How to paint the edges of your nails with white polish. How to beautifully paint your own nails? Step-by-step instruction. An excursion into the history of nail design

Well-groomed hands have always been considered the calling card of any woman and girl. In order for your manicure to look like the picture, you need to know a few rules of nail care and how to beautifully paint your nails with the chosen varnish. Fashion trends offer options for painting in two or more colors, applying drawings and patterns, and acrylic coatings that last up to a month. More details about everything.

How to paint your nails beautifully and correctly

There are so many ways to do your own manicure that it’s impossible to list them all – you’re bound to miss one. However, the rules for preparing hands for the procedure and applying varnish are the same. Before you begin the process of coating the nail plate with varnish, make sure that you have gone through all the preparatory stages and the result of applying varnish will be a perfect manicure that can only be compared with salon manicure procedures.

Before opening a bottle of colored varnish, you need to remove the old coating, shape it, level the plate, remove the cuticle and finally treat the skin around it with nourishing oils:

  • To remove old coating, try to choose high-quality products that do not contain acetone.
  • The nails are shaped using a nail file. Everyone determines for themselves which type of this tool is more convenient to use at home.
  • A nail file is also used to level the entire surface. A more convenient way is a manicure device with a special attachment, which in a matter of minutes will make the plate perfectly flat without damage.
  • The cuticle needs to be removed very carefully using tongs or a special trimmer, which is often included in a manicure set.
  • You need to treat the skin with vegetable oils (apricot, almond, olive) or special creams.

How to carefully apply varnish

The first thing worth noting is that before applying any type of varnish, it is necessary to cover the nail plate with a transparent base, especially for manicures for children. It will not only protect your nails from the harmful effects of the coating, but will also allow it to last much longer without chipping. To avoid having to worry about how to paint your nails evenly, there are simple step-by-step instructions for applying polish:

  1. Step back 3-4 mm from the base of the nail, draw a center line to the tip of the plate with a brush with varnish.
  2. From the same place, draw another line to the tip of the nail, but this time painting one of the sides.
  3. Repeat on the other side.
  4. Finish the procedure by drawing a horizontal line along the tip of the nail, thereby securing the polish.
  5. Let the coating dry on its own or use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

Gel polish

Shellac is a new way to give your nails a new look, while maintaining it for up to 1 month. The coating is so durable that you will not see chips or cracks for a long time, and the color of the gel polish will remain until the very end of wear. If you do not know how to apply shellac correctly, then the instructions above will help you, the only difference is that drying occurs under an ultraviolet lamp, the light of which causes the coating to harden in a few seconds.

Simple varnish

When purchasing nail polish, choose a quality manufacturer, otherwise you risk using paint from an unknown manufacturer. In addition, varnishes from well-known brands are easy and even to apply. You will no longer have a question about how to beautifully paint your nails. They allow you to enjoy the results of your manicure longer. Good coatings are often more harmless than their cheaper counterparts. Application brushes also have a certain shape, which contributes to a smoother and faster application.

Color combination on nails

Recently, girls often choose multi-colored manicures. This trend has already firmly entered the fashion world, so the most famous brands specially produce sets of nail polishes so that you don’t have to think about which colors look best together. There are several types of combinations of varnishes that will help in the question of how to beautifully paint your nails in two colors:

  • contrasting: yellow with purple, red with blue, etc.;
  • monochrome: combinations of color shades, for example, pink with pale pink;
  • related: similar colors, for example, blue and green, orange and red, etc.

When choosing colors, don't forget to consider your wardrobe. If you are doing a manicure for a specific outfit, then try to make sure that it does not stand out from the entire color scheme, or let the color of the varnish match some individual accessories - a handbag, a scarf, a bracelet, and the like. Dark colors are ideal for the colder months, while bright, rich, warm tones will look great in spring and summer.

Video: how to make a beautiful manicure at home

Doing a manicure yourself is not difficult, especially when you have video tutorials from the best masters at hand, where the process is described step by step. By following all the recommendations from the video instructions, you will learn how to carefully paint your nails at the cuticle, how to beautifully paint short nails, and others. Photos of manicure options will help you quickly decide on a color or style, and you will see how to properly paint your nails in different colors. A little patience and everything will start to work out for you.

