For those who write with errors. Dysgraphia: when a child writes with errors. So what to do if a child writes with errors?

Petryasheva Natalia Eduardovna,

teacher speech therapist

To denote writing disorders, the terms “dysgraphia” (from the Latin “grapho” - I write) and “dysorthography” (persistent spelling errors) are used. The particle “dis” indicates a qualitative violation of the process. The main symptoms are the presence of persistent specific errors, the occurrence of which in schoolchildren is not associated with either a decrease in intellectual development, or with severe hearing and vision impairment, or with irregular schooling.

Dysgraphia, or specific errors in writing are errors that are not related to the application of spelling rules. Errors are persistent.

Error groups:

  • Errors at the letter and syllable level (omissions, substitutions): "Snokey-sleigh", "kick-scream", "travel-journey"
  • Errors at the word level (separate, combined spelling of parts): "and they blow", "under the bed", "shining moon"
  • Errors at the sentence or phrase level (lack of boundaries, errors in coordination, management): “The geese came out of the yard and walked onto the rod”
  • Mirror writing of letters "Z" - "E", "I" - "R"
  • Replacement letters based on similarity of writing method: a-o, and-y
  • Replacement letters based on optical similarity: p-t, x-f, b-d, h-e, shhh
  • Other errors

There are different reasons for writing disorders; they cause different types of errors.

  • Disadvantages in the development of spatial concepts are caused by: mirror spelling of letters, substitution of letters based on optical similarity, merging and splitting of words when writing, fused spelling of words with prepositions
  • Insufficient development of fine motor skills of the fingers is caused by: violations of calligraphy, slipping from the line, lack of proportionality in the size of letters
  • Defective pronunciation of speech sounds and their sound replacements can manifest themselves in: mixing in writing sounds that are disturbed in pronunciation: z=zh: zhazhim, kozhochka (goat); r=l: tray…. and etc.
  • The lack of formation of phonemic perception is caused by errors associated with insufficient phonemic perception: substitutions of voiced-voiceless, whistling-hissing consonants, especially the affricate sh-ts, ch-ts
  • The lack of formation of phonemic analysis and synthesis, sound-letter analysis and synthesis is caused by: omission of vowels and consonants, addition of letters, omission of syllables
  • Violations of language analysis: violations of sentence boundaries, fused spelling of words, separate spelling of parts of words, fused spelling of several sentences

To successfully master writing, a child must:

  • distinguish “by ear” all sounds of speech;
  • correctly pronounce all the sounds of your native language;
  • have a good command of simple and more complex forms of phonemic analysis of words;
  • navigate in space, the diagram of your body, on a sheet of paper;
  • be able to identify, distinguish and remember parts of natural and drawn objects;
  • have well-developed fine motor skills of the fingers.

Methods for overcoming writing impairments:

  • correction of sound pronunciation disorders;
  • development of auditory attention and memory;
  • development of phonemic awareness;
  • development of phonemic, sound-letter analysis and synthesis skills;
  • development of spatial orientations and ideas;
  • development of fine motor skills of the fingers;
  • development of grapho-motor skills.

For the development of fine motor skills it is necessary to perform finger exercises (a variety of finger games can be found on the Internet).

Development of graphomotor skills– this means working with various hatching patterns, stencils, and performing various graphic tasks.

Visual perception and spatial orientation develop such tasks and exercises as: “Complete the picture”, “Find words” (among letter rows), “Graphic dictations” - drawing in cells under dictation, developing orientation on a sheet of paper: top-bottom, right-left, right- top, left-bottom corners.

Games for the development of visual-spatial concepts

“Find the Hidden”: Invite your child to find the object you hid in the room, following the instructions. For example: “Stand with your back to the TV and take two steps to the right, turn to the left and take one step, etc.”

Ask your child to show different parts of the body: right eye, left hand, etc. Make the task more difficult by asking them to show their right ear with their left hand, their left eye with their right hand, etc. This type of exercise helps to develop the ability to navigate the right and left sides of space.

