All about how doctors determine the duration of pregnancy and something else. Due date calculator How to find out what month you are pregnant

Pregnancy is a long-awaited and desired event for many women. And now you will be interested to know everything about your situation: how the pregnancy develops week by week, what is happening in the body. And with the help of a pregnancy calendar you can do this very quickly and easily.

Pregnancy calendar is a convenient and useful service for expectant parents, moms and dads, which will tell you in great detail about pregnancy week by week. He can be your companion throughout your pregnancy right up to the birth itself.

Pregnancy is divided into 3 trimesters:

  1. First trimester - 1-13 weeks after conception
  2. Second trimester - 14-26 weeks
  3. Third trimester - 27-40 weeks

How does the fetus develop during each trimester? Our pregnancy calendar will give you the answer.

Why do you need a pregnancy calendar?

The pregnancy calendar will tell expectant mothers about how their baby changes and grows at this or that stage, how its organs develop, and how the baby gains weight. Our calendar for pregnant women will tell you what to do and what to abstain from at each stage of pregnancy, which doctors you need to visit, how to eat and what lifestyle to lead so that your baby is born healthy.

Also, our online pregnancy calendar will help you find out in what week, using an ultrasound, you can determine if you are having a girl or a boy.

This is exactly the weekly pregnancy calendar that gynecologists use when determining the age and development of the fetus. But there is also the age of the fetus, which differs from the menstrual period of pregnancy by 2 weeks.

In addition, this online pregnancy calendar gives expectant mothers the opportunity to communicate and exchange their feelings and impressions with friends in an interesting position every week of pregnancy. Leave your comments and you will find out who has the same feelings and what they could mean.

But you need to know that every pregnant woman’s body is different, and our calendar does not take into account the individual characteristics of the menstrual cycle, so the calendar contains information that is common to everyone. All dates are approximate, as the length of the menstrual cycle is different for all women and can vary, as a rule, from 24 to 36 days. In addition, you need to take into account that the cycle may be irregular.


Galina Chalaya
I approached the moment of conception very consciously and, of course, I take pregnancy responsibly. It is very important for me to know what happens to the baby at each stage of his development. After all, from the moment of conception he is my child, whom I must take care of. Therefore, I am happy to definitely look at the pregnancy calendar and read how my little son is doing in my tummy.

Natalia Semerichko
For me, the most important thing was that while reading about my week of pregnancy, I could chat on the forum and discuss my feelings with other expectant mothers who are at the same stage.

Maria Krylova
This calendar helped me learn a lot of useful information about my future baby. During this period, I was most interested in how it was in my tummy. After all, this pregnancy was my first. Very convenient and useful service. Thank you very much!

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Most of the fair sex are looking forward to the two coveted stripes. And so, as soon as they find out that everything worked out, they have a question: from what day is pregnancy considered? Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine this accurately down to the day. The only exception is continuous monitoring of ovulation. But it is carried out only during infertility. But there are other ways that help in more or less correctly calculating the gestational age. These are medical studies, calendar methods, gynecological examinations... Let's figure out what the existing types of determining the period of an interesting position of a woman are.

We count carefully

Some people believe that the stork's waiting period represents the amount of time that passes from the moment of conception. This point of view holds because it is quite true. Only in this case does this mean the embryonic period. Usually its duration is 38 weeks. But the little one may ask to come into this world a little earlier or a little later.

Modern medicine takes into account not the embryonic period of pregnancy, but the obstetric period. Its peculiarity is that the first day of the last menstruation is used for counting. This will be the first day of pregnancy. When a woman registers, the doctor enters exactly this date on the exchange card and relies on it when calculating the period.

It is known that ovulation occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle. Because of this, it becomes clear from what day doctors consider pregnancy. And therefore, the difference between the obstetric and embryonic stages of pregnancy is exactly two weeks (the first period is longer than the second). In the first seven days, the egg begins its maturation and preparation for fertilization.

Oh, these forty weeks!

Typically pregnancy lasts 40 obstetric weeks. But the appearance of a baby between the 38th and 42nd weeks is also considered the norm. Formally, a pregnancy can be considered premature or post-term, but in reality, birth occurs at the time set by nature - exactly on time. Here, of course, the question arises: from what day is pregnancy considered? And such interest is understandable, because the discrepancy in the dates lies in the fact that the calculated obstetric period is very average. It can coincide with the embryonic one only when the baby is conceived in the middle of the 28-day cycle. And this is provided that the cycle before pregnancy was regular.

