Crafts from a pumpkin with your own hands. Pumpkins are a great material for all kinds of crafts.

In schools, children are always trying to bring up creative personalities. Autumn-themed pumpkin crafts are often made in elementary and middle grades. On the Internet you can find 1000 pictures of such works. Do-it-yourself children's pumpkin products for school can be made not only from decorative, but also from natural pumpkin. So why not do it right now?

Do-it-yourself children's pumpkin products for school can be made not only from decorative, but also from natural pumpkin

Decorative work with vegetables and fruits always develops the child's creative abilities. So what can be done with a pumpkin?

There are a lot of ideas, here are just a few of them:

  • Owl.
  • Pumpkin curds.
  • Snail.
  • Pumpkin bowl.
  • Matryoshka.
  • Hare.
  • Bear.
  • House.

Such works have different levels of complexity, for example, to make a teremok out of this vegetable, you need to make more efforts than if you make an owl.

For children of different ages, teachers in schools select work with needlework that matches their level. You should not offer the child to do work that is too difficult for him, as this can completely discourage him from doing this later.

Gallery: pumpkin crafts on the theme "Autumn" (25 photos)

The simplest do-it-yourself pumpkin crafts (video)

We make an owl from a pumpkin with our own hands

  1. For such work, you need to prepare molds for baking cupcakes, colored paper, seeds (sunflower and pumpkin).
  2. When all the elements are collected, you can get to work. There will be no carving on the vegetable itself, so before you start making an owl, you need to wash it and dry it.
  3. From cupcake molds you need to make owl wings. To do this, each mold should be cut in half. The two halves are glued to the pumpkin symmetrically.
  4. Then the eyes of an owl are made. Another cake pan is taken and cut in half. Half of the shape will be the cilia of the bird. Further, a circle cut out of colored paper is glued to the “face” of the owl. If the pumpkin is bright yellow, then the paper should not be the same color, otherwise the eyes will not be visible.
  5. A baking dish is glued on top of the white circle. You can make the pupil of the eye by gluing a small black circle in the center of the paper circle.
  6. A few triangles cut out of black colored paper will complement the composition. They are glued below the eyes.

Pumpkin basket: how to make?

First you need to see if there are any damage or stains on the vegetable. The basket is best made from a medium-sized pumpkin, the color of which would be uniform.

  1. The vegetable must be washed and dried.
  2. Then you need to make a pen template. The template is pierced into the pumpkin along a predetermined contour. Beginners are not recommended to make too complex templates.
  3. Then, using a spoon, you need to very carefully remove all the pulp from the vegetable. The base should not be damaged, otherwise it will not work to make a good basket. The pumpkin handle is cut with a sharp knife. They can't damage the walls!
  4. Now the workpiece must be dried. You can use plain paper for this. It will absorb moisture, and the workpiece will dry. Lay the paper on the bottom of the vegetable and near its walls. Dryness is checked by hand, if moisture is felt, then you need to replace the paper with a new one and continue drying.

A basket is best made from a medium-sized pumpkin.

To give the basket an unusual look, you should use a penknife and cut through the patterns on the sides.

Pumpkin snail

To make a beautiful snail, you will need two pumpkins: one oblong and the other round. A snail shell is made from a round vegetable. To do this, cut off about ¼ of it from it. The side where the cut was made, the sink will be on the ground.

  1. Also, the shell needs to be cut on the right to give the snail a realistic look.
  2. At an oblong pumpkin, its narrow part is cut out and attached to the shell on the right side. This is the basis of the work. Now you need to "revive" the snail.
  3. Using a penknife, make a spiral cut on the sink. Snails have a twisted shell, so you need to do the same here.
  4. Next, booties or pieces of multi-colored paper are glued to the sink. This will enhance the work.
  5. Now you can start creating snail horns. They can be made from a fishing line twisted several times. Large beads are put on the fishing line along its entire length. The edges of the fishing line are inserted into the head of the snail. Mustaches should be two.
  6. Snail eyes are made from buttons or from cut out colored or cardboard paper. You should also not forget about the mouth and nose of the snail. They are made from the same materials.

To make a beautiful snail, you will need two pumpkins

A bow will complement the composition.

How to make Kopatych from a pumpkin?

Who does not know this wonderful character from Smeshariki? Kopatych is one of the main characters of this children's animated series. It is quite easy to make from pumpkin.

