Congratulations to the graduates of the prose music school. Touching congratulations on graduation in verse and prose


Graduation wishes in prose in your own words

To graduation party:

Congratulations to graduates in prose

Congratulations on your graduation! Without hiding my joy, I want to wish you all the best! Just think - lessons and not-so-loved teachers are in the past, but new magnificent discoveries await you! Let everything work out the way you planned!

"Congratulations on graduation in prose to graduates"

Congratulations on your holiday, because today is your graduation! I want to wish you a happy future life, because it is just beginning! And it depends only on you how everything will happen next. Therefore, try, and when laying the foundation for the future, remember your loved ones who want to be proud of you!

Text of congratulations on graduation in prose

Well, childhood is over, because the school years are now behind us. I want to wish you, friend, to believe that everything will come true, to be a worthy girl, to achieve what you want and to make your family and friends incredibly proud of you! I wish you happiness and success in everything!

"Congratulations on graduation in prose"

Congratulations on the holiday called graduation! On this wonderful evening, I want to wish you good luck and a great mood, smile as often as possible and remember this day for the rest of your life! May your dreams come true, and may your mood always be the most wonderful you can imagine!

Congratulations on graduation in prose from teachers

Dear Guys! The day of farewell to school has come! These years have flown by amazingly quickly. They taught you a lot. There were all sorts of things, but I want only pleasant and bright memories to remain in my memory of the years spent at school. Let's not be sad. May your life be cheerful and ringing, like the school bell that just rang for you. Good luck!

"Congratulations on graduation in prose to a friend"

Congratulate you with Holliday! Today is your graduation party, the last evening when you can call yourself a schoolgirl. I want to wish you good luck and success in your future life! Always be a good friend, just the way you are, and stay the same! I want to wish you all the best!

Beautiful congratulations on graduation in prose

Brother, congratulations, today is the official day of your growing up - your graduation! May everything be wonderful on this day, as if in your dreams, may luck and prosperity continue to delight you day after day! I wish you all the best!

Anyone who has ever attended school remembers their graduation well. Graduation is a milestone, a boundary between the stages of growing up, and being a graduate is already a great honor. This means that the student has learned the lessons of most of his life's journey and is ready to move on. But it is not only the completion of studies that makes this day unforgettable; it is decorated with congratulations from teachers and relatives, words of parting words and support from parents. If you cannot find warm words to congratulate your graduates, our website will help you. You can use sincere, beautiful and warm congratulations and wishes to graduates from this page in your formal speech at graduation.

Congratulations to graduates from parents

Our dear children! Your graduation party has arrived - an evening of joyful congratulations and sad farewells. Much will remain within the school walls that are dear to the heart: happy and carefree laughter, friendly conversations, the ringing trill of a bell inviting you to a lesson, and the calm voice of a teacher, drawing you into the land of knowledge. The worries of bad grades and anxiety before tests, the last call and final exams are left behind, but all these moments are forever inscribed in bright colors in your hearts. Today we would like to sincerely congratulate you on graduating from school and wish you further success on the difficult path to knowledge, reliable friends nearby and only joyful, memorable moments.

Graduation evening is just a few hours of life, however, how many emotions and impressions are hidden in them. Today we want to sincerely congratulate you on the advent of this wonderful holiday. It will forever be etched in your memory as one of the most vivid and touching events. Soon the hospitable school doors will close behind you and a new adult world will open its arms, full of amazing discoveries and unexpected turns. We hope that along this path you will be able to choose the right direction and will boldly move forward towards your goal.

Today, amid touching words of congratulations and enthusiastic conversations from friends, you say goodbye to school and enter another, yet unexplored student world. There are many memorable events, worries, anxieties and dizzying victories left behind, which, like precious stones, will fall into the treasury of memories. You will forever remember the time spent within the school walls and those without whose help you would not have been able to master all the necessary knowledge - your teachers. We, your parents, have always tried to be close and we know how difficult it was to gnaw on the granite of science, so today, when all the excitement is behind us, we would like to wish you to retain a piece of warmth and childish ease that will forever be associated with school.

Your graduation party has arrived, our dear 9 classics. Some of you will continue your studies within the walls of the school, and some will say goodbye to them and plunge headlong into student life, but all of you will remember your past school years with warm sadness and touching nostalgia. During this time, you experienced tears of defeat, the delight of victories, anxiety before tests and the joy of good grades, but most importantly, you made friends, mastered new knowledge and gained enormous experience. We congratulate you, our dear children, on the successful completion of an important stage of your life and we hope that your further path to knowledge will consist only of positive segments.