In addition to the usual calculations using a calendar, the doctor can set a due date, taking into account ultrasound diagnostic data. This will be possible only if the future toddler develops according to all stages of pregnancy.

If the expectant mother believes that conception did not occur in the middle of the cycle, as happens in most cases, but shortly before its end or at the beginning, she must inform her gynecologist about this. Then the doctor will adjust his calculations in order to determine the PDA (preliminary date of birth) as accurately as possible.

Calendar method

This method is designed to control every sexual act. If the union of bodies does not occur very often, then the woman will definitely understand on what day fertilization occurred. Some potential mothers have trained themselves to measure their basal temperature. If they have learned to use the chart correctly, they should tell their doctor about the day they have withdrawn. Based on this information, the doctor will set an approximate date with an error of two weeks.

From what day is pregnancy considered in this case? The error is based on the fact that people in white coats take into account only the obstetric period, the peculiarity of which is its dependence on the first day of the last menstruation. This is a very accurate technique, and the due date is determined within a week. And you can calculate it using a simple formula, probably known to many: the actual day of fertilization + 280 days. Or subtract three months from the day of conception and add seven days. If a potential mother knows the exact day of her ovulation, then only 264 days need to be added to the day of conception. This will also be the correct result.

Such a familiar and promising ultrasound

For many years, ultrasound radiation has been used in medicine to monitor fetal development. After all, every expectant mother is very concerned about the question of how to correctly count pregnancy. And with the help of ultrasound, you can calculate both the approximate time of conception and childbirth. To get a more accurate result, doctors recommend examining a pregnant woman in the first 8 weeks. It is at this stage that each fetus develops exactly the same. The term is determined by its size.

But further development of each future little one occurs strictly individually. Body parts and organs may develop more slowly or faster than the diagrams suggest. From this we can draw a simple conclusion: the shorter the gestational age, the better and more effective the examination’s response will be. The doctor checks the result with the data in the table and verifies the week of pregnancy. If an ultrasound reveals a delay in fetal development, a diagnosis of this will be made. And the only thing that can speed up the development of the little one at least a little is that the expectant mother will be very attentive to her health.

At an appointment with a gynecologist

Some women make the mistake of coming to see a gynecologist on the first day of a delay, hoping that only he can answer whether pregnancy has occurred or not, and if the answer is positive, determine the first day of pregnancy. But at this moment it is impossible to determine this. Yes, the uterus will be slightly enlarged, but this may be due to future menstruation. And its increase, associated with the beginning of a new life, will occur only after the second or third week of the delay. The size of the uterus at this stage will be the size of a chicken egg. The peculiarity of examinations by a gynecologist is the same as that of an ultrasound: the shorter the period, the more accurately the exact date of conception will be determined.

Pregnancy with IVF

The number of women who decide to undergo artificial insemination is increasing every day. This method assumes that the egg will be combined with the sperm, after which specialists will observe them for several days. And here a woman who is subjecting herself to such a procedure has the right to ask from what day to count pregnancy during IVF. And everything is simpler than it might seem: the embryo is transferred no earlier than three to five days later. This is when pregnancy begins.

If a woman has a short cycle, the obstetric period is set from the day of her last menstruation. And if it’s long, then there will be some features. The potential mother will begin to take medications that block the activity of the ovaries (their stimulation will begin later). Therefore, if you count from the last menstruation, then in real life the development of the fetus will be 3-4 weeks, and the calculated period is 7-8 weeks. Therefore, there is no problem understanding from what day pregnancy is considered - from conception or implantation. Gynecologists count precisely from the day the embryo is implanted into the woman’s body.

Getting ready to give birth to a healthy baby

Instead of arguing with the doctor about the situation, from what day do people in white coats count pregnancy, it is better for the expectant mother to direct all her attention and care to the new life that is growing in her. After all, for the development of the baby, not only the physical health of the mother is important, but also the psychological one. A woman should try to experience more positive emotions, breathe fresh air more often, eat more plant foods, and eat a lot of seasonal vegetables and fruits.

Pregnancy is one of the most joyful moments in the life of every woman. She needs to try not to spoil her joy from expecting a baby. The expectant mother should simply enjoy her current situation, rest more and remember that the child is happy only when his mother is happy.

Pregnancy is a very dynamic process during which the growth and development of the fetus occurs, and restructuring occurs in the woman’s body in accordance with the stage of its development. Therefore, correct determination of the gestational age is very important for understanding the changes that occur in each period gestation(pregnancy).

