Beautiful birthday greetings to the class teacher. Happy birthday to former class teacher

Our friendly school team is honoring our class teacher today! Happy birthday, beloved teacher! You are our example of courage, sanity and justice. Your knowledge and experience is very important element for our development. Thanks a lot for the love and friendship with which you surround us from the first day of our acquaintance! We wish you further prosperity, obedient grateful students and sincere colleagues! Let each new day bring only positive results! Happy birthday!

Dear teacher, happy birthday! Your students respectfully congratulate you on the holiday and wish you many happy years! Let everyone coming year brings new victories: over age, over diseases, over gray hair! thanks for long labor over our personalities, for help and tips, for the desire to turn us into real people! Happy birthday!

Today our favorite class teacher was born! We sincerely congratulate you on this holiday and say thank you for the vast knowledge, confidence and nerves spent on us! you remain ours good friend, senior comrade and most respected person! We want to sincerely wish you a long fruitful life, radiant family happiness and a long career! May you still have many students who are ready to accept your wisdom and experience, but may our class remain forever in your memory!

Happy birthday our cool teacher! You are our guide, opening the way to a brighter future! You are always ready to lend a helping hand and cheer up kind word. We sincerely thank you for everything and wish you even greater victories, successful decisions and grateful students! Let your house stand under a peaceful sky, illuminated clean, family happiness and deep respect for others! Happy birthday!

Congratulations, our beloved teacher! We wish you peace, kindness and wisdom! May your bright life prosper for many years. May there be more pleasant moments and happy minutes! We thank you for all the love and knowledge given to us. For open conversations and honest answers, for Right way open to us, which is called life! From all the students - a low bow to you and immense thanks for the years spent with us! Happy birthday!

Congratulations official to the head

Accept the most my sincere congratulations from our entire team! We believe that under your leadership, our company is able to withstand any crisis! We sincerely wish you
well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends by your side, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your life.
activities. May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you!

Congratulations to the leader in prose

It is significant that your entire biography is connected with the city (industry, industry, service to society).
Your multifaceted activity based on high professionalism and decency, a sensitive attitude towards people, has always led to the successful solution of all the tasks that you face. And that is why it is so natural that, through many steps career development Today you are a wise and responsible leader.
Your remarkable qualities: the ability to get along with people, solve numerous problems, sensitively capture life changes, perceive new things and put them into practice - have earned you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues.
Once again, we congratulate you on your birthday, wish you new successes and achievements, for long years fruitful activity, prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Personal congratulations to the head

Expensive (-\-)! May Success, Recognition and Luck accompany your every undertaking. We wish you interesting fruitful ideas, their successful implementation, far-reaching plans and stable financial position! Be healthy and happy!

Congratulations to the head of the beautiful

Let me express my admiration and respect to you, as the most businesslike person, full of energy and working capacity. You overcome all difficulties with dignity, and for this I want to say. Be healthy, energetic and may the source of your energy never run dry.

Congratulations on Aerologist's Day to the head

Our dear leader, chief and just a senior comrade! Please accept our most sincere and heartfelt congratulations from our entire team. professional holiday- Happy aerologist! For many years you have been the head of the hydrometeorology and monitoring department environment. The team appreciates you for your business qualities: energy and pressure in achieving your goals, complete dedication, zeal for the fate of the unit entrusted to you. Under your leadership in last years we have made notable progress. We wish you, our dear leader, excellent health and longevity, inexhaustible energy and love of life! May all your plans and dreams come true! May good luck and support of the team accompany you in business! We wish you well-being in the family and "good weather" in the house!

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday, personalized in prose

______ (name!) Happy Birthday! On behalf of our entire team, we wish you festive mood, good luck, happiness and luck. May success and prosperity always accompany you in work and in life.

