Forms of work of the class teacher with the family. Forms of work of the class teacher with the student's family

Effective forms of cooperation

families and schools

It brings up everything: people, things, phenomena.

But above all people.

Of these, parents and teachers are in the first place.

A. S. Makarenko

With the introduction of the Federal State Standard of Primary General Education, much attention is paid to working with parents.

The federal state educational standard is a tripartite social contract between the family, society, and the state. Parents of students become subjects of the educational process, directly involved in the course of its design and implementation.

The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation.

Forms of work with parents quite varied.

to traditional forms the work of the class teacher with the family includes: visiting the student's family, holding parent meetings, correspondence with parents, creating class and school parent committees.

family visit- an effective form of individual work of a teacher with parents. When visiting the family, there is an acquaintance with the living conditions of the student. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the success of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

Correspondence with parents- a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on holidays, advice and wishes in raising children.

Parent meeting remains the main form of joint work of the teacher and parents, at which decisions are discussed and made on the most important issues of the life of the group and the upbringing of children at school and at home.

By type, parent-teacher meetings can be divided and characterized as follows:
1. Organizational, where work plans are drawn up and approved, a parent committee is elected, public assignments are distributed, events are developed with the participation of parents;

2. Thematic dedicated to the discussion of the most relevant and complex issues of education and development of students in this group;

3. Final, aiming to show the educational process as a means of developing the personality of the child, to draw the attention of parents to the positive and negative phenomena of the life of the group.

In order for the parents of the pupils to want to come to the parent meeting and to be able to take out useful and interesting information for themselves, when holding meetings, it is necessary to adhere to such rules:

The parent meeting should enlighten parents, and not state the mistakes and failures of children;

The theme of the meeting should take into account the age characteristics of children;

The meeting should be both theoretical and practical: analysis of situations, trainings, discussions, etc.;

The meeting should not engage in discussion and condemnation of the personalities of the pupils.

In addition to traditional forms of work, the modern school is looking for new, more effective forms of interaction between the class teacher and the child's parents.

An important area of ​​work of the class teacher is to provide advice to parents. One form of work is

Individual consultations. Conducting consultations, answering questions from parents, the teacher seeks to give qualified advice. In communicating with parents, the teacher should exercise maximum tact.

There are also "offsite" consultations. One form of such work is Trust Mail. A box (envelope) for parents' questions is being prepared, where parents can post their questions anonymously. Reading the mail, the teacher can prepare a complete answer in advance, study the literature, consult with colleagues or redirect the question.

Conference- a form of pedagogical education, providing for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the upbringing of children. Conferences can be scientific-practical, theoretical, readership, exchange of experience, conferences of mothers, fathers. Conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents.

Leisure activities remain a significant vector of joint work with parents. These are sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" and holidays dedicated to March 8, February 23, Mother's Day, and amateur art concerts, etc. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover still unknown sides of them interests, hobbies, talent. Leisure activities: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances: watching, discussing films; competitions, competitions, KVN; home weekend clubs; mugs. In my classes, every year in the 4th quarter I spend Parents' Week, where at different lessons and circle classes, parents share their skills with children by conducting master classes. In addition, not even systematic, but individual collective activities of the class, carried out jointly with parents, have a huge educational effect. For example, holding an evening-meeting “We are looking for talents” once a year, at which handicrafts, souvenirs are demonstrated - everything that the family enjoys in their free time.

"Open Days" have existed for a long time. "Open Days" give parents the opportunity to see the style of communication between teachers and children, to "get involved" in the communication and activities of children and teachers. On this day, parents, as well as other people close to the child who are directly involved in his upbringing, have the opportunity to freely visit the school; walk through all its premises, get acquainted with the life of the child at school, see how the child studies and relaxes, communicate with his friends and caregivers.

Open Lessons usually organized to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, teacher requirements. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional way, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children.

Communication in social networks has become very popular nowadays. A closed group “VKontakte” is being created and there are posted: photo reports on the day passed, announcements, links on the problems of upbringing and development of the child. Parents get the opportunity to keep abreast of events. This can help bring parenting together.

The condition for optimizing the interaction between teachers and families
In addition to the phased work of teachers with parents, based on certain principles, building partnerships with the family also requires compliance with the following conditions:
1. Cooperation with the family requires the teacher to comply with the rules necessary for optimal pedagogical communication at all stages of work:
- addressing the parents of their pupils only by name;
- the ability to listen to parents, as a concrete manifestation of interest in people in general;
- manifestation of benevolence in relation to parents, a smile in communication with them;
2. Take care of the humanization and democratization of the relationship between the teacher and parents. This will be supported by:
- replacement of impersonal announcements about upcoming parent-teacher meetings with individual nominal invitations made together with children;
- equipping a corner in the classroom for parents, which has a small library, educational programs, samples of children's work, photographs of children;

3. Give preference not to collective, but to individual forms of work with parents.

4. Recognize a word that is not supported by visualization as an insufficiently effective means of influencing the family. Therefore, one should less often resort to ready-made value judgments about the pupil, it is useful to provide family members with the opportunity from time to time to observe their own child, compare it with their peers, discover new, and perhaps unfamiliar features in it.

5. When discussing pedagogical problems, parents should not be given ready-made answers, it is necessary to build a discussion in such a way as to promote the ability of parents to analyze their own educational activities, critically evaluate it, and find the causes of their pedagogical mistakes.


1. The concept of spiritual and moral development and education of the personality of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

2. Derekleeva N.I. Scientific - research activities of the class teacher at school. M.: Verbum - M, 2003.

3. Reshetnikov P.E. Organization of pedagogical practice in elementary grades. M.: GITs-V, 2002.

4. Rozhkov M. I. Organization of the educational process at school. M.: GITs-V, 2003.

5. Osipova M. P. work with parents. Minsk: UE "Ekoperspektiva", 2003.

Ovcharova G.P.
Pedagogy should become a science for everyone - and for

teachers, and parents.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky
The essence of the interaction between the class teacher and the family is that both parties should be interested in studying the child, revealing and developing the best qualities and properties in him.

Joint activities of teachers, parents and children can be successful if everyone is positively disposed to work together, act together, carry out joint planning, and sum up the results of the activity.

Such interaction presupposes the unity of requirements for the child and the organization of joint activities, the study of the child in the family and at school with the help of special methods and the preparation of programs for his development.

The nature of the interaction of teachers with the family should be differentiated. The same should not be imposed on everyone, it is necessary to focus on the needs, requests of parents, the features of family education.

When starting to work with the families of his students, the class teacher should discuss the rules of communication that he would like to follow in working with parents.

Rules for effective interaction of the class teacher with sevenyami students might be:

1. Parents need support, help and good advice. If you have them, create the necessary conditions for communication!

2. Do not talk to your parents in a hurry, on the run; If you don't have time, it's better to make an appointment for another time!