Information To correctly determine the duration of pregnancy, information about the first day of the last menstruation, from which it is calculated, is important. This approach is valid for a regular menstrual cycle.

Fertilization usually occurs after ovulation(the release of the egg from the ovary, that is, in the middle of the cycle), therefore this definition of the period is somewhat averaged and differs from the true one by an average of 14-16 days. But since in most cases the exact date of ovulation is unknown (with the exception of in vitro fertilization programs), counting from the first day of the last menstrual period is most often used.

By date of first movement

You can also take into account the date of the first fetal movement. For primiparous women this is usually about 20 weeks, for multiparous women - . But fetal movements are a rather subjective sign (especially in the early stages it can be confused with intestinal function), so it can only be used as an additional one.

Besides data medical history(a set of information obtained by interviewing the patient) when establishing the gestational age, one should focus on objective data obtained during examination, that is, the size of the uterus and the position of its fundus, as well as the results obtained during an ultrasound examination.

Determination of the period based on the height of the uterine fundus

The size of the uterus and the height of its fundus at different stages of pregnancy

From the very beginning of pregnancy, the uterus begins to gradually grow and by each month it should have a certain size during the normal development of pregnancy:

  • By the end of pregnancy, the uterus reaches the size of a chicken egg;
  • The size of the uterus corresponds to the size of a goose egg, which is clearly determined by vaginal examination;
  • The uterus is determined at the level of the border of the upper edge of the pubic arch;
  • The fundus of the uterus is located in the middle of the distance between the navel and the pubis (4 transverse fingers above the pubic symphysis - the articulation of the pubic bones);
  • By pregnancy, the fundus of the uterus is set 2 transverse fingers below the navel;
  • The fundus of the uterus is at the level of the navel;
  • The bottom of the uterus is determined 2-3 transverse fingers above the navel;
  • The fundus of the uterus is installed in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process of the sternum;
  • This level reaches the xiphoid process and costal arches;
  • The fundus of the uterus lowers somewhat due to the expansion of the lower segment (the body is preparing for childbirth) and the lowering of the presenting part (usually the head) and is located in the middle of the distance between the navel and the xiphoid process.

This parameter should be assessed only in conjunction with the others, since the height of the uterine fundus increases in the presence of a large fetus, multiple pregnancies, or in case of abnormal fetal position, and decreases in the case of a small fetus, or with a low standing of the presenting part of the fetus (if there is a threat of miscarriage). Also, the increased size of the uterus can, especially in the early stages, imitate the presence of myomatous nodes, hydatidiform mole and other pathology.

How to calculate gestational age using ultrasound

Ultrasound examination () is of great help in determining the duration of pregnancy. In the early stages, when the embryo is not yet determined, the period is set based on the size of the fertilized egg.

Indicators of the average internal diameter of the ovum

From the moment when the embryo begins to be determined in the fertilized egg, the gestational age is determined based on the size coccygeal-parietal size of the embryo/fetus(this is the maximum distance from the head end of the fetus to its tailbone). This method is more accurate than determining the period by the diameter of the fertilized egg.

Estimation of gestational age based on embryo/fetus

In the second half of pregnancy, the gestational age is determined based on several measurements:

  • Biparietal size of the fetal head;
  • Fetal abdominal circumference;
  • Length of the femur.

The period established on the basis of ultrasound examination is correlated with the menstrual period and the data of objective research.

Duration of pregnancy and determination of the date of birth

The average length of pregnancy is 280 days, which corresponds to 40 weeks. It is impossible to determine the exact date of birth for each specific pregnancy. Therefore, a term birth (that is, a full-term birth) is considered to be a birth between 37 and 42 weeks of pregnancy. Moreover, at 37 weeks the baby may not yet be ready for extrauterine life, but the birth will not be considered premature. And at 41-42 weeks the baby may be born with signs of postmaturity.

How to calculate your due date

The estimated due date can be determined in the following ways:

