Autumn crafts to decorate the group. DIY autumn crafts for the garden and school

Autumn! Gold autumn! How many colors and warmth are in it, which are about to be replaced by cold weather. Don't waste your time, it's time to get some inspiration for new beauty ideas. Create, create interesting gizmos from materials that nature has given. Let autumn become a muse for inspiration, go for it!

The main thing in the article

Autumn crafts are a great idea for leisure

With the onset of autumn, it is simply impossible to indifferently stroll through parks and squares. Colorful landscapes enchant the eye with their bright notes. At this time, nature gives us juicy fruits, as well as a variety of color palettes.

These autumn gifts can be immortalized in time by decorating your home with a variety of crafts and hand maids. Such decorations will not only transform the interior, but also usefully allow you to pass the cold autumn evenings. This activity will allow you to plunge into the atmosphere of home warmth and comfort. So brew your favorite warming drink and grab a warm blanket.

So, autumn has come, it's time to stock up on all sorts of natural materials for creativity.

Crafts from natural materials for home and interior: paintings and panels

In order to decorate the walls in the interior, panels are widely used. Such paintings will look original if they are made of natural materials.

In general, a great option would be to attract children to do this kind of manual work. This will enable children to show their creativity and imagination, and will also favorably affect the development of fine motor skills, which is important for the normal development of the child.

Panel of coffee beans

This wall image is best suited for the kitchen. Often this place is associated with comfort and home warmth. It has been scientifically proven that the smell of coffee has a property that resists stress. So such a panel will not only decorate the house, but also benefit the body.

For this type of work you will need:

  • Coffee beans that have different properties, ranging from smell and color to size.
  • The material that will serve as the frame (basis) of the panel. Usually any durable fabric, wood, paper, etc. is used for this.
  • Glue, the most common PVA, is also suitable, but it is better to consult a needlework store.
  • The drawing that will be drawn using the grains.
  • Carbon paper.
  • Simple pencil.
  • A frame in which the finished product will be attached.

This list of required materials is the most basic. Various cereals and legumes can be added to coffee beans, thus a whole picture will emerge, filled with various shades.

How to get the job done:

  • Transfer the desired design to the base using a pencil and carbon paper.
  • Then apply glue to small areas and immediately glue coffee beans on them, alternating beans of different colors, depending on the idea. An interesting idea would be to make applications from grains by gluing fringes, ribbons, rhinestones, and more.
  • Frame the end result.
  • The product can be decorated with multi-colored aromatic spices or dryers.
  • To attach cereals, such as buckwheat or semolina, apply glue liberally on the desired surface, cover it tightly with cereals and wait for it to dry, just shake off excess residue.

Panel of leaves

There are a lot of design options for such needlework, you just have to take a walk along the autumn alley and stock up on the necessary materials.

With special predilection, children take up the execution of such paintings.

You can decorate the room not only with paintings, but also with works in the form of bouquets of leaves.

Below are wall panel ideas made from natural materials that will inspire you to be creative.

Panel of shells

Leather panel

Crafts for school and kindergarten

Practically in all school and preschool institutions there are competitions on the autumn theme. It is at this time of the year that you can stock up on natural materials in order to be able to use them throughout the year.

Sometimes children do crafts so passionately at labor lessons, and even at home, that whole works of art are created.

The kits for creativity that can be purchased in stores cannot be compared with the variety of generous gifts of autumn. The completed craft will be saturated not only with children's love, but also with the magical aromas of the forest.

So what can be useful for creation?

  • Fallen leaves. The abundance of dry foliage is rich in the brightest shades of colors. There is room for fantasy.
  • Cones. If there is a park, a forest plantation or even a forest near the house, you can also stock up on these fruits of coniferous plants.
  • Shells, stones and sand. These materials, of course, can be found not only in the fall, but you can diversify the list of necessary materials with them.
  • Acorns and chestnuts. It is with these finds that a lot of ideas for do-it-yourself work are associated.
  • Coniferous and spruce branches, this is a real find for connoisseurs of nature.
  • "Perky helicopters" - this is what maple seeds are sometimes called, and are used in their work.
  • Walnut shells, pumpkin and melon seeds, bunches of mountain ash - not the whole arsenal of stocks.
  • Tree bark, reeds, dried flower plants are also needed.
  • It happens that after visiting exhibitions and zoos with birds, you can get rich for a whole collection of feathers.

