Knitted mohair pullover. Openwork cardigan with raglan made of mohair from Drops Design, knitted with knitting needles Model options knit a mohair cardigan

Airy mohair cardigan with knitting needles "WAVE" FROM KIM

An airy, almost weightless cardigan made of the finest mohair will highlight your femininity and style!

Airy cardigan made of mohair with knitting needles “WAVE” FROM KIM

Dimensions XS (S, M, L, XL, XXL).

Chest circumference 81 (86, 91, 97, 102, 109) cm.

To knit a cardigan you will need:

  • 6 (7, 7, 8, 8, 9) skeins of 25 g
  • straight knitting needles 4.5 mm
  • straight knitting needles 9 mm
  • long circular needles 4 mm
  • long circular needles 4.5 mm
  • long circular needles 8 mm
  • hinge holders

Knitting density: 12 loops and 19 rows = 10 cm in main knitting needles 4.5 and 9 mm thread in 2 folds.

Description of knitting a mohair cardigan.


The main pattern is stockinette stitch with a change of needles in each row.

On 9 mm knitting needles, using double yarn, cast on 66 (68, 72, 74, 78, 82) stitches and knit as follows:

1st row (RS): knit with 4.5 mm knitting needles in knit stitches.

Row 2 (WS): knit with 9 mm needles and purl stitches.

Repeat last 2 rows changing needles until back height is 65 (66, 67, 68, 69, 70) cm. Finish on purl row.

Shaping the shoulders and back neckline.

Cast off 8 (9, 9, 9, 10, 11) stitches at the beginning of the next 2 rows = 50 (50, 54, 56, 58, 60) stitches.

Track. row (RS): cast off 8 (9, 9, 9, 10, 11) stitches, then knit until 13 (12, 14, 14, 14, 14) stitches are cast on the right needle, turn; transfer the remaining loops to the holder.

From the front side, attach the thread to the loops on the holder, bind off the central 8 (8, 8, 10, 10, 10) loops, knit a row. Tie the second side symmetrically.

Left side front.

Cast on 32 (33, 35, 36, 38, 40) loops using 2-fold yarn on 9 mm needles. Start with the main knitting from the 1st row and knit as a back. Work 12 (14, 14, 12, 12, 12) rows, ending on wrong side.

Track. decrease row (RS): knit until the last 4 stitches, knit 2 together behind the back walls, knit 2.

Next, decrease 1 stitch as described above in the next 14th (14th, 14th, 12th, 12th, 12th) row, then in the next 14th row 0 (0, 0, 3, 2, 1) times and in the next 16th row 0 (0, 1, 0, 0, 0) times = 25 (26, 28, 28, 30, 32) loops. Then knit straight, to the height of the beginning of the shoulders of the back, finishing in the purl row.

Shaping the shoulder.

Cast off 8 (9, 9, 9, 10, 11) stitches at the beginning of the next row and every other row. Work 1 purl row. Cast off remaining 9 (8, 10, 10, 10, 10) sts.

Right side front.

On 9 mm needles, cast on 32 (33, 35, 36, 38, 40) stitches using double yarn. Work as left side for 12 (14, 14, 12, 12, 12) rows, ending on wrong side.

Forming a V-shaped neck.

Track. Row (RS): K2, k2tog, knit the row.


On 9 mm knitting needles, using 2-ply thread, cast on 25 (27, 29, 29, 31, 31) stitches and knit 22 rows with the main pattern, ending in the purl row.

Track. row of additions (RS): k3, knit 1 added, then knit until the last 3 stitches, knit 1 added, knit 3.

Then perform increases as described above in the next 12th (12th, 12th, 10th, 10th, 8th) row and in each next 12th (12th, 12th, 10 -th, 10th, 8th) row up to 35 (35, 35, 35, 47, 41) loops. Then add stitches on every next 14th (14th 14th, 12th, -, 10th) row until you have 37 (39, 41, 43, -, 49) stitches. Continue knitting straight until the sleeve length is 49 (50, 51, 52, 53, 54) stitches, finishing on a purl row. Bind off the stitches using 9mm knitting needles. Knit the second sleeve.


Lightly steam the parts. Sew shoulder seams.

Front slats.

From the front side on 4 mm circular needles with a thread in 2 folds, evenly lift and knit 98 (100, 102, 104, 106, 108) stitches up the right side of the front to the shoulder, then 16 (16, 16, 18, 18, 18 ) sts across back neck and another 98 (100, 102, 104, 106, 108) sts down left front = 212 (216, 220, 226, 230, 234) sts.

Row 1 (WS): Purl stitches using 8 mm circular needles.

Row 2 (RS): knit knit stitches with 4 mm circular needles.

Repeat last 2 rows 3 more times.

Row 9 (WS): Purl stitches using 4.5 mm circular needles.

Row 10 (RS): Using 4 mm circular needles, knit knit stitches.

Cast off the stitches on the next purl row using 4.5mm needles.

From each shoulder, mark down 16 (17, 18, 19, 20, 21) cm along the sides.

Sew the sleeves between the marks. Sew side seams and sleeve seams.

