Gifts for teachers for graduation: what to give to the class teacher? Choosing a graduation gift for teachers

Sometimes an ordinary card with a wish written from the bottom of your heart can please a person more than an expensive piece of jewelry, and a box of chocolates can be an excellent reason to sit together over a cup of tea and just chat... Let the main motive for giving a gift be a desire, not a reason. Make surprises from the heart - and then they will enjoy them with all their hearts!

A person sometimes spends half his life learning something, so it is not surprising that from the first grade until the presentation of diplomas at the university, we are surrounded by teachers. And sometimes, having decided to get a second (and third!) higher education, a person remains in the role of a student for many more years. To establish and maintain good friendships with teachers, you cannot do without souvenirs and gifts. So, what to give a teacher so as not to look like a sycophant and show respect for his work?

What to give to a school teacher?

If you are a happy parent of a schoolchild, then look around the classroom during a parent-teacher meeting. Maybe your child’s class teacher has an uncomfortable and new chair (in this case, you can chip in with the entire parent team and present dearest Maria Ivanovna with a comfortable swivel chair), a beautiful set for the office, or an indoor, unpretentious flower in a pot. Immediately give up the idea of ​​giving, for example, a tea set or a vase - today many teachers can boast of entire collections of these gifts that are stored on a shelf at home. Another useful gift for a teacher could be a table lamp - can you imagine how many notebooks a teacher has to check at home?

Additional options for successful gifts for a school teacher:

  1. A math teacher is unlikely to be short of a good calculator or drawing set;
  2. any teacher will also be happy to receive a gift certificate to a bookstore, since methodological literature is not paid for;
  3. a history and cultural studies teacher will be delighted if you give him a colorful glossy set of reproductions of famous artists;
  4. Also, every teacher will be happy to receive as a gift things that are so necessary for working at a computer - flash drives, computer mice. And if you and other parents can chip in and give your dear teacher a printer and scanner, his gratitude will know no bounds.
  5. A photo album with photographs of the most interesting moments in the life of the class - touching, comical, funny - will be a touching and sentimental keepsake for the teacher.

If you are the parent of a junior high school student and your child loves the teacher so much that he wants to give her a gift on March 8 or Teacher’s Day himself, don’t interfere! Memorabilia made by a child’s hands cannot be bought in a store at any price. If your child asks for help in the difficult task of creating a gift, do not refuse. Already at this age, a child learns to be grateful to those who replace his parents at school.

Gift for a university teacher!

This is where people make the most mistakes when they give a male teacher alcoholic drinks, even expensive and pretentious ones, on his birthday or in honor of successfully passing an exam. What do you know about this person's hobbies? As a rule, teachers are very intelligent people; can all his hobbies begin and end with a bottle of cognac or whiskey? Believe the words of the teacher - receiving such a gift, especially when you a priori do not drink alcohol, is quite offensive.

So what kind of gift can you give to a teacher? It depends on the gender of the teacher, his preferences and the occasion. See for yourself:

You shouldn’t give an expensive gift for an exam - it looks like outright fawning and no one will like it. If your group gives gifts to teachers on the occasion of an exam, it is best to do this after everyone has passed. What can you give to a teacher, regardless of his gender? Good coffee, along with a large box of chocolates, a solid diary, a paperweight, a leather folder for papers.

On the occasion of the birthday of your favorite teacher, you should act extremely tactfully. If you are alone in a group going to congratulate the teacher, then you should not do it in front of everyone and before the exam/lecture/seminar. Stay after class and congratulate the teacher with warm words. You can give a woman a certificate to a perfume or cosmetics store - today this is a fairly universal gift that cannot be offended. If you know that your teacher does needlework as a hobby, you can also please her with a certificate to a craft store.

You can give a male teacher a gift in the form of a cigarette case, a certificate for a sports or fishing store (it all depends on the recipient’s hobby), a scientific book from the author he loves, or a leather briefcase.