Many girls complain that they cannot paint their nails neatly. And, by the way, there is nothing surprising in this. Only at first glance it may seem that everything is simple. Of course, you can save yourself from all sorts of problems if you go to a salon for a manicure and nail painting. But not everyone can afford it. What to do then, how to properly paint your nails at home? Learn to. And what you need to know for this is what our discussion will go on.

Rule N1

So, first, learn this thing for yourself: if you want your nails not just to be painted, but to radiate beauty and a healthy look, get your nails done regularly. If they are not well-groomed, then no varnish will be able to give them a neat look. In addition, after this procedure, the varnish fits better on the nails.

Rule N2

Since you really need to know how to paint your nails correctly, never rush in your first endeavors. That is why you should always have about an hour of free time, although even this time may not always be enough. Most of it will go to drying the varnish. This usually takes 30-40 minutes. If you do not take this time into account and quickly start doing any work, the varnish may be scratched, peeled off and become uneven.

Rule N3

Pay attention to the length of your nails. As a rule, it is easier to work with long nails, but with short ones you have to tinker a lot so as not to stain the skin located next to the nail. The length also determines the color palette. So, if you are the owner, you can afford any color of varnish. But on short nails it is undesirable to use overly bright or, conversely, too dark colors. What color to paint your nails is up to you, but the best option is translucent shades. also does not always look beautiful, as well as various sparkles, stars, etc.

Rule N4

You can figure out how to paint your nails correctly only if you clearly lay out the entire work scheme in front of you. And you should have it like this:

To begin, lubricate your hands with nourishing cream, leave it on for a few minutes, and then degrease your nails with nail polish remover or toilet soap.

Apply to nails This is necessary so that the polish does not peel off and retains its original appearance for a long time. In addition, the base nourishes the nails and protects them from the effects of those substances that are part of the varnish.

Start painting with your little finger. It is most convenient to do this on a table. Place your hand so that most of it hangs down and only your fingers rest on the table.

Soak the brush in a jar of varnish. To do this, it should be completely lowered into the liquid, and then the excess should be removed on the edge of the jar.

For better convenience, the entire nail should be divided into three parts. The central part is painted first: the brush is carefully drawn from the base of the nail to its free edge. After this, the remaining two zones are painted. Movements must be fast, otherwise the varnish may lie unevenly.

Wait for the first coat of varnish to dry and apply the second coat. Also leave your nails to dry for 30-40 minutes. There is no need to apply more layers, it will be too much. But one layer is not enough for your nails to gain beauty.

When the varnish is dry, apply a fixing base on top. It will protect the varnish from mechanical influences and allow it to remain on the nails for a longer period of time without peeling off.

Take a toothpick and thinly wrap cotton wool around one end. Soak it in nail polish remover (after your nails are completely dry) and remove any excess on the cuticles and skin.

That's all, now you know how to paint your nails correctly. By the way, you can paint in the same way. But to do this, first practice on your hands. Once it becomes a habit, you will get better and better every time.

Despite the fact that the salon requires not only time, but also financial investments, many prefer to entrust their hands to professionals. This often happens because it involves a number of difficulties. Experts are confident that painting your nails perfectly at home is not at all difficult. Especially if you know twenty useful life hacks that will help you.

1. Three strokes are enough."Dip your brush into the bottle of polish and make a decent-sized dot at the base of the nail. Now, from there, draw a vertical line along the left edge, then go back and draw a line along the right edge. All that's left is to fill in the central part," advises nail design expert Simcha Whitehill .

2. Always apply a base coat."It may take extra time, but the base makes the manicure last longer and prevents pigments from penetrating into the nail plate," explains Whitehill.

3. Use a lipstick brush. To remove polish from your cuticles and other areas that you've stained during your manicure, arm yourself with a lip thinner that you no longer use for its intended purpose.

4. Find the right white. White polish looks amazing on nails of any length and instantly makes the skin look more tanned than it actually is. Remember that the product must be sufficiently pigmented (test it on paper, not white), and best of all, with the presence of a delicate shimmer.

