How to tie ribbon bows for a Christmas tree. Do-it-yourself bows for the Christmas tree - making bows step by step. Options for decorating flower bouquets

An elegant bow for a Christmas tree, for decor or hair.

Materials and tools for the master class "Christmas tree bow"

To make a bow, I needed:
- plaid fabric tape 25 mm;
- rep tape 9 mm;
- glue gun;
- clamps;
-needle with thread.


In the previous master class, I told you how to make a Christmas tree from ribbons, and now we will practice making a bow to decorate its top. Here are the tools and materials we will need.

We cut off two pieces of 24-25 cm from the plaid ribbon, mark the middle.

We sew our bow in the middle, remove it from the cardboard, tighten it, wrap it several times and fix the thread. In the same way we make the second bow.

This is how we get them.

We decorate the ends beautifully: for this, we fold the tape in half, cut off the corner diagonally and immediately process it with a lighter.

Now we take any beautiful 9 mm ribbon, not necessarily a rep one, like mine, and decorate the middle of the bow, fixing the ends from the inside with a glue gun. Then we glue our two bows in the upper part, as it were, with a pyramid. Then we squeeze the glue into the inside of our pyramid and sit on the top of the Christmas tree. Remove excess glue immediately.

Such a bow will serve as a decor element not only for the Christmas tree, it will be possible to decorate a postcard (just make it smaller) or a gift box. And you can stick it to a clip or elastic band and use it to decorate your hair.

You can make beautiful bows from different materials, but paper and various ribbons are considered the most popular. Let's take a look at the most popular manufacturing methods from these materials below.

Paper technology

Graceful and unusual "jagged" decorations will appeal to anyone, and if you master the technique of execution, you can make such a miracle yourself.

For manufacturing it is necessary to prepare:

  • paper of sufficient density (old posters are perfect);
  • scissors;
  • glue or stationery stapler;
  • ruler.

How to make a paper bow:

  • Cut strips of paper of the same thickness.
  • Using a ruler, measure pieces of different lengths.
  • Roll each piece at an angle without deforming the paper.
  • Fasten two pieces together to make a kind of "eight".
  • In total, three large and medium "eights" are needed, as well as two small ones.
  • Make the last figure simply in the form of a circle.
  • Starting from the longest "eights", lay out three pieces in the form of a circle, then fasten them in the middle.
  • The average length of the "eight" is also fixed in the form of a circle.
  • Lay out the middle “circle” on a large figure so that the teeth fall in a checkerboard pattern.
  • The remaining two “eights” of small size are fixed crosswise and set on top of the resulting figure.
  • The “top” of our bow will be a paper circle laid on its side.

To illustrate the process of assembling a paper bow, there is a photograph illustrating the process in an accessible way.

An original and very delicate bow is obtained in a different way. To do this, it is enough to cut out curly parts from colored paper (it is better to do this according to a template) and fasten them together, as shown in the photo. For variety, you can use several colors, as well as paper with drawings. Having shown due ingenuity, you can independently come up with new figures for an exclusive model.

Ribbon manufacturing technology

The most suitable material for creating such a decor are ready-made tapes, the range of which is constantly increasing.

There are many types, the most common of them: satin, guipure, silk and translucent organza.

At the same time, you should also take into account the huge selection of colors, shiny varieties and the ability to choose stripes with a pattern. In general, there is room for fantasies to roam, the choice of suitable products will depend solely on your aesthetic taste, but we will tell you how to make a ribbon bow with your own hands.

Manufacturing technology can be conditionally divided into stages of complexity. Having successfully mastered one option, you can complicate the task a little and proceed to the next.

A simple DIY satin ribbon bow

To do this, a strip of sufficient length is taken, and the principle of the knot itself is shown in the photo.

To make the knot neater, you can use the following master class on how to tie a bow from a satin ribbon. At first, this method will seem too complicated, but with due diligence and training, everything will turn out purely mechanically.

Several options for ribbon bows

To create such a decor, it will be enough to choose stripes of different thicknesses and colors. A monochromatic bow will lose significantly in aesthetic terms, so it’s better to choose a more interesting option.

To make such a bow, three strips of different lengths should be cut off, combined with each other and pulled together with a smaller segment. The edges can be made jagged, as well as simply tucked - this will add volume to the product.