Only a few events in life can compete with prom night in terms of touching and aching joy. This holiday symbolizes not only the end of school for those who decide to continue their studies within the walls of other educational institutions, but also farewell to their carefree youth. Ninth grade is a real boundary between childish spontaneity and adult responsibility. We wish you that the knowledge that you receive both within the walls of school and outside it will become a reliable springboard on the path to your goal, and that this path itself will be easy and interesting.

Congratulations to 11th grade graduates from teachers

Our dear graduates! Now the time has come for us to say goodbye to you. Over the past 11 years, you have become very close and dear to us; now you will forever have a piece of our heart and the knowledge that we tried to put into you. We really hope that they will become the basis and significant assistance for the implementation of your plans and dreams. You have passed such a difficult test as final exams with honor, and we are confident that you will also successfully cope with all the tasks that life will set for you. May luck accompany you in all your endeavors, may love brightly illuminate your path, and may friendship become a reliable stronghold in the turbulent sea of ​​fate.

Graduation is always a milestone, a time to evaluate the past school years and exciting thoughts about the future. However, despite the fact that the school doors will soon open to other students, there is no need to be sad. We, your teachers, know how much is left behind: delight from the first successes, excitement before the first tests and a great desire to become even better and gain new knowledge. Many more discoveries and achievements await you ahead, however, it is your school years that will forever remain in your memory. We wish you to always look only forward, confidently move towards your goal and never deviate from your chosen path.

Congratulations to 9th grade graduates from teachers

There is nothing more inspiring than ending one chapter of life and beginning another. Today is the day when it’s time to think about what lies ahead and be a little sad about the past 9 years of school life. In your future adult life, you will have to do a lot anew: make plans, gain new knowledge, think about the meaning of life, however, this is still ahead. Today is graduation party - the time when the clock seems to slow down and let you enjoy every moment. We, your teachers, want to share every minute of today's holiday with you and wish that the sun will always shine brightly above your head, hope will inspire you, and your self-confidence will always keep you on the fly.

Congratulations to the graduates from the 11th grade director

My dear graduates! Today is a very touching and exciting moment not only in your life, but also in the life of the entire school - graduation party. We tried to make the 11 years that you spent in these hospitable walls interesting, joyful and memorable for you. Each teacher strived to make your path to knowledge easy and exciting, and wanted the world of science to become more accessible and closer. I, as the director of the school, hope that everything worked out for us and that the knowledge gained will become a real help in future student life. I wish you never to rest on your laurels, maintain self-confidence in any situation and always have a reliable shoulder nearby.

Congratulations to 9th grade students on graduation from the director

Dear ninth graders. Today is rightfully your holiday - graduation party. However, despite the past school years, you are only at the very beginning of your journey. There is still a lot of new and unknown things ahead of you, fresh knowledge and important life lessons. Those of you who will spend another 2 years at school will still have time to enjoy your youthful carefree life and gain all the necessary knowledge within your own walls, and those who decide to plunge into student life will have to feel the wind of change and feel the whole newness of independence. As a school director, I really want to wish you never to lose your individuality, constantly strive for new knowledge and never tire of enjoying the unique colors of life.

Graduation party is a peculiar feature, a thin border of transition from childhood to adult independent life. It is not surprising that this important event is usually celebrated on a special scale, so that it is remembered for a lifetime. Among the numerous songs, dances, awards, congratulations on graduation, which sound almost continuously on this day, deserve special attention. Most of them are addressed, of course, to the main heroes of the occasion - young graduates. But both teachers and parents hear many warm and sincere words of gratitude on this day, without whom the successes of graduates would not be so significant and bright. In our article today, we tried to collect for you the most touching and beautiful congratulations on your graduation party. Feel free to use them to congratulate your dearest people on this significant day!

Touching congratulations on graduation in grades 9 and 11 in verse

For many years they had been waiting for this day with great impatience, but when it finally came, they dreamed that it would not end as long as possible. Only now, at the graduation ceremony itself, do the now former high school students realize that childhood is over. Right from tomorrow morning, a new adult life will begin, in which school will remain only in memories. This realization, frankly speaking, is not easy for many. Therefore, tears in the eyes of graduates during the celebration are not a rare occurrence. Beautiful congratulations in verse can support and reassure young graduates at this difficult moment. For example, in the poems for congratulating graduates, which you will find below, there are words of support, admiration, and touching parting words.

