The main directions of civil patriotic education. Civil-patriotic and military-patriotic education: modern understanding and the problem of integration. The program of civil-patriotic education "Russia's faithful sons ..."

The principles underlying mass events

Patriotic education is understood as a systematic and purposeful pedagogical activity to form students' high patriotic consciousness, a sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, and the desire to fulfill their civic duty.

The program is based on the principles of social activity, individualization, motivation, interaction between the individual and the team, developmental education and the unity of the educational and upbringing environment.

Stages of the Program implementation

Stage I: design

Target: preparation of conditions for the creation of a system of civil-patriotic education.


  1. To study the regulatory framework, by-laws.
  2. Develop, discuss and approve a program for civic-patriotic education.
  3. Analyze the material, technical, pedagogical conditions for the implementation of the program.
  4. Select diagnostic methods in the main areas of the program.

Stage II: practical

Target: implementation of the program for civil and patriotic education "I am a citizen of Russia".


  1. Work out the content of the activity, the most effective forms and methods of educational influence.
  2. Develop guidelines for civil-patriotic education.
  3. To expand and strengthen ties and relationships between institutions of additional education for children and culture, sports schools of the city.
  4. Involve representatives of all subjects of educational activity in the system of civil-patriotic education.
  5. Monitor program implementation.
  6. Take part in competitions on civil and patriotic education.

III stage: analytical

Target: analysis of the results of the program implementation.


  1. Summarize the results of the work of the institution.
  2. Carry out correction of difficulties in the implementation of the program.
  3. Plan work for the next period.

Program implementation mechanism

To solve the tasks set, the existing socio-pedagogical space of the MOUDOD "Center for Young Technicians" is used, it cooperates with the museum, libraries, public organizations.

Educational work is built taking into account the age criterion.

When planning work, traditional, institutional, municipal, regional, all-Russian events related to anniversaries and state dates are taken into account; provisions of institutional, municipal, regional, federal competitions.

Evaluation of the efficiency of the Program implementation

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the implementation of the Program is carried out on the basis of the use of a system of objective criteria, represented by moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

Moral and spiritual parameters:

1. Formation of civic skills:

  • ability to work and act individually and in a team;
  • knowledge of their rights and obligations and the ability to use them;
  • the ability to make and defend their decisions;
  • willingness to participate in public affairs;
  • readiness for education.

2. Formation of a conscious attitude to basic values:

  • patriotism and love for the Motherland;
  • rights and freedom of man and citizen;
  • symbols of the Russian Federation;
  • national identity;
  • respect for the honor and dignity of other citizens; - citizenship.

Quantitative parameters:

  • the inclusion of each pupil in educational situations;
  • the quality of relationships (children's attitudes to the realities of the life of the institution, to the institution, to the teacher, association, joint affairs);
  • the absence of children with deviant behavior;
  • participation in competitions on civil and patriotic topics;
  • hosting an event.

Expected results, their social and educational significance

As a result of the implementation of the Program, it is expected:

1. In an institution, as in an educational system:

  • creation of work on civil-patriotic education;
  • enrichment of the content of civil-patriotic education;
  • involvement in the work of civil-patriotic education of representatives of all subjects of educational activity.

2. In the image of a graduate:

  • in the cognitive sphere: development of creative abilities;
  • in historical and local history: awareness of responsibility for the fate of the country, the formation of pride in participation in the deeds of previous generations;
  • in the social: the ability to self-realization in the space of the Russian state, the formation of an active life position; knowledge and observance of the norms of the rule of law;
  • in the spiritual and moral sphere: students' awareness of higher values, ideals, guidelines, the ability to be guided by them in practical activities.

The program reflects the social order necessary for society and the state to educate a citizen of their homeland, a patriot with an active life position. The end result of the implementation of the Program should be an active civic position and patriotic consciousness of students, as the basis of the personality of a citizen of Russia.

Forms for summing up the results of the program implementation

When summing up the results of the implementation of the Program, a final celebration is held, which includes awarding the best and most active students in the academic year with diplomas, letters of thanks and prizes; organization of the final exhibition with art, applied and technical works; formation of a leadership group of initiative and active program participants.

The program includes the following areas:

Target: Students' awareness of the value of involvement in the fate of the Fatherland, its past, present, future.


1. Raise pride in their homeland, folk heroes.

2. To preserve the historical memory of generations in the memory of the younger generation.

3. Contribute to the formation of students' sense of belonging to the history and responsibility for the future of the country.

Target: the formation of a civil and legal orientation of the individual, an active life position.


1. To educate legal awareness, the ability to realize one's rights and the rights of another person.

2. Form a culture of manifestation of citizenship.

3. To form in students a system of knowledge, respect and interest in the state symbols of Russia.

Target: Education in students of love for their native land as for their small homeland.


1. To study the history of the native land.

2. To instill in students the position “I am a citizen of the Urals”.

3. Form ecological behavior.

Target: awareness by students of the family as the most important life value.


1. Foster a culture of family relationships, positive family values.

2. Improve the pedagogical and psychological competence of parents.

3. Create conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

Forms: conversations, parent meetings, parent lectures, individual counseling, joint events, games, questionnaires, family holidays, communication hours.

All these areas are interconnected and complement each other. The complex of program activities provides for their implementation through:

1. Knowledge component based on the subject beginning for children of primary, middle and senior school age.

4. Ioffe A.N. Modern challenges and risks of the development of civic education in Russia. // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9.

5. Kuznetsova L.V. Development of the content of the concepts of "citizenship" and "civic education" in the pedagogy of the twentieth century. // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9.

6. Master class for deputy directors for educational work: Organization and planning of work. Author-compiler T.M. Kumitskaya.- M.: 5 for knowledge, 2006.

7. Patriotic education. Normative legal documents. 2nd edition, revised. M.: 2006.

8. Patriotic education. Work system, planning, lesson notes, lesson development. Author-compiler I.A. Pashkovich. Volgograd: "Teacher", 2006.

9. Festival "Open Lesson", Moscow, 2007-2008 academic year.

Methodological support

For the successful implementation of this program, the following training tools are required:

  • Whatman sheets;
  • markers;
  • pens, pencils;
  • sheets of paper;;
  • scissors;
  • rulers;
  • colored paper;
  • visual material;
  • various attributes;
  • chairs;
  • suits;
  • balls;
  • prizes;
  • tables…

And technical equipment of events:

  • music Center;
  • multimedia installation;
  • microphone;
  • music CDs...

Forms of classes and summing up the results planned for each direction

Features of civil, patriotic education of youth in the context of the development of democracy and the improvement of civil society

patriotic education morality youth


CHAPTER I. The relevance and necessity of civil patriotic education in the conditions of modern Russia

CHAPTER II. Problems of improving the civil and patriotic education of youth

1 The program of moral and patriotic education "I am a Patriot"




The theme of this course project is: "Features of civil, patriotic education of young people in the context of the development of democracy and the improvement of civil society." The theme of patriotism is important for study, because it is one of the main themes of Russian spiritual life throughout its history. Without the internal desire of people to preserve and elevate their own country, the existence of any state is impossible. The topic of patriotism acquires particular relevance in historical periods, when certain threats to the country become obvious and tangible. Today it is widely known that such threats can be of various kinds, not only military ones. Spiritual threats are usually considered within the framework of a conversation about ideological and psychological wars. Such a context is understandable in the case when it is possible to clearly identify geopolitical opponents. And if such opponents are clearly not observed, is it then possible and necessary to speak of spiritual threats and patriotism?

We are convinced that it is possible and necessary. Since the very concept of patriotism points to the activities of people in relation to some specific socio-territorial and cultural integrity, which has its own differences, and not to activities to perform certain functions in some faceless abstract society. Therefore, any threat to the cultural identity of this integrity gives rise to the problem of patriotism.

The fate of the Russian state as an integrity is often seen as a key problem in the question of the existence and prospects of mankind. Therefore, the conversation about patriotism in Russia has always had a special sound. This underlines the relevance of studying the topic of Russian patriotism.

The purpose of this course project is to study the features of civil, patriotic education of young people in the context of the development of democracy and the improvement of civil society.

To achieve the result, the following tasks are required:

-Consider the relevance of this topic;

-To study the features of civil and patriotic education of youth;

-To identify the problems of civic and patriotic education;

-Propose a project to improve the civic and patriotic education of youth.

The object of the study is youth.

The subject of the research is the activities of the state and civil society in the civil and patriotic education of youth in modern Russia.

Articles, essays, textbooks on this topic, concepts and programs for the patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation were used as sources for the coursework.

To solve the tasks in this course project, the following literature was used: Belova T. Ten years of civic education in Russia; Budaragin M. Patriotic education in schools: obstacles and risks; Golikova L.V., Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of renewed Russia; Dostoevsky F.M. Full composition of writings; Kapustin Z.Ya. Education of citizenship in the conditions of renewing Russia; Lutovinov V.I. Modern understanding of Russian patriotism; Lutovinov V., Rezakov M. On conceptual approaches to the patriotic education of students; Naumov S.Yu., Chernyshkina N.Ya. Civil and patriotic education of youth; National scientific and political journal "Power"; Podberezkin A.I. Military-patriotic education of youth in modern conditions; Radishchev A.N., Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia in the 18th century; Udovichenko E.M. Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of a renewed Russia. Magnitogorsk; Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical essays.

Thus, various literature was used, which helped to reveal the topic of this course project.

The course project consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

CHAPTER I. The relevance and necessity of civil and patriotic education in the conditions of modern Russia

Today, when we are witnessing the collapse of ideals, moral and spiritual guidelines, the topic of civic and patriotic education is becoming especially relevant. The collapse of the USSR and the further disintegration of Russian society had an impact on the development of civic and patriotic education.