Congratulations to the head of the production unit on the 50th anniversary

Dear _____________! Your friends and colleagues heartily congratulate you on your 50th birthday. 50 years is the age of maturity and prosperity. You gave 25 of them to your own factory. At first, he was a process engineer of the chief mechanic's department, and then he was the lead equipment engineer of the chief mechanic's department.
The position you hold today is a worthy assessment of your professionalism. Respectful attitude to colleagues at work do not prevent you from being strict and principled, from achieving a logical solution to the tasks assigned to your service. These qualities have been worthy respect factory workers.
You are also a wonderful family man - loving husband, father and grandfather. They raised three children, grandchildren are already growing up. Expensive _________________!
Accept from the factory workers the most sincere words birthday greetings. Happiness to you, kindness and peace, good health and prosperity to your family.

congratulations and parting word class teacher

Dear awesome mom. Here we come to an end school years. A little more and we will leave these walls. You were everything for us - a caring mother, a strict teacher, a wise educator. We are only now realizing what it was like for you to be with brats like us. We were naughty and skipped classes, did not fulfill homework and sometimes held back. But one thing we always knew for sure - we love you. You always knew how to rein us in and find mutual language with everyone, you coddled with us and put a piece of your soul into everyone. We will leave, but in our hearts we will forever keep love and respect for our class teacher. Thank you for everything and regards.

Congratulations on the anniversary of the head

Dear _____________ (name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you professional success, good luck in your work and all the best! May all your goals be achieved! Health to you and prosperity!

Happy birthday greetings to the head from the company's employees

On this day, we want to wish that fate leads you on the right path, so that there is always prosperity in the house. May your life flow peacefully and quietly, and let misfortunes be bypassed. And we also want to wish you a long life, health and happiness, and that all your affairs be argued and multiplied.

Congratulations to the class teacher from the parents of the class on the Anniversary in prose

Being a class teacher is not an easy and very responsible business, because in many respects it is up to you to shape the future of our children, and, therefore, the future of ours - their parents. We are very glad that you lead our class, and do it confidently, competently, and, most importantly, with soul and love. Let me sincerely thank you for your conscientious work! On your Anniversary, we wish you good health, huge creative success and great personal happiness!

Congratulations to the head of the energy company

Our permanent leader
You, as always, are on top
In all matters you are the winner,
Success awaits you everywhere.
Today, on this wonderful day,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts:
To make all hopes come true
So that all dreams come true.

Personalized congratulations to the head in prose

Dear _____ (name, patronymic)! For all the time when I have been working under your leadership, you have shown yourself to be a competent, humane and fair boss. I congratulate you and wish you economic stability, financial growth, family well-being and peace of mind.

Our dear chief - you are a brave Colonel!
Commander, cool leader - you won't find such people!
Give yourself two hundred percent to work,
And you still have time to inspire us!
We want you to continue to be like this:
Energetic, healthy and full of ideas!
Be an example for us and always smile!
May there be many good friends around!

Congratulations to the leader in verse

Congratulations, our leader,
Happy holiday, we wish from the bottom of our hearts
Wise decisions for you, inspirer,
All our successes are good.
We believe that your experience and your knowledge,
Progress Guarantee
We know that we can do everything
If such a leader leads us.

Beautiful birthday greetings to the head

Dear, we congratulate you on this wonderful, such a kind and sincere holiday, on your birthday. You often hear words of support and goodwill from us. On this day, we will give them a hundredfold and will not get tired of saying that we are proud of you, we love you for the honesty and nobility of the leader. We wish you all the best and beautiful, let the light of happiness illuminate your path of life. Respectfully, colleagues.

Happy birthday to the leader

We wish you on this glorious day
Hear a lot of warm words.
And congratulations from colleagues,
And just sincere toasts.
We sincerely wish you
Creative success in everything,
Health and happy days
Warmed by the warmth of friends.

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

Always support, understand
Explain everything and more than once,
Our class is not just you leading,
But also take care of us.
Please accept our gratitude
We all want to wish you:
Good health, do not feel tired
And never be discouraged.

Congratulations to the leader from the team on his birthday

You are the most amazing woman and we are proud that you lead our team. The most beautiful qualities that a woman can embody are inherent in you. We sincerely and wholeheartedly wish you success in everything and always.