3. Talk to your parents in a calm tone, do not try to edify and teach - this causes irritation and a negative reaction from the parents!

4. Know how to patiently listen to your parents, let's have the opportunity to speak out on all pressing issues!

5. Don't jump to conclusions! Think carefully about what you heard from your parents!

6. What your parents told you about should not become the property of other parents, students and teachers!

8. Each meeting with the student's family should end with constructive recommendations for the parents and the student himself!

9. If the teacher is incompetent in some problem or situation, he should apologize to the parents and invite them to seek advice from specialists!

10. If parents take an active part in the life of the class and school, their efforts should be noted by the class teacher and school administration!

The main forms of interaction between the class teacher and the family are individual forms of work and group.

Group activities include such forms of interaction as parent-teacher meetings, conferences, question-and-answer evenings, and parent universities. Group forms of work are appropriate for organizing psychological education of parents, for meetings with the administration of an educational institution on the most pressing problems of school life or, for example, on reforming the school.

In order for group forms of communication between parents and teachers to be effective, parents must be able to take part in planning the content of classes at parent universities and other various forms of interaction with the school.

To do this, at the end of the school year, at the final parent meeting in the classroom, parents receive an approximate thematic planning of group work with the family at school for the new academic year, which indicates not only the topics of future meetings, but also the forms of their conduct. This allows you to determine in advance the degree of interest of parents in a particular topic or joint business in the classroom and organize future meetings as efficiently as possible. Parents note those forms of interaction that are most interesting to them and in which they could take part, express themselves. Then the class teacher analyzes the answers of the parents and, on their basis, plans the participation of parents in the life of the class team for the new academic year.

Well-established and organized interaction between the family and the school makes it possible for parents to realize the need to acquire new knowledge for the development of a healthy and full-fledged personality, and also forms the need for direct communication with those people who help them become real parents. I

Group forms of work with the family, their diversity at school helps parents choose the type of communication with teachers and other school specialists that is most suitable for them.

The most common form of group work with parents is Parent meeting. The parent meeting is held once a month or quarter, depending on the characteristics of the class, the age of the students, contingent of parents. If the selection of the parents of the class is such that they are people who already have older children, then in this case they know both practically and theoretically what it means to have a child of a schoolboy. If the parents are mostly young people, then they need to meet both teachers and specialists much more often in order to gain their parental pedagogical experience.

It is very important that during the first meeting with the teacher, parents clearly know the timing of parent meetings, and receive a schedule of all types of cooperation for the school year in advance. This disciplines parents very well and makes it clear that the school is purposefully dealing with family problems and pays great attention to such cooperation.

During the entire school year, the class teacher must hold four mandatory parent-teacher meetings. However, practice shows that the class teacher holds one or two more meetings. This is due to those specific problems and situations that require additional parent-teacher meetings.

The first parent meeting is, as a rule, organizational and is held in late August - early September.

Subsequent meetings are thematic. Their topics are determined by the needs of parents, the class teacher, the school, the relevance of the topic under discussion.

The last meeting of the year is the final one. held at the end of the 1st academic year in the month of May. I

Current parent meetings- these are meetings with a traditional agenda: the results of academic performance in a quarter, the results of ongoing events and holidays, trips.

Thematic parent meetings- these are meetings dedicated to a topical topic, in which the absolute majority of the parents of the class are interested in discussing. Thematic parent meetings, as a rule, are of an educational nature and are aimed at expanding the knowledge of parents in the field of raising children.

Final parent meetings- these are meetings whose task is to sum up the results of the development of the children's team for a certain time. During such a meeting, parents have the opportunity to evaluate the achievements of students in the class, their own child, to compare past results with those that already exist.

Final parent-teacher meetings can be held in various forms, depending on the topic and purpose of the meeting itself. It can be holidays, bonfires, hikes, solemn meetings.

Whatever the content of the parent meeting may be, it requires careful preparation. The class teacher must remember that the parent meeting will be effective when the teacher plans it, writes a kind of script. This scenario can be developed by the teacher himself or with the help of the parent committee of the class, with the help of students.

For each parent meeting, it is appropriate to prepare diagnostic material for parents or statistical material related to the study of certain aspects of the life of class students. In order for the meeting to be useful to parents and they want to participate in it, everyone should receive what is especially important for him. Therefore, the following traditional headings can be introduced into the content of the parent meeting:

  • "From the history of raising children in the family";

  • "Great teachers of the world";

  • "Traditions of education of the peoples of the world";

  • "Catched phrases about education";

  • "The ABC of raising children in the family";

  • "Recommended to read";

  • "Bookshelf of parents";

  • “Discuss with your child”;

  • "The Box of Wisdom";

  • "Creative workshop of the family".

Such headings will make the parent meeting unusual; the rating of parent meetings will change, will contribute to a change in the relationship for the better in the teacher-student-parent system.

The class teacher should pay much attention to the formation of traditions in holding parent-teacher meetings. This will arouse in parents an interest in meetings, responsibility and the need to participate in the affairs of the class team.

What parent meeting traditions are meaningful and effective? First of all, these are the traditions of encouraging parents who are actively involved in the life of the class. Encouragement of parents is carried out in various forms. This may be the awarding of certificates, diplomas, souvenirs made by the hands of students. In honor of the helper parents, a concert program can be prepared, personalized congratulatory newspapers can be issued.

Of great importance for parents, grandparents are letters of thanks, which the class teacher can send both to the student's home and to his parents at work. It's great if parents receive such a thank you letter on their birthday.

your child. This is a great incentive for the child, as well as recognition of the merits of the parents themselves in raising children.

The introduction of certain rituals into its course is also considered a good tradition of the parent meeting. For example, a ritual that can be conditionally called the "Magic Box". This ritual consists in the fact that for each parent meeting, the guys in the class write a letter to their parents, put it in an envelope, sign it and lower it into a magic box that stands in the room where the meeting takes place. Children begin to write such messages already in the first grade. In their letters, they can talk about what worries them, talk about their problems and joys; that it is sometimes difficult for them to say out loud.

If such a ritual becomes traditional, parents look forward to it. Sometimes the tradition of writing letters to each other becomes a family tradition, which parents talk about with pleasure and thank for its introduction into the practice of parent meetings.

Very important for the class teacher is the opinion of the parents on the meeting. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce elements of reflection into the content of the parent meeting. They can be different: the oral opinion of the parents, the written analysis of the results of the meeting, the design of a collage or a newspaper.

A carefully prepared, meaningful, non-standard in form and relevant in significance parent meeting can make a revolution in the minds of fathers and mothers, awaken in them a huge educational potential and a desire to help their child become happy. The class teacher must remember that the parent meeting will be effective when there is a need for it on the part of adults and when the teacher who prepares it is authoritative in the eyes of the parents.