If possible, try every walk to pay attention to the surrounding delights of nature and pick up all of the above abundance. Be careful, because in the most simple and ordinary, a whole treasure is often hidden.

In addition to walking in the fresh air, your child will have the opportunity to develop their creative thinking and exercise logic.

Children's DIY crafts: funny applications

So, you have stocked up with the necessary natural gizmos, so you should put them into practice. One of the many varieties of crafts is the application. Call the kids, and sit down to create. Here are some creative ideas.

Autumn leaf crafts: ideas for creativity

Interesting leaf applications

Autumn collages

Leaf print paintings

Leaf candlesticks

Vase of leaves

Autumn paper crafts

Crafts from cones with their own hands

Photo exhibition of autumn crafts

Crafts on an autumn theme: original ideas

Unusual wreath

creative wall framing

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Video tutorials for making autumn crafts

Nature has endowed us with an incredible abundance of bright and colorful natural materials. Do not miss the opportunity to use these gifts, create comfort by decorating your home with handmade crafts!

Autumn is a wonderful time, which is distinguished by its special natural charm. Agree that during this period it is pleasant to spend time, both at home and at their summer cottage, enjoying the bright colors of the autumn landscape. In order to preserve the beauty of wondrous nature for a long time, you can decorate your home with outlandish crafts made from autumn leaves or simply collect colorful maple leaves that will look great in a flowerpot. In addition, real works of art are created from the gifts of nature. Let's take a look at what autumn crafts and decorations you can decorate your home or.

We take 2-3 leaves of different sizes, cover them with colorless varnish and dip them into paraffin, which must be melted in a water bath in advance. Now we tie the finished leaves with a beautiful ribbon or thread decorated with beads, form a loop and hang the pendant for it in a convenient place in the room or on the street.

Making wreaths from autumn tree branches

Especially popular are autumn crafts in the form of wreaths of maple leaves, which can be woven in the usual way or come up with something more interesting.

For example, take birch, maple or other tree branches, intertwine them together, paint them with bright paint, then decorate the branches with leaves, ribbons, acorns or cones.

Decorate candles and candlesticks with leaves

First you need to dry the leaves with an iron or press. Then glue the glass jar with leaves, covering them with colorless varnish, let the jar dry and place a beautiful candle in it.

Separately, I want to talk about the decoration of roses, which are made from maple leaves. Roses can be collected in a bouquet, tied into a wreath or decorated with a wickerwork, while covering the buds with silver or gold paint.

Making roses from leaves

For a bouquet, they will need from 5 to 7 pieces or more, it all depends on your desire. For detailed instructions for creating crafts, see the photo. These roses can decorate a picture or a wreath.

We take a maple leaf and cut out a butterfly head from its top, then wings, and then dry the leaf between the book pages. Now you can frame the butterfly and place it on the wall. This decoration will fit in any interior, both at home and in the country.

Wall clocks or photographs framed by autumn leaves look wonderful and interesting. Maple leaves must be glued on top of the surface, coated with a colorless varnish, and excess elements should be trimmed.

A plate decorated with maple leaves takes on an unusual look. Take a plate as a base, wrap it in cling film, grease the leaves with glue and fix them on the film so that they reproduce the shape of the plate.

It is worth noting that the layer of leaves must be well compacted in several layers. After the glue dries, the leaves should be separated from the base and varnished. Such a decoration is useful for storing sweets or other small things.

autumn topiary

We take a wooden stick and fix it in the middle of the flower pot in an upright position. We put a foam ball on the edge of the stick, paint it with silver, insert leaves into it, the crown of the tree should have a round shape.

The leaves can be supplemented with beads, which are strung on a wire and evenly inserted into the ball. Pour sand at the bottom of the pot, sprinkle multi-colored pebbles or beads on top of the sand.

Crafts autumn opening day, photo selection

Outside the window, autumn has already come and everything around has begun to take cover with beautiful multi-colored fallen leaves. And while the rain has not turned this beauty into a wet porridge - it's time to get creative! Especially if your kid came from a kindergarten or school with the task of making crafts on an autumn theme.

