What date is Honey Spas? When is Nut Spas? What date is Spas Yablochny and Honey? Description of Christian holidays. Why are holidays called that by people? What date is Honey Day celebrated?

This save is the very first. It is called Honey, Poppy, Mokry, sometimes – Spas on the water. The name "Makovey" is popular. It is very old, invented in honor of the seven martyrs of the Makovei brothers. This Savior is also called wet because on this day the priest blessed the water in reservoirs. In 2018, the holiday is traditionally celebrated on August 14. This date does not change. It coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast.

Traditions associated with the Honey Savior

People have always attached various beliefs and signs to holidays. Associated with the first Savior is the recommendation not to swim in open water. It is believed that on a holiday, evil spirits become active at the bottom and strive to drown bathers.

By August 14, beekeepers traditionally cut the honeycombs with fresh honey. They were sanctified. It was believed that such a product would become magical, preserve health and fulfill wishes.

On this day, water was also blessed and many buns were baked with poppy seeds and honey. As a rule, they did a lot of baking, but it was lean. The reason is that on this day the period of abstinence begins in honor of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This post will last until August 27th.

After the Honey Saving, people began harvesting. They were also preparing for winter, because it was believed that after the holiday the cold weather began to set in. On this day, indeed, the birds began to fly away to warmer regions.

Women had a special position on the holiday. People believed that on this day absolutely all their sins were forgiven.

The flowers that were blessed in the temple on Makovei’s day were placed under the children’s pillows. This was supposed to normalize the babies' sleep.


Since the Assumption Fast begins on this day, celebrating loudly is not allowed. It is forbidden to start dancing and singing. You also can’t swear or wish someone harm.

House cleaning and heavy work are strictly prohibited. People who adhered to fasting already began to limit themselves in nutrition on this day.

Honey Spas is an ancient Russian holiday. Traditionally, it is celebrated at the beginning of the Dormition Fast, so it is useful for every believer to learn how to spend this day correctly without violating church laws.

In August 2018, we will celebrate three holidays dedicated to the Savior. The first of them was popularly called Honey Spas. Since ancient times, believers have attached special significance to this holiday, because it is from this day that the most important fast established in honor of the Mother of God begins. Despite the fact that this event is classified as Orthodox, in addition to church traditions, many folk customs and signs are associated with it..

Traditions and customs of Honey Spas

As in previous years, in 2018 we will celebrate the holiday on August 14th. This event should be celebrated joyfully and cheerfully, but do not forget about the prohibitions and restrictions. After all, the Assumption Fast begins from this day.

Honey Spas is a fun holiday, but you shouldn’t celebrate it too noisily. You should spend this day calmly, with your family.

You should prepare in advance for the celebration of the Honey Savior. It is believed that on this day it is forbidden to do household chores, including cleaning and working in the garden. It is advisable to start the holiday itself with morning prayer.

The main tradition of the Honey Savior is the blessing of water and honey. It is believed that the consecrated product has amazing properties and is stored much longer than the usual one.

From time immemorial it was believed that consecrated honey has healing properties. With its help, a person can get rid of any diseases and ailments. Tradition says that with the help of such honey you can overcome financial difficulties - to do this, it must be distributed to the poor. In addition, many dishes and drinks can be prepared based on the product.

On August 14, it is customary to invite guests and serve Lenten dishes. Traditionally, pancakes with honey, pies, poppy seed buns and cookies are served as treats. After the meal, you need to collect the remaining dishes and give them to the guests.

Honey Spas is an unusual holiday. On this day, each of you can make your deepest wish, and it will definitely come true. To do this, you need to eat one spoon of honey on an empty stomach, and then mentally or out loud say your dream.

In 2018, the Assumption Fast will last exactly two weeks. During this period, it is necessary to abstain from forbidden foods and turn to the Lord daily with the help of special prayers. We wish you happiness and health, and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.08.2018 03:39

The origin of the holiday is deeply rooted in antiquity and has an unusual and interesting history. The date, August 14, is associated with a large number of...

In total, there are three holidays of the Savior in Orthodox Christianity: Honey, Apple and Nut. Honey is the most...

Traditionally, in 2018, Spas will be celebrated: honey, apple, nut. Orthodox Christians celebrate these holidays every year. Having already become a tradition, 3 Spas combines folk and Orthodox holidays, the transition from summer to autumn.

Where did the name Spas come from?

It dates back to the Slavs, with the Baptism of Rus', when Jesus Christ was called the Savior (Savior for short), the holiday entered the church calendar of August - the month. 3 rescues were timed to coincide with three harvest dates - honey, apples and nuts, as well as certain church dates.

Holiday dates.