An important form of group work with parents is conference. It is appropriate to hold conferences as an exchange of experience in raising children or as an exchange of opinion on a specific problem. Documents on reforming school education (a 10-point assessment of students' knowledge and its content or, for example, documents of the Convention on the Rights of the Child) can become the subject of discussion of the parent conference. The conference, like any meeting with parents, is planned in advance and carefully prepared. For the conference, it is necessary to prepare an exhibition of literature on the problem under discussion, to study the opinions of adults and children, scientists. During the conference, a decision can be made within the framework of the problem under discussion, which is impossible without the participation of parents.

The topic of discussion of the parent conference can also be the pressing problems of the educational institution: the design and repair of the school building, the results of the organization of cooperation between the family and the school, the moral and aesthetic aspects of the organization of school holidays, the certification of the educational institution and its results, and much more.

A good tradition of the school is the annual conferences of parent committees of classes. Such conferences may be held twice in the academic year.

At the end of the school year, a conference is necessary to sum up the results, note the contribution of parent committees to cooperation with the school, and outline the range of problems that require the help of parents.

Of great importance in the cooperation of the school and the family are meetings parents of classes and parent committees with the school administration, specialists in various fields of knowledge, with the teaching staff.

For example, a meeting of the parent committee of the class with the winners of intellectual marathons, participants in olympiads, and winners of various competitions gives a good effect. This is a huge incentive for further cooperation between students and parents.

A good tradition in working with a class team is to hold a meeting of generations in honor of the Victory Day. At this meeting, grandfathers and grandmothers, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, fathers and mothers are nearby: some have something to remember, others have something to learn.

Such meetings make it possible to change a lot in the communication between children and parents, to influence the relationship between adults and children for the better. However, we must remember that these events require serious preparation, a huge contribution of the spiritual forces of the teacher himself.

Parent meetings can be of great importance in working with problem children. They often become problematic from a lack of communication with relatives and friends, from a lack of understanding and acceptance. Meetings with parents of other children, the authority of other parents in the eyes of a problem child can do much more than inviting various specialists.

An interesting form of work with parents is parent clubs. Parent clubs are associations of interest. Interest in the common passion of children and parents, a common interest in understanding one problem, interest in studying literature on the problems of education.

Organization of clubs of parents is a fertile business. It unites parents, allows them to develop their own powers of observation in raising children, form parental adequacy of self-esteem, critical views on their own upbringing, and helps to avoid the problems of adolescence in the future. In the parental team there are always people who are interested in various systems of education, the results of the upbringing and education of children in schools of certain areas. Such parents should be encouraged to participate in club activities.

Club meetings are held three or four times a year. Parents are offered in advance the topics of club activities, which are posted at the school at the stand for parents. Parents can make adjustments to the topic. Recently, due to the current situation in society associated with rampant drug addiction and substance abuse, parents would like to know as much as possible about this problem, to be enlightened in this area. The informal atmosphere of classes in the club, the involvement of specialists, the opportunity to watch video materials, meetings with parents who have experienced such problems in raising children - all this can make the work of the club useful and necessary in the life of the school. Classes in the club create like-minded enthusiasts who can later become authoritative friends for many children who are faced with serious life problems.

Clubs can be a great help in the work of the class teacher with students. creativity, whose members are parents and children. In such clubs, children and their parents are united by a common hobby, which not only unites adults and children, but also forms a completely different world of relationships between them. The study of the world of animals and plants, floristry, painting, passion for poetry and sports, sewing and knitting - all these interests can become the basis for creating a club.

Club activity is not just a meeting of passionate people; these are traditions and customs of joint communication, this is an influence on the future actions of a person, the formation of his culture and character. The class teacher should encourage the participation of parents in club work, an annual presentation of the club's work can become a beautiful tradition of the class. It can be a small video film, an exhibition of works by club members, a club charity auction and other forms of demonstrating the achievements of the parent communication club.

Of great importance in the work of the class teacher is individual work with parents. Individual forms of work with parents include the following: individual consultations, conversations, home visits.

Individual consultations can be held at the initiative of the parents or at the initiative of the class teacher. The reason for inviting parents for a consultation may be the result of the teacher's observations of the child, problems in the child's communication with the class of teachers, a conflict situation, the child's initiative related to the family situation.

There is a certain ethics of communication with parents in the preparation and conduct of individual work with the family.

Parents should be invited to the consultation in a friendly and calm manner;

The time of the consultation or interview must be clearly stated;

Parents should not wait at the door of their fate;

It is desirable that both parents are present at the meeting;

It is necessary to clearly formulate the objectives of the consultation, its relevance;

Parents should be given the opportunity to fully express themselves on the issue under discussion;

All the arguments of the parents, their arguments “for” and “against” must be carefully listened to;

During the consultation, parents should receive clear recommendations and suggestions on the problem under discussion;

If necessary, during the consultation, parents get the opportunity to meet with specialists and organize additional counseling for the child;

If the presence of the child during the consultation is mandatory, then he is invited to the meeting.

Visiting a child at home is a last resort. Not many parents are ready for the class teacher to disturb them at home. However, if a joint school life is just beginning, it is necessary in trouble and in joy to learn to be together. The teacher can not only come and check the availability of a schoolchild's corner, but also wish him a happy birthday, visit a sick child with his classmates, and help with the housework with the children, if necessary. Such techniques are possible only if they are associated with certain circumstances in the student's life.

Each consultation or conversation should be carefully analyzed by the class teacher. The results of home visits, consultations are recorded in the diary of the class teacher, they are a guide to action for subsequent meetings with the family.

A huge role in the cooperation between the parents of students and the class teacher is played by class parent committee. The atmosphere in the class team, the relationship of parents with each other, communication between adults and children depends on how smoothly and responsibly the parent committee approaches its activities.

A well-organized parent committee can perform various functions in the class. One of the main ones is the help of the parent committee in organizing the educational process. The Parents' Committee can take over the organization of competitions for the best diary, notebook; raids-checks of the careful attitude of students to their portfolio, textbooks, stationery. Of great importance is the participation of the parent committee in the open day of the class, in the day of self-government.

Another important function of the class parent committee is to assist the class teacher in extracurricular activities.

First of all, this is the organization and conduct of parental lessons in the classroom. Parental lessons - an opportunity for creativity, improvisation of each family. During the parent lesson, the children get acquainted with the hobbies of the family, learn about interesting traditions and customs, develop their horizons.

In addition to such lessons, the parent committee can help the class teacher in organizing holidays, excursions, and trips. Without the help of parents, it is difficult for a teacher to organize visits to theaters, museums, and exhibitions. The benefit of the parent committee in resolving this issue is enormous, but all these events are interesting not only for children, but also for the parents themselves - to see their child in an unusual environment, analyze his behavior, attitude to what is happening, just talk with your child and other children.