You can make autumn crafts with children from natural materials from anything - leaves, cones, acorns, chestnuts. It can be applications or any interesting figures. I present unique step-by-step master classes - how to make autumn crafts with your own hands from a photo.

DIY autumn crafts master classes

Do-it-yourself autumn wreath of acorns "Breath of Autumn"

Bright autumn colors fall into the soul for a long time. Let's create an autumn wreath of acorns with our own hands to prolong the autumn mood. Made on the basis of natural materials, it will look even more interesting.

DIY autumn wreath of acorns

Do-it-yourself autumn wreath of acorns will become an original and stylish decoration of any interior.

Autumn craft with leaves "Pear on a plate"

A herbarium of leaves collected in the fall is a whole wealth and raw material for children's crafts. There are a lot of options for using such natural material. Since it is necessary to practice creative activities in creating unusual figures with children, we offer you an interesting idea for creativity.

Only work with dried and fragile material should be very careful.

Practicing such activities, children will eventually independently learn to think creatively and notice the amazing features of natural objects.

If the soul wants something original, we suggest creating an autumn flower arrangement. Namely - the bouquet "Autumn mood".

The product consists of two elements - a vase and flowers.

For flowers we need:

  • leaves of different sizes and colors;
  • glue gun;
  • wire or thin twigs (for the stem);
  • scissors, pliers (for wire).

Be careful with the glue gun if you are doing leaf crafts with your child. It is better to entrust the baby to select the leaves, arrange them by color, cut them and serve to you.

As it turned out, more realistic roses (green flower) come out of leaves with slightly curved edges. Try to wrap the edges of the leaves to avoid protruding petals. Large leaves can be cut in half. For a rose 8-10 cm in diameter, you will need 15-20 leaf fragments 5-6 cm in size.


1. We take the wire, bend the edge.

2. We begin to form a rose from leaves and their fragments. We wrap the first sheet around the eye of the wire and fix it well with glue. We continue to glue the leaves in a circle, filling in the empty spaces.

3. The bottom row is the sepal. Take 5 leaves of small size and contrasting color. Glue in a circle, thereby closing all the "insides" of the flower. The photo shows red small leaves under the green petals - this is the sepal.

4. The stem of the finished flower can be wrapped with floral tape and tied a few leaves to the stem. If you are using twigs, then just glue a couple of leaves along the stem of the flower. Autumn rose is ready.

To form a beautiful bouquet, you will need several flowers - 3,5,7. Try to make them different in color and size. This will make it look more colorful. You can enter several buds into the composition. They will help fill in the empty spaces in the flower arrangement.

Vase for autumn bouquet

For a themed vase, you will need any small bottle (glass or plastic), twine, a couple of acorns or hazelnuts. And, of course, a glue gun or any other glue. We wrap the bottle with a thread, periodically fixing the result with glue. We cling nuts or acorns to a small piece of twine with glue. We tie the result on a vase.

If your bottle was large, you can decorate it with an appliqué of halves of a nut shell or even from some kind of cereal. Let your child figure out how to decorate the vase. Direct his imagination in the right direction.

Now you can form a beautiful bouquet of flowers and put it in a vase. It will be more convenient if the height of the stem of each flower is different. You can fill the space in several tiers.

Such crafts from autumn leaves can become not only an original decoration of any interior, but also help you win at any school exhibition.

Nature itself suggests thousands of ideas. You do not need to be an experienced craftsman to create a unique decoration filled with warmth and care for your home with your own hands. And kids are happy to participate in the creative process and make amazing crafts on a par with adults. Master class - how to make one - read here.

Why not make a hedgehog with a child from a cone and plasticine? Autumn multi-colored leaves will give the work special colors.

Encyclopedias say that hedgehogs live in forests and parks, but sometimes they can also be found in village yards. Spiny animals make nests in woodpile. At night, individual daredevils or a full-fledged family go out in search of food.

Quietly rustling dried greens in the beds. At dusk, the direction of the hunters is clearly visible. Hedgehogs do not worry that the owners of the yard see their movement. As a rule, quiet and harmless neighbors are not driven away, sometimes they are even fed with milk.

What does a hedgehog eat? Insects, slugs, mice. This means that it is beneficial to keep such an animal for those who are engaged in gardening.