On the street, you can ask your child to look at the surrounding objects and name their location relative to each other. For example: “The car is parked near the house.”, “The bus is driving to the right of the girl.”, “Flowers grow to the left of the tree.” etc.

Children often mix letters that are similar in image when writing. I offer you an approximate algorithm for distinguishing mixed letters (using the example of the letters “b” and “d”):

  • What does each letter look like? (woodpecker squirrel)
  • Distinguishing sounds b - d in words (listen to words, name the sound, show the letter)
  • Letter dictations - listen to words, write down only letters: b or d
  • Syllable dictations - recording syllables under dictation
  • “Correct the mistakes”: beaver, deldelka, dodry, beaver...
  • Write words in 2 columns: in one - with the letter b, in the second - with the letter d
  • Other exercises for distinguishing letters b – d (can be found on the Internet)

In order for the child not to miss letters and syllables in writing, and also to be able to determine where to apply the spelling, it is necessary to teach him to clearly hear all the sounds in a word, determine their order and relative positions in words. It is also necessary to distinguish the names of letters from the pronunciation of sounds. For this purpose, games are used to develop phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis.

  • Say a series of words and ask the child to clap his hands (raise his hand) when he hears a given sound, for example: “Clap your hands when you hear the [R] sound in a word.” This way you can “play” with any speech sound.
  • Ask to remember and name the objects surrounding the child (on the street, in the room, in the store...) that begin with the sound [Ш] (or any other sound): Hat, hose, closet...
  • Offer to come up with 5-7 words on your own that contain a given sound, for example, the sound C: dog, pump, forest...
  • “Name the first sound in words”: we pronounce words with the first vowel sound: duck, stork, pointer, orange, needle, hoop, etc.; with the first consonant: cat, fur coat, umbrella, ribbon, etc.
  • “Name the last sound in words”: parents pay attention to the fact that the child must pronounce the sound, not the letter. (the letter “es”, and the sounds – (c), (сь), the letter “er”, sounds (р), (рь))
  • “Count how many sounds are in the words”: example: elephant (4 = s, l, o, n), drink (3 = p, i, t), apple (7 = th, a, b, l, a, k, A)…
  • “Where is the sound hidden?”: the child must determine the approximate location of the sound in the word: at the beginning, middle, end. For example: “Where is the sound [S] hidden in the word “sledge” (at the beginning), in the word “bowl” (in the middle), in the word “nose” (at the end)”
  • “Guess the word”: parents invite the child to guess the word that they pronounce based on individual sounds, making a pause between them in pronunciation. For example: [s]-[l]-[o]-[n]

Games for the development of syllabic analysis and synthesis

  • “Add the syllable to make a word.” For example: ma-li-(na), ka-ran-(dash), kar-tosh-(ka), etc.
  • “Count how many syllables are in the words.” For example: elephant, house, tap, stump (words with one syllable); porridge, summer, bag, lesson, cheese (words with two syllables); raspberry, picture, chicken (words with three syllables)
  • “Make words from mixed up syllables.” For example: shi-na-ma (car), ru-ken-gu (kangaroo), etc.
  • “Which syllable “ran away”?” For example: the word “milk” is given, then a truncated form is suggested: “moko” (the syllable “lo” ran away), “loko” (“mo” ran away), etc.

Games for the development of sound-letter analysis and synthesis

  • “Make as many words as possible using the letters of the given word.” For example: subway, cyclist, excavator, etc. You can use any long words
  • “Scattered” The child is asked to assemble words from letters that have “scattered”, i.e. switched places. This task does not have to be done at home, sitting at the table; It’s more interesting to unravel words written with a stick on the sand or ground while walking. You can guess words of 3, 4 and 5 letters. For example: a r k (crayfish), i a l s (fox), s o t l (table), o k sh k a (cat).

