House of Horrors (Molag Bal). Molag Bal Morrowind walkthrough of Molag Bal

This mod takes you to one of the worlds of Molag Bal. His name is Inferno. The souls of restless sinners end up in this terrible place forever, where they become toys in the hands of a cruel deity. If you are not afraid to leave your soul in the afterlife, then you will be asked to take the post of the local champion, who has already become quite decrepit and needs a replacement. To do this you need to defeat him in battle. But before that, clear out all the circles of hell! You cannot take your companions into this world, but on your journey you will be accompanied and protected by the pretty warrior Virilya.

Start of the quest:
To start the quest, you need to get to the altar of Molag Bal. It is located north of Solitude and is marked on the map. Near the altar you will meet the ghost of Virilya, who will help you cross to the afterlife.

Installing and uninstalling the mod:
Standard. But it’s better to use the mod manager so that you don’t have to manually clean out the scripts when deleting them.

Known problems (haven't played this mod before, don't know what or how):
- the faces of Virilya, Evesa and Yilmaz are different from the body color (I couldn’t solve the problem with Virilya’s meshes, either she has a dark face, or has a normal complexion, but is bald and has no eyes)
- nothing can be taken from killed ghosts except the soul.
- not all monsters contain swag, only large ones and bosses
- conflict of meshes between the Witch, the bartender Trallian and the bard Dalin. When approaching them, the game freezes. Trallian does not trade. In the end he made them complete ghosts. Now the Elianor mushroom is walking sadly in the bar.
The main merchant, Yilmaz, is trading normally.
- game saves are in a separate branch (I don’t know how it was before). When loading mod saves, the game complains about active modifications and inaccessible achievements, but when you exit back to Skyrim, everything returns to normal. But saves begin to be numbered from 001. This does not affect the game as a whole.
I would be glad if someone helps me work on these errors.

Cleared 5 circles (screenshots are personal). There were no bugs or crashes. Overall the mod is progressing steadily. Except for the problems listed above.

Parting words:
Don't go to the afterlife with a low level. They will trample and grind into dust.

Quick walkthrough.

Once your character reaches level 17, make an offering of a lion skin to the Shrine of Molag Bal.
In Brindle Village, get Melus Petilius mad enough to have him attack you and kill you with Molag Bal's Cursed Mace.
Molag Bal will bring your character back to life and he will receive a reward - the Mace of Molag Bal.

Shrine of Molag Bal.

You will need to find the sanctuary yourself; no one will tell you where it is. However, there is one way, if you need a Master Summoning teacher, you will be directed to Olin Seran, a follower of Molag Bal. If you have this skill improvement quest active, the compass will point to a place next to the sanctuary.
A Redguard named Amir will tell you that you will need to bring a lion skin as an offering. They can be obtained from killed pumas, which are found in forests, mountains and some caves. Sometimes skins can be found in bags with cheap items. Also, if you have not yet completed the quest Problem with rats in the fighters guild, then this is a chance to get yourself a puma skin. Return to the shrine and make an offering.
Molag Bal will answer:
“Another mortal has come to fulfill my will. I wish only for suffering and death. You will provide me with both. I want the man to be brought to the line. And they pushed me. Near Brindle's house you will find Melus Petilius. Good man. A noble man. He disgusts me. He took an oath: never to take up arms against another person. I want him to break his oath and thereby be damned forever. You let him kill you with this: the Cursed Mace. Since you are doing this for me, I will save your worthless life. Maybe. Now get out of my sight.

Melus Petilius lives in the forest southwest of Brindle House. Between ten o'clock in the morning and noon he goes to his wife's grave.

While he is near his wife's grave, place the Cursed Mace on the ground near him and attack him (with a weapon, but not a strong, aggressive spell, but best of all with just your fists). You can only attack him while he is near the grave, otherwise he will not take the mace and will not react if you beat him in his house or on the street. But if he is near the grave, he will raise his mace and attack you. Please note that you need to throw the mace near him before you attack, otherwise he will not take it. Have Melus attack your character until he dies.

Once your character dies, a loading screen will appear and you will find yourself back at the Shrine of Molag Bal. He will say:
- It looks like you coped with the task. Good job. One more person is damned. Another soul broken. But you're still waiting for a reward, aren't you? I think it's worth it...what about you? Keep up the good work, little mortal.
The reward will be the Mace of Molag Bal, enchanted to absorb the enemy's strength and magic reserve upon impact.
But if you fail the quest and come to the sanctuary, then Molag Bal will say:
“You have failed, mortal.” I didn't think you were like that. Weakling. Pathetic piece of dirt. Get out before I make you regret coming here in the first place.

The name Molag Bal is translated from the Ayleid language as Firestone.

Petilius must not die, otherwise you will fail the quest.

Make sure to leave your horse in the Brindle House stables, otherwise it will attack Melus and kill him, thereby failing the quest again.

Trap Souls or Scare Undead will make Petilius hostile to the character without causing any harm to him.

By the way, it is not necessary for your character to be killed by Petilius. If he attacks you with a cursed mace, then surrender or run away, you will be transported to the Shrine of Molag Bal when your character is killed, even if it happens in another place a few days later. Then you can complete the quest in the usual way.