Flowers have always been considered a universal gift for a teacher, but think about it - you can’t know if he has an allergy to pollen. Therefore, if you do not have such information, you can give a candy bouquet that is fashionable today, and a young female teacher may also like a bouquet of small teddy bears. The price of the issue is similar to the price of a regular bouquet, but a sweet or plush bouquet will bring much more joy. Of course, a man can also be given a bouquet of flowers as an excellent teacher, but in our country this tradition cannot take root.

What to give if you don’t yet know much about the teacher’s interests and hobbies?

  • An offline certificate or an online book and stationery store - which teacher do you think doesn’t like to read or writes little? If you are embarrassed to give a certificate, give a book on a topic that your teacher is interested in;
  • A flash drive with a large amount of memory - they are never superfluous;
  • If you suspect that the recipient likes sweets, give a large box of delicious cookies, a box of exotic tea and a small basket of fruit. You can combine all this into one thematic gift - if a person does not have problems with sugar, this gift is simply wonderful and can cheer up anyone. It will be pleasant for both a beautiful lady and a male teacher.

What gifts are unacceptable to give to a teacher?

  1. Hygiene and cosmetic products;
  2. Presents hinting that it was made for a reason and not from the heart, but in exchange for an assessment or good attitude;
  3. Alcoholic drinks;
  4. Too personal things - give scarves, perfume, wallets and gloves to girlfriends, not to teachers;
  5. Expensive things - giving jewelry or certificates to a jewelry store, computers and other gadgets is unacceptable, since this is regarded as a bribe and destroys the equal trust relationship between the parent/student and the teacher.

Now you know everything about the art of giving gifts to teachers, and you will not find yourself in an uncomfortable situation, since your present will be the most pleasant, memorable and useful.

College graduation is a celebration for students and their teachers. They exchange souvenirs, graduates thank the school teachers for the knowledge they have acquired.

Most often they give useful surprises that will be useful in future work. For class teachers - educational materials, and for students - pleasant souvenirs that will remind them of their years of study.

What to give to students

Most often, students themselves present surprises to the educational institution. But in some cases, the college congratulates students and gives them gifts. Reasons for presentation:

  • victories in the Olympics;
  • victories in sports competitions;
  • prom.

If the student continues his studies, then in honor of victory in the competition he can be awarded:

Graduation is a special holiday for those who finish their studies. It opens a new stage in a person’s life. Therefore, a celebration is held on this day. The college presents diplomas and memorable souvenirs to its students. On this day, the class teacher also wants to congratulate his students.

The class teacher's gift to graduates should be made from the heart:

  1. with joint photographs. Each person will keep it all his life as a memory of his years of study.
  2. Souvenirs related to the future profession: thimbles, dictionaries for translators, a chef's hat for cooks.
  3. Cake – you can order it or bake it yourself.
  4. Souvenirs with a photo of the group: mugs, pillows, T-shirts. Interesting options:

It is not necessary to make expensive gifts for college graduates, the main thing is that they are from the heart.

Surprises for teachers

Teachers are congratulated every year on Teacher's Day. Most often they give a general surprise from the group.

College Teacher's Day Gift Ideas:

It is also customary to give gifts on graduation day. Ideas for giving your teacher a college graduation gift:

  1. Subscription to the theater or opera. If you know that the teacher loves going to the theater, then you can buy a subscription for the entire season.
  2. Tea sets. During breaks between classes, teachers like to relax with a cup of tea. You can buy them a tea set, a kettle,...
  3. An expensive pen or writing set is a classic. Any teacher will definitely need this subject.
  4. E-reader or tablet. These gadgets will help in work and provide leisure for the teacher.

It is always more difficult for men to choose gifts. College Graduation Gift Ideas for Male Teachers:

  • . It would be appropriate if the teacher wears it to work.
  • Expensive alcohol. It is worth presenting it if you know for sure that the person drinks alcoholic beverages.
  • Technique: beam pointer, .
  • Leather briefcase.

What to present to an educational institution

Presents to the alma mater from alumni are associated with two occasions - anniversary and graduation. These events are widely celebrated, and graduates find special words to present a gift.

Ideas for what to give as a college anniversary gift:

You don’t have to spend a lot of money on gifts; you can make them yourself. A gift from students should show how much they value their education and their teachers.