Civil-patriotic education forms not just a law-abiding citizen, but a person who consciously and actively fulfills his civic duty. It involves instilling respect for the State Flag and Emblem of the Russian Federation, the heroic and historical past, the culture of one's people, love for one's native language, the beauties of one's native nature, and contains environmental education.

Patriotism and citizenship are of great importance in the social and spiritual development of man. They act as constituent elements of his worldview and attitude towards his native country, other nations and peoples. Only on the basis of uplifting feelings of patriotism and national shrines is love for the motherland strengthened, a sense of responsibility for its power and independence, the preservation of material and spiritual values, the nobility and dignity of the individual develop.

We can see all this in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, which says: We, the multinational people of the Russian Federation, are united by a common destiny on our land, asserting human rights and freedoms, civil peace and harmony, preserving the historically established state unity, based on the universally recognized principles of equality and self-determination of peoples, honoring the memory of the ancestors who passed on to us love and respect for the Fatherland, faith in goodness and justice, reviving the sovereign statehood of Russia and asserting the inviolability of its democratic foundation, striving to ensure the well-being and prosperity of Russia based on responsibility for their homeland to present and future generations, conscious of being part of the global community...

Patriotism and citizenship is expressed in the worldview, moral ideals, norms of human behavior and is manifested in his actions and activities. At the same time, patriotism and citizenship are also manifested in collective feelings towards their people, their way of life, history, culture, state, system of fundamental values. Patriotism is a consciously and voluntarily accepted position of citizens on the basis of individual freedom. Patriotism embraces all generations, every person with its influence. Patriotic education should contribute to the national revival of Russia as a great power. Patriotism embraces all generations with its influence. Thus, patriotism acts as an element of civil society, and its underestimation leads to a weakening of the socio-economic, spiritual and cultural foundations of society. Patriotism in its essence and meaning is the moral basis of the viability of society.

The movement of Russian society towards a socially just, democratic, civilized state is impossible without a person of civil culture. Today it is no longer enough to be just a moral person, a qualified specialist. The main figure in a dynamically changing world is a person with systemic global thinking, the foundations of a scientific worldview, and national identity.

The content of civic education in school and family is the work of teachers, educators and parents on patriotic education, on the formation of a culture of interethnic communication, legal culture, education in the spirit of peace and non-violence. The participation of children, adolescents and youth in the activities of children's public associations and organizations occupies an important place in the civic development of a person.

K.D. Ushinsky believed that patriotism is not only an important task of education, but also its powerful pedagogical tool. “Just as there is no person without pride,” he wrote, “so there is no person without love for the fatherland, and this love gives upbringing a sure key to a person’s heart and a powerful support for fighting his bad natural, personal, family and tribal inclinations.”

But patriotism has nothing to do with locking a person into narrow national interests. True patriotism is humanistic in nature and includes respect for other peoples and countries, for their national customs and traditions, for their independence and independence, and is inextricably linked with the culture of interethnic relations. If these relations are formed, they are of great importance in the moral development of the individual and contribute to the maintenance of benevolent and friendly relations between different peoples and countries, the establishment in the minds of each person of an understanding of the enormous significance of universal human values ​​and ideals in the progress of society. In this sense, patriotism and the culture of interethnic relations are closely related to each other, act in organic unity and determine the moral significance of the individual.

Patriotic education and the formation of a culture of interethnic communication is carried out in the process of involving students in active creative work for the benefit of the Motherland, instilling a careful attitude to the history of the fatherland, to its cultural heritage, to the customs and traditions of the people - love for the small Motherland, for their native places; education of readiness for the defense of the Motherland; studying the customs and culture of different ethnic groups. .

According to the Russian writer F.M. Dostoevsky, there should be no place for national exclusivity: “To become a real Russian, to become completely Russian, perhaps, means only to become a brother of all people, an all-man, if you like. Oh, all this Slavophilism and our Westernism is nothing but a great misunderstanding.

An important role in the education of patriotism and internationalism is played by subjects of the humanitarian and natural science cycles. First of all, these are achievements in the learning process, selection of the content of the educational process. The study of the nature of the native land, its historical past is emotionally experienced by the child, strengthens and develops a sense of love for the Motherland.

The formation of a culture of interethnic communication is promoted by the study of foreign languages, revealing the history, culture of the countries of the studied language, traditions and customs of the peoples of these countries.

Civic education involves the formation of students' knowledge and ideas about the achievements of our country in the field of science, technology, and culture. This direction of the educational work of the school is achieved in the process of getting acquainted with the life and work of outstanding scientists, designers, writers, artists, actors, etc.

Patriotism and citizenship are closely related to such a concept as "universal values". We live in a cruel age, where, it would seem, with such a high level of development of science, technology and human thought, cruel, barbaric, and most importantly, wars and conflicts that take millions of lives continue, women and children die.

Thus, civic-patriotic education is a very important and significant component in the process of forming a comprehensively developed harmonious personality. Since without the formation in a person of moral ideals of a feeling of love for the Motherland, striving for peace, without educating in him consciousness and responsibility not only for his own life, but also for the fate of other people, the people, the full development of the state is not possible.

Citizenship - a moral position<#"justify">Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the relevance of civic and patriotic education is far from the last place in the works of scientists and writers. In our time, when there is a destruction of spiritual and moral principles and qualities, it is especially necessary to study civil and patriotic education, as well as to develop it in the younger generation.

CHAPTER II. Problems of civil and patriotic education

Patriotism is the civil position of a person. A citizen is obliged to fulfill both constitutional laws and professional duties, thereby contributing to the prosperity of his state. The underestimation of patriotic education in modern conditions has clearly negative consequences. The development of civil society depends on the patriotic orientation of citizens, which is why the civic and patriotic education of young people is so important. It is the younger generation that will have to carry out political activities and promote the interests of the state.

The relevance and objective necessity of civil, legal and patriotic education at the present stage is caused, in our opinion, by a number of circumstances, including the following:

the need for civic and patriotic education is determined by the tasks of further democratization of Russian society, building and improving civil society and its social institutions;

it is required to consolidate Russian society in order to solve the problems of economic, social and political stability of society, its further development. The idea of ​​consolidation should be the idea of ​​patriotism and civic responsibility of every person;

the state system changed in the country, and it was this event that divided Russians into people of the Soviet era and a new generation that has already grown up in almost 20 years, in 1-2 years people born and raised in the post-Soviet era will come to the polls;

many traditions, including civil and patriotic ones, have been lost, the connection between generations has largely been interrupted; in this regard, the “new reformers” “tried” at the suggestion of foreign “consultants”, choosing one of the ways to disorientate young people in the modern world. There was a reassessment of values, a devaluation of traditions due to an underestimation of the assertion in society of the principles of morality, citizenship and patriotism. Young people have largely ceased to believe the older generation. "The ideas of patriotism and citizenship were subjected to a thorough revision, up to the complete replacement of their meaning"1. The previously established system of civil and, above all, patriotic education was destroyed. Lack of ideas, egocentrism, cynicism, aggressiveness, moral relativism began to penetrate into the minds of people, especially young people. It is a matter of concern that this is happening in Russia against the backdrop of increased patriotic education in the leading countries of the world, where loyalty to the motherland, respect for the state flag, anthem and emblem are cultivated;

The media play their negative role by making heroes of not honest people, not workers, not patriots, but thieves, prostitutes, drunkards, murderers; - Some politicians distinguished themselves by destroying, reducing everything to ruins that was created and accumulated in the Soviet era, distorting historical facts, betraying the historical memory and patriotic feelings of the people; - The unprincipled teaching of the history of Russia, the denigrating interpretation of historical facts and events of a particular period, also gave rise to "mess" in young minds.

Today there is a protracted socio-cultural and socio-political crisis, which is expressed in the crisis of personal and group identity. Patriotic education is an integral part of the education of the individual as a whole. A.I. Podberezkin points to a direct relationship between patriotic education and labor, moral and aesthetic, military patriotic and physical education.

Civil and patriotic education, first of all, is history, literature, and it is precisely these subjects that are discriminated against in curricula - teaching time is cut off on them, history is squeezed out of school and university curricula in every possible way, many textbooks do not provide genuine knowledge of history. We must not only know the dates, as is often done, but also understand what good or bad these or those events led to. In fact, the meaning of civic and patriotic education lies in the fact that it is necessary to love any homeland, like a mother - as it is, it is. Today it is necessary to teach this precisely because the world is open, precisely because globalization is underway, the Internet is developing, and now it is very important that we not be dissolved in this global world.

The gradual loss of the patriotic consciousness traditional for Russian society has become more and more noticeable. “One of the characteristic manifestations of spiritual emptiness and low culture in society, especially among young people, was a sharp drop in the role and significance of patriotism as one of the values ​​of our people and its heroic history.”

the revival of the traditional sense of civic pride among the citizens of Russia;

education of patriotism, internationalism;

religious tolerance;

respect for other nations;

formation of readiness for creation for the benefit of the Fatherland, for its protection.

And as A.N. Radishchev in his work “A Conversation about the Son of the Fatherland”, a true patriot is characterized by a disinterested desire to serve the cause of the prosperity of the Motherland, the establishment of a democratic order of governance, development and art in it.

The main institution that organizes and ensures the functioning of the entire system of civil and patriotic education should be the state. In this case, the main tasks of state authorities and administration should be:

creation of mechanisms that ensure the formation, effective functioning and continuous improvement of the system of civic and patriotic education;

the formation of patriotic feelings and consciousness of young people, the preservation and development of their sense of pride in their country on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in ensuring global and regional security;

education of the personality of a citizen - a patriot of the Motherland, ready to unconditionally defend the interests of the Russian Federation;

formation of a complex of normative, legal, organizational and methodological support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education of youth.

In addition to all-Russian patriotism, a person also reproduces local, regional patriotism, expressed in affection, love for his native land, city, village, street, enterprise, sports team, and so on.