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday from colleagues in verse

Let people give you smiles
Peace and happiness await in the family,
The absurdity and awkwardness of our life
They will not grieve you and will not be bent.
We wish you success, inspiration
And joy for many years
Congratulations on your birthday,
And we promise you success!

Congratulations to the head of the Charitable Foundation

a person with capital letter, with a heart of gold and a calling to help people, congratulations on the holiday! May God help you always and in everything! Fate gives happiness, prosperity and successful implementation of your priceless ideas and plans!

Personalized birthday greetings to the Head

Dear our (). On your birthday, I am very happy to express to you our most best regards. May you always be well, may you be appreciated at home, and at work, may all things go smoothly. May you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of your neighbors and a faithful close-knit team.

Personal congratulations to the class teacher

____________(Name)! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you beauty, health for many years, success in work, and peace and peace in your family! Thank you for your kindness, cordiality, understanding and warmth! You are the best class teacher! Happy holiday to you!

Happy birthday greetings to the head of the original

Today we celebrate the birthday of our unique and charming woman. For many years she has been our permanent leader and such a heavy burden rests on her fragile shoulders. I would like to thank her for the fact that we always find support and understanding in her face. Happy birthday!

Happy New Year to the leader

Under your guidance to perfection
We have been striving for more than a year,
And your work is not bliss at all,
It is difficult, but it gives us success.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you
Happy new year to this complicated world.
May he correct our mistakes,
And will not allow new ones to be made.

Congratulations to the woman head of the insurance company

Dear our (). I wish you to take an active position in all spheres of life, but at the same time remain real woman, which is able to subtly feel and empathize, support and take care of what is dear and beloved to you.

Congratulations to the leader on his birthday

Sincerely and honestly
Happy birthday to you!
Let your life be more interesting
What she was and is now.
May joy grow deeper over the years
And health is stronger, no problem.
May love heal your soul
All people need this.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you to always remain strong, courageous and valiant. To be worthy of the title of a real man, a real member of our society and worthy son Motherland. May the younger generation always look up to you.

Happy birthday to the leader

You are the best for us best boss and we say this without prejudice. On your birthday, we wish you only good luck and, of course, big profits. Let everything that is planned in the business plan become good decision and will be fulfilled.

Congratulations to the head for the New Year

Dear ___________ (name!)! From the whole team we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you and your family health, happiness and a smile on your faces! So that in the new year all goals are achieved, so that new prospects for work appear! May this wish come true on the very first day of the New Year!

A teacher is an important person in the life of every child, because for an impressive period she occupies significant place. She reverently puts knowledge into each child, worries, makes every effort to make a worthy person out of him.

Therefore, happy birthday greetings to the teacher, which were chosen with a soul, will be a wonderful gratitude for all that she has done and continues to do.

From the parent

teacher primary school is the second mother for children who spend most of their time within the walls of the school. She not only teaches them to write, count, read, love nature, but also experiences, rejoices at every achievement. Therefore, the upcoming birthday of the first teacher is great occasion for parents of primary school students to congratulate her on this holiday.

Among the many options you can find lovely wishes in prose, which will fully convey the mood and attitude of the parents, will help express their gratitude to them for the fact that this person from day to day does not get tired of teaching, caring, giving practical instructions, advice to their children. In fact, most of what a child knows is the merit of the teacher.

We congratulate you on your birthday,
And we wish you happiness at this hour!
And may joy and joy come to you,
After all, we don't have a better teacher.

Let your eyes sparkle with joy
Let the smile never leave your lips
Let it expand every year
Talented kids all around.

We wish you a little patience
To persistent, active and funny.
We appreciate you of course, without a doubt,
And we recognize your work is not easy.

May your destiny be a bright road!
After all, they say about such people - you are a teacher from God!
Never, (Name Patronymic), you do not change!
And remain such a teacher for life!