College graduation gift ideas from students:

  • Technique. It is customary to make large-scale presentations: computers, tablets, interactive whiteboards.
  • Furniture and school supplies: desks and chairs (these can be purchased according to the students’ abilities); set of textbooks.

When choosing ideas for a gift to give to a college, focus on the group's budget and practicality. You can choose souvenirs - watches, paintings, or make useful gifts - equipment, chairs, tables.

Now you know what to give to students and teaching staff, as well as the institution itself. Remember that it is not the cost of the gifts that is important, but the attention you give to your colleagues. An anniversary gift doesn’t have to be expensive; focus on your capabilities.

It plays a colossal role in the development of a maturing personality; it is impossible to overestimate his contribution and influence on his students; in this article we will look at what you can give to your class teacher.

The class teacher is a school mother who strictly and carefully raises the children entrusted to her. She is more than just a teacher.

The class teacher helps us cope with difficulties that arise in school life, teaches them, and guides them. The class teacher becomes practically a friend of the whole family.

And they give gifts to friends! On any occasion, you want to please your class teacher with a pleasant and original gift!

After all, the class teacher accompanies you through school life, sparing neither effort nor nerves, and this is worthy of respect. The gift should express gratitude and appreciation, and never be for show.

There is no need to choose very original gifts, after all, this is a serious and conservative person and vulgar humor or familiarity is unacceptable for them.

Gifts with jokes and too banal gifts, such as champagne and a box of chocolates, are best left for other occasions.

No need to give inappropriate gifts, type a set of cosmetics, perfumes, clothing and wardrobe accessories, jewelry.

Gifts for the class teacher on his birthday

If your class teacher has a birthday coming up, this is a good reason to show your gratitude, love and pretentiousness.

Every teacher wants his students to remember his birthday. For the teacher, you can buy or make something touching and original with your own hands.

A rather unusual, but very pleasant birthday present for your favorite teacher can be cross stitch picture, which depicts the entire class.

If girls in your class are engaged in embroidery, you can spare no precious time and give such a gift to the teacher.

You can give it to your class teacher portrait, which the artist will paint from a photograph.

This is an original and very worthy gift that will show how much respect you have for the teacher.

In this matter, the most important thing is to choose a good artist and not to succumb to proposals to “dress up” the teacher as some famous hero of bygone times.

Countesses, princesses and kings are completely inappropriate in this case!

A successful portrait will be an ordinary portrait, without embellishment, in a good elegant frame.

A classic of the genre of gifts for the class teacher’s birthday is cake.

The girls in your class can make this gift with their own hands, or you can order it from a pastry shop with decorations that match the school theme.

The teacher will, no doubt, be pleased to receive such a delicious gift!

When choosing a gift for your class teacher, do not buy a very expensive one, because when receiving such a gift, the teacher may feel very awkward and simply will not accept it. When choosing a practical gift, rely on the teacher’s hobbies and preferences, and give the gift with sincere wishes.

Gifts for the female class teacher

You can give the following gifts for your birthday:

  • stylish floor vase;
  • gift certificate to a large hypermarket;
  • fondue set;
  • dryer for vegetables and fruits;
  • toaster.

Gifts for the male class teacher

You can give gifts that will be related to his hobby.

For the fisherman you can buy universal folding chair, and for the athlete - sports equipment or table tennis set.

You can also choose the following gifts for a male class teacher:

Gifts for the class teacher on Teacher's Day

Teacher's Day is the main holiday for teachers! On this day, every teacher expects kind, warm words and pleasant gifts.

Compared to a birthday, on this holiday you can give your class teacher much more symbolic and modest gifts.

Perfect for such an occasion practical and inexpensive things, all kinds of gifts suitable for such an occasion can be considered as a gift, souvenirs.

It can be a nice souvenir for the class teacher mug. But, of course, it should not be an ordinary mug, but a special one - a teacher’s one, with a special design and inscription.

Such a gift will definitely not gather dust on the shelves, but will be used with pleasure. And the mug will also leave warm memories of his students in the teacher’s memory.

On Teacher's Day you can give it to your class teacher wall or table clock on a school theme.