From year to year, the Savior is celebrated on the same dates, and this year will not be an exception:

  • August 14th will be Honey.
  • August 19 – Apple.
  • August 29 – Nut.

Honey Spas

What date is Honey Saving celebrated in 2018? This date is August 14th. It is believed that by this time the honey has already matured enough to be collected and harvested for the winter. Before that, according to tradition, it cannot be eaten, but after it is consecrated in the church on the Feast of the Honey Savior, it is already possible.

He is also called Makovey. Poppy also ripens on these dates, but in church tradition this name comes from the 7 martyrs of the Old Testament - the Macovites.

And they also call him the Savior on the Water. Again, according to tradition, wells are cleaned and prepared for winter. And according to legend, it is no longer possible to swim in open reservoirs.

Apple Spas

If you are wondering what date Apple saved in 2018, then this article also contains this information. Once upon a time he was celebrated as the first Savior. The apples were already in full swing in the orchards and housewives were actively preparing them for the winter. They also had to be consecrated first in the church at a festive service, and only then used for food or for preparations.
In Ancient Rus', before this Savior - August 19 - they ate nothing except cucumbers; they began to actively consume all vegetables and fruits only after August 19.

Nut Spas

Now the time has come to collect nuts and put them away for the winter. It is also called Khlebny, by this time, as a rule, the main work on harvesting grain for the winter is underway. And it has another name - Spas on Canvas - autumn fairs began, where you could buy threads and fabrics. And after this period, autumn was considered to have already arrived.


Thanks to this article, you can find out when Spasy is in 2018. Celebrate these holidays reverently and then the grace of God will give you good luck.

Traditionally, the Honey Savior is celebrated on August 14th. This is a folk Christian holiday, the first of the three Saviors, dedicated to Jesus Christ.

The holiday got its name from the word Savior. The official church name of the holiday sounds like the Origin (wearing out) of the Honest Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord. On this day, the Church also remembers the Feast of the All-Merciful Savior and the Most Holy Theotokos, the memory of the seven Maccabean martyrs.

People also call the holiday the First or Poppy Savior. From this day the Assumption Fast begins.

Honey Spas 2018: history of the holiday

The Church timed the Honey Savior to coincide with the Origin (destruction) of the Trees of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (the word “Origin” means “religious procession”).

The holiday was established in the 9th century in Constantinople. The date was chosen because August is the hottest month of the year. During this period, infectious diseases spread, leading to death. A part of the Life-giving Cross (on which Jesus Christ was crucified) was carried around the city, water and streets were blessed with it, after which the diseases subsided.

The holiday received its popular name - Honey Spas - because at this time honey from the new harvest was collected. The people called it Mokry because the date of the celebration coincided with the Baptism of Rus' in 988. It received the name “Poppy” because poppy harvesting began on this day.

Honey Savior: traditions and rituals

Poppy bouquets. On this day, bouquets of flowers - poppies - are blessed in the church. They must contain several heads of ripe poppy seeds. Summer flowers are also added to the bouquet. Viburnum in it symbolizes girlish happiness, oats - prosperity and a rich harvest, sunflower - sun and warmth, and wormwood protects from evil spirits.

The consecrated poppy seed becomes a talisman, writes the Ros-Registr website. It should be kept at home, preferably near icons. Poppy seeds from it are sprinkled on the house and livestock, so that evil bypasses the household tenth way.

Honey. Traditionally, it is around this date that honey is collected from the hives. Then he is also carried to the church to be blessed. It is believed that after this it acquires miraculous powers and can be used to treat even serious illnesses.

Water. Spas August 14 is also called Vodny. On this day, healing properties are also attributed to water. Some herbs and flowers that were previously dedicated in the church are thrown into wells and rivers.

Treats. Buns, pies and gingerbreads are baked from blessed honey, dumplings and pancakes are prepared. Another traditional treat for this day is baked goods with poppy seeds. They also bake kite cakes, which are then broken and filled with honey and crushed poppy seeds.

Help others. The period of Spasovka begins with Honey Spas. At this time, it is customary to help others, especially those who need it. People organized “widow and orphan care” - they brought food and helped with housework. At the same time they said: “You are for yourself, We are for you, and Christ’s Savior is for all of us!”

What can and cannot be eaten at Honey Spas?

For Christians, the Assumption Fast begins on August 14. On this day, it is prohibited to consume meat and dairy products, as well as eggs and fish. You can eat foods of plant origin. Traditional dishes consumed on the holiday: homemade cakes with the addition of poppy seeds and honey, nuts, cinnamon, berries and fruits.

What not to do in Honey Spas?

