Craft a helicopter made of cardboard. How to make a paper helicopter with your own hands. How to make an airplane out of paper. Details about three different options

You can diversify your leisure time and entertain a child at home, on the road, at a party by building a model Using the kirigami technique to create flying models, a paper helicopter can be made in a few minutes, and it will certainly bring joy. What is kirigami? This is a kind of origami technique that allows the use of cutting tools: scissors, knives, blades. How to make a paper helicopter with your own hands?

Cooking paper and scissors

For work, it is necessary to prepare the following materials and tools in advance: a sheet of rectangular paper, a ruler and a pencil, scissors and a large paper clip. The density and quality of paper for a flying helicopter model is selected depending on the desired size of the helicopter. For a large propeller, a denser material is needed.

How to make a paper helicopter. Step-by-step instruction

Step 1. Cut a strip of paper 3-4 centimeters wide from a sheet of paper.

Step 2. By folding, we divide the strip in half. From the side of the free ends, we cut the strip in length approximately to the middle. It is necessary to retreat from the incision about five millimeters and draw a transverse line. From each edge of the strip of paper along this line we make centimeter cuts.

Step 3. We place the helicopter blank in front of us with cuts on the left. Then the base of the flying toy will be on the right, the left side will become the blades. At the base, it is necessary to draw two horizontal lines, departing from the edges by one centimeter, and fold the paper along these lines inward.

Step 4. To correctly place the center of gravity of the helicopter and improve its flight properties, we bend the lower edge of the base upwards and fix the fold with a paper clip.

Step 5. Bending the blades of the flying toy in opposite directions, set them perpendicular to the base.

The step-by-step instruction is so simple that even a child will understand how to make a helicopter out of paper. Having finished the work, we clean the workplace and proceed to the testing of the aircraft. To do this, raise the helicopter up, release it, slightly pushing forward. If everything is done correctly, the helicopter, circling smoothly, will go down.

To create a simpler model of a mini helicopter, you will need a match. Blades are made using the method described above. We split the match to the middle, carefully insert the propeller blades into it, bend them in opposite directions. The helicopter is ready for testing.

Another way to make a paper flying helicopter

How to make a helicopter out of paper in a different way, we will consider in the following instructions. It is necessary to cut out a rectangle from paper with sides of 8 and 7 centimeters. Stepping back two centimeters on each side, you need to cut through the wings one and a half centimeters wide. The rectangle is glued in the form of a cylinder, and the wings are bent. To strengthen the center of gravity, a piece of plasticine is attached to the nose of the helicopter. After that, we can assume that another toy is ready.

"Making a model of an airplane and a helicopter from colored paper with your own hands." Master class with step by step photo

Degtiartseva Natalya Vasilievna, teacher of MAU DO DDTT, Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia - Alania
The work is intended for children from 7 years and older, teachers and parents.
Purpose: interior decoration, a gift for relatives and friends, an exhibit for an exhibition of technical creativity.
Target: make an airplane and a helicopter out of colored paper with your own hands.
Tasks: educational - to master the technique of manufacturing an aircraft and a helicopter; developing - to develop the practical skills of learning children when working with scissors, a paper cutting tool, to develop fine motor skills, imagination and fantasy of the child; educational - to cultivate aesthetic taste.
Materials and tools: colored paper, paper cutting tool, scissors, glue stick.

for children about the plane and helicopter.

Not a bird, but flying
Not a truck, but with a cab,
Not a bat, but with wings.
For him, his home
This is our airfield.
He's come a long way
To get some rest.
And when he rests
Will fly again.
Who can tell me what kind of bird
In the sky, like the wind, it rushes,
White draws behind him
Blue trace in azure?
And the pilot is leading it! -
What is this? - … (Airplane)!
What kind of bird:
Doesn't sing songs
Does not build a nest
Are people and cargo being carried? (Airplane)
An iron bird flies in the sky
Leaving a trace, making noise and buzzing -
Takes people to distant lands...
It's not a dove or a sparrow.
big bird -
steel mare
Flying across the sky
Inside her people sit.

