Home is a place of power. How to identify places of power in your home and create new places of power in your home? Places of power. What is it and why are they needed How to determine the places of power in nature

On our planet, there are mysterious places in which there is clearly an excess of certain forces, the origin of which there is no consensus. Some believe that these are the points of exit of the Earth's energy, others - that they are a kind of energy concentrators of the cosmos or gates to parallel worlds.

In any case, with a skillful and careful approach, a person can use these so-called "places of power" to replenish their vitality, recharge their energy.

The English researcher Jim Alison, studying the most powerful places on the planet in terms of impact on a person, concluded that they are all on the same line encircling the Earth and creating a kind of “magic belt”. The amazing properties of these places have been known since ancient times, which is why people initially preferred to install religious buildings on them. So, the energy belt of the Earth passes through the pyramids of Egypt, the Himalayas, Taurida (the Crimean peninsula, the patroness of which the Greeks considered the eternal virgin goddess Artemis).

On the territory of Russia, the most famous "places of power" are

The Kivach waterfall in Karelia is a source of vitality and longevity, helping to open up the internal resources of the body.

Lake Baikal - some call it the energy center of the Earth. It is believed that the waters of the lake have a particularly beneficial effect on the female body, helping to recover from various ailments. Bird's harbor in Omsk has a similar influence.

Blue stone (Yaroslavl region, Lake Pleshcheyevo) - it is believed that after sitting on it and thinking about her unborn child, a woman will soon become pregnant.

Conception Monastery in Moscow. This place helps women find ways to solve family, personal and parental problems.

But in order to simply restore physical and mental strength, it is not at all necessary to go to distant lands. Places with high energy are not so rare. The fact is that, in addition to the "magic belt", there is the so-called crystal lattice of the Earth - lines of force of lesser intensity, which, like natural parallels and meridians, cover our entire planet. At the points of their intersection - "nodes" - there are also places of power.

How to recognize places of power?

It is worth listening carefully to your feelings: if you are in such a place, your pulse and breathing may become more frequent. The world suddenly begins to seem brighter, more colorful.

Perhaps, suddenly there will be an inexplicable feeling of happiness, euphoria.

The perception of the surrounding world may change: it will begin to seem that everything is floating before your eyes, losing clarity.

As a rule, they are located in deserted places (people intuitively feel them and prefer to equip their housing further away, since a constant increased energy background can negatively affect both health and daily activities). It can be both separate natural objects, and the whole area with exceptional properties.


The field, the meadow among our Slavic ancestors were symbols of fertility and childbearing. Therefore, it is not surprising that the field is a place of female power. If a woman stands up, arms outstretched in the middle of a flowering meadow or an eared field, and asks for peace, tranquility and prosperity for her home, it is likely that her wish will come true.

Forests, groves, parks

Trees draw the power of the earth with their roots, and their branches, like antennas, capture cosmic vibrations. It is no coincidence that the Tree of Life is one of the key symbols in the magical system of many peoples. Therefore, any large cluster of trees will also be a place of power. Trees carry powerful energy - positive (donors) and negative (vampires), and by touching a certain tree, you can both get an energy charge and get rid of the negativity that has accumulated in your soul.

The birch is considered the most "feminine" tree. The reflection of the worship of birch as the patroness of the feminine can be found in the cults of almost all northern peoples (Russians, Celts, Scandinavians). Birch - a symbol of a woman-mother - helps to meet the father of the unborn child, create a happy union, gives strength and protection during pregnancy. Beneficial effect on women and other trees:

Alder - harmonizes family relationships

Linden - gives a woman wisdom, helps to reveal her talents

Willow (vampire tree) - will take on women's sorrows, alleviate suffering in case of illness.

Stones, boulders, megaliths

Stone is a concentrator of natural energy. If you are used to referring them to inanimate nature, you should reconsider your opinion. Stones live, but so "slower" than people, animals and plants that their growth and development is calculated in millennia. And, of course, the more massive the stone, the greater the power contained in it. But communication with these "natural batteries" can be unsafe. Such a mega-concentration, with its long perception, often causes headaches, weakness, poor health, which is difficult to characterize with the help of specific symptoms.