Since Honey Spas coincides with the beginning of the Dormition Fast, treating guests to baked goods made with milk and eggs is prohibited. However, even in this case, the table should not look sparse, otherwise you will have to face financial difficulties all year.

Honey Spas is a fun holiday, but you shouldn’t celebrate it too noisily. It is believed that loud talking, shouting and excessive fun on this day can cause grief and tears in the near future.

On this day it is forbidden to swear, remember enemies and wish harm to other people. In this way, you risk bringing terrible grief into your home.

Signs for Honey Spas

Spasovki or Spas begins - the popular name for the first half of August in the old style, when three Spas and Obzhinki are celebrated. It is believed that the names are given in honor of Jesus Christ the Savior (Savior). According to folk etymology, the meaning of the word “saved” comes from “to be saved,” that is, to save oneself, to survive by eating something, namely: honey (Honey Spas), apples (Apple Spas), bread, nuts (Nut or Bread Saved). After the Honey Spa we no longer swam: summer is coming to an end, the water is blooming, the birds are falling silent, the bees are not paying their fees, the rooks are gathering in flocks and preparing to fly away, the roses are fading, the departure of the first swallows and swifts is celebrated.

Farewell to summer begins with Spas
. They say: The Savior has everything in stock: rain, buckets, and gray weather. The weather of this day is used to judge what the third Savior will be like.

  • On the first day of the Savior, bless the wells, bathe the horses in the river, pinch the peas, prepare the threshing floor, and plow for the winter.
  • Plow this winter, this winter.
  • On Maccabees they collect poppies.
  • Rain on Maccabee - there are few fires.
  • Roses are fading, good dew is falling.
  • From the first rescue the dew is good.
  • The first time he saved the deer wet his hoof (the water was cold).
  • The bee stops carrying a honey bribe.
  • Wring (cut) the honeycombs.
  • Whatever the Maccabees believe, break the fast.
  • The first Savior is to stand on the water, the second Savior is to eat apples, the third Savior is to sell canvases on the green mountains.

Congratulations on Honey's Savior in verse

First Spas - Honey Spas,
Holiday of summer, honey, sun!
Stock of delicious sweets,
Distributed to everyone today!

You are a sunny gift
I'm glad to treat myself today,
Honey kindness to everyone,
Carelessness and happiness to everyone!

The amber honey beckons,
The delicate aroma enchants.
Today we meet the first Savior
And young and old rejoice.

May life be as sweet
And the holiday will visit your house.
All sadness will be driven away without a trace
And the Lord bless everyone!

Our honey flows like a river,
Sweet, fresh, very tasty,
Spas Honey came to us,
The holiday is bright, but not sad.

Let's have fun from the heart
Enjoying the weather
In the First Spas we wish everyone,
Be happy for years to come!

On the first Savior, honey, sweet,
I wish you well.
A jar of saint's treats,
Brought health to the house.

The ringing of bells will cleanse
Our souls and words.
Great grace will come,
On you and me

The honeyed savior suddenly came,
It's time to collect honey,
On this day no one will
Sad and lonely!

We wish everyone only happiness,
Grace and warmth,
Heaven will help with this,
Fate will be kind to everyone.

We have a lot of joy,
And for good reason!
Today is the beginning
For the Assumption Fast!

The work of bees was not in vain -
God's sweetness in store!
Sweet, sunny, amber
First Savior, Honey Savior!

First Spas honey -

Be healthy everyone!

Honey Savior is coming,
Honey to the whole world.
Our rescuer has everything in stock:
And rain, and buckets and gray weather.

Wet saved! Honey saved!
It will give us a lot of joy!
We will consecrate honey and water
And let's go to nature!

Summer is flying away,
Having bestowed the first honey,
Let joy not let go,
Having set the ceremonial table.

May it bring blessings
First Spas, Honey Spas,
And in a great mood
Let him reward you!

Honey happiness, honey weather,
Honey love to you for many years to come!
Fun, health, patience and strength!
To save our lives and renew them to the end!

And there was no place for sadness and pain,
But only grace is a colorful expanse!
Good luck in your business and good luck on your journey,
And everyone will find what they are looking for!

In honey saved I wish you a sweet life,
Like fragrant honey from a forest apiary,
There is peace in the soul, order in thoughts,
For the heart - joy and peace on earth.

May your life be like cotton candy
Light, airy, full to the brim
Cool mint, honey flavor
And tart sparkling wine

Honey saved! Nice smell…
Honey is again in price today,
He has energy, health
Will bring it to you and me!

Let, accumulated over the summer,
Meadow, forest reserve,
Dressed in a colorful dress,
The most generous Savior will give it to you!