  • On the first day of the last menstruation: add 280 days to it and get the due date corresponding to 40 weeks of pregnancy. It’s easier to subtract 3 months from the first day of the last menstruation and add 7 days (For example, the first day was March 15, subtract 3 months - December 15 and add 7 days, we get the expected date of birth - December 22);
  • By ovulation: from the first day of expected but not occurring menstruation, subtract 14 days and add 273 days. This method is valid for regular menstruation;
  • By exact date of fertilization(more often used for in vitro fertilization - 3 months are subtracted from the date or 273 days are added);
  • According to the gestational age established at the first visit to the antenatal clinic(more precisely when registering up to 12 weeks);
  • By date of first movement: for primiparous women, 20 weeks are added to the date of the first movement, for multiparous women – 22;
  • By date of prenatal leave(at 30 weeks, 10 weeks are added to this number);
  • According to ultrasound data(the most accurate for determining the period is the first screening ultrasound at 10-14 weeks, since the fetus does not have characteristics related to race, gender, etc.);
  • According to the degree of maturity of the cervix: This method is based on studying the cervix during vaginal examination. In this case, you can determine whether the cervix is ​​mature or not (that is, determine its readiness for childbirth), but not indicate the exact date.
  • According to colpocytological test. This method is based on taking material from the cervix and examining it under a microscope to determine the ratio of different cells. Changes in the composition of cells can be used to judge the expected date of birth.

Today, there are many special obstetric calendars that, based on the first day of the last menstruation, make it possible to determine the duration of pregnancy, as well as the expected date of birth.

Hello, my dear readers! Today I am talking about those first exciting minutes when a woman becomes convinced that she will soon be called a mother. Usually such confidence comes after the test shows two stripes. The next question that begins to worry a pregnant woman is when to expect the birth of a small miracle. There are many methods, both purely medical and folk, tested by our grandmothers. Now we will talk about how doctors determine the duration of pregnancy.

Probably no woman wants her expected due date to be a complete surprise. By determining the gestational age with maximum accuracy, you can promptly monitor the development and growth of the baby, prevent the occurrence of pathologies, and determine the time of maternity leave.

Although the truism is that pregnancy lasts 9 months, doctors use a different system for calculating the period. For each woman, the period of intrauterine development of her child can range from 37 to 42 weeks.

Do you know at what stage of pregnancy you yourself were born? If not, then ask your mom. There is a high probability that your baby will be born around the same period. An interesting fact is that girls turn out to be more nimble and are often born at 38-39 weeks, while boys patiently “wait” for the due date.

Why are there different deadlines?

Before calculating the date of birth, you need to understand what obstetric and true gestational age is. The first question doctors ask during an examination is the day the last menstruation began. Many women are puzzled why the doctor recorded the gestational age two weeks later.

The thing is that the obstetric period is calculated from the first day of the start of menstruation, although conception itself usually occurs two weeks after this date. Don’t be surprised by this method of calculation, because the period of egg maturation begins immediately after the start of a new menstrual period. The gynecologist determines and records the period by week.

The true period of “interesting position” is calculated from the day of ovulation. Typically, a woman’s body is ready to conceive a new life in the middle of the menstrual cycle. With a standard cycle length of 28-36 days, ovulation occurs on days 13-16. But ovulation is not menstruation and it cannot always be determined with one hundred percent accuracy.

Although there are many ladies, especially those who passionately want a child, who listen sensitively to their body and can, based on certain signs, determine the cherished day with precision. During this period, vaginal discharge may increase and basal body temperature may rise.

In addition, ovulation can be determined by ultrasound. But to do this, you need to go to the study for several days in a row, which, you see, is not possible.

And again we remember the regular cycle. If it works like a clock, then ovulation can be calculated with an accuracy of 2-3 days. Then the average duration of pregnancy is added to this date, that is, 280 days. This will be the baby's likely birthday.

Although we must also take into account that the day of conception and the day of sexual intercourse may not coincide! Spermatozoa remain active for up to 5 days. For example, sexual intercourse occurred on the 11th day of the cycle, and ovulation and conception occurred on the 12th or even 14th day.

Determining the due date for a gynecological examination

I would like to note right away that at the first signs of pregnancy you should immediately go to the doctor. Why is this so important to do?

  • you will verify your assumptions;
  • you will undergo the necessary tests to find out whether your baby is developing correctly;
  • they will tell you how to eat properly and organize a daily routine;
  • you will find out the most accurate gestational age.

If your first visit to the gynecologist takes place after the eighth week, it will be more difficult to determine the exact period. If you consulted a doctor in the early stages (this is 3-4 weeks), then it will not be difficult for an experienced specialist to determine how long you have been pregnant. When examining and interviewing the expectant mother, the due date can be determined in the following ways:

  1. three months are subtracted from the first day of menstruation and seven days are added, the resulting date will be the expected day of birth;
  2. the period is determined by the size of the uterus (at the 4th week it is compared to a chicken egg, and at the 8th week it is compared to a medium-sized apple);
  3. The height of the uterine fundus, which is calculated by measuring the distance from the pubis to the top of the uterus, will help determine the period;
  4. What matters is swelling of the labia and a change in the color of the vaginal walls to dark red or violet-bluish;
  5. There is a change in the shape of the ovary, which enlarges on one side due to the so-called corpus luteum.