Working at the proposal level

  • “Count how many words are in the sentences”: “Mom washes the dishes”, “Petya drinks delicious juice”, “Dad goes to work”
  • “Name the first and last word in the sentence.” Petya, juice; mom, dishes; dad, work
  • “Come up with a sentence yourself that contains two or three words,” etc.
  • “Come up with a sentence with a small word “on”” For example: “The vase is on the table.” (this can be done with any pretext)
  • “Come up with a sentence with the first word, gradually adding words related to each other in meaning.” For example: “Cheerful...”, “Cheerful cat...”, “Cheerful cat is playing...”, “Cheerful cat is playing with a skein of thread.”

Dealing with spelling errors

It is necessary to develop phonemic, sound-letter analysis and synthesis.

Learn to correctly name all the sounds of the Russian language: hard and soft consonants, voiced and voiceless. Distinguish them from letters.


  • After soft consonants we write the letters i, e, yu, i, e, b
  • Voiceless consonants at the end of words or before another voiceless consonant need to be checked!

Learn to determine the stress in a word, find unstressed vowels, determine which consonant they come after.

Application: 5 unstressed vowels need to be checked: a, o, i, e, i

For better mastery of spelling, use poetic rules!

We know 5 dangerous unstressed vowels.

We repeat them, friends,

a, o, and, e, I!

Without a doubt, put them under emphasis in the word!

There are dangerous paired consonants in words.

Quietly, dully they say: p, f, t, k, w, s

Before a voiceless consonant there are: p, f, t, k, sh, s

Or at the end of words there are: p, f, t, k, w, s

We check them in words!

Next we substitute the vowel.

It is important for parents to know that the child must have a developed system of his native language, namely: have a developed phonetic-phonemic system, a fairly rich vocabulary and master the basic grammatical forms, then he will be successful in all areas of the school curriculum.

If necessary, seek advice from a speech therapist teacher!

Is this about your child? Or maybe even about you?

Why does a child know all the rules, but write with errors?

In order to write without errors, it is not enough for a person to know the rules; he also needs spelling skills.

Spelling skills are the skills that enable a person to write correctly. In total, it is customary to distinguish four such skills.

Ability to see spellings

The most spelling skill is considered to be the ability to see spelling patterns. If a person does not have such a skill, then he cannot see places in words and between them that require choosing from several options and does not understand that only one spelling option is correct.

How to develop this skill

First, you need to invite the student to find spelling patterns based on special features. For example, let’s take words where a voiceless consonant is heard at the end: zu[p], le[f], that is, identifying features of the spelling of the letter of the consonant being checked. And when the child discovers this “dangerous place,” he must apply the rule.

Thus, the child must be taught to find spelling patterns in words based on certain characteristics, since even knowing the rule, the child may not see the place in the word where it needs to be applied.

Ability to choose spelling

If this skill is not developed in a child, then he cannot apply the spelling rule.

Thus, after we have taught to see the spelling, we must teach to apply the rule, that is, to make the right choice.

In order to correctly write the words tooth and lion, the child needs to choose a test word that will allow him to clearly hear the consonant sound at the end. In our example, these will be the words teeth and lions.

Ability to graphically explain your choice

Many people stop after mastering only the first two skills, but this is a stop halfway. In order to write competently independently, a child must be able to analyze what he writes.

So, in order to develop a child’s analytical skills and attention, it is necessary to teach him to graphically explain what is written.

How to learn it

Let's return to our example: zu[p] and le[f]. The child writes:

tooth - teeth - the letter s is emphasized by two features, thereby showing that this helped him make a choice. In this way, a graphical representation of the rule is obtained, thanks to which both the teacher and the student himself understand the reasons for choosing a particular letter.

Ability to find and correct errors

If a child has learned to see dangerous places in words, has learned to make the right choice and explain it graphically, then it’s time to learn how to find and correct mistakes.

In order to test yourself, you need to once again apply all three skills that we listed above. This will allow the child to make sure that the choice was made correctly or to correct mistakes.

By the way, at school very often this skill is destroyed by reducing grades for corrections, while the fact that the child carefully checked everything and discovered errors on his own should only please and always be encouraged.

Now you know why, knowing the rules, the child continues to write with errors and can independently solve this problem by selecting exercises that allow him to develop all 4 skills.

