Topics for conversation with children about family. Summary of the lesson-conversation “What is a family. Family is what we share with everyone

Conversation with children 4-5 years old on the topic “My Family”

Laikam Olga Vasilievna, teacher
Place of work: MADO CRR Kindergarten No. 121, Kaliningrad
Description of work: Summary of educational activities for speech development in the middle group on the topic "My Family"
Target: Formation of ideas about family and related relationships.
- learn to answer questions with a sentence;
- exercise children in selecting adjectives and verbs;
- practice using the diminutive form of nouns.
- expand children’s ideas about their family and family relationships;
- cultivate positive relationships in the family, a sense of love and respect for family members.
Material: family photographs of children and teacher.
Preliminary work: Learning finger games “My Family”, “Who Lives in the Family”;
reading and telling fairy tales “Three Bears”, “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf and Seven Little Goats”; learning M. Schwartz’s poem “Family”; role-playing games: “Home”, “Family”; didactic games “Whose children”, “Let’s help mom.”

Progress of the conversation:

-Guys, try to guess the riddles and you will find out what we will talk about today.
Who is the cutest in the world?
Who do children love very much?
I’ll answer the question directly: -
Our mother is the sweetest of all.

Who is not joking, but seriously
Will a nail teach us to hammer?
Who will teach you to be brave?
If you fall off your bike, don’t whine,
And scratched my knee,
Don't cry? Of

Who never gets tired of loving
He bakes pies for us,
Delicious pancakes?
This is our... grandmother.

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he is old and gray -
My dear, beloved...grandfather.

Without anything in this world
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly... family.
Right! We'll talk about family today.
- Guys, what do you think family is?
Children: Family is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Educator: That's right. Family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love, respect each other, take care of each other.
Educator: Today you brought photographs of your family from your family photo album. Tell us who lives in your family? But first I want to tell you about my family, listen. (I post the photo on the board). This photo shows my family. My family is small. Here my closest relatives are my husband Yuri and our son Lev. Our whole family likes to go to the sea on weekends, where we sunbathe and swim. I love my family very much.
Now, let's listen to your stories about your family.
(Children who are willing tell stories about their family from photographs. The teacher praises the children for their interesting stories, if they have difficulty, helps with leading questions, draws attention to the fact that in all the photographs the family members are cheerful, smiling, which means they love each other).
Educator: Well done, the stories were good, but not all the guys were able to tell, but I want to hear from everyone what kind of family you have. I suggest playing a game called “What kind of family is yours?” (the game is played with a ball).
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle there is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and asks: “What kind of family do you have?” The child who caught the ball must answer by choosing an adjective.
(big, small, friendly, caring, hardworking, cheerful, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy)
If children find it difficult to choose an adjective, I use the direct prompt method, for example: -And if you have a lot of people in your family....big; -And if you all live together....friendly; -And if in a family everyone takes care of each other...caring.
Educator: Well done, I see you have wonderful families. And I also want to know who is doing what in your family. Let's play the game “Who is doing what in our family?” (the game can be played with a ball, or can be replaced with a flag).
The teacher asks a question, for example: -What does mother (father, grandmother, grandfather, brother, sister?) do? Children select a verb (irons, washes, cooks, washes dishes, goes to work, sews, earns money, checks lessons,
goes shopping, learns homework, takes care of flowers, wipes dust, plays, reads, makes crafts...)
Educator: Thank you guys, I’m very glad that you know so much about your family, about who and what they like to do in your family. From your answers, I realized that you all have close-knit families. Every person, big and small, really needs a family. It is very important that all family members love, respect, and care for each other.
Educator: Guys, let's now go to our art workshop and each of you will draw your family, and in the evening you will present your drawings to your parents.
Children sit at tables and create portraits of their family while listening to light music. (To reinforce the material, drawing can be done at another time or the next day)

Conversation on the topic “What is a family for?”

Prepared and conducted:

Teacher-psychologist N.L. Kalashnikova

Happiness is when you have

big, friendly, caring family.

D. Burns.

Target: formation of the correct attitude towards the family, its members, their relationships, and the life values ​​of the family.

Tasks: develop responsibility for your family,

help assess your place in the family and the role of the family in the child’s life.


I say to everyone: “Hello!”

Good afternoon friends!

It's a beautiful day

Because YOU and ME are in it!”

You and I are growing in a family circle,

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come out of this family into life.

Psychologist. Today the topic of our conversation is devoted to family and family values. - What is a family in your understanding? (family is a man and a woman who have children, these are close people, relatives, loved ones who are ready to help you at any moment, this is support and protection, etc.)

Family- this is the most important thing in life. These are close and dear people, without whom we cannot exist; these are those who love us and care about us. And we do the same.