Petilius' attacks are a great chance to increase your Blocking skill. Since your character must die anyway along the quest line, just stall for time by blocking Melus' attacks. But if you have an expert level in blocking, then your defense can kill Petilius. You can also increase your Restoration Magic skill while Petilius is attacking.

This is also a great chance to improve your skills in wearing Light and Heavy armor (if you are not too lazy to repair them later).

Since your character will be at least level 17, you will have to help Petilius. Remove your armor and all items with a damage reflection enchantment. You can also before meeting him:
- Eat some nightshade.
- Find enemies, such as a bandit or an animal, and let them attack you.
- Summon undead or daedra, attack them so that they attack you.
- Jump from a height, or stay under water until the hero’s health decreases/

Olin Seran, a follower of Bala in the sanctuary, is a master of Summoning. Until you complete the quest, you will not be able to talk to him about learning Summoning.

If you return to Petilius after the quest, he will say: “No... you’re dead! I killed you myself! What kind of creature are you? Am I going to suffer forever seeing your face and appearance?”

If you kill Petilius, you will be able to pick up the cursed mace, although its value is highly questionable. It has no enchantment, causes the same burning damage as a regular iron mace, but weighs three times more. Its only plus is the price - 320 gold.

By the way, there will be no fine for killing Petilius after completing the quest; this is a good opportunity to join the Dark Brotherhood.

Walkthrough of the Daedra Lords 16802
September 7, 2008 4:09

The sanctuary of Molag Bal is located to the west of the Imperial City, to the south of Chorrol, to the north of Skingrad, next to the sanctuary to the west of it are the Snake Hole and Redguard Valley caves, to the southeast of the sanctuary is the Wooden Hand fort ". To complete this task you must reach level 17. If you find yourself at the sanctuary by chance, then you will need to talk with the priest of Molag Bal, whose name is Amir. He will tell you that first you need to make an offering to Molag Bal in the form of the skin of a Puma (Lion). Molag Bal wants you to lead the true former warrior Melus Petilius astray and gives you a weapon that will help you in this matter, the “Cursed Mace”. To begin with, he sends you to Brindle’s house so that you can scout out the situation. The house is located near the sanctuary to the southwest. You don't need to go to the house itself, just find one of the local residents who lives nearby; there are only three of them, and they usually hang out together all the time, just north of Brindle's house. Ask them about Melus Petilius and they will tell you that he is a true righteous man, and also that his wife recently died and he is very sad for her. Melus Petilius's house is next to Brindle's house, a little further to the southwest. If you watch Melus Petilius, you will notice that he goes to his wife's grave every day at about 10 o'clock. The following algorithm of actions is far from obvious, but quite logical. You need to take advantage of Melus's moral and psychological state to do your dirty deed. Place the “Cursed Mace” next to the grave and wait for Melus to come to the grave. When he approaches the grave, it’s better to save because a glitch may occur here. Now you need to hit Melus Petilius with your fist, then he should pick up the “Cursed Mace” you left from the ground and start hitting you. If this does not happen or he starts attacking you with something else, then reboot and try to somehow adjust the location of the mace or try to repeat the operation the next game day. When he starts hitting you with the “Cursed Mace”, do not resist, wait until you die, and you will find yourself at the sanctuary of Molag Bal safe and sound. Talk to the statue and receive a reward from him, this is the "Mace of Molag Bal". The mace is enchanted to drain 5 units of strength and 5 units of magic upon impact.

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Azura's shrine is located in the northeast of Cyrodiil, strictly north of Lake Arrius. Let's talk to Mels Maryon. From his words it will become clear that in order to summon Azura it is necessary to present her with a "shining dust" (Glow Dust) at sunrise or sunset (between 5 and 7 am or evening).

This ingredient is easy to find in the remains of creatures called will-o-the-wisps (they appear only if you have a high enough level, about 9-10. It’s easy to find, but not so easy to kill - they have immunity to conventional weapons, stock up on spells or enchanted weapons). Another option is to buy it in the alchemy shops of the capital or grab some dust in the basement of the Mages Guild in Bruma.

Having obtained the offering, return to the statue at the time indicated above, “activate” it and listen. From Azura’s words, we learn about some of her followers who have settled in a nearby mine; they need to be granted “eternal peace.” Note that they are vampires, so we recommend stocking up on potions to treat diseases so as not to catch any infection. We go to the Gutted Mine, following the marker, kill three vampires that are not very far from the entrance. We will find two more by moving a little deeper into the mine through a secret tunnel (the entrance to it will open if we disturb a pebble hanging nearby on a string). Once all five are dead, you will receive a message that Azura is waiting for you. Let's go back.

The reward will be a fairly good artifact - Azura's Star. It is a “reusable” soul stone (it does not disappear after being used for enchanting or recharging).


Boethia's Shrine is located far to the east of Cyrodiil, in the mountains. You can find it by moving southeast of Cheydinhal, along the mountains. Talk to Haekwon. As an offering you will need a Daedra Heart .

You can find it in the remains of humanoid Daedra - Dremora and Xivilai, or look for it in alchemy stores. If the search is completely hopeless, we go to the Anvil Fighter's Guild, and we see a heart lying there under a lock in a demonstration box (you'll have to work with a master key.)

