Crafts from vegetables and fruits with their own hands for kindergarten and elementary grades. Children's crafts from vegetables and flowers - a beautiful vase. vegetable crafts for the garden

How to make crafts from vegetables? Show your imagination and use the vegetables, fruits, spices available in the kitchen, as well as leaves and flowers collected in the forest and park.

You can fasten the details of the craft with matches or toothpicks. The latter, by the way, are the most convenient, because they have pointed edges, which are very convenient to pierce fruit or vegetable pulp.

Creation vegetable crafts for kids is not only very pleasant and an exciting activity, but also incredibly “tasty”, because then the creation can be eaten with pleasure.

Cauliflower rams

Such cute lambs can easily be made from cauliflower inflorescences.

For this you will need:

  • several cauliflower inflorescences of different sizes on legs;
  • blackcurrant for eyes;
  • toothpicks;
  • small sharp knife.


1. From the smallest cabbage inflorescence, make a lamb's head. Using a knife, carefully cut out the wrapped horns.

2. Make holes for the peephole, then string currants onto a toothpick and fasten the eyes on the lamb's head.

3. Take a large cabbage inflorescence and cut off its leg a little so that the lamb can stand. Cut out the hooves with a knife.

4. Using toothpicks, connect the lamb's head to its body.

You can make a lamb in the same way, just make the head out of champignon.

To do this, make small incisions in the stem of the mushroom and insert the ears into them (for the ears, you can take peeled pumpkin seeds) and eyes (great for eyes fit black peppercorns or black plant seeds).

banana dog

Crafts from vegetables and fruits may be the most unexpected. For example, this dog is made from 2 bananas. It will be a wonderful table decoration at a children's party.

To complete it, you will need:

  • 2 bananas;
  • a small sharp knife (by the way, there are special knives for cutting patterns on vegetables and fruits);
  • toothpicks;
  • blackcurrant for eyes.


1. Cut off 1/3 of one banana, while leaving more peel for the ears.

2. Cut off the excess peel in the shape of a triangle - the ears are ready.

3. On the curved side of the banana, use a knife to cut the dog's paws out of the peel.

4. Attach the dog's head to the top of the banana with a toothpick. The doggy is ready!

autumn bouquet

Very beautiful are obtained from vegetables and autumn crafts. Add to them summer harvested herbarium, and you will get a real autumn bouquet.


1. Take a large eggplant (or pumpkin). Cut off the bottoms with a knife so that you can put the vase blank.

2. Remove the pulp.

3. Outside, decorate the eggplant with a variety of patterns - they can also be cut with a knife.

4. Insert dried flowers and bunches of berries into the resulting vase.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits you can start doing with the children yourself early age, gradually complicating them and adding various elements, because creativity is a very important stimulus for the development of the child.

Children's crafts from vegetables - one of the most useful ways spending leisure time with the child. In the process of creativity, he develops imagination and motor skills. In addition, they begin to be interested in vegetables, which is important for compiling children's menu. Just think how great it is: a child, having made beautiful dog from broccoli, will want to try this vegetable personally! Mom will only have to cook delicious mashed potatoes and decorate it with bright vegetable details. So, if your kid was given the task of making children's crafts from vegetables in kindergarten, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with our selection of the brightest vegetable masterpieces.

To create such an unusual turtle, you will need half a head of cabbage and a couple of zucchini, which must be cut into round layers. Poke toothpicks into the cabbage, and attach zucchini rounds to them. The head and legs of a turtle can be made from the ends of the same green vegetable. When creating crafts from vegetables, spices are often used, for example, as is the case with our turtle, whose eyes are made of peppercorns.

A whale can be made from a large zucchini. Crafts from vegetables do not deny the use of inedible items - for seabed you can use a plate wrapped in blue paper napkin. You can also use colored paper of a suitable color. The fins are made from pea pods, and the water fountain is made from curly parsley.

poodle family

Poodles can be made from cauliflower and broccoli. The great thing is that all parts of the body: head, torso, paws and tail, can be made from this vegetable, fastening everything with toothpicks cut into pieces. The eyes are also decorated with pepper.

Probably the first thing that comes to mind when looking at a cauliflower inflorescence is a sheep. The white airy edges of the vegetable resemble curly sheep wool. The muzzle can be made both from olives and with the help of a small mushroom. Try to create legs from a stalk: cut 4 small legs and fasten them to the body of a lamb with toothpicks.

When creating crafts from vegetables, few people think about creating a crocodile, although in fact there is even an ideal vegetable for this - a pimply cucumber. Make a notched cut on one side of the cucumber - this will be the mouth of the animal. Paws and tail can be made from the peel of the second cucumber. For entourage, use greens - put it on the bottom of the plate, as if it were a swamp.

