Circle activity. Craft using cotton wool "Curly lamb". "Sheep": application from different materials Sheep from napkins template

Municipal preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 55 "Grasshopper".

Summary of the application lesson in the senior group on the topic: "The symbol of the year is a lamb."

Conducted: educator

Khvatkova O.V.



Summary of the lesson on the application "The symbol of the year is a lamb."

Target: Creating an image of a lamb from cotton balls.


  1. To acquaint with the new technique of the image from cotton wool. Learn to stick cotton balls.
  2. Develop artistic perception, thinking, fine motor skills of hands.
  3. Cultivate accuracy, perseverance, evoke an emotional response, evoke a desire to create an image.

Handout:Sheets of white paper with the outline of a lamb for each child, white cotton wool, pva glue, sockets for glue, napkins for hands.

Demo material:pedagogical sketches depicting lambs.

Lesson progress:

caregiver : Listen to the poem and guess who it is about.

Among the slender birches there is a green edge.

Graze in thick grass


They have sharp horns and velvet ears.

They butt each other

curls - curls.

(sheep, sheep)

Right. Why do you think the lambs and lambs in the poem - a riddle were called curls - curls? (children's answers). Of course they have curly hair. See how funny they are (demonstration of illustrative material).

Together with me, another lamb came to visit you. Look how unusual his fur coat is, how fluffy it is. What do you think it can be made from? (children's answers) That's right, such a fur coat can be made from cotton wool. Do you want me to teach you how to make the same mischievous lambs? (children's answers) Well, let's try. (distributing blanks)

Children, look what our lambs lack? (they don't have a fur coat) That's right. Let's dress them in a beautiful, fluffy, warm coat. See how I do it. To do this, I take cotton wool, tear off a small piece from it, crumple it, then roll up the ball, dip it with one side into the glue and gently, along the contour, start gluing. When you glue the entire outline, start gluing the balls inside. To make the fur coat fluffy, the balls need to be glued tightly to each other.

Now our lambs will not freeze, they have very warm fur coats.

Outcome: Guys, let's see what we got. Bring me your work, we will all admire them together. You did a great job today. Do you think your sheep are warm? Do they have a good coat? Fluffy? Well done, you tried very hard, you got very beautiful lambs. Do you like them? Then keep them for yourself. Thank you for your creativity.

Do you often do art with your child at home? Are you collaborating on creative work? If your kid likes to stick details on the base, make crafts, he will definitely get a beautiful sheep. The application is made from available materials. The process is simple and interesting, so that you can keep your child busy with calm and useful creative work for a long time.

Cotton pad sheep

This is the simplest option, and you can use only one round blank only as the body of the animal, and draw or make the rest of the details out of paper. Another craft "Sheep" (application) can also be easily done, but using several circles to compose the body. In the first case, you can make a whole flock of sheep from one pack of cotton pads, and in the second case, a little, but they will be voluminous, “well-fed”.

The work goes like this:

Felt application

In order for you to get a beautiful application "Sheep", it is better to pre-cut the templates of parts from cardboard, and use these blanks as stencils. The initial scheme is easy to draw on your own or take a sample.

The execution sequence is as follows:

  1. Cut out the blanks of all the details from paper.
  2. Lay on felt of the appropriate shade.
  3. Outline.
  4. Cut out the elements.
  5. Take the base blank and lay the rest of the details on it in layers. Sew them on. Small items are easy to stick.

Application "Sheep" from paper

This method is traditional and simple. To complete such a craft, you will need colored paper or finished printed parts. In order for the child to get a neat application "Sheep", a template, of course, will be required.

So the sequence is:

  1. Take the base and draw or print an outline of a sheep and other elements (grass, sun, etc.) on it.
  2. Make stencils of details.
  3. Help your child lay out the blanks on colored sheets of the appropriate shade.
  4. Circle the blanks and cut out.
  5. Glue the details onto the base sequentially - from the background and its components, moving to the elements closest to the viewer. Last of all, eyes, nose and other small parts are usually glued.

