Increase in pensions for prosecutors this year. The news that there will be an increase in prosecutors' salaries this year is quite mixed. How Lutsenko teased prosecutors with salary increases

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law increasing pensions for employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee. WITHOn February 1, 2018, they will receive a monthly bonus in an amount corresponding to the amount of the additional payment for the class rank. Such allowances are provided to prosecutors, scientific and teaching staff of bodies and organizations of the prosecutor's office, employees of the Investigative Committee, as well as members of their families. On average, the increase for pensioners who previously worked in these areas will be 6–7 thousand rubles, and an additional 2.5 billion rubles will be spent on this from the budget.

“The State Duma rejected the bill to restore the indexation of pensions for all working pensioners, since there were no funds for this,” writes the telegram channel Open Editorial. “Instead, deputies will increase pensions only for a select few - former prosecutors, investigators and members of their families. This is in the budget 2.5 billion rubles were found from somewhere.”

“In Russia there are no pensioners living below the poverty line, the Pension Fund said,” quoted by Vladimir Mitroshchev. - In August 2016, the government abandoned the second indexation of pensions, which was required by law. Along with this, pensioners received a one-time payment in the amount of 5 thousand rubles in January 2017. And in November 2017, the State Duma refused to index pensions for working pensioners, while two weeks earlier the parliament supported the idea of ​​increasing pensions for former prosecutors, employees of the investigative committee and members of their families - the size of their pensions will be indexed annually."

“But this is not the corruption of those in power, the pension was added to them and their family members, and they don’t consider the rest of the pensioners to be people and by their actions they show all pensioners a big deal, but they worked only to please themselves, and they are elected by the people. They just don’t work for people, and into your own pockets, my dear ones,” - opinion of Tamara Shavgalieva.

The human rights activist has the official income of judges in Russia and came to the conclusion: today the servants of Themis are the wealthiest civil servants.

In the 2000s, judges became not just highly paid, but the highest paid, notes Olga Romanova. - Today, a judge is the highest paid position in the government apparatus. Their salary consists of five parts. The first is the salary, it is calculated according to the law “On the Status of Judges”, as a percentage of the salary of the chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation (it is tied to the salary of the head of the Constitutional Court: the chairman of the Supreme Court receives 98% of the salary of the head of the Constitutional Court, and the latter’s salary is approved by the president).

For other judges, the salary is calculated as follows: the salary of the chairman of the Supreme Court is taken as 100%, his first deputy receives 95%, and so on. The bottom line is occupied by a justice of the peace in any territory except Moscow and St. Petersburg - the salary of a provincial is equal to 60% of what the chairman of the Supreme Court receives according to his position. But his Moscow or St. Petersburg colleague is already 64%.

Other parts of the salary are bonuses for qualifications, length of service (oddly enough, this is not one bonus, but two independent ones), regular bonuses (according to Romanova, they now they have been increased to 1.9 times the salary for the position) and, finally, special additional payments for an academic degree or title, knowledge of foreign languages. For example, for a justice of the peace they can be 1.6 times the salary.

“In terms of money” this comes out to different, but definitely not bad amounts. For example, aspiring magistrates in the regions receive 50–80 thousand rubles a month, and a federal judge receives 150–170 thousand rubles a month without bonuses and allowances, reports Olga Romanova. Also, judges are provided with free housing at the rate of 33 square meters. meters per judge + 18 sq. meters for each family member + 20 sq. meters of additional living space. They are entitled to free robes, clothing and shoes for work.

And finally, pensions. If a judge has 20 years of work experience or more, then he has the right to choose - a pension on a general basis or a lifetime allowance. Lifetime maintenance is a very attractive thing: a person receives 80% of the amount he received while at work every month. The only downside here is that it is taxed. Lifetime maintenance of a retired judge in the amount of 100 thousand rubles per month is a common thing, writes Olga Romanova, and according to the website - even 150 thousand rubles.

What about pensions? former employees of the prosecutor's office and the Investigative Committee, then it is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the law on pensions for former military personnel and those equivalent to them. They are more modest than “judge” pensions, but still significantly higher than the pensions of average citizens. According to the head of the Duma Committee on Security and Anti-Corruption, Vasily Piskarev, now the average pension of a former district-level investigator is 20-22 thousand rubles, approximately the same as that of a former district prosecutor. Now these amounts will be indexed by another 30%.