Parents and teachers sometimes simply throw up their hands when they fail to teach their child to write correctly. It would seem that both the theoretical rules have been mastered and practice is constant, but no progress in mastering literacy is observed. The statistics are especially frightening. Most modern schoolchildren have problems with spelling and punctuation, not to mention the ability to structure text correctly.

How to sit down at a desk to write?

Every detail is important to achieve the desired result. How to teach a child to write correctly without mistakes and where to start learning? Sitting correctly at your workplace is the first step to mastering literacy:

How to distinguish it from dysgraphia?

Often adults cannot understand that a child has serious problems with speech reproduction on paper. Even experienced teachers may mistakenly think that he is simply lazy. In fact, defining dysgraphia is not that difficult. You just need to take a closer look at the little student’s notes. Typically, errors with this deviation have their own distinctive features. You should contact a speech therapist if your child makes the following mistakes:

Who is prone to dysgraphia?

Are there risk groups? Everyone wants to know how to teach a child to write correctly without mistakes. But you should think about how to avoid the problem from a very young age. Parents should pay attention if:

Types of dysgraphia:

  • Articulatory-acoustic problem. The student confuses sounds, does not perceive them and cannot pronounce them correctly. Because of this, he cannot write correctly.
  • Phonetic perception. The child distorts what he hears.
  • Violation of language analysis and synthesis. Omission of letters and syllables, parts of words.
  • Agrammatic. Arises due to ignorance of the rules.
  • Optical. The child confuses words with similar spellings.

How can you help?

You should think about how to teach your child to write without errors as early as possible. Such a child needs a lot of attention both at school and at home. Only with a systematic approach can a positive result be achieved. Psychologists and speech therapists give several useful recommendations for parents:

  • Carefully monitor what mistakes were made during the day. When doing homework, you can unobtrusively pronounce words correctly, thus repeating spellings.
  • Try to instill in your child a love of reading. Well-read people make far fewer mistakes thanks to automatic memory. In the future, the child may not know the rules, but he must write properly.
  • Pay attention to the words that your child encounters in everyday life. Signs, advertising, TV - emphasize the correct spelling of difficult words.

The most important rule is not to scold or criticize your child. It’s not his fault that he has such a problem, and if you lower your self-esteem, you can only achieve even greater regression. Parents are simply obliged, first of all, to work themselves, spare no time, and study the issue. There is a wide selection of specialized literature. For example, a series of books by Shklyarova can be very useful. Shklyarova tells how to teach a child to write without mistakes, she explains easily and clearly.

How to treat and correct dysgraphia?

Treatment of dysgraphia and disorphorgraphia should first of all be based on eliminating the causes of the disorders, and also include correct and timely correction of writing. It is imperative to consult a neurologist and speech therapist. If concomitant diseases are identified, it is necessary to undergo a rehabilitation course, which may consist of physical therapy and physiotherapy. All violations in the letter are corrected by a speech therapist. The developed methods allow:

  • develop skills of visual discrimination of letters and symbols;
  • teach the skills of analysis and synthesis of information, in other words, compare, contrast, identify patterns;
  • develop visual and auditory memory;
  • teach basic morphological principles;
  • help the child pronounce sounds and understand phonetic processes;
  • enrich your vocabulary;
  • form coherent speech in a child.

How to prepare a child for school?

As a rule, problems with spelling are discovered in the first grade. If you are thinking about how to teach your child to write dictations without errors in a short time, 2nd grade is the right time to start working. Second grade is the period when children are faced with dictations. In higher grades, if a student does not master spelling, he will have problems on tests and therefore poor grades. Preparation for this important method of spell checking should begin gradually, in several stages:

  • repeat already familiar spelling rules;
  • constantly practice writing unfamiliar words;
  • apply the rules in practice;
  • take dictation at least a few short sentences a day;
  • repeat the spelling of words in which mistakes were made;
  • during dictation, pay attention to pauses;
  • start writing only after the sentence has been read to the end.