Like butterflies fluttering,
Like a quiet goodbye
Honey gives us a promise
Protect and cherish us!

I wish only good things
So that the soul loves.
Spas Honey. To you - “Hurray!”
I wish everyone strength.

Honey flows down my mustache
I was at feasts here and there,
But there is nothing more pleasant than this,
The Savior that is given to us all,
What do they call Medov?
Which perhaps everyone knows!
Happy holiday, happy accomplishment to everyone,
And have some honey fun!

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A major church holiday is approaching, celebrated annually in August. Do you know what date the Honey Savior is in 2018, what customs and traditions this event is associated with? Do you know how it was customary for our ancestors to celebrate Makovei? This article will answer all your questions!

According to the Gregorian calendar August 14, 2018 On Tuesday the Orthodox world celebrates Honey Spas. If you are wondering what date this event took place before, then know that Macovei was celebrated on August 1st. Since ancient times, it has been believed that this date represents a certain milestone, after which honey can no longer be collected. Therefore, on this day there is an intensive collection of the most delicious and healthy sweets on Earth.

Beekeepers diligently pump more honey from the hives, which, it is believed, becomes especially tasty and healthy on Honey Day. You can eat the sweet delicacy only after consecration in the temple.

How to celebrate Honey Spas in 2018

This event is a great occasion to give your loved ones a glass “barrel” with a delicious delicacy. Our ancestors brewed mead - a weak alcoholic drink based on natural honey. The tradition of baking honey cakes and gingerbreads, which can then be served, has not been forgotten.

What date is Honey Spas in 2018 (the holiday falls on August 14)

As in the old days, in 2018 honey is consecrated in churches - liquid and in honeycombs. The custom of making honey offerings for the elderly and children, as well as everyone who asks for alms, has been preserved. A proverb has reached our times that says that on this blessed day “even a beggar will certainly eat honey.”

According to a long-standing Christian tradition, the Assumption Fast begins on August 14th. This means that there should be no meat or fish dishes on the holiday table of believers. Only vegetable oil is added to the butter dough, not “small” butter.

Rituals of the Savior on Water

The ancient church holiday has a second name: Savior on Water. The fact is that the clergy conduct a ceremony of blessing the waters of the surrounding lakes. Some parishioners specifically for these purposes are interested in the date of the Honey Savior in 2018, and then prepare wells.

There is a belief that touching dew drops on the first Savior brings health and longevity, relieves mental and physical pain, fills the body with positive energy, and relieves the burden of sins. You need to keep in mind that after Wet Spas it is not recommended to swim in rivers and lakes - the water no longer absorbs the sun’s heat, becomes cooler and blooms in places.

Only in First Spas you can carry out the following healing procedure without harm and with health benefits: eat a spoonful of honey and drink it with three sips of ice water from a spring. A person who does this is guaranteed vigor and an extraordinary surge of strength. On ordinary days, such a ritual can lead to a cold.

Since ancient times, the most numerous rituals have been performed on this day near the beehives. Early in the morning, beekeepers inspected the bee houses and noted those that were more filled with honey than others. From such “rich” hives, honeycombs were selected and taken to the temple to be blessed. Using this “lucky” honey, all other honey in the apiary was blessed and a festive dinner was prepared. The peasants gave part of the holy lunch to the poor, who came to them with congratulations.

Makovey - prosperity and well-being in the home

In addition to fragrant honey, poppy seeds became an indispensable attribute of the festival. For this reason, the third name of the Honey Savior is Makovei. On the table, next to the dishes from the “gifts of the bees,” there are delicacies with poppy seeds: bagels, buns, rolls, various salads and hot dishes using poppy seeds.

Our ancestors held millet porridge in high esteem, to which they added raisins, honey, nuts and, of course, poppy seeds. This kind of eating is called “sochivo”. Along with honey, it was customary to illuminate poppy seeds. Having found out what date the Honey Savior was, people used the chance to protect their homes from the evil eye and damage, to attract prosperity and happiness to the house. To do this, you need to scatter poppy seeds, previously consecrated in the church, around the perimeter of the home.

Folk signs on Honey Spas

There are many beliefs and superstitions that have developed over the past centuries. Some of them have lost their significance, while others remained relevant for Honey Spas in August 2018:

  • If clouds roll in and precipitation falls on the day of the holiday, don’t expect fires. Or there will be very few of them.
  • The first Savior saved the harvest. Winter crops need to be sown only from the day of Makovei, it is impossible earlier - there will be no harvest.
  • With the first spoon of blessed honey, you can make a wish - it will certainly come true.
  • To completely heal the body and attract good luck into your life, you should drink a spoonful of honey with three sips of water from a spring or well.