You are already saying goodbye to your native school.

Today is your school graduation.

You are grown-up guys - girls and boys,

Those who once read their books for the first time.

We wish you good luck and the right path,

And also in your life, find a calling.

Don't forget dear teachers, your class,

Come to us, good people, at least once more.

Congratulations on your graduation!

The years fly by quickly

Like one moment,

There is no escape from this speed.

The boys have become adults,

There is no need to collect a briefcase anymore,

You have taken a new path,

Let our orders be fulfilled:

Never lose heart

We wish you no feather and no down!

May luck be with you,

You have become graduates!

Graduation is here,

School is already behind us.

Tomorrow you will get up early in the morning -

You are on your way to becoming an adult.

And the road is not easy.

Everyone chooses a path.

Just a word on the way,

Please don't forget.

Let everything come easy

Go around all obstacles.

And your love in the world,

Find it quickly.

Graduation evening is coming

Towards the end, friends,

Good luck to everyone in your endeavors.

Always remember about us!

This holiday is warm, sweet,

Congratulations on your graduation.

And let's share a secret

Unpretentious, simple.

We learned a long time ago

This is the law:

The world will definitely be happy

The one who is in love with his life.

Today we wish

Have an easy journey.

And let your competitors

They will always be behind.

Heartfelt congratulations on graduation evening in prose

You can support graduates and express your admiration for their successes not only in poetry, but also in prose. Moreover, congratulations on graduation in prose are distinguished by simplicity and sincerity. They are perceived as their own words and therefore such congratulations are always more readily listened to. Therefore, when choosing congratulations for graduation in prose, try to give preference to options that will contain words of pride, well-deserved praise, and good parting words. It is precisely such congratulations in your own words that await you further.

Dear Guys! Surely, everyone remembers how they were looking forward to their graduation day, and now you can see barely restrained tears in your eyes. Know that the doors of the school are always open to you, despite the fact that the paths of many of you will diverge. We hope that this is where you will bring your children and we will teach them everything that we taught you.

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Dear 11th graders! Recently, you, such timid little first-graders, crossed the threshold of a school for the first time, which for 11 years took you into a fairy tale called “Study”, immersing you in a sea of ​​unforgettable and bright school moments. In any fairy tale there is a “Happy ending”, which each of you will come up with yourself. Let strength, inspiration and perseverance be your main companions in achieving new knowledge, goals and life challenges. Happy holiday!

Congratulations to everyone on your graduation evening! To the graduates, I wish you a bright path in life, that everyone chooses their favorite profession, creates a strong family, and finds a decent and well-paid job. I would like to thank the teachers for their patience and understanding, and wish them strength, health, good and responsive students.

Beautiful congratulations on graduation in 4th grade

It may seem like elementary school prom is just a formality. In fact, it is just as important to children as high school graduation. The fourth-graders, just like their older comrades, are worried, worried and sad about the upcoming separation from their first teacher. And therefore, hearing beautiful congratulations on this day is just as important for them as it is for eleventh graders. So, let's support our young graduates and congratulate them with the warmest words on such an important event in their lives!

You have passed the first stage of knowledge,

Today is the first school graduation

Grades on the report card are a reward for your efforts,

So may great success await you in life!

We wish you a good summer rest,

To step towards knowledge again later,

May your lucky star guide you

And you always remember your first teacher!

4 school years have passed.

Guys, you have grown up.

A wonderful road awaits you,

Everything is just ahead of you.

Four years unnoticed

Already gone, they cannot be returned,

But there is still time to come

It's a long, important journey to go through.

Your teacher free of charge

Taught the basics of science.

Don't forget these years.

A new stage has arrived for you!

We studied a lot in fourth grade,

Let the flame of knowledge burn.

Gained a wealth of serious knowledge

Now the holidays are time to relax.

Quickly gain new strength

And on a hot summer day on the way,

Please don't forget

That you should go to school in the fall.

Our dear graduates! Now you can read, write and count. This is the first stage of knowledge that you have successfully completed. Rise higher and higher, grab new skills like air! The higher you manage to climb, the easier it will be in adulthood. Remember, we love you and look forward to your new successes.