Autumn is rich in harvests and beautiful bright colors. We can use leaves, vegetables, flowers, twigs, cones, acorns to develop the creativity of both children and our own. Let me remind you that it is creativity that gives the taste of life, and the easiest way to express it is by making crafts from vegetables for kindergarten, turning "necessity" into a pleasant creative pastime with children.

Crafts from zucchini and zucchini.

It is best to make something grand with these vegetables, since the fruit can ripen large. For example:

  • sailboat or ship from a vegetable marrow;
  • exotic racing car;
  • fabulous figurines of forest animals.

Making a zucchini car is easier than it seems. Just cut out a driver's cab in the center and place a zucchini on the wheels of a toy car. You can decorate it with carrot figurines.

To make autumn crafts from vegetables in the form of fairy-tale characters, you will need:

  • eyes, they are ready-made in needlework stores; either cut out ovals and circles from thick white paper and draw pupils on them with felt-tip pens; buttons can also replace eyes;
  • double-sided adhesive tape for gluing parts;
  • children's plasticine, especially if your child likes to sculpt, you can fashion rings from it and stick it to a vegetable to depict wool;
  • various fabrics for decoration, pompoms, feathers….

The process of making children's crafts from vegetables in the kindergarten is simple. Take a vegetable, mentally think about what it looks like and from the available details, turn it into a fairy tale character. If you yourself find it difficult to answer - who is it? Ask a child of 3 years old, he will surely give you an accurate and correct answer.

For a boy, you can make crafts from vegetables in a kindergarten in the form of a sailboat. However, the help of adults will be needed here, because to make the base of the ship you need to use a knife and cut out everything that is inside the zucchini.

Take the fruit in your hand, mark a small oval from above, cut it out, and then remove all the insides, as if hollowing out a boat. Then such a blank can be given to the child. From a wooden skewer and a piece of cloth, make a couple, put little men in it and set it afloat. By the way, he swims perfectly in the children's pool in the garden.

Crafts from cauliflower.

Cauliflower is very useful and interesting. It is “colored” not because it is painted in bright colors, but because its inflorescences look like flowers. From cauliflower, you can make many different edible animals that help out if the child does not eat well. Cauliflower is suitable for making almost any animal with curly hair. You can make crafts from cauliflower with your own hands in the form of a sheep, lamb, poodles.

How to make a cauliflower sheep step by step.

To make a cauliflower lamb craft, you will need:

  • For the body - cauliflower inflorescences,
  • For the head and legs - black pitted olives,
  • For the eyes - white beans with a black eye, which are best soaked beforehand so that they become soft
  • Knife and toothpicks.
To make a sheep or lamb from cauliflower, you need to decide on the size. The easiest way to make small animals, the size of an inflorescence. In order to make a head, pierce a prepared cauliflower inflorescence with a toothpick. Attach a pitted black olive. Turn the hole through which the bone was removed down.
With a knife, we make two parallel cuts on the hole through which the bone was removed and bend the parts into different sides are the ears.
We make eyes for lamb from cauliflower. Divide the toothpick in half to make it shorter. Stick one end into the olive tree, in the place where the eye should be, and plant a bean on the other end.
Legs for crafts from cauliflower in the form of a lamb do this. Cut the olive into slices. We stick a toothpick and put slices of olives on it. Soaked black raisins can be used instead of olives.
Make some cauliflower sheep and lamb and let them roam around the plate.

Do-it-yourself cauliflower crafts can be made for exhibitions in a kindergarten or school, but they have a significant disadvantage - they quickly wither and dry, so it is better to store them in the refrigerator.

But, nevertheless, children are happy to make such autumn crafts from vegetables. It is very good to beat them “in the interior”. Fantasy is immediately played out and there is a field for children's activities, that is, games. To create composite children's crafts, such as an autumn or winter landscape, it is good to use shoeboxes. A few lambs can be placed in a shoe box lid and make a “house” for them.

Probably, many have noticed that some vegetables are similar in shape to a particular animal. Apparently, this observation was the reason that in the old days, when there were no "shop" toys, the peasants pleased their kids with potatoes, pumpkins or other vegetables. Especially often they were created late autumn, after harvest.

And today, some craftsmen, endowed with imagination, create real masterpieces from what grows in the beds in any garden. You can also try making from cabbage. A hare from this vegetable, if you try, will turn out to be funny and for a few days will become the decoration of your country terrace or part of the scenery for a matinee in kindergarten.

Which cabbage is suitable

To make the Cabbage Hare craft successful, the vegetables must be fresh, not withered and without wormholes, otherwise the “life” of your work will be too short.

Although any kind of cabbage (cauliflower, broccoli, Peking, Brussels sprouts, etc.) can be used to create animal figurines, to make a bunny more suitable white-headed, with densely attached leaves. Depending on the type of craft, you may also need two or more cabbage leaves, which are best removed from another head.