Such watches can be purchased ready-made, or they can be made to order, placing a photo of your class and a memorable inscription on them.

Such a clock will decorate the classroom wall, and the teacher will be proud to show it to others.

Choose appropriate gifts that the teacher will certainly like.

None of the teachers will dispute the fact that the best gift for a teacher is a book.

When thinking about choosing a gift for your class teacher, you can give preference to the Exclusive Gift Edition. Can be given to the class teacher Big book of aphorisms.

On Teacher's Day, you can give a woman's class teacher quite an elegant and graceful souvenir in the form of unusual metal bookmarks.

After all, every day a teacher deals with a huge amount of different literature, and bookmarks are the first assistant here. This stylish and gorgeous gift will definitely please your teacher!

On Teacher's Day, it is also appropriate to give the class teacher popular and functional gifts.

Inexpensive gifts for the class teacher can be houseplant, diary, gift set of stationery.

From more expensive gifts On Teacher's Day you can choose the following:

Graduation gifts for the class teacher

Graduation evening is probably the most long-awaited and biggest holiday for students. On such a day, it is customary to thank the teacher for the care, work and attention that she gave to students over the course of many school years. The class teacher should be given something very sincere and memorable. Practical things are not entirely appropriate on this day.

An original graduation souvenir for the class teacher can be personalized medal with gratitude to “The Best Teacher”. This medal can be ordered with any text.

This is a pleasant and unusual gift that will express the gratitude and sincere appreciation of the students of the entire class to their favorite teacher for the hard work that teachers do every day at their workplace.

For graduation, you can give your class teacher a very unusual, one might even say exclusive gift - a portrait of a teacher, which consists of many miniature photographs of his students.

This unusual service appeared quite recently, but it was created specifically for those who want to please the teacher with a very valuable and memorable gift. This portrait symbolizes how much valuable and necessary the teacher invested in his students, and they will always be grateful to him for this.

Most likely, no one has ever given such gifts to the class teacher!

But perhaps the most valuable graduation gift will be video recorded by the students themselves.

Such a video will be recorded with the participation of students from the entire class; it will be good if it contains congratulations from each student. This is a very touching and unusual graduation gift for a teacher. Even years later, your class teacher will be able to turn on the video and watch it with pleasure and slight sadness!

For graduation, you can also give your class teacher commemorative stationery set or certificate for the purchase of jewelry, household or digital equipment.

Give your class teacher the opportunity to choose the necessary thing for herself, which she will use with pleasure and remember with gratitude about her beloved graduating class.

Throughout their time at school, students receive knowledge from senior mentors. Teachers sincerely try to instill in the younger generation the ability to find answers to questions, a diligent attitude to study, and a respectful attitude to work. Each graduating class prepares a gift for its class teacher and all the teachers who have been around for several years. In order for such gifts to really please the recipients and be useful to them in their daily activities, gifts should be planned and prepared in advance. When choosing what to give your teacher for graduation in 9th or 11th grade, take into account his tastes and preferences. For some, comic and original gifts will be appropriate, and for others, solid and memorable gifts.


Holiday Gifts

It is known that the teaching profession is one of the most stressful. People who devote most of their time to teaching others need good rest. Give your teacher the opportunity to experience all the benefits of a wonderful vacation. Every person has a hobby to which they would like to devote more time. Present to your teacher something that will remind him of his passion and allow him to forget about work for a while.

Concert ticket. You can give a theater ticket. Surely a teacher once told you that he dreams of attending a concert of this or that group, or simply going to the theater for an interesting performance. Let your graduating class give their teacher two tickets to the theater so he won't go alone. Or you can gather the whole class and go together.

Professional drawing set. Perhaps the teacher is fond of drawing, and you have even seen his work several times at school exhibitions. Let the graduating class present the teacher with a drawing set, which includes professional brushes and good paints, whatman paper or an album. Another option for a nice gift is a set of original stands and photo frames.

Grill set. Every person needs a good rest from time to time. This type of relaxation can be achieved by getting out of the noisy city and reconnecting with nature. Spending time in nature will be made more enjoyable by a special grill set, with which you can quickly prepare delicious dishes.