We wish you so much health enough for all students. We wish you a golden pointer that grants wishes instead of magic wand. We wish you a fabulous globe: where you pointed your finger, you got there. We wish you a recorder journal: what you write down will come true!
Being a teacher isn't easy
Strong nerves are needed.
Understanding and patience
So important in your business.

But the severity of the teacher
Must also have
WITH naughty children so that
Well, he could handle it.

Many of the best qualities
You were able to absorb it.
To them only good health
We want to wish you!

More salary, less notebooks,
Good students, in the forehead of seven spans.
So that the lessons themselves are conducted,
And the children were brought up by themselves.
Good luck creative and inspiration
We wish you a happy birthday.

Wishes in prose from parents of primary school students can be sincere, sincere and even playful. The best wishes, words of gratitude can be selected in them. In prose, you can express the sincerity of what was said, supplement the lines you like with your own, making the congratulations the author's.

As a gift for a primary school teacher from parents, you can present beautiful poems. She will certainly share this idea, because such a congratulation written on a postcard will give pleasant memories after each reading.

You are like a sorceress, a good fairy,
There is so much patience in your character.
And children with success you teach life
And fill their every day with meaning.

Teaching kids is not an easy task.
They are playful, play and cry.
You love them, at school you are like a mother to them,
We wish you health and strength.

Be loved and be successful
Let all dreams come true in a hurry.
To bring you bouquets every day,
So that you have a lot of light in your life.

Today we congratulate the person dedicated to children entirely. A teacher who is always ready to help his students and give them advice not only in terms of lessons, but also in terms of their lives. Patience to you, happiness, health, and let love live in your heart!
Happy birthday to congratulate
We want you teacher.
For children, you are the light of goodness,
Gentle soul healer.

I wish you health
fighting excerpts,
youthful ease,
Old people's knowledge.

Only with great love
To be included in the class.
The immediacy of children
Always appreciated.

Today is your birthday -
Let everything in life add up to "five"!
Let the students always rejoice
And less to check control.

And let the Minister of Education himself
"Teacher of the Year" will award you an award!
So be young today and always
And not subject to the passage of time.

You can always captivate children -
A task, interesting stories,
Teacher, you are definitely not without reason,
After all, children love you all at once!

We wish you a birthday today -
As much joy, health,
May the children never grieve
In return, you will be given respect and knowledge.

Having got to know the teacher better, her passions and hobbies, it will be much easier to pick up a wish in prose or give poetry. It is incredibly nice to receive such gifts from the parents of your students. After all, this is the highest gratitude for warmth and love, endurance, care, which is daily work.

From students

It is no less pleasant to receive poems, congratulations in prose, not only from parents, but also from the student. In this regard, there are many wishes, beautiful lines, among which you can choose exactly those that are associated with the teacher, fully express the attitude towards her.

Congratulations in prose, poetry can be selected for both primary school children and older students. They differ in size and meaning. But in any case, both options will allow the child to at its best congratulate your beloved teacher on her holiday, express your best wishes and thank you for her work.

You gave us knowledge - we give you love.
You took care of us, protected us from mistakes - our respect is a gift to you.
You taught us to live without malice and envy - we bow our heads before your kindness and wisdom.
You are a wonderful mentor, our teacher. All you can wish for is to remain yourself all your life: a sensitive, sympathetic, sincere, honest and wise person.

You are children's hearts
And the keeper of knowledge.
You are wise and sensitive
You are an awesome teacher.
May your calling
Gives inspiration.
We wish you strength and joy
On this birthday.

You are our second mother,
You are a mentor for children.
You are proud of all of us
You are the sweetest in the world.

Together we congratulate you.
On this brightest day
We wish you happiness and love
Faithful, devoted friends.

Let the salary rise
And your career will go up.
Let the rent go down
AND big success is waiting for you!

We wish you good luck
In the house of peace and good.
And endless patience
And home warmth.

It's your birthday today!
And now we hasten to wish you:
Health, strength, work - inspiration,
Patience, wisdom and not to be bored.

Thank you for what you bring
The teachings of light in minds that are not yet bright.
You always give us the best
For this we appreciate and respect you!