After making the offering and listening to Boethiah's speech, enter the portal that has opened nearby. You have to take part in the “Tournament of Ten Bloods”. Before entering, stock up on more powerful weapons; besides, it would be nice to get rid of extra pounds in your inventory (since there will be something to take out). You will fight nine chosen ones (one fighter from each race other than your own). We go from gate to gate, behind each of them there will be an enemy (do not forget to search the dead). After defeating everyone, behind the next gate there will be a portal that returns you back to reality.

We speak with Boethiah and receive as a reward the Golden Sword (Goldbrand) - an excellent blade enchanted to strike with fire. Please note that, unlike TES 3: Morrowind, it will not be possible to turn it into a more advanced version, so be content with what was given to you.

Clavicus Vile

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 20.

Clavicus Vile's Shrine is located in the southwest of the Imperial City, the easiest way to find it is by moving from Skingrad to the northeast along The Gold Road. Shrine Servant Ma "Raska (Ma" Raska) will tell you that 500 gold are needed to make an offering to the statue.

From the words of Clavicus Vile, you will learn that he needs a sword with the soul of Umbra (a warrior who had some business with Vile in the past) enclosed in it. However, those who completed Morrowind may remember a hefty orc in the mountains near Suran). The Daedra Prince will advise you to start searching in the area of ​​the village of Pell's Gate. On the way there, you will suddenly hear a strange voice. This is Barbas, Clavicus's dog (his figurine is in your backpack). You will have to listen to his chatter. Apparently, Barbas really doesn’t want the Umbra sword to return to Vile, so he will say that it would be better for you and him not to carry out the lord’s task. In any case, it’s up to you to decide.

Upon arrival at Pell's Gate, talk to the old man, Irroke the Wide. He will remember that once his student Lenwin found this sword and took the name Umbra. She was last seen in in the ruins of Vindasel. We go there. Umbra is in the farthest room, on the way to which you will encounter a couple of traps (the first is a floor going down, revealing spikes; the second is in the next large room, a gas one). In the depths of the ruins we will see Umbra. You can even talk to her (she will give you a condition - “leave and survive, or stay and die.”) If you decide not to attack her, return to the sanctuary and inform the lord about your decision (in this case, Barbas himself will give you a small reward) . And if you still want to attack, keep in mind that Umbra is quite strong, and in addition to the sword, she has a full set of ebony armor. The nearby traps can provide invaluable assistance in destroying her. Introduce her to the gas one, drop her a couple of times on the spikes, and then the task will not seem so impossible. After her death, we take the sword, and at the same time the armor (very good, and worth a lot) and return to the sanctuary.

The Umbra sword has very good damage, and is also enchanted with the “Soul Trap” effect when hit. You can give it to Vile, and in return receive his mask (Masque of Clavicus Vile), which has a permanent effect in the form of an increase in charm (we still recommend keeping Umbra for yourself, especially since in this case the quest will still be considered completed).

Hircine (Hersin)

Hircine's Shrine is located exactly in the middle between the capital (Imperial City) and Bravil. Let's talk with the lord's followers. It turns out that the offering requires a wolf (Wolf Pelt) or a bear skin (Bear Pelt). Wolves live in forests almost all over Cyrodiil, so there should be no problems with finding the skin. If they do arise, we can go borrow the skin from the Cheydinhal Fighter's Guild.

We speak with Hirtsin. All that is needed for his quest is to kill a unicorn peacefully walking nearby. Everything would be great if it weren’t for his security! Horse's peace is guarded by a hostile group of minotaurs. We kill them, then the unicorn, take the horn and return to the sanctuary. On a note, if you manage to remove the minotaurs without making any noise, you can saddle up the unicorn and ride a little!

We give Hircine the horn, we get armor enchanted to resist magic called Savior's Hide.


Malacath's Shrine can be found in the southwestern tip of Cyrodiil, north of Anvil. Orc follower Shobob Gro-Budash will tell you that Malacath needs Troll Fat as a gift.

This is where the first problem may arise, because this ingredient is not very common. The first thing you can try is to look at retail outlets offering alchemical potions and components, and also look into the living quarters of the Skingrad Mages Guild. Trolls can be encountered during some quests of the Fighters Guild (for example, "The Secret of Harlan's Outpost" Mystery at Harlun's Watch), or quests for the Daedric statues - Nocturnal and Meridia.

We give the fat - we get a task. Malacath is very unhappy that a certain Lord Drad has captured his ogres and is exploiting them for his own purposes. Let's go to this lord's estate. If he’s not particularly keen on communicating, we’ll talk to his wife, who can tell you something (to do this you’ll have to raise her attitude towards you). It turns out that Drad is keeping ogres in the nearby Bleak Mine. All that is now required of us is to free the ogres from their cages. We can go in several ways: given that the locks on the cages are quite complex, we can either steal the keys from the guards’ pockets, or simply kill them all. Another way is to sneak past the guards to the cells and open them with a master key. If there are living guards in the mine, they will attack the newly liberated ogres (if one of them dies at the hands of the guards, Malacath will not be upset, the main thing is that none of those liberated are killed by you personally).

As soon as you open two cells, return to the Daedra Prince and receive the Volendrung hammer as a reward (enchanted to Paralyze and Reduce Health on Impact).

P.S. Returning to Drad's estate once again after this quest, you can see a rather funny sight - Lord Drad, working under the supervision of ogres.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 15.