The judicial system currently operating in Russia implies the presence of a special service that supervises compliance with the Legislation - Prosecutors. The civil servants who carry out the relevant work are called prosecutors. In addition to the function of supervision and control, one of their main responsibilities is also to represent the prosecution in court, that is, presenting arguments against the accused person.

The work is not the easiest, and, of course, it requires not only an appropriate higher education, perfect knowledge of the Legislation, but also certain personal qualities. In Russia, it must be said, this activity has always been assessed with dignity. Naturally, in comparison with the average Russian level of wages, and not in the world. However, given the significant rise in prices, even civil servants with good incomes are interested in finding out Will there be an increase in prosecutors' salaries in 2017?, especially since there were such plans. To begin with, it makes sense to understand what the amount of monetary allowance is made up of and what its average size is currently.

The amount of income in the Prosecutor's Office is regulated by the relevant Presidential Decree of 2012, signed in May and known as the “May” Decree, which determined the pace of annual recalculations, salaries, new job responsibilities and other changes affecting civil servants in general and employees of the Prosecutor's Office in particular.

Until 2015, all regulated activities were carried out according to a legislatively approved plan, and only the 2014-2015 crisis forced the planned reform to be somewhat slowed down. However, during this time, salaries in the Prosecutor's Office were revised twice: in 2012 and 2014, and unlike the others, the second increase for prosecutors was significant - 18%.

As with all civil servants, the final amount of salary, in addition to the fixed component, depends on the total length of service, rank, rank and region of service. These values ​​are calculated as a percentage of the salary. Therefore, you should not focus only on regulated figures. For example, the salary of the Deputy Prosecutor General is just over 90 thousand rubles, but in fact about 500 thousand are accrued. Because in the General Prosecutor's Office, according to the current legislation, taking into account all the coefficients, additional payments for ranks, regional payments, the monetary allowance is about 5 salaries.

The average income figure for all regions for a prosecutor's position is 70 thousand rubles. The maximum amounts have already been announced above: employees in the General Prosecutor's Office in the capital have similar incomes. The minimum salary for an assistant prosecutor in rural areas is from 51 thousand rubles (this applies to new employees who do not have any additional payments other than the salary). Despite the fairly decent figures, the law also provides for a further increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2017. The latest news has not yet refuted it, which, given the current economic situation, is also not bad.

This increase in wages was accompanied by significant organizational changes. Thus, as part of the signed amendments to the current Law “On the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation” in 2012 and 2014, optimization and reorganization of this service were carried out, which entailed, among other things, significant reductions. A new procedure for appointing prosecutors to the positions of prosecutors in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was introduced - now the President is in charge of this. The age limit for taking office has been increased - to 35 years in the Prosecutor General's Office, and from 25 to 27 in others. In 2015, some official powers were limited and cuts were made again: from 48.8 thousand staffing positions to 47.9 from January 2016. Such measures were necessary both to increase the efficiency of the prosecutorial service and as anti-crisis measures to save the budget. It is not yet clear what the reduction of prosecutors will be in 2017 and whether there will be one at all. According to representatives of the State Duma, all the required optimizations have already been carried out and there is no need to make further reductions.

Regarding further plans for the coming year, we can say the following. Despite the salary in the prosecutor's office being almost 2 times higher than the Russian average, all indexations were carried out in a timely manner in accordance with the budget's capabilities. This certainly confirms the fact that the Government of the Russian Federation evaluates the work of civil servants in this apparatus adequately. In this regard, it can be assumed that the planned indexation of prosecutors’ salaries for 2017 will be carried out. Of course, these are preliminary statements as the budget will be officially adopted at the end of the year.

In 2012, when the famous May decree was signed, the figure by which the salaries of prosecutors should change over these 6 years was determined - 2.5 times. What the latest news says about the increase in prosecutors’ salaries in 2017 is currently difficult to analyze. However, there is so far no reason to assume that the obligations undertaken by the State will not be fulfilled within the proper planned time frame.

