your blood.

And every time forever say goodbye

When you leave for a moment!

Video clip for Valentine's Day.

Muses. chopping

Host(1): Good afternoon, dear friends and teachers!

Host (2): Hello!

Host(1): Valentine's Day - Holy holiday February
Valentine's Day now knows the whole earth!
Lovers are given valentines, sweets and flowers
After all, February 14 is the day of joy, love and beauty!

Host(2): This holiday began to be celebrated relatively recently. They began to wait for it, celebrate it cheerfully, preparing gifts in advance and calling it Valentine's Day.

Host(1): Many centuries ago, the law did not allow ancient Roman soldiers to marry while they were in the service. And the service lasted 25 years. Saint Valentine, pastor and confessor, secretly blessed loving hearts and married lovers. His enemies or envious people betrayed Saint Valentine. He was executed on 14 February. Since then, this day has been celebrated as Valentine's Day.

Host(2): What are you so sad about, because Valentine's Day - fun party. And we will celebrate it with fun.

Host (1) : That's right, because in our hall there are couples in love.

Presenter(2) : Now we invite 3 couples in love to the stage for the competition.

Host (1):

On the wings of Love

Participants are given two sheets of paper. They must go to their loved ones through the "swamp" along the "bumps" - sheets of paper. You need to put a sheet on the floor, stand on it with both feet, and put the other sheet in front of you. Step over to another sheet, turn around, take the first sheet again and put it in front of you. And so, whoever reaches his bride first, wins! If you like the competition, then you can hold the competition in reverse - the ladies "fly on the wings of love" to their betrothed.

Host (2) : Young people are ready for anything for the sake of their soulmate. What good fellows, you coped with all difficulties.


Host (1): And now:

love song contest

Host(2): 10 people are invited to the stage. We sing a song about love (you can phrase) in turn. If it's your turn and you don't remember new song, then you are out of the game.

Host (1): Good memory, but what about vision? Now we will hold another competition. Look at each other more closely and now turn your backs to each other.

Competition "Describe a partner"

Participants stand with their backs to each other. The young man is asked questions about the appearance of the girl. Then questions are asked to the girl. The couple that most accurately described each other wins.

Host(2): Friends! And now, let's take a break and listen to excerpts from poems written by famous poets, because they, like no one else, knew perfectly well what true love is!
Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov.
While still shy and gentle
Do you want to extend the date?
While still seething in me rebelliously
Jealous worries and dreams -
Don't rush the inevitable denouement.

Host(1): Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky.
With you, alone, near, away -
To love you is my only joy;
You give me all the blessings on earth;
You are life to the heart, you are the sweetness of life.

Host(2): George Gordon Byron.
Love of deep tenderness is full,
In temptations, sorrows tempered,
Strong in separation, in the distance - proud,
All the same - a miracle, for many years.

Host(1): Ivan Alekseevich Bunin.
Forget about grief and suffering,
I believe that, apart from the fuss,
On earth there is a world of charm,
Wonderful world of love and beauty!

Presenter(2) Now, it's time for the competition! So next would be:


Props: multi-colored hair bands.

Host(1): Men, like birds, are most attractive in mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself for the duration of the game and create the most “fluffy” out of him. To do this, the ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task is to make as many "tufts" as possible from the hair of men with the help of rubber bands. The companion of the most "fluffy" wins.
Host (2): Ooh, if our young people were birds, there would be no end to the opposite sex!


Host(1): Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.
Unhappy - who, loving, cannot be loved.
More unhappy than him - who, not loving, languishes,
But the most unhappy of all is the one who does not strive for happiness,
Who can never love again.
Host(2): Dear ones, we really hope that you will be able to fall in love all your life! And we all know very well that love is an indispensable work! And now for you a contest:
"Love Bit by Bit"

Love is collected bit by bit, so couples in love should try themselves in such a business. The task of the players is to collect the peas scattered on the floor with the help of pliers.

Host(1): Well, it shows how carefully you treat this matter! And now we want to check whether the makings of an investigator are good in you?

Host(2): As you already understood, the next contest:

The investigation is conducted by experts (Mysterious person) - For support teams.
Host(1): Three guys come out. Before the beginning of the evening, three girls receive cards on which they must write their signs, and the male half to find them on them.
If the guy guesses correctly, he must:

1. compose a quatrain with a declaration of love;

2. carry your lady around the hall;

3. tell the lady a compliment.

Host(2): Alexander Alexandrovich Blok.
Winter evening plays with thorns,
Blows out a candle in the window.
You went on a date with your lover
I am alone. I will forgive. I am silent...