The second option will be no less pretty, as well as easy to perform. To do this, circles are formed from suitable strips of different widths, but of the same diameter. Having attached the tapes to each other, the middle is fixed with another segment. The resulting decor can be used not only to create hair ornaments, but also all kinds of ideas, a list of which you will find below.

How to tie a bow on a fork

You can try to use improvised means. A simple and very attractive way to beautifully tie a ribbon bow is presented by an original method using an ordinary table fork.

The step-by-step instructions in the picture will help you master this technique; for convenience, the ends of the tape are signed with letters.

Such decorations are extremely attractive and suitable, for example, for decorating clothes. With their help, you can even color a nondescript turtleneck with new colors.

You can complicate the process a little and make two-tier bows from ribbons with your own hands. Decorate the central part with a bead, and additionally make an organza base from below. An example of such a creative is shown in the photo as a sample, so be inspired for your own projects.

Step by step manufacturing instructions

A simple technique for making bows on a fork can be slightly modified. For this, a step-by-step instruction for a do-it-yourself ribbon bow and corresponding illustrations are presented.

How to tie a ribbon bow on a fork:

  • Push the tape - fasteners between the middle teeth of the fork.
  • Skip the main tape alternately between the teeth in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Fix the beginning of the strip in your hand, the rows alternate to the very top. The more there are, the more magnificent the product will turn out.
  • Tie the resulting loops with a fastener tape, cut off the ends and scorch a little with fire so that they do not bloom.
  • Alternation of stripes of different colors, sizes and surface textures.
  • Use of ribbons with a pattern.
  • Threading will make the figure more voluminous.

Various variations:

The main improvement may concern the dimensions of the product. Large satin ribbon bows can be made using a suitable size cardboard template or your own fingers.

Options for decorating flower bouquets

Bouquets are fastened with similar decorations, and you can make bows from paper and fabric ribbons. Both options are quite nice, and brief diagrams will show how you can complete such a decor as quickly as possible.

Do you want something interesting?

Option number 1:

  • Wrap the tape around the palm of your hand or any suitable object.
  • Trim the ends of the edges for a more comfortable fit.
  • Align the cut parts to each other (now they will be in the middle of the tape).
  • Fix and straighten the "petals".
  • The more turns there are, the more magnificent the bow will turn out.
  • Fix in the middle.
  • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.

Option #2:

  • Fold the tape several times with a “figure eight”.
  • Fix in the middle.
  • "Fluff" the coils of the tape.
  • Trim the ends neatly and the bow is ready.

Option #3:

  • Fold the bow according to the principle of the first option.
  • Make cuts along the edges of the fixed tape.
  • Fluffy bow will have a more voluminous and interesting look.

Option #4:

  • The tape is twisted at the attachment points.
  • "Petals" are formed right in the hand. Thus, you can control the volume of the bow, which is very convenient for decoration. You can make the ends of different sizes.
  • After the desired size and type of product have been achieved, secure in the middle with the end of the tape.

Do-it-yourself original bows from satin ribbons can be made using the following technology:

  • Wind a satin ribbon between two fixed knitting needles.
  • Lay a line in the middle.
  • Remove the ribbons and pick up the thread.
  • Fix the thread, cut the ends - the bow is ready.

American design options

American bows got their name not entirely deservedly, because similar patterns can be found in various countries. The main requirement when decorating such a decor is to show imagination. The creation of such a decor is based on the use of several varieties of products at once, so there will be a lot of options. This type can be called a traditional option; our master class will describe in detail its creation.

How to make an American-style satin ribbon bow:

  • "Eights" are formed from a thin ribbon.
  • Separate parts in two or three pieces are fastened together.
  • From below, you can make a base of several straight ribbons fastened in the middle.
  • For additional decoration, you can make the edges jagged.
  • Fasten the two parts together, you can glue a bead or a simple smaller bow on top.

Individual elements can be seen in the photo.

The end result should be something like this.

For children's hairpins, it is better to take a more durable rep tape. Now they sell products of interesting design, for example, favorite cartoon characters.