In Russia, patriotism from time immemorial has been regarded as a symbol of courage, valor and heroism, the strength of the Russian people, as a necessary condition for the unity of the greatness and power of the Russian state. Centuries-old history testifies that without patriotism it is impossible to create a strong state, to instill in people an understanding of their civic duty and respect for the law.

Currently, the state is considering the problems of civic and patriotic education in programs and concepts.

The state concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation and the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010" developed on its basis emphasizes the special importance of the formation of citizenship and patriotism among young students as the most important spiritual, moral and social values ​​of the generation of Russian citizens who have joined the third millennium.

First of all, educational institutions of various levels, types and types are called upon to solve this problem, integrating at their core the activities of all social institutions of society, aimed at the formation of ideals and real experience of serving the Fatherland among students.

The Concept of the Federal Target Program for the Development of Education for 2006-2010, in particular, states: “Currently, the lack of institutional mechanisms in the field of education that ensure the connection between the development of human capital and the growth of the well-being of citizens of the country leads to the fact that the education system reproduces a dependent the attitude of citizens to the state does not form, and sometimes restrains the activity of the individual in the labor market.

A successful course of reforms is impossible if the system of educating the younger generation is deprived of spiritual and moral foundations and respect for one's Fatherland.

That is why it is necessary to actively search for guidelines for modern education in the educational space of the unshakable foundations of national spirituality, imperishable for centuries and not questioned in the present: statehood, traditional Russian religions, patriotism, catholicity, mercy, mutual assistance, charity, as well as social values ​​aimed at future: purposefulness, social mobility, responsibility, entrepreneurship.

Thus, there are objective prerequisites for the development of the concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation, which was adopted on July 11, 2005. It is a systematic and consistent presentation of the theoretical foundations of patriotic education in the educational field, the rationale for its initial settings, goals, content, tasks, principles, directions , forms, methods, as well as conditions for ensuring the effectiveness of activities. The essence of this activity is determined, on the one hand, by the interests and requirements of society, social and state institutions to the individual, on the other hand, by the interests of the student's personality itself, its attitude to the problems solved by society and the state.

These prerequisites are determined by a number of guidelines for understanding and formulating the most significant provisions and conclusions of the Concept.

Firstly, the relevance and urgency of the very problem of integrating patriotism into modern education with its great importance for our society and the state at this stage of development, when the task of recreating a nationwide consolidating idea, values, guidelines, ideals that have been devalued lately, without relying on which the normal functioning of the system of social and state institutions, the solution of any issues in the interests of young students is impossible.

Secondly, insufficient development and multi-vector understanding of the phenomenon of patriotism and the conditions for its implementation in the process of educating young students, which would correspond to their characteristics, interests, as well as the spirit of our time.

Thirdly, the complexity and scale of this problem, the solution of which is possible only if the efforts of all scientific and educational institutions and structures interacting with them, organizations, associations, local governments related to the patriotic education of young people are combined, ensuring constant coordination and close interaction between them in the most important areas of this activity.

Fourth, the need to be aware of the new socio-economic, informational, ideological and geopolitical realities associated with global and regional processes, changes in the international situation in the world around Russia and the growth of challenges and threats to its national security.

Proceeding from this, the Concept represents the dissemination of scientific knowledge about the phenomenon of modern Russian patriotism to the process of teaching, educating and socializing young people, preparing them for creative work worthy of serving their Motherland.

The concept is designed to significantly intensify the direction of state policy, which has been weakened over many years - a purposeful process of educating students of educational institutions as conscious and worthy recipients of national history, culture, statehood in the unity of national-original and common civilizational principles. The concept is focused on the awakening and development of patriotic consciousness among students, high citizenship, the ability to give strength, mind and energy for the good of Russia at the beginning of the third millennium.

The main goal of the Concept is to determine the place and role of the education of patriotism in the context of the modern educational process, the formation of the readiness of young students for worthy service to the Fatherland as a socially significant activity.

The educational component is one of the leading, defining components of the patriotic education of students. All levels of education, with their scientifically substantiated formulation, create the core of education in general and patriotic education in particular. Therefore, improving the structure and content of the educational process from the standpoint of turning it into the most important tool of patriotic education in the Concept plays a big role.

Russian education, primarily humanitarian, which contains an educational function, in its current form does not adequately implement the task of patriotic education.

The weakness of patriotic education in educational institutions is based on the following reasons:

insufficient share of general education, humanitarian subjects, social disciplines in school curricula

  • washing out the educational elements of patriotism and citizenship from the curriculum of school subjects;
  • reassessment of the possibilities of Western educational systems without deep insight into their essence and problems, nihilism in relation to modern Russian society, manifested in the process of schooling;
  • the use of foreign teaching aids and programs not adapted to Russian reality.

In a number of cases, some representatives of the system of general and vocational education translate or copy textbooks that contribute to the depatriotization of the educational system. This applies in particular to subjects such as history, literature and social studies.

A special role in the system of patriotic education of young students is played by subjects of historical, philological, social, economic, cultural profile. In order for these subjects studied in schools, vocational schools, higher educational institutions to contribute to patriotic education, it is necessary to issue domestic textbooks that reveal to students the meaning of cultural and socio-economic transformations, reforms carried out in modern Russia, the role of the state and statehood in development of our society.

The concept is a development and continuation of the most important provisions and guidelines of the Concept of Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation, adopted on May 21, 2003, the basis of theoretical, design, software, methodological and technological support for the patriotic education of young students, representing the future of Russian society and the state. The concept can be considered as an integral part of a more general concept of educating young students, one of the priority areas of which, according to the authors, should be the development of patriotism, readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland in the process of self-realization in any of the spheres of socially significant activity in Russian society and the state .

The current state of patriotic education in Russia is largely predetermined by its recent historical past. In the Soviet period of national history, the natural understanding of civil, Russian patriotism, which has deep historical roots, was artificially replaced by "communist patriotism" with a share of Russian nationalism, which manifested itself in the fight against cosmopolitanism as the ideology of the "world capitalist system" and in the use of such concepts as " internationalism”, “Soviet people”, often for opportunistic, political purposes. The phenomenon of patriotism was postulated in the concept of “Soviet patriotism and socialist internationalism”, and the main direction of its formation among young people was military-patriotic education, which was reduced mainly to preparing students for military service in the conditions of the Cold War.

At the same time, powerful state support for Soviet patriotic education contributed to a fairly high level of patriotism, brought up love and respect for the Fatherland in a natural form, awareness of the younger generation of their civic duty, obligation to serve the interests of the country and society, instilled a sense of collectivism. To achieve these goals, education, culture, propaganda, all means of information influence were used under the auspices of the party apparatus.

With the destruction of the ideological shell of patriotism on the wave of reassessment of the values ​​of the “perestroika period”, many of its positive aspects were lost. The most dangerous negative processes were the depatriotization of spiritual life, the erosion of the value-motivational core of national self-consciousness, and a sharp decline in the sense of human dignity and friendly unity. Domestic history, its heroic events, the personalities of prominent figures, regardless of what socio-political orientation they adhered to, have lost the strength of the moral ideal as the basis of education. In the public consciousness of young people, especially in the youth subculture, apathy and indifference, nihilism and cynicism, irresponsibility and unmotivated aggressiveness, individualism and selfishness, utilitarian and corporate attitude towards the state and social institutions are widespread.

The reason for this is not only the lack of a common strategy and a sharp weakening of the management of the most important links and mechanisms in the process of organizing the activities of educational institutions for the civic and patriotic education of students. In fact, the purposeful development of theoretical foundations that create opportunities for innovation, the emergence of new technologies, promising methods, and integrated use has ceased; the most effective methods, forms and means of patriotic education in the XXI century. The richest historical experience of foreign countries accumulated in this area remains beyond the bounds of scientific rethinking, and the models available in foreign educational practice are thoughtlessly transferred to domestic soil.

The realities of the post-Soviet era have led to a situation where the system of general (full) education, which previously had a significant influence on the process of becoming a student as a patriot and citizen, has largely lost its educational potential. In many ways, this is precisely why in recent decades the social space has expanded for such negative processes as the depatriotization of the spiritual and social life of young students, the erosion of the value-motivational core of the semantic field of their self-consciousness.

In this regard, the solution of a whole range of problems that have accumulated in the field of patriotic education of student youth is becoming increasingly urgent. Of great importance is the search and development of fundamentally new approaches to the creation of qualitatively different foundations for the formation of student youth readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland, taking into account the system of its value orientations, needs and interests against the backdrop of modern trends in social development.

The goal of patriotic education of children and youth in the education system is based on such state priorities as sovereignty, statehood and social solidarity, realized through the revival in educational practice of images of citizenship and patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values; personality formation and development of students with the most important active and socially significant qualities, able to show them in the creative process in the interests of our society, in strengthening and improving its foundations, incl. and in those activities that are related to ensuring its independence, sovereignty and security.

Consider the State Program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015", which is a continuation of the state programs "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2001-2005" and "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", maintains the continuity of the process on the further formation of the patriotic consciousness of Russian citizens as one of the factors of the unity of the nation.

The program includes a set of legal, regulatory, organizational, methodological, research and informational all-Russian and interregional events for the further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education of citizens, aimed at establishing patriotism as a moral basis for the formation of their active life position.

The purpose of this Program is the further development and improvement of the system of patriotic education of citizens.

To achieve this goal, the Program considers to solve the following tasks:

· increasing the role of state and public structures in the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among the citizens of the Russian Federation;

· improvement of legal, methodological and informational support for the functioning of the system of patriotic education of citizens;

· formation of a positive attitude of society towards military service and positive motivation among young people regarding military service under contract and conscription;

· introduction of modern forms, methods and means of educational work into the activities of organizers and specialists of patriotic education;

· increasing the professionalism of organizers and specialists of patriotic education;

· development of the material and technical base of patriotic education in educational, labor, creative and military teams and public associations.