5. Do not use express drying regularly. We agree that in some cases this product is simply necessary, but with regular and long-term use it can lead to dehydration of the nail plate.

6. Always use cuticle oil.“As soon as you finish your manicure, immediately apply nourishing oil to the cuticles.” Cover the entire surface of the nail with oil. This won't damage your manicure, but it will give your nails some slip if you accidentally bump your hands, and therefore protect them from damage," says Whitehill.

7. Keep your hands under cold water. If you decide not to use express drying and need to leave the house after 15 minutes, keep them under cold water for 1-2 minutes. The effect will be no worse.

8. Make the neon shade even brighter. To get truly neon nails and not a poor imitation of them, apply a layer of pigmented white polish instead of a base coat.

9. Apply varnish in thin layers. The thinner the layer, the faster it will dry - everything is logical. But do not forget that even three (and possibly four) thin layers of varnish will dry faster than one thick one.

10. Keep the polish in the refrigerator. This may be a revelation to you, but it is really recommended that you store your polish in a dry, cool, dark place. So a shelf in the refrigerator is an ideal option in this case to preserve the formula of the product, saving it from the harmful effects of heat and UV rays.

11. Mix textures. If the texture of your new nail polish seems too thick and sticky, add a few drops of a similar color liquid polish (or clear polish). It is best if both products are from the same manufacturer - but this is not a prerequisite.

12. Never shake the polish.“Instead of habitually shaking the product before use, slowly turn it upside down and then slowly return it to its original position. This technique ensures that there are no air bubbles in the polish or on your nails,” notes Whitehill.

13. Don't cut your cuticles. Just accept it—the more often you trim your nails, the messier your cuticles will look over time (and this will happen more often). It is better to use a special remover (cuticle solvent) containing oils and an orange stick.

14. Use wire cutters if you have hangnails. Only in this case can you afford to use the device. "Hangnails are inevitable, even if you keep your hand moisturizer on, and unfortunately the only way to get rid of them is to just cut them off," says Whitehill.

15. Stay away from hot water.“If you just got a manicure, washing dishes or taking a hot shower is a bad idea,” says the expert. “Hot water is one of the main enemies of a perfect manicure. It causes the nail plate to expand, which leads to the formation of cracks and imperfections.”

16. Remove varnish with a non-acetone product. Acetone tends to dry out your nails, so if you already have dry nails or are trying to make them stronger and healthier, it's best not to use this formula.

17. Experiment with glitter. Despite the fact that varnishes with glitter are famous for their complex removal scheme, they can extend the life of a manicure not by a couple of days, but by a week. Buy a top coat with subtle glitter so you don't have to give up your favorite shades. And when you decide to remove your manicure, apply liquid without acetone to cotton pads, wrap each nail with foil - and wait 10 minutes.

18. Apply polish in one direction. A small but important feature is to move the brush in one direction to reduce the risk of chipping after the varnish is completely dry. It really works!

19. Choose the safest varnishes. Make sure that the product formula does not contain formaldehyde, toluene and dibutyl phthalate (DBP) - these ingredients have the ability to accumulate in the body and cause harm to health in the long term.

20. Always use a top coat. The final touch of the manicure should be a top coat - a top coating that will increase the durability of the makeup. Another helpful tip from the pros: don't forget to "seal" the tip of your nail by drawing a thin horizontal stripe across it.

This page discusses questions about how to properly paint your nails. From the material you can learn about how fashionable it is to paint nails nowadays and what can be used for this.

In order to understand how to beautifully paint your nails, daily practice is also necessary. Before you paint your nails with polish next time, be sure to read these recommendations. Well, you can look at the photo to see how fashionable it is to paint your nails this season:

Using the possibilities offered by the variety of modern nail polishes, you can create absolutely any image - from strict or romantic to daring and extravagant. They allow you to experiment with colors and different effects, add shine, apply designs, etc.

We offer a video “How to paint your nails”, which clearly illustrates everything written below:

Choosing a polish and painting your nails at home

Before we paint our nails at home, we choose a suitable varnish that should match the shade and texture of the chosen idea. To perform more complex drawings, it is advisable to have 3 brushes of different thicknesses in your arsenal: No. 00 - for drawing dots and thin lines, No. 1 - for drawing straight and curved lines, No. 3 - for painting larger areas.