Constructor for adults. Such gifts include the famous neocube or sets of magnetic parts for construction. Such gifts will make even adults forget about work and everyday problems for a while. An exciting game will completely capture the teacher's attention.

Certificate for skydiving or hang gliding. This gift will appeal to true extreme sports enthusiasts. You should not buy a certificate for a teacher who likes a relaxing holiday or is over 35 years old. But if you know that your teacher has long dreamed of such a pastime, give him the opportunity to make this dream come true!

Useful gifts

Set of leather accessories. This is an elegant and useful gift that a teacher can use every day. This set can include a leather briefcase, wallet, document cover or key holder, leather folder or leather-bound notebook. The components of the set can be combined if desired. This will be a truly memorable gift that students will give for their teacher. Such a gift will emphasize the status of the recipient and play a big role in creating his image.

EBook. Let the teacher enjoy reading his favorite book during breaks between lessons, as well as in the evenings before bed. In such a book you can simultaneously “carry” a large number of literary works with you. Teachers often use methodological literature in electronic form.

Rocking chair. An original and necessary gift that many people dream of. In such a chair you can relax and unwind well. The teacher will be able to place the piece of furniture in the living room or in the country house.

A set of tools for the motorist. Such a gift will be useful to a teacher only if he is a man and has a car. Some people have a passion for technology and devote all their free time to it. A set of tools will be an excellent gift for every driver.

Exotic tea or coffee. If a teacher in his spare time is interested in studying the culture of hot countries, why not give graduates such a gift? The teacher will be pleased to receive a gift related to his hobby.

Mosaic painting in original frame. Such a graduation gift can be prepared for a teacher who is interested in the peculiarities of national culture in different countries. For example, if your teacher dreams of visiting the UK and carefully studies everything connected with this country, he will be pleased to receive as a gift a painting depicting the area of ​​Big Ben or the Royal Observatory in Greenwich. For a lover of exotic countries, present a mosaic depicting the Al Haram Mosque, which is located in Saudi Arabia.

Digital photo frame. An inexpensive gift that can be given for graduation of 9th or 11th grade. The present will always be in sight of the teacher. He can put it on his desk at home or in his office and always feel your gratitude. And funny photos with your class will cheer him up.

Inexpensive gifts

Often it is not at all necessary to spend a lot of money in order to give the teacher a pleasant and memorable present. Sometimes handmade gifts are much more expensive than branded store-bought items. If graduates “chip in” for a gift on their own, without the help of their parents, then they can buy or make an inexpensive gift that will please the teacher.

Photo album with general photographs. Every teacher will be pleased to receive a gift in which not only money is invested, but also time, imagination, and the love of the students. Buy a nice, large photo album and decorate its pages with shared photos. If you get ready after class in advance and seriously take care of the design, your gift will look beautiful and presentable. Make original signatures under each photo, decorate the album with your own drawings, poems and wishes. Such a gift book-photo album will not only always remind the teacher of grateful students, but will also decorate the office.

General picnic trip. Organizing such an event does not require large financial investments. Just buy everything you need and invite a teacher with you, who will be happy to “break out” of the work area for a while and relax. A good option is to simply bake a large homemade pie and give it to your teacher.

An original gift book with thanks. Write your most sincere thanks to the teacher on your own behalf. Have each student write what they feel. You can write wishes and thanks together with your parents. Don’t be lazy to order a book from the printing house in which everything you have written will be published in printed form. The beautiful design of the book and pages will turn your gift into a real precious souvenir.

"Family tree". Gather the whole class and make a decorative tree with photographs of graduates instead of leaves. On the upper branches you can place photos of the school management and teachers. In some cases, simply photographs of graduates and the teacher for whom the gift is being prepared are sufficient.

Original gifts

Sometimes teenagers decide to give the teacher original or comic gifts that will please the teacher and leave pleasant and funny memories in his memory. You just need to get the whole class together and figure out what kind of comic, fun and inexpensive gifts will look appropriate. Such gifts should only be given to a person with a good sense of humor, otherwise the gift will lose its value. Many young teachers easily communicate with their students and therefore will gladly accept a comic gift.