Cardigan pattern
Fashion detail: wide boat neckline, the depth of which can be changed.
Size 42 (46). Differing data for larger sizes are indicated in brackets (the pattern is given in Fig. 2)
Material: 300 (350) g
- facial surface
- openwork according to the scheme
- elastic band 3x3
Back. Cast on 74 (84) stitches on the knitting needles and knit an even fabric using stockinette stitch. After 27 cm from the bottom edge of the part, go to the openwork pattern and knit another 6 cm. Then, for the side bevels of the armholes, decrease 1 stitch along the edges of the fabric in each row 4 times every other row - 10 times. When the height of the knitted fabric reaches 43 cm, leave the loops of the last row (there are 46 of them on the knitting needle) open and slip them onto pins and break the thread.
Before tie like a back.
Sleeves. Cast on 54 loops on the knitting needles and knit 40 cm in stockinette stitch. Then switch to the openwork pattern and knit another 6 cm, after which you begin to make the bevels. Perform them as on the back. Leave the loops of the last row (26) open and slip them onto pins. Knit the second sleeve in the same way.
Assembly. Connect the back and front with the sleeves along the raglan lines. Then sew the side seams and sleeve seams. Transfer the open loops along the neckline from the pins to the knitting needles and knit a 10 cm high bar with an elastic band in a circle. Close the loops of the last row in a straight line, without pulling them together. Bend the strip to the wrong side and carefully sew along the base. The neckline will look “branded” if you design it like this: fold the placket onto the front side of the sweater, and attach the open loops to the base of the placket. You can put a very thin hat elastic in the same color inside the bar.

Due to the loose silhouette of the pullover, the given calculation of loops is suitable for three sizes.
You will need: yarn (75% mohair, 25% polyamide, 80 m/25g) - 425 g yellow-pink; knitting needles No. 4.5; short circular needles No. 4.
Rubber: alternately knit 2, purl 2.
Facial surface: front rows - front loops, purl rows - and back loops.
Knitting density: 18 p x 25 r. - 10 x 10 cm.
Back: cast on 146 sts and knit 3 cm with an elastic band, continue working in stockinette stitch. For narrowing, in the 7th r. knit the 29th and 30th stitches together, knit the 117th and 118th stitches together with a slant to the left (= remove 1 stitch as in knitting, knit 1 stitch and pull the removed stitch through it loop), mark the resulting loops. Repeat these decreases (marked loop and the previous one, respectively marked loop and knit the next one together) 22 times in each next 6th row = 100 p. After 60 cm from the bottom edge of the part, close on both sides for the armholes 1 time 3 p., 2 times 2 p. and 3 times 1 p. in every 2nd r. = 80 p. Knit straight. After 78 cm from the bottom edge of the part, close off the middle 26 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately. To round the neckline, close every 2nd p. 1 time 3 sts and 1 time 2 sts. Then close off the remaining 22 sts of the shoulder.
Before: knit like a back, but only 58 cm from the bottom edge of the part for a V-neck, divide the work in the middle and finish both sides separately. To bevel the neckline, decrease alternately in every 2nd r. and the next 4th p. 18 times 1 p. After 80 cm from the bottom edge of the part, close the remaining 22 p. shoulder.
Sleeves: cast on 38 sts and knit. satin stitch For bevels, add 18 times on both sides, 1 stitch in every 4th row. = 74 p. At a height of 32 cm, close on both sides to roll 1 time 3 p., 1 time 2 p. and 3 times 1 p. in each 2nd p., 5 times 1 p. in each 4- m r., 1 time 1 p., 1 time 2 p., 1 time 3 p., 1 time 4 p. and 1 time 5 p. in every 2nd r. Then close off the remaining 18 sts. For the flounce, cast on 38 sts along the bottom edge of the sleeve and knit with an elastic band (start and end with an edge loop). At a height of 2 cm in each purl track add 1 stitch (= 47 stitches), at a height of 3 cm in each front track add 1 stitch (= 56 stitches), at a height of 4 cm in each purl track add 1 p. (= 65 p.), at a height of 5 cm in each front track, add 1 p. (= 74 p.). Knit in a new rhythm - alternately knit 4, purl 4. Having knitted a shuttlecock 10 cm wide, close the loops.
Assembly: make seams. Sew in the sleeves, slightly lowering them. For the collar, cast on 119 stitches along the edge of the neckline and knit 2 rows on circular needles. facial and 1 r. purl loops, while in the 1st and 2nd r. in the middle of the front, knit 3 p. together, and also in the 3rd r. close the middle front loop = 114 p. Knit 2 more p. stitch stitch and 14 cm elastic, then bind off the loops.
Verena 1995-11

Saturday, December 15, 2007

You will need: 750 (800) g beige Belisana yarn (70% royal mohair, 15% wool, 15% polyamide, 115 m/50 g); knitting needles No. 3, No. 7 and No. 9; long circular needles No. 9.
Facial surface: persons R. - persons p., out. R. - purl P.
Patent pattern, faces. and out. R.(odd number of loops).
1st row (purl): chrome, knit 1, *slip 1 st with yarn over as purl, knit 1, repeat from*, chrome. 2nd row: chrome, slip 1 p. with a crochet as purl, * knit a loop with a crochet together, knit, 1 p. slip with a crochet as a purl, repeat from *, chrome.
Row 3: chrome, knit a double crochet stitch together, * slip 1 p. with a double crochet as purl, knit a double crochet stitch together, repeat from * chrome. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows.
Patent pattern, circular r.(even number of loops).
1st circular row: * Slip 1 stitch as purlwise, purl 1st, repeat from *.
2nd round: * knit a loop with a double crochet together, remove 1 st with a double crochet as purl, repeat from *.
3rd circular row: * Slip 1 p. with a double crochet as purl, knit a loop with a crochet together purlwise, repeat from *. Repeat 2nd and 3rd rows.
Knitting density. Persons satin stitch, knitting needles No. 7: 11-12 sts and 15 r. = 10x10 cm; patent pattern, knitting needles No. 9: 9 sts and 18 r. = 10x10 cm.