There are stones that help synchronize the forces of the female body, set them up for procreation. For example, the “Maiden Stone”, which is located in the Kolomenskoye Museum-Estate, is considered an assistant to women who want to conceive and give birth to a child.

Streams, rivers, lakes, seas

Water energy has always been considered akin to female energy. Like a woman, water takes any form, finds its way around any obstacles, but it is impossible to compress it into a narrow framework. With gentle touches, she smoothes the sharp edges of stone slabs, and with her perseverance and patience she is able to crush them. Water is a substance, which is also called the information storage of the planet.

We choose our place of power intuitively, but this does not mean that we can use it thoughtlessly. It is not for nothing that different peoples have many legends that tell about a certain place that fulfills wishes, but often not at all in the way that one would like.

Before turning to the forces of nature for help, think about what exactly you want and what consequences the implementation of your plans can lead to. Decide if you really need a powerful energy coming from a place of power, or if you are able to cope on your own.

One should not be in places of power filled with negative emotions: anger, envy, a thirst for revenge. However, strong positive emotions are also undesirable. The more you are internally calm, the more receptive you will be to subtle vibrations.

Being in a place of power, try to “drive away” all thoughts, just calmly observe what is happening inside you, without evaluating or analyzing your feelings. This will help you reach a state close to meditative, and perhaps a real insight will descend into your open mind.

Let's take a closer look together:

  • What is a place of power?
  • How does it work?
  • How can you find a source of power in a place called "place of power"?
  • Why are places like this dangerous?
  • And are they really capable of healing?

Many have heard the phrase "I want to find a place of power." Most often, it flies out of the mouths of travelers, parapsychologists, enlightened people, those who are engaged in spiritual development. For the first time this term appeared in the books of Carlos Castaneda.

"Places of power" are special geographical areas that are very significant for people in terms of energy. We are talking about "powerful" places on which temples, churches, monasteries were erected. Many call them holy places. And there is some truth in this. It has been proven that places of power can heal. But they also surprise with all sorts of anomalous phenomena. That is why people are drawn to them like the branches of a tree to the sun. Secrets beckon and attract ...

What are the places of power?

Do you think they are exclusively positive? And here it is not. There are also negative places of power that take away energy from people, as if vampires drink blood.

Do not think that negative energy places are always unfavorable for a person. They are also visited. For what? To be cleansed of disease-causing and coarse energies - to heal the soul and body.

You cannot come to positive places of power with longing, anxiety and fears, because your unwanted informational characteristics will only increase.

So, use both those and other places should be wise. This is what Alexey Pokhabov says in his video “Technique of working in places of power”:

Where and how to find your place of power?

Don't know where to find your place of power?

There are many famous magical places in the world:

  • Stonehenge in England
  • Himalayas in Tibet
  • Plateau about. Easter in Chile
  • Pyramids of Giza in Egypt
  • Mount Pidan in Russia
  • Stratovolcano Shasta in America
  • Mount Pog in France.

You can find your place of power. And for this it is absolutely not necessary to overcome thousands of kilometers.

Do you want to know how to find a place of power in an apartment? The answer is simple: feel, turn off the mind, inner voice and trust your feelings. Surely, you will notice that in one room you feel free and light, and in another - compressed and uncomfortable.

Places of power are all around us. They are in apartments, forests, houses, mountains and even swamps. They can be used for spiritual practices, for working out Karma, filling with energy, healing. Millions of pilgrims flock to famous places every year. People believe that it is possible to recharge from them even through photography or video.

How to find your place of power

How to find your place of power: varieties of energy sources

There are the following energy sources:

  • Elemental - the influence of natural elements (water, air, earth, fire) is felt here.
  • Natural - there is a high activity of "living" (animals, plants).
  • Sacred - everything that is connected with the history of a person, which is significant for people.
  • Social - modern squares, monuments, stations, which are important for society.