The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" considers the areas of patriotic education of citizens, promotes patriotism in the media and consolidates the activities of all structures of civil society.

Patriotism is traditionally regarded as the most important spiritual and moral value, as a feeling inherent in a true citizen - a person with an active life position. Patriotism is defined in pedagogy as “such a moral quality that includes the need to faithfully serve one’s homeland, the manifestation of love and loyalty to it, the awareness and experience of its greatness and glory, one’s spiritual connection with it, the desire to protect its honor and dignity, by practical deeds strengthen power and independence. Patriotic feelings are expressed in a conscious and careful attitude to nature, the history of the native land and fatherland, in the awareness of one's duty and responsibility to the Motherland and other people, in caring for the common good. Thanks to the patriotism and heroism of the masses of Russia, it was possible to get out of the most difficult situations in the most difficult periods of its history.

2.1 The program of moral and patriotic education "I am a Patriot"

Patriotism is not given immediately, it is formed gradually, as a person develops and becomes a person. One of the most important tools for the formation of patriotism as a moral category is education. Thus, we see an urgent need to organize systematic targeted work in this direction. Moreover, the organization of such activities should be carried out with unconditional consideration of the regional identity, traditions and culture of the pupils of each individual educational institution. Therefore, I propose a program of moral and patriotic education "I am a Patriot", which will be focused on high school students of secondary schools.

The purpose of the program is to create conditions for the formation of an active citizenship and patriotic feelings of pupils as the most important spiritual and moral values.

Program objectives:

Formation of civil and patriotic feelings of pupils;

Strengthening the emphasis on studying the history and culture of the native land;

Creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team; - creating conditions for uniting the team of pupils and teachers through joint activities;

prevention of antisocial behavior.

Forms and methods of educational work: walks, excursions, travel-studies in nature, operations, promotions, competitions of drawings, wall newspapers and posters, disputes, competitions and quizzes of various kinds, round tables, holidays, conversations, lectures, design of photo albums and the Book of Records families (groups))), sports competitions, research activities, learning national games and songs, socializing evenings, KVN, creative and educational programs, system and song review, solemn meetings, rulers, oral magazines.

The program of moral and patriotic education developed by us consists of two directions (blocks). Each block, in addition to the general goals and objectives of the program presented by us, involves the implementation of private, smaller goals, but no less significant. The first thematic block includes a variety of forms and methods of working with pupils under the general title "We are part of our native nature", the second block - "Family is my everything". The detailed content of each of the thematic blocks is presented below.

The first thematic block, called "We are part of our native nature." It includes the following goals:

the formation of a culture of attitude towards the nature of the native land among pupils;

updating and expanding knowledge about the flora and fauna of the native land;

development of observation, ability to analyze and generalize;

development of cognitive and creative abilities of pupils

Forms: thematic conversations, collective creative activities, competitions, quizzes, meetings with interesting people, promotions, disputes, excursions, walks, travel-research.

Excursions, walks, travel-studies in nature, will form ecological behavior;

Drawing competition "I love you, Nature", will contribute to the development of creative skills;

The debate "Nature and us or Nature or we - make a choice" will help to study the history of the native land;

The local history quiz “My native land” will instill in students a love for their native land as for their small homeland.

The second thematic block, called "Family is my everything." It includes the following goals:

formation of a culture of relationships within the boarding school family;

creation of a favorable psychological climate in the team;

formation of self-awareness as an integral part of a single team of pupils and educators;

organization and implementation of communication between different generations of pupils through meetings and other events of this block.

Forms: conversations, individual counseling, joint events, games, questionnaires, family holidays, communication hours, promotions, round tables, newspapers.

The main activities related to this block:

The election of an asset of groups (families) will give students an awareness of the family as the most important life value;

Evening of communication "Seven I" will bring up a culture of family relations, positive family values;

The campaign "Sending to abandoned children" and the campaign "I'll give a toy to a baby" will help students instill volunteer qualities in themselves;

Round table "Adaptation in families" will create conditions for the participation of parents in the educational process.

The release of the newspapers "My family" and the drawing competition "Happiness is when the family is nearby" will contribute to the development of creative skills;

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the moral and patriotic program is carried out on the basis of using a system of objective criteria, each of which is presented as generalized moral, spiritual and quantitative parameters.

Moral and spiritual parameters:

ensuring the interest of pupils in studying the history and culture of their native land;

the formation of a culture of attitude to the nature of the native land, to society, to oneself;

the degree of team cohesion in the process of implementing various types of activities;

the level of formed active civic position for each individual pupil

Quantitative parameters are the quantity:

the number of students who have achieved significant success in any type of activity;

implemented military sports games;

held competitions with a moral and patriotic orientation;

pupils "accepted" (not rejected) by the team;

reduction or absence of cases of manifestation of asocial behavior of pupils.

As a result of the implementation of the Program, it is expected:

Creation of work on civil-patriotic education;

Enrichment of the content of civil-patriotic education;

positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism;

an increase in the social and labor activity of young people, their contribution to the development of the main spheres of life and activity of society and the state;

overcoming extremist manifestations of certain groups of citizens and other negative phenomena;

revival of spirituality.

Forms of summarizing the results of the program implementation.

When summing up the results of the implementation of the Program, a final celebration is held, which includes awarding the best and most active students in the academic year with diplomas, letters of thanks and prizes; organization of the final exhibition with artistic, applied and technical works; formation of a leadership group of initiative and active program participants.


Among the spiritual qualities of any modern state, including Russia, patriotism occupies a dominant position, and the selfless love of citizens for their homeland, state, people, and its historical achievements underlies the political and economic success of society.

For Russia, civil and patriotic education in modern conditions is of particular importance. However, its development, which is always of a concrete historical nature, is complicated today by many circumstances, and above all by the fact that, on the one hand, a significant part of society, including young people, has begun to have a negative attitude towards the concepts of civic duty, responsibility for the fate of the Fatherland, and on the other hand, false patriotic slogans of various kinds of separatists, extremists and nationalists.

This gives rise to a number of ideological and organizational problems.

Russia, as a multinational state in modern conditions, is faced with the task of developing such content of patriotism and citizenship, which will most contribute to the education of Russian patriots of the 21st century, and not repeat the limited variants of patriotism of past centuries. The idea of ​​Russian patriotism must reach a new level of interpretation and understanding. On the one hand, Russian patriotism should express the interests of the state and citizens of Russia, be at the level of a national idea, and on the other hand, express the patriotism of all earthlings, occupy a dominant position in relation to any private patriotism.

In this regard, the Russian idea of ​​patriotism today contains a number of contradictions and biased judgments. Its main drawback is the absence of a sharp line between the originality of Russia's historical path and its role in the formation of a single and diverse world civilization.

The education of patriotism in the family is unsatisfactory. Parents, often busy chasing the dollar and the long ruble, instill these ideas in their children. Sociological surveys show that in the family, money is put in the first place, and love for the Motherland and readiness to defend it is one of the last.

Unfortunately, these ideas penetrate the school and find their development there. Civil and patriotic education of schoolchildren is almost not carried out, and due to the absence of youth organizations in schools, it is not fixed in everyday life. The desire of schoolchildren to "mow down from the army" has become almost a common occurrence.

A similar picture is observed in secondary and higher educational institutions of the country. True, in most of them there are long-term and annual plans for educational work, but very rarely do they contain positions devoted to instilling patriotism in young people.

One of the serious reasons for the lack of a proper assessment of the role of patriotism and citizenship in modern conditions is the weakness of the theoretical development of the ideas of patriotism and citizenship, their insufficient propaganda in the media, the attitudes of political parties and movements, and government.

Only by making the right conclusions based on an analysis of the objective and subjective reasons that led to the discrediting of the ideas of patriotism, and understanding the need to cultivate a civic position in society, can a significant breakthrough be achieved in this area.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation

2. The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2011-2015" was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 5, 2010 No. 795

3. The state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006 - 2010" was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 11, 2005 N 422

The concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation (approved at a meeting of the Government Commission on social issues of military personnel, citizens discharged from military service, and members of their families (minutes N 2 (12) -P4 of May 21, 2003)

5. Belova T. Ten years of civic education in Russia // Grazhdanovedenie, 2002, No. 19.

Budaragin M. Patriotic education in schools: obstacles and risks. To what extent is it necessary to introduce patriotic education now? //

7. Golikova L.V., What does it mean to be a patriot? // Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of renewed Russia. Magnitogorsk, 2005, p. 37.

Dostoevsky F.M. Full collected works L., 1980, v. XXYI, p. 147

Kapustin Z.Ya. Education of citizenship in the conditions of renewing Russia // Pedagogy, 2003, No. 4

Lutovinov V.I. Modern understanding of Russian patriotism // Patriotic idea on the eve of the XXI century: past or future of Russia. Materials of the interregional scientific-practical conference. Volgograd, November 1998

Lutovinov V., Rezakov M. On conceptual approaches to the patriotic education of students // Power, 2010, No. 5, C 39

Naumov S.Yu., Chernyshkina N.Ya. Civil and patriotic education of youth. Saratov, 2007, p.18-19

National scientific and political journal "Power" No. 6,20011, p.131

14. Podberezkin A.I. Military-patriotic education of youth in modern conditions. Dis. cand. teacher Sciences. Tomsk, 2000, p. 7.

15. Radishchev A.N. Conversation about what is the son of the Fatherland // Anthology of pedagogical thought in Russia of the 18th century. - M.: Pedagogy, 1985, p. 380

Udovichenko E.M. To the question of the concept of patriotism and its manifestations // Education of citizenship and patriotism of student youth in the conditions of renewed Russia. Magnitogorsk, 2005, p. 109

Ushinsky K.D. Pedagogical essays: In 6 volumes. T. 1 / Comp. S.F. Egorov. - M.: Pedagogy, 1990, p. 416


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Subject: "The purpose and objectives of civic-patriotic education»


The history of our Motherland testifies that at all times one of the main factors that ensured the cohesion of the people, helped them overcome difficulties and hardships, was patriotism - love for the Motherland, one's people, as well as the desire to serve the interests of the Fatherland by one's actions, to protect it from enemies .