There is also a point regarding what the salary in the prosecutor's office will be. It is no secret that certain measures are now being taken to combat corruption. And the Prosecutor's Office in this sense is no exception. One of the most important components in the direction of such activities is the creation of a highly attractive profession. Employees working in such positions must understand that, firstly, such a job is difficult to get, and secondly, it’s a shame to lose. This explains, among other things, measures to tighten hiring criteria, limitation of powers, planned salary increases and other legally approved innovations. They affected not only employees of the prosecutor's office, but also similar positions. The government of the country is purposefully increasing the attractiveness of the prosecutorial service, and this is another argument that the planned indexation and increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2017 in Russia will still be carried out, and this will be done in a timely manner.

What conclusion can be drawn from this? The job of monitoring compliance with the Legislation and filing charges is not the easiest. However, it is the quality of work of these civil servants that determines how well the judiciary functions in the country, which ultimately affects the safety of every citizen. It is not surprising that, along with such important areas in the life of the State as medicine and education, in 2012 the activities of the Prosecutor’s Office were also subject to reform. Like all changes, it is not painless. The effectiveness of the measures will be fully assessed after the completion of the planned transformations - in 2018. Nevertheless, certain results are already noticeable: a significant increase in wages, an increase in the attractiveness of the service. Let's hope that there is enough money in the budget to continue, and the salaries of prosecutors in 2017 will remain at the same high level.

As it turned out, the deputies added more than 300 amendments to prosecutorial funding, but the key one concerning the prosecutor’s office was “80” from people’s deputies Teteruk and Gerasimov, who at the committee meeting introduced an amendment to increase funding for the prosecutor’s office from UAH 270 million. in 2017 by 550 million UAH. and this amendment was taken into account by the committee. However, there were also opponents to increasing funding. At the same committee, some deputies wanted, on the contrary, to reduce spending on prosecutors, even from the existing budget, not to mention adding, but the committee did not accept these changes. People’s Deputy Molotok generally proposed adding 1 billion 150 million hryvnia to the prosecutor’s office because, in his opinion, the budget surplus of 52 billion confiscated from the “Yanukovych family” was achieved precisely due to the merits of the prosecutor’s office. As a result, the final amount was 820 million UAH. for the prosecutor's office (550 million UAH.

What will be the salary increase for prosecutors in 2017 in Russia?

After carrying out some reforms, it was planned that officials would significantly increase pensions for prosecutors in 2017. But economic instability and the protracted crisis have caused the suspension of many federal programs, including this one. But in order to somehow support the public, it was decided to include allowances and bonuses in the calculation of payments.
Pensions for prosecutors in Russia in 2017: size, latest news In 2017, significant changes are expected in the indexation of military pensions. A military pensioner employed in a civilian enterprise has the opportunity to receive indexation for two types of pensions: military and regular. A natural question for every future retiree is calculating the amount of future payments.
It is impossible to say for sure what the amount of pensions for prosecutors will be in 2017.

Prosecutors' salaries will increase by 70% - Lutsenko


The prosecutor of the regional prosecutor’s office today receives in the range from 10 to 15 thousand, it is planned from 15 thousand to 26 thousand UAH,” Lutsenko said. According to him, a senior investigator for particularly important cases of the prosecutor’s office in Ukraine today receives 11–17 thousand UAH, and it is planned to increase the salary to 16–29 thousand UAH. The Prosecutor General added that the increase in salaries for regional and local prosecutors at the maximum rate will be about 70%, and the increase in payments for administrative managers - 30%.

According to Lutsenko, local heads of the prosecutor's office, depending on length of service, will receive from 22 to 35 thousand UAH, while previously they received 21-29 thousand UAH. Heads of departments will have a salary of 15.5–26.5 thousand UAH, prosecutors of the local prosecutor’s office – from 14.5 to 25.5 thousand UAH.

Increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2018 in Russia


Forecasts for economic growth in 2018 are also quite optimistic, which still leaves hope that the issue of increasing prosecutors' salaries will be resolved positively. But today, questions about increasing the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 are covered sparingly by the latest news. Time for change By 2018, reforms in all sectors and adopted bills should begin to work as usual.