Family is a sacred word

And you can’t offend him!

In it are our roots, our strength,

Our cherished words!

And now I would like you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine your family and friends, those who live next to you. Who did you imagine? (These are parents, grandparents, brothers and sisters. They are all your family).

Most of you are happy in your families.

What is a happy family?

What role does family play in your life and what role do you play in the family?

In order to answer these questions, we will divide into 2 groups.

So, the task for the 1st group: write on a piece of paper what the family does for you, and the 2nd group writes what they do for the family.

What do you think is more important, you for the family or the family for you?

Psychologist: Indeed, family is a part of yourself, it is the most important thing in a person’s life. Here we learn to live, build relationships with people, love, care for loved ones and respond to care.

In the family you feel warmth and care, because you are surrounded by kind people: mom and dad, brothers and sisters. Family is your support and protection.

Your parents and grandparents are the closest people whom you please with your successes and good deeds, you take care of them and protect them.

Family is a place where you are welcomed, loved, understood and accepted for who you are.

Family– these are not just relatives living nearby. These are close people who are united by feelings, interests, ideals, and attitudes to life. Family is support and support, one of the main values ​​in a person’s life. Emphasizing the importance of family, people even established International Family Day, which is celebrated on May 15. Everything goes on as usual in the family: children are born, grow up, become parents, then grandparents, great-grandparents. When they were little, they were raised and taken care of, and when they become parents, they take care of the children and their parents. And so it goes from generation to generation.

Remember the main responsibility of the family: “Raising children and caring for sick and elderly family members.”

Teacher - Guys, what do you think a real family is?

(students answer).

A real family is not a family of 3 people, as is customary today. An ideal real family is: grandparents, mother, father and three children. And so it turns out - family. Please raise your hands who has such a family now. We have such families...! Guys, tell us about your families. (Students' stories).

Psychologist. Now let's see how well you know your family . (questionnaires No. 1, 2)

Psychologist. Guys, what is the most precious thing in your families that they cherish and pass on from generation to generation?

That's right, that's traditions and family values. Your families probably have their own traditions. Tell us about them. (Children talk). What family values ​​are the most important to you? (They answer).

Tell me, where do you return every day after school? (home).

What is a house? Listen to the poems of the poetess L. Suslova.

But a house filled with goods is not yet a home.

And even a chandelier over the table is not yet a home.

And on the window with a living flower - it’s not home yet.

And even with a Basque teapot, it’s not home yet.

When the evening darkness deepens,

So the truth is clear and simple -

That the house is filled from palms to windows

Your Warmth.

What kind of heat are we talking about? What is this Truth that should be simple and understandable?

(Students offer their answers.)

Psychologist. Of course, this feeling arises in your young hearts and will grow stronger over the years - Love for your home.

Psychologist. How to create the Warmth of our home? Please tell us about the warm relationships that have developed in your families. (Children talk).

I really want to go back and live in that house where happiness lives!

Psychologist. Among peoples there are a huge number of proverbs relating to family and family values. Let us think about their wise judgments.

We present to your attention a Russian proverb: “The whole family is together, so is the soul in its place.” How do you understand this? (answer) (everyone in the house is healthy, happy, there are warm relationships in the family), etc.

You won't find a better friend than your mother. (Russian)

A mother's heart warms better than the sun. (Mari)

Maternal care will save you even at the bottom of the sea. (Russian)

The father will not teach his son any harm. (Russian)

Those who listen to their parents will not become poor. (Abkhazian)

Take care of your father and mother - you won’t find others. (Russian)

Our parents are not persecutors. (Russian)

The child's finger will hurt, and the mother's heart will hurt. (Ukrainian)

Parents will not say anything bad to their children. (Mordovian)

What is best in a son comes from his parents. (Armenian)

For the sake of the child, the mother will throw herself into the fire. (Belarusian)

Listen to the instructions of your father and mother - you will not get lost. (Belarusian)

Psychologist. The warm-up was successful. Now competition tasks.

Task No. 1

From the set of words that you will now receive in envelopes, make up a proverb.

You can change case, form, add prepositions and particles.

Family, heap, scary, cloud. (A family in a heap is not a scary cloud.)

Children, burden, joy. (Children are not a burden, but a joy.)

House, lead, sleeve, shake. (Leading a house is not a matter of shaking your sleeve.)

Family, treasure, okay, not needed. (There is no need for treasure when there is harmony in the family.)

Task No. 2

You need to correct what is wrong.

Don't be born beautiful, but be born rich (happy).

Love is a ring, and a ring has no problems (no beginning and no end).

Seven nannies have a child under surveillance (without an eye).

Darlings only fight on Fridays (they have fun).