Rules for writing dictations that a child should know

The question of how to teach a child to write dictations without errors in a short time may seem difficult, but it is not. Don't be afraid of difficulties. All you need is:

  • Explain to the little student that the most important thing is not to rush.
  • You shouldn't write when you need to listen.
  • Don't write it off.
  • When writing, you can mentally pronounce the word syllable by syllable.
  • When the teacher reads for the second time, you need to carefully monitor what is written in the notebook.
  • Re-read your work several times.
  • Be patient with your child. It takes a lot of time for adults to achieve results, but for children, due to their age, it is much more difficult.
  • Don't scold for bad grades.
  • Praise even for minor successes.
  • Try to compete with him. Sometimes you can give in, because trying to write better than an adult is the main interest of the baby. During such competitions, you can invite the child to find mistakes in his mother.
  • Keep a special notebook for cheating. Let your daughter or son write down their favorite poems and excerpts from works.
  • Monitor the child's attention - let him try not to be distracted by anything.
  • If you take up dictations, you need to pronounce each word correctly and take reasonable pauses.
  • Try writing visual dictations.
  • Make sure your student pronounces what he writes.
  • Do not overload the child.
  • Develop hand motor skills.
  • Walk more in the fresh air, even though this, at first glance, does not relate to the question of how to teach a child to write correctly without errors, but oxygen greatly helps the good functioning of the brain.

Tips for parents: how to teach your child to write without mistakes

The list of tips on how to teach your child to write correctly without mistakes is actually not that difficult to master. Patience and care for the baby will definitely help you get a good result.

We have already theoretically found out how to teach a child to write dictations without errors. But what practical tips and exercises exist for developing a child’s literacy? You can get an individual correction system from a speech therapist. Modern experts tell how you can teach a child to write carefully without making mistakes. By the way, ten years ago no one talked about the problem of dysgraphia.

1. Analyze words

The first thing you need to do is tell your child about basic phonetic principles. He must be able to distinguish between soft and hard sounds, dull and voiced. Play with your child to find a word that begins with the specified sound. Let him try to make syllables in a word

2. Find the letter

Offer your child a text in which to find and cross out, for example, all the letters “m”. As soon as he copes - all the letters are "l". And so on. Record the time - this way you can track the dynamics. Over time, you can complicate it: highlight one and the other letter in different ways. For example, cross out the letter “a” with one line, the letter “l” with two.

3. Repeat your words

Teach your child to speak clearly. Focus on the fact that not all words are pronounced and written the same way. Also teach how to highlight the endings in words, because such dissonance most often occurs in this part.

4. How many words are there in a sentence?

Read the sentence to your child. Let him determine by ear how many words there are in it. This way the child will learn to determine the boundaries of sentences. Then you can make it a little more complicated - make a sentence out of a given number of words. Exercises to determine the number of syllables in individual words will also be useful.

5. Working with deformed text

Offer your child scattered words from which you need to compose a coherent text. The level of difficulty must correspond to the age of the child. Offer to independently reconstruct the text that lacks the necessary words. Or a text in which only the last words are missing. With the help of such simple exercises, the child will easily master the basic rules of syntax in practice.

After such exercises, the question of how to teach a child to write without mistakes no longer seems so difficult.

What is a language card?

To track the progress and dynamics of changes in literacy, there is a special method for recording results. A language map is a way to record all results and changes. By writing everything down, you can comprehensively monitor how the process is going and what needs to be changed in the adjustment methods. The language card includes:

  • disturbances in oral and written speech;
  • ability to pronounce and distinguish sounds;
  • analyze and synthesize parts of a word;
  • reading and writing skills.

By regularly filling out the card, you will clearly see what you have achieved and how long it took to achieve results in solving the question of how to teach a child to write without errors.

Why does the child make stupid mistakes in dictations again and again? Increasingly, you can hear the word dysgraphia from school speech therapists - a sentence without the right to an A in the Russian language. This disorder manifests itself in specific, repeated errors, and is associated with a violation of the psychological functions that ensure the writing process.