Much can be done by the parent committee to address household issues in the classroom. Repair of the office, furniture, feeding children in the school cafeteria, compliance with sanitary and hygienic and preventive measures by students and the school - this and much more can be within the competence of the parent committee.

At the request of the class teacher or at the request of the parents of students, the parent committee can and should contribute to the work of the school with dysfunctional and problematic families. These are visits to students in the family, preventive conversations, protection of the rights of students in various instances.

The parent committee is elected by the general meeting of parents. During the elections, the proposals of the class teacher, the initiative of the parents themselves are taken into account. The term of office of the parent committee is one year, but if there is an urgent need, the parent committee may be re-elected on an urgent basis or may continue its powers. When starting work in the classroom, the class teacher should warn parents that every parent should be in the role of a member of the parent committee; therefore, the parent committee will be updated annually. It is very important that the work in the parent committee of each parent will allow him to understand the problems that the class teacher faces and actively participate in their solution.

As a rule, duties in the parent committee are distributed as follows: the chairman of the parent committee, his deputies responsible for certain areas of work, the treasurer.

The chairman of the parent committee is responsible for organizing its activities, together with the deputies, draws up a plan for the work of the parent committee; assists the class teacher in preparing and conducting parent-teacher meetings; is a representative of the parents of the class in the work of the parent committee of the school. The chairman participates in the protection of the rights of class students in judicial structures, if there is an urgent need for this. The chairman of the parent committee, together with representatives of the school, participates in visiting dysfunctional families, helps to resolve conflict situations in the children's team.

If the chairman of the parent committee is responsible for organizing the work of the parent committee as a whole, then his deputies are responsible for certain areas of work.

The deputy chairman of the parent committee, who is responsible for the effectiveness of the educational activities of students in the class, organizes parents to participate in the school life of children: in attending classes, days of creativity in the classroom and school. His competence includes assistance to the class teacher in acquiring the necessary teaching aids; organization of various contests, brain-rings; assistance to gifted students in finding sponsors to participate in various olympiads, competitions and festivals; organization of assistance to children lagging behind in their studies; search for opportunities to reward students with high results in educational activities. The deputy chairman of the parent committee, who oversees the participation of parents and class students in extracurricular activities, performs quite a multifaceted work. It is within his competence to involve the parents of the class in conducting classes of circles, sections, parent lessons. Together with the parents of the class, he participates in all joint holidays, trips, organizes excursions, trips, entertainment events in the class. In addition, he helps the class teacher to realize the possibilities of all students in the class, as well as their parents, in extracurricular activities.

The deputy chairman of the parent committee, who is responsible for the economic work in the class, organizes the help of parents in repairing the classroom, in its design, in acquiring items necessary for the class team.

The Treasurer is responsible for raising parental funds for the needs of the class. Together with the parent committee, the treasurer draws up an estimate of expenses, reports to the parent meeting for the funds used. If necessary, he determines the funds from the budget of the parent committee of the class to encourage students within the framework of the Gifted Children program, for publishing activities (children's class magazine, baby books written by students and their parents, photocopying of the necessary educational materials).

Parent Committee meetings are held two or three times a quarter. However, if there is an urgent need, parent committee meetings may be more frequent.

The documents stating the activities of the parent committee are the minutes of its meetings, the regulations on the parent committee of the school, the work plan of the parent committee for the academic year or six months, the schedule of meetings of the parent committee.

The clear and well-organized work of the parent committee of the class is bearing fruit. Schoolchildren are always glad that their parents come to lessons and extracurricular activities, participate in joint holidays and trips, and are proud of the participation of parents in the life of the class. It should be noted that the active participation of the parent committee and parents in general in class life is very stimulating to action for the class teacher himself.

A good tradition in many schools is to conduct original creative reports on the joint activities of the parent committee and the class team. Such meetings are held at the end of the academic year and are a kind of summing up the work for the year. The forms of presentation can be very diverse: a film about the life of the class, KVN, a festival, etc. The main thing is that parents and children are together, adults see the achievements of children in a year, rejoice at each other's successes.

Bibliographic list

1. Akutina S.P. Education = family and school // Scientific and methodological journal Class teacher. No. 7, 2006.

2. Derekleeva N.I. Parent meetings. Grades 5-11.- M.: VAKO, 2004.

Author information

Full Name

Ovcharova Galina Petrovna

Article title

Forms of work of the class teacher with the family

Problem group / direction

Place of work

MOU "Basic comprehensive school with. Kholki Chernyansky district "

Position held


Academic degree and academic title

Mailing address

village of Kholki, Chernyansky district, Belgorod region

E-mail address

contact number


Modern society requires educated, moral, enterprising people who know how to build a life worthy of a person, based on goodness, truth, beauty, who are able to feel like a full-fledged citizen of their country, who are ready to learn, work for its good and defend it. The modern family is developing in a qualitatively new, contradictory social situation, when, on the one hand, society is turning towards the problems and needs of the family. On the other hand, there are processes that lead to aggravation of family problems. The emotional, intellectual and pedagogical culture of an educational institution is the foundation of the moral ideals of children and adolescents, the guarantor of their social and individual security. The moral and moral formation of the child's personality is directly influenced by the environment and the family. The family is the source and mediating link in the transfer of socio-historical experience to the child, and, above all, the experience of emotional and business relationships between people. With this in mind, one can rightfully assume that that the family was, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing and socialization of the child. The family is one of the main aspects of the moral development of the individual.

Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes carry out education blindly. Intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. In such families there are no strong interpersonal ties between parents and children; as a result, the external, often negative environment becomes “authority”, which leads to the “exit” of the child from the influence of the family. Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, the family needs systematic and qualified assistance from the school. Only in the process of cooperation between teachers and parents can the problem of the development of the student's personality be successfully solved.

The forms and methods of working with parents should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, at strengthening the interaction between the school and the family, and at strengthening its educational potential. The process of interaction between family and school is aimed on the active involvement of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular leisure activities, cooperation with children and teachers.

The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation. At the same time, the family should be considered as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the combined efforts of parents and the teacher will create favorable conditions for the development of the child. The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result, provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of interrelated educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education.

In the system of work of the class teacher, the following areas can be distinguished:

  1. Studying students and the class team: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data (family, social and financial situation, health status, level of development, upbringing and learning, individual characteristics, etc.)
  2. Statement of educational tasks ("prospects") common to the class or individual groups, students of the class.
  3. Planning of educational work - drawing up a plan for working with students, teachers, parents, containing a list of tasks and cases to solve them.
  4. Organization, conduct and adjustment of various types of activities in accordance with the tasks set and the planned plan: holding class hours, collective creative activities, excursions, hikes, evenings, parent meetings, etc.
  5. Organization of work with parents of students: systematic informing about the progress, behavior of students, visiting students at home, providing pedagogical education to parents, involving parents in educational work with students.
  6. Analysis and evaluation of the results of education or, in other words, diagnostics of the development of joint activities of the family and the school.