Task No. 3

Now continue the proverb.

A guest on the doorstep means happiness in... (home).

A house without a mistress... (orphan).

Lead the house... (do not shake your beard).

The apple never falls far from the tree).

The richer you are... (the more you are happy).

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better).

--When the family is together... (so the soul is in place).

- The child learns what ... (what he sees in his home, parents are an example of this).

Psychologist. So, I hope, guys, today you understand that Family is not just relatives who live together, it is people who are united by feelings, interests, and attitudes to life. There is nothing more valuable than family, its traditions and values.

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is something that is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father’s house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Psychologist: I have wishes for you, dear guys.

Love, appreciate and take care of your parents - no one can replace them for you.

Give flowers to your mother, grandmother, sister, even wild ones, give them as often as possible.

And remember the words of Marina Tsvetaeva:

“Don’t be too angry with your parents, remember that they were you and you will be them.”

Questionnaire “Me and my family” No. 1

Survey questions:

    Who is the head of your family?

    What are you doing to upset your parents?

    What do you do to make them happy?

    How do your parents punish you?

    Are you asking for forgiveness?

    Do you consider your parents strict and fair?

    Are there often cases when parents are not fair to you?

    What are your negative character traits?

    Can you trust your secrets to your family? To whom?

    What would you like to change in your family?

Questionnaire “Me and my family” No. 2

    Mom's favorite song.

    Your parents' favorite educational expression.

    Do you know the story of how mom and dad met?

    Name your dad's best character traits.

    Do you have secrets from your parents?

    You got a bad grade. How do you tell your parents about this?

    You are leaving home for a week. Will you be bored?

    If you became a wizard, what would you do for your family?

    What is the most important thing for you in the family?

    What kind of family will you have?

Literature: Handbook for the class teacher of grades 5,6,7,8 / Authors and compilers: Lunina E. I., Shepureva N. S. - Rostov district: Phoenix, 2002. Publ. 2nd. – 384

Ethical conversation

"My family is my treasure"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 21 with in-depth study

individual items" Ukhta

Mayburova Tatyana Ivanovna

"My family is my treasure"


    define the concept of “family”;

    form the concept of a “happy family”.


    reveal the concept of “family” and the meaning of “wealth” of the family;

    to form positive ideas about family traditions and family values;

    cultivate a respectful attitude towards all family members;

    create comfortable conditions for students to express their thoughts;

    contribute to the unity and development of the class team.


cards with words, photographs of families, Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, sheets for independent work, markers, class photo, tape recorder, audio recording of the song “My Joy”.

Form: ethical conversation

Location: cool room

Progress of the event:

Guys, I invite you to talk about wealth today. Which one?

What is wealth? (children's statements)

Cards with words that the children name appear on the board.

What can you call these values ​​that you listed (car, apartment, cell phone, computer, etc.)?

All these things are made from certain materials, which means they are called material assets. .

On the board there is a card in the left column - “material assets”.

Highlight those words that, in your opinion, can be attributed to material values.

What about the rest? (place the remaining words in the right column)

On the board there is a card in the left column - “spiritual values”.

Is there a difference between material values ​​and spiritual ones? (material values ​​are values ​​that have real benefits; they can be exchanged, sold, bought, and spiritual values ​​are wealth that influence our views, our spiritual state)

Is it possible to put an “=” sign between them?


Let's try to answer it at the end of our conversation.

Choose the value group that you would like to talk about today. (children's statements)

Who has a car?

Much money?

Expensive cell phone?

Who has a parent's house? (children answer)

So what do each of us have in common? (family)

Everyone has a family. And the lines “My family is my wealth” come to my mind.

There is a card on the board - the topic of the conversation is “My family is my wealth.”

Listen to a short parable.

A long time ago, on a distant island there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, no one shared the nuts and fruits that grew on the trees with anyone. But this boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

- Where are you going? - asked the old man.

- I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

- I know how to help you. “Come with me,” the old man suggested.

Let's listen to the parable to the end and check if your assumptions were correct?

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

- Look! – said the old man. “We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together.” Together we eat what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy.


The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy. And this happened because he had a FAMILY.

People create families out of love. Children are born from love. This is how a family appears.

When I was a child like you, my family was my mother, father and brother. Now I have my own family - my husband and two beautiful daughters. (photo of my family)

Please imagine your families too. (Children hang photos of their families on the board)

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “family” is explained as “... a group of close relatives living together.”

“A family is a group of close relatives living together” - on the board

I will ask you to complement this term, to expand it.

Work in groups. (Cards “Family is...”)

Let's hear what the first group did. (children's statements)

What additions did the guys from the second group make?

Tell me quickly, offhand, what comes to mind when you hear this word? (children's statements)

Why is the word “family” interesting?