Attention! Knit the jacket with thread in 2 folds.
Back: On knitting needles No. 7, cast on 59 (67) sts and knit 1 purl. R. purl, then knit. satin stitch, closing for fitting on both sides every 10th r. 3x1 p.; for this, at the beginning of the row after chrome. remove 1 p. as knit., 1 knit. and pull it through the removed loop; knit a row to the last 3 sts, knit 2 sts together knit, chrome. = 53 (61) p.
At a height of 28 cm from the cast-on edge, add 1 x 1 st on both sides, then in every 8th p. 2x1 p. = 59(67) p. At a height of 46(44) cm, close on both sides for armholes 1x3 p., then in every 2nd r. 3x1 p. = 47(55) p. At a height of 62 cm from the cast-on edge for the neckline, close the middle 23 p. directly and on both sides of them after 2 r. another 1x2 stitches. At the same time, at a height of 64 cm, close on both sides for shoulder bevels in every 2nd row. 2x5 p. (2x7 p.). At a total height of 66 cm, close all loops.
Left shelf: On knitting needles No. 7, cast on 4 (8) sts and knit 1 purl. R. purl, then knit. satin stitch, while for the front rounding from the left edge in every 2nd r. again dial 1x3, 7x2 and 4x1 p. At the same time, close from the right edge for fitting in every 10th row. 3x1 p. = 22(26) p. At a height of 28 cm from the cast-on edge, make a side bevel and at a height of 46 (44) cm, knit an armhole, as for the back, and at the same time, at a height of 42 cm, reduce 1x1 p. to bevel the neckline, then every 4th r. 8x1 sts. To do this, knit a row to the last 3 sts, knit 2 sts together. and chrome. At a height of 64 cm, tie the shoulder bevels, as for the back.
Right shelf: knit in mirror image. To reduce the bevel of the neckline after chrome. remove 1 p. as knits. 1 person and pull it through the removed st.
Sleeves: on knitting needles No. 9, cast on 39 (43) sts and * knit with a patent pattern of 11 cm = 20 r. then knitting needles No. 3 2 cm. satin stitch = 6 r., from * repeat 3 times, finish the work with knitting needles No. 9 with a patent pattern. Stripes of faces. In satin stitch, always start knitting from the purl row and end with the front row. At a height of 59 cm, close 1x3 sleeves on both sides to roll up, then in every 2nd r. - 1x2, 7x1 and 1x2 p. After 70 cm from the cast-on edge, close the remaining 11 (15) p. directly.
Assembly: straighten the parts, slightly moisten them and let them dry. Complete all seams and sew in sleeves. For the strap, cast on 252 (266) sts on circular knitting needles: along the lower edge of the back - 42 (48) sts, along the curves - 25 (29) sts, along the straight front sides - 26 sts, along the bevels of the neckline shelves - 42 p. and along the back neckline - 24 p. Knit with a patent pattern in circular rows of 18 cm, then loosely bind off all the loops.
Attention! The bar can also be knitted from 2 parts of faces. and out. R. To do this, start casting on loops from the bottom from the middle of the back and end in the middle of the back neckline (127 (135) stitches for each strap). Sew the sides of the planks; The seam at the bottom of the back is made from the back, along the neck of the back - from the faces. sides.

10/13/2015 197 963 1 ElishevaAdmin

Coats, ponchos, cardigans

A cardigan is an extremely necessary item for women in a modern wardrobe. There can even be several cardigans, because they come in completely different styles and can have different purposes. There are warm, detailed models designed to protect the owner from the cold. There are strict and elegant ones that can be worn both in a public place and at a social event. And there are also such fashionable cardigans, the practical value of which is small, because they, frivolous, extravagant, have the task of decorating leisure time and making an impression.

The fashion for modern knitting organically includes both authoritative traditions and their latest interpretation. So, for example, Aran braids are not only present in many models of cardigans, but are also the basis of the latest fashion. Unusual and beautiful models of cardigans with braids in the Lalo style illustrate this interpenetration.

Knitting needles are mainly used for knitting cardigans, but crochet also makes its contribution to creating interesting patterns. They fully utilize the ability of needlewomen to freely work not only with knitting needles, but also with an ingenious crochet hook.

Sometimes, looking at a photograph of a product, it seems that such a complex thing cannot be knitted, there is nothing to take on. But upon closer examination, it turns out that the knitting process itself is very simple, and the designer simply came up with an interesting method of assembling the finished product.

On the other hand, there are also models that only experienced craftswomen can handle.

Therefore, when choosing a cardigan model to knit it yourself, you should carefully read the descriptions. This will allow you to correctly imagine the amount of work ahead and your ability to successfully cope with it.