The picture is a friendly cartoon. You can draw a picture yourself. If there are students in your class who are good at drawing, then assign this activity to them. Let the rest take responsibility for buying flowers, chocolates, and beautiful gift wrapping. Creativity, multiplied by perseverance and diligence, gives amazing creative results. If no one among your friends knows how to draw, then order a “portrait” from an artist.

Drawing in the classroom with further presentation of a gift. When choosing prank options, do not forget about the teacher’s subordination and sense of humor. Some teachers can laugh heartily with their students even at the most frank jokes; For the rest, you need to look for an individual approach. The whole class must participate in the prepared drawing.

"Hollywood star". In online stores, you can easily find souvenirs for teachers designed by Hollywood stars. Such decorations will “fit” well into the interior of a teacher’s room or living room.

Concert program in stand-up style. Surely in your class or among the representatives of the parent committee there are several people who are the life of the party, always coming up with funny jokes and generating interesting ideas. 11th grade is, as a rule, a cheerful, friendly and close-knit group, for which such a task is not difficult. Using the Internet, you can choose a huge number of topics and remarks that will be appropriate in your specific situation. To organize such a gift at the highest level, make sure that the assembly hall is free.

Pen with disappearing ink. Today, it is not difficult to find such pens in office supply stores. Choose a gift option that can be engraved.

Certificates with comic nominations. Such gifts can be prepared for every teacher. Gather the entire graduating class and have each student come up with a fun nomination that they can actually use. Even a few years after you graduate from school, the certificates you donated will be displayed in the teachers’ offices.

Orders "For Patience". Such orders and other similar comic gifts can be made for all teachers yourself or also ordered from an online store. The teacher will be pleased to receive a symbolic gift that he will keep with pride and remember your friendly class.

Teachers keep gifts given by grateful students for graduation for a long time and treat them with special care. After all, these small souvenirs contain the memory of once small and unintelligent schoolchildren, whom teachers led to a bright future, putting invaluable knowledge into their heads. Most often, students leave their home school after graduating from 11th grade. But sometimes they decide to say goodbye to their teachers after finishing 9th grade. In any case, the guys are preparing gifts for their favorite teachers in order to leave behind a mark that will remind teachers of their love and respect.

We will try to cover this entire exciting and joyful topic - graduation gifts. If you don't know what to give to your favorite teacher, friend, son, daughter, or what memorable gift to give to school, then our gift guide is waiting for you!

Graduation is, first of all, a holiday for such already matured children, so first of all, let’s turn all our attention only to them!

So, what can you do to please your friend, girlfriend, daughter, son, brother or sister if they have successfully completed the next class or are saying goodbye to school altogether:

  • personalized mug “Bye, school!”;
  • graduate's personalized diary;
  • “Tasty help” for a schoolchild;
  • personal apron “Certificate of Maturity”;
  • commemorative photo magnet;
  • thermal mug with custom inscription;
  • school fortune cookies;
  • personalized “flash drive”;
  • custom designer keychain;
  • photo plate with school photos;
  • wall clock with photos from school years.

  • Custom event-appropriate phone bumper;
  • gift certificate for tailoring a suit for graduation;
  • order, diploma or medal, custom-engraved for the “Best Graduate”;
  • photo frame-clock;
  • “Oscar” for the graduate – a custom replica statuette;
  • a set of personal fountain pens with custom engraving;
  • a book by your favorite author with a personalized cover (you can easily make it yourself in Photoshop and wrap it around any selected edition);
  • personalized Hollywood star in a case;
  • external battery.

  • multifunctional USB splitter;
  • portrait based on a school photo to order;
  • photo mosaic of school photographs;
  • 3D light from school photos;
  • multifunctional stand for school supplies;
  • personalized set of sweets or other favorite sweets;
  • photo book/photo album with a set of school photos.
  • for boys: bow tie and cufflinks;
  • for girls: necklace for prom dress.

We have looked at the most common universal options. And now - specifics.