Such a cute hedgehog turned out from a cone. As a decor, you can decorate the thorns with plasticine or a real small apple, and put the hero himself on a carpet of autumn maple leaves. A detailed master class - how to do this - read here.

By the way, hedgehogs are considered fast animals. They are capable of speeds up to 3 m/s. At the same time, spiny animals jump and swim perfectly.

The resulting hedgehog, unlike the real one, can be safely picked up. He will not hiss, and curl up into a ball, warning of danger. This hero will not run away from the little owner anywhere, but will safely stand all autumn and even winter. A hedgehog from a cone does not hibernate. He is ready to meet winter and New Year holidays with children.

How to make one - read here.

Such funny ones are made very simply and quickly. See the detailed tutorial here.

Autumn motifs in the home interior

Seasonal flowers and herbs, autumn colorful leaves will be the best home decoration.

How to make a toy autumn goddess out of fabric

Doing something with your own hands is so entertaining and interesting. Well, if it also turns out beautifully, then there is simply no price for such toys. You will come to an exhibition of products made by your own hands, and your eyes will simply run wide. Let's try to reveal some of the secrets of the masters and consider the method of making the goddess of Autumn, which can be presented to children or hung on the wall in your home.

So, we will need: acrylic paints on fabric (with gold and silver jars), a set of brushes, cotton fabric, filler, threads with a needle.

Step one. Making a layout

In the layout, we have to figure out how our toy will look like. At this stage, we make an initial sketch, then a pattern, sew the parts together.

Our autumn is sewn from a single piece of material. It is only necessary to separately make her legs and one arm (the arm is cut out from another piece of fabric and sewn on top of the product). When all this is ready, it is necessary to fill the toy with cotton wool or other material and sew up all the holes.

Step two. Time for creativity

Now we have to draw our autumn goddess. You can completely repeat the drawing of the finished product, which will be given below. In any case, orange, gold, yellow and red colors should be used, because autumn is rich in these colors.

In the hands of our autumn is a big tambourine, it seems to convene the whole world so that people, animals and animals rejoice at the last warm days. Next, you need to paint the toy (in order for the paint to hold better, you can apply PVA glue to the fabric).

Step three. Decorate our toy

You can decorate our beauty endlessly. After all, autumn is unique. You can glue a bead to it, add sparkles - whatever your heart desires. Look how beautiful autumn we have turned out. It's expensive to watch.

DIY autumn goddess

Physalis in pumpkin

Autumn bouquets can be made not only from fresh flowers, but also from branches of oak with acorns, sea buckthorn, barberry, wild rose, viburnum, elderberry, mountain ash, wild grapes, bright lanterns of physalis, ears of corn, etc.

Such compositions look great in a pumpkin vase, wicker basket, tin bucket, earthenware jug. The vessel can be decorated with ears of corn, decorated with ribbon.


Acorns, birch bark, physalis, hawthorn berries, small decorative pumpkins will help to decorate candles in the autumn style. Simple thick candles can be wrapped in birch bark or inserted into small pumpkins where the top has been cut off and some of the pulp removed. Glass candlesticks will look original and festive if you paint them with stained glass paints.

If you drill holes in a thick branch according to the size of the candles, decorate with small pumpkins, cones and berries, then the original candlestick for the house is ready.

september wreath

For mood, you can weave a wreath on the wall or front door. Flexible branches are suitable for its base. Bet on a vine, straw or wire clothes hanger, curved in the shape of a circle. Hook received. Decor elements are best presented with leaves, hop cones, herbal panicles, tree branches, vines, acorns, mountain ash. In any case, it is convenient to attach to the base with a thermal gun (an alternative fixation is with a thin wire).

Decorate the wreath in an autumnal way, since there is plenty of natural material - bright leaves, thin branches, grapevine balls, etc. Or you can hang the leaves from the frame. An old lampshade or a wooden staircase is suitable for it.

Falling leaves on the couch

What could be more pleasant than a cup of fragrant tea, drunk on a sofa with soft pillows and a warm fleece blanket? In textiles, it is better to use soft velvety fabrics of autumn colors (brown-red, bright orange, burgundy, marsala, terracotta, muted green), prints in the form of leaves, vegetables, autumn flowers.

The decor in the form of autumn leaves is conveniently cut out of thick fabric and stitched to the background in a zigzag. If the leaves are made of felt and the edges do not need additional processing, you can sew them onto the pillowcase with a regular seam - this will give volume and help create a planned composition.

