Patterns from watermelon seeds. Crafts from pumpkin seeds with your own hands. Water lilies from pumpkin seeds

Making crafts from watermelon seeds. Panel "Black cat".

Master class with a detailed description.
Berdnik Galina Stanislavovna, primary school teacher at the Laryak Correctional (Special) General Educational National Boarding School for Students with Disabilities.
Description: this master class provides a detailed description of the manufacture of crafts from watermelon seeds using threads.
This master class is intended for children of primary school age. The material can be used by primary school teachers, preschool teachers, teachers of additional education.
Purpose: the work can be used as a gift, decoration and interior decoration.
Target: Making crafts using watermelon seeds, cardboard and thread.
1. Develop fine motor skills of fingers, a sense of volume and shape, logical thinking, creativity, imagination, fantasy.
2. To develop and nurture accuracy, artistic taste, aesthetic and compositional feelings.
3. To cultivate industriousness and perseverance, the desire to bring the work begun to the end.

Materials and tools:
Watermelon seeds, velvet and corrugated paper, cardboard, twine or thick knitting threads, glue, scissors, pencil.

Stages of the craft:

1. We start by preparing the base of the craft. Using the template, prepare the details of black velvet paper.

2. Carefully cut out the resulting parts.

3. We glue each part along the contour outside and inside with twine or, as shown in the photo, with thick threads for knitting.

4. Now the most painstaking, but exciting work for the kids begins. It is necessary to place watermelon seeds, and fix with glue on the prepared velvet paper parts. Velvet paper was not chosen by chance. Seeds will hold on tighter.

5. These are the details we got with the guys.

6. Using glue, we connect the parts to each other, as shown in the photo.

7. We make out the muzzle of our kitten. Green eyes and a red bead nose. Meet our cat's name Barsik.

8. Having framed the work, we got the following finished look. This work was presented at the autumn exhibition from natural material.

Nadezhda Kovalchuk

Purpose: making crafts to decorate the group.

Target: to develop the creative abilities and artistic taste of a child and an adult, fine motor skills of children.


For hedgehogs- halves of kinder - surprises (large and small, plasticine, watermelon seeds, peppercorns and a touch for the eyes.

For track: linoleum, colored paper, simple pencil, scissors, glue.

For mushrooms: plasticine, gouache paint and varnish.

First stage: We cover the surface of the halves of kinder surprises with a middle layer of plasticine. We close the bottom of the kinder with cardboard. We sculpt the head from black plasticine.

Second phase: we stick tightly-tightly large seeds into the plasticine for a large hedgehog, small ones for a small one.

Third stage: insert eyes - peppercorns, draw pupils with a stroke.

That's what big hedgehogs and small hedgehogs we got!

Fourth stage: to decorate our craft, we made mushrooms from plasticine, painted with gouache and varnished.

Fifth stage: we make an autumn path for hedgehogs from linoleum, decorate it with leaves.

Our creative composition is ready.

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Dear Colleagues! I present to your attention crafts "Shrovetide", made from the simplest and most affordable materials. With this piece.

From which you can make a wide variety of crafts.

Crafts from pumpkin seeds can be voluminous or flat, made in the form of an applique.

Processing seeds for crafts

Before you make crafts from pumpkin seeds, they must be prepared:

  • rinse well in a colander under running water;
  • dry by spreading on a sheet of paper, towel, tray or other surface;
  • color;
  • dry well again.

Seed coloring

Seeds can be colored in several ways.

The first way is to apply paint to each seed individually. This option is suitable if a small amount of seeds is required for work.

If you plan to make bulk crafts from pumpkin seeds, with your own hands, using a brush, it will be tedious and long to paint them. Therefore, you just need to immerse a batch of seeds in a plastic bag.

Add dye or paint to the bag and mix.

You can use oil, acrylic and food paints, as well as gouache. Let lie down with paint, it will be better absorbed.

After removing the seeds from the bag, lay them out in heaps and dry them.

In the case when the seeds are used to create an application, they can be painted after gluing.

Autumn crafts from pumpkin seeds

The most suitable topic that a pumpkin seed craft can be devoted to is autumn. You can create various paintings and voluminous products dedicated to the autumn theme.

Original tree with falling leaves. To begin with, we glue the contour of the tree onto a sheet of paper or cardboard. Then we apply a drop of PVA glue and glue the seeds one at a time.

Autumn tree with falling leaves.

Here is another version of the execution of such crafts.

The tree trunk itself can also be laid out from seeds.