The work includes the following steps:

  1. The vegetable itself should be the basis of the work. Therefore, it should be washed well, and then dried. It is advisable not to use too large fruit. If you wish, you can varnish the pumpkin, so the craft will look more presentable.
  2. The hands and feet of Kopatych must be made of plasticine. You can use other material, but plasticine is quite easy and quick to work with. The limbs are glued to the fetus symmetrically.
  3. What to make Kopatych's nose from? There are several options here: you can use potatoes, or you can use plasticine. If the first option is chosen, then the potatoes should be medium in size and attached to the pumpkin with toothpicks.
  4. Kopatych's eyes are cut out of white paper. In the center of the paper you need to draw a pupil.

The most important thing in pumpkin Kopatych is to convey facial expressions

At the end, you should draw the facial expressions of Kopatych. To do this, use a black marker. The stripes should not be too wide, as the work should look natural.

Matryoshka from pumpkin: how to make?

This is one of the easiest things to do with a pumpkin. In order to make a nesting doll, you need to pick up an oblong-shaped vegetable.

So the work plan is:

  1. The fruit is washed and dried. Its color does not matter, as the matryoshka will be painted with watercolors or gouache.
  2. Cut off the top end of the pumpkin.
  3. The drawing of the “face” of the matryoshka begins. On top of the fetus, that is, where it is as narrow as possible, the facial features of the matryoshka are drawn, namely, the eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. Matryoshka must be smiling, because if you draw her sad, then the work will not look beautiful.
  5. Further, the drawing is performed as desired by the master. You can draw the details so that the work looks like a real nesting doll.

You can make nesting dolls from several pumpkins very quickly and easily.

When the drawing is completed, the fruit is varnished.

Craft from zucchini

  1. Cardboard paper should be the basis of the craft.
  2. The fruit is washed and dried. Next, “sidewalls” are cut out of the zucchini. This should be done carefully. The wings are ready.
  3. The front of the penguin is carefully cut off to give it a white belly.
  4. A small potato is cut in half. She will become the legs of the penguin. Zucchini is attached to potatoes with toothpicks.
  5. The eyes of the penguin should be small colored beads. They don't have to be black, as the black beads will blend into the color of the zucchini and the penguin's eye won't be visible.

How to clean a pumpkin inside (video)

There are a lot of ideas for creating autumn crafts. There are quite simple works, and there are those that require perseverance, talent and time from the master. The more the child will be engaged in the manufacture of such vegetable crafts, the more creative he will become in the future.

Educators in kindergartens often make unusual and funny crafts with the kids. What just does not go to work: paper, plasticine, rags, paints, vegetables and fruits. Today's master class is dedicated to do-it-yourself pumpkin crafts for children. All presented options for pumpkin crafts (a flower ball, a caterpillar, a vase or a feeder) are easy to manufacture and help develop imagination, curiosity and fine motor skills in kids.

Children's handicrafts from a pumpkin with their own hands "Flower ball"

A pumpkin for a flower ball is taken in a small size for one baby. A large pumpkin is decorated by several guys. Flowers are used with a thin and strong stem.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, flowers, awl, scissors.

Stage 1

The teacher or an adult prepares a pumpkin for the kids in advance. She washes and dries. Holes are pierced in the vegetable with an awl.

Stage 2

Under the supervision of an adult, children cut the stems of flowers with scissors. A sufficient length is 5 cm. You can use plastic scissors that can cope with this task.

Stage 3

Stems with flowers are stuck into the holes on the vegetable.

DIY pumpkin flower ball is ready! Flowers in this state will stand for a long time: the juice from the pumpkin pulp will nourish the plants. If desired, you can use flowers with a wide variety of colors in your work.

Craft from a pumpkin for kindergarten "Leaves in the snow"

For the manufacture of "Leaves in the Snow" snow-white gouache and dry leaves from the forest are useful. It will be necessary to decorate the pumpkin for speed. You can turn on cheerful and dynamic music from the cartoon in the room.

Materials and tools: a pumpkin of any size, white gouache, a large brush (you can even use a paint brush), dry leaves from the forest.

Stage 1
The pumpkin is washed and dried, placed on the table in front of each child. It is recommended to lay a piece of paper on the table in advance to protect the furniture from dirt during gouache painting.