What else is needed

Regardless of the option, the do-it-yourself “Cabbage Hare” craft is quite simple to make. In addition to the base vegetable, you will also need:

  • zucchini, preferably a very light shade,
  • carrots;
  • red bell pepper;
  • ribbon;
  • any flowers, such as asters or daisies;
  • toothpicks;
  • plasticine.

How to make a hare from cabbage

Craft "in growth" is made in the following order:

  • cut two zucchini lengthwise;
  • with toothpicks, connect two small heads of cabbage to make a head and torso;
  • 2 of the resulting halves of the second zucchini are cut again, but already across, to make bunny legs and ears out of them;
  • a nose and eyes are molded from plasticine;
  • a bunny mouth is cut out of red pepper;
  • all these details are fixed on a head of cabbage;
  • fasten short pieces of zucchini with toothpicks where they should be upper paws and ears, and long ones are used as lower limbs;
  • a ribbon bow is tied around the bunny's neck;
  • mustaches are made from toothpicks;
  • if there is a desire, flowers are fixed on the head of the animal to hide the junctions with the "ears";
  • since a bunny cannot do without a carrot, they fix it with a toothpick.

All! The bunny is ready, and it can be installed in a children's room or on the porch of a country house as a decoration.

For this craft you will need:

  • two heads;
  • large oblong-shaped potato;
  • 1 cherry tomato;
  • white onion;
  • red and black markers;
  • 2 packs of toothpicks;
  • sharp knife;
  • two pieces of black bread.

Master class on making crafts from vegetables in the form of Krosh

The craft "Cabbage Hare", reminiscent of the hero of the cartoon "Smeshariki", is made in the following order:

  • the potato is cut lengthwise, and the cherry tomato is cut across;
  • connect the resulting halves with a head of cabbage with the help of toothpicks;
  • the onion is peeled and cut lengthwise;
  • draw a pupil on each half with a black marker;
  • fix with toothpicks on a head of cabbage one half of cherry as a nose of a bunny, and two halves of an onion as an eye;
  • two large cabbage leaves are removed from the other head;
  • cut out ears from them;
  • fix them with toothpicks on the head of the head, having previously made in right places incisions and filling the cuttings there;
  • from two pieces of black bread (preferably stale), ovals-paws are cut out;
  • attach them with toothpicks to a head of cabbage;
  • draw the bunny's mouth with a red marker, and the eyebrows with black.

Bunny from cabbage and pumpkin

If you don’t know what to do with children in the fall in the country, when other adults are busy harvesting, then try making vegetable crafts with them.

A cabbage hare will turn out even more original if you use a small pumpkin as its head. The order of work is as follows:

  • on a pumpkin, using a very sharp knife, cut out the muzzle of a bunny (places for an eye, cheeks and antennae);
  • using a toothpick, connect the head and head of cabbage;
  • if there are no ready-made “peepholes” at hand, which are sold in specialized stores, then you can make them from colored paper by sticking blue and black circles on a white oval;
  • half a cherry tomato is fixed on the muzzle with a toothpick as a spout;
  • a long zucchini is cut lengthwise;
  • notches are made in the pumpkin in places where the ears should be;
  • insert halves of zucchini into them and fix with toothpicks;
  • several circles are cut from carrots and fixed on a head of cabbage as buttons;
  • 2 zucchini squash divided in half;
  • fix 2 halves under the head of cabbage as lower limbs, and two - at the junction with the pumpkin so that paws are obtained;
  • tie a satin ribbon bow around the bunny's neck;
  • cut out on the lower paws "fingers";
  • “Put” a carrot into one of the paws and fix it with a toothpick.

So that the craft "Cabbage Hare" can be used as a decoration for a hall in a kindergarten where a matinee is held, or a children's room, a stand is made for it. To do this, the fallen multi-colored leaves are fixed with a furniture stapler on a sheet of plywood or, better, on a chipboard 2-3 cm thick so that it is not visible.

You can do it even easier: put the craft on a tray, spread autumn leaves on it, and put vegetables and fruits on top.

The craft "Cabbage Hare" can be installed under the New Year tree both in a single copy and together with "family members". To do this, you will need to make a few more bunnies. different sizes. In order to give them individuality, you can use an old panama hat, glasses without glasses, a rim and other accessories. So you get other figures with different "roles".

Now you know how the "Cabbage Hare with Carrot" craft is made, and you can please your children, as well as instill in them a love for joint creativity.

One of the most relevant autumn topics for creativity is autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits. Crafts from vegetables and fruits for kindergarten are of great interest because small children with special pleasure make unusual figures from autumn fruits that are familiar to them.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits to school are more sophisticated technique performance, lots of small parts and the complexity of their attachment.

Many children have a desire to learn more about various vegetables, they remember names better autumn gifts learn to distinguish vegetables from fruits.

Animals from vegetables and fruits

Kids will surely enjoy making animals out of fruits and vegetables.

Craft from vegetables "zoo". A giraffe, a zebra and a vegetable turtle will live in our zoo.

