Kindergarten payments. Compensation for kindergarten: application, documents. Parental fee compensation for kindergarten

According to current regulations, families with children attending a preschool institution are entitled to receive monetary compensation in a certain percentage of the necessary payment for the services of the institution.

The mother, the father of the child, or another guardian who has entered into an agreement with the kindergarten and pays money for the child's stay in it, is entitled to claim the rights to compensation.

So for the first child, 20% is due, for the second already half, and for the third and all subsequent - all 70%. In addition to the above, there are some categories of citizens who are provided with 50% compensation for the first baby.

These include:

  • employees of the liquidators of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant;
  • MDOU employees;
  • military conscripts;
  • disabled parents.

There is a separate procedure for compensation for children of military personnel. So for the first and second kids will be reimbursed 80%, for the next 90%.

According to Federal Law No. 388, the regions have the right to provide compensation based on the criteria of need, that is, to leave payments at their discretion only for low-income families or for large families.

Therefore, you need to find out specifically what you can get in the preschool that the child attends.

In any case, the mother or father is required to provide the territorial body of social protection of the population with a list of necessary documents and fill out the required application.

If the family has the right to a benefit (for example, liquidators of the Chernobyl accident), this must also be documented. Otherwise, the application will not be granted.

Governing Laws

The rights for families to receive compensation for the kindergarten are regulated by Federal Laws No. 273-FZ and No. 388-FZ, as well as No. 81-FZ.

The procedure for payments is enshrined in the Federal Law No. 76-FZ, also Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 555. Benefits for military families are enshrined in Order of the Ministry of Defense No. 862.

These are the main legal acts. In addition, other support programs have been developed by the regions, but they do not operate in all areas.

How is the payout amount calculated?

The law on compensation applies to all citizens of the Russian Federation. But not all families will be able to claim reimbursement.

This is possible thanks to Law No. 388 FZ “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Regarding Accounting and Improving the Provision of Social Support Measures Based on the Obligation to Comply with the Targeting Principle and Apply Need Criteria” dated 12/29/2015.

It allows regional authorities to set a threshold for payments at their discretion. In many regions of the Russian Federation, the main criterion is the minimum wage, on the basis of which family income is determined and criteria of need are established.

Important: in this case, in order to receive compensation, you must provide a certificate of family income for three calendar months.

The calculation takes into account the period actually spent by the son or daughter in the garden. If the baby went to the kindergarten for two weeks, then in two weeks they will reimburse the costs, even if the parents paid the full monthly fee. To receive compensation, you must collect and write.

The amount of compensation is calculated according to the following principle:

  1. The cost of one day of stay in the institution is calculated (the income of the educator is divided by the number of days of the month).
  2. The number of days actually spent by the child in the institution is multiplied by the cost of a one-day stay.
  3. After that, the resulting number is divided by one hundred and multiplied by a factor (20, 50, 70).

You can not divide by a hundred, but immediately multiply the result by 0.2, 0.5 or 0.7.

How much can you get?

Reimbursement for visiting the kindergarten depends on the number of children who go there and on the amount of the cost. There is no single rule here, each region sets the size separately.

Read more about the procedure for paying compensation in.

In addition to compensation for families who pay for kindergarten services, there is also compensation for non-attendance by a child of a preschool educational institution in case of a shortage of places there.

But such a program does not work in all cities. For Krasnoyarsk, this is 3,709 rubles. In Kirov it is already less - 2 thousand 500 rubles. Permians have the right to count on 5,295 rubles for the lack of gardens, the residents of Tomsk - 4,000, and the families of Samara - only one thousand rubles.

Compensation example

You can consider the accrual on the example of a particular family. There are three children in the Ivanov family: six years old, four years old and two years old. All three go to kindergarten, for which they have to pay the amount of 3,000 rubles a month for the maintenance of children in the garden for each offspring.

How much money can be received? Having collected the necessary documents, mother will receive 20% for the eldest- 600 rubles. For the average already one and a half thousand - this is half of the monthly cost. For the youngest 70%- it will be 2 thousand 100 rubles.

Putting it all together, it turns out 4 thousand 800 rubles. This will be the refund amount.

Useful video

You can watch the video below for more information:

So, it turns out that in many subjects of the Russian Federation, families with children have the right to receive compensation by providing the necessary documents. But the amount and criteria for receiving in different regions are different, so the specific amount of compensation must be found in the preschool that your baby attends.