Patriotism is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. Being one of the most significant values ​​of society, it integrates social, political, spiritual and moral, cultural, historical components, to a certain extent it is a natural instinct for self-preservation of any nation when it feels bad. Patriotism acts in the unity of the deepest spiritual development of the history and culture of its people and active - active participation in solving the most important problems of modern society, as well as in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity of a person who is aware of his inseparability from the Fatherland, the social significance of activities in the interests of its revival and reliable protection.

At present, the cult of entertainment and consumerism, ersatz - cultures, false life values ​​are being implanted. Instead of the Matrosovs, Karbyshevs, good mothers and fathers, they become symbols - money, glamor, "rouble", success at any cost. Indifference, cynicism, unmotivated aggressiveness, disrespect for the state, and nationalism have become widespread in the public consciousness. There is a steady downward trend in the prestige of military service. The gradual loss of traditionally Russian patriotic consciousness by our society has become more and more noticeable. If such a model is finally established, then our people can turn into a thoughtless population, and nearby ideologically cohesive civilizations: the Muslim world, a growing China, and the United States of America showing imperial ambitions.

Consequently, one of the aspects of ensuring the national security of our country is the education of Russian patriots, citizens of a democratic state governed by the rule of law, who have a sense of national pride, civic dignity, love for the Fatherland, their people.

Under these conditions, the urgency of solving the problems of patriotism education is obvious, both at the state level and at the level of a single educational institution.

1. Goals and objectives of patriotic education

Goals patriotic education:

    Raising a sense of patriotism among students;

    Development and deepening of knowledge about the history and culture of Russia and the native land;

    Development of abilities to comprehend events and phenomena of reality in the relationship of the past, present and future;

    The formation of a multilaterally developed citizen of Russia in cultural, moral and physical terms;

    Development of interest and respect for the history and culture of one's own and other peoples.

Achieving the goal becomes possible through the solution of the following tasks:

    to form a conscious attitude to the Fatherland, its past, present and future on the basis of historical values ​​and the role of Russia in the destinies of the world;

    develop citizenship and national self-awareness of students;

    create conditions for each student to realize their own civic position through the activities of student self-government bodies;

    to develop and deepen knowledge about the history and culture of the native land.

    to form in students a sense of pride in the heroic past of their homeland;

    physical development of students, to form their needs for a healthy lifestyle

    methodological support for the functioning of the system of civil and patriotic education

    to intensify the work of the teaching staff on civic and patriotic education

    to educate students in readiness to defend the Fatherland, actions in extreme situations.

2. Fundamental principles and directions for their implementation

Among the defining principles that are an important condition for the implementation of the goals and objectives of civil-patriotic education are the recognition of the high social significance of citizenship, patriotism.

Civil-patriotic education has a high level of complexity, that is, it covers all age categories of students, all aspects of life and interaction of the individual with the outside world.

Among the fundamental principles of civic-patriotic education, which are the initial guidelines for the implementation of practical activities in this area, the following stand out:

    science, humanism, democracy;

    priority of the historical and cultural heritage of Russia, its spiritual values ​​and traditions;

    consistency, continuity and continuity in the development of students, taking into account the characteristics of its various categories;

    variety of forms, methods and means used to ensure the effectiveness of education;

    its focus on developing the capabilities, abilities and qualities of each individual based on an individual approach;

    close and continuous connection with other types of education.

3. Main directions

The implementation of these principles is carried out in the following areas:
Social- the formation of a conscientious attitude to learning; the formation of tolerance for someone else's faith (religious relations); formation of a culture of interpersonal relations (including interethnic ones); fostering respect for family traditions; the formation of mutual understanding between the family and the child.
It includes: familiarization with the basics of human communication (communicative, interactive: the ability to interact with the interlocutor, perceptual: the ability to perceive, feel the interlocutor), the development of a culture of interpersonal relations, responsibility for failures actions. Understanding and perception of various religious cultures, the ability to effectively and efficiently perform public duties and achieve specific goals, the ability to predict and implement plans for their professional growth.

Political– education of legal culture; formation of understanding of political and legal events; formation of a consistent, firm, reasoned active citizenship and patriot of one's country.
It includes: political and legal literacy, familiarization with the laws of the state, especially with the rights and obligations of a Russian citizen; fostering readiness to do everything in one's own power to preserve and revive Russia, its economy, culture, morality, spirituality, social sphere, etc.

economic– formation of functional economic literacy; respect for property matters.
It includes: the formation of a conscientious attitude to state and personal property, the choice and principles of rational behavior in society, the principles of analysis and economic decision-making aimed at improving the economic situation in the country, economic growth, avoiding "major" economic diseases (inflation, unemployment, recession economic development).

Moral fostering a sense of beauty; education of love for the Motherland; knowledge and formation of respect for Russian traditions (including religious ones); formation of universal values.
It includes: the development of high culture and education, the formation of highly moral, professional and ethical standards of behavior, selfless love and devotion to the Motherland, pride in belonging to the Russian people, its accomplishments, trials and
problems, veneration of national shrines and symbols, readiness for selfless service to society and the state, qualities of responsibility and collectivism.


Organization of civil and patriotic education of schoolchildren- this is the path to the spiritual revival of social society, future generations of the country, the restoration of the greatness of our Fatherland. The tasks of civic-patriotic education awaken in the child love for the Motherland, for its folk heroes, develop in him an interest in the world around him, and also instill in him the desire to make the world a better, happier place. And all this can be implemented and solved only if senior counselors, teachers-organizers in educational institutions work and organize the educational process in a systematic way.


1. Kuznetsova L.V. Development of the content of the concepts of "citizenship" and "civic education" in the pedagogy of the twentieth century. // Teaching history and social science at school. - 2006. - No. 9.
2. Salikhova R. Education of a citizen. // Education of schoolchildren. - 2003. - No. 1.

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The system of civil and patriotic education in secondary school

The beginning of the 21st century for Russia is the time of the formation of civil society and the rule of law, the transition to a market economy, the recognition of a person, his rights and freedoms as the highest value. The changes taking place in society determine new requirements for the domestic system of education and upbringing. Successful self-realization of the individual during the period of study and after its completion, its socialization in society, active adaptation in the labor market are the most important tasks of the educational process. Strengthening the upbringing function of education, the formation of citizenship, diligence, morality, respect for human rights and freedoms, love for the motherland, family, and the environment is considered as one of the basic directions in the field of education. Here the formula works in full measure: what is today's society - such is youth, what is today's youth - such is tomorrow's society. In the "Concept for the modernization of Russian education for the period up to 2010" priority areas were identified, among which one of the main ones was: strengthening the educational potential of the educational process, organizing effective civil-patriotic education. Patriotic education today is a multifaceted, systematic, purposeful and coordinated activity of state bodies, public associations and organizations to form young people with a high patriotic consciousness, an exalted sense of loyalty to their Fatherland, readiness to fulfill civic duty, the most important constitutional duties to protect the interests of the Motherland. The purpose of civil - patriotic education- development in children and adolescents of citizenship, patriotism as the most important spiritual, moral and social values, the formation of professionally significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of society, especially in the process of military and other related types public service, fidelity to constitutional and military duty in peacetime and wartime, high responsibility and discipline. To achieve this goal, the following main tasks are required:

    conducting science-based management and organizational activities to create conditions for effective patriotic education of children and adolescents;

    affirmation in the minds and feelings of children and adolescents of patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions, increasing the prestige of state, especially military service;

    creation of a new effective system of patriotic education, providing optimal conditions for the development of loyalty to the fatherland, readiness for worthy service to society and the state, and honest fulfillment of duty in children and adolescents;

    creation of a mechanism that ensures the effective functioning of an integral system of patriotic education of children, adolescents and youth.

At the heart of the system of patriotic education in the MOU "Trusovskaya secondary school" are the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation" and the Interdepartmental Program for patriotic education in the Kuryinsky district for 2006-2010. Within the framework of this Program, the education department of the administration of the Kuryinsky district, the committee on youth affairs, physical culture and sports, developed measures to develop the patriotic education of children, adolescents and youth.

In the content of patriotic education, a socio-pedagogical orientation is important, based on such elements as positive worldviews and positions on the main social, historical, moral, political, military and other problems, the most important spiritual, moral, activity qualities (love for the Motherland, respect for legality, responsibility for the fulfillment of constitutional obligations to protect the Fatherland). The socio-pedagogical component of the content is dominant and forms the core of patriotic education. Only by forming the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, orientations, interests, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior can one count on the successful solution of more specific tasks in preparing for the implementation of the function of protecting the Fatherland, for military and other related types. public service. Patriotic education is designed to provide: a deep understanding by each young person of his role and place in serving the Fatherland, based on high personal responsibility for fulfilling the requirements of military and public service; conviction in the need to perform the function of protecting the Fatherland in modern conditions;

In modern conditions, in the content of civil and patriotic education of children and adolescents The following spiritual and moral values ​​are identified as priorities:


    nationality on a national scale;

    priority of public and state interests over personal ones;

    loyalty to the foundations of the state and social system, to the existing political system;

    patriotism, devotion to one's Fatherland;

    continuity, preservation and development of the best traditions of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies;

    selflessness and ability to overcome difficulties and hardships;

    humanism and morality, self-esteem;

    Social activity, responsibility, intolerance to violations of morality and law.