It should be understood that the same place, the samecities, buildings, stones, trees, rivers can affect people in completely different ways. Remember, what you bring with you is what you get. It all depends on your thoughts, state and choice of energy source.

Most often, people choose as a place of power:

  1. uplands . And the lowlands, as a rule, carry negative energy.
  2. river bends . Here, energy fluctuations are especially subtle.
  3. stone rocks . Of particular value are places with stone circles.
  4. Sacred places created by man.
  5. Unusual trees.

If you are wondering "how to find your place of power", use a sidereal pendulum or dowsing frame to find the source of energy. But sometimes just your own feelings are enough. Once you visit some unique place of power, you will feel a change in your state.

How to find your place of power

Place of power : how to use it

Let's figure out why even look for an energy source.

Goals can be very different:

  • Increase energy.
  • Get rid of the superfluous and unnecessary.
  • Calm your thoughts, bring your emotions in order.
  • Heal from ailments.
  • Activate the deep layers of the psyche.
  • Engage in meditation.
  • Relieve stress, get rid of depression.
  • Enhance visualization.
  • Open the gift of clairvoyance.
  • For self-indulgence.

Now you understand how important it is to knowhow to find your place of power. After all, being in a unique place is a real sacrament.

You can see for yourself that in places of power you will feel the impact both on an emotional and physical level.

In ancient times, people believed that such energy sources were the best way to communicate with the Higher powers.

Do you already have your own place of power? Perhaps it is the high bank of the river, the edge of the forest, the top of the hill?

  • Martin Gray Places That Changed Humanity. Strength, power, history, religion »
  • Natalya Pravdina “The place of power is Planet Earth. Nepal. Tibet »
  • L. Nimbruk “Places of power. Healing Energy of the World »

You already know how to find your place of power! So let the energy of your place of power have an exceptionally beneficial effect on you!

Places of power represent a certain territory with a strong energy that has an impact on a person. These can be natural monuments, places with a unique landscape and history, etc. Being in such a place, a person feels a certain impact, not only on an emotional, but also on a physical level. What is important, the energy of such places can be both positive and negative. Most places of power are related to natural anomalies, that is, they are certain energy nodes of the planet.

Ancient civilizations and nationalities believed that such energy places are needed so that a person has the opportunity to communicate with the Higher Forces. As a result, it was possible to achieve harmony with nature.

What are the energy places of power?

At the moment, there is no definite classification, since it is difficult to find places with the same energy, and they act on a person in different ways. There is a conditional division into natural and artificial places of power. The only possible classification is based on positive or negative radiation.

In the second case, being near a negative node, a person loses his strength. In some cases, this can be used for good, for example, to get rid of negative energy, illness, etc. Getting into positive places of power, a person feels a certain influence, which allows him to expand his consciousness and move to a new level. It should be borne in mind that energy can accept a person, or maybe not. It all depends on the behavior, and most importantly on the psychological state. Many places of power on earth are considered anomalous. At a certain time, people saw a UFO manifestation there, energy balls and other phenomena that are inexplicable at the moment.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the existence of personal places of power. They can be in the house or in the nearest park. Being in such a place is comfortable for a person, he can relax and get rid of negative thoughts. It is recommended to come to such places to “recharge” with positive energy.

How to determine the place of power?

There are several signs that allow you to determine energy points:

Places of power can be both on the surface of the planet and under water. To detect them, you can use a dowsing frame or a sidereal pendulum. Given the presence or absence of deviations, one can judge the energy field.

Over time, a huge number of natural structures were destroyed, which negatively affected human life. An example is the deterioration of the environment, as well as the depreciation of spirituality.

Work in places of Power is one of the most important components of any mystical, esoteric activity. At these points of the planet, there are different space-time characteristics than elsewhere, special energy flows - and sometimes even, I would say, energy whirlwinds.