Host(1): Guys, we all know that a broken heart is not good. So let's reunite it together with our wonderful couples!
Host(2): The contest is called:

"Fold a Heart" - for couples

Couples are given cut paper hearts(shards). The couple that collects the heart faster wins.

Host(1): Fedor Ivanovich Tyutchev.
In separation there is a high meaning -
No matter how you love, at least one day, at least a century,
Love is a dream, and a dream is a moment,
And early or late, or awakening,
And the man must finally wake up...
Friends, may your hearts always be filled with love! And now, we want to hold an interesting competition
"Guess the melody".

Host(2): There are two teams in this competition. Their task is to carefully listen to the music that you put on them, and then try to guess the name of the song and the artist. The team that guesses the songs more than the other wins this competition.

Here is an example set of songs:
The most - Egor Creed
Santa Lucia - Quest Pistols
Mom, I'm in Dubai - Mot
no twerk - Arashe
I'm not funny - Christina C
I'm a Hustla - ZUR
Boom boom - Pitbull
Candy shop - 50 cent feat Olivia
I know you want me — Pitbull
Wiggle — Jason Derulo ft. Snoop Dogg
Noca noca - Michel Telo

Host(1): Let's give a shout out to our amazing artists!
Host (2): And now:

Contest: cut out the heart

Host (1) : Each pair receives a sheet of drawing paper, which depicts a heart. Participants must take scissors - girl one ring in right hand, boy the second ring is also in the right hand. See how to do it. (Leaders demonstrate how to hold scissors.)

Presenter(2) : And now try to cut out the image of the heart together. Scissors should only be held as shown. The cut out heart immediately lift up. It is the symbol of your victory. (Participants cut out paper hearts. The winner is determined.)

Host(1): All in the light of love mysteriously is transformed and becomes the beginning of the harmony of being.

Host(2): You are an emerald
You are a gem!
You are a white dove in the gloomy sky.
A flower blooming with dew,
You are a young rose petal.

Host(1): I can't live without you, I know for sure
There will be no you - I will die from the routine.
And you, my love, I congratulate you.

Together: Happy Valentine's Day everyone.

Presenters: Goodbye! See you soon!
May love always accompany you through life!

"Everything starts with love" - ​​an evening of family fun

Decor :

Tables are laid on the stage for 1-2 families; above the bar

Sign "Mini-cafe "Sweet Tooth"; in a conspicuous place

The emblem of the family club "Ochag": dad and mom are holding Lifebuoy with the inscription "Hearth", in which sit, legs dangling, daughter and son.

At the entrance to the bar, on small tables, sheets with creative tasks for families, felt-tip pens, emblems in the form of hearts are laid out.

For adults, in the form of flowers

For children (because children

- "flowers of life"). On the emblems, incoming people write their names with felt-tip pens and pin them on their chests. Then choose one of the creative tasks.

Hosts meet guests at the entrance, help to choose tasks, and lead them to the hall.

Creative tasks:

Numbered 1,2,3

Compose poems using the attached rhymes.

On the theme "Sunday in the family"

Care, son

Katok, daughter

Don't mind, bench

family, one

On the theme "Family days"

Shovel, father

Well done, help

Run away, pitchfork

No power, baby


On the theme "Morning in the family"

Sock, clothes

Clasp, dad

Hat, daughter

dot mama


Number 4

Talk about funny sayings funny cases from the lives of your children.

Numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

To depict a "living picture" on picturesque canvases:

- "Again the deuce",

- "Sistine Madonna",

- "We didn't wait"

- "Barge Haulers on the Volga",

- "Ivan the Terrible and his son Ivan", etc.

It is advisable not to copy the plot of the corresponding well-known painting, but to come up with your own, inspired by life. modern family. For greater clarity, you can explain to the audience with a pantomime dramatization or simply in words what happened in the family the day before and led to the situation captured in the "living picture".

For example: the son is going to school. Papa shoves a notebook with a solved problem into his briefcase; Mother

Sketchbook with your drawing, grandma

Herbarium compiled by her, little sister

glued geometric figure. They sit down, waiting for a student from school. He enters, throws the diary on the floor, announces: "Again deuce"

And freezes in the pose of an indignant person, all the rest

In guilty, pitiful poses.

Numbered 10

Show "acrobatic sketch"; eleven

Perform your family's favorite dance, song; 12

Perform a parody of your favorite singer.