Our list contains 20 of the most interesting models of fashionable cardigans designed for a wide variety of life situations.

You can use all the descriptions posted on our website for free. The descriptions are accompanied by photographs and diagrams that will help you understand all the intricacies of the model and correctly understand all the nuances and features.

Here they are, the pearls of our library for site guests and its regular visitors.

Cardigan with shawl collar and arans from Drops Design, knitted with mohair needles

A gorgeous fashionable cardigan from Drops, impeccably elegant, warm and practical at the same time. It is quite long, tight-fitting, and fastens with buttons, which guarantees warmth retention. It is knitted with satin stitch, along which a discreet pattern of strands and braids is run.

Cardigan with a daring braid pattern, knitted with knitting needles

Here's a cardigan that makes you feel warm and cozy just by looking at it - long, made of thick wool, in a fashionable camel color. It is associated with braids, and their relief outlines of a complex configuration, located throughout the canvas, are simply pleasing to the eye.

Divinely beautiful, openwork cardigan for women. Knitting pattern and description

A long, tight-fitting cardigan, amazingly beautiful, covered all over with amazing patterns, so you can’t even believe that it was knitted with just knitting needles, without the help of a crochet hook. A thin thread of alpaca yarn combined with a pastel color makes the product delicate and weightless. The cardigan is knitted with raglan, the yoke fits tightly at the waist and is secured with two buttons. An openwork skirt with a luxurious flounce completes the impression.

Non-trivial cardigan from Norah Gaughan. Knitted

An unusual cardigan from Norah Gaughan is characterized by grace and unconventionality. Elongated loops alternate with openwork mesh and thick elastic, light hems flow from the shoulders not too far down, and the sleeves are short. This is decorative clothing, the role of which is to create an aura of romance.

Voluminous cardigan with a relief pattern from Drops Design, knitted with knitting needles

Here is a cardigan without any special tricks, but practical and elegant. It is knitted with a simple small pattern, which does not interfere with enjoying the graceful lines of the model and the soft texture of the yarn. The cardigan pattern is straightforward and does not contain any complications; even a less experienced needlewoman can afford to take on such work with knitting needles.

Knitted cardigan with beautiful patterns from Vogue Knitting

A good cardigan from Vogue Knitting is reminiscent of the classic sweaters that our grandmothers used - warm, fitted, with a belt. The knitting is dense, textured, the color of the wool yarn is deep, cherry, casting a warm glow on the face. The cardigan is practical and beautiful, a great thing for a woman - it can both warm and decorate.

Chic cardigan from Drops Design with a shawl collar and beautiful patterns, knitted with knitting needles

Drops studio models are always distinguished by their exquisite elegance, which cannot be shaken even by the abundance of decorative details. And here there are a lot of them - fringe, alternating patterns, elongated floors. And note that all these details are appropriate, combine perfectly with each other and are very relevant in this fashion season.

Openwork cardigan for women "Freedom" from Drops Design, knitted

The motto of the cardigan “Freedom” is quite understandable, and the designers from Drops emphasized the absence of movement restrictions in their model. The cardigan is knitted with knitting needles, in one piece in the shape of a rectangle, in a pattern that creates vertical stripes. On the sleeves the stripes are laid horizontally, and this creates some intrigue. There are no additional decorations, just as there are no buttons, belts or other elements limiting freedom.

Knitted cardigan coat

This cardigan should be chosen by slender girls who would like to give their figure a more pronounced femininity. Thin vertical reliefs, from the shoulders to the waist, are replaced by a distinctly convex knit from the waist, which somewhat exaggerates the hips. The same fragment of convex knitting is also observed on sleeves of the fashionable 7/8 length.

Cardigan “Charm” knitted and crocheted

It’s not for nothing that this cardigan model was called “Charm”. It could even be enhanced to “Unearthly Charm.” The clothes are completely airy, weightless, knitted with thin threads of mohair and lurex in openwork patterns. Here the crochet hook came to the aid of the knitting needles, and as a result of their joint efforts, a long and spacious cardigan was created, amazingly beautiful, enveloping the female figure in a delicate cloud. The impression of airiness is enhanced by the selection of yarn colors - ash-pink mohair and pearlescent lurex.

Cardigan with rich Aran pattern and cones, under the motto Gladiola, knitted

A smart cardigan from Drops is designed to give the impression of brightness and exclusivity. This is facilitated by the scarlet color of the yarn and the selection of Aran patterns that decorate the entire upper part of the cardigan, including the sleeve. They are quite massive, and so that the pearl pattern at the bottom does not look flat, the silhouette of the cardigan widens from the waist.

We knit a cardigan in the Lalo style with a spikelet pattern

Cardigans in the Lalo style are now rapidly conquering the catwalks. The Asian spikelet turned out to be not too difficult, and needlewomen are successfully mastering it. You can also try to feel at the cutting edge of fashion by knitting a similar item.

Chic knitted coat for women from DIY with braids and plaits.

Swedish thoroughness comes from the Diy designers' cardigan pattern. The cardigan is knitted from alpaca wool with the addition of down; it is very warm and spacious. The straightness of the silhouette is emphasized by large vertical braids and plaits. The presence of low-lying pockets does not complicate the strictness of the lines, especially since the hand must be extended to its full length to reach the pocket. And then the same braid, stretching along the entire sleeve, becomes noticeable.