What can be decorated with homemade bows:

  • Decoration of clothes, belts and shoes.
  • Sofa cushions.
  • Cutlery before serving to guests.
  • Napkins, towels and kitchen curtains.
  • Newborn envelope.
  • Cases for bottles of champagne.
  • Wedding glasses, cars, ribbons of witnesses and other holiday attributes.
  • Hair ornaments.

Decorating the Christmas tree with bows is gaining more and more popularity. You can buy ready-made ones without problems in any suitable store, but it will be much more interesting to make such an ornament yourself, especially if children help you with this. It will also be a great gift idea for your loved ones for the holidays.

New Year's bows on the Christmas tree

A simple and incredibly attractive decor will come from the tips below. To make bows for the Christmas tree, you will need a variety of materials: paper, felt, organza, and even lace. Several successful examples are given in our article, they can be used as a model for independent inventions.

DIY bows for the Christmas tree made of felt

This unique material is highly demanded in needlework. Its main advantage is a dense "plush" structure, the edges of which will not crumble, which means that they do not need additional processing.

A simple bow for a Christmas tree is made approximately as shown in the photo. At the same time, the upper part can be additionally decorated with beads, beads and just a bright ribbon of a contrasting shade.

You can make rounded edges, you get a completely different model.

A more complex model of such a decor needs a detailed description, the whole process is clearly shown in the photo.

New Year's decor with your own hands:

  • Felt cut into strips of arbitrary thickness.
  • Fold the strip in half and sew the edge of the fabric with small stitches.
  • Cut the fold points at regular intervals, without reaching the edge.
  • Gather the thread carefully to make a circle.
  • Trim and fix the edge.
  • Decorate the top as you wish.

How to make a ribbon bow for a Christmas tree

The above options are perfect for New Year's decor, especially since you can pick up ribbons with the appropriate pattern. Red is traditionally used, but if you do not have specific color preferences, you can choose multi-colored options.

In order to understand how to tie a bow from a ribbon, just look at the above photo. With some skill, such decorations can be done quickly enough.

With beautiful spirals, you can not only decorate a Christmas tree bow from a ribbon, but also use the idea to create hair ornaments.

Technology for the execution of spiral elements:

  • Wrap satin ribbon on wooden skewers.
  • Secure the edges with pins.
  • Put in the oven at about 180º C for five minutes.
  • After cooling, the tapes will acquire beautiful and uniform bends.

Original design from tulle

The unusual look of this tulle bow can also be used to create New Year's decor. To do this, you need to take an organza or cut off a small strip of tulle. The algorithm of actions is shown in the photo and resembles the process of creating pompoms.

Homemade bows are a great option for a memorable decor, the use of which is extremely wide.

There are enough examples of use, ranging from gift wrapping to curtain decoration. We have considered the most successful options for creating bows in our article, but the final result and possible variations will depend solely on your imagination.

New Year - is there a holiday more tempting and joyful for the whole family?

Every child dreams of bright bows for the Christmas tree. It may not even occur to parents that the baby may be interested when he sees a tempting decoration in the picture. However, this will not prevent him from asking, together with an adult, to build a beautiful bow for the Christmas tree.
On New Year's Eve, the process of preparing for the holiday causes only positive emotions. That is why parents try to involve their kids in creativity more often, helping them, creating beautiful things together.
If you have decided that you want to decorate your home fluffy beauty with bows, then let's get started.
Do-it-yourself Christmas tree bows can be made from both satin ribbon and colored paper, as well as candy or foil wrappers.
Consider the simplest option that both an adult and any kid can handle.

Option number 1. A bow for a spruce tree made of colored paper.

1. Take a sheet of colored paper, it should be the same color on both sides. If this is not found, then bend the sheet in half. It should in any case be folded into a rectangle shape. Now glue both sides.
2. Bend the side of the sheet with an accordion. Alternately to the left, then to the right, making rectangular marks on a sheet of paper.
3. In the middle of the sheet, you need to tie the paper with a stylish and elegant ribbon. And straighten the sides of the leaf.
4. The ends of the ribbon with which the sheet was tied should form a loop.
The bow is ready.

In order for the bows on the Christmas tree to be beautiful and bright with your own hands, they should be decorated with beads and various beads. The decor can not only be sewn on, but also glued with special glue.