Every family with children has the right to count on the assistance of the state authorities. As a rule, most types of financial support are awarded to low-income and low-income parents. There are also those that are laid down under certain conditions for all families.

Such payments include compensation for kindergarten, and compensation is due not only to parents who use the services of a preschool institution, but also to those who have not received a place in the kindergarten for their child (children).

In modern economic conditions, the services of educational institutions have their own cost. Paying for the maintenance and care of a child while in kindergarten is a rather serious expense for many parents, especially when there are several preschoolers in the family.

When counting on receiving compensatory payments from the federal budget, parents should take into account that they apply only to that part of the payment, which includes the cost of looking after and caring for the child (children).

In simple terms, payment for those services that are associated with the regime of the day, that is:

  • feed
  • take a walk
  • put to sleep
  • take to the toilet

Hygienic procedures, ensuring the safety of being in the garden, monitoring their life and health are also paid and subject to compensation.

The cost of educational and educational activities is not included in the amount of compensation calculation. For example, the parental fee for a kindergarten is 2,000 rubles. Of these, 500 rubles is a payment for additional educational programs, and 1,500 is a payment for maintenance, when calculating compensation, not the entire amount, but only 1,500 rubles, will be taken into account. In addition, the amount of payment will depend on several reasons.

How to calculate the amount of compensation for paying a preschool institution

The amount of payment for a kindergarten, even within the same district, may differ, therefore, it is not possible to introduce a fixed amount that will be returned to parents. Therefore, today compensation is calculated from the established percentage. The more children in the family, the more percent of the payment is returned. It is important to know that the legislator takes into account the total number of children, and toddlers of kindergarten age and schoolchildren and even students if they are under 18 years old. This clarification is connected with the fact that at the federal level the amount of compensation directly depends on the number of children in the family.

The price policy of paying for kindergarten services for looking after children of preschool age can differ quite seriously depending on the region of placement. Therefore, at the federal level, the amount of payments is determined not in a fixed amount, but as a percentage:

  • for the first baby - 20%
  • — 50%
  • for the third -70%

For example, there are three children in a family, the eldest child, that is, the first, is 17 years old, studies at a technical school, the second, that is, the middle one, goes to school, and the third, the youngest, attends a kindergarten. Consequently, such a family can count on the return of 70% of the parental payment for the services of the kindergarten for care and supervision.

Sometimes it happens that children in a family are born one after another and three babies go to kindergarten at the same time. For example, the parental fee for kindergarten services is 1,000 rubles per month, all three children attend the kindergarten without passes, and the parents actually paid 3,000 rubles.

Attention! Compensation will be credited only after actual payment. For the first child, the refundable amount is 200 rubles, for the second - 500 rubles, for the third - 700, therefore, out of the 3,000 rubles spent on the kindergarten, 1,400 rubles will be returned to the family.

In the case when the regional authorities do not exempt a family with more than three children from paying for a kindergarten, then, as a rule, compensation for the fourth or fifth baby is also 70%. Compensation is accrued from the moment of submission of the application and the package of documents.

How to claim compensation for part of the payment for kindergarten services

One of the parents must draw up and submit to the director (head) of the preschool institution a written application for a partial refund of payment for kindergarten services. Along with the application, you must provide:

  • your passport
  • birth certificate or certificates
  • information about the composition and size of the family
  • account details

When submitting an application, you must bring both the original documents and their copies. When receiving documents, the administration of the kindergarten will check the copies and put their seal on them. The originals are immediately returned to the parents. In addition to the above documents, very often they require receipts for the previous three months, confirming the services of the kindergarten.

The application must be registered without fail, because it is from this moment that the payment for the kindergarten will be compensated. The administration of the institution where the preschooler goes is responsible for transferring all documents to local departments or departments of education.

Despite the fairly clearly defined procedure, sometimes there are non-standard situations, for the resolution of which you need to contact the education department personally or consult a lawyer.

Video about the new compensation payment procedure:

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Before proceeding with the registration of compensation, it is worth preparing the necessary documents. Their list includes:

  • documents confirming the identity of the applicant;
  • birth certificate;
  • certificate of family composition (if the child is not the only one);
  • bank statement indicating the details of the account to which the funds will be transferred.

How to claim child care allowance

Photocopies of these documents must be provided to the head of the kindergarten attended by the child. They do not need to be notarized if you submit them at the same time as the originals.

You will be required to write a written application for the appointment of compensation payments. It must be registered in a special journal. The preschool institution generates lists of parents and submits them to the social security authorities, regional education authorities and territorial administrations.