Evening begins. The hosts go to the center of the hall with large bunches of balloons, on each gouache the name of one of the families is written large.


Good evening, dear friends, fathers, mothers, grandmothers, grandfathers, daughters and sons! We are pleased to welcome you as we open our first meeting in family club"Hearth"!

My castle",

An old English proverb says. It turns out that this wise saying has deeper meanings than we previously thought. It is difficult and uncomfortable in today's world. Ideals are crumbling, powers are disintegrating, monuments are flying from their pedestals. In the midst of this general destruction, there are not so many values ​​that remain eternal, holy and unshakable, and among them

family, home

This is a fortress that does not succumb to the trends of the most dashing times! This is a world where disinterestedness, devotion, self-sacrifice have been preserved and reign in human relations. This is a lifeline that helps us not to drown in the ocean of chaos and lawlessness, with the help of which every evening we sail into a calm and reliable harbor, where comfort, joy, and peace of mind reign. What keeps our family fortress "afloat" and does not allow it to collapse in this fragile world? This secret, this secret has long been revealed to the world by poets. "Everything in the world begins with love ..." Who does not know these wonderful lines of poetry? But, unfortunately, people do not always follow this wise truth.

And today it is not a sin for us to once again remind the world about this. That's what we have with you today noble and important task. Where do we start? Of course, from dating. After all, these are all links of the same chain: acquaintance


Love ... So, let's get acquainted!

The hosts or heads of families call the names of family members, and each family is given a "family" ball.

1st leader.

Well, since you have balloons in your hands, it is necessary that they ... fly! So let's play new game

- Familyball. Each family wants their balloon to stay in the air as long as possible. Started!

To the melody of the song "The blue ball is spinning and spinning" there is a fun competition.

2nd leader.

It's hard to choose a winner in this game. Let's make it more difficult. Now you can not throw the balls with your hands, you can only blow on them, keeping them in the air.

The game continues in a modified form, the winning families receive prizes.

2nd leader.

Indeed, the most cheerful and friendly families have gathered here. And now let's look into the recent past, when everything in your life together was just beginning. "Everything starts with love"

The poet said

1st leader.

Let's fast forward to those distant times, when you were not yet one family, and your charming kids did not exist at all. The future spouses were just getting to know each other. And where did it take place? As we understand, many of you met at the dance. We ask these couples to leave. Of course, you carefully keep this day in your memory. And the couple that remembers all the details of this better than others have a wonderful day will receive our little rewards.

One of the spouses receives a blackboard and chalk, the other answers questions orally.

What was the season?

What month, date?

Where did the dance take place?

What was the future spouse wearing?

What dress was your mother wearing?

Did you leave the dance together?

The winning couple receives a prize and a medal "For the Memory of the Heart". For them, a dance is announced in memory of the past, in which everyone who wishes is included.

2nd leader.

Here the happy lovers got married, and through due date children appear in the family

Our sweethearts, pussies, bunnies ... What kind of cute nicknames do not give their children gentle, loving parents! And by the way, let the children themselves show us the ups and downs of parental fantasy. Please take turns calling your affectionate nicknames in family.

Children get a piece of candy for every word they say. The family, whose child named more words, receives a prize and a medal "For tenderness".

1st leader.

Of course, small children

This is both a great joy and great worries: to feed, swaddle, lull ... But our mothers do a great job with this, as you will now see. Let's start the game "Seven nannies".

Mothers and daughters

Two teams of 7 people

Line up one after another. Before each team, a “baby” sits on a chair. For more fun in this role, it is best to use mustachioed men. With the beginning of the music, the "nannies" take turns running up to their "child":

He puts on a cap

puts on booties,

Tie up a bib

Gives him tea through a pacifier

Feeds a bowl of porridge

Plugs his mouth with a pacifier

Gives rattles to hands.

To the general laughter, the "nannies" affectionately admire their "babies". They will be rewarded with prizes and medals "Maternal Glory".

2nd leader.

In the meantime, our mothers are nursing babies at home, what are the fathers of the family doing? No, what are you, they do not slaughter a "goat" in the yard and do not "worship Bacchus" in the garage. They earn a livelihood for their family, and also by hard work. Come on, dads, let's convincingly demonstrate this to our households. Let's divide into two teams of masons, the task of each

Build a brick wall. Perhaps this is one of the walls of your family fortress. Form a chain, get work gloves. The first in the chain takes bricks from a common pile (wooden, from a children's building kit), passes them along the chain, the last team member lays out a wall of bricks. So let's get started with the music!