Application "Sheep" from napkins

This way of doing crafts is simple, but it will require perseverance, patience and a lot of time to prepare the material. But you get a very realistic sheep.

Application from napkins is performed as follows:

As you can see, the sheep (appliqué) can be made from different materials that convey the color and texture of the wool well. Invite your child to make crafts using several techniques. It's interesting and useful.

Application from cotton wool "Sheep". Master class with step by step photos

Purpose: this master class is intended for the joint activities of educators, teachers of additional education and children of middle, senior preschool and primary school age.
Target: making an application.
- develop fine motor skills of hands, imagination, creative activity;
- cultivate artistic taste, accuracy, perseverance.
- arouse interest in the process of making crafts.
Teacher: Belenko Tatyana Evgenievna
Target: cultivate imagination, creativity, emotional responsiveness.
Cotton applique- a great way to make a voluminous greeting card or a soft picture. For applications, you can use not only cotton, but also cotton pads, which sometimes greatly facilitates the work with the application. For example, the smallest ones will definitely like to make simple applications - a snowman, a caterpillar, flowers from circles.
Vata allows you to develop motor skills and tactile sensations in a child.
In addition, cotton wool can be dyed.
Glue Safety
1. Handle the adhesive with care. Glue is poisonous!
2. Apply glue to the surface of the product only with a brush.
3. It is impossible for the glue to get on the fingers, face, especially the eyes.
4. If the adhesive gets into the eyes, immediately rinse them with plenty of water.
5. At the end of the work, be sure to wash your hands and brush.
6. When working with glue, use a napkin.
We are poor sheep
sl. Libin M., music. Kelmi K., film "Dog in Boots"
We are poor sheep
Nobody is chasing us.
We melt like candles
Well, who will save us?!
Save the poor sheep. Me-me
meadow flowers,
peaceful herds,
And the birds of the field
They scurry back and forth.
You will not find more beautiful places.

-Office paper
-PVA glue
- cotton wool
- brown gouache

1. Draw a sheep on cardboard.

2. Then invite the baby to dress the sheep in a fur coat. Show how to tear cotton wool and stick them to the lamb. (it is worth tearing the cotton wool into small pieces, brush the lamb with a brush and glue the cotton wool).

3. Here is a lamb dressed in wonderful warmth and a white “fur coat”.

4. We make a necklace for a sheep from napkins. For this we need a pink napkin. We tear the napkin into small pieces. Now we make balls from napkins - you can just roll it, or you can twist it, as you like.
5. As a result, you should get approximately the same balls as shown in the photo.

6. Apply glue with a brush on the necklace. Spread with pink paper balls.

7. In the same way, we make cheeks and a flower from napkins for our sheep.

8. Decorate the sheep's hooves with brown gouache.

9. Draw small flowers on office paper and cut them out.

10. Glue the flowers.

11. We make the middle of the flowers from napkins. (We tear the napkin into pieces, make small balls from the pieces).

12. We draw the sun.

13. Take a yellow napkin. Tear into pieces, roll balls.

7. Apply glue to the sun. We glue the balls, press them with our fingers so that the balls stick well.

Our sheep is ready!

Structural subdivision of MBOU "Znamenskaya secondary school" - preschool group


Direct educational activities on ( Artistic and aesthetic development ) application

On the topic of: "Funny Sheep"

for older children.

senior group teacher


Educational area: Artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration of educational areas:

speech development,

cognitive development,

Physical development.

Target: Creating an image of a sheep from colored circles.


    Learn to create an image of a cheerful sheep.

    To develop an emotional perception of the world around us, a careful attitude towards all living things.

    Develop artistic perception, thinking. Fine motor skills of the hands.

    Cultivate accuracy. Perseverance, cause an emotional response, cause a desire to create an image.

Material and equipment: F-A5 green sheets with a large circle drawn, napkins, brushes, glue, colored mugs with a diameter of 2-2.5 cm, scissors.

Preliminary work: watching the sheep for a walk, repeating the topic “Pets” with the children.