Civil-patriotic education is carried out in the main areas:

    spiritual and moral - awareness by the individual of higher values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practical activities and behavior. It includes the development of high culture and education, awareness of the idea in the name of which readiness for worthy service to the Fatherland is manifested, the formation of highly moral professional and ethical standards of behavior, the qualities of military honor, responsibility and collectivism;

    historical - knowledge of our roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, the place and role of Russia in the world historical process, military organization in the development and strengthening of society, its protection from external threats, understanding of the mentality, customs, customs, beliefs and traditions of our peoples, the heroic past of various generations fighting for the independence and independence of the country;

    political and legal - the formation of a deep understanding of constitutional and military duty, political and legal events and processes in society and the state, military policy, the main provisions of the country's security concept and military doctrine, the place and role of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, other troops, military formations and bodies in political system of society and the state. It includes familiarization with the laws of the state, especially with the rights and obligations of a citizen of Russia, with the functions and legal foundations of the activities of the military organization of society, awareness of the provisions of the Military Oath, military regulations, the requirements of commanders, chiefs, senior officials;

    education of citizenship - education of the most important spiritual, moral and cultural and historical values, national identity, lifestyle, worldview and fate of Russians. It includes selfless love and devotion to one’s Fatherland, pride in belonging to a great nation, in its accomplishments, trials and problems, veneration of national shrines and symbols, readiness for worthy and selfless service to society and the state;

    professional activity - the formation of a conscientious and responsible attitude to work related to serving the Fatherland, the desire for the active manifestation of professional and labor qualities in the interests of the successful performance of official duties and assigned tasks. It includes: motives, goals and objectives, value orientations of professional and activity self-realization of the individual, professional claims and focus on achieving high performance results, the ability to effectively and efficiently perform official duties and achieve specific goals, the ability to predict and implement plans for one's professional growth;

    psychological - the formation in children, adolescents and young people of high psychological stability, readiness to perform complex and responsible tasks in any conditions of the situation, the ability to overcome the hardships and deprivations of military or other types of public service, the most important psychological qualities necessary for successful life and work in a team.

The above positions are included in the existing system of civil and patriotic education in our school. The basis of this education is, of course, the educational process, the study of program material in the course of teaching academic disciplines and, first of all, the humanitarian cycle. But an important link in the civic-patriotic education of schoolchildren is its continuity, integrity, and clarity of interaction between all interested structures. The organization of work is carried out in collaboration with the structural units of the administration of the Kurinsky district, the administration of the village of Trusovo, with public organizations and associations of a military-patriotic orientation, including the sports-patriotic club "Valor", created on the basis of the school as part of the implementation of the social project of the same name, the district children's the teenage organization "Union of the Commonwealths", the regional museum of local lore and the museum of the stone-cutting factory, youth public organizations.

Diagram 1. The structure of interaction of the MOU "Trusovskaya secondary school" to create a holistic, continuous pedagogical process of patriotic education

Civil-patriotic education is also put at the forefront because it includes all the main areas of educational work, that is, legal and moral education, labor and environmental education. That is why we divided our work into 7 main blocks:

Let's take a look at each of these blocks.

1. Local history - search work

The teaching staff of the school is concerned about issues related to the education of patriotism and the formation of civic positions in children and adolescents. I believe that the upbringing of love for the Motherland and the formation of a worthy citizen should become the main components in the educational work of the school. Here, the enormous possibilities of local history activities are obvious, which allows you to educate a patriot and a citizen not on abstract ideals, but on concrete examples, to introduce children to the cultural heritage of the country and the “small motherland”. The purpose of our local history work is to teach children to love and respect their people, land, region, Motherland. After all, local history draws to the past so that schoolchildren, knowing their roots, can create a worthy future. Currently, the school has developed a system of local history work. It included the actual local history component "History of the Altai Territory", the local history component in the lessons of history and social studies and the local history component in extracurricular activities. An inseparable part of patriotic education is the familiarization of students with the richest historical and cultural heritage of the village of Trusovo, Kurinsky district, Altai Territory; deepening the knowledge of students in the field of the history of their region and understanding through this their own history, the history of their family, people; instilling in children a sense of belonging, indifference to the present day of the Motherland, a careful, caring attitude to everything that was created by previous generations. This work is very difficult in view of the fact that for a long time many historical events in our country were subjected to critical evaluation, and many historical and political emphases changed. Nevertheless, children are actively studying the past of their village, literally bit by bit restoring its history, which is neither more nor less than 225 years old. The chronicle of the village has been created and is constantly updated, meetings with old-timers, eyewitnesses of those distant events, shed light on how our grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, what they did, what traditions have survived to this day. School museums largely contribute to the preservation of the traditions of patriotic education. Created back in the 70s by enthusiasts of educational work, the school museum to this day is the bearer of the historical memory of the material and spiritual life of the people. Currently, the school museum has been certified, it has been given the status of the local history museum "Traditions of Russian Antiquity". Unfortunately, due to the lack of space for study rooms, it is not possible to allocate a separate room for the museum, as it was before, and all expositions are located in the primary school room. But the museum is open. Its funds are constantly replenished, stands and changing exhibitions are updated. The guys are carefully restoring the history of their native village bit by bit, this year its first computer version appeared. A work plan has been outlined, a group of guides and a lecture group have been created, which regularly conduct interesting, exciting excursions for the children. The peculiarity of the school museum is that it creates a wide field of educational and developmental environment, conditions for self-realization and positive socialization of the personality of a modern student. In the school museum, children are involved in research, collecting, decorating, excursion-lecturing and other activities, thereby acquiring the skills of positive social behavior. The most important educational factor in museum pedagogy is the meetings organized in the school museum with interesting people, heroes of war and labor - our living memory, meetings where children receive unique moral lessons in communication, kindness, attention, courage, perseverance, optimism, everything that will give them strength for the future complex life in modern society, the world.

2. Social design

"A person becomes what he is, thanks to the cause he serves"

Karl Jaspers

The basis of civic education is the idea of ​​the full participation of the individual in solving the socially significant tasks of society. One of the intensive methods of social practice is social design, carried out by children on the basis of a summer recreational and educational camp. The main goal of social design is to create conditions conducive to the formation of students' own point of view on the issues under discussion, the use of civic competencies.

Social project- a program of action aimed at improving the situation of a certain category of people.

Unique innovative tools direct charity and social work to development and co-creation, to success and change for the better, to massive charitable opportunities, to a real change in the situation and position of specific people.

Everyone can take part in such social projects! These are borderless technologies with huge application potential! Social projects give children the opportunity to connect and correlate common ideas received from various sources with the real life in which they themselves, their friends, families, counselors and educators are involved, with social life, with social and political events taking place on a village scale , region, country as a whole. MOU "Trusovskaya Secondary School" has accumulated experience in the development and implementation of social projects. Their focus is different: ENVIRONMENTAL DIRECTION

    "Pure water of the spring";

    "Clean river - clean banks";

    "School ecological trail";

    "Landscape design of the school site of the MOU "Trusovskaya secondary school"";


    "School sports ground";

    "Open Hockey Box";


    "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten";

    Sports and patriotic club "Valor";

    Children's order of mercy "Heart".

3. Literary and musical activity

The tasks of increasing the role of literature in every possible way in the upbringing and education of the younger generation urgently require the use of all types and forms of work, including literary local history. The value of literary local history lies in the fact that, by expanding and enriching the knowledge of schoolchildren about their native places, it instills in them love and respect for the history of the culture of their native land, helps to more fully feel and realize the connection between literature and life.

The collection of local folklore is of great educational importance. Not within the walls of the school, not from books, but in live, direct communication with the people, the guys join the inexhaustible poetic source of folk fantasy and wisdom, the treasury of the soul of the people. The fascinating work of collecting folklore awakens students' interest in the glorious past of our Motherland. Folklore works heard in a live performance by a narrator (singer) help to feel the beauty of oral folk art, teach to love the melody of a folk song and lively folk speech, deliver aesthetic pleasure, develop artistic taste. Acquaintance with the life and work of the writer helps children to better understand the artistic truth of his works, the beauty of the language, the depth of thoughts and feelings.

When drawing up a work plan, both the teacher and the children should represent the ultimate goal, the practical result of the work. Such a result can be, for example, the design of a literary and local history exhibition; creation of an office of literary local history; opening of the school literary museum; assistance to the local museum of local lore in equipping the section on the history of the culture of the native land. The collected materials can serve as the basis for creating a literary and artistic map of the native region or designing a literary and artistic calendar of the native nature. Of great interest is also the chronicle of the literary life of the village. Valuable materials collected by the children are then read in the classroom, heard at school concerts, reflected in photo exhibitions and in the local press. Getting acquainted with the work of local poets and writers, becoming interested in this truly fascinating activity, children begin to try themselves in literary creativity. Their first poems are printed in our newspaper "Brigantina", then they appear on the pages of the regional newspaper, are included in collections of the best works of the region. 4. Holding cultural events.

“A person is, first of all, the son of his country, a citizen of his Fatherland, who warmly takes his interests to heart”

Belinsky V. G.

As part of civil and patriotic activities, the team is working on a long-term educational project "I am a citizen, a patriot." We began this work with a search for forms and methods of shaping citizenship and patriotism that are acceptable for children aged 6 to 17. The main goal of the project: the formation of citizenship in children, patriotism as an integrative quality of the individual, which includes inner freedom and respect for state power, love for the family, land, homeland and the desire for peace, self-esteem, the harmonious manifestation of patriotic feelings and a culture of interethnic communication . And also to lay the foundation for moral and volitional skills of behavior, which will gradually turn into a habit and become a natural need. At present, the school has created a rich methodological collection of extracurricular activities in this area, which is constantly replenished and improved.

5. Excursion and tourist work.

One of the main directions of civil and patriotic education is the development of local history and sports and tourism activities of schoolchildren. Hiking and excursions to their native places in order to study the history and culture of their native land, its natural monuments, help children feel pride in their small homeland, instill in them not only a sense of love for their native nature, but also a sense of responsibility for it.