Stage 2
Children are shown the principle of applying gouache to a vegetable. And each kid begins to decorate the pumpkin with his own hands.

Stage 3
Leaves are laid on the pumpkin. Since gouache dries within 2 - 5 minutes, you can take your time decorating with leaves. You might think of a better location on a gourd.

The leaves on the snow are ready! By the way, the leaves on the do-it-yourself pumpkin craft can also be decorated with some new gouache flowers.

Do-it-yourself children's craft from a pumpkin "Merry Caterpillar"

A cheerful caterpillar is making crafts from several pumpkins. This craft can be installed right on the playground. In this case, the kids will be able to observe the result of their work every day and play with crafts during a walk.

Materials and tools: pumpkins 10 pcs. (or according to the number of children in the group), colored cardboard, black acrylic paint, brushes, glue.

Stage 1

Pumpkins are washed and dried in advance. The leg sticking out at the top of each vegetable is painted black with acrylic paint. This paint dries quickly and is not washed off. For example, in the rain.

Stage 2

Rounds of yellow and red colors are cut out of cardboard. For the eyes of the caterpillar, rounds of black and white colors are made.

Stage 3

The cut rounds are glued on the body of the future caterpillar, as in the picture.

Stage 4

On the main pumpkin, called the head, a wide cheerful smile is drawn. Black acrylic paint is used.

Stage 5

At this last stage, all parts of the "Merry Caterpillar" are transferred to the playground, where they are installed by the children. It is recommended to give the caterpillar a wriggling shape, as happens in life with real caterpillars.

Crafts from a pumpkin for kindergarten "Feeding trough"

All children know about bird feeders, but even adults hardly had the idea to make them out of pumpkins. This is an original idea and a wonderful food in autumn and winter. For example, for city sparrows.

Materials and tools: halves of pumpkins, thick sticks from the forest, rope, bird food, spoons, knife.

Stage 1

The tutor cuts the pumpkin into two pieces. The pulp with seeds is scraped out with spoons.

Stage 2

Sticks are inserted crosswise into the vegetable at an angle of 90 degrees. For convenience, holes for them can be cut with a knife. It is advisable to entrust such work to an adult.

Stage 3

At this stage, ropes are tied to the sticks, which will keep the birdhouse hanging.

Stage 4

Do-it-yourself bird food is poured into a pumpkin craft. It can be millet, seeds (not fried) and wheat.

Crafts from a pumpkin for kindergarten "Vase with flowers for mom"

Mothers of each baby will be delighted with a gift in the form of a vase of flowers. It is easy to make it from a pumpkin. But cutting a hole in a thick pumpkin peel is best left to an adult.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, bouquet, plastic cup for flowers, knife, aluminum spoon, scissors.

Stage 1

A hole is cut out in the washed and dried pumpkin. It is done in such a way as to simultaneously remove the pumpkin tail.

Stage 2

The pulp and seeds are scraped out of the vegetable with spoons. Such an activity is within the power of every kid in the kindergarten. It's fun and easy.

Stage 3

A plastic cup is inserted into the pumpkin. Water for flowers is poured into it.

Stage 4

Flowers are taken. Cut off excess length from the stems. The flowers form into a bouquet. They can be tied with thread or rope.

Stage 5

The bouquet is placed in a pumpkin vase. Everything, a gift can be carried to mom.

Children's crafts from a pumpkin with their own hands "Cheerful head"

A "cheerful head" from a pumpkin is obtained by decorating with colored felt-tip pens. It is easily applied to a clean surface of the vegetable and is almost not erased.

Materials and tools: pumpkin, felt-tip pen.

Stage 1

The pumpkin is placed on the table. It is important to put it in a fixed, stable position. If desired, the vegetable can be decorated even while sitting on the floor or holding it on your knees. Who is comfortable.

Stage 2

The first features of the face are applied with felt-tip pens: eyes, nose, smile and hairstyle.

Stage 3

At this stage, the initial strokes are shaded with different colors.

The pumpkin craft for kindergarten is ready. It can be placed outdoors. It will stand until the very winter cold and longer if the fruit itself belongs to the winter variety of pumpkin.

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In autumn, schools and kindergartens hold all kinds of exhibitions and fairs of gifts of nature. Children, with the help of their parents, make outlandish things from which are present daily on our table.