Mephala's Shrine is located northwest of the Imperial Prison. As a gift, we will need a purple nightshade flower.

For the plant, we go to the “Main Ingredient”, which is in the Trade District of the Imperial City, and buy it, or look into the Anvil Mages Guild.

The offering must be made between midnight and 5 am. So, we get the task. It is necessary to go to the town of Bleaker's Way and pit representatives of the two family clans living there against each other. To do this, you will have to deal with the two founders of the city and pretend to kill each other. Our goals: Nivan Dalvilu - the leader of the family Dalvilu family, and Hrol Ulfgar, leader of the Nordic clan.

We find Nivan's house, break open the door and get inside. We need Dalvilu Ceremonial dagger. We find it and leave. We do the same with the house of Hrol Ulfgar - from there we will borrow the Ulfgar family ring. Having obtained both items, let's move on to the most interesting part - the murders! Both of our victims return home at night. Best time to visit! You need to kill both of them, throwing the family heirlooms we recently stole to the bodies (we throw the Ulfgar ring to Nivan, and Dalvil’s ceremonial dagger to Hrol). Now all you have to do is talk to any of the residents about the murders, and then the real show will begin! But remember that you cannot take part in it (i.e., besides the two victims described above, you cannot kill anyone else).

We return to Mephala for a reward - an Ebony Blade, enchanted to drain health and deprive the enemy of his voice when struck.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Meridia's Shrine is located near Skingrad, to the west of the city limits. The required gift is the remains of any undead: ectoplasm (Ectoplasm, remains of ghosts), bone meal (Bonemeal, remains of skeletons) or dead flesh ( Mort Flesh, zombie remains).

If you don’t have the necessary ingredients in your bag, we buy them in alchemy stores or visit the Mages Guilds of Skingrad, Leyawiin or Bruma.

After the offering, you will receive a task - to kill five necromancers in the Howling cave. Go there by following the quest marker. There are plenty of ghosts and other evil spirits inside, be prepared. Having dealt with them, we move on. We find a secret passage on the map - we find ourselves on the lower level of the cave. That's where the citizens we need are actually located! To take their lives, you will have to try very hard, because the necromantic art is strong! For your health, it is safest to eliminate them without unnecessary noise, otherwise, if zombies/skeletons/ghosts (underline as appropriate) come running from all over the cave, the hero will have a hard time.

After all five are dead, return to Meridia for your reward - the Ring of Khajiiti with a permanent chameleon effect and increased speed.

Molag Bal

To receive the quest, the hero must be level 17.

Molag Bal's Shrine is located west of the Imperial City. Move directly west (and slightly south) from the bridge over Lake Rumare and you will find a statue. Molag Bal requires a lion skin as a gift (Lion Pelt) Lions are found in mountainous areas, so you'll have to wander around the hills and hills for a bit.

We give the lion skin - we will hear the voice of Molag Bal. He will tell you a sad story about one of the citizens of Cyrodiil, Melus Petilius, who took the “path without violence.” For these purposes, we will get a Cursed Mace, which Melus should use to kill you (!!!). We go to the Brindle Home and ask its inhabitants. You will learn that the local hero Melus “went astray” after the death of his wife and that he regularly visits her grave. We are watching his house. When Petilius goes to visit his wife again, then you need to act. Save the game (sometimes the quest doesn’t mind being glitched). Place the mace Molag Bal gave you next to the headstone on the grave, and then punch Melus. Offended, he will pick up this very mace from the ground and attack you (if he suddenly starts attacking not with a mace, but with a sword, it’s bad, the quest will not count - you’ll have to steal the sleeping sword from him before that). Don't defend yourself or hit him, wait until your health bar reaches zero. As soon as you die, you will wake up at the shrine of the Daedric Lord.

Talk to him and receive a reward - the Mace of Molag Bal, enchanted to drain strength and mana upon impact.


You can find Namira's Shrine by moving east (and slightly south) from Bruma. After talking with Namira's followers, we learn that to summon deidra we need to be “less pretty.”

In other words, the hero will have to lower the Charisma/Personality attribute below 20. A few bottles of cheap wine will do the job quite well. Each reduces attractiveness by 10 to 120 seconds, so calculate the required dose yourself based on your level of development.

Keep in mind that you won’t be allowed to drink more than four bottles at once, so if the hero’s attractiveness is above 60, you won’t be able to get by with just wine. Here you will need at least a specialist level of alchemy (Journeyman). You probably noticed that potions that combine positive and negative effects are displayed in the inventory as a pink bottle, which means the hero can drink its contents. Our task is to prepare a potion with some useful property and with the property of reducing attractiveness, without suppressing the harmful effect, so when brewing you need to use only a mortar and pestle and a calciner. Suitable preparations include: Bog Beacon Asco Cap, both types of Cinnabar Polypore Cap, Emetic Russula Cap, Summer Bolete Cap, Leek, Pumpkin ), sweet roll (Sweetroll).