6. Physical culture and health work.

A real defender of his Fatherland must, first of all, be physically healthy, so the formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle is one of the priority areas in our work. This area includes all types of activities: information and education (issue of newspapers, booklets, drawing competitions). Campaigning (oral magazines, speeches of the propaganda team), and practical (holding Health Days, sports holidays and competitions, contests "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family", etc. Classes in circles and sections, organizing high-calorie nutrition of students - all these are links chain, whose name is "Health".

7. Environmental work.

The history of mankind is inextricably linked with the history of nature. At the present stage, the issues of its traditional interaction with a person have grown into a global environmental problem. If people in the near future do not learn to take care of nature, they will destroy themselves. And for this it is necessary to cultivate an ecological culture and responsibility. And it is necessary to start ecological education from childhood, since at this time the acquired knowledge can later be transformed into strong convictions.
We believe that environmental education is the most important thing in our time. The formation of a responsible attitude towards nature in children is a complex and lengthy process. Its result should be not only the acquisition of certain knowledge and skills, but the development of emotional responsiveness, the ability and desire to actively protect, improve, ennoble the natural environment. Students who have received certain ecological ideas will be more careful about nature. In the future, this may affect the improvement of the environmental situation in our region and in the country. The essence of environmental education is determined, first of all, by its tasks, which involve the formation of: - the need for communication with nature, interest in the knowledge of its laws and phenomena; - attitudes and motives for activities aimed at understanding the universal value of nature; - belief in the need to conserve nature, preserve one's own and public health; - the need for participation in practical activities for the study and protection of nature, the promotion of environmental knowledge. Environmental education is designed to form knowledge about nature, the interaction of society and nature, the ability to study and protect nature. As a result of ecological education, there should be a formed ecological worldview based on natural science and humanitarian knowledge, reflecting his deep conviction of the individual in understanding the unity of man and nature. It should give rise to a system of relations that is imbued with a sense of deep responsibility for the environment to future generations and reflects a harmonious combination of personal and public interests. Environmental work at the school is carried out in several directions: promotion of environmental knowledge among children and the local population, specific environmental activities (including social design) and research work. The existing system of civic-patriotic education at school is bearing fruit. Every year the number of children involved in the development and implementation of social projects increases, the work of the children's order of mercy "Heart" has intensified, the sports and patriotic club "Valor" has become one of the most beloved and largest (by the number of participants) circles in the school. Much has already been done, much remains to be done, but I firmly believe that our system is effective and efficient, which means it will be in demand for years to come.

  • Tasks and principles of patriotic education Local history work as a form of patriotic education Chapter Methods of patriotic education in elementary school Conclusion


    The patriotic education of the younger generation has always been one of the most important tasks of the modern school, because childhood and youth are the most fertile time for instilling a sacred feeling of love for the Motherland.

  • The program of civil-patriotic education "Russia's faithful sons ..."


    The program of patriotic education of the municipal educational institution of secondary school No. 9 of the urban district of the city of Bui

  • Civic education as a factor in the socialization of the personality of schoolchildren. Solyanik Irina Ivanovna


    The changes taking place in modern society have a great impact on the younger generation, powerful and strong in its irresistibility, on its unformed consciousness, confused feelings, and weak will.

  • « Forms and methods of civil-patriotic

    Education of schoolchildren "

    Chadina K.S.



    In modern conditions, one of the most important priorities for updating the content of education is the modernization and development of civic and patriotic education. Today, the relationship of a Russian citizen with the state and society is radically changing.. Therefore, when shaping a personality, it is necessary to combine civil, legal, political culture and it is the modern school that should make a tangible contribution. 2010 became the year of launching the President's initiative"Our new school". Its essence is to create a school capable of revealing the personal potential of children, instilling in them an interest in learning and knowledge, a desire for spiritual growth and a healthy lifestyle.

    The upbringing of a citizen is the common goal of the Russian educational system. This goal was reflected in the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" and in the state program "Patriotic Education of Citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010".

    citizenshipas a personality trait, it includes inner freedom and respect for the state, love for the Motherland and the desire for peace, self-esteem, the manifestation of patriotic feelings and a culture of interethnic communication. Patriotism appears in the unity of spirituality, citizenship and social activity and is formed in the process of teaching, socialization and education of schoolchildren. The feeling of patriotism in a young citizen is not only the result of his knowledge of his Fatherland, it is an established internal image that becomes a regulator of his

    The reason for such a noticeable drop in patriotism among the youth was the lack of a patriotic idea in society., the second place is occupied by the negative influence of friends and peers, the third reason is the abnormal situation in the family. This state of affairs makes one think about the reasons for such a decline in patriotism. As it turned out, the root of the problem lies not so much in the attitude of young people towards patriotism, but rather in their attitude towards the authorities and the state.

    According to the President of the Russian Federation D. Medvedev, civil-patriotic education "you need to study, study both at school and in student groups, but do it in such a way that it creates a corresponding desire among our young people, schoolchildren and students to study the history of the country, creates a sense of belonging to today and pride, of course, for those events that were in the previous period.»

    aim programs for civic-patriotic education at school is to create conditions for the formation of the personality of a citizen and patriot of Russia with its inherent values, views, attitudes, motives for activity and behavior.

    This goal covers the entire pedagogical process, permeates all structures, integrating training sessions and extracurricular life. students , a variety of activities. Its achievement becomes possible through the solution of the following tasks:

    Improving the quality of functioning of the system of civil-patriotic education;

    · development of forms and methods of civic-patriotic education based on new information technologies;

    formation of students' responsibility, civic engagement, striving for self-realization;

    education of tolerance;

    Formation of a sense of civic duty;

    · the formation of a feeling of love for the Motherland, respect for its history, culture, traditions, norms of public life.

    I would like to tell in more detail about the directions, forms and methods of civic-patriotic education, based on the educational work carried out for three years with my class.

    Main part

    Civic-patriotic educationat school, this is a purposeful, morally conditioned process of preparing students for functioning and interaction in a democratic society, for initiative work, participation in the management of socially valuable affairs, for the realization of rights and obligations, as well as strengthening responsibility for their political, moral and legal choices, for the maximum development of their abilities in order to achieve success in life.

    Work on civic-patriotic education is carried out through the organization of training sessions, extracurricular and extracurricular activities.The main form of educational work remains the lesson, which in the educational system becomes an educational complex, where educational influences are integrated into a holistic educational process. Therefore, to improve the educational nature of training, it is advisable:

    Strengthen the humanitarian orientation of all academic disciplines: include in traditional subjects material that helps children understand themselves, the motives of their behavior, attitudes towards others, and design their lives.

    Use active forms and methods of educational activity, its openness, a variety of educational and methodological materials, forms and methods of educational and extracurricular work that develops knowledge and skills that increase the social and cultural competence of the individual.

    The educational system covers the entire pedagogical process, integrating training sessions, extracurricular life of children, a variety of activities and communication, the influence of the social and subject-aesthetic environment.

    The main directions of civil-patriotic education

    Main directionscivic-patrioticeducation at school are formed on the basis of the basic directions identified in the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010":

    1. Spiritual and moral.Awareness by students in the process of civil-patriotic education of higher values, ideals and guidelines, socially significant processes and phenomena of real life, the ability to be guided by them as defining principles, positions in practical activities.
    2. Historical - local lore.The system of activities aimed at cognition historical - cultural roots, awareness of the uniqueness of the Fatherland, its fate, inseparability from it, the formation of pride for participation in the deeds of ancestors and contemporaries and historical responsibility for what is happening in society, the formation of knowledge about the native village, city, region.
    3. Civil - legal. Influences through a system of measures on the formation of a legal culture and law-abidingness, skills for assessing political and legal events and processes in society and the state, citizenship, constant readiness to serve one's people and fulfill one's constitutional duty; fosters respect for state symbols.
    4. Socially patriotic.It is aimed at activating the spiritual, moral and cultural and historical continuity of generations, the formation of an active life position, the manifestation of vstv bl urbanism and compassion, caring for the elderly.
    5. Military patriotic.It is focused on the formation of a high patriotic consciousness among young people, the ideas of serving the Fatherland, the ability to defend it armed, the study of Russian military history, military traditions.
    6. Sports - patriotic.It is aimed at the development of moral and volitional qualities, the education of endurance, stamina, courage, discipline in the process of doing physical culture and sports, the formation of experience in serving the Fatherland and readiness to defend the Motherland.
    7. Cultural - patriotic.It is aimed at developing the creative abilities of students through introducing them to musical folklore, oral folk art, the world of folk holidays, acquaintance with the customs and traditions of the Russian people.

    For the successful implementation of the program for the civic-patriotic education of students in our school, the following conditions :

    The school has created an educational system based on mutual respect, mutual responsibility of all participants in the educational process and constructive interaction and cooperation of the pedagogical, student and parent communities;

    The system of additional education is functioning;

    A system of traditional school-wide events and creative projects has been developed;

    Museum work is developing;

    School student self-government is developing;

    New approaches to the organization of the educational process are used and modern technologies are being introduced into the process of patriotic education.

    Civil-patriotic education at school includes three age levels, each of which has its own methodological features. IN primary school the leading form of activity is game , introducing children into the world of Russian culture, promoting their acceptance of moral values: the unity of man and nature, love for the native land, diligence, mercy, etc. The course "The World Around", a dance ensemble, sports sections allow children to instill in children the foundations of national identity and dignity, a sense of respect for their history, culture, traditions, for the inner world of a person and, as a result, form a conscious patriotic feeling. After all, it is this age that is most receptive for the assimilation of the values ​​of society, the development of creative abilities and moral standards. At the first stage, the formation of a personality begins, realizing himself as a part of society and a citizen of his Fatherland, the child’s communication skills develop, which allow him to integrate into the community. And the solution of one of the main tasks of education at this stage - the development of the creative potential of a younger student - helps to form a personality capable of contributing to the life of the country.