Graduate of 3-4 grades

Farewell to elementary school - overcoming the first serious stage of adult life, a slightly sad holiday. Encourage your student with a pleasant and cute gift.

What to give for graduation in 4th grade:

  • School supplies for the next school year - find out his favorite characters and choose gifts of this theme - he will definitely be pleased!
  • Educational board game, construction set, set of encyclopedias.
  • Favorite delicacies and sweets.
  • Personalized souvenirs useful in children's games.
  • A gift for a child’s room – a horizontal bar, an exercise machine, a new study table, a lamp, a table lamp.
  • Sports gift - from a bicycle to a soccer ball.

Ninth grader

Some of the kids stay at school, while others already go to college or technical school. In any case, the ninth grader will have to make, perhaps, the first serious choice in his life.

The gift should therefore be practical, durable, but at the same time original and youthful:

  • PC components: wireless mouse and keyboard, original design headphones or speakers, necessary hardware.
  • Accessories: wristwatch, belt, briefcase, genuine leather bag, stylish umbrella.
  • Certificate to your favorite shoe or clothing store– a girl or a young man can already choose comfortable clothes for the next school year.

Eleventh grader

How to please a “capital” graduate? Let's look further:

  • Jewelry: rings, pendants, bracelets, earrings for girls, chains and men's bracelets for boys.
  • From parents– “serious” electronics: smartphone, laptop, tablet, e-reader, smart watch.
  • Tourist trip– the last school holidays need to be enjoyed!

Gift for a friend

The cash balance of a schoolchild or student is sometimes very limited, but you really don’t want to leave your girlfriend or boyfriend without a gift on such a significant day!

What you can choose:

  • An original pen, notebook, pencil case or any other fun stationery.
  • The flash drive has a “cool” design – it will clearly come in handy in further studies.
  • A personalized mug/pillow/T-shirt with a design that suits the occasion.
  • A poster, statue, pendant, CD or other memento somehow related to his or her idols.
  • A set of your favorite “snacks”.
  • You can please a girl with a bouquet of her favorite flowers.
  • Cute USB gadgets: fan, mini-fridge for drinks, vacuum cleaner for cleaning the keyboard, warmer for a mug or hands.

Advice! A good option would be to give a homemade gift. Its price is your attention and creativity. Or you can make a touching card or packaging with your own hands for a gift purchase.

Gift for teacher: serious, playful, practical

It is wrong to get by with a banal gift “for show” on this day for the class teacher. A person who has gone through thick and thin deserves an appropriate, useful and impressive present. So, what can you stop at when choosing a gift for your curator for graduation:

  • A picture of a class. It can be painting, graphics, embroidery or photo collage.
  • If you have an unofficial photograph of a teacher, you can make a custom portrait based on it. Or a figurine. If the teacher is aged, then she will certainly be warmly surprised by a drawing depicting her in her youth! An excellent option would be a photo mosaic - a portrait of a teacher, laid out from small photographs of grateful students.
  • A themed wall clock with your school photos. You can order such a miracle in almost every city.
  • A certificate of appreciation or medal for your teacher. Again, this personalized gift is made to order - so you need to find a suitable craftsman long before the celebration in order to avoid incidents.
  • Congratulations video. For a winning effect, it is broadcast in the celebration hall to suitable music using a projector. And the teacher is then given a “flash drive” with this video file. This could be clips of congratulations from each student, a video series of school photos, or even a staged scene.

Did you find out about the teacher's hobbies and preferences? Perfect!

We rely on them - what you can give to your class teacher for graduation:

  • Owners of personal plots will appreciate a certificate to the appropriate store, or seeds/seedlings of plants of rare varieties.
  • The best hobby is school. Does your teacher consider his work the main task of his life? Then he will be delighted with voluminous flash drives, sets of high-quality fountain pens, a leather-covered diary, a desk set, or even a new comfortable teacher’s chair. Don’t forget about his subject - a gift for a history teacher at graduation will be different from a gift for a physicist. Perhaps the teacher needs additional materials, CDs, subscriptions to professional magazines.
  • For a lover of goodies, present a large cake with congratulations, lined with cream or mastic. Why not give a sweet bouquet of sweets, chocolate or a wonderful basket of exotic fruits? This will be your graduation gift to your teacher!
  • If the teacher is a romantic person, then you cannot do without an impressive bouquet of flowers. Nowadays, by the way, it is fashionable to give fresh flowers in cute pots. Such a teacher will definitely be brought to tears by a song or dance in his honor - as in the video in this article.
  • For those who like to travel - a trip! The best thing is a certificate to a travel agency - this way the teacher can choose the time and direction of travel that is convenient for himself, and you don’t have to give him a ticket to a local holiday home if the teacher’s soul aspires, for example, to London.