You can supplement the application with an owl. When creating a tree with falling leaves, you can use an unusual technique: apply glue to the blank for application, and then sprinkle the painting with colored seeds.

See how else you can color the seeds and make an autumn tree appliqué out of them:

From pumpkin seeds, you can lay out the pumpkin itself.

Summer crafts from pumpkin seeds

Products dedicated to the past summer look interesting.

Small bright flowers.

Composition of a flower and the sun warming it.

A whole meadow of flowers from pumpkin seeds.

Rainbow fish.

Peacock with colored tail.

Water lilies from pumpkin seeds

Volumetric products from seeds are also beautiful - for example, water lilies. To make them, we take a cardboard circle of a suitable diameter as a basis and glue a row of seeds along its edge.

We place the second row on top of the first, closer to the middle.

After gluing the seeds, paint them or leave them white - your choice.

In the center we place a small handful of small seeds that imitate the stamens of a flower.

We decorate the flower with a leaf.

Watch how to make flowers from pumpkin seeds in the video:

Sunflower from pumpkin seeds

Another wonderful pumpkin seed flower is the sunny sunflower. For its manufacture, it is necessary to cut out a base circle. Glue pumpkin seeds around the entire circumference like flower petals.

Color the pumpkin seeds bright yellow.

Apply glue to the middle of the sunflower and sprinkle with any bulk black material. It can be tea, poppy seeds, colored semolina, or even small wads of paper.

Figurines and voluminous crafts from pumpkin seeds

From pumpkin seeds you can make a voluminous bouquet of flowers.

Another option for voluminous crafts is a small one decorated with seeds.

We glue multi-colored seeds on its surface, forming beautiful patterns.

From colored pumpkin seeds strung on a fishing line, you can get a very original bracelet for a girl.

From pumpkin seeds on canvas, you can make an interesting panel.

Watch the video on how to make a beautiful picture from pumpkin seeds:

So - easily and uncomplicated - you can create from pumpkin seeds painted with all the colors of the rainbow.

Crafts from pumpkin seeds reviews:

“A picture of pumpkin seeds is something”) (Svetlana Igorevna)

And I liked the flowers from pumpkin seeds (alevita)

Application Flowers from natural materials with their own hands

Master Class. Flower composition from natural material "Sunny Bouquet"

teacher of additional education Novichkova Tamara Alexandrovna MBOU DOD Lesnovsky House of children's creativity.
Description: the master class is designed for children of primary school age, teachers, parents.
Purpose: making a flower composition from natural material is intended for interior decoration, it can take pride of place at an exhibition of arts and crafts and become a good gift idea.
Target: teaching children the correct composition of natural material with a selection of colors.
- learn how to work with natural material;
- introduce the variety of seeds that can be used in work, show the beauty of the flowers created;
- develop imagination, sensitivity and fantasy, the desire to achieve the goal;
- to cultivate aesthetic taste, the ability to see beauty in the ordinary, accuracy in work.

In winter, when it's cloudy and cold outside, it's nice to remember the summer, the flowers that give us a unique aroma and beauty. And I want to do something that will pleasantly surprise and delight friends and relatives. In the boxes on the shelf there are seeds of plants, vegetables, flowers dried in summer. They conceal the warmth, light and smell of summer. The idea of ​​creating a composition from seeds comes up. Creating paintings and crafts from natural materials is a special kind of creativity called floristry. In the works of floristry, dry leaves, flowers, herbs, seeds and fruits of plants, tree bark are used. Various forms of natural materials often suggest interesting stories themselves. By fantasizing, imagining, combining natural materials, you can create amazing things with your own hands.

Today I offer a master class on making flowers from seeds.
Look at the seeds of pumpkin, melon, watermelon. What do they remind you of? Of course flower petals. Try to collect these petals into beautiful flowers. Here's what happened.

To compile a composition from seeds, you will need the following materials and tools:
- frame, blue fabric;
- thick white paper;
- pumpkin seeds, buckwheat;
- dried corn leaves, straws;
- birch bark;
- scissors, gouache paints, brush;
- glue "Titan";

Step-by-step execution of a bouquet from natural material.
Prepare the frame. Remove the glass and stretch a cloth over the cardboard or glue a sheet of colored paper.

Mark circles with a diameter of 2-3 cm, 4 cm, 6-7 cm on hard paper and cut them out. I used different size jars.

Apply titanium glue along the edge of the circle and glue the pumpkin seeds. Got flowers.

Mix yellow paint with a small amount of PVA glue and carefully paint the petals. Let dry and apply colorless nail polish.
Then grease the middle of the flower well with glue and sprinkle with buckwheat.