Once we lower the attractiveness, we talk to one of the followers again, after which we can talk with Namira. From her words we learn about some of her “Forgotten Ones” followers. They lived in darkness for centuries until four priests from the Church of Arkay brought them light. Namira will give you the spell Namira's Shroud, which will help you revive the darkness again. All these brethren are located in the ruins of Anga, located nearby. Before the trip, we advise you to stock up on potions (or things) with the effect of the “Night Eye” ( The Night Eye). We leave for Anga. Upon arrival, you will understand what darkness means. The “Forgotten” cannot stand light, which is exactly what the Arkaian priests took advantage of. Each of them walks with a torch in order to keep the “Forgotten” under control. Cast on each priest has a spell - his torch goes out, and he immediately finds his death at the hands of the cultists (you can’t kill anyone, we only use the spell).

After all four are dead, you will receive a message that you need to return to the sanctuary. Reward - Ring of Namira with the effects of reflecting damage and spells.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Nocturnal's Shrine is located northeast of Leyawiin. You can find it by moving along the road in The Nibenay Valley. No offerings are required to receive the quest.

Talk to the Daedra and she will tell you about her problem. Two Argonians stole her "eye" (Eye of Nocturnal), which must be returned. These comrades are in Leyawiin, so we’ll go there. Talk to any of the city guards and he will tell you that there are rumors of a rare gem that a couple of adventurers have obtained. Go to the Argonians' home and talk to them. But it turns out that neither Weebam-Na nor Bejeen have heard of any "eye". Leave the house and sneak into it again. You will overhear a conversation between our two comrades. From it it will become clear that they hid the stone in the Tidewater Cave. Ask the same guard about this cave, and a marker will appear on the map. Go there. The "Eye of Nocturnal" is located not so far from the entrance, in the left wing of the cave under water. On the way you will have to deal with several animals, and after we take the stone, a troll will come running, which will also have to be calmed down.

We return the eye to its true owner and receive as a reward the Skeleton Key - an unbreakable master key, which also gives a +40 bonus to the Security skill.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 10.

Peryite's Shrine is located on the banks of the Silverfish River, east of the Imperial Bridge Inn. No gifts are needed to receive the quest. Near the shrine you will find five followers, but they will be in a “not very natural” state.

Talk to Peryite. It turns out that the bodies of these comrades remained in reality, but their souls ended up in Oblivion. These are the ones you have to return. When you're ready, activate the statue again and Peryite will transport you to Oblivion. You have to find 5 souls and bring them back. All of them are marked on the map with markers, but you will have to wander around quite a lot, because the location is quite large. Be prepared to encounter a lot of "level" Daedra. After finding all five, a portal will appear, teleporting you back.

We speak again with the statue of the lord and receive as a reward the enchanted shield SpellBreaker (reflecting spells).


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 8.

The Shine of Sanguine is located just north of Skingrad. The gift here is a bottle of Cyrodiil Brandy, which we purchase at a reasonable price in the "Main Ingredient" in the Imperial City or we "borrow", for example, from the premises of the "Gilded Carafe" or " Mystic Emporium" in the same Shopping District.

After the offering, Sanguine will talk to you. We learn that the Countess of Leyawiin, Mrs. Alessia Caro (Countess of Leyawiin) is organizing a dinner party, which we will attend. You love social events, don't you? And to make it more fun, Sanguine will grant you the Stark Reality spell. Let's go to the reception! Our path lies to Leyawiin Castle. The Countess and guests are in the Dinning Room, but the entrance to it is guarded by a guard. You will be able to enter after 6 pm, raising his attitude towards you quite high (wearing expensive clothes or armor will make this easier). As soon as we see the guests and the countess, we can cast a spell! And here you will feel its amazing effect - the clothes of everyone present in the room will disappear! Unfortunately, you are one of those present, so don’t be too upset if you lose all your inventory. Here another problem will arise - the guards will consider such behavior on your part an attack, and will not hesitate to acquaint you with the letter of the law. You'll have to go to jail. You can, of course, resist arrest, but it’s very difficult to do this naked; it’s best to simply give him a run for his money.

We return to the shrine and receive for our torment a staff - Sanguine Rose, enchanted to summon a Daedra.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 2.

Shegorath's shrine is located in the southern part of Cyrodiil, between Bravil and Leyawiin. Talk to Shegorath's followers. Get information that the offering requires Lettuce, a small soul stone (Lesser soul gem) and yarn (Yarn).

The first two can be purchased for almost nothing in any city; look for yarn in bags and boxes in the habitats of beggars in the capital.

You have to fulfill a certain prophecy that the inhabitants of the Border Watch believe in. Go there and talk to the local shaman Ri" Bassa about the "K"Sharra Prophecy". Tell him that you are just an inquisitive student (scholar) and learn about his first two signs: a pest invasion and the death of all cattle. You have to make sure that these signs come true! Talk to the shaman again, let him tell you about this town. You learn that the local diner has a cheese museum.

We go there and talk to the hostess. She will gladly tell you about one of the peculiar “fragrant” cheeses that she keeps - Olroy Cheese (near the entrance, in the display case). You'll have to steal it. Next, we go outside and send this cheese into the pot hanging on the fire. We advise you to move away, because the smell is terrible! And, oh horror! Rats will appear! The shaman will have a slight panic attack and will try to deal with the rats by injecting poison into the rodents. Take bait, it will come in handy. Head to the southern part of the city. Do you see the sheep walking peacefully in the pen? In the name of the prophecy of K "Sharra, they must give their lives! The easiest way is to shoot with a bow, or we can throw rat poison in the sheep feeder. As soon as they all die, we will hear the voice of Sheogorath. He will ask you to go closer to the city center, so as not to miss the holiday. Our familiar shaman already seems to have begun to go a little crazy. And you will have a unique chance to see the third and final sign of the ancient prophecy, fulfilled by Shigorat himself. Do you like animals? If so, better not look at the sky! There are dogs "! Burning and flying towards the surface of the earth! When else would you have seen such a thing, if not at the end of the world!