Children can be made from different vegetables, including pumpkins. The advantage of a vegetable is that it is quite simple to work with it and it is quite inexpensive. And if the pumpkins are grown in their own garden, then the material for creativity is completely free.

Easy pumpkin crafts can be built even by kids. Parents only need to cut out the necessary details, and the child is able to compose them into a composition and decorate on their own. Various varieties of this vegetable can be combined with each other.

Some parents show miracles of ingenuity and invent something unusual, others follow a simpler path, because the shapes of the vegetables themselves prompt the master to ideas for the composition.

It is not necessary to use a cutting tool. Having shown imagination, decorating an unusually simple pumpkin is very simple. With the help of gouache or acrylic paint, the color of the craft changes, and then it is pasted over with another natural material - autumn leaves.

A pumpkin craft for the youngest children, which they will carry to the kindergarten, can be a simple turtle made from half a round vegetable. Paws, tail and head can be made from cucumber.

You can make the well-known Scarecrow from the fairy tale "The Wizard of the Emerald City." To do this, it is enough for the child to draw his face and put on a suitable hat, a bag of straw will serve as the body.

The permanent exhibits of the autumn exhibitions are folk motifs. It is very easy to make a grandmother and grandfather out of a pumpkin. And the child will be happy to take part in this.

Not everyone knows how to properly dry a pumpkin for crafts. In order for the exhibit to be stored as long as possible, it must initially have a long tail. Vegetables need to be dried in a well-ventilated area, you can near the battery. It is advisable to put the pumpkin on the grate so that the air blows over it from all sides. As soon as the seeds inside begin to rumble when shaken, you can get to work.

For the autumn exhibition, children with their parents can make unusual pumpkin crafts in stages. Children love the mysterious light pouring from within. Scary Halloween faces are great for older kids, and toddlers will love fun pumpkin lanterns.

Master class "Pumpkin Lanterns"

Thousands of years ago, pumpkins were used to create all sorts of household utensils.
Today they are just as popular, but instead of dishes they are used to make various decorations and crafts.
Usually crafts for Halloween are made from pumpkins, but on other days you can make ordinary crafts for school or kindergarten, home or country house.
Pumpkins come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, making them a great craft material.

Pumpkin Kids Crafts: Halloween Head

You will need:

Pumpkin any size

felt-tip pen

Acrylic paints

Spoon (if necessary).

1. Cut off the bottom of the pumpkin if the pumpkin is wide or the top of the pumpkin if it is elongated, and remove the insides with a spoon.

2. Use a felt-tip pen to draw a face, which you will then cut out of a pumpkin. It is better to draw something simple so that it is easier to cut.

3. Take a thin kitchen knife and start carefully cutting out the muzzle. You may need both a large knife and a small knife to more clearly carve some of the pumpkin's details, such as the teeth and eyes. You can also print a muzzle on paper in advance, attach it to a pumpkin and make the necessary marks.

Cutting is not difficult at all, the main thing is to have patience.

* When the muzzle is cut out, you can insert a candle into the pumpkin and you will have one festive detail.

DIY Pumpkin Craft for Kids: Glitter Pumpkin

From such a pumpkin you do not need to cut anything. You can make a beautiful craft using only sparkles and simple acrylic paints.

You will need:

white pumpkin

PVA glue



Sponges (sponges)

1. Take the brushes and apply PVA glue to some parts of the pumpkin.

2. Using sponges, apply glitter to the glue.

* Experiment with patterns - apply glue so that you get different lines and shapes, then just sprinkle glitter on the places where the glue is applied.

* Instead of glue and glitter, you can simply paint a white pumpkin with acrylic paints, drawing different patterns and shapes.

Crafts from pumpkins on the theme of autumn: a vase of pumpkins

You will need:

Plastic or glass cup

1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin and discard the contents. It is desirable that the hole from the cut top was a little more than a glass.

2. If possible, cut a small indentation for the cup.

3. Insert a plastic or glass cup into the gourd and pour water into it.

* Make sure the glass is firmly seated in the gourd. If necessary, make a slightly deeper hole in the bottom of the pumpkin so that the glass fits well into it.

Here is another version of such a vase, only larger:

How to make a pumpkin craft: a candlestick

You will need:

Thick tall candle

felt-tip pen

Autumn leaves (artificial and/or real)

Twigs with berries (rowan, for example)

Little cones.