How to calculate compensation for kindergarten

The amount of compensation due to parents depends on the number of children in the family. It is 20% of the actual payment for the first child, 50% for the second and 70% for the third.

The cost of a child's monthly stay depends on the category of preschool. The higher it is, the higher the fee charged.

To calculate the amount of compensation, it is necessary to divide the monthly cost of the kindergarten by the number of working days, and then multiply by the number of days the child actually stays. The amount received is multiplied by the percentage applied, depending on the number of children.

For example, a child attended kindergarten for 20 days. The cost of a month of stay in the garden is 1500 rubles. It turns out with 23 working days in a month, 1 day here costs 65.22 rubles. In fact, the parents paid 1304.4 (65.22 * 20). Accordingly, if this is the only child in the family who attends the kindergarten, the amount of compensation will be 260.88 rubles. (1304.4*20/100).

The accrued compensation is transferred to the specified bank details of the parent in the month following the payment. The amount of actual payment is independently transferred by the kindergarten to authorized institutions.

Russian laws establish a payment to mothers or family members who are actually caring for a child, which is accrued only until the children are one and a half years old, after which it is assumed that the parent will go to work and give the baby to kindergarten for education. However, in reality, it turns out that parents are forced to stay at home and look after their children further, since the queue for enrollment in preschool educational institutions in Russia is too long, and in most cases only preferential categories of families get a place. This situation contributes to a sharp decrease in the income of a cell of society, so it is logical to assume that the state should somehow compensate for this to the parents of children not taken to kindergarten. Find out what kind of subsidy for kindergarten in 2019 is provided.

What is a subsidy: concept, difference from compensation

A subsidy is a targeted benefit in cash or in kind provided to citizens to pay for material goods or services rendered to them.

The essence of the payment of a subsidy is that, first, citizens who are entitled to it receive a certain amount of funds for a specific purpose, and then, taking into account this money, they pay for any product or service. For example, in Russia there is a subsidy for utility bills - the applicant, if his application is approved, receives a certain amount on a bank card, after which he pays housing and communal services from this money and reports to the authorized body on their timely payment.

Another thing is compensation. It is the same payment, but made after the person has incurred the costs, and designed to reimburse him for the costs in full or in part. A citizen who has the legal right to receive compensation collects the required documents, including those confirming the incurring of expenses, submits them to the body authorized to make compensation payments, receives some amount of money to a bank account and disposes of it at his own discretion, without giving anyone a report .

Is there a subsidy for kindergarten?

Now that we have figured out the difference between subsidies and compensations, we can say that the kindergarten subsidy is not paid. At the legislative level, there are no advance payments to parents of children who pay for kindergarten or who have not received a place in a preschool educational institution at their place of residence.

But there are compensations for kindergarten. Parents who put their child on the waiting list for enrollment in kindergarten, but did not receive a place by the time the child reached the age at which he was supposed to go to preschool, have the right to claim compensation, designed to partially compensate for the losses incurred by the mother, who was forced to stay at home with kids instead of going to work. Such compensation will be issued to parents on the condition that the regional authorities have planned such payments from the budget, that is, the payment of compensation must be legalized by the local authorities.

Moreover, regardless of the legislators of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, all privileged categories of families throughout the country are entitled to a monthly payment of compensation for paying for kindergartens. Someone is entitled to full compensation for the cost of teaching a child in a preschool educational institution, someone will be charged half the amount of the parental fee, someone even less. It all depends on whether applicants belong to different categories of beneficiaries.

Who is eligible for the kindergarten grant?

The categories of applicants whose claim for compensation for lack of places in kindergarten will be satisfied depends on the procedure for the provision of compensation established by the regional authorities. As a rule, compensation payments will be assigned under the following conditions:

  • the mother of the child is on parental leave due to the inability to send the child to kindergarten and leave him alone at home;
  • the mother or both parents of the child are studying at a university or an educational institution of secondary vocational education full-time;
  • the child's mother does not work anywhere for any legal reason.

Compensation payment will not be assigned to parents who are not employed without a good reason.

All parents have the right to compensation for kindergarten services, in addition, the maximum possible amounts of payment are established:

  • 70-80 rubles for part-time babysitting from 2 months to 7 years;
  • 90-100 rubles for a full day of stay in the garden (the same age category).

The following discounts when paying for kindergarten services are provided depending on the number of children brought up in the family:

  • 20% for families with 1 child;
  • 50% for families with 2 children;
  • 70% to families recognized as having many children (3 or more children).