He is in the endless ocean
The cloud touches the wing.
Unfold under the rays
Cast in silver...
Thunder rumbles in the sky
And not a cloud around.
The song sings loudly
Rotorcraft (Helicopter.)
V. Struchkov

Miracle - Yudo - Dragonfly
Glazed eyes.
If it rotates its wings,
Every wind feels.

Iron Bird
Spinning in the sky.
The car is hanging in the air.-
It stands still. Does not fly.
She saves souls
At sea and on land.

Who to high heaven
Raises his belly himself.
Troops sit in the stomach
For a sudden throw.
What is this fan
Hovering above the ground, guys?
And roars, and rumbles,
Though without wings, but flies?
silver belly,
Rolling ear.
Spinning, buzzing, shaking -
In the sky, like a bumblebee, it rushes.

Step by step work.

Making an airplane out of colored paper.

Cut 3 strips, 2 cm wide for the main parts of the aircraft and several strips 1 and 0.3 cm wide for decorating the aircraft parts.

Glue the edges of one wide strip so that you get an oval. Cut the other strip in half, fold into unequal parts and press down along the fold. Then fold these strips into unequal parts on the other side so that two folds are formed at a distance of 0.3 or 0.5 cm.

Cut corners on airplane wing parts. Press the oval at a distance of 2/3 of the length of the oval and glue the sides of the oval to each other.

Make two folds at a distance of 0.5 cm from each other on the tail of the aircraft. Glue the strips decorating the wings and base of the aircraft.

Glue the wings to the base of the plane.

From strips 3x1cm make wheels for the aircraft.

Glue the wheels to the back of the plane.

Decorate the plane with triangles and other figures left after cutting out the details of the plane. The plane is ready.

Making a helicopter out of colored paper.

Prepare the parts for the helicopter in the same way as the parts for the aircraft. Make an oval from a 20cmx2cm strip. Let's make the tail of the helicopter, as shown in the photo. We cut and round the edges of 4 strips 3x0.5 and 2x0.3 cm. Bend the edges of one strip of different sizes. You can also make an airplane from these parts. We will make wings for the aircraft, as shown in the photo.

Glue a blue strip, 0.5 cm wide, to decorate the main details of the helicopter. To decorate the propellers, cut out strips with rounded edges half the size of the propeller blades.

Glue the wings for the plane, as shown in the photo.

For a helicopter: glue two yellow strips with curved edges to attach the propellers. Glue the propeller blades at one point, as shown in the photo. Let's make the sides from 7x2cm rectangles, bending along the edges for gluing 0.5cm. Decorate the sides with strips of blue paper.

Glue the sides to the helicopter and the wheels.

Our helicopter is ready.

This is what our colored paper crafts look like: an airplane and a helicopter.

1. It is better to make the main parts of an airplane and a helicopter from thick colored paper, and make decorations from paper of regular density.
2. It is better to fasten the main parts with PVA glue or Moment for a more thorough fastening.
Thank you for your attention. I look forward to your feedback.

On this page we have collected the best videos on how to make paper planes that fly with your own hands! This paper airplane model is already for older children. It doesn't matter, we will tell you how to make a paper airplane and your child will tirelessly run it with you, forgetting about the computer for a long time.

I hope the video helped you figure out how to make an origami helicopter. Even a child can make a flying helicopter. If such an origami helicopter is launched from a height, it will rotate imitating a real helicopter that flies. Let's assemble a simple toy - a paper helicopter. If the printer is not available, it does not matter that the dimensions of the workpiece of one helicopter are 18 by 4.5 cm, and the drawing is clear from the photographs below. The paper must be white or colored.