Places of Power for a person are a unique chance to get into another dimension, get out of the circle of everyday life, feel the whole multidimensionality of the world. For what? To bring your existence to a new level, to leave the usual plane - and gain volume.

The search for a place of Power is a conscious action, and such a desire does not appear by chance. It means that a person has come to a certain significant point in his life, when awareness and rethinking of the path traveled is required, a kind of reboot.

Everyone experiences these moments in their own way. Someone is aware that the "time X" has come and you need to stop and think, to reassess your values. Someone in such periods feels lost, lost, entangled in life's labyrinths - and seeks to find protection and help from above. In any case, in order for fate to lead you to a place of Power, you need not just a desire, but an over-desire to change, an over-effort to change everything around...

And if such a super desire appears, the place of Power will find you by itself. He will come in a dream, in a newspaper article, on advertising billboards ... Wherever he finds him.

Moreover, it can call you almost forcibly. One of my students, Elena, who made a trip to India to the places of Power with me as part of a group, really wanted to go again. The group is assembled, tickets are bought, everything is ready - and on the eve of departure, Elena came down with renal colic. Fortunately, the money was almost completely returned, but the trip to Indian ashrams, to the places of power in Tibet, which Elena dreamed of, fell through. The most amazing thing is that the very next day after the departure of the group, Elena got up absolutely healthy. The chain of coincidences turned out to be significant, and when I returned, I told Elena that at this time she needed another place of Power - the Carpathians. She agreed only out of respect for me and after a couple of months she went to the Carpathians without any desire, without expecting any insights and spiritual experiences. But it was there that she found answers to the questions that tormented her!

Listen to the clues of fate, my friends, always, and especially when you have a mystical journey ahead. That place of Power, where your answers are hidden, will itself call you.

People, going to places of power, strive for different goals. For someone, the most important thing is to honor the memory of their ancestors, to feel a connection with the family egregor - and then the person chooses the points associated with his family, clan, history of the surname. In this case, the place of Power may be the area where you spent your childhood, where one of your relatives was born or buried, the city, country or village in which some key family event took place.

At the moment of joining a new culture, comprehending the values ​​of a particular religion, the shrines of this egregore will become the place of Power: thus, comprehending the teachings of Buddhism, you should come into contact with Tibet - it is there that the sacred essence of this religion will be revealed to you to the extent that you are able to perceive it .

For a Christian, in order to strengthen himself in faith, to comprehend the mystical component of the teachings of Christ, it is very important from time to time to make pilgrimages to holy places - monasteries and temples, at least once in his life to set foot on the holy land of Jerusalem, which two millennia ago touched the feet of Jesus of Nazareth .

Often a person goes to a place of Power to ask for a solution to a particular life problem. So, infertile couples traditionally go to the Diveev stone silt and to Murom, to bow to the grave of Saints Peter and Fevronia. To get rid of loneliness and find happy love, they make a mystical journey to Arkaim, to the so-called Mountain of Love. There is a legend that the original inhabitants of Arkaim tried to meet the dawn here, since the first rays of the sun, touching this hill, fill the soul with a powerful stream of pure energy of love and light - and the heart opens up for strong feelings, a space of love arises in the inner world of man. And this is a sure guarantee of imminent happiness.

By the way, please note: such trips and pilgrimages have nothing to do with popular beliefs that happiness in love guarantees a kiss on the Charles Bridge in Prague or that good luck can be attracted by rubbing the nose or knee of some statue. All this, of course, is cute and funny and is by no means forbidden, but it has nothing to do with visiting places of Power. A journey to the place of Power is a path of mystical transformation of personality and destiny, it can elevate a pilgrim and punish a frivolous tourist who has come not to do spiritual work, but to receive gifts.

The one who is open to creating his own place of Power or searching for a place of Power knows: “I am capable of more. I can do more."

I can't say that I am pleased with the current fashion for visiting places of power. Nature does not tolerate a careless attitude, and even inept handling of the elements that rule in protected areas is completely unacceptable. First of all, because impudent, but inexperienced beginners, even the brightest place of the Force will not open, and if you remember that places can be dark, negative...