Advice! If 4th graders cannot quite understand the character and preferences of their teacher and parents have to choose a gift based more on tradition and their idea of ​​the teacher, then older students can already conduct serious “reconnaissance” and find out what they need most “second mom” (or “dad”) and choose a gift for your teacher for graduation that will pleasantly surprise him.

Gift to school: memorable, useful, durable

Often, graduates themselves or their parents decide to give their home school something that leaves a good memory of them and is useful for other younger generations. We propose to express this kind gesture this way - take a look at the table where we discussed what a gift to the school from graduates could be.

Tree and shrub seedlings The kindest tradition that exists. Talk to the caretaker about where and what trees are best to plant. Gather together the day before prom and the whole class will start a new shady alley. Don’t forget to visit your charges at first, water them, fertilize them, and cultivate them. Every time you pass by the school, you will now remember your graduation, and maybe someday your children will rush past these plants to class.
Projector with screen A gift to the school at a reunion evening from graduates may well be a modern projector with a screen. A very necessary thing for the class - the teacher can introduce the children to a presentation on the lesson, an educational film. More than once in his work he will remember his beloved graduating class with a kind word for this gift.
Music system School is not only about lessons, but also about student activities. A high-quality music system will not be superfluous in any school - it will make holidays and events richer and more interesting.
Educational media library So that the future generation does not pore over textbooks, but acquires knowledge in step with the times, choose educational licensed discs as a gift. However, in this case, first of all you need to consult with subject teachers.
Renovating your classroom It all depends on your budget - if the graduates are quite adults (9th, 11th grade), then you can completely entrust the repairs to them themselves. As an alternative, a graduation gift to the school could be as follows: order work from a professional team that will do the job “from start to finish” - from purchasing everything necessary for repairs to hanging curtains.
Blackboard Again, the decisive point will be the amount collected for the gift. You can opt for a classic wooden, metal or magnetic board, or you can give the school a modern interactive board - a large touch screen. The last option can be presented from the entire line of graduating classes - so as not to completely empty the wallets of parents.

Computer, laptop, netbook for a teacher or computer science classroom The gift is expensive, but also very useful. Do not forget to attach to it a package of necessary documentation, which should contain instructions with a warranty card.
Books The best gift is, as you know, books. Talk to your school librarian and students about what printed materials your school urgently needs.
Gift for the school museum What should graduates give to the school in this case? Leave a memorable artifact of your class in the school museum - for example, a class album with your photos, so that all generations coming after you can admire the handsome and serious graduates.
Classroom lighting Not all schools are equipped with modern energy-saving lighting, which also emits a comfortable color and non-irritating glow - this may be the most valuable gift for your former classroom.
Sports equipment From basketballs to wall bars, talk to your PE teacher about what equipment your gym needs most.
Decor, flowers It's nice to come to school, where it feels almost like home. Again, contact the caretaker to see if you need additional green spaces in the corridors, artistic or informational posters, paintings, or maybe any decorations specifically for the holidays.

Advice! When choosing a gift, take a look at your school from the outside - as a rule, educational institutions in big cities are already equipped with all modern equipment and are regularly renovated - a more symbolic, memorable gift would be appropriate here. But for a number of rural schools that do not have generous patronage, the best gift would be the purchase of some equipment or renovation of a classroom.

That's our entire selection for today. We hope that it will help you decide what to give your class teacher for graduation, how to make your child, boyfriend or girlfriend happy, and also what kind of good memory to leave about yourself at school. Have a nice journey in life!