Dear our teacher, teacher,
Happy birthday our guide.
Congratulations to your favorite class,
You always take care of us!

We are interested in your lessons
Knowledge is stable and deep.
We wish from the bottom of our hearts now
Get everything that warms you!

You health, joy and happiness,
Live well, enjoy life.
And always let it be all right
Don't be sad and have fun!

They sound particularly poignant solemn words from the lips of primary school students who are just starting their life journey, in which Active participation accepts the first teacher. She will be very pleased to hear congratulatory words from children, let it be just a few lines in prose or poetry, but they will be sincere, pure.

Many poets have written poems about teachers, lines from which you can use as your own wishes in prose. Having decided to present poems, due attention should be paid to their choice, because sometimes choosing the best one can be a difficult task. In this case, parents can be involved in the choice of congratulations.

The first teacher is like a mother to us,
Happy birthday today the class congratulates you,
We wish to always be so - beautiful, young,
So that you always smile like the sun in spring!

We wish you happiness, a lot of strength and joy always,
To have enough health and warmth for years,
With great joy in your soul you came to school,
And disobedient us, any, always, always loved!

Are you used to doing good?
Helping others to learn
And today we congratulate you
Our dear teacher.

All good things come back to you
And your health will not end.
Our class sincerely promises you -
Loneliness does not threaten you in life.

Have fun on your birthday
Smile like you always do.
Thanks for your patience
We will never forget you!

We respect you very much
Let still primary class.
We wish you good health
It's your birthday.

So that all your dreams come true
We will help you.
On the five only studying
Write dictations correctly.

Thank you together let's say
After all, teaching us is not easy.
Nevertheless, let the disappointments
You will be far away.

We are in front of your work
We just bow.
And great patience
We are very surprised.

We wish you a birthday
We have strong nerves for you.
And a bit of mischief
Certainly in class.

Beautiful birthday lines for a teacher received from children or their parents are just a small part of what can be done as a token of gratitude. After all, this person deserves warm, sincere words not only on this holiday, despite the fact that sometimes it is strict, demanding, but he does it solely out of good intentions.

Therefore, on your birthday, which happens only once a year, you should not skimp on the most sincere and pure congratulations, words of gratitude towards the birthday man.

When a person teaching schoolchildren has another date that adds one year to his life, it is worth honoring this event. An unusual and rich congratulation to the class teacher on his birthday will help to fully realize this mission.

Therefore, both parents and students should clearly consider what the manifestation of emotions will be in order to convey everything that is on the soul.

How to make a congratulation to the class teacher happy birthday bright and unforgettable

In order for the wishes to be filled with experiences and zest, you should carefully prepare. For example, birthday greetings to a teacher, class teacher can be conveyed in skits. By staging some kind of fairy tale or fable, you can pour into words all the experiences and feelings for a person who is paving the way to a competent and reasonable life.

Having arranged a surprise, for example, hiding in the teacher's back room and running out when the hero of the occasion appears in the classroom, you can give unforgettable emotions important person. Of course, such birthday greetings to the teacher, class teacher should definitely be accompanied by the presentation of flowers, gifts and, of course, poems. Rhymed lines are very easy to convey everything that is on the soul.

Poetic congratulations from the class teacher from the parents of the students

The ideal solution would be to compose sayings on your own and convey them in the first person. Nevertheless, if among the parents of students there are no those who can write happy birthday poems to the class teacher, you can scoop them from the Internet. Consider the following speeches.

What a teacher needs in life

You have, no doubt.

Good knowledge, skill and honor

We want to wish you

To flourish in life

And our children rejoiced

You have been given pride.

May all new days

Start with a smile

And what you dream about

It is embodied here.

Happy Birthday to you

Congratulations parents

And your entire class.

From your parents, you accept praise and sayings.

We are very happy to have the honor and wish you a happy birthday.

So that school life flows like a stream,

So that you are always satisfied with the success of the students.

And we also want to wish you inspiration,

Good health, emotions, mood.