For crafts "Giraffe" we need toothpicks, a pear and young dense tomatoes (you can use small plums or gooseberries). We insert toothpicks into the pear. We will need four toothpicks from the bottom - these are the legs. For long neck giraffe, we need to insert either a longer stick, or use two toothpicks.

We string tomatoes on the neck one by one.

A funny autumn hedgehog is obtained from a pear and grapes.

For crafts "zebra" we need toothpicks, eggplant and small tomatoes. Peel the skin off the eggplant narrow ribbons. We put the tip of the eggplant on the toothpicks.

We put on the toothpicks the head from the tip of the eggplant and the legs with tomatoes. Eggplant zebra - ready!

From an eggplant, you can still make a funny penguin in a tailcoat.

A whole family of penguins can be made from zucchini.

The turtle is very easy to make. We will need a flat pepper and a broccoli inflorescence.

Cut holes in the pepper with a knife.

Insert the broccoli head and legs into the holes. We lay out eyes from berries or greens.

We glue the eyes and horns of vegetables and herbs to the giraffe. We give zebra eyes and ears. Our zoo of vegetables and fruits is ready!

a small pear with the help of grapes, strawberries and barbecue skewers can become a bird;

Crafts from potatoes

From potatoes and berries you can make a lovely autumn hedgehog. We attach the berries to the potatoes with toothpicks.

Pigs from potatoes and carrots

From potatoes and carrots you can make wonderful pigs. We attach the ears and the carrot patch to a small red potato with the help of toothpicks.

Attach four legs in the same way. Eyes of cloves or peppercorns can be glued. Mumps from potatoes - ready!

You can make a few pigs and beat a small farm with bedding, a bush and a trough for feeding pigs.

Craft "Beet Elephant"

You can make another funny autumn character out of beets - an elephant.

Craft "Beet Elephant"

Autumn bow craft

From a bow you can make an eared bunny. The details of the crafts are attached to each other with the help of matches.

Crafts from cauliflower

Perhaps the most popular cauliflower craft is a lamb.

And this is a funny cauliflower turkey.

The very shape of the cauliflower suggests another original idea- snowman.

A very simple and very original dragonfly is obtained from peas.

On the basis of pineapple, a handsome cockerel made of vegetables and fruits comfortably perched.

You can make a fast helicopter out of eggplant from carrots.

Very simple craft, but causes complete delight in children - a carrot crocodile.

You can make a touching autumn hare from zucchini and cabbage. Heads of cabbage are fastened together with toothpicks.

We make the arms, legs and ears of the bunny from zucchini, which we also fasten with toothpicks.

Transport from vegetables and fruits

From zucchini, eggplant and carrots and cabbage leaves, you can make a very spectacular boat. We make a recess in the zucchini. Cut off the end of the zucchini. Using a toothpick, fasten the tip of the eggplant to the zucchini.

Cabbage leaves, it is worth scalding a little. They will become softer and more pliable.

Watch the video on how to make a zucchini boat:

You can make an airplane out of a zucchini.

And finally, the most festive vegetable transport is a pumpkin carriage. For a large orange pumpkin, you will need to hollow out the inside and cut out windows and doors. The rest of the design of the carriage depends on the materials available and your imagination.

Crafts from apples

You can make fast racing cars out of apples.

From apples it turns out very beautiful cockerel. We make the body, tail and stand. We fasten the parts with toothpicks.

We make a scallop, nose and beard from carrots. We also fix the head with a toothpick.

Craft from apples "Cockerel"

From apples you can make very spectacular autumn caterpillar. We fasten the apples together with a toothpick. We make legs from carrots, which are also fastened with a toothpick.

We also attach the apple head with a toothpick. Apple caterpillar is ready!

An apple caterpillar can be made with horns, a spout and a necklace from natural materials.

From apples you can make a chic bear.

From melon, orange, carrots and berries, you can make a funny duck in a shell.

Crafts on a plate

From grapes and lettuce leaves - a caterpillar on the grass.

From an apple and grapes - an owl.

From grapes, bananas, tomatoes and pears, a peacock with a magical tail is obtained.

From fruits can be laid out amazing beauty handicraft "hummingbird in flowers".

From a banana, strawberries, raisins, and cottage cheese, you can lay out the whole picture “Airplane in the Clouds” on a plate.

A variety of firm fruits and vegetables make excellent dies.

Very beautiful drawing stamps can be made from celery, onions, cabbage and many other vegetables and herbs. The drawing process itself will bring many unforgettable impressions.

Watch the video on how to make a potato stamp:

Flowers from vegetables and fruits

Apples and pomegranate make a beautiful and tasty autumn bouquet.

This bouquet is topped with a rose flower.

Craft "Queen-Autumn" from corn

The corn craft looks very original. We decided to make the queen of autumn out of corn. We decorate corn autumn crown from berries and flowers, we hang beautiful voluminous earrings for her. We put in her face from the fruits. We fix all parts of the craft with glue.