Where does dysgraphia come from? A number of experts consider heredity to be the main reason. It can also be observed in children with bilingualism, due to violations of speech contacts, excessive demands on the child’s literacy.

With dysgraphia, parents have to see the most incredible mistakes in their child: omissions of letters and syllables, replacement of letters (for example, “b” with “d”), and rearrangement of them. And how many unfinished words merged with the word of prepositions! Periods and capital letters are missing.

Correcting dysgraphia is the task of a speech therapist

An experienced specialist will cope with dysgraphia within a year or two of systematic work. But you really want to avoid the need to burden your baby with additional trips to the speech therapist! As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to treat it. Knowing the reasons that lead to dysgraphia, parents will be able to prevent this enemy from entering their child’s life.

1 Keep your finger on the pulse: show your baby to specialists on time - a speech therapist, a psychologist, a neuropsychologist. Do a lot of work with him at home, be involved in the educational process in kindergarten and at school.

2 Consult a speech therapist every 2 years of your child’s life:
at 2 years old, at 4 years old and at 6 years old. Almost all violations of sound pronunciation have the unpleasant feature of being reflected in writing. If a child replaces the sound “sh” with “s” when speaking, then he will make mistakes when writing. So it turned out that before school all speech sounds could not be corrected? Then be sure to continue classes with a speech therapist in elementary school.

3 While your four-year-old is learning to read, start preparing his hand. to the letter. At 3 years old, let him write and draw on a large board with crayons or paints on large pieces of wallpaper. At 4 years old, you can offer a workbook with large letters or elements of letters. And only at the age of 6 do you transfer your child to writing printed letters in a large-checked notebook.

You only need to write with a pencil: this strengthens the arm muscles

4 Don't rush your child when learning to read and write. Sometimes a preschooler’s fluent reading leads to dysgraphia at school: the hand cannot keep up with the thought. Slow down your child and remember that reading fluently before school is not as important as understanding what you read.

5 No need to put your hand to writing before school. Many experts believe that a preschooler should be taught to write straight from capital letters. Most children find it extremely difficult to master writing elements of cursive letters; it is especially difficult for them to tilt, connect, and place letters on a line. Violations of attention, behavior, speech and delays in mental and motor development - this is not a complete list of contraindications for mastering writing in copybooks before 6–7 years of age. The nervous system of even a completely healthy baby is not yet ready to master and accurately perceive many elements of capital letters!

! If it so happens that dysgraphia could not be avoided, then you will have to be patient and look for a good speech therapist. Starting from second grade, begin systematic studies with a specialist. The child may not become a star, but the doors to a higher educational institution will not be closed for him because of failing grades in the Russian language.

Photo: Legion-Media; Kekäläinen Andrey/Photobank LORI; ShutterStock/

November 30, 2015

No longer a baby, but not yet an adult son, he came to me to complain about the hardships of his life. The evening's discussion centered on literacy. Recently, the child became interested in poetry and tried to write down some of his short masterpieces and show them to people worthy of trust. But callous people, not catching his brilliant plan, began to correct the mistakes. This blatant injustice made him wonder why so much attention is paid to “this literacy”, and made me look for methods on how to teach a child to write without errors.

In this article you will learn:
— reasons for talking with children about literacy;
— literacy indicators for different age groups;
— 10 tips on how to overcome the reluctance to practice spelling;
- interesting spelling exercises;
— a game for solving problems with punctuation;
— how to make a dictionary an assistant and friend;
— principles of working on spelling when doing homework.

Reasons for talking to children about literacy.

Often children do not understand why literacy is so important. My seven-year-old son prepared a whole monologue, justifying his misunderstanding: “Well, I wrote” cucumber", but not " cucumber“, but everyone still understands what we’re talking about! And a cucumber does not turn into a pumpkin after a spelling mistake! Why all this complexity? I had to do some unscheduled brainstorming to come up with valid arguments for literacy. I hugged my son to me and told him something like this.