Go for your reward - the Wabbajack staff, which turns the enemy into a random creature.


To receive the quest, the hero must be level 5.

Vaermina's Shrine is located southwest of Cheydinhal, on Lake Poppad. This quest requires perhaps the most difficult to obtain gift - the Black Soul Gem.

You can get it in several ways: find it among the junk in the caves of necromancers, for example, Dark Fissure (and you will have to visit many such “necromantic” locations while completing Mages Guild quests) or do it yourself. For the last method you will need: a Grand Soul Gem, the SoulTrap spell and a necromancer altar. The latter can be found, for example, near the aforementioned Dark Fissure cave. Once a week, when a ray of light falls on the altar from the night skies, it becomes possible to make a black soul stone. To do this, place a great soul stone in the altar and cast a spell on the altar.

Once the black stone is obtained, return to the shrine. Receive a quest, you need to return the stolen Orb of Vaermina. This item is located in the tower of the wizard Arkved's Tower, where you have to go. The only difficulty in passing is the hordes of scamps, atronachs and other creatures on the way to the abode of the wizard himself. As soon as you arrive there, you will see the sorcerer sleeping eternal sleep (for a change you can kill). We take the Ball and return (you can through the exit located here).

Vaermina's reward is a very good staff, the Skull of Corruption, which creates an exact copy of your opponent to fight on your side.

Hermaeus Mora

To receive this quest, the hero must have completed the "Blood of the Daedra" quest in the main story, have level 21 behind him and completed the quests of all other Daedra Lords (if you chose not to give up the Umbra sword, do not worry, Clavicus Vile's quest is still considered completed). During sleep, someone Casta Flavus will visit you and tell you that Hermaeus Mora is calling you. The sanctuary will be marked with a marker on your map. Getting to the place is very difficult, it is located high in the Jerol mountains, it is best to start from Sankre Tor.

No offering is required. Your task is to collect 10 souls for the Daedra Lord, one from a representative of each race; for this purpose you will be given a special spell, Mora's Trap. To capture souls, stones are not needed, cast the spell and take a life. Naturally, it is advisable not to get caught under the hood of the Imperial Guard, completing the task. Of course, you can go clear out various bandit holes, and gradually you will gain the necessary collection. However, if you can’t wait to see what kind of gift Hermaeus has prepared for you, walk through the remote corners of the province, collecting the harvest innocent souls. And where can you find these? That's right, the sanctuaries of the Daedra lords! You can start right from the sanctuary of Mora, he will not be offended by you, and three copies (the souls of a Dunmer, an Imperial and a Khajiit) are already in your pocket. It is not necessary to make a pilgrimage to all the statues It will be enough to run to Peryite, Clavicus Vile and Meridia, and the problem will be solved.

Delighted, Mora will reward you with... the book "Oghma Infinium". Do not rush to be upset, you can really drink from this source of knowledge. Open the book. You will be asked to study either the path of steel, or the shadow, or the spirit, or leave the reading until a more appropriate time. Think carefully before choosing one of the options; after reading, the book will disappear. Warriors will receive a 10-point increase in two attributes: strength and speed, and three skills: blades, heavy armor and blunt weapons. Thieves will receive a 10-point increase in speed and agility, as well as their ability to pick locks, sneak, and wear light armor. Mages are rewarded with an increase of 10 units to one attribute - intelligence - and three skills: destruction, witchcraft and restoration.

If any of these skills are among the main ones, even if they have already reached a hundred by the time of reading, they will be increased by 10, and the hero’s level will increase by 1-3.