Many children are wondering how to tie a ribbon bow on a Christmas tree. Adults can help them by visually demonstrating the answer. To do this, take a ribbon and attach a bow to a branch, carefully tying it with a thread or elastic band.
For these purposes, you can use a thin elastic band for hair. The result is a rather bright and beautiful decoration that will delight not only children, but also adults.

Why do you need to decorate the Christmas tree with bows?

To transform the room and the spruce itself.
It is bright, beautiful and elegant.
Such decorations create a good mood.
The creative process itself helps bring parents and children closer together.
Crafts teach mutual communication.
Develop fine motor skills.
Contribute to the development of aesthetic taste.
Help to feel beautiful.

Option number 2. A classic ribbon bow for a Christmas tree.

1. A material that will not wrinkle is suitable for us. It can be nylon, polyester, satin or satin fabric. The advantage of this material is that it holds its shape well.

2. The tape is folded like an accordion. In this case, we should get several folds (3-4).

3. We cross the resulting folds.

4th coil from the folds, which will be on top of the bow, is passed through the hole below.
5. Create a node.

6. We tie it.

We can admire a beautiful and bright decoration that can be easily hung on a spruce
Option number 3. Several bows from one ribbon.

1. Take a 60 cm satin ribbon.
2. Cut it into 3 equal parts, each of which is 20 cm.
3. We take each ribbon and sew a small bow with stitches. It is this sewing option that will allow the final product to look even more attractive.
4. We glue all the bows into one.
5. The decoration is ready. It looks great!
Happy crafts!

Not much time will pass and we will celebrate the beloved New Year holiday by both children and adults. Beautiful, elegant, fabulous! And now it's time to think about gifts, outfits and jewelry to the New Year. Today, "Cross" offers you, our dear needlewomen, a master class on how to make a New Year's bow from a satin ribbon, the highlight of which will be an unusual size rose and sparkling rhinestones.

For this we need:

  • blue satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide
  • white satin ribbon 5 cm wide
  • blue felt
  • two rubber bands
  • white rhinestones with a diameter of 3 mm
  • scissors (must be sharp)
  • needle and thread
  • glue gun
  • glue "Moment Crystal"
  • lighter or candle

You can choose the color for your New Year's ribbon bow as you wish. Hint: relevant in the upcoming 2017 - the year of the Red Rooster - respectively, will be red.

We offer you bows with an emphasis on shades of snow, frost.)

blue petals

We cut a blue satin ribbon 2.5 cm wide into segments 11 cm long. On two bows of petals there will be two rows on each (about 18 pieces in a row), so we need 72 pieces.

Fold the piece in half with the front side inward. At 2-3 mm from the fold line, we drip a drop of hot glue and press it.

We unfold, bend the ends (the center holds the glue).

We fold the ends with the wrong side to each other. Where there is a drop of glue, folds form, we wring them.

We fold one end in half, we also fold the second end and cover the first one with it. We singe the ends with a lighter or over a candle flame. We press so that they are well connected.

Glue a rhinestone on the joint (a drop of glue).

It is better to do this with Moment Crystal glue: it is transparent, so after drying it will not be visible on the product, and the rhinestone can be easily corrected if necessary.


We cut a white ribbon 5 cm wide into segments 12 cm long. Each. On the wrong side, wrap the corners to the bottom line. We sew with a needle and tighten, but not completely: the distance between the corners should be about a finger.

The petal is ready.

Thus, we make 14 petals for each rose.

Now we begin to collect our flower. Coat one petal with glue and twist into a tube.

We also coat the second petal at the base and wrap the tube around it.

Third - we impose on the second side of the tube and, accordingly, on the second petal.

Next row: glue four petals around the resulting bud. The petals should overlap a little, about 0.5 cm.

In the last row we glue seven petals, but we connect them not at the base, but just above the previous row.

From the inside, you should get a circle of large diameter: it will be easier to glue the finished rose into a bow, and it will look better.


In the center of such a bow, this one will also look great:

Bow assembly

Cut out a circle with a diameter of 6.5 cm from felt. Glue the first row of blue petals on it, slightly overlapping one another.

We glue the second row in a checkerboard pattern.

We place the finished rose in the center, having previously smeared its bottom with glue.

From the inside we fasten the rubber band.

Our ribbon bows are ready for the New Year!


This hairpin is also very festive!