    Second step (middle link) continues the formation of a system of values ​​and attitudes of behavior of a teenager, helps to acquire the basic key competencies necessary for a future independent life in society. Students are involved in socially useful activities. At this stage, the core of civic education is the formation of respect for the law, the right, the rights of other people and responsibility to society. This is facilitated by the courses "Culture of communication", "Social science". Work in this direction is also implemented through collective creative activities, role-playing games, creative projects, and the school museum.

    On the third step (high school) deepen, expand knowledge about the processes taking place in various spheres of society, about the rights of people, there is a knowledge of the philosophical, cultural, political, legal and socio-economic foundations of society, the civic position of a person, his socio-political orientation are determined. The task of the program being implemented at this stage is to ensure that in the process of social activities, students improve their readiness and ability to protect their rights and the rights of other people, are able to build individual and collective activities in various areas, form a healthy lifestyle. Integrated nature of coursescivics, social studies, local history, economics allows students to learn the most relevant generalized knowledge about a person, society, about the main areas of public life. In such classes, adolescents gain experience in mastering the main social roles (family member, citizen, voter, owner, consumer, etc.).

    Themed class hours;

    Conducting a social studies course from grades 6 to 11;

    Guided tours of the school museum and visits to city museums;

    Studying the history of your family, family traditions;

    Study of folk traditions and customs, the history of your village, school;

    Circle work;

    Conducting school events;

    Holding meetings with veterans of the Great Patriotic War and combatants in hot spots;

    Excursions around the cities of Russia;

    - Military sports the game "Zarnitsa";

    Participation in conferences, competitions, reviews.

    The components of the system of patriotic education are:

    1. formation and development of socially significant values, citizenship and patriotism in the process of education and training at school,
    2. mass patriotic and military-patriotic work organized and carried out by municipal, cultural and public organizations and institutions, as well as their employees, etc.
    3. activities of the media.

    Working with children in this direction, my main goal is to develop citizenship and patriotism among schoolchildren, i.e. formation of the most important spiritual, moral and social values, significant qualities, skills and readiness for their active manifestation in various spheres of life. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

    1. affirmation in the minds and feelings of schoolchildren of patriotic values, views and beliefs, respect for the cultural and historical past of Russia, for traditions, increasing the prestige of state, especially military service;
    2. the formation of the leading integrative qualities of the personality;
    3. education and development of national principles, respect and interest in all nations;
    4. upbringing of a civic position, respect for the monuments of history, culture of the region, preservation of tradition.

    The goal, first of all, is to foster the love of schoolchildren for their historical homeland, which means patriotic feelings and, in general, the formation of a value system that ensures the formation of citizenship and patriotism. In addition, it is important to comprehensively combine the efforts of the teacher, parents and the students themselves.

    For a more effective construction of work with children in the direction of patriotic education, a review and analysis was carried out in the following areas:

    1. The study of the accumulated work experience in civic-patriotic education (work experience of teachers, class teachers working in our school, work experience described in scientific and methodological literature, the Internet).
    2. Study of the legal framework and software in this area.
    3. In the educational activities of the classroom team, not only general tasks are defined, such as the education of love and respect for one's family, class, school, city, country, but also specific ones: acquaintance with museums, the features of their work, the formation of patriotic feelings and civic consciousness among younger students based on historical values, the use of rich library materials.
    4. In terms of educational work with the classroom team, special attention is paid to the forms and methods of civil-patriotic education.

    To work with children at school, I use various technologies : research activities aimed at independently obtaining knowledge on the history of the republic, city, villages and villages, project activities.

    Forms of work: d spruce games, class hours, meetings with war and labor veterans, conversations, disputes, quizzes, collective creative activities, competitions, exhibitions, competitions, excursions, trips, hikes, labor affairs, training, acquaintance with the historical past of the small motherland and Fatherland , acquaintance with the traditions and customs of the Russian people, folklore.


    so that all hearts are related forever,
    Good for everyone to learn.
    For the planet Earth to forget
    What is enmity and war ...

    Respect for one's country, for its national traditions, history and rich culture is the basis of any education. Agree that it is impossible to raise a real citizen and a worthy person without a respectful, reverent attitude to their origins. Each blade of grass, forest or field flower, gentle rustle of the wind reminds us of the Motherland. We grew up and learned to love our country and respect the traditions and national characteristics of the peoples that inhabit it.

    The patriotic education of schoolchildren should become the unifying force that can bring up a generation of true patriots who love their Motherland not in words but in deeds. Patriotism is called upon to give a new impetus to the spiritual improvement of the people, the generation that will put Russia on a pedestal, will be able to increase national wealth, and improve the quality of life. Therefore, work with children in the field of the formation of patriotism is an urgent task at the present time.

    Summing up, I would like to say that civic-patriotic education has occupied and will continue to occupy a central place in my educational system. And thanks to the variety of forms and methods of work, we - teachers - have a unique opportunity to influence the formation of future citizens, patriots of Russia.


    history quiz

    "Heroic pages of our history"for 7th grade students

    1st round
    Warm up
    Questions are raised. The team whose members raise their hand faster answers.

    1. Name the teacher of Peter 1. (Ivan Zotov)

    2. Who is Vladimir Monomakh related to Yaroslav the Wise? (Grandson).

    3. Where was the wife of Yaroslav the Wise from?

    4. Which of the Russian princes transferred the capital from Kyiv to Vladimir? (Andrey Bogolyubsky).

    5. What was the name of Dmitry Donskoy's father? (Ivan Kalita).

    6. Who was the last king of the Rurik dynasty? (Fyodor Ivanovich)

    7. What was the name of the first king of the Romanov dynasty? (Mikhail Fedorovich)

    8. What is the nickname of Father Peter 1. (Quiet).

    9. Whose wife was Marina Mnishek? (False Dmitry 1 and 2).

    10. What was the name of Ivan the Terrible's father? (Vasily 3).
      Look back at our ancestors
      On the heroes of the past.
      Remember them kindly
      Glory to them, tough fighters!
      Glory to our side!
      Glory to Russian antiquity!
      2nd round
      "Poetry and History"
      According to the poetic passage, it is necessary to determine which historical event (name the date) or the hero in question.
      There was such a great groan,
      There was a fight with such blood
      That the Don was painted in crimson
      To the very bottom.
      (Poems are dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo.)
      And he thought
      From here we will threaten the Swede,
      Here the city will be founded
      To spite an arrogant neighbor.
      (About Peter 1.)
      A big army went on a campaign ...
      Behind the house
      And human warmth.
      Sparkling ice ahead
      Lake Chudskoe.
      (Battle on the Ice April 5, 1242)
      Khan Akhmat was going to the Ugra River
      Merge with Kazimir's army.
      And on an autumn night, foggy, thick,
      On the coast, under the city of Kaluga,
      He brought all the remnants of the Golden Horde.
      ("Standing on the river Ugra" 1480)
      The east is burning like a new dawn.
      Already on the plain, over the hills
      Cannons roar.
      Beloved sons of Victory,
      The Swedes are tearing through the fire of the trenches.
      (Battle of Poltava June 27, 1709)
      There was no such battle!
      And even if you ask someone,
      "Mama's Battle"
      Everyone knows in Rus'!
      (Battle of Kulikovo 1380)
      3rd round
      "These days glory will not cease."

    1. Which Russian city, according to the conquerors, has an “evil character?” (Kozelsk)

    2. What temple was erected in memory of the liberation of Moscow from the Poles in 1612 with the money of Prince D. Pozharsky? (Kazan Cathedral in Moscow).

    3. What temple was erected in honor of the annexation of Kazan to Russia? (St Basil's Church).

    4. On the eve of what battle, Peter 1 turned to the soldiers with the words: “Warriors! Here comes the hour that will decide the fate of the Fatherland. You are fighting not for Peter, but for the state entrusted to me”? (On the eve of the Poltava battle)
      4th round
      "Catch the date!"
    1. Moscow River, thank you!
      You've seen a lot over the centuries.
      Whenever I could speak
      You would have a lot to say.
      2. It was a terrible year when all countries
      Feared more than fire
      Batu - the grandson of Genghis Khan,
      Cursing your neighborhood with him.
      3. In this memorable year
      Muscovites for a reason
      They gave the nickname to the prince:
      Ivan Kalita.
      4. Cities united,
      Was in Rus'
      Ivan the third
      Introduced a judge for the court.
      5. Along the old Kazan walls
      One and a half hundred guns are firing,
      The fifth day they are to the Tatars
      Respite is not given.
      6. And so in his Fatherland
      Stepan was known as a hero.
      5th round
      Characteristics of historical figures.

    1. Prince Oleg

    2. Duchess Olga

    3. Yury Dolgoruky

    4. Andrey Rublev

    5. Epiphanius the Wise

    6. Afanasy Nikitin

    7. Andrey Kurbsky

    8. Archpriest Avvakum
      6th round
      Blitz - Poll
      1. The ancient Slavic name for bread. (Zhito)
      2. The name of a slave in the ancient Russian state. (Serf)
      3. Peasant duties in kind or money. (Obrok)
      4. Rulers in the Russian lands in the 9th-15th centuries. (princes)
      5. A document for the right to reign, issued by the Golden Horde Khan to a Russian prince. (Label)
      6. Religion adopted in the Golden Horde since the 13th century. (Islam)
      7. The head of the Russian clergy until the end of the 16th century. (Metropolitan)
      8. A loan of money, grain, livestock, received by the smerd from the feudal lord, which made him dependent. (Kupa)
      9. Religion in the ancient Russian state. (Paganism)
      10. The center of the ancient Russian state. City on the Dnieper. (Kyiv)
      Summarizing. Rewarding.