Let me tell you a relatively recent story as an example.

The highest point of the Carpathians, Mount Hoverla, is a black place in terms of energy: it sucks strength, staying on this mountain is not reflected in the fate in the best way - in a word, I do not advise anyone to go here, although climbing Hoverla is one of the most popular tourist routes. And in vain. Once upon a time, it was there, on the top of Goverla, that human sacrifices were made: as you know, our ancestors carefully chose the appropriate places - both for sanctuaries and for altars, there were no accidents here. Hoverla is famous for the fact that tourists break off from it, that people disappear, and some people return with a clearly damaged psyche. But black magicians appreciate this mountain, and dark rites are performed there today, like hundreds of years ago.

So, on the eve of his presidency, Viktor Yushchenko and his entire team decided to visit the place of Power and went to Hoverla - although the old people warned that this should not be done. Nevertheless, he got up and even solemnly hoisted the flag of Ukraine on top. The flag flies to this day, but the presidency, as everyone knows, did not work out, and the whole team quarreled. There was enough negativity for everyone.

In a word, you need to prepare for visiting such points, understanding exactly where and why you are going. There you should not just sit under a bush or take a walk, in these places certain actions are performed - meditations, rituals. Therefore, it is best to go to places of Power with a Teacher, a mentor.

Here's what else is very important to know. The Place of Power is not a constant value. First of all, each of them can have periods of activity, when the impact reaches a maximum, and periods of "hibernation" - it does not make much sense to go at a time when the place is passive.

Secondly, even bright, positive places of Power can have a negative impact if people here behaved insultingly for the spirits: they drank vodka, littered, quarreled. Several of our ancestral places of Sila are located in the Marmaros Carpathians, where I certainly go once a year, in autumn, with my students. My assistants regularly visit these places: they monitor the safety and cleanliness, remove garbage, restore or renew ritual stone circles. Only thanks to tireless care, these points continue to exude streams of powerful positive energy that can transform the lives of pilgrims.

And finally, keep in mind: places of Power can change their location. For some reason, unknown to people, this or that place dries up, loses its Power. But the zone, previously considered the most ordinary, unremarkable, suddenly begins to “work”.

What rituals to perform in places of power? It is very important to use local practices - as a sign of respect for tradition. In the Carpathians, this is an accordion, a charm; in India - singing bhajans, conducting rites of puja and yajna; in the Slavic places of Power - the bringing of symbolic sacrifices to ancient deities, chanting, glorification; in Christian - prayers, church rituals.

I give a practice that is suitable for any place of Power.

On the way to the “source”, the very center of the place of Power, stop, take a deep breath, be aware of yourself “here and now”. Now look inside yourself and try to see your fears and doubts. Look at their very center, at their very core.

Do not close, peer - and you will certainly see immobility and emptiness in this center.

In this emptiness - the absence of fear, the absence of doubts, distrust, resentment for unfulfilled hopes and deceptions, this emptiness is a sign of your readiness to be filled with new energies. You have made room for them - realize, feel this moment! Feeling the state of openness to the world and yourself, focus on the space of your inner world.

Fold your hands in the sign of Nama: press your palm to your palm, fingers to fingers in the heart area. Namaete means: "The Divine in me welcomes the Divine in you and in the world." Stay in this state for a minute, listen. slowly spread your arms to the sides, imagining how at this moment the flow of the Force increases, and the space of the inner world becomes wider and deeper.

Now you can take a step to the center, to the heart of the place of Power - and it will open for you!

Andrey YAVNY

Another way to find places with a special energy - at least those that have great power for you personally - is through the use of imagination and sensations. This is similar to the situation when, upon entering a large hall, you are drawn to sit in a certain place or in a certain part of the hall where you are most comfortable. Only now do you use your abilities in a natural setting where you might want to come to recharge your batteries, perform a ritual, or go on a shamanic journey.