1. Remove the pumpkin tail. Put the Candle on top and circle it with a felt-tip pen - so you will know how much to cut out of the crown.

2. Cut off the top of the pumpkin so that the candle fits snugly inside the pumpkin. If desired, the insides can be removed.

* You may need to use glue to better attach the candle.

3. Use glue to attach decorations to your candle holder (autumn leaves, twigs with berries, small cones, etc.).

* The candle must be tall enough to protrude a few centimeters above the decorations so that they do not catch fire.

Craft from a pumpkin to the garden: funny little men

You will need:

Pumpkins of different sizes (preferably white)


PVA glue (preferably superglue) or a glue gun with hot glue

Miscellaneous accessories (glasses, hats, wigs)

Artificial flowers and other decorations (optional).

1. From felt, cut out bows, mustaches and other details that your little men may need.

3. You can use old glasses or make glasses out of felt or cardboard and glue them on as well.

4. Add a hat, flowers and other accessories.

Crafts from a pumpkin to kindergarten: an owl

You will need:


Super glue or hot glue.

1. Cut out the necessary details from felt (eyes, feathers, beak, ears and wings).

2. Using glue, carefully glue all the cut parts. Start with "feathers" of different colors: glue the first row at the bottom of the pumpkin, then the second row (staggered) and so on until you cover the desired part of the pumpkin.

* Do not glue the whole pumpkin, just partially glue the feathers.

3. Glue the owl's eyes, ears and wings over the feathers.

Pumpkin crafts (master class): pumpkin decoration with wax crayons

You will need:

White or orange pumpkin

Wax crayons

Scissors or knife

PVA glue (thick)

1. Take out the crayons and cut them in half.

2. Use glue to glue the crayons (about 16 pieces of different colors) to the top of the pumpkin.

3. Once the glue is dry, use a hair dryer to melt the crayons and cover the top of the pumpkin with different bright colors. Do not turn on the hair dryer at full power, it is better to melt the crayons slowly and carefully.

Pumpkin Crafts for School: Emoticons

You will need:

Several small pumpkins

Acrylic paints

black marker

Simple pencil.

1. Cut off the top of each pumpkin and remove the innards.

2. Using a felt-tip pen or pencil, draw a circle on one side of the pumpkin - this will be the head of the smiley. It doesn't have to be perfect circle.

3. Draw any facial expression inside the circle to make a funny emoji.

4. Think about what parts you will be cutting. Some emojis can have eyes cut out, some mouths, and some both.

5. When you have cut out the parts you need, paint the entire circle yellow. You will need to paint in several layers so that the color is more saturated.

Leave the paint to dry. If you want the drying process to go faster, use a hair dryer.

6. You can add other colors, depending on the emoticon. You can draw a red heart, pink tongue and/or white eyes.

7. When the paint is dry, circle all the lines with a black marker.

Autumn pumpkin craft

You will need:

wide gourd

Autumn leaves (artificial or natural)

Floral sponge (floral oasis)

Wire (preferably floral) or tape

Floral sticks or skewers.

1. Cut the pumpkin in half and remove the insides.

2. Cut the floral sponge to fit inside the pumpkin.

3. Using wire or tape, fasten a few leaves into a bunch to make a lush branch.

4. Insert the branch into the sponge.

5. Make a few more branches and insert them into the sponge to make a lush bouquet of leaves.

* If desired, you can attach cones, berries, twigs and other decorations.

Autumn craft "Pumpkin Carriage"

You will need:

wide gourd

Small pumpkins (for wheels) or wire or cardboard

Marker or pen

thick wire

Thin wire.

1. Cut off the top of the pumpkin, remove the insides with a tablespoon and cut out the windows and the door of the future carriage. You can first draw with a marker the places where there will be doors and windows.

* If desired, you can draw an ornament on the carriage and cut it out.

2. To make carriage wheels, you can use several materials:


Draw 4 circles of the same size on a sheet of thick cardboard and cut them out. You can draw knitting needles with a marker. Cardboard wheels can also be painted.

small pumpkins

In addition to pumpkins, you can use other hard vegetables and fruits. These wheels look beautiful, but quickly deteriorate.


Wire wheels are harder to make, but they are strong and will last a long time. After you have woven the wire into wheels, you can wrap it in foil for beauty.