Modern fashion trends do not require that the shade of nail polish match the color of lipstick, clothing or accessories, so the main criterion when choosing it is personal preference. However, there are some recommendations here that, if followed, will help make your manicure even more impressive.

So, it is desirable that the chosen color of varnish is in harmony with the shade of the skin of your hands.

Most pink and red colors, as well as all cold-colored varnishes (both bright and muted shades) will go well with pale or pinkish hand skin.

If you have pale skin, you should use beige, yellow, and brown varnishes with great caution - they can look sloppy and visually age the skin of your hands.

On the contrary, warm-colored varnishes (orange, brown, etc.) are suitable for dark, golden, or peach-colored skin.

In any case, the color of nail polish should not blend with the skin tone, but differ from it by at least 2 tones.

When choosing a polish, you should take into account the length of your nails.

Almost all shades of varnish are suitable for medium-length and long nails: both discreet and bright, saturated.

On short nails, varnishes in discreet pastel colors and translucent compositions will look very good.

A light varnish with a pearlescent effect applied only to the central part of the nails will help to visually lengthen short nails and make them more graceful. Bright and dark colors should be used sparingly, perhaps combining them with a vertical pattern that visually lengthens the nails.

Techniques and methods for painting nails at home

Nail painting is a technological process with a specific algorithm of actions. The following is a general technique for painting nails at home, which guarantees excellent results. You can use a wide variety of nail coloring methods, many of which are discussed briefly. You can make sure that the polish is dry by lightly touching the nails of one hand to the nails of the other. If there is no sticking sensation, it means the varnish has dried.

To ensure that the polish applies evenly and lasts longer, your nails must be degreased before applying it. To do this, they can be washed with soap and dried thoroughly or wiped with nail polish remover.

It will be more convenient to paint your nails if you place your hand on a high, soft support, such as a folded towel.

To apply the varnish more evenly, the brush should be dipped into a bottle of it before painting each nail and gently “squeeze” it against the edge of the bottle.

The polish should be applied from the base of the nail to the tip. First, the central part of the nail is painted with a wide, uniform stroke, then two strokes are made along the edges. Excess varnish is removed with a brush (from the base of the nail to the tip).

You can visually lengthen the nail or distract attention from the not-so-successful shape of the nail bed by leaving the narrow areas along its edges unpainted.

The first coat should always be a special enamel-strengthening base or clear varnish. This will help smooth the surface of the nail and allow the decorative coating to last longer. Decorative varnish should be applied in two layers. The top of the nails can be additionally coated with transparent varnish or a special fixative. This will allow the varnish not to peel off for a long time and give it additional gloss.

The sealer should not be applied over varnishes with a matte effect. It is necessary to dry your nails as long as possible. Each subsequent layer of varnish should be applied only after the previous one has dried (except for cases where undried varnish is necessary for applying a pattern or application). You can speed up the drying of the polish by dipping your nails in cold water for a few seconds. However, this is an emergency measure. If time allows, it is better to let the varnish dry naturally.

You should not use a hairdryer to dry your nails - streaks may appear on the surface, and the polish will not last long. After it has completely dried, if necessary, remove excess paint from the skin around the nails. To do this, you can use a special corrector in the form of a pencil or a toothpick wrapped in cotton wool and dipped in nail polish remover.

The main thing that is shown in the video is how to properly paint your nails yourself, without the help of a specialist:

On a note. To extend the life of your nail polish, you should store it tightly sealed in a cool, dark place (you can even store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator). Before closing the bottle, you should blow lightly into it to displace oxygen and thereby avoid oxidation of the composition.

Decoration - technique of painting, painting and drawing on nails

Today, there are various techniques for decorating nails. The most popular of them are drawing (nail art) and applique. Below is a popular nail painting technique that allows you to achieve a spectacular result. The technique of drawing on nails using various means is also considered. Any nail painting technique that allows you to obtain an even and durable base can be used as a base.

Nail art. Nail designs can be applied in several ways. Which one to choose depends on the desired effect and skill level: first you should try simple techniques and only then move on to more complex ones.