Anthropologist James A. Svoi, author of The Energy of Place, Sacred Land in Natural and Human Environments, spent considerable time talking to North American Indians as he tried to learn how to locate sacred sites. He marked where to look for them.

Burial places.
Places where people undergo rites of purification and healing, such as holy water springs and reservoirs, where they come to fast and meditate.
Places of growth of special plants and habitats of special animals.
Development of especially powerful ornamental and precious stones.
Places where people go to indulge in visions and dreams.
Places associated with myths and legends.
The surroundings of temples and shrines that are either built on holy sites or have sanctified the site by their existence and ceremonies.
Places of pilgrimage and spiritual rebirth.
Historical places that have acquired special significance for a particular group of people.
Places where people come to greet the sunrise at the turning points of the year, such as the solstices, equinoxes, etc.
Try to visit different places and experiment with different ways of capturing energy in order to better understand the energy of the area.

You can also use the active imagination described in José and Lena S. Steven's Secrets of Shamanism. With this technique, you imagine the spiritual body of the Earth - especially the energy aura around it - and look for points of increased energy in it, that is, places where a greater release of energy is felt.

At this time, strive to identify those points to which you are most attracted, where you feel most comfortable. It is better to choose a spacious place, such as a large park or field. Sit down, close your eyes, and first imagine your own spiritual body - or energy field around you - and then imagine the same energy field of the Earth around you.

In other words, imagine a pulsation of energy emanating from you and the Earth surrounding everything around you.

Then ask your spirit guide or just an imaginary person to direct you to the nearest place with special energy.

You will be able to recognize it by its brighter glow in a certain place, or you may feel an impulse to go in a particular direction. As soon as that feeling arises, trust that impulse and follow it.

Next, the Stevens suggest doing the procedure for self-validation of the results: go to the designated place, sit down and repeat all over again. If you want to stay in this place, obey your desires; if you see a brighter glow somewhere and you are drawn there, move to a new place.

According to the Stevens, not all places with a special energy are suitable for a person. You need to make sure that this place suits you personally. Once you find a place that suits you, make it a place where you will draw your strength.

And finally, the Stevens offer to take one more step to permanently associate themselves with this place. Close your eyes and take note of the properties of this place. Determine how it differs for you from the surrounding area, and ask how you will benefit from being here.

After thinking slowly, ask the Earth if you can use this place in the future. Usually a positive response looks like a feeling of peace and completion of one's mission; The earth, as it were, allows you to stay here further. It is important to feel that it is convenient here, that you are welcome here now and in the future. Finally, thank this place and the Earth for the rewarding experience and the invitation to come again. After that you can leave.

Using places with special energy for rituals and travel

Having chosen a place, slowly get to know it - this will help you to come into closer contact with its energy and spirits, and it will acquire even more energy and strength for you, making your travels from there more effective. You can ask the spirits to meet you at this place, help and show you the way.

Observation and analysis of one's feelings is a necessary part of getting to know the energy, including the spiritual one, of any place. To get a better feel for the vibration of energy that reflects its spiritual types, try using the diffuse vision technique described above.

In addition, this energy can be felt by closing your eyes and focusing on signals from other senses. Listen, pay attention to temperature and smells; try to feel all kinds of energy permeating where you are. In this way, you will feel the place better, it will become even more yours, connections with its energy and properties will deepen.

The energy of a place can enhance the rituals performed there. In the future, you won't even have to visit it. You can mentally call up an image of this place and imagine yourself there. Or, instead of visiting a place, imagine taking its energy and using it in your rituals.

Asking for help from your magical animal

Another way to get acquainted with the spirits of a particular place is indicated in the book "Shamanism: Spiritual Practice for Everyday Life" by Tom Cowan. He suggests that you turn to your magical animal (if you already have a close relationship with it) or send your consciousness to the spirit of that place to start a dialogue, or merge with it and receive knowledge from it.