Description and knitting pattern for a Lalo cardigan

The Lalo sisters from Georgia, having invented a special type of knitting cardigans, gave this knitting technique their name. And now designers around the world have begun to improve this style, both with new patterns and with an extravagant play of yarn colors. The smooth, beautiful flow of colors into each other is especially appreciated today. It is in this manner that this cardigan is made.

Openwork cardigan “Milan” from Drops Design, knitted with knitting needles

A spacious, lightweight cardigan has more of a decorative purpose than a practical one. Is it knitted with mesh, made of alpaca and polyamide, and has sleeves? . This cardigan, short, unencumbered with details and almost transparent, can serve as a beautiful addition to a resort wardrobe.

Knitted chocolate cardigan

An elegant, fashionable chocolate-colored cardigan is reminiscent of lightweight chain mail, both in its silhouette and in the way it is knitted, especially in the front. This impression is emphasized by the leather belt that holds the diverging floors. The subtle pattern of the metal buckle surprisingly echoes the raised knitting of the sleeves and most of the surface of the product.

Openwork cardigan from “Diamonds Are Forever” from Drops-Design, knitted

A stylish cardigan from Drops with long, fashionable hems is knitted extremely simply - in one large rectangle, in which there is room for sleeves. The most important decoration is the yarn from which it is knitted: alpaca and mohair with the addition of silk. The pattern is harmonious, geometric, consisting of patterned rhombuses. For all its originality, the cardigan serves as good protection from the cold.

Simple knitting from Vogue for beginners. Delicate cardigan with cords, design Yoko Hatta

We can see a sample of Japanese knitting from designer Yoko Hatta on this model. Despite its not entirely clear appearance, the product is knitted quite simply, in one long rectangle. And the pattern is simple, even beginner knitters can do it. Some ingenuity will have to be shown when assembling the product, but there are clear instructions for this.

Cardigan made of braids "Melange spikelets" knitted with knitting needles

Cardigan “Melange Spikelets” fully lives up to its name. It is knitted from specially selected melange yarn, combining wool, silk and a large proportion of mohair. The main pattern is voluminous braids that fill the entire surface of the product. The only exception is the smooth surface of the sleeves and the framing elastic. By knitting such a cardigan, you will get something practical, pleasant to wear and very warm.

Artsy cardigan with braids and raglan "Lincoln" from Tanis Gray knitted

Designer Tanis Gray's Lincoln model comes very close to the classic cardigan look, except for the sleeve? - not very common, but relevant in the current season. The semi-fitted silhouette, strict knitting, on which dense braids and an elegant floral motif stand out beautifully, make this model universal, suitable even for a formal setting.

+ Bonus! Video tutorial on knitting a beautiful cardigan

Oversized cardigan with tie belt

This loose-fitting, deep wrap cardigan is crafted from the finest silky mohair yarn. Knitting needles of different thicknesses make the knitted fabric either denser or completely transparent.

36/38 (40/42) 44/46

Yarn (77% mohair, 23% silk; 175 m/25 g) - 200 (250) 300 g soft lilac; knitting needles No. 3 and 8; circular knitting needles No. 3; hook number 3.



From the left edge: knit the loops of the row according to the pattern until the last 5 stitches, remove 1 stitch as in knitting (thread at work), leave 1 stitch on the auxiliary needle before work, knit the next loop and pull the removed loop through the knitted one , knit the next stitch and pull a loop from the auxiliary needle through it, finishing the edge.

From the right edge: remove 1 st, as in knitting, leave 2 sts on the auxiliary knitting needle while working, return the removed loop to the left knitting needle, knit 2 sts together, then knit a knit stitch from the auxiliary knitting needle.

22.5 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch (knitting needles No. 3);
10.5 p. x 13 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch (knitting needles No. 8).

The sleeves are knitted from top to bottom. The arrow on the drawing of the pattern parts indicates the direction of knitting. The expansion of the part due to different densities of the pattern (as a result of switching to thicker knitting needles) is shown in the drawing as a bevel.



On needles No. 3, cast on 114 (124) 133 sts and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 41.5 cm = 124 r. (42 cm = 126 rub.) 42.5 cm = 128 rub. from the cast-on row, close on both sides for the armholes, first 1 time for 3 stitches = on the needles 108 (118) 127 stitches.

Then, for bevels, add armholes on both sides 1 time in the next 2nd row. and another 13 (14) 15 times in every 4th r. 1 p. each = 136 (148) 159 p.

After 60.5 cm = 182 r. (62.5 cm = 188 rub.) 64.5 cm = 194 rub. from the cast-on row, close on both sides for shoulder bevels, first 1 time, 3 stitches each, then in every 2nd row. another 12 times for 3 sts (8 times for 3 sts and 4 times for 4 sts) 4 times for 3 sts and 8 times for 4 sts.

After 66.5 cm = 200 rub. (68.5 cm = 206 rub.) 70.5 cm = 212 rub. from the cast-on row, close off the middle 30 (34) 37 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in every 2nd r. 1 time 4 p., 1 time 3 p. and 1 time 1 p.

After 69 cm = 208 rub. (71 cm = 214 rub.) 73 cm = 220 rub. From the cast-on row, bind off the remaining 6 stitches of the shoulder.

Finish the second side symmetrically to the first.