The melody of the song "We are not steelworkers, not carpenters" from the movie "Height" sounds. The team that has built a wall of more bricks is awarded medals "For Labor Valour".

1st leader.

Children grow up, begin to say the first words, express the first " wise thoughts". So, we can announce the next contest "Our children say"

To the funniest saying of the children. The floor is given to families who have collected creative assignments on this topic.

The winners are again awarded.

2nd leader.

And now the children have grown up and become your helpers in the family. Now the most relevant work

The work of a gardener. "Grandfather planted a turnip" ...

How modern does that sound, doesn't it? And, as you remember, the whole family will come to the aid of the long-suffering grandfather. Let's demonstrate this visually. Two teams of six are invited.

Each of the 6 must:

1) "turn" into one of the heroes of a fairy tale, putting on elements of his costume or mask;

2) run to the "garden", grab one "turnip" (a ball wrapped in yellow cloth, with green "leaves") and transfer it to your "basement";

3) deliver the elements of the costume to the next participant and help him dress up as another hero.

In the garden" odd number"turnips", and the team that acted faster will have more of them in their "basement". She receives medals "For labor prowess".

1st leader.

And now the families who have chosen the creative task No. 1, 2, 3, 4 offer you their view of the working days of the family.

Families perform these creative tasks.

2nd leader.

What is the hardest thing about family life? Of course, this is an everyday, prosaic life, quarrels, conflicts. Life in the family is especially "seething" when children, growing up, begin to believe that they have the right to their own word and to their own deed. "A difficult age. Do you know what the best medicine from family troubles? Let's all laugh at them together. And the families who took pictures with tasks No. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 will help us in this.

Families perform, demonstrating their creative tasks. Competition "Live pictures".

2nd leader.

So we laughed at our family "little things in life." May there be as few of them as possible in our families, may we always treat them with the same humor as now!

1st leader.

But how our family life is decorated with a sincere song, sung in close family circle, funny joke, common love for dance, music, sports! All this is in our friendly families! After all, many of you have chosen just such creative tasks.

Families perform with creative tasks No. 10, 11, 12.

2nd leader.

And the years go by ... And now our children think about choosing a life path

About the future profession. "An apple from an apple tree..."

Remember this saying? Now we will check its validity. We have several families where adults work in the police, in court, in the prosecutor's office. For their children, we announce a Sherlock Holmes competition. We put on them everything that real detectives wear: black glasses, black hats. We can even stick on fake mustaches ... And we hand over notes describing some of the signs of the same "suspicious subject" located here. Which of them is more likely to "delay" him?

There is a game-competition to the melody from the film "Connoisseurs are investigating." Children receive prizes.

woman looking

1st leader.

Have children inherited the knowledge and skills of their fathers and mothers? Let's check! We invite fathers and sons

Three couples in turn. Dad takes out a tool from the box, and let the son say what it is called and what it serves for. Those who hesitate or name their instrument incorrectly are out of the game.

There is a game.

2nd leader.

And now

The same competition for mothers and girls. Mothers take out kitchen utensils from baskets, and girls say their names and purposes.

The winning couple is awarded the "Skillful Hands" medals.

1st leader.

Now your children are ready for life and work. You raised them, trained them. But everything in life goes, one might say, in a circle. Before you had time to look back, your daughters already had admirers, and fans were calling your son on the phone. And the time of acquaintances, courtship, dates begins

It's time for love. You look at this with some apprehension and tenderness and nostalgically recall your early years. Or maybe we'll see how our "cavaliers" are able to take care of their "ladies"? We announce the game "On the rocks"!

Several couples (a boy and a girl) have to overcome a shallow but wide "river". At the same time, the young man should not let his lady "get his feet wet." To do this, he is given two cardboard or foam "pebbles", which he must alternately place under the lady's feet, thus moving forward. The game goes to the tune of the song "On the Pebbles". The couple who first crossed the "river" without touching the "water" is awarded prizes.

2nd leader.

Well, for the umpteenth time after the poet we repeat: "Everything begins with love ...". And in the evenings, growing up daughters and sons more and more often run away from home ... to dance. Everything goes on. Let us, as in our youth, together with our children, "run away to the dance" ... to the neighboring dance hall! And our kids will watch interesting cartoons for now.

The evening continues in the dance hall.

Teaching aids, documents, presentations. cool watch and scripts. Lesson planning. Scenarios. All for young teacher, teachers and class teacher. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day. Valentines. Congratulations. Poetry. Toast. Scenarios and scenes for Valentine's Day.

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