The best graduation greetings for teachers

Those thanks to whom proud graduates can boast of their knowledge also deserve beautiful congratulations at graduation. We are, of course, talking about teachers. Subject teachers, class teacher, director, head teachers - they all contributed to the development of abilities and knowledge acquisition of today's graduates. And we can say with the same confidence that on this day they are all waiting for warm words and congratulations from their now former students. Be sure to congratulate your dear teachers at graduation and don't forget to express your deep gratitude to them for their hard work.

Our dear teachers!

Let this day not add wrinkles,

And he will smooth out and erase the old ones,

It will improve your health and relieve you from sorrows.

And it will bring happiness to the house for a long time.

We wish you once again

Health, happiness, joy.

We wish you all the awards

More anniversary dates.

May the thread not break on bright days

Neither sadness nor misfortune.

And the heart is forever young.

We wish you joy, success,

Doubly good health,

We want the simplest:

Live longer on earth.

Students to be loved

Worthy colleagues and friends.

We will congratulate you with the following marks:

"A's!" - for teachers!

We are grateful to you

For the help that was provided.

For the warmth of hearts,

Peace of mind.

For those wonderful words

What did you say?

We are grateful to you,

And bow to you!

We came to you already big -

Everyone needed their own approach.

Your talent and words are simple

They figured out that difficult move.

It was interesting for us to be with you.

The howls looked like you.

For adult children, “cool mom”

Today he will say: “It’s time! Good morning!"

Graduation nights in June

You won’t be found in less than a year.

We will postpone leaving school,

We will dance until the morning.

Teachers, you are our relatives,

Congratulations, you are graduating.

Great roads await us,

Life prepares a different choice for us.

Original graduation congratulations for parents

The parents of the graduates cannot be left without beautiful congratulations. Their work in school is not always visible. And it doesn’t always concern exclusively checking homework or helping you prepare for a test. Parental help is, first of all, support, wise advice and timely parting words. Touching graduation congratulations for parents are like confirmation that they coped with the task and were able to go through the difficult school path to knowledge together with their child.

Stepped into life. And this important step

Like a path on an unknown planet,

And behind the back is the parental hearth.

Look, we are the best in the world

Yesterday's girls, boys.

Parents, be proud! Your children

Beautiful, young, worthy and smart!

Don't be sad, dads, moms,

That we have become a little more mature.

Life, alas, is in a stubborn hurry,

Dreams are calling you on your way soon.

You are our support in everything,

Our hearth and our shelter.

We are not afraid next to you

In the winds that bend the masts.

But the time has come for us to gain strength

To test the wings in action,

You raised us for heights,

The time has come to fly ourselves.

Our dears, you are good!

How can I say thank you for everything?

In our time, unthinkably complex,

It is very difficult to raise children.

We were so unbearable at times,

We would like everything at once.

You gave all your strength to the end

To my daughters and sons.

Dear you are our parents!

So who else will love us?

You will live in the world for a long, long time,

Wise, happy and good!

I would like to say special words of gratitude to all parents. Each of them helped as much as they could all these years. Some helped make repairs at the school, some helped with organizing holidays, and some helped morally. Thank you all so much! We are very happy and proud that you entrusted your children to us. And we, in turn, taught them so as not to let you down. There are only final exams ahead, and then entrance exams. And then study at institutes, work and real adult life. And we really hope that it will turn out great for every graduate today. And you, parents, thank us!

There are even more congratulations on graduation

I would like to sincerely congratulate you on your graduation, dear guys! I know how you waited for this day, how you rushed for time so that graduation would come as soon as possible. And today you are all standing before us so beautiful and elegant, already adults and responsible. I would like to wish each of you only all the best, pleasant and necessary. Starting tomorrow you are going to apply to various higher education institutions, so I want to wish you good luck. There is no need to rush in this matter, because you are making a very important decision on which your future life depends. Guys, today is only your day, so have fun and relax, and tomorrow there will be a new life that will be full of pleasant moments. Try to spend as much time as possible together, because the new stage of life will separate you on different sides.


Well, the day has come that you have been waiting for, dear guys. I would like to congratulate you on this wonderful holiday, on your graduation evening. Graduation is a holiday that happens only once in a lifetime, so it must be held in such a way that everything is remembered, down to the smallest detail. I want to wish each of you the very best that can be. May every day of your new adult life give you only pleasant moments, happy minutes, joyful meetings and unexpected acquaintances. I want you to continue to spend time together so as not to lose the connection that has been established between you guys. Don't forget that you will forever remain a family because you spent more than ten years together. Let this graduation party give you a lot of positive emotions and positivity. Good luck to you!