On needles No. 3, cast on 92 (99) 106 sts and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 33 cm = 100 rub. (35 cm = 106 rub.) 37 cm = 112 rub. from the cast-on row, first close from the left edge to bevel the neckline 1 time 4 p. and in every 2nd p. 1 time 4 p. and 2 times 3 p., then decrease (see Decorative decreases) 22 (24) 26 times 2 p.

Make the armhole, armhole bevel and shoulder bevel from the right edge, as described for the back.

Close the remaining 6 stitches of the shoulder at the same height as on the back.


On knitting needles No. 3, loosely cast on 70 (76) 84 sts and knit 1.5 cm = 4 r. facial stitch.

Switch to size 8 needles and continue knitting in stockinette stitch.

After 32.5 cm = 44 r. From the cast-on row, close all stitches with knit stitches.

On needles No. 3, cast on 52 stitches and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 165 cm = 496 rub. (175 cm = 526 rub.) 185 cm = 556 rub. From the cast-on row, close the loops with knit stitches.

Sew shoulder and side seams.

Crochet the bottom edge of the product with crochet No. 3 1 p. conn. columns.

For the front strips, cast on needles No. 3 along the straight edges of the shelves for 75 (79) 84 sts and knit 1 cm = 3 r. in stockinette stitch, starting from the purl row. Then close the loops with facial stitches.

Along the bevels of the neckline (including the short sides of the front slats), cast on 114 (119) 125 sts on circular needles No. 3, between them along the edge of the back neck another 48 (52) 55 sts and knit on all 276 (290) 305 sts 1 cm = 3 r. in stockinette stitch, starting from the purl row. Then close the loops with facial stitches.

Sleeve seams are made on the upper sections 2 cm long from the cast-on row. Then sew in the sleeves, slightly lowering the armhole, and align the shoulder seam with the short seam of the sleeve. On the tie belt, measure 85 (90) 95 cm from one end (= back of the belt) and make a mark along the entire width. Sew the belt along the marked line to the side seam of the jacket at a distance of 15 (15.5) 16 cm from the bottom edge.

Photo: Verena Podium magazine No. 1/2018

Oversized cardigan in color block style

Wide stripes of very light pastel shades combine extremely harmoniously on a voluminous cardigan

36/38 (40/42) 44/46

Yarn (76% mohair, 24% silk; 200 m/25 g) - 50 (50) 75 g each of pink, light pink and beige, as well as 25 (25) 50 g of light gray; knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5; circular knitting needles No. 4; 4 mother-of-pearl buttons.


Even number of loops. Knit alternately k1, p1.

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops.

Even number of loops. Each row begins and ends with an edge stitch. Persons p.: knit alternately knit 1, purl 1; purl r.: knit the front loops with purls, and the purls with the front ones.

Knit for 36 r. * front stitch with light pink thread, purl stitch with beige thread, pearl pattern with light gray thread, from * repeat constantly.

18 p. x 28.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.



On knitting needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 100 (108) 116 sts and for the placket, knit 6 cm between the edges with an elastic band.

Then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors; when changing colors, always knit the 1st row with facial loops.

For shoulder bevels after 57 cm = 162 r. from the bar on both sides close 1 x 4 (6) 6 p., then in every 2nd p. close 2 times with 3 sts and 5 times with 4 sts (7 times with 4 sts) 4 times with 5 sts and 3 times with 4 sts.

At the same time for the neck after 59.5 cm = 170 RUR. close the middle 18 stitches from the bar and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline along the inner edge in every 2nd r. close 1 x 3 p. and 2 times 2 p.

After 62.5 cm = 178 rub. From the bar, close off the remaining 4 shoulder stitches.

On needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 44 (48) 52 sts and knit a placket as on the back.

Then switch to needles No. 4.5 and continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors.

To bevel the neck after 35 cm = 100 RUR. from the bar on the left edge, decrease 1 x 1 p., then 9 times in every 8th p. decrease 1 p.

At the same time, make a shoulder bevel from the right edge, as on the back. Close the remaining 4 stitches of the shoulder at the height of the back.

Knit like the left front, but in a mirror image.

Using knitting needles No. 4 with pink thread, cast on 40 (44) 48 stitches for each sleeve and knit a placket as on the back.

Then continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors using knitting needles No. 4.5.

At the same time, for sleeve bevels, starting from the placket, add on both sides according to the pattern and color 5 times alternately in every 18th and 20th r. (7 times alternately every 14th and 16th r.) 9 times every 12th r. 1 p. each = 50 (58) 66 p. After 42 cm = 120 r. Close all loops from the bar.

Sew shoulder seams.

For the strip along the edges of the shelves, as well as along the edge of the neckline, on circular needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 337 stitches and knit between the edges with an elastic band, finishing with 1 knit stitch. Having knitted 3 cm, make 4 holes for buttons on the right front panel as follows: close 2 stitches and pick them up again in the next row. Make the first hole 8 stitches from the bottom edge, the remaining 3 at intervals of 26 stitches. At a bar height of 6 cm, close all loops according to the pattern.

Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.