Lucky felt-tip pens. This is a fairly new product, which is a tube filled with varnish with a convenient tip in the form of a brush or stylus. Drawing on nails with such a felt-tip pen is very simple; the main thing is to apply the pattern to the completely dry varnish.

After use, the felt-tip pen must be washed with nail polish remover.

Gel pens. When applying a design with gel pens, you should also wait until the base varnish is completely dry. You must draw very carefully so as not to touch or smudge the pattern. The finished drawing must be secured with transparent varnish.

The main disadvantage of a drawing made with a gel pen is its fragility. Alternatively, you can use glass and ceramic markers.

Technique for painting nails with a needle and brush

Modern techniques for painting nails can be done with a needle and a special brush.

Drawing with a needle. The main criterion that must be taken into account when choosing a needle is its thickness. So, for drawing on short nails or drawing small details, it is best to use a thin needle, for drawing a large pattern on long nails - a thicker one, or draw not with the point, but with the eye.

The needle drawing is done on the undried top layer of varnish. Immediately after applying the base coat, drops of varnish of a contrasting color are dripped onto the nail, after which a pattern is created using a needle, most often in the form of streaks.

When painting with a needle, do not use quick-drying varnishes.

Painting with a brush. The most professional technique is painting on nails with a brush.

To perform various works (drawing contours, painting over a picture, applying glitter, etc.), brushes of different lengths and thicknesses are used. By drawing on liquid or dried varnish, you can achieve various effects.

How to do nail stamping with your own hands?

Before you do stamping on your nails with your own hands, you should know that this is a technique in which a special stencil is filled with varnish (or varnishes) of a contrasting color, after which the design is transferred to the nail using a soft rubber stamp.

Before stamping, you can create a stencil yourself by cutting out the desired design using a blade in a piece of tape or self-adhesive film. The stencil is glued onto a completely dry base varnish, after which the free areas of the stencil are painted over with a varnish of a contrasting color. After the varnish has dried, the stencil is removed and a clear coat is applied.

Applications on nails. You can make your manicure more sophisticated or original by attaching various decorations to your nails with glue or varnish.

This is the easiest and fastest way to decorate your nails. As a rule, this accessory is glued to not completely dry varnish, after drying, which is fixed with a transparent coating.

Manicure foil. This is a very thin and fragile coating that can be applied to the entire nail or part of it. The foil is glued using special glue to nails coated with base varnish. Then the transparent protective film is removed from it and a transparent varnish is applied on top.

Rhinestones. Rhinestones, large sparkles, beads, etc. are glued onto the not completely dry varnish, slightly “drowning” in it (for a more reliable fixation, you can additionally use glue). After the varnish has dried, the manicure is secured with transparent enamel.

Using beads or rhinestones, you can add originality to a classic French manicure by laying out the border of the free tip painted with white varnish.

Threads. Most often, thin gold or silver embroidery threads or lurex are used in manicure. The thread is laid on the nail coated with base varnish in the form of a certain pattern (the varnish should not be completely dry), and then fixed with 2 layers of transparent fixative.

Lace. Using lace, you can create a stunningly beautiful manicure. The application can be glued either to the entire nail or to a separate section of it (for example, the free tip of the nail). The lace is glued to nails coated with a transparent base or contrasting varnish using glue, and then fixed with several layers of transparent fixative.

Plant elements. To decorate nails, small leaves, flowers, petals, etc. can be used. These elements are attached to the wet varnish using a needle or toothpick and then fixed with several layers of transparent fixative.

Modern fashionable nail piercing and its photo

Modern fashionable nail piercing can be performed using a procedure in which a hole is made in the free tip of the nail, into which one or another decoration (ring, rhinestone, etc.) is then inserted. In salons, the hole is usually drilled using a special thin drill; at home you can use a hot needle.

An original version of decorative manicure can be created using a piece of silk fabric. Nails must be painted with 3-4 layers of varnish of different colors (each subsequent one is applied to the previous one, which is not completely dry). Soak a piece of silk fabric in nail polish remover and rub it over your painted nails. This will partially dissolve the top layer of varnish, revealing the underlying layers of contrasting colors.