Often this is the spirit that commands the area, such as the spirit of the largest tree or rock. It can also be a spirit that is superior to other spirits of the area, such as the spirit of a valley or a mountain. You can also refer to other spirits that are closely associated with this place, for example, spirits living in the roots of a tree or at the bottom of a river.

Cowan also suggests using a small drum or rattle to summon spirits. Being in a place with a special energy that you have chosen and prepared for yourself, send your consciousness to draw the spirit into the conversation; by asking him questions, you will get to know the place better.

When you have finished communicating with the spirit, thank him and regain your consciousness.

A little about dowsing

Another method of capturing the energy of a place and working with it is dowsing. Dowsers use the vine to find the energy of the Earth and determine the strength of that energy. As they move across the terrain, the vine begins to vibrate more intensely as they approach the charged spot.

Professionals use this technique to find geological deposits and minerals, such as gas or oil outlets, and shamans can use it to identify negative and positive energy and find places where energy exits the earth's interior.

Places with special energy can enhance your feelings and thoughts. Therefore, it is especially good to go on shamanic journeys and perform rituals there, since they turn out to be more effective. The negative aspect of this amplifying effect is that in such a place your fear, anger, fatigue and other negative feelings and emotions that you came with become stronger.

However, if you find yourself in a place with strong positive energy, such as a shelter or a medical institution, the positive energy will completely overcome your negative feelings and fill you with inspiration and new strength. An example of the power of positive energy is the beneficial effect that holy places like Lourdes have on the sick and crippled.

Places with special energy can be found with the help of a vine. Of course, people who are familiar with the area can point you to such places, which will be a good starting point for working with the vine in a particularly highly charged area. Then, with the help of the vine, visions and your feelings, you can establish those points that have especially strong energy for you.

Do you want to learn how to search with a vine for places with special energy? You'll need at least one other person to help or provide feedback so that you know what's really in the location you've discovered so you can evaluate the results of your search. If there are two of you, search in turn - this way you will both gain experience in dowsing.

The following items can be used as vines:

Actually the vine is a thin twig, forked at the end;
a metal clothes hanger made of wire that needs to be bent to get two equal parts and two handles. The point will be the vine;
a long staff charged with energy.
Here are the main stages of working with a vine.

1. Obtain or make your own "magic vine". If you used a wire hanger, strip it of everything else and cut off both rounded ends. Then straighten the hanger, find the middle and bend in half. If you can't fold straight down the middle, cut off one end so that both pieces are equal.

Spread them a little to the side so that it is convenient to take on the ends, while the bend becomes the tip of your vine. If you have chosen a long staff as your magic object, such as a walking stick or cane, work with it.

2. Choose a place, for example, where there is underground water that you do not know about (for example, an underground river or an underground water pipe system), or ask a partner to hide magical objects. These can be rock fragments, stones, ceramic figurines and other objects used by your partner for concentration and charged with energy.

It can be any natural object that can be considered magical, such as a large crystal. Any underground water will do, as it is believed to have a higher level of energy or strength than earth and rock.

3. Start looking for areas with special energy from one end of the chosen place. You can walk with your eyes open or closed, whichever you prefer. If you find it easier to concentrate, you can put on a blindfold. Hold the vine firmly in front of you, but at the same time so that it can sway a little up and down and left and right.

4. Walk slowly, carefully, let the vine lead you. Give in to it, pay attention to any vibrations and movements. If you feel that suddenly it drops strongly and pulls you, then this is a signal that there is a source of strength and energy. Follow the vine. If it moves more strongly in one direction, it shows that you are approaching the source of energy.

If during your movement the vine oscillates more slowly and weakly, then you are moving away from the center of the energy source. Go back to where the vibrations were the strongest.

5. When you find an exit point, stop and look around. If you have a bandage over your eyes, take it off. Remember your location.

6. If there are several points with special energy in this place, continue searching.

When you first start using a vine, you may not always be able to find a source of water or a magic item right away. But intensive practice will surely lead to the fact that you will become more sensitive and more likely to find what you are looking for.