Photo: Verena magazine. Special Issue No. 2/2018

Kidmohair cardigan
Fashionable lightweight kidmohair cardigan.
Yarn Alize Kid mohair Kid Royal. Turquoise - color 457, gray - 52. (turquoise consumption - 113 g, gray -87 g) Knitting needles No. 5

MASTER CLASS on how to knit a mohair cardigan

Fashionable mohair cardigan. Mohair is my favorite yarn.
When knitting the product, Silkhair Lana Grossa yarn was used (70% mohair 30% silk, 25 g 210 meters).
Colors 701,702, 704.
Consumption: 9 skeins (three of each color), about 50 grams of yarn left (a little less) of all colors.
The product was knitted with triple thread.

Mohair cardigan knitted detailed MK

Cardigan with pearl pattern in mohair.
Stylish mohair cardigan with a loose silhouette and pockets. Knitted with a pearl pattern. The shelves, pockets and sleeve edging are made using the I-CORD technique.

We knit a cardigan placket using the I-CORD method or a hollow cord.

Closing the back neck using the I-CORD method
Thanks to this technique, the edge of the product becomes dense and holds the structure of the fabric well, preventing it from stretching. It also looks neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Closing the sleeve loops using the I-CORD method

We knit and sew pockets with hollow cord edging (I-CORD)

Oversized cardigan with tie belt

This loose-fitting, deep wrap cardigan is crafted from the finest silky mohair yarn. Knitting needles of different thicknesses make the knitted fabric either denser or completely transparent.

36/38 (40/42) 44/46

Yarn (77% mohair, 23% silk; 175 m/25 g) - 200 (250) 300 g soft lilac; knitting needles No. 3 and 8; circular knitting needles No. 3; hook number 3.



From the left edge: knit the loops of the row according to the pattern until the last 5 stitches, remove 1 stitch as in knitting (thread at work), leave 1 stitch on the auxiliary needle before work, knit the next loop and pull the removed loop through the knitted one , knit the next stitch and pull a loop from the auxiliary needle through it, finishing the edge.

From the right edge: remove 1 st, as in knitting, leave 2 sts on the auxiliary knitting needle while working, return the removed loop to the left knitting needle, knit 2 sts together, then knit a knit stitch from the auxiliary knitting needle.

22.5 p. x 30 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch (knitting needles No. 3);
10.5 p. x 13 r. = 10 x 10 cm, knitted with stockinette stitch (knitting needles No. 8).

The sleeves are knitted from top to bottom. The arrow on the drawing of the pattern parts indicates the direction of knitting. The expansion of the part due to different densities of the pattern (as a result of switching to thicker knitting needles) is shown in the drawing as a bevel.



On needles No. 3, cast on 114 (124) 133 sts and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 41.5 cm = 124 r. (42 cm = 126 rub.) 42.5 cm = 128 rub. from the cast-on row, close on both sides for the armholes, first 1 time for 3 stitches = on the needles 108 (118) 127 stitches.

Then, for bevels, add armholes on both sides 1 time in the next 2nd row. and another 13 (14) 15 times in every 4th r. 1 p. each = 136 (148) 159 p.

After 60.5 cm = 182 r. (62.5 cm = 188 rub.) 64.5 cm = 194 rub. from the cast-on row, close on both sides for shoulder bevels, first 1 time, 3 stitches each, then in every 2nd row. another 12 times for 3 sts (8 times for 3 sts and 4 times for 4 sts) 4 times for 3 sts and 8 times for 4 sts.

After 66.5 cm = 200 rub. (68.5 cm = 206 rub.) 70.5 cm = 212 rub. from the cast-on row, close off the middle 30 (34) 37 stitches for the neckline and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline, close from the inner edge in every 2nd r. 1 time 4 p., 1 time 3 p. and 1 time 1 p.

After 69 cm = 208 rub. (71 cm = 214 rub.) 73 cm = 220 rub. From the cast-on row, bind off the remaining 6 stitches of the shoulder.

Finish the second side symmetrically to the first.

On needles No. 3, cast on 92 (99) 106 sts and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 33 cm = 100 rub. (35 cm = 106 rub.) 37 cm = 112 rub. from the cast-on row, first close from the left edge to bevel the neckline 1 time 4 p. and in every 2nd p. 1 time 4 p. and 2 times 3 p., then decrease (see Decorative decreases) 22 (24) 26 times 2 p.

Make the armhole, armhole bevel and shoulder bevel from the right edge, as described for the back.

Close the remaining 6 stitches of the shoulder at the same height as on the back.


On knitting needles No. 3, loosely cast on 70 (76) 84 sts and knit 1.5 cm = 4 r. facial stitch.

Switch to size 8 needles and continue knitting in stockinette stitch.

After 32.5 cm = 44 r. From the cast-on row, close all stitches with knit stitches.

On needles No. 3, cast on 52 stitches and knit in stockinette stitch.

After 165 cm = 496 rub. (175 cm = 526 rub.) 185 cm = 556 rub. From the cast-on row, close the loops with knit stitches.

Sew shoulder and side seams.

Crochet the bottom edge of the product with crochet No. 3 1 p. conn. columns.

For the front strips, cast on needles No. 3 along the straight edges of the shelves for 75 (79) 84 sts and knit 1 cm = 3 r. in stockinette stitch, starting from the purl row. Then close the loops with facial stitches.