Let our daughters, sons only give you pride,

We will also help to immerse them in the world of science.

Thank you for everything you do for us dear.

Teach our children, do not spare your strength.

May your dreams come true and there will be beautiful flowers around.

Moms and dads, like your whole class,

They really want to congratulate you on a good hour today.

Bright life for you

desired gifts,

Health, inspiration,

Strength and patience to you.

Our daughters and sons

Flowers will be given to you today.

Let them understand you

The pride and honor of the school will be.

Congratulations and may

In life, joy, not sadness,

Sun, not clouds

To make your heart feel better.

Accept congratulations from the parents of those

To whom you give a ticket to life.

Who do you know well

Day by day you lead into the world of knowledge.

We wish you joy, bright emotions,

More good people on a way.

So that all the difficulties and difficulties

You passed with pride and honor.

Let children's laughter please you,

Recognition, success will come to life.

High peaks of conquest.

Happy birthday!

A poetic congratulation to the class teacher on his birthday should be accompanied by the presentation of a gift and flowers. Each line should be filled with emotions and feelings.

Birthday wishes from schoolchildren

The teacher gives a lot to every student. The correct and reasonable conduct of any subject helps all children to become literate and worthy schoolchildren. Therefore, it is worth saying a happy birthday to the former class teacher or the present one with depth and soul to give an opportunity to plunge into the world of positive emotions and inspiration to such an important person in life.

You give us knowledge

Open the way to life.

Educate, sometimes scold.

But we love you very much

We wish you a birthday

So that there is a lot of joy

Smiles, there was no doubt.

Definitely on this day

Positive will come to you

Let everything be bright

And life spoils with happiness.

Happy birthday to the whole class

Congratulate you now

To be a very kind and joyful hour.

Let life spin you

Positively, fun.

Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts on your birthday!

Happy birthday greetings to the class teacher should be filled with mood and inspiration. In this format, the holiday will be felt to the fullest.

Interesting and original birthday greetings to the class teacher

Of course, you can pronounce sayings in standard form. But poems with unusual wishes. For example, you can take into account the following rhymes:

We wish you a chest of adventures,

So that there are no sorrows in life.

Let the journey flow daily,

Something to rejoice and be proud of.

Let the students inspire you

Happy birthday! The whole class congratulates you.

We wish you beads made of precious stones,

So that every day is always filled

Emotions, joy, pleasant sensations,

So that sorrow never comes to you.

Happy birthday

Let joy and inspiration come to you.

Congratulations in prose to the class teacher

It is worth honoring the importance of the teacher in the life of students. That is why you should prepare happy birthday greetings to the class teacher for a man or woman and in poetic form, and in prose. Alternatively, you can take the following words:

You, the wisest eagle, give us knowledge and skills. Thanks to you, we learn different sciences. Words of gratitude are innumerable, you know exactly how to convey a piece of your heart. Accept congratulations, we wish your every day to be filled with pleasant emotions and inspirations.

Congratulations to a true professional in many sciences on the holiday. To fill every day of your life positive emotions and vivid impressions. You are worthy of the highest praise and worthy words. We congratulate you on your birthday and wish you unforgettable moments in your life.

Congratulations in the song from elementary school students to the class teacher

Junior classes can easily learn the words of a song, especially to a familiar tune. Interesting musical congratulations happy birthday to the class teacher will definitely like the teacher leading the lower grades. One of the options could be a song based on the melody of Crocodile Gena "On my birthday".

We hasten to congratulate you

With this date today,

Because you are good.

We wish you good luck

Lots of joy in addition

And always make dreams come true.


Congratulations on this date

And we wish you happiness

Our best teacher

May success come to you.

Verse 2

We will thank you

And now we'll show the concert

Let joy sparkle on your face.

This day will come

positive and kind people

Travel more often

Let the cup be full

Happy birthday,

Your class sings.


The teacher will love this song lower grades in honor of the birthday.

Congratulations in songs from high school students

You can sing musical composition to the motif "Blue Carriage" by Crocodile Gena.