Frame of acorns

Wrap a thick cardboard passe-partout with felt, decorate it with a bouquet of small decorative elements in autumn style: apples, acorn caps, felt leaves, berries, etc. The bouquet can be made removable, attach a pin to it and use it as a brooch.

Offer the children to paste over the cardboard frame with acorn caps, insert a dense piece of plain cardboard or a burlap background inside, paste a beautiful leaf or any other gift of nature.

And what about the holiday table?

Use autumn motifs in serving. Make napkin clips in the form of an oak bouquet: felt leaves, acorn caps with a soft colored "nut". Mossy twigs can be gathered into a ring and garnished with half a walnut. Do not forget to make small bouquets of oak leaves and berries.

The yellow and red leaves can be used as napkins for plates or to decorate dishes. Let autumn bring bright colors and comfort to your home!

Interesting ideas - how to make autumn crafts

share with their findings. All or almost all of us have to do crafts with children for kindergarten or school… You will also find fantasies here for home creativity with kids.

Let's start with trees...

And now pumpkins...

You don't have to do everything according to a specific master class... And strictly adhere to the proposed topic. Can just take a diy idea and remake it in your own way.

Candle fantasies...

To hedgehogs I have a particular weakness, so to speak. Once, my family and I were picking mushrooms (I was still small) ... We thought that under the tubercle there was a big mushroom. It turned out that we woke up the hedgehog. And you can’t really put him back (as you should) - he’s so sleepy ... And I had to take him to my home - he spent the winter in a mailbox (yes, my childhood is the 80s) under a pile of paper (and slept all this time) ... And then he went into the forest in the spring ... Khalesy was like that ...

Autumn Queen Accessories…

Papier-mâché… And not only…

Well I did not put the owls first again. And so they are always the first and most important with us ...

There are, in addition to owls, and other living creatures

And again - handy material. Not only the one that was found in the forest ... But also "home" ... For example, pistachio shells...

AND door (wall) wreaths… are good not only in the New Year and Christmas… In autumn they especially cozy and bright get...

And again pumpkins... Some have plenty of them in their dachas! I am not a country lover (no-no): my mother just gives me buckets of vegetables. But my godmother gave me a pumpkin last year. Ahhh... Maybe I'm Cinderella?

We turn to handicrafts from leaves and to houses ...

If you don't understand how cover with leaves or dough bowl from below, to get such beauty, look at the master classes ...

Lots of people make baskets these days. A very popular piece. On this topic "Gifts of Autumn"... Well, the baskets are really very colorful and juicy ...

And again leaves ... And again owls ... And a lot of art ...

In our kindergarten, Alice in the group is very talented, kind and hardworking teachers- Olga Grigorievna and Anna Sergeevna. They love children. And love with them make all sorts of things in the educational process ... Or draw ...

We have crafts for children in kindergarten educators left on a large panel- attached to paper clips that hang on fishing lines ... Now I will find a post in the magazine when we made such a panel (with owls, of course) for crafts ...

Homemade crafts are such a pity to throw away. Of course, for some time they will please the eye... Some drawings will go to the family archive... But still you won’t keep them in a row... Therefore photograph your creations. Gather at least a photo collection for memory ... Only if you shoot on a mobile, do not forget to "merge" the photo on the computer. Announcements often hang around the city - “The phone is lost, return it: there are ALL PHOTOS of my child !!!”.

Some parents ignore creativity... They say that paints are a lot of dirt and stains - you can only get by with pencils or felt-tip pens ... Yes, and only kala-mala comes out ... And plasticine, they say, the child does not understand - rejects ... Start Small- just give the child the materials. In a couple of sessions ... Then again ... And then start gradually advise and help... To encourage creativity, to creation ... I also don’t really like dolls and LEGO, smeared with plasticine ... But accuracy, diligence and imagination... they won’t be taken from a child from anywhere if you don’t work. Daily.

Of course, there is never enough time. Of course, a lot of work and household chores. But child gets excited that his autumn work is also at an exhibition in a kindergarten or at school. This - pride yourself and your family...