My dears, I know how much you waited for your graduation day, so I can’t wait to congratulate you on the fact that this day has finally arrived. You have gone through many trials, problems and questions, you have become such a friendly and close-knit team, so I want you to be able to maintain your connection. I would like to wish each of you exclusively everything that will help you feel happy. You will certainly find your calling, you will find your place in this life, so be bolder and more active. Today you should have fun and relax as you have never rested before, because tomorrow your new life will begin - adult and independent. Don’t be afraid of change, believe in yourself and your strengths, then everything will be the way you want it. May your every day be full of pleasant moments that will cheer you up.


The day we have all been waiting for has arrived. Guys, over these long years of studying together, working together, so to speak, you have become a real family. I have never met such a friendly team that helps each other in everything, supports and gives strength. I want you to remember not only the pleasant and positive moments from these eleven years of study, but also from your graduation party, which will definitely be full of various moments and episodes. I want you to forget about admission for this day, because it can wait a little, but graduation definitely won’t wait. I look at you and understand that you are all really grown-up and accomplished guys. Student life will make you a real person, so don't miss out on anything that is going on at universities. Happy holiday!


Guys, dear graduates, I want to congratulate you on entering a new stage of your life, which will be no less eventful and interesting than the past years. However, it will contain many different problems that are more complex than laboratory work in physics. Believe that you will encounter a variety of situations, but remember that there is always a way out, in any case! I would like to wish each of you all the best, pleasant, kind and necessary. Be always healthy and happy! Remember that your independent life is beginning, so show everyone that you can cope with any difficulties. But today you should focus on the fact that you have a holiday, which means that all other questions and problems can wait. Happy holiday, dear graduates. Good luck to you!


I want to congratulate you on your graduation evening, my dear guys. It would seem that just yesterday you just started first grade, and today you are already holding certificates in your hands. I want to wish each of you exclusively the very best that can be. Don’t be afraid of a new life, changes and problems, because questions and problems can be solved, and changes always promise something good. I want you to continue to be just as strong friends, because school friendship is completely different, which means that it should not be lost. Guys, try to see each other as often as possible, talk about your achievements, but don’t forget about your home school. Be happy, my dear children. Find your calling in this life, because it is very important for any person. Have a great holiday! Relax and have fun!


I want to congratulate you, my dear children, on your holiday! Today is your graduation party, which happens only once in a lifetime, so I want you to remember this wonderful holiday. The most important thing I want to wish you all is good health and good luck! You are all capable and active guys who can definitely achieve everything that others can only dream of. I want you to be able to maintain your friendship that you have built over many years. School years are never forgotten, so try to capture as many episodes as possible. Remember your Prom because it will be full of the best and brightest moments. I congratulate you on entering a new life. Don't be afraid of change, my dear graduates. Happy celebration! Have fun and relax!


I want to congratulate our current graduates who have done a great job to receive these coveted diplomas. I would like to note that I have never before seen such united and friendly guys who helped and supported each other until the last day. Let it always be this way, my dear and beloved graduates. Don’t let adult life scare you with its problems and questions, because everything in this life can be solved. Don't be afraid of change because it always leads to the best. I want each of you to find your calling in this life, your place. This process may take for a long time, however, believe that it will fully justify itself. Be happy, my dear graduates. We believe in you, we believe that you will succeed. Don’t forget about your home school, because you are always welcome here.


Our dear graduates, I cannot believe that this long-awaited holiday has arrived. Most of all, of course, you were waiting, because adult life is so attractive. However, be prepared for the fact that a wide variety of problems and issues await you, but you can cope with all this if you make the effort. I want to wish each of you only good health and good luck in life. Each of you is capable of achieving unprecedented heights. You all have incredible potential, so don't doubt yourself. And you should spend this wonderful holiday in such a way that you have something to remember later. This day belongs only to you, so enjoy every second. Graduation only happens once in a lifetime. Have a safe and happy celebration. Remember every moment!


My dear graduates, I would like to sincerely congratulate you on the fact that one of the most important days in your life has arrived. Graduation night is a holiday that is never forgotten, so just enjoy this day. Enjoy every second, because later it will be the memories from your prom that will warm you up. My dears, I hope that you can just rest and relax today, because from tomorrow serious tests await you, in the form of admission to university, entrance exams and so on. Believe in your abilities, because you are, in fact, very capable and smart guys who have achieved significant results in eleven years of study. I believe in you, my dear graduates. May your every day be full of pleasant moments and positive emotions.