Again this holiday with the teacher,

The class congratulates you today.

We wish you happiness, inspiration,

We appreciate and love you very much.


Many years to you, joy, happiness,

Let beauty inspire you around.

You are worthy, kind, dear,

Let your eyes shine with emotions.

verse 2

You are worthy of awards and honors,

Words do not count, praise and honor to you.

And let it be a pity for the passing years,

We are very glad that you exist.


Such a song, if the children are also dressed up in festive, carnival costumes, will give a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bpositive and pleasant experience significant person in school life.

Happy birthday teacher rich and unusual

You can come up with a whole concert in honor of the holiday. Arrange first dance congratulations with the best wishes written on the posters. Then you can include poetic congratulations in the program. The next number of the program is song alterations in honor of the day of the teacher's holiday. By devoting time to someone who gives knowledge, you can give the hero of the occasion inspiration and new strength to implement fresh ideas.

Smiles, color, wishes
Accept from us today.
You gave us knowledge
And so many great discoveries!

We wish you good luck
Our favorite teacher!
Congratulations on the holiday
Classroom teacher!

Be healthy, happy
Always in a good mood
Always young and beautiful!
Happy holiday! Happy Birthday!

Happy birthday teacher
Our class leader
We appreciate you, respect
And with all our hearts we wish
Health so as not to fail
So that the sun shines brighter for you,
teaching craft,
To bring a lot of happiness!

Our class leader
happy birthday now
Congratulations to you
Our large and friendly class.

We want nerves
Yours were stronger than steel
troubles, problems,
So that you don't know because of us.

On your birthday we promise
We study for "Excellent",
Behavior fix
And behave yourself.

You are our leader is very cool,
And kind, patient and beautiful,
One can only dream of such a friend
And I want to write poems about you!

We heartily congratulate you on your birthday,
We wish you good health and joy,
Good life - bright and happy,
You stay wise and beautiful!

To be loved very much, respected,
The students did not offend
So that you live joyfully, warmly,
You, as always, brought good to others!

We congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish the whole class luck in life,
Happy moments and joyful days
Income decent and new ideas.

May good health always be
All worries and deeds will become pleasant.
Work brings you a lot of smiles
Without absenteeism, leprosy and frequent mistakes.

May fate give you a huge miracle,
And happiness will follow you everywhere.
The guardian angel protects you from troubles,
You are simply the best class teacher!

Our teacher, beautiful and cool,
For us and for parents - special, beautiful,
Happy birthday today, congratulations to all
We wish you health, happiness, joy and peace!

So that every day brings you good luck and luck,
We had enough of your strength, smiles and patience,
Let spring bloom in your soul and the sun shine,
And know that our friendly class just loves you!

Today we hug you
We want to give you flowers.
Congratulations from a pure heart
And give these poems.

We sincerely want to congratulate you,
And wish on your birthday
Goodness, warmth, health, peace,
Be happy, don't be discouraged.

A teacher is a calling
We thank you.
We heartily congratulate you,
And thank you for everything.

You have to work so hard
You know about us, well, almost everything,
Sometimes look kindly, then strictly,
And reflects the pain of your face.

For pampering, disobedience - sorry,
We congratulate you on your birthday
Bouquet of flowers, accept verses from us,
And be happy always, just like now!

Let a smile be on your face all the time
And joy in the heart, and peace in the soul,
Congratulations to the young tribe,
Your favorite poetic line!

Your birthday
And our class congratulates you,
We wish you health, strength,
So that every day brings you
Smiles, joy, kindness,
And in the house prosperity, warmth.
To have time for dreams
On a search in the world of beauty.
And so that all your desires
Don't fade away in anticipation.

You give us knowledge good-naturedly,
You teach lessons - generously,
We love you very much and appreciate your work,
"Teacher from God" - that's what everyone calls you!

We wish you health for many years,
In the shower, you always have good weather,
Shining eyes to you, smiles and happiness,
And so that bad weather does not touch you forever!