GCD progress:

IN:. Guys, let's remember what pets are. (Children answer, I hang the corresponding illustration on the board )

Well done! Everyone was named. Listen to the riddle and guess what animal it is talking about.

Bleats plaintively: "B-e-e, b-e-e!"
Grass nibbling in the yard
Fur coat in curled rings,
And her name is...

IN:. Who knows what benefits sheep bring to us? (Children's answers )

Today the "Merry Sheep" came to visit you. Look at her amazing coat. What shapes does the coat consist of? (Circles) Do circles look like lamb curls? What color are the mugs? (Children call)

What else does a funny sheep have?

Do you want me to teach you how to make such a funny sheep?

To begin with, we cut out the head of the lamb along the contour, and from the rectangles we make legs, cut off two corners with rounding.

We glue the legs at the bottom of the sheet, slightly going into the circle.

We take white circles and paste them along the edge of our circle. This will be the body of the sheep.

We fill the middle of the circle with colored circles, if there are white circles, they can also be used. The background of the green meadow should not shine through, so we seal everything.

Now we glue the head of our sheep.

Cheerful Sheep is ready!

But before we get started, let's take a break.

Physical education "Funny sheep"

Two funny sheep (Springs)

They split up near the river. Jump jump, jump jump!(Jumping on two legs)

Jumping white lambs Early in the morning near the river.

Up to the sky (Hands up)

Down to the grass. (Tilts to the toes)

And then they circled(Whirling)

And they fell into the river.(Sit down)

IN:. Now let's complete the task. (Children do the task)

Summary of the lesson

Mystery -

Physical education -

Making a cute little animal with your own hands is very simple, exciting and useful for developing fine motor skills and perseverance. We will provide you with several variations on the sheep appliqué technique to translate them into a beautiful three-dimensional picture.

For younger children, working with soft fiber can seem challenging because it is new and different from materials they have previously had to deal with. Therefore, it is better to make a composition with the help of adults.


  1. Draw or print a drawing of an animal. At the end of this material, you will find some suitable schematic drawings that can be used to complete the task.
  2. Cut out the animal along the outer contour.

A single-colored dense sheet will serve as the basis. It would be advisable to choose a green color and draw grass on it. But you can arrange everything at the call of fantasy, cut out additional trees, a fence or a house.

Glue all blanks to the base sheet. Now let's give the lamb fluffiness. Fasten the pieces starting from the back of the animal. To make it easier for the little ones, print out the drawing and help the little one glue the cotton balls in the right places.

Tell your child about lamb wool: where it is used, how it is processed, and be sure to emphasize that the animal does not suffer during the extraction of material - it is simply sheared.

Cotton trimming

This option is relevant for older children - preschool preparatory group. A do-it-yourself craft will delight pride, because it is the creation of his pens. Such crafts are usually stored for a long time. When an already grown child goes to school, such gizmos will remind you of childhood.

To complete the task you will need:

  • cardboard or other thick paper
  • medium size black eye beads
  • stationery scissors, knives
  • markers


Prepare the stencil - cut out the printed template and stick the base cardboard on the outline cut out on it. You can draw with your own hands and marking in the right places, invite the child to sketch the hooves and muzzle.

Remember that the base layer is cut along the desired contour. In the case of creating a three-dimensional picture, consider the appropriate background design on the bottom cover. With a batch of spools, the child will be able to handle himself. The rolling action will also help develop fine motor skills.

Glue them over the contour of the lamb first, and then the inside.

Focus on the fact that the ears, legs and muzzle remain without cotton wool.

Additional options for performing compositions in this technique:

From cotton buds, you can also create an interesting creation in the form of a cute lamb. In order for the toy to keep its shape longer, we use thick cardboard in our work. It is better to use wooden sticks than plastic ones.

Templates and stencils

Print and cut out the blank to paint and paste with the baby. Forming artistic development should be from the first conscious years, so that in the future the desire for beauty becomes natural and brings pleasure.