From dry corn leaves we make a dress for corn. We decorate it with berries and flowers. The autumn queen is ready! Such a craft will take its rightful place in the autumn crafts competition.

Craft from corn "Queen-Autumn"

It turns out that very elegant autumn flowers can be made from corn leaves:

As a rule, children make handicrafts from vegetables and fruits with great joy. Can be combined different ideas to get something original. Having created your own unique character or picture, do not forget to take a photo for memory.

Autumn crafts from vegetables and fruits reviews:

“I would never have thought how much can be made from vegetables)” (Anastasia)

“Pineapple flowers))) dream!”

It is never too late to show imagination, especially when crafts are made from vegetables for kindergarten. Cabbage or zucchini can make a wonderful lamb, hare or poodle. And from potatoes, a whale, a sheep or a ship. In this article, we will talk about how to make crafts from different vegetable crops with your own hands.

It’s never too late to show imagination, especially when crafts are made from vegetables for kindergarten

There are a huge number of ideas for such crafts! The work depends not only on the chosen material, that is, the vegetable, but also on the craftsman himself. Each person can make the same craft in completely different ways, even if the same material was used.

From vegetables you can make a snowman, a lion, a snake, a little man, a dachshund, a boat, a hare, a carriage, etc.

It is worth remembering that best work obtained from vegetables of the correct form. The vegetable should be not only even, but also symmetrical. To get a really high-quality work, it is worth considering all its details: material, size, use of additional tools (scissors, colored paper, sequins, fabrics, etc.).

Gallery: crafts from vegetables (25 photos)

Cucumber crocodile (video)

What do you need to prepare for work?

  • A vegetable from which crafts will be made.
  • Colored paper or cardboard.
  • Paints.
  • Plasticine.
  • Natural materials (moss, leaves, cones).
  • Toothpicks or matches (to hold parts together).

The more details are used in the work, the more difficult and painstaking it is.

The more details are used in the work, the more difficult and painstaking it is.. But kindergarten- this is just the place in which children are taught painstaking work. You can also make these vegetable toys for school. So why not transcend to create vegetable crafts right now?

Cabbage Hare: step by step instructions

For such work it is necessary to prepare:

  • Cabbage (3 small ones).
  • Cucumber.
  • Carrot (the hare will hold it).
  • Eggplant.
  • Orange colored paper.
  • Toothpicks.
  • Fresh flowers (eg carnations).
  • Bow.

A hare can be made quite simple

To make such a bunny, you should follow this step-by-step plan:

  1. The upper leaves of each cabbage are cut off.
  2. The lower cabbage is attached to the upper cabbage with toothpicks. You can not feel sorry for them, because the more toothpicks will be used when fastening, the stronger the work will be.
  3. After that, the eggplant is cut in half. Bunny legs will be made from it. On each half of the eggplant, 3 lines are cut out - these are claws.
  4. Eggplant legs are attached in the same way, using toothpicks.
  5. Now from another cabbage, which was not attached to the other two, you need to cut a head of cabbage. He will serve as the hands of a hare. On each side of the head, you need to cut a little pulp to make a visible cut. Now heads of cabbage resemble pens. They are attached to the lower cabbage on the right and left side symmetrically.
  6. Then a cucumber is taken and cut into two halves along the length. The cucumber will serve as the bunny's ears. When both halves of it are symmetrically attached to the upper cabbage, you can do additional decoration of the craft.
  7. The rabbit skeleton is ready. Decorate it from the bottom. A carrot is placed in one of the heads. Bunny is holding it in his hands. It is recommended to attach it to the cabbage with toothpicks so that it does not fall off.
  8. After that, a bow is attached between the cabbages. You can use a bow of any color, the main thing is that it be bright!
  9. A bunny's mouth is cut out of orange colored paper. It is glued to the head with tape. Buttons will do as the eyes of the animal.
  10. What is a bunny without a mustache? That's right, none. You should use toothpicks. They are stuck symmetrically just below the eyes on the upper cabbage.

Completes the craft flower decoration heads. Flowers can be fastened with paper clips or toothpicks.

How to make a boat or a whale from a zucchini?

What is needed for this:

  • Zucchini.
  • Plasticine.
  • Colored cardboard.
  • Shells.

An adult can help the kid decorate his boat

This work is carried out in stages:

  1. First of all, you need to wash and dry the zucchini well. Plasticine will not stick to a wet surface.
  2. Next, you need to make a tail for the whale. To do this, use colored cardboard, preferably blue. The tail is cut out standard: the line expands towards the end and forms on the right and left sides sharp corners. How to attach the tail to the eggplant? For this, plasticine is used. A small piece of it is applied to the lower end of the vegetable, and then a tail is attached to it. It should look up with its sharp corners.
  3. The body of the whale should be covered with shells, which are attached in the same way, using plasticine. The more shells there are, the more beautiful the craft will turn out!
  4. At the other end of the eggplant (on the face of the whale) his mouth should be made. First, a piece of blue plasticine is taken, and red plasticine is glued on top of it.
  5. The eyes of the whale will also be made from this material. Red or black plasticine is attached to white.