My dear graduates, I look at you and cannot understand how you all grew up so quickly. It seemed to me that we only recently met you, and today I am already seeing you off on a new journey. I would like to wish you that your whole life will go exactly the way you want it. Don't be afraid of change, don't be afraid to take risks, because it's all good for you. Learn lessons for yourself from every day, from every situation, to become even stronger and more developed individuals. I don’t even doubt that you will all achieve success, because you can, my dear guys. You have no idea how much potential is hidden within you. I congratulate you on becoming completely grown-up, real individuals. A lot of interesting, productive and useful things await you ahead, so don’t miss out. Happy holiday!

Our dear, most talented and smart graduates! We are all very happy to congratulate you on such a significant and important day - your graduation! Today you are very joyful, happy and cheerful. So let your whole life be just like this - illuminated by boundless joy, cloudless happiness and carefree fun. We wish you to choose exactly the profession that will bring you luck and victory. We wish you to realize all your plans and dreams! We love you very much, are very proud of you and believe in you very much!

Today we are happy and pleased to congratulate our esteemed, dear and smartest graduates of our school! There are so many talented and capable guys among you. There are future programmers, businessmen, actors, singers, doctors, and athletes. We ask you very much not to lose the invaluable knowledge and skills acquired at our school. We will always remember you and use you as an example for our growing students. We wish you to find a wonderful job that will bring you joy and satisfaction. Remember our school
and us, come visit and tell us about your successes and victories.

Just yesterday you were high school students, and you came running to your own school as if it were your second home, but today is the first prom in your life, a prom! The boys became more and more serious, and even seemed to have matured, and the girls, like those flowers in the spring, all blossomed with a gentle radiance! You are all graduates today, today you are opening the start to an adult, serious life! And it’s clear from your faces and smiles that you can’t wait to experience all this! Remember one thing: after even a little time, you will all miss your desk, your classmates, your teachers, because school and youth, unfortunately, cannot be returned! But seeing your commitment to the future, I want to believe that each of you will achieve all your planned peaks!

Children at school graduation resemble passengers at the airport, train station or pier. Everyone is in anticipation of an interesting new life, and there are many unknown roads ahead. I wish that every graduate of today quickly and correctly chooses his own, albeit confusing, but true, happy and free path to a new life. Congratulations!

In ten years, like today, we, already completely adults, will meet here. Someone, perhaps, will become a scientist, someone - a lawyer, a doctor, an analyst. Some will have time to travel around the world, some will save up for the coolest car, some will give the world adorable children. But the main thing is that we all remain no less optimistic and friendly than we are now. Congratulations!

Our unique graduates, parents, teachers! Today is a very touching holiday, today we are celebrating school graduation! We wish young people who are entering adulthood not to stop believing in miracles and remember the moral principles that they learned within our school walls! You, graduates, are like a beautiful bouquet, colorful, fresh, rich, which gives its beauty to others. We wish you not to lose this beauty, we wish you to acquire new skills and open wonderful horizons! Appreciate friendship and the school experience that will support you in your future happy life! Happy holiday, graduates!

I don’t want to start with banality and talk about the importance of this day. I just want to congratulate you on your graduation from the bottom of my heart! And to say that it is not this day that is important, but the principles and knowledge that you take away from school. This is one of the components of your successful future. Now you are young, brave, strong, daring, passionate, loving, risk-taking. And if you can put together your upbringing, principles, knowledge, existing life experience, advice from loved ones, then you will definitely succeed!!! This is exactly what I wish for you, so that you can and know how to achieve your goals!

One of the most difficult and crucial moments in life has come - school graduation. So many doors are open before you, new knowledge and opportunities await you. The main task before you is to make the right choice, to find your life path and calling. We wish you to listen to your heart, your inner voice and follow the right path that will lead to true happiness and satisfaction in life. May the new routes that await you be successful and enjoyable. Go towards your dream without giving up or falling. Lightness to you and harmony in your soul!

Well, what can I say today, student? Graduation is here. So all the boring lessons, annoying homework, strict teachers, bad grades in the diaries, and parents being called to school are over. You must be happy and sad at the same time. After all, there were so many good things at school - beloved friends, fun breaks, delicious pies in the cafeteria, favorite books in the library and much, much more. I sincerely congratulate you on your Graduation. I wish you to enter your new adult life confidently and cheerfully. I wish this life to be filled with success, love, happiness, fun and true friendship. Happy Graduation!