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Sheo,” the Prince of Pleasure’s tone is quiet and insinuating, his smile is mysterious, and his hand reaches out to... “Sheo, fuck.” Eights don't hit ladies. The new Sheogorath is just trying to comprehend the proposal, swaying so dangerously that you have to catch him by the sleeve and literally hoist him onto a chair. Sanguine, of course, loves a certain type of drinking party, which the next day leaves a couple killed in a drunken brawl and a couple drunk almost to death - but the last incident, as a result of which two Daedric Lords punched each other in the face, was clearly too much. Because it’s not in sight of mortals, well, Dagon roll! - Then... then... that's okay! - Dozens of ladies don’t beat you either, Sheo. Sanguine is almost phlegmatic. He just looks at his golden-black eyes, slightly squinted from an inhuman dose of alcohol. I wonder what their color was before the transformation - blue, brown, green? Oh, I don’t care – anyone would look strikingly combined with the unruly brown hair of a greyhound. - Ah, – hic! - So?! Sanguine just sighs very, very heavily, looking at the next card. - Yes, Sheo. Jack is exactly the card that beats queens. The Madman’s cute face deforms into a long, joyful “Yyyy”, and Sanguine decides that he is most likely too drunk to carry out his plans. Although, probably, if he had been less drunk, the idea would have failed miserably. In any case, such beauty should not go to orcs when there is... - You screwed up again, San, - Sheogorath grins cheerfully again - it’s a pity, not lustfully - and drawls out: - Soooo... - I remember without you, little pot-bellied little thing, - Sanguine he is trying to cope with concentration, with his fingers a little tangled, and therefore he is good-natured. But finally the buckle clangs quietly, giving way, and the belt remains in the hands, and the pants fly down, freeing the owner’s pride - graceful legs - from their captivity. Although, in fact, Sanguine, the Prince of Pleasure, has pride all over his body. However, one section is especially special. The same one, still covered with a loincloth. - Rmen! And yet Sanguine absolutely loves New Sheogorath. Even at a degree too high for a not-quite-Daedroth yet, red from wine, brandy, wine mixed with brandy, flin, shein, skooma - all at once - he remains menacingly solemn. Even almost falling out of a chair or falling into a joint. If he wants, of course. - Rmen! – Sheogorath repeats again, but with more threat in his voice. Sanguine thinks that he is probably beginning to understand why Dagon got mad at this fucker and why mortals called him the Champion of Cyrodiil. And what not to call it? An expressive profile, eyes shining with danger, and he’s still drunk... - Damn, Sleep, we agreed. Stop it, he's begging for his clothes! The Prince of Pleasure just clicks it thoughtfully. In general, Sanguine knows many uses for such a seemingly simple object. For example, they can easily tighten the hands of an already openly inhibited boy. Or whip sensitive areas with a certain force - for some reason Sanguine is sure that the young Prince does not yet know such pleasures. Or... Sanguine throws the belt aside, because tempting yourself is the last thing, and, well, is he Molag Bal, or what? In response to this, Sheogorath only grins. Still not lustful. Still very sad. However, Sanguine can easily change this. After all, the cards in his hands are shuffled, flashing with inhuman speed. In general, of course, he acts dishonestly, because cards are not his sphere: a phenomenon controlled by the deceiver Vile. But only novice masters of krap work in companies that are a little more sober than Sheo is now, but still dead drunk, so there is no need to try very hard. So, in fact, he remains on his territory. Sheogorath only watches the dexterity of his hands, blinking funny and inhibited. About to pass out in a game or two. Yes, San, that wasn’t the best idea... - Well, little thing, another drink? – and yet Sanguine likes the appearance of Sam Gaven. Because not every mortal creature will rush at the imposing four-horned dremora, and if they do, it will not necessarily be without the intention of cutting off the head of the Oblivion creature. It's definitely easier as a human. However, not everyone will rush at a person. Which is indirectly confirmed by young Sheo, looking at him with a dull look and almost soberly declaring from fear: “No, San.” I don't want to see you naked. In general, at this moment Sanguine is not sure whether he is delighted or more disappointed. After all, prey that is able to interrupt the hunt, being a foot from the snare - oh, what a prey it is!.. What kind? Uncaught. “But I still want to play,” the Prince of Pleasure remarks calmly, shuffling the cards and looking intently at his younger comrade. - Yes, and you, I feel, too. - Well, not for undressing! - Sheogorath turns redder than from wine, and, Anu and Padomay, how this color suits him!.. - What then? – Sanguine purrs, really purrs, remembering that the Khajiit call him Blood Cat. Sheogorath's face reflects heavy, drunken thought. Sanguine can actually see how the gears in the head of the former Champion of Cyrodiil are turning: slowly and creakingly. Finally, he raises his eyes and gives his verdict: “We’re playing for information.” Sanguine's face probably stretches out for the first time during this little card game binge. - Nenuacho. I don’t know much about you Lords. Just ni-skam-pu-shen-ki,” Sheogorath barely maintains a vertical position and somehow vaguely threatens with his index finger, but continues to expound. – And we are, like, colleagues. And I, like, should now be more of one of you than people. But how can I do this if I don’t know anything?! Sanguine simply nods and deals the cards. Be that as it may, this tirade really wins him over. Shorovo heart, what crazy rationalism! No, the boy is really in the right place. And he, of course, will need a guide in this complex Daedric world. Haskill?.. “Scampa with two!” – Sanguine thinks, absentmindedly answering: “Four aces!” - There are two of them, Sheo, but I persuaded them. - But they are still the king! - This is a nine, Sheo, but I like the way you think. Of course, there is no question at all about who has a whole bunch of cards left at the end of the game. “Well, tell me,” the naive boy simply beams with self-satisfaction. Sanguine thinks for a very long time what to tell. Then he returns