Women's manicure has long been an indicator of the style and taste of its owner. Still would! What pleasure we experience when choosing a polish on a retail shelf, and then painting nail after nail. It's a whole ritual. Would you like to know how to paint your nails in different colors? You are guaranteed to enjoy the process and meet admiring glances from your friends.

Why do they paint their nails different colors?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. Everyone has their own reasons for this, but they are all based on the same basis: it’s fashionable, it’s stylish, it’s beautiful.

Think for yourself, classic manicure has long become something familiar and commonplace. And sometimes you want a holiday and bright colors. I want to outright crush my boyfriends and catch the envious glances of my girlfriends. And there is nothing left to do but paint your nails in different colors.

No, of course, there are other options: buy new outfits, change your hair color. But now we are not talking about them. In addition, manicure is one of the fastest, cheapest and most effective ways to cheer yourself up.

The multi-colored design is also attractive because it does not take much time, unlike painting on nails. In addition, you will not need any improvised means (stencils, stickers, etc.).

An excursion into the history of nail design

Before we had time to get used to it and enjoy all the charm of the famous French jacket, the representatives of the fair sex were completely overwhelmed by a new fashionable wave. Her name is two-color manicure. True, modern trends are such that it is rapidly becoming multi-colored. Today it is fashionable to paint your nails in different colors. The photos show us a variety of combinations: from conservative to trendy. And the result looks amazing.

Where did this tradition come from? Who decided to tell us how to paint our nails different colors?

And it was like this. A couple of years ago, an Australian creative lady named Christina Fitzgerald released paired sets of polishes. The best part was that their shades matched each other perfectly. The entire European elite did not miss the opportunity to try out new products. And the fashion of painting nails in different colors triumphantly spread across Europe.

Features of two-color manicure

Are you interested and also want to impress everyone with a modern nail design? Then you should know how to paint your nails with different colors. The classic is simple: the middle and ring fingers should be highlighted separately. In other words, their nails are painted a different color.

A whole sea of ​​variations

But today there are a huge number of varieties of such manicure. Now we will learn how to paint your nails with different colors:

  1. You can alternate shades through one. This manicure will look elegant and original.
  2. Some people prefer to highlight the index finger and little finger on one hand, and the thumb and ring finger on the other.
  3. It would be considered a stylish solution if you paint your nails on your thumbs and ring fingers with a different polish.
  4. There is another technique that refers us to asymmetrical patterns. On one hand, the ring and middle ones stand out. On the other - only big.

But this is far from the limit. There is still a whole kaleidoscope of possibilities. Listen to the stylists. They can tell you a lot about how to paint your nails with different colors.

Studying the color palette

Rainbow nail design is, of course, attractive, but do not forget about various color combinations. Otherwise, you risk getting an elaborate and flashy manicure.

So let's see what colors can be combined with each other. If you are a fan of pink polishes, then you can safely choose brown, gray, or pale blue as a second color. If you like beige nails, you can complement this color with dark brown, emerald or red. For lovers of lilac, dark purple, gray, orange or yellow shades are perfect. Extravagant young ladies cannot live without red. If this sounds like you, add blue or green to it. Yellow will fit perfectly into this range. Black and white polishes are universal. They go with almost all colors. Red or blue will look most advantageous with white. With black - light green, pink lilac. You can also play with contrasts: take black and white colors.

Now let's see what kind of design you can create using different combinations of colors.

Monochrome conservatism

This variety is very interesting and suitable for every day. The manicure looks calm and not provocative. In order to create such a miracle on your nails, you will need one color, but in all its richness of shades. For example, if you take blue as a basis, then blue or turquoise will be perfect for highlighting. For such cases, the rule is: take and mix the base polish with white, you can get a wide variety of shades depending on how much white polish you add. If you want to make your manicure more contrasting, then add green or purple.

Achromatic glamor

A special feature of this manicure is the combination of two different shades of the color wheel. The main thing is that they are not contrasting. This manicure usually contains one of 3 colors: classic black and white, as well as neutral gray. They go well with different tones, so you can maintain harmony. Recently, nude beige, which is also quite neutral to various shades, has also been included in this category. This manicure is a great opportunity to stand out without crossing the line of everyday colors. This design is suitable for those girls who do not like bright contrasts, but they like experiments with color. Combinations of black and gold, white and blue, pink and gray will look interesting.