If desired, you can decorate the eggplant with felt-tip pens, for example, draw wavy stripes on it.

Cauliflower lamb

This is perhaps one of the simplest and, at the same time, beautiful crafts from vegetables. The lambs turn out great!

For work you will need:

  • Cauliflower.
  • Olive.
  • White plasticine.
  • Apple tails.

This is perhaps one of the simplest and, at the same time, beautiful vegetable crafts.

What do we have to do?

  1. Each piece of cauliflower makes one lamb. It is recommended to make a lot of animals, because they look charming.
  2. Apple ponytails will be used as legs for the lamb. With a thin side, they stick into cauliflower two pieces on each side symmetrically.
  3. Then you need to attach the animal's head. It will serve as an olive. It is best to take black olives without bones. Attach it with a toothpick. It is recommended to break the toothpick in half, because the craft turns out to be small, so the whole toothpick can be seen.
  4. The eyes of the lamb should be made of white plasticine. You need to roll up 2 tiny white balls and glue them to the olive. To give the lamb a more realistic look, you can stick an even smaller ball of black plasticine on the white plasticine.
  5. In order for the apple tails to keep the lamb well on the surface, it is worth using a plasticine surface. So the lamb will always be in a standing position, without falling.

What can be done from potatoes?

Potatoes can make a wonderful teddy bear. For this craft, you need to use only potatoes and colored black paper.

  1. Large and flat potatoes should be used to serve as the body of the bear. It is to the body that the rest of the details will be attached.
  2. Small potatoes should be cut in half. The two resulting halves will be the legs of the bear. They are attached to the body with toothpicks.
  3. Another small vegetable also cut, but now into 4 equal parts. The arm of the little animal should be made of two parts. Parts are attached with the skin up symmetrically.
  4. Now you need to find an oblong-shaped vegetable and attach it to the body from above. This will be the head.
  5. 2 bear eyes are cut out of colored paper.

You can also cut out a mustache for him from paper.

How to make a turtle out of vegetables (video)

There are a lot of ideas for creating vegetable crafts! Educators who create conditions for children's leisure should keep this in mind. Then the kids will obviously have something to do with themselves. But best crafts will be with those kids who not only find all the materials necessary for work, but also try hard.


And my daughter and I are in kindergarten for the holiday " autumn fun"made a caterpillar out of apples. Apples are connected to each other with toothpicks, we took five pieces. And we attached legs from carrots. Eyes glued from an old toy.

The New Year is just around the corner, so it's time to start a pleasant business - thinking holiday menu, and since we are preparing for the meeting of the year of the wooden sheep (goat), this should be taken into account. For the holiday, you will have to give up lamb dishes, otherwise the sheep may be offended. But she will really like vegetables, fruits and an abundance of greens.

How to make a lamb with your own hands from food: cauliflower, mastic, sweets? How to decorate the New Year's table?

Wood will become the favorite of the coming year, so a wooden dish with selected apples and fragrant oranges will be useful, as well as a linen tablecloth with light wood-colored napkins, wooden napkin rings too.

Figurines-symbols "Curly sheep" or How to make a lamb from cauliflower?

To make cute curly sheep we need cauliflower, pitted olives, clove buds, some mayonnaise and fresh greens for the "clearing".

  1. 1. Boil the cauliflower inflorescences in salted water to the degree of softness that your family loves, drain the water and let cool. These will be the bodies of future sheep. In each such inflorescence, 4 buds of carnations are stuck - legs.
  2. 2. We make sheep heads from pitted olives, only filigree work is required here. With a narrow and sharp knife, V-shaped cuts are made on the sides of the olive, which are very carefully turned out, turning into ears. Now the olive is mounted on a toothpick and attached to the body.
  3. 3. It remains to make eyes for the sheep. Trying different variants, but the easiest way is to put a drop of mayonnaise, and inside her small peppercorns. We place the whole company of sheep on a flat plate between dill sprigs.

The second way to create a sheep

Is it necessary to boil cauliflower? What other sheep options can you get?

In this method, we consider the collection of methods and various sheep, since not every housewife may have olives at home. If you have cauliflower, then one is enough to create a beautiful New Year's sheep.

Let's get started!

  1. 1. The body of a sheep
    We divide raw cauliflower into inflorescences and give it desired shape. Prepare toothpicks for attaching the head to the body. The body may consist of 1 large inflorescence or several small ones.
  2. 2. Muzzle
    For the muzzle, we use the same inflorescences or champignon. Grapes are also suitable, we cut them out
    ears. A separate cauliflower inflorescence is also suitable for the muzzle, turn it with the stem outward and attach it to the body.