While the paint on the petals will dry, let's make the leaves. We will make them from corn leaves. (Corn leaves were ironed, dried under pressure in the fall).

For twigs, take straws.

Make a vase. Give space to your imagination. A vase, for example, can be made: from paper sprinkled with small seeds; from dried leaves; from straw. We will make it from birch bark. Take thick cardboard, fold it in half, draw a vase and cut it out.

Cut the birch bark into thin strips. Lubricate one edge of the vase with Titan glue and glue strips of birch bark horizontally.

Start weaving. Consistently weave all the strips vertically into the workpiece, fixing them at the ends with glue.

Cut long strips along the contour of the vase. Glue the border. The vase is ready.

We form a bouquet. Glue the vase, then arrange the branches - straws.
Start filling the bouquet with leaves. First the background and then the front, giving the composition the desired shape and silhouette. Lightly smooth the leaves through the paper with the palm of your hand. Leave 2-3 sheets up. This will create volume.

Glue the flowers. Place large ones at the bottom, smaller ones above, and buds at the top of the bouquet.

golden sunflower,
Petals are rays.
He is the son of the sun
And spring clouds.
Wakes up in the morning
The sun shines.
close at night
Yellow eyelashes.
Tatyana Lavrova.
But such forget-me-nots from watermelon seeds were made by my pupil Ulyana.

How to make crafts from seeds (pits) of watermelon and plasticine with your own hands. Master classes.

Children's crafts from seeds (pits) of watermelon

Watermelon seeds are wonderful, which can be used in children's creativity. What can be done from watermelon seeds with children?

One of the easiest ways to secure watermelon seeds to a craft is to press them into plasticine. Even kids can handle this method of making crafts from watermelon seeds, and crafts can be both flat and voluminous. They can be made with children not only in the summer, during the watermelon season, but also at other times of the year, you just need to prepare the seeds.

I somehow met a negative review of one woman on such a craft. She wrote that crafts made from watermelon seeds make her squeamish. I think that she got such an attitude because she herself ate watermelons like in a fairy tale - so that it would flow down her mustache and not get into her mouth. And spit out the seeds. But it is much more convenient to eat a watermelon by cutting it into small slices and removing the seeds from them with a knife. There is no reason for squeamishness in this case.

If cardboard is used in the craft in addition to plasticine, it is better if it is glossy, otherwise greasy spots appear on the cardboard from plasticine over time.

How to prepare (dry) watermelon seeds

To prepare watermelon seeds, they need to be washed well, spread out on a napkin or towel and wait until they dry. Then pour into a jar or box for storage.

Watermelon - craft from watermelon seeds

Such a craft can be done even if there are no watermelon seeds - instead of them, you can glue pieces of black or brown plasticine.

Materials and tools

For crafts you will need:

  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors (optional)
  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • red plasticine
  • plasticine dark green
  • light green plasticine (if there is only one block of green in the set, a lighter shade can be obtained by mixing it with white or yellow)

Stages of work

A bouquet of flowers in a vase - a picture of watermelon seeds

Materials and tools

  • cardboard
  • pencil
  • scissors and glue (optional)
  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • yellow plasticine
  • green plasticine
  • plasticine of any color (for a vase)

Stages of work

Dog - craft from watermelon seeds

This is a Dachshund dog with food in a bowl. Craft without a master class, because it took very few watermelon seeds for it, only for food and ears.

Mouse - craft made from watermelon seeds

And for this craft, my daughter only needed one watermelon pit. The result is a very tiny mouse.

Craft "Hedgehog" from plasticine and watermelon seeds

For this craft, my daughter used the remains of plasticine in different colors. She mixed them together, and got a suitable dark gray color.

Materials and tools

  • watermelon seeds
  • mat (board) for modeling
  • plasticine gray or brown
  • black plasticine

Stages of work

Composition of crafts made from watermelon seeds

And this is my daughter's composition of handicrafts made from watermelon seeds:

  • hedgehog in the foreground
  • a bush and a lizard for the company, watermelon seeds were not needed for their manufacture,
  • near the bush on the right - an apple with a leaf from the stone of a watermelon,
  • a mouse hides behind a bush from a hedgehog,
  • a butterfly perched on a bush.

This composition decorated the lid of a coffee jar in which we store watermelon seeds. There is no lizard on the lid, but there are two strawberry bushes with leaves from the same seeds. And the jar itself can also be decorated with watermelon seeds. How to do this, read the article.

© Julia Sherstyuk, https: // site

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