Each of these methods has its drawbacks. The first gives accurate data only if the woman has a regular menstrual cycle. What if your periods are intermittent, for example, with polycystic ovary syndrome? Then this method will not tell you much. The size of the uterus may indicate a longer period than it actually is (for example, in the presence of fibroids). The uterine fundus may be higher than normal in case of a narrow pelvis or multiple pregnancy.

How does ultrasound determine the date?

What if an exact determination of the period is required or the woman does not remember the date of the start of her last period? In this case, ultrasound will come to the rescue. Often, expectant mothers are wary of it; they worry that such a procedure will harm the child. There is not the slightest reason for concern; ultrasound is absolutely harmless at any stage.

Typically, a planned ultrasound is not prescribed immediately, but at 12-16 weeks. In this case, there is no need to pin hopes on an exact determination of the period. If you want to know the most accurate age of intrauterine development of your baby, feel free to do an ultrasound at 5-6 weeks.

The period is set taking into account its average internal diameter. At an early stage, ultrasound determines the due date quite accurately, because all embryos are still approximately the same size.

Ultrasound in the second trimester determines the period by the circumference of the fetal head or the diameter of its chest. Also install:

  • distance between the temporal bones;
  • thigh length;
  • tummy circumference;
  • fronto-occipital size.

Reliable information is provided by the dimensions of the child’s femur and humerus bones. In this case, the height and physique of the parents are taken into account. But very often the period determined by the ultrasound may differ by 1-2 weeks from what is written in the card. Data on the size of the fetus depend on the individual characteristics of the child.

How does hCG determine the period?

HCG is a unique hormone that is produced exclusively in pregnant women. Its very presence in the blood and urine already indicates that the mystery of the birth of a new life has happened. Pregnancy tests, which are sold in regular pharmacies, are based on the hCG hormone.

The production of hCG begins almost immediately after the implantation of the embryo into the uterus, and it can be detected in sufficient quantities already on the 6th day after conception. Subsequently, its level rapidly increases until the 8th week.

During this period, it doubles every 2-3 days, on the basis of which the gestational age is determined. After the 9th week, the hCG level begins to gradually decrease and ceases to serve as a guide.

I would like to note that the period according to the hCG level always differs from the obstetric one, since the first takes into account the date of conception, and the second - the first day of the onset of menstruation. By the way, there were some exceptions here too. During pregnancy with twins, the hCG level is also twice as high as normal.

If the hCG level is too low compared to the obstetric period, this may be a warning sign. It is likely that an ectopic pregnancy has occurred or the fetus has died.

Determining the due date by fetal movement

What could be more pleasant for a young mother than hearing the “fuss” of her baby in her tummy for the first time? At what time can you hear it? At first, his movements are so weak that they can only be recognized by listening carefully. Gradually they intensify so much that they can even wake up mom at night. But this moment is still far away; the first movement of the fetus occurs at 18-20 weeks.

The first activity is noticed by ultrasound at the 8th week, but the baby is still too small for the mother to catch these movements. Normally, during the first pregnancy, a woman feels movement exactly halfway through the term - that is, at the 20th week, and with all subsequent ones, a little earlier - at the 18th.

Therefore, the day when the baby first announces itself must be remembered and reported to your doctor. The fact of the child’s movement is even more important when the woman does not remember the day the last menstruation began.

There are often cases when a nursing mother becomes pregnant before her period begins and for the first months she is not even aware of her situation. In this case, the child’s first activity will become the main guideline for doctors to determine the due date.

Determining the date of birth by the first movement is a fairly reliable way, although some mothers may mistakenly mistake the various activities of their intestines for the baby's kicks.

In late pregnancy, the baby's activity decreases. Many mothers are very worried about this. Of course, it is necessary to tell the doctor about your feelings, but in most cases he will reassure you. The child is already quite big, he is cramped in his mother’s belly. Rare fetal kicks also serve as a signal that there is no more than a month left before birth.

How is it, you ask, that there is not a single way to determine the duration of pregnancy with an accuracy of one day? Is it really necessary to know the exact day and hour? Knowing the approximate date, you will have time to fully prepare for such an important day, and your child may present a small surprise!

It was very nice to talk to you again! See you again!

Pregnancy is a time that requires a woman to pay maximum attention to her health.