Many centuries ago, it was enough for cavemen to be able to decipher rock paintings in order to be considered a fully educated person. Nowadays, one of the signs of education is the ability to write correctly. For a schoolchild, literacy is one of the most important skills, since there is written work in all subjects. Very often, classmates, and sometimes teachers, laugh at those who cannot write correctly. Literacy is also important for adults. For example, quite often the presence of spelling errors in applications leads to disastrous results - a wonderful person may be denied employment or a salary increase.

After my monologue, I asked my son to come up with examples where literacy could be useful. To consolidate motivation, I asked the child three questions, which he could only answer unequivocally and affirmatively: “Will you be upset if your classmates consider you illiterate and make fun of your abilities? Do you want the respect of your friends and teachers? Shall we do some fun literacy lessons?” After receiving three yeses, I began looking for ways to make literacy classes fun and impactful.

Literacy rates for different age groups.

Let's be honest with ourselves - we all make spelling mistakes sometimes. For children, an indicator of literacy is the ability to write words studied in the school writing and reading curriculum. Children are also expected to be able to make guesses about the correct spelling of an unfamiliar word, based on their experience and known spelling rules. Having studied the wishes of several authors, I propose to focus on general literacy requirements for different ages:

- for six-year-old children - this is the correct spelling of simple words that are written the same way as they are heard (for example, run through the field, walk through the forest);

- for eight-year-old children - these are words with double consonants (for example, class, group, score, story) and dictionary words are those for which a test word cannot be matched (for example, alley, birch, crimson);

- for nine-year-old children - these are words from everyday life (for example, addresses of school and home, names of school subjects) and basic knowledge (for example, the names of days of the week and months, countries, famous cities);

— for ten-year-old children, this means knowing the correct spelling of terms and historical words.

10 tips on how to overcome the reluctance to practice spelling.

Tip 1. Regularly and briefly. Agree with your child to practice spelling for 5 minutes a day. To ensure your child trusts you, set a timer. From personal experience, I advise you to move the timer out of sight - for example, on a shelf above your desktop. Believe me, this necessary measure will help prevent attempts to play with the timer or watch how quickly the seconds fly by. A very important point is to be ready to stop classes when called, even if something is not completed. This will confirm the veracity of your words - 5 minutes is just 5 minutes. If it’s not interesting, you can endure it.

Tip 2. Positive. In order for your child to enjoy studying, always start the exercises with easy words. This will increase self-esteem, after which the child will be in a good mood to conquer new spelling peaks.

Tip 3. Remember through similarity. To help your child remember words better, use similar words first, and then add non-existent words, for example - rose, pose, goat, vine, foza.

Tip 4. Find associations. In order to reduce the load on the brain, we can send a block of information to memory that is remembered associatively. For example, cognate words for the word “genus” are Homeland, native, darling, mole, spring, parent, give birth, kinship, kindred, relative, become related, ancestor, pedigree, breed, origin. One day we looked for such words, and the next day we came up with sentences with them without looking at the spelling.

Tip 5. Don't get distracted by handwriting. According to teachers, illiterate children usually have... Often a child, trying to write all the letters accurately, does not even have time to think about what he is writing. If your child has these two problems at the same time, then in five-minute spelling lessons it is worth using cards with printed letters that the child can lay out in the right order. This game will give your child more pleasure than writing by hand, and he will be able to concentrate on his spelling work.

Tip 6. Game form. Use the Internet when learning the rules. There are many rhymes and key phrases to make the rules easier to remember. There are funny proverbs and tongue twisters that will help you have fun and usefully spend your time. It is very useful to use spelling mnemonics - phrases that help you remember by forming associative connections.

Tip 7. Understanding. If your child is stubborn and doesn’t want to study, be sure to listen to him and agree. For example: “I understand your reluctance. You are tired and disappointed by your failure. Maybe you're afraid of making new mistakes? It’s not scary, because you’re learning, every day you’ll do better.”