The word family can be divided into two words - “seven” and “I”. And then it seems to tell us: “A family is seven people like me.”

But the number of family members may vary. Nowadays, a family with 3 or more children is considered large. A large family is ready to give a lot of love, care, and warmth. Mothers who gave birth and raised 5 or more children are awarded the Motherhood Medal of 1st and 2nd degree. (show medal)

I am glad that there are 4 large families in our class. Tell us briefly about your families.

Guys, you will all become parents in the future. How many children would you like to have?

(children's statements)

All members of one family are united by some traditions and hobbies. In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “hobbies” is explained as “... great interest in some business.”

For New Year I received a gift that made me feel warm. Elya gave me this cute little mitten that she made with her family. I know that everyone in her family loves to be creative. Decoupage and painting are their family hobby.

What are traditions?

The dictionary says that “Tradition is something that has been passed on from one generation to another.”

Let's listen to what the original Russian traditions were.

"Traditions of Russian families"

    Gathering with the whole family at the parents' house on holidays,

and also celebrate family holidays;

    Everyone sing and play musical instruments together;

    Invite guests and gather a feast with games and jokes;

    Collect and store family photographs;

    Store things that belonged to relatives as objects

antiquity and as a memory of relatives and friends, as a talisman;

    Representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity.

This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

What traditions do your families have?

What traditions would you like to carry into your family?

Can you, children, be the founders of family traditions?

I want to give you a gift where the traditions of Russian families are written down. But I leave the lines free so that you at home, together with your parents, can supplement them with your own family traditions that exist in your families or that you are planning.

Now I will ask you to stand up and put your arms around each other’s shoulders. Do you feel close to each other?

Now go around the chairs and put your arms around each other's shoulders.

The distance between you has increased, but still, each of you feels the closeness of each other. While going home, you also feel this closeness, call each other, ask for help, walk together.

Can we call our class a family?

What kind of family is this?

We are also a family - a school family.

Class photo on the board.

Why? What unites us?

We are united by common school activities - studies, joint holidays and tea parties, competitions, trips to museums and libraries. We wish each other a happy birthday and give each other gifts. We take care of each other, help those who need help. Everyone, like in an ordinary family, has their own responsibilities.

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation.

Is it possible to put an “=” sign between spiritual and material wealth?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. And we will return to it again.

There is a lot of information about the family. People have always composed poems, fairy tales, songs about family, because this topic touches the soul of every person.

I would like to end our conversation with a very soulful song. Diana hums it very often. And those who know the words, sing along.

Song "My Joy"

Lyudmila Kozinets
“My family” conversation (middle group)

Conversation"My family»

(middle group)

Target: Formation of ideas about family and family relationships.


Practice using the diminutive form of nouns.

Expand children's understanding of their family, family relationships;

Cultivate positive relationships in family, a feeling of love and respect for members of one's families.

Progress of the conversation


Guys, try to guess the riddle and you will find out what we are going to talk about today talk.

Without anything in this world

Can't adults and children survive?

Who will support you, friends?

Your friend.

Children: Family

Educator: Right! We'll talk today about family.

Guys, what do you think? family?

Children: Family is dad, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.

Educator: Right. Family is the most precious thing what a person has. Every person should have family, because in it's easier for a family to survive, V family everyone loves each other, cares about each other and will always help in difficult times. Do you also live in family. Who wants to talk about their family?

Children's stories about their family.

Educator: Well done guys, the stories turned out good.

Come on, show all your palms and remember the finger game « Family» This finger is daddy, - (bend one finger)

This finger is mom, - (bend the second finger)

This finger is a grandfather, - (bend the third finger)

This finger is grandma, - (bend the fourth finger)

This finger is me, - (bend the fifth finger)

This is all mine family. – (bend and unbend all fingers)

That's right, guys, it's all yours family.

How can you say affectionately dad, mom, grandma?

The game is being played "Say kindly". I throw you a ball and call you a member families.

Grandmother - granny, etc.

I suggest you play another interesting game "Who is doing what in family» . I throw you a ball and ask question: For example: “What does mom, (dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister?” do?), and you select the appropriate words (ironing, washing, cooking, washing dishes, going to work, sewing, earning money, reading, watching TV, etc.) d.).

Educator: Thank you guys, I’m very glad that you know so much about your family, about who likes to do what in your family. From your answers I understood that you are all friendly families. Family necessary for every person, big and small. It is very important that all members families loved each other, respected and cared for each other. Guys, if anyone wants, you can draw yours family, and in the evening give your drawings to your parents.

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Introduction Family is the most precious and dear thing that every person has. The family is an amazing, irreplaceable and complex organism. These are close ones.