Along the bevels of the neckline (including the short sides of the front slats), cast on 114 (119) 125 sts on circular needles No. 3, between them along the edge of the back neck another 48 (52) 55 sts and knit on all 276 (290) 305 sts 1 cm = 3 r. in stockinette stitch, starting from the purl row. Then close the loops with facial stitches.

Sleeve seams are made on the upper sections 2 cm long from the cast-on row. Then sew in the sleeves, slightly lowering the armhole, and align the shoulder seam with the short seam of the sleeve. On the tie belt, measure 85 (90) 95 cm from one end (= back of the belt) and make a mark along the entire width. Sew the belt along the marked line to the side seam of the jacket at a distance of 15 (15.5) 16 cm from the bottom edge.

Photo: Verena Podium magazine No. 1/2018

Oversized cardigan in color block style

Wide stripes of very light pastel shades combine extremely harmoniously on a voluminous cardigan

36/38 (40/42) 44/46

Yarn (76% mohair, 24% silk; 200 m/25 g) - 50 (50) 75 g each of pink, light pink and beige, as well as 25 (25) 50 g of light gray; knitting needles No. 4 and 4.5; circular knitting needles No. 4; 4 mother-of-pearl buttons.


Even number of loops. Knit alternately k1, p1.

Front rows - front loops, purl rows - purl loops.

Front rows - purl loops, purl rows - front loops.

Even number of loops. Each row begins and ends with an edge stitch. Persons p.: knit alternately knit 1, purl 1; purl r.: knit the front loops with purls, and the purls with the front ones.

Knit for 36 r. * front stitch with light pink thread, purl stitch with beige thread, pearl pattern with light gray thread, from * repeat constantly.

18 p. x 28.5 r. = 10 x 10 cm.



On knitting needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 100 (108) 116 sts and for the placket, knit 6 cm between the edges with an elastic band.

Then switch to knitting needles No. 4.5 and continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors; when changing colors, always knit the 1st row with facial loops.

For shoulder bevels after 57 cm = 162 r. from the bar on both sides close 1 x 4 (6) 6 p., then in every 2nd p. close 2 times with 3 sts and 5 times with 4 sts (7 times with 4 sts) 4 times with 5 sts and 3 times with 4 sts.

At the same time for the neck after 59.5 cm = 170 RUR. close the middle 18 stitches from the bar and finish both sides separately.

To round the neckline along the inner edge in every 2nd r. close 1 x 3 p. and 2 times 2 p.

After 62.5 cm = 178 rub. From the bar, close off the remaining 4 shoulder stitches.

On needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 44 (48) 52 sts and knit a placket as on the back.

Then switch to needles No. 4.5 and continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors.

To bevel the neck after 35 cm = 100 RUR. from the bar on the left edge, decrease 1 x 1 p., then 9 times in every 8th p. decrease 1 p.

At the same time, make a shoulder bevel from the right edge, as on the back. Close the remaining 4 stitches of the shoulder at the height of the back.

Knit like the left front, but in a mirror image.

Using knitting needles No. 4 with pink thread, cast on 40 (44) 48 stitches for each sleeve and knit a placket as on the back.

Then continue working according to the sequence of patterns and colors using knitting needles No. 4.5.

At the same time, for sleeve bevels, starting from the placket, add on both sides according to the pattern and color 5 times alternately in every 18th and 20th r. (7 times alternately every 14th and 16th r.) 9 times every 12th r. 1 p. each = 50 (58) 66 p. After 42 cm = 120 r. Close all loops from the bar.

Sew shoulder seams.

For the strip along the edges of the shelves, as well as along the edge of the neckline, on circular needles No. 4, use pink thread to cast on 337 stitches and knit between the edges with an elastic band, finishing with 1 knit stitch. Having knitted 3 cm, make 4 holes for buttons on the right front panel as follows: close 2 stitches and pick them up again in the next row. Make the first hole 8 stitches from the bottom edge, the remaining 3 at intervals of 26 stitches. At a bar height of 6 cm, close all loops according to the pattern.

Sew in the sleeves, sew side seams and sleeve seams. Sew buttons.

Photo: Verena magazine. Special Issue No. 2/2018

Kidmohair cardigan
Fashionable lightweight kidmohair cardigan.
Yarn Alize Kid mohair Kid Royal. Turquoise - color 457, gray - 52. (turquoise consumption - 113 g, gray -87 g) Knitting needles No. 5

MASTER CLASS on how to knit a mohair cardigan

Fashionable mohair cardigan. Mohair is my favorite yarn.
When knitting the product, Silkhair Lana Grossa yarn was used (70% mohair 30% silk, 25 g 210 meters).
Colors 701,702, 704.
Consumption: 9 skeins (three of each color), about 50 grams of yarn left (a little less) of all colors.
The product was knitted with triple thread.

Mohair cardigan knitted detailed MK

Cardigan with pearl pattern in mohair.
Stylish mohair cardigan with a loose silhouette and pockets. Knitted with a pearl pattern. The shelves, pockets and sleeve edging are made using the I-CORD technique.

We knit a cardigan placket using the I-CORD method or a hollow cord.

Closing the back neck using the I-CORD method
Thanks to this technique, the edge of the product becomes dense and holds the structure of the fabric well, preventing it from stretching. It also looks neat and aesthetically pleasing.

Closing the sleeve loops using the I-CORD method

We knit and sew pockets with hollow cord edging (I-CORD)