In particular, laws and decrees relating to wages, and to be more precise, issues of significant differences in their amounts. So, the difference in income should not exceed 8 times. But many regions managed to reduce the difference between salaries to 4 units. This gives us the right to draw conclusions that at this rate, an increase in salaries for state and federal employees may take place.

Lutsenko and other prosecutors' salaries were raised

Back in 2016, it was repeatedly said that Russians need to prepare for a tough austerity regime, and this period will not end soon (2-3 years - that’s how much time, according to economists, the economy will need to recover). The deficit of public funds this year will naturally decrease, but the country will not be able to fully cover its external debts, so there is no point in hoping that the authorities will borrow money and spend it on increasing the incomes of civil servants. Separately, it is necessary to discuss the indexation of prosecutors’ salaries for 2017, because it will take place, and even in full. Last year, the authorities increased the salaries of public sector employees by 5.5% - this is a generally established coefficient that was accepted everywhere, but, as is known, it did not cover the entire level of inflation, which became the cause of mass discontent among the citizens of the state.

How Lutsenko teased prosecutors with salary increases

In relation to this category of employees, issues of increasing wages are also not yet being considered. The only tool remaining in the arsenal of officials, through which it is quite legal to carry out a slight increase in the salaries of prosecutors, is indexation. The amount of indexation will be correlated with the projected percentage of inflation growth. In covering this issue, recent news that there will be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 is also not very optimistic.
Forecasts about possible changes Expert assessments of the situation generally note the fact that on the eve of the 2018 presidential elections, the current apparatus of officials will do a lot to implement the key Presidential Decree that civil servants and public sector employees receive decent remuneration for their work.

Will there be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2017 in Russia?

When agreeing on the changes, the Ministry of Social Policy indicated that the salaries of prosecutors should be increased to the level of salaries in other law enforcement agencies. For example, the ministry indicated the salaries of NABU, where the official salary of a director is 80 thousand UAH, and a detective’s salary is 30 thousand UAH. In the appendix to the draft resolution, the Ministry of Social Policy published calculations of monthly salaries, including those of the leadership of the GPU. According to them, the Prosecutor General's salary may amount to 166 thousand UAH per month, taking into account bonuses and financial assistance. The first deputy prosecutor general will be able to receive 139 thousand UAH, the military prosecutor - 142 thousand UAH, the head of the department - almost 49 thousand UAH.

Prosecutors' salaries will be increased to 40%

Initially, extremely few people worked in the prosecutor’s office, but then the authorities carried out a special reform and the number of job responsibilities of the people who supervised the activities of the population was reduced, because they were assigned assistants, and the number of representatives of this profession increased significantly. Before discussing the latest news that there will be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2017, it must be said that the structure of the service has not changed much since the 18th century (this is an approximate figure). However, the main condition is not to forget that today only those people who have a law degree can occupy such a high position in the judiciary.

Prosecutors' pensions in 2017

Also, the list of additional payments and bonuses and their percentages differ in different areas. The official salaries of prosecutors were established in 2014. For prosecutors, depending on territorial distribution, the salary range was from 66 to 87 thousand rubles.

The salary of prosecutors in 2017 consists of:

  • directly salary;
  • bonuses for length of service (from 20 to 70 percent);
  • ranks;
  • bonuses for class rank (15-30 percent of salary);
  • for special conditions of service (up to 175%);
  • premiums for complexity;
  • tension;
  • confidentiality, etc.

To increase the salaries of prosecutors in 2017 in Russia, considerable budget funds will be needed. And the financial and economic situation forces us to make changes to the implementation of the previous plan.

But today, questions about increasing the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 are covered sparingly by the latest news. Time for change By 2018, reforms in all sectors and adopted bills should begin to work as usual. In particular, laws and decrees relating to wages, and to be more precise, issues of significant differences in their amounts. So, the difference in income should not exceed 8 times. But many regions managed to reduce the difference between salaries to 4 units. This gives us the right to draw conclusions that at this rate, an increase in salaries for state and federal employees may take place. Increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2018 Thanks to this initiative, the state will achieve the elimination of income inequality among older people. To apply for benefits, you must work as a prosecutor or an employee of the Investigative Committee for at least 20 years.

Increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2018 in Russia

He is also authorized to listen to specific complaints and must rely on his own well-created thoughts, without which significant achievements in the prosecutor’s case will not be seen. Today, such professionals have a very good salary - about 40 thousand.



This is not much better than the salary of librarians or, say, kindergarten teachers. The increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 in Russia is now considered a particularly significant issue also due to the release of a resolution by the head of state, which indicates a significant increase in wages for employees of budgetary institutions.

This includes all public sector employees, including those whose salary is equal to that of a prosecutor, although there are not too many such employees. But a crisis arose, forcing officials to adjust their intentions due to a lack of government funds.

But the conditions of the mentioned decree are still observed, although not fully.

Salaries of prosecutors in 2018


For now, this fact can only be explained by the fact that private companies and the prospects of owning their own business can provide an opportunity to earn more. In this vein, the question of what the salary increase for prosecutors will be in 2018 in Russia becomes particularly relevant.

It is impossible to work without prosecutors' offices The prototypes of prosecutorial bodies in the Russian government apparatus appeared in the first years of the eighteenth century during the reign of Peter the Great, and for more than three centuries this government body has been promoting the prosperity of the country through its work. Over these centuries, the prosecutor's office has experienced many modernizations and changes.
But not a single political system could do without it, the work of this supervisory authority is so important and in demand.

Salaries of prosecutors in 2018

It is no secret that the well-being of the state largely depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the state apparatus. This significantly reduces the impact of various unfavorable factors on the lives of ordinary people. In this matter, the most important thing is how effectively prosecutorial supervision will work as a body ensuring compliance with civil laws. Therefore, whether there will be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 should be considered from this point of view.
What has already been done? The system of prosecutorial supervision has repeatedly undergone changes over the past few years, affecting not only structural, but also personnel issues. Establishment of the Investigative Committee, expansion of the powers of prosecutorial assistants.
In general, the changes, as in other industries, were aimed at optimizing labor.

Increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2018

Important! Prosecutor pensions will increase in 2018 due to a 4% increase in salaries. Payments for length of service reach 50% of the amount of salary.

The salaries of ordinary prosecutors depend on the salary of the first deputy prosecutor general. The same principle applies when calculating benefits to employees of the Investigative Committee.
To increase pensions for former prosecutors and employees of the Investigative Committee, about 2.5 billion rubles will be required. However, pensioners should not count on a significant increase in payments.

After indexation, the prosecutor’s annual pension in 2018 will increase by 1.2-1.5 thousand rubles. What changes are provided for by the draft law? Former prosecutors can count on an increase in the pension supplement from February 1, 2018.

It is no secret that the well-being of the state largely depends on the efficiency of the functioning of the state apparatus.

Assistant prosecutor: salary in Russia in 2017-2018

Will there be an increase in the salaries of prosecutors in 2018? Latest news However, the government soon reformed the judicial system and the range of responsibilities of employees monitoring the life of society was narrowed. Such supervisors were given assistants, which dramatically increased the number of prosecutors over time. Before discussing the latest news that there will be an increase in prosecutors' salaries in 2018, it should be noted that the service order has not undergone significant adjustments since approximately the 18th century.
But the most important thing is to remember that today only those specialists who have a legal education behind them have the opportunity to hold such a high position in the judicial hierarchy.
Forecasts for economic growth in 2018 are also quite optimistic, which still leaves hope that the issue of increasing prosecutors' salaries will be resolved positively. But today, questions about increasing the salaries of prosecutors in 2018 are covered sparingly by the latest news.

Time for change By 2018, reforms in all sectors and adopted bills should begin to work as usual. In particular, laws and decrees relating to wages, and to be more precise, issues of significant differences in their amounts.

So, the difference in income should not exceed 8 times. But many regions managed to reduce the difference between salaries to 4 units. This gives us the right to draw conclusions that at this rate, an increase in salaries for state and federal employees may take place.

Increase in salaries for prosecutors in 2018

Income of prosecutors What is the average salary for representatives of this profession, and on what basis is it calculated? It’s not difficult to figure this out, the main thing is to know the basic criteria. For example:

  • prosecutor's experience;
  • what rank he holds at the time of accrual;
  • what is his basic salary?
  • what is the amount of bonuses and regional payments.