Tip 8. Don't slander yourself. You shouldn't tell your child about your skeletons in the closet. Do not give negative examples, for example: “I still make a mistake in this word. But your dad cannot write a single document without the help of a computer spell checker. But my grandmother actually completed three classes at the parish school and reads syllables - nothing, she lived a happy life.” It is much more useful to give examples of successful work on literacy: “Dad had a “C” in Russian in the second grade, and after the third grade he never received a grade lower than a “B”. Mom had problems with literacy in elementary school, but in high school she became an excellent student.”

Tip 9. There is no such thing as too much praise. often, but describing a specific achievement. For example: all letters in the word “widely” are written correctly. You remembered the test word “wider” in time and avoided a mistake.

Tip 10. Record your child's progress. It is very easy to raise the self-esteem of a beginning literate person - take a photograph of the work without a single mistake and show it to relatives or friends. You'll see - this will be a strong motivation for the child to try to do the job perfectly.

Interesting spelling exercises.

If your goal is to help your child improve their spelling skills, then spelling games are the effective method you are looking for. I would like to invite you to try some useful games that my seven-year-old son liked.

Game on the way home: “Guess or give up.” One of the players thinks of a word, names the semantic category, and then the first and last letters. The second player shouts “I guessed it” and spells out the number of letters and the word itself. For example: “I thought of a word that refers to vegetables. The first letter is "o", the last letter is "c". Personally, I preferred to give up periodically - this way I controlled my son’s knowledge and raised his spirits. The winning player thinks of a new word.

Board game "Young Pathfinder". You will need two sheets of paper, pencils and a dictionary. Invite your child to choose any long word from the dictionary and write it on a sheet of paper in large letters. Then each player looks for short words that are hidden in this word. For example, from the word “ power station"You can make up about two hundred words. Of course, I won’t list them all, but as an example I’ll name a dozen: lecturer, dance, growth, electron, nation, stiletto, tape, start, ration, reaction.

Board game “Pure Fan of Words”. You need two sheets of paper and pencils. One of the participants comes up with a word selection task. These could be words:
- consisting of a certain number of letters;
- starting with a specific letter;
- ending with a specific letter;
- belonging to a certain category (animals, musical instruments, professions, fairy-tale characters).

Then everyone takes a sheet of paper and writes one word, folds it like an accordion, writes the next one, and so on until you get a fan. Then you check your spelling by asking questions next to the misspelled words. If the child corrects the mistake himself, you do nothing; if the child does not find the mistake in the word, you write the word correctly next to him, but in a different color. As personal experience shows, it is better not to look for winners. We simply tried to make the fan of words clean, and when we succeeded, we proudly showed them to our relatives, imposingly waving them near our faces.

Games with letter cards.

This game helps you learn difficult words or words that have trouble spelling. You will need letters written separately on a piece of paper. Some parents write the letters themselves, while others prefer to buy ready-made letter cards. Such cards help the baby visualize words. First, the child must choose the necessary letters from the entire set. After the child manages to form the word from the letter cards correctly, you can turn one of the cards over so that the child remembers the missing letter and names it. The game can be further complicated by turning over a few letters. Repeat this word game several times, turning over the other letter cards each time. Then ask your child to write the word carefully in their notebook. If a mistake is made in a word, you need to return to the letter cards. This method is more effective than the “saw, closed, wrote, checked” memorization method, since the child carefully studies all parts of a complex word.

If the child has already achieved certain success, the whole family can play such well-known games as Scrabble or Scrabble. In order not to discourage the child from playing, we divided into pairs “adult - child” against an adult. This brought us true joy - we were busy with useful work, and all family members were in a wonderful mood.

A game to solve punctuation problems.

Children and teenagers who write illiterate usually also have problems with punctuation. My son and I do this. If there is time left after school, we write short stories - fantasies of five sentences. Each of us makes several mistakes on purpose. Then we exchange our literary delights, arm ourselves with colored pencils and correct each other’s punctuation, justifying our point of view.

How to make a dictionary your assistant and friend.

Many children perceive the dictionary not as a helper, but as an obstacle on the path to freedom. It seems like I’ve finished writing my homework, there’s free time ahead, and then a parent appears on the horizon