Sheogorath’s smile, gracefully flows onto the bed and intimately whispers: “Almost all the Daedra Lords have been in my bed.” Except one. Sheogorath's grin slowly turns into an oh-nine-why-did-I-know-this grimace. Sanguine sees an unasked question in the boy’s eyes and is ready to give an answer to it when New Sheogorath understands everything already. The chair falls, all its legs creaking helplessly at once, and Sheogorath begins to rush around the small room of the tavern like a wounded beast. Only fragments of phrases reach Sanguine: - To the Daedroths, all sixteen of them and... well, what a scam... Sanguine... is a fool, a fool, a fool!... We must play on... - Desire? Sheogorath stops thrashing around and slowly turns around. Sanguine sits again, again deftly shuffles the cards and smiles. That very smile of his, which in the Outer Worlds is attributed to the One who gathered all the Lords within himself. - What?.. - Well, the winner makes a wish for the loser. Make up your mind, Sheo, you've been winning all this time! The boy thinks, feels a catch on his skin, but still nods uncertainly. This turns out to be his biggest mistake. At least, that’s what Sanguine thinks, looking with some regret at the chalk-white face of the former hero, which covers a fan from almost an entire deck. No, did he really think that they would succumb to him forever? Sanguine gets out of bed and grabs Sheogorath by the wrist. He does not resist - he is honest, a paladin of Martin and the Nine, who knows what it means to repay debts. But Sanguine won't ask for much. That's the truth. Well, he’s not Molag Bal... The champion of Cyrodiil opens his eyes because the first sunbeams of the coming day are jumping across his face, and immediately closes his eyes. My head hurts. No, that’s not the right word - my head is splitting, as if Jyggalag had hit it with a sword. And his sword, by the way, is as heavy as a scamp knows. And so the Champion of Cyrodiil tries to fall asleep with the buzzing in his head, waves of rolling nausea and warm breath on his shoulder. He almost succeeds at the moment when his body breaks out in a cold sweat. Breathing into your shoulder. He doesn't remember what happened last night - only Sanguine, this room and the maps. And Barbas, who barely agreed to stay in the stable. Then there is emptiness. While he struggles to figure out what kind of Daedric he is, without opening his eyes so as not to be confronted with his worst assumptions, the snorting from behind him stops briefly. Sheo is creepy in a way that has never been seen even in the Dead Lands. Then an arm hugs him. MAN'S hand. “You’re already awake, my joy,” Sanguine purrs sleepily—obviously, Sanguine! - from behind. - Sleep a little more. Today we have a difficult transition planned. Sheogorath jumps up, straightens like a string, despite the fact that Sanguine yawns, and he himself is troubled like the sea during a storm. “Okay, my dear,” the Daedroth shrugs. – If you don’t want to sleep, don’t sleep. By the way, a little about the bed... Sanwin stretches and hands him a red rose. ROSE. “Last night was simply wonderful, Sheo,” Sanguine looks into his eyes, and his face, as Sheogorath realizes with horror, is getting closer. And at the moment when the lips of the Prince of Pleasures cover him... - The dremora are yours, San. What kind of circus with horses did you put on? Barbas doesn't understand. He doesn’t understand so much that even his tail curls into a question mark, contrary to all the laws of zoology. “I don’t understand what you’re talking about,” the Prince of Pleasure declares confidently, wiping away the bleeding from his nose that has not stopped. Barbas would have patched him up if he were a Daedroth or a human. But, alas, alas, he is just a dog, and New Sheogorath, white as chalk and red as poppy alternately, ran far ahead and tries not to even look back. However, he does the right thing. Because on Sanguine’s face, which looks like a crazy cat in heat was running her claws, from time to time incredible satisfaction slips through. Barbas is glad of this, because the brawl, which apparently ended badly for Sanguine, with Sheo in such a state, could end much more fatally. Moreover, the Daedren ran far ahead, and he and Sanya have a very, very important issue on their agenda. Because... - San, I’m not a fool, unlike him. Sanguine raises an eyebrow, as if he cannot understand what this phrase means. Barbas sighs heavily and tries to reach the conscience of the unscrupulous: - San. You didn't sleep with him. - Why do you think so? – Sanguine looks, grinning, straight at Sheogorath’s back. That makes him feel uncomfortable. He clearly feels the gaze between his shoulder blades. But he doesn't turn around. - Because I remember what happened to Clavicus after the first night with you. He grinned like a fool and staggered like a drunk. And his butt hurt terribly. In addition, Sheo ran out from you fully dressed, which in this state he would not have done if he had not been dressed INITIALLY. Sanguine frowns and snorts, but still, backed to the wall by the argument, he easily agrees: “I didn’t sleep.” - THEN WHAT THE FUCK, SAN?! – Barbas howls, and his tail seems to curl into both a question mark and an exclamation mark at the same time. The four-horned man shrugs his shoulders and winces in pain in his face, but still answers: “Simple.” Barbas is outraged. And he knows very well that the Daedra Princes do not do anything “simple,” especially with other Princes. Therefore, after half an hour of growling and barking, Sanguine finally admits: “Okay, okay.” He lost me a wish at cards. And I asked for a kiss, which, apparently, I took at the wrong moment. Barbas snorts. Everything becomes clear, but... - Why just a kiss? San, he is a man of honor. He would do whatever you asked and wouldn’t wince. Sanguine's multi-colored eyes look with such reproach that Barbas whines and tucks his tail. - Who do you take me for, buddy? I am the Prince of Pleasure. Repeat syllable by syllable? Us-lazh-de-niy. Not rape. Just imagine, my name is Sanguine, not Molag Bal. I only took what I wanted. And he,” his heterochromic eyes sparkle, “will come for what he wants.” If he comes. - And what, was the kiss worth the blood of a scratched face? - this is outright sarcasm, because Barbas knows very well that it is not. But Sanguine once again wipes the blood from his lip and admits: “It was worth it.”

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