How to make a far flying paper plane. Origami airplane

An example of launch is shown in the video. If you launch a helicopter from a height and with a slight wind, you will be able to observe a long flight of your helicopter. With a homemade helicopter, you can arrange games among adults and children for flight range or landing accuracy. This aircraft model is distinguished by its flight range.

How to make a paper airplane with a pointed nose

Origami is an art with which you can create absolutely anything from paper. 1. Divide a sheet of paper into two uneven parts. One of them should form a square. And so I knew it was time to teach her a simple craft from my childhood. You can simply save it to your computer and print it on a piece of paper, or you can draw your own size. We used the most common paper, printer paper. 1. Print or draw a template on paper.

How to make an airplane out of paper. Details about three different options

In addition to simply admiring a spinning helicopter, there are other options for playing with it. To do this, you need to make several helicopters of different colors (or paint them with different patterns). To leave a comment, write the text in the box and select a profile from any of your accounts in the “Comment Signature”. In this video, a paper plane is assembled by a little boy, and comments on everything at the same time.

This is also a fairly easy to assemble, but already more advanced paper plane - the Russian T-50 fighter, which, on top of everything else, also flies well. This flying plane will be a great DIY toy.

With proper skill, the plane can fly. The American F15 fighter is a model of a paper airplane that is stunning in its beauty and sophistication. Assembly requires a rectangular sheet of A4 paper and a lot of perseverance. This video will teach you how to make another amazing paper craft - the iconic American stealth aircraft. As in the previous case, this stealth paper plane is not flying.

For assembly, you will need a square sheet of colored paper (preferably black or red) and scissors (they will help smooth out the seams). The help of parents is highly desirable. Such a toy plane is considered the most common form of aerogami - this is one of the branches of origami, the Japanese art of paper folding. The use of this craft in the air was necessary for the founder of the company in order to test his new ideas for the further construction of real aircraft.

If you run hard, the super paper plane will perform various maneuvers. It is even hard to imagine that an aircraft with such an abundance of small parts is assembled from just one sheet of paper. For work, you only need scissors, and from the materials a file of helicopter blanks printed on paper and paper clips. Another fairly simple variation on the theme of a classic paper airplane. According to the instructions, even a child can make such a far-flying plane with his own hands.

Elena Goryacheva

Master class on manual labor Paper making« Helicopter»

Target: development of productive activity.


1. Improve the ability to work on a finished pattern.

2. Strengthening the ability to create from paper volumetric figures.

3. Development of aesthetic taste.

material needed for work: color paper, colored cardboard, simple pencil, glue stick, threads., beads, ice cream sticks, black marker, sewing needle.

Sequence of work:

1. Circle and cut out a cabin from cardboard of any color according to the pattern helicopter - 2 parts.

2. On a pattern of cardboard of any color, circle and cut out the chassis helicopter - 2 parts.

3. Circle around the pattern and cut out of the blue paper glass for helicopter cabin - 2 parts.

4. Circle the tail propeller according to the pattern and cut it out of red cardboard - 2 parts.

5. Circle and cut according to the pattern helicopter pinwheel from red cardboard - 2 parts.

6. Cut out a nose from cardboard of any color - 2 parts.

7. Cut out from white paper eyes -2 details.

8. Cut out small circles - decorations, from paper any color folded accordion.

Starting assembly helicopter.

1. We glue the chassis in the upper part to the middle of the uprights, bifurcating the lower part.

2. We glue together 2 parts of the cab, gluing the chassis between them from the bottom of the cab, and the thread from above.

3. On both sides helicopter glue the cab glass.

4. Glue the nose on both sides helicopter by gluing both parts.

5. On the tail helicopter glue the propeller parts glued together.

6. Glue eyes on both sides and draw a pupil with a marker.

7. We glue together the two parts of the propeller.

8. On a thread glued on top of the cockpit, we string a bead with a needle and two parts of the propeller glued together.

9. We glue circles on both sides of the cabin - decorations.

Helicopter ready.

We attach an ice cream stick to the upper end of the thread, with which you can control by helicopter.

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