Additional benefits can only be claimed if they are established at the regional level by local authorities. At the federal level, there is a list of categories of families eligible for compensation for half the cost of preschool services:

  • employees of this preschool educational institution (there must be a certificate from the place of work);
  • military conscripts (there must be a certificate from the military registration and enlistment office or military unit);
  • disabled people of any group (there must be a conclusion of a medical and social examination);
  • liquidators of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (there must be a certificate of the liquidator of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant).

Who is eligible for the 100% kindergarten subsidy?

Full exemption from paying for a child's education in a preschool educational institution is provided for by federal law for the following children:

  • orphans (who have lost both parents or a single parent);
  • left without parental care;
  • disabled children and children with disabilities assigned after a medical and social examination;
  • suffering from tuberculosis infection.

Where to apply for a grant for kindergarten

For compensation, you will need to contact regional department of social protection of the population or to the Multifunctional Center, having previously learned about the very possibility of receiving payments while living in this subject of the Russian Federation.

What documents are needed to apply for a grant?

To apply for compensation for the inability to arrange a child in a kindergarten due to lack of places, the following documents will be required:


Where to get

Application for compensation for non-provision of a place in a preschool educational institution

The form will be issued at the place of submission of documents
Passport of the applicant (one of the parents or legal representatives)

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Birth certificate of a child who did not get a place in preschool

Registry Office
Information about the composition of the family

Housing department, passport office

Certificate from the kindergarten about the lack of places for enrolling a child

Kindergarten Administration
Certificate of enrollment of the child in the kindergarten

Department of Education

Mother's work book, an order from the mother's place of work (or another relative of the child who cares for him) about the employee's leaving on maternity leave and parental leave

Enterprise Personnel Department
Compulsory medical insurance policy for a child and mother

Insurance company office

Copy of savings book or bank account

Banking institution of the bank servicing the account

To receive reimbursement of payment for kindergarten, it is enough to collect the following documents:


Where to get

The form is issued in the DOW

Passport of the parent who paid for the kindergarten services

Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation

Certificate of authority of the legal representative of the child (in case of adoption, guardianship, guardianship)

Guardianship authorities
Birth certificate of all children raised in the family

Registry Offices

Information about the composition of the family

Housing department, passport office
Copy of savings book or bank statement

Servicing bank branch

How is a subsidy for kindergarten issued: instructions

To apply for a monthly compensation for the payment of a preschool educational institution, one of the parents of the child must act according to the following scheme:

  1. Collect the required documents and write an application for compensation.
  2. Provide the collected set of documents (including originals) to the kindergarten at the place where the baby is educated and ask the Administration of the institution to verify the authenticity of the papers and stamp them.
  3. Contact the Russian Post office to send the application and copies of documents by registered mail with a list of attachments to the social security authorities and the Department of Education.
  4. Wait for the decision of the authorized bodies and receive funds to a bank account or a justified refusal by letter.

The preschool institution updates the list of recipients of compensation for the child's tuition fees every quarter and submits a report to the Department of Education.

Minimum and maximum subsidy for kindergarten

The minimum amount of compensation for kindergarten payment is 20% the cost of preschool services, this amount is set for families in which only one child is brought up. The maximum compensation amount 100% payment is approved for privileged categories of citizens (children with disabilities, children with tuberculosis intoxication, orphans and those left without parental care).

The size of the subsidy for kindergarten by region

In those subjects of the Russian Federation where there is compensation to parents for whose child there is no place left in kindergartens at the place of residence of the family, The amount of the compensation amount is usually 5 thousand rubles.. The amount of the payment may increase depending on the decision of local authorities and the possibility of the regional budget.

An example of calculating a subsidy for a kindergarten

The mother pays for the services of the “Umnichka” kindergarten at the rate of 100 rubles a day for a full shift and 70 rubles a day for an incomplete shift, while the child attends the kindergarten from Monday to Friday inclusive. On Fridays, he trains part-time. The family has two children under the age of 18.

Mom must make monthly payments for preschool education in the amount of:

100 rub. x 16 days + 70 rub. x 4 days = 1880 rubles.

But since there are two children in the family, the mother is entitled to compensation in the amount of 50% of the cost of preschool services:

1880 x 0.5 = 940 rubles.

Legislative acts on the topic

Common Mistakes

Error: The child's father, who does not live with his family, demands payment of compensation for the payment for kindergarten, although the mother pays for preschool services.