    We make ears from:

    • champignon;
    • carrots;
    • eggplant.
  3. 3. Legs
    These are cabbage inflorescences or cucumbers, or meat, or carrots. For legs, any products that can hold the body of a sheep are suitable.

Salad "Sheep on the lawn" or Salad in the shape of a sheep

This delicious salad will not only decorate festive table, guests will also like it. Having made it in the form of the mistress of the year - a lamb, you will please her too. It is easy to prepare such a dish.

We need beef fillet - 500 g, 4 eggs and potatoes, prunes - 200 g, mayonnaise, dill and carrots for decoration.

  1. 1. In the evening, boil eggs, potatoes, meat and carrots.
  2. 2. Cut the meat into small cubes.
  3. 3. Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  4. 4. We clean the eggs from the shell, cut them into halves and take out the yolks. Now grind the yolks with a knife, and separately rub the whites on a fine grater.
  5. 5. Soak prunes for 30 minutes, wash, dry and cut into thin strips. We leave a few pieces for decoration.
  6. 6. Put the prepared ingredients (except proteins) in a bowl, add mayonnaise, salt to taste and mix.
  7. 7. We choose a flat dish and begin to lay out a salad in the shape of a sheep, sprinkle it with grated protein, which makes the sheep immediately become white and fluffy. We cut out an ear from a piece of meat, and prunes are useful for legs, a small tail and eyes. We make a collar and a bell on it from boiled carrots. From it we cut out flowers, which we lay out on dill branches.

    Here is such a sheep on green grass. Only the dish for this salad should not be white color, because then the sheep on it will be hard to see. On extreme case you will have to decorate it with lettuce leaves on all sides.

    Cookies "Sheep"

    The recipe is so simple that even a child can handle it. All you need is a bag of frozen puff pastry, some raisins, brown sugar for dusting the cookies, and cardboard template in the form of a sheep.

    Finished puff pastry defrost and roll out. Cut out the cookies in the shape of sheep and carefully transfer to a baking sheet. Now we sculpt ears from the remnants of the dough, which we attach to the head of a lamb, and we make eyes from raisins. Lightly moisten the finished sheep with water and sprinkle with brown granulated sugar. It remains only to bake cookies until they are browned.

    Dessert from cottage cheese "Sheep-gourmet"

    As part of this delicate dessert, 250 g of cottage cheese and sour cream, 15 g of gelatin, a glass of milk, 0.5 cups of sugar, fruits, candied fruits and chocolate chips for decoration, a packet of vanilla sugar.

    1. 1. Soak gelatin in milk for swelling. After 2 hours, place the mixture in a water bath until the gelatin disperses completely, but do not bring to a boil.
    2. 2. Pour sugar into the hot solution and stir until it dissolves.
    3. 3. When the sugar-gelatin solution almost cools down, add sour cream and cottage cheese whipped with a blender or grated through a sieve into it. Mix everything thoroughly until completely homogeneous.
    4. 4. Pour the mixture into round or even oval molds and leave in the cold until completely solidified.
    5. 5. Put the fully frozen dessert on a dish, decorate with tangerine slices or candied fruits and sprinkle with chocolate chips.

      How to decorate a Log in the Snow cake to make a mastic sheep

      Since our lamb is wooden, therefore the appropriate cake was chosen, that is, in the form of a log. In France, this traditional Buche de Noel Christmas cake is flourless and has a snow-covered top as it is sprinkled with powdered sugar. In our recipe, powdered sugar is replaced with coconut flakes, and flour is also present.

      You can easily decorate a log with a mastic sheep or make a cake in the shape of a lamb.

      1. 1. For a biscuit cake, take 8 eggs, a packet of vanilla sugar, 100 g of flour, a pinch of salt and 0.75 cups of sugar. For cream: a glass of 32% heavy cream and 0.5 cups of cocoa and powdered sugar. And for coating the log, you will need one and a half bars of chocolate, 75 g of powdered sugar, 2 tbsp. spoons of milk and butter and 10 st. spoons of condensed milk.
      2. 2. Baking sheet, cover with parchment and preheat the oven by setting the temperature control to 190C.
      3. 3. Separate the proteins from the yolks. In a bowl, carefully grind the yolks white with 0.5 cups of sugar, add vanilla sugar, salt and beat with a mixer.
      4. 4. In another bowl, beat the whites with a whisk until soft foam, adding the remaining sugar a little at a time and continuing to beat. Add the flour, then add the beaten egg yolks and mix gently.
      5. 5. Put the dough on a baking sheet and start baking for about 15 minutes.
      6. 6. We transfer the biscuit to a towel sprinkled with powdered sugar and roll it into a roll, starting from a thinner edge. Now the roll should cool and stand for 30 minutes.
      7. 7. In the meantime, we are preparing the butter cream, for which cream, powdered sugar and beat the cocoa with a mixer.
      8. 8. Carefully unfold the roll, and spread the whipped cream evenly. Now we roll the roll completely and place it on the dish with the seam down.
      9. 9. We coat the resulting roll with chocolate cream and apply a pattern that imitates tree bark. Sprinkle the finished cake with coconut flakes and send it to a cool place, let it soak.