Complementary sophistication

Here is another variation of a two-tone manicure. Daring people who love to surprise and prefer extravagance will be delighted with her. Of course, this option is rather festive. On ordinary everyday life it will look somewhat defiant. Combinations of emerald and scarlet colors, light brown and sky blue are perfect for this nail design.

Two-color manicure on one nail

It must be said that it is allowed not only to paint the nails on different fingers in separate colors. You can mix these shades on one nail plate. Today the following varieties are very popular:

  1. Ombre manicure. A combination of several shades that smoothly transition from one to another.
  2. Geometric manicure. The two colors are clearly separated either horizontally or vertically.
  3. Triadic manicure. It consists of 3 shades that, it would seem, do not fit each other, but nevertheless look harmonious. For example, yellow, blue and purple.
  4. Lunar manicure. Your nails will look unusual and elegant. With this variety, the base of the moon-shaped nail is highlighted in a different color.

By the way, you can paint your toenails in different colors. Just don’t forget that a pedicure must be combined with a manicure.

There is one more rule in nail design: a manicure should consist either only of warm (bronze, red, yellow) or only of cold (blue, green, cyan) shades. Although when performing a complementary variation, this rule can easily be neglected.

Experimenting with textures

Another feature of multi-colored nail art is the ability to experiment with textures. True, it is better to refrain from too contrasting combinations. For example, you should not use matte varnish and mother-of-pearl together. But matte shades with metallic will look stylish and harmonious.

You can try 2 more textures for a two-color manicure:

  • Sand. This varnish appeared not so long ago. The manicure he performed is also called sugar manicure. It contains shimmer (miniature sparkles) and silicone beads.
  • Glitter. These varnishes contain reflective particles that add shine to your nails. It looks very festive and extraordinary. Sequins can have different shapes.

Painting your nails with different varnishes, which differ not only in color, but also in texture, is so exciting and interesting that you will definitely enjoy this activity. And who knows, maybe you will create your own version of nail art.

Feng Shui at the service of fashionistas

Did you know that there is another explanation why nails are painted different colors? It's all about feng shui. Of course, we have all heard about this Eastern teaching, which allows us to correct our lives. Believing it or not is a personal matter for everyone. But if we still choose a two-color manicure, why not listen to the advice of the Chinese sages?

Oracles say that it is advisable to highlight the nail on the index or middle finger on the right hand with a different varnish. Or you can do both at once. This is connected with the basics of Chinese teaching. These fingers are said to stimulate the influence of Saturn and the Sun, which allows for success in business and personal life.

On the left hand, the honor of being decorated with a different color fell to the nail on the thumb. It is he who can reduce anxiety and protect us from vain hopes.

How to make a two-color manicure?

There are usually no difficulties when painting each nail with a separate color. We have all mastered this art to perfection. But what to do if you want to experiment with different shades on one nail? In this case, you will have to try hard to make the manicure neat.

For lunar manicure, you can use special stencils. They have an adhesive surface and are easily removed after coating.

In the case of an Ombre or triad manicure, you can use a sponge:

  1. First, the nail should be covered with the main tone and allowed to dry.
  2. Next, apply 2 varnishes to a hard surface (you can use plastic or cardboard).
  3. Use a toothpick to gently mix them together. This will give you another color.
  4. Pick up the mixed varnish onto a sponge. A sponge or foam rubber is suitable. The main thing is that its surface is wider than the nail.
  5. Transfer the polish to the nail plate. If it didn't turn out too neatly, don't worry. Stains on the skin can be removed using a cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover. The removal process will be even easier if you lubricate the skin of your hands with a nourishing cream before the manicure.
  6. At the end of the procedure, the nails are covered with a layer of fixative.

As you can see, the art of nail design is not complicated. Moreover, this is such an exciting activity that, once you agree to experiment with flowers, it is impossible to forget your exciting emotions and joy from the amazing result. And if so, then we paint our nails in different colors! The photo will help you determine the shades and make the right choice of color.