Summing up these indicators, we get a fairly significant cash payment.

But as it became known, this year the president received instructions that it was worth cutting costs. The prosecutor's office decided to do this not by laying off employees, but by waiving bonuses.

For example: an assistant prosecutor's salary is only 15,000, but various additional payments and bonuses can increase the amount of payment by almost 200%. 45-50 thousand
There are several more points that characterize the direct responsibilities of the prosecutor:

  • participation in trials and assistance in civil and criminal disputes;
  • the opportunity to appeal a court decision if it violates rights or does not take into account the law;
  • protesting sentences, adopted acts, as well as incorrect procedural determinations;
  • initiation of criminal or administrative cases;
  • coordinating the actions of law enforcement agencies;
  • exercising supervision over compliance with laws (in their approved form).

The principles of providing for employees of the Prosecutor's Office when going on vacation are regulated by law and are very similar to the procedure provided for employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Let's consider the basic principles and conditions, as well as what changes the pension of prosecutors is undergoing in 2017.

Amount of severance pay

The pension of a military prosecutor depends on length of service and some other reasons. Retirement can be marked by any conditions: reaching old age, deteriorating health, acquiring a disability, layoffs. Even before a pension is assigned, prosecutors are entitled to severance pay, which will vary depending on the number of years worked:

  • Up to 10 years: 5 salary levels;
  • 10-15 years: 10.
  • 15-20 years: 15.
  • 20 years or more: 20.

You need to count on accruals if you have 20 years of experience. If a citizen worked in different institutions and has mixed experience, he must have a general record of 25 years and a military record of 12.5 years by the time he reaches 45 years of age. In this situation, a long-service pension is awarded to prosecutors.

Who is entitled to a pension

Although the payment is called a prosecutor’s pension, in 2017 it is due to almost all employees of the structure:

  • Attorney General;
  • Head of department, management;
  • Deputies of any level;
  • Head of the Investigative Committee;
  • Military prosecutor;
  • Prosecutor-criminologist;
  • Senior investigator and for particularly important cases;
  • Senior Referent.

A necessary condition for receiving a pension for prosecutors of the Russian Federation is the presence of mandatory deductions from wages in the prescribed manner.

Pension calculation

The size of prosecutors' pensions, as is known, depends on the salaries they receive. They include all possible charges:

  • salary for the position;
  • bonus for length of service;
  • awards.

From this amount, 80% is calculated, which is the final result. There is no provision for an increase in pensions for prosecutors yet. If a citizen does not have the above-mentioned length of service, but meets the minimum age requirement, he is paid based on the years spent as a prosecutor. The algorithm is identical – 80% of the salary.

More than 20 years of experience

Separately, it is worth noting that a prosecutor who has worked for over 20 years and continues to bear the responsibility has the right to an additional payment - 50% of the amount that is the payment of a pension to prosecutors specifically for him.

Increase in pensions for prosecutors

Let us recall that from 2014 to 2017 an annual increase of 5-30% of the salary was prescribed. The increase in pensions for prosecutors in 2017 should have naturally been carried out in accordance with the reforms carried out. But due to the protracted crisis, like some other programs, this one was also “frozen.” But in order to somewhat compensate for citizens’ expectations, they were allowed to add allowances and bonuses to the calculations, rather than taking into account the net salary.

In 2015, there was no indexation of prosecutors’ pensions, as well as some other social charges. But the Government decided to assign a bonus in the form of additional assistance. It amounted to 2.5 thousand rubles in 2015, i.e. raised it by 1.5 thousand rubles.

Contacting the Pension Fund

A prosecutor who wants to know what pension he is entitled to can contact the Pension Fund and clarify this point according to his characteristics. The accrual procedure is similar to the general procedure:

  • Prepare data on wages.
  • Take your work book, personal account number (insurance certificate) and passport with you to the Pension Fund.
  • Fill out an application for setting up a pension.
  • Receive a response in 10 days.

Receipts are made in the same manner for everyone - to a personal bank account.

The pension for prosecutors in 2017 also suggests the possibility of an increase due to indexation, but at least through an increase in the bonus, which is due to funds allocated from the budget to finance this subgroup.