Maybe this year... Maybe next... It is your work that will recognized at the exhibition as the best. Prize money even. It will be a beautiful day. In the meantime, let autumn candles warm family evenings, and photo frames decorated with leaves or acorns flaunt on the shelves ...

By the way, we once with a friend of papier-mâché just giant mushrooms made... All the children made with a palm height ... And we have ... Giants. Mutants ...)))

Who hasn't read my 100 ideas for autumn be sure to read. And apply - partially ...

We a lot of things with Alice and Shura have already been applied and done I'll tell you in other posts...

And I'll show you not today or tomorrow ... roller autumn… And pictures. By last autumn. We have such a beautiful there was a family shoot. It's just complicated for a video combination of video and photo… So I wait until Shura finish installation. As long as he has a lot of work to do.

P.S. Yes, I show you very few personal and family pictures. You will get tired of me otherwise ...

In kindergartens, with the onset of autumn, active work is underway - educators, together with children in the classroom, actively use natural material. After all, it does not need to be purchased - everything can be collected in the nearest park for a walk or even in your own garden.

Parents are also offered to show their imagination by making crafts “Gifts of Autumn” for kindergarten with their own hands, together with the child. Watching mom or dad create miracles from the most common vegetables or fruits, the baby will also want to take part in this. Such activities increase perseverance, develop imagination and simply cheer up the participants in the creative process.

Ideas for autumn crafts "Gifts of Autumn" in kindergarten

Every year in kindergarten, starting from the younger group, an exhibition-competition "Gifts of Autumn" is held. To participate, you only need a desire and a few materials at hand, which are often used as plant seeds, chestnuts, and cones:

  1. The smallest participants in the autumn crafts competition “Gifts of Autumn”, which they will carry to kindergarten, can be offered light work. Putting an ordinary chestnut in front of the baby, you can invite him to dream up and imagine him in the form of an animal. With the help of plasticine, which is often used to fasten the details of crafts, it is easy to make a funny spider.

  2. But crafts can be made not only from the chestnut kernel. For this purpose, its peel with needles is also suitable. They will make an excellent hedgehog, which can be decorated with rowan berries and a leaf.

  3. The chestnut theme is inexhaustible. From ordinary fruits lying under your feet, you can create a whole zoo. And for this you only need to take toothpicks and bright plasticine.

  4. And if you glue a piece of yellow felt on the reverse side of the chestnut, and an acorn to it, you get a very plausible fly mushroom.

  5. The little beauty creator will love working with paints. With their help, you can paint acorns in bright colors and fill them with a transparent container - such an unusual work will undoubtedly attract attention.
  6. It is easy to make men and animals from acorns collected in green with the help of toothpicks.

  7. If you have walnuts, chestnuts, acorns and pieces of moss, you can invite your child to make a decorative wreath on the front door to the group - it looks unusual and elegant.

  8. We should not forget about vegetables. With their help, amazing crafts are created in the garden for the "Gifts of Autumn" exhibition, and if you do them step by step, then even a child will not have any difficulty in the work. For example, an ordinary potato can be an excellent source material for various little men. Due to its round or oval shape, the master has already prepared a blank of the desired shape. It remains only to think of decorations.

  9. On the plot, in addition to edible pumpkins, such types of pumpkins are grown that are specially designed by nature itself to create handicrafts. Some of them are very tiny and have a variety of bright colors. Using these gift of nature, you can create a fun pumpkin family.

  10. With the help of plasticine and seeds, you get an excellent hedgehog. By planting it in a clearing of herbs and moss and decorating it with mushrooms from their acorns, we get a realistic mushroom clearing.

  11. Round red-sided apples are always associated with a cheerful caterpillar. To make such a craft look original and not beaten, it should be supplemented with an unusual decor - beads, feathers and flowers.

  12. Little kids will be delighted with the fact that you can make a beautiful swan out of a simple cone, a couple of leaves and a piece of plasticine.

  13. The cones make funny animals like squirrels. If there are pieces of chenille (fluffy) wire in the house, then it can be used as legs and tail, and a cone will serve as the body.

  14. In the area where walnuts grow, you should not throw away the shells from them, because this is an excellent natural material. Having painted them “under mushrooms” and planting them on wooden legs from twigs, we get a whole mushroom meadow.

  15. And if you paint the nuts in different colors with gouache and place them in a basket of leaves, then it will become an original decoration.