The next section of the class teacher's activity is work with parents of students. Each teacher maintains contact with the parents of the students. A closer connection between the school and the family is carried out through class teachers. They communicate with parents more often, inform them about the educational work and behavior of children, outline ways of joint activities for their upbringing. And the class teacher should begin his activity with the preparation of a class social passport and individual family work card, which is already the primary diagnosis of the student's family.

The forms of interaction between teachers and parents are the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication.

Forms of cognitive activity: public reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a holiday of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of connoisseurs. In all these forms, there is a direct relationship between children, parents and teachers.

Forms of work: designing an office, collecting waste paper, planting a memorial alley in connection with a significant event in the lives of children and parents, etc.

Leisure activities: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances, competitions, competitions, KVN, home weekend clubs, parental schools of interest.

Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements. Most often open lessons are practiced in elementary school. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice every six months. This will avoid many conflicts caused by parents' ignorance and misunderstanding of the complexity and specificity of educational activities in today's school.
The day of open lessons is held at a convenient time for parents, most often on Saturday. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional way, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements are noted, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity, problems are posed, prospects are outlined.

The parent meeting is the main form of work for parents, where the problems of the life of the classroom and the parent team are discussed. The school of parenting that forms parental opinion are parent meetings. This is the main form of collective work of the teacher with the families of students. As work experience shows, the system of holding class meetings not only arouses interest among parents and is positively assessed by them, but also helps to jointly solve important issues related to the upbringing of children. A large role is played by memos for parents, as well as feedback from teachers prepared for the meeting on the educational activities of students.

Parent lecture hall introduces parents to the issues of education, improves their pedagogical culture, helps to develop unified approaches to raising children. The evening of questions and answers is held after interviewing parents or grouping problematic questions that arise in the upbringing of children and relationships with them.

Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity to study the level of formation of the pedagogical skills of participants. Approximate topics of role-playing games with parents can be the following: “Morning in your house”, “The child came from school”, “Family Council”, etc. The role-playing methodology provides for the definition of the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, a preliminary discussion of possible positions and behavioral patterns of the participants. At the same time, it is important to play several options (positive and negative) of the behavior of the participants in the game and, through joint discussion, choose the best course of action for this situation.

Dispute - reflection on the problems of education is one of the forms of increasing pedagogical culture that are interesting for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and allows everyone to join in the discussion of the problem.

family visit - an effective form of individual work of a teacher with parents. When visiting the family, there is an acquaintance with the living conditions of the student. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the success of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc. family visit as a form of work with parents, today is controversial in pedagogy. On the one hand, the class teacher knows better the conditions in which the child lives, and, if possible, can influence their improvement. On the other hand, this form of work can be seen as an intrusion into the privacy of the family, which can complicate the relationship between the teacher and the family. This form can be used depending on the conditions, features and specifics of the situation. Correspondence with parents- a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on holidays, advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a friendly tone, the joy of communication.

A meeting with the administration, class teachers should be held annually. Teachers acquaint parents with their requirements, listen to their wishes.
A particularly important form is interaction between teachers and parents. Together they are trying to form councils of affairs to organize work, taking into account the possibilities and interests of parents. Group sessions may be exploratory in nature. Also, group classes can be associated with teaching parents about the activities and skills of organizing the activities of circles for children, club forms of work on weekends.
Collective and group forms of interaction permeate individual forms. These include conversations, intimate conversations, consultation-thinking, the implementation of individual assignments, a joint search for a solution to the problem, correspondence. Individual work with parents requires much more effort and ingenuity from the teacher, but its effectiveness is much higher. It is in individual communication that parents learn the requirements set by the school for students and become allies of the class teacher.

The system of work of a teacher with parents also provides for their involvement in school self-government. . Parents of students are not legally included in the school team and do not form a team in general, but they are no less interested in the success of the school than teachers or their children. They are a kind of social customers of the school, so they should be able to influence its activities and participate in school life. By forming an association, parents have the right to create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues of school life on their own. These goals can be served by school parent meetings, conferences, the parent committee and its commissions, sections and other working bodies. In addition, parents can be members of the school council as equal members if the school government provides for the creation of this body. One of the forms of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, proactive parents is the class parent committee. The parent committee works on the basis of the regulation on the parent committee of the school. He, together with the class teacher and under his leadership, plans, prepares and conducts all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents, assisting in the upbringing of class children, analyzes, evaluates and summarizes the cooperation between the school and the family. Organization of joint leisure activities or involvement of parents in joint activities with children is also one of the job functions.
In many schools, parents are frequent guests at extracurricular activities as well. These are sports competitions “Dad, Mom, I am a sports family”, “We go to the site on the weekend with the whole family”, and the holidays “Look into Mom's eyes”, dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8, and the evenings “Meeting with the Profession”, and amateur concerts. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover the still unknown sides of their interests, hobbies, talents. Leisure forms: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances: watching, discussing films and performances; competitions, competitions, KVN; home weekend clubs; clubs and activities organized by parents. In addition, not even systematic, but individual collective activities of the class, carried out jointly with parents, have a huge educational effect. It is possible, for example, to hold an evening-meeting “The World of Hobbies of Our Family”, which demonstrates crafts, souvenirs - everything that the family is fond of in their free time.

Finds a place in the work of the class teacher such a form as intellectual games for parents “The most erudite family”, “Culinary fights”, “Ah, potatoes” and others. Joint events with parents on a healthy lifestyle are obligatory (seminars, promotions, quizzes, etc.). ) In the methodology, one can single out the so-called non-traditional forms of cooperation between the class teacher and the student's family. These include the following forms:

  • parent evenings
  • Parent Readings
  • Open Day
  • Individual consultations
  • Parent lecture hall
  • Group consultations
  • Thematic consultations
  • Keeping communication notebooks
  • Extra-curricular activities with the participation of parents
  • Trainings
  • Parent meetings with children
  • Thematic events organized by parents.

Pedigree of education of family values:
- involvement of families in understanding the values ​​of family education;
- promotion of the best experience of family education;
- attracting students to the knowledge of the history of their native land, its heroic past, the history of their family.

All parties benefit from successful collaboration. A positive result of cooperation for teachers is an increase in respect from parents and society as a whole, an improvement in interpersonal relationships with them, an increase in authority in the eyes of children, parents and school administration, greater satisfaction with their work, a more creative approach to it. For parents, the result of the interaction is a better knowledge of children and school programs, confidence that their opinions and wishes are taken into account in teaching, a sense of their importance in school, strengthening the family and improving communication with children.

Diagnosis plays a huge role in the teacher's work. Some teachers may object, arguing that psychologists work at the school, and they are also involved in diagnostics. However, we are not talking about psychological diagnostics in its purest form; we are talking about psychological and pedagogical diagnostics. Without the use of psychological and pedagogical diagnostics, it is impossible to plan educational work in a children's team, to establish relations with a team of parents. Any information that the class teacher can get from parents and children can provide an invaluable service to the family and the child.

Family and school play a major role in a child's life, and how he feels in them depends on his development as a person. Therefore, neither a school without a family, nor a family without a school are able to cope with the subtlest, most complex tasks of becoming a schoolchild. The school should invite the family to cooperate, taking into account its capabilities. The family should consider the school as a friend in the education of the student. Cooperation between the school and the family is the result of purposeful and long-term work, which, first of all, involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of the family upbringing of the child. The interaction of participants in the pedagogical process should be planned and organized. The essence of the interaction between the teacher and the family is that both parties are interested in studying the child, revealing and developing the best qualities in him.

Forms of work of the class teacher with the student's family Deputy director for VR Bairambekova U.B. Modern society requires educated, moral, enterprising people who know how to build a life worthy of a person, based on goodness, truth, beauty, who are able to feel like a full-fledged citizen of their country, who are ready to learn, work for its good and defend it. The modern family is developing in a qualitatively new, contradictory social situation, when, on the one hand, society is turning towards the problems and needs of the family. On the other hand, there are processes that lead to aggravation of family problems. The emotional, intellectual and pedagogical culture of an educational institution is the foundation of the moral ideals of children and adolescents, the guarantor of their social and individual security. The moral and moral formation of the child's personality is directly influenced by the environment and the family. The family is the source and mediating link in the transfer of social and historical experience to the child, and, above all, the experience of emotional and business relationships between people. With this in mind, we can rightfully consider that the family has been, is and will be the most important institution for the upbringing and socialization of the child. The family is one of the main aspects of the moral development of the individual. Parents, not possessing sufficient knowledge of the age and individual characteristics of the child's development, sometimes carry out education blindly. Intuitively. All this, as a rule, does not bring positive results. In such families there are no strong interpersonal ties between parents and children; as a result, the external, often negative environment becomes “authority”, which leads to the “exit” of the child from the influence of the family. Consequently, in difficult modern conditions, the family needs systematic and qualified assistance from the school. Only in the process of cooperation between teachers and parents can the problem of the development of the student's personality be successfully solved. The forms and methods of working with parents should be aimed at improving the pedagogical culture of parents, at strengthening the interaction between the school and the family, and at strengthening its educational potential. The process of interaction between the family and the school is aimed at the active involvement of parents in the educational process, in extracurricular leisure activities, cooperation with children and teachers. The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation. At the same time, the family should be considered as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the combined efforts of parents and the teacher will create favorable conditions for the development of the child. The activity of the class teacher achieves its goal and gives the best result, provided that it is carried out in a certain system. The system of work of the class teacher is a set of interrelated educational activities arising from the goals and objectives of education. In the system of work of the class teacher, the following areas can be distinguished: 1. The study of students and the class team: obtaining demographic, medical, psychological and pedagogical data (family, social and financial situation, health status, level of development, upbringing and learning, individual characteristics, etc.). e.) 2. Statement of educational tasks ("prospects") common to the class or individual groups, students of the class. 3. Planning of educational work - drawing up a plan for working with students, teachers, parents, containing a list of tasks and cases for their solution. 4. Organizing, conducting and adjusting various types of activities in accordance with the tasks set and the planned plan: holding class hours, collective creative activities, excursions, hikes, evenings, parent meetings, etc. 5. Organization of work with parents of students: systematic informing about the progress, behavior of students, visiting students at home, providing pedagogical education to parents, involving parents in educational work with students. 6. Analysis and evaluation of the results of education or, in other words, diagnostics of the development of joint activities of the family and the school. The next section of the class teacher's activity is work with parents of students. Each teacher maintains contact with the parents of the students. A closer connection between the school and the family is carried out through class teachers. They communicate with parents more often, inform them about the educational work and behavior of children, outline ways of joint activities for their upbringing. And the class teacher should begin his activity with the preparation of a class social passport and an individual map of work with the family, which is already the primary diagnosis of the student's family. The forms of interaction between teachers and parents are the diversity of the organization of their joint activities and communication. Forms of cognitive activity: public reviews of knowledge, creative reports on subjects, days of open lessons, a holiday of knowledge and creativity, tournaments of connoisseurs. In all these forms, there is a direct relationship between children, parents and teachers. Forms of work: designing an office, collecting waste paper, planting a memorial alley in connection with a significant event in the lives of children and parents, etc. Forms of leisure: joint holidays, preparing concerts, performances, competitions, competitions, KVN, home weekend clubs, parental schools by interest. Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements. Most often open lessons are practiced in elementary school. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice every six months. This will avoid many conflicts caused by parents' ignorance and misunderstanding of the complexity and specificity of educational activities in today's school. The day of open lessons is held at a convenient time for parents, most often on Saturday. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional way, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements are noted, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity, problems are posed, prospects are outlined. The parent meeting is the main form of work for parents, where the problems of the life of the classroom and the parent team are discussed. The school of parenting that forms parental opinion is parent meetings. This is the main form of collective work of the teacher with the families of students. As work experience shows, the system of holding class meetings not only arouses interest among parents and is positively assessed by them, but also helps to jointly solve important issues related to the upbringing of children. A large role is played by memos for parents, as well as feedback from teachers prepared for the meeting on the educational activities of students. The Parental Lecture Hall acquaints parents with the issues of education, improves their pedagogical culture, helps to develop unified approaches to raising children. The evening of questions and answers is held after interviewing parents or grouping problematic issues that arise in the upbringing of children and relationships with them. Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity to study the level of formation of the pedagogical skills of participants. Approximate topics of role-playing games with parents can be the following: “Morning in your house”, “The child came from school”, “Family Council”, etc. The role-playing methodology provides for the definition of the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, a preliminary discussion of possible positions and behavioral patterns of the participants. At the same time, it is important to play several options (positive and negative) of the behavior of the participants in the game and, through joint discussion, choose the best course of action for this situation. Debate - reflection on the problems of education - is one of the forms of increasing pedagogical culture that are interesting for parents. It takes place in a relaxed atmosphere and allows everyone to join in the discussion of the problem. Visiting a family is an effective form of individual work of a teacher with parents. When visiting the family, there is an acquaintance with the living conditions of the student. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the success of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc. Visiting the family as a form of work with parents is controversial in pedagogy today. On the one hand, the class teacher knows better the conditions in which the child lives, and, if possible, can influence their improvement. On the other hand, this form of work can be seen as an intrusion into the privacy of the family, which can complicate the relationship between the teacher and the family. This form can be used depending on the conditions, features and specifics of the situation. Correspondence with parents - a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on holidays, advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a friendly tone, the joy of communication. A meeting with the administration, class teachers should be held annually. Teachers acquaint parents with their requirements, listen to their wishes. A particularly important form is the interaction of teachers with the parent team. Together they are trying to form councils of affairs to organize work, taking into account the possibilities and interests of parents. Group sessions may be exploratory in nature. Also, group classes can be associated with teaching parents about the activities and skills of organizing the activities of circles for children, club forms of work on weekends. Collective and group forms of interaction permeate individual forms. These include conversations, intimate conversations, consultation-thinking, the implementation of individual assignments, a joint search for a solution to the problem, correspondence. Individual work with parents requires much more effort and ingenuity from the teacher, but its effectiveness is much higher. It is in individual communication that parents learn the requirements set by the school for students and become allies of the class teacher. The system of work of the teacher with parents also provides for their involvement in school self-government. Parents of students are not legally included in the school team and do not form a team in general, but they are no less interested in the success of the school than teachers or their children. They are a kind of social customers of the school, so they should be able to influence its activities and participate in school life. By forming an association, parents have the right to create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues of school life on their own. These goals can be served by school parent meetings, conferences, the parent committee and its commissions, sections and other working bodies. In addition, parents can be members of the school council as equal members if the school government provides for the creation of this body. One of the forms of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, proactive parents is the class parent committee. The parent committee works on the basis of the regulation on the parent committee of the school. He, together with the class teacher and under his leadership, plans, prepares and conducts all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents, assisting in the upbringing of class children, analyzes, evaluates and summarizes the cooperation between the school and the family. Organization of joint leisure activities or involvement of parents in joint activities with children is also one of the functions of the work. In the methodology, one can single out the so-called non-traditional forms of cooperation between the class teacher and the student's family. These include the following forms:      Parental evenings Open door day Extra-curricular activities with the participation of parents Parent-teacher meetings with the participation of children Thematic events held by parents. Pedigree of education of family values: - involvement of families in the awareness of the values ​​of family education; - promotion of the best experience of family education; - attracting students to the knowledge of the history of their native land, its heroic past, the history of their family. Family and school play a major role in a child's life, and how he feels in them depends on his development as a person. Therefore, neither a school without a family, nor a family without a school are able to cope with the subtlest, most complex tasks of becoming a schoolchild. The school should invite the family to cooperate, taking into account its capabilities. The family should consider the school as a friend in the education of the student. Cooperation between the school and the family is the result of purposeful and long-term work, which, first of all, involves a comprehensive and systematic study of the family, the characteristics and conditions of the family upbringing of the child. The interaction of participants in the pedagogical process should be planned and organized. The essence of the interaction between the teacher and the family is that both parties are interested in studying the child, revealing and developing the best qualities in him.

The effectiveness of raising a child is highly dependent on how closely the school and family interact. Class teachers play a leading role in organizing cooperation between the school and the family. It is their work that determines how families understand the policy pursued by the school in relation to the upbringing and education of children, and participate in its implementation. At the same time, the family should be considered as the main customer and ally in the upbringing of children, and the combined efforts of parents and the teacher will create favorable conditions for the development of the child.

Collaborative interaction between the family and the class teacher should be based on the principles of mutual trust and respect, support and assistance, patience and tolerance towards each other.

A significant place in the system of work of the class teacher with the parents of students is given to psychological and pedagogical education. The accumulation of psychological and pedagogical knowledge of parents should be closely connected with the development of their pedagogical thinking, practical skills in the field of education. It is necessary that the information be of a warning nature, be based on practical expediency, demonstrate experience, specific facts. This determines the selection of content, as well as forms of organization of pedagogical education.

Forms of work:

Visiting a family is an effective form of individual work of a teacher with parents. When visiting the family, there is an acquaintance with the living conditions of the student. The teacher talks with parents about his character, interests and inclinations, about his attitude towards parents, towards school, informs parents about the success of their child, gives advice on organizing homework, etc.

Correspondence with parents - a written form of informing parents about the success of their children. It is allowed to notify parents about upcoming joint activities at school, congratulations on holidays, advice and wishes in raising children. The main condition for correspondence is a friendly tone, the joy of communication.

Parent meeting is a form of analysis, comprehension based on the data of pedagogical science of the experience of education.

Types of parent meetings: organizational, meetings according to the plan of psychological and pedagogical education, thematic, discussion meetings, final (quarter), etc. The topics of parent meetings are usually determined by teachers and can be discussed at the parent committee.

School-wide (or parallel) parent meetings are held, as a rule, twice a year. Here, parents are introduced to documents about the school, with the main directions, tasks and results of its work.

Parent-teacher conferences are held four or five times a year. They discuss the tasks of the educational work of the class, planning educational work in the class, outline the ways for the closest cooperation between the family and the school, sum up the results of the work. Classroom parent-teacher meetings are effective only when they not only sum up academic performance, but also consider topical pedagogical problems. At such meetings, the discussion of student performance is not an end in itself, but a bridge to solving a particular pedagogical problem.

The system of work of the teacher with parents also provides for their involvement in school self-government. Parents of students are not legally included in the school team and do not form a team in general, but they are no less interested in the success of the school than teachers or their children. They are a kind of social customers of the school, so they should be able to influence its activities and participate in school life. By forming an association, parents have the right to create their own self-government bodies and resolve some issues of school life on their own. These goals can be served by school parent meetings, conferences, the parent committee and its commissions, sections and other working bodies. In addition, parents can be members of the school council as equal members if the school government provides for the creation of this body. One of the forms of cooperation between the class teacher and a group of the most experienced, proactive parents is the class parent committee. The parent committee works on the basis of the regulation on the parent committee of the school. He, together with the class teacher and under his leadership, plans, prepares and conducts all joint work on teacher education, establishing contacts with parents, assisting in the upbringing of class children, analyzes, evaluates and summarizes the cooperation between the school and the family.

Representatives of parents, permanent assistants to the teacher are included in the school-wide parent council. This is the coordinating headquarters for a variety of work with all parents, uniting the efforts of the school and family to solve educational problems.

Organization of joint leisure activities

In many schools, parents are frequent guests at extracurricular activities as well. These are the sports competitions "Dad, Mom, I - a sports family" and "Lights" dedicated to the International Women's Day on March 8, and the evenings "Meeting with the Profession", and amateur art concerts. All this allows parents to get to know their children better, to discover the still unknown sides of their interests, hobbies, talents. Leisure forms: joint holidays, preparation of concerts, performances: watching, discussing films and performances; competitions, competitions, KVN; home weekend clubs; clubs organized by parents. In addition, not even systematic, but individual collective activities of the class, carried out jointly with parents, have a huge educational effect. It is possible, for example, to hold an evening-meeting "The world of our family's hobbies", which demonstrates crafts, souvenirs - everything that the family enjoys in their free time.

The work of a teacher with parents is impossible without cooperation, active involvement of parents in the educational process, which involves the organization of various circles, sports sections, participation in club meetings. Unfortunately, many parents are so overburdened with their main work that they are not able to pay enough attention not only to the school and classmates of their child, but also to their own child. Nevertheless, one or two enthusiasts are always found. Most often these are athletes, coaches who organize various sports sections or hold competitions together with school physical education teachers.

Clubs can work outside of school. And if some mother has the opportunity to gather girls at home, she can lead a home circle or club, for example, "Hostess", and this will be of great help in educating expectant mothers and housewives at home.

The help of parents is also invaluable in strengthening the material and technical base of the school, in organizing parental patrols during discos and evenings.

University of Pedagogical Knowledge - it is a form of psychological and pedagogical education of parents. He equips them with the necessary knowledge, the basics of pedagogical culture, introduces them to topical issues of education, taking into account the age and needs of parents, facilitates the establishment of contacts between parents and the public, families with the school, as well as the interaction of parents and teachers in educational work. The university program is compiled by the teacher, taking into account the contingent of students in the class and their parents. The forms of organizing classes at the university of pedagogical knowledge are quite diverse: lectures, conversations, workshops, conferences for parents, etc.

Lecture - it is a form of psychological and pedagogical education, revealing the essence of a particular problem of education. The best lecturer is the teacher-educator himself, who knows the interests of children, who is able to analyze educational phenomena and situations. Therefore, the lecture should reveal the causes of phenomena, the conditions for their occurrence, the mechanism of the child's behavior, the patterns of development of his psyche, the rules of family education.

When preparing a lecture, one should take into account its structure, logic, you can draw up a plan indicating the main ideas, thoughts, facts and figures. One of the necessary conditions for lectures is reliance on the experience of family education. The method of communication during the lecture is a casual conversation, a heart-to-heart conversation, a dialogue of interested like-minded people.

Lecture topics should be varied, interesting and relevant for parents, for example: "Age characteristics of younger adolescents", "Schoolchildren's daily routine", "What is self-education?", "Individual approach and consideration of age characteristics of adolescents in family education", "Child and nature”, “Art in the life of children”, “Sex education of children in the family”, etc.

The conference is a form of pedagogical education that provides for the expansion, deepening and consolidation of knowledge about the upbringing of children. Conferences can be scientific-practical, theoretical, readership, exchange of experience, conferences of mothers, fathers. Conferences are held once a year, they require careful preparation and involve the active participation of parents. They are usually accompanied by exhibitions of student works, books for parents, and amateur art concerts.

The topics of the conferences should be specific, for example: “Playing in the life of a child”, “Moral education of adolescents in the family”, etc. To collect material and attract the attention of parents, in the classes of the University of Pedagogical Knowledge preceding the conference, filling out a short questionnaire is sometimes suggested.

The conference usually opens with an introductory speech by the school principal (if it is a school-wide conference) or the class teacher (if it is a class conference). Parents make short, pre-prepared reports about their experience of family upbringing. There may be three or four such messages. Then everyone is given the floor. The results are summed up by the moderator of the conference.

Practicum is a form of parents' development of pedagogical skills in raising children, effectively solving emerging pedagogical situations, a kind of training in the pedagogical thinking of parent-educators.

During the pedagogical workshop, the teacher proposes to find a way out of any conflict situation that may arise in the relationship between parents and children, parents and schools, etc., to explain their position in a particular alleged or actual situation.

Open lessons are usually organized to familiarize parents with new programs in the subject, teaching methods, and teacher requirements. Most often open lessons are practiced in elementary school. It is necessary to give parents the opportunity to attend an open lesson at least once or twice every six months. This will avoid many conflicts caused by parents' ignorance and misunderstanding of the complexity and specificity of educational activities in today's school.

The day of open lessons is held at a convenient time for parents, most often on Saturday. On this day, teachers conduct lessons in an unconventional way, trying to show their skills, to reveal the abilities of children. The day ends with a collective analysis: achievements are noted, the most interesting forms of the lesson, the results of cognitive activity, problems are posed, prospects are outlined.

Pedagogical discussion (dispute)- one of the most interesting forms of improving pedagogical culture. A distinctive feature of the dispute is that it allows you to involve all those present in the discussion of the problems posed, contributes to the development of the ability to comprehensively analyze facts and phenomena, based on the acquired skills and experience. The success of the debate largely depends on its preparation. In about a month, the participants should get acquainted with the topic of the future dispute, the main issues, and literature. The most important part of the dispute is the conduct of the dispute. Much determines the behavior of the leader here (it can be a teacher or one of the parents). It is necessary to set the rules in advance, listen to all speeches, offer, argue your position, at the end of the dispute, sum up, draw conclusions. The main principle of the dispute is respect for the position and opinion of any participant.

Any controversial issue of family and school education can serve as a dispute topic, for example: “Private school - for and against”, “Choice of a profession - whose business is it?”.

Role-playing games are a form of collective creative activity to study the level of formation of the pedagogical skills of participants. Approximate topics of role-playing games with parents can be the following: “Morning in your house”, “The child came from school”, “Family Council”, etc. The role-playing methodology provides for the definition of the topic, the composition of the participants, the distribution of roles between them, a preliminary discussion of possible positions and behavioral patterns of the participants. At the same time, it is important to play several options (positive and negative) of the behavior of the participants in the game and, through joint discussion, choose the best course of action for this situation.

Individual thematic consultations Often, in solving a complex problem, a teacher can get help directly from the parents of students, and this should not be neglected. Consultations with parents are useful both for themselves and for the teacher. Parents get a real idea about school affairs and the behavior of the child, while the teacher gets the information he needs to better understand the problems of each student.

By exchanging information, both parties may come to a mutual agreement on specific forms of parental assistance. In communicating with parents, the teacher should exercise maximum tact. It is unacceptable to shame parents, to hint at their failure to fulfill their duty towards their son or daughter. The teacher's approach should be: “We have a common problem. What can we do to solve it?" Tact is especially important with those parents who are sure that their children are not capable of bad deeds. Not finding the right approach to them, the teacher will face their indignation and refusal to cooperate further. The principles of successful counseling are trusting relationships, mutual respect, interest, and competence.