        Detailed video for making sheep from mastic

        Candy sheep

        Tip: before you start creating a sheep, pick up white or light colors. They will be the coat.

        Step by step making a sheep

        1. 1. On the finished frame, which can be made of foam or plastic bottle or paper, we will glue our sweets. An additional option is to purchase a Styrofoam ball from a specialized store. You will need 2 of them, since you still need to make a head.

          Give the shape of the muzzle slightly oblong, like a real sheep.

        2. 2. The surface must be fully glued, so it is better to use a glue gun. The color of the glue will not be visible, and the candies will be securely fixed.
        3. 3. Add decorative elements: horns, eyes, wrap the muzzle in white corrugated paper if you decide not to make it from sweets. Think about what your sheep or lamb will stand on.
        4. 4. Finish by checking the ears, muzzle, nose and tail.

        Tip: don't be upset if you don't find white-packed sweets, use paper. Just wrap the candies in it and only then start gluing them on the sheep.

        They say that both a tender sheep and a slightly capricious goat will be pleased with the variety of delicious dishes.

        Do you want to be sure that new year menu like them, give preference to greens, root crops, fruits. good choice there will be cheeses, and dairy products will perfectly fit into light New Year's desserts. Of course, this does not mean that you have to give up your favorite meat and fish dishes. Just use more greens for their preparation and decoration. All these products will not only appease the animal - a symbol coming year, but also bring good luck to the house.

        Happy New Year!

A cauliflower sheep is a craft that can become both a table decoration and delicious dish. The "curly hair" given to this by nature is very helpful to those people who want to make funny craft. It is very simple to make a lamb or a lamb, it will cope with parsing a head of cabbage into inflorescences and attaching additional details and a preschooler. True, it is better not to give a knife to children!

The easiest option

A cauliflower sheep is a craft that won't take up much of your time. But if you have very little free time - choose the simplest option. You will make a sheep directly from a whole head of cabbage and just come up with a funny face for it. Take a medium-sized head of cabbage, wash and boil it. Take a black olive of a large variety and attach it with a toothpick to the body of a lamb. Attach eyes from corn kernels and ears from improvised material (for example, colored cardboard) to the olive. Legs can be made from celery stalks cut to size and attached to the cabbage with toothpicks.

Such cauliflower crafts can have large champignons instead of muzzles.

Cabbage sheep

This version of the craft is a little complicated, but still quick and easy to perform. Separate one inflorescence from a head of cabbage - this is future head your sheep. Take the cabbage small size, easier to work with. This time we will not boil it. Then take a black olive, pierce it with a toothpick and attach it to the head. Cut the olive in half (not completely), giving it the shape of a sheep's ears. Make eyes from white beans, planted on shortened toothpicks. Legs can be built from olives, carrot circles or soaked large raisins. Make a herd of such cute sheep, seat them on a plate and make a clearing for them from lettuce and other greens.

Cauliflower lamb

Prepare and wash the cauliflower head, white cabbage leaf, bell pepper and carrots. The cauliflower will be the body of the lamb. You need to remove the ends from the carrot and make legs out of it, on which the ram could stand. The legs are attached to the body, of course, not without the help of toothpicks. The head must be cut out of sweet bell pepper, attaching plasticine eyes to it. Cut the tail from a leaf of ordinary cabbage, and attach cherry leaves to the place of the ram's ears. The lamb is ready! It can please you at home, and also serve as great craft for a vegetable exhibition in kindergarten.

table decoration

A cauliflower sheep is a craft that can be great (especially in new year's eve Year of the Sheep). If you plan to eat this cute appetizer, then of course, you must first wash and boil the cauliflower. If the lamb becomes only an ornament, then do not cook it!

Grab a plate bright color and put on it a large boiled inflorescence of cabbage - the body of a sheep. We put the pickled champignon on a toothpick and fasten it in place of the head. From the legs of pickled mushrooms we make sheep's legs. Ears are also cut out of mushrooms. And in place of the eye, you can stick inflorescences of cloves. It will also give an excellent spicy aroma room! Make grass under your feet from boiled broccoli florets. Be sure to salt and pepper the craft! A cauliflower sheep is a craft that can be served with sauce in a separate bowl.

If you want to make an inedible table decoration, then take a large head of cauliflower as a body. A small eggplant will become an oblong muzzle of a sheep. And the eyes can be made out of paper.

A huge number of crafts and mouth-watering dishes can be made from vegetables and fruits. Turn on your imagination and create more often!