This is the key to successful pregnancy, easy childbirth and the health of future children. But, as you know, the first weeks of the “interesting situation” pass almost asymptomatically.

Someone finds out about their situation after a couple of months, and then until the end of their term they worry about a couple of glasses of champagne drunk at a corporate party. First of all, women who have recently learned about their pregnancy are concerned about the gestation period.

How to determine the exact duration of pregnancy in the early stages and how reliable are the available methods?

- the first thing a woman thinks about when she wants to make sure of her situation.

The tests are based on determining the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin in morning urine. This specific hormone that begins to be released after implantation of chorionic villi into the uterine mucosa.

It is an almost 100% guarantee of diagnosing pregnancy, and the due date can be determined by the concentration of the hormone.

The test result is traditionally presented by one or two stripes. In this way, the presence of pregnancy can be diagnosed, but its duration remains unknown.

And only with the help of a new product - a digital test (for example ClearBlue Digital) - can you not only diagnose pregnancy, but also find out its due date.

If hCG is detected in the blood, ClearBlue Digital will determine its concentration, and from it the number of weeks that have passed since conception. The test result will be shown on a digital display. “-” means absence of pregnancy, and “+” indicates its presence. If a woman is pregnant, the “+” sign will indicate the number of weeks that have passed since conception.

The test provides 3 options: 1-2 weeks, 2-3 weeks and 3+ (more than three weeks after conception).

The test is so sensitive that it can be carried out not only from the day of the expected period, but also 3-4 days before this date.

However, you can determine the period without a test.

Determining the duration of pregnancy by the date of the last menstruation

If a non-digital home test has confirmed the fact of pregnancy, but you want to find out its duration, you can independently determine this by the date of your last menstruation.

This method is used in obstetric practice. Although in fact, the “traditional” gestation period is two weeks longer than the actual life of the embryo, because conception occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle.

For example, if your period was on February 10, then by the time of the delay (March 10 with a 28-day cycle) the period will be 4 weeks (1.5-2 weeks from the moment of conception).

Determining the period for hCG analysis

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a specific hormone that begins to be released after implantation of chorionic villi into the uterine mucosa.

The presence of hCG is an almost 100% guarantee of diagnosing pregnancy, and the due date can be determined by the concentration of the hormone.

The work of home tests (both digital and showing “two stripes”) is based on the determination of human chorionic gonadotropin in morning urine. There is also a blood test for hCG, which is performed in a clinical laboratory.

The sensitivity of the clinical test and its reliability are much higher than urine diagnostics.

A referral for analysis can be obtained from a gynecologist after a delay in menstruation is detected. Often, the doctor pre-sets the pregnancy period after a gynecological examination, because after the implantation of the embryo, the uterus begins to increase and each week of pregnancy corresponds to its size of the reproductive organ.

However, when going for analysis, you should remember that in some women the increase in hCG may differ significantly from statistical indicators. And this is not always associated with fetal pathology; it may simply be a metabolic feature. In this case, the deadline will be determined incorrectly.

Ultrasound diagnosis of pregnancy

The ultrasound method is the most reliable in diagnosing pregnancy, determining the gestational age and location of the fetus.

Opinions regarding this matter differ, so they try not to prescribe an examination without a good reason.

But ultrasound diagnostics is indicated if there are some chronic diseases of the mother, as well as if the couple was treated for infertility or had experience of unsuccessful pregnancies.

Starting from the 5th obstetric week (about 3 weeks after conception), the fertilized egg is already visible on the screen.

The approximate gestational age is determined by its size. In the early stages, a parameter such as SVD (average internal diameter) is used, and from the beginning of the third month it will be possible to determine the period by the coccygeal-parietal size (CTR).

Basal temperature measurement

If a woman planned her pregnancy, recorded and knows her own physiological cycles, then another home diagnostic method will be available to her. You can continue after the date of ovulation and possible conception.

Above 37°C can most likely indicate pregnancy.

Measuring basal temperature should be done while lying down, after sleep, preferably at the same time, otherwise the data will be uninformative.

All measurements must be entered into a special table, and then a graph of basal temperature must be plotted. So, the embryonic period of your pregnancy will be equal to the number of days following the day when the basal temperature became above 37.

Finding out your pregnancy date as early as possible is the dream of all women, because your plans for the future largely depend on it. If you want to quickly confirm that you are pregnant, do a home test and then get examined at a antenatal clinic.

The sensitivity of tests and the quality of ultrasound diagnostics are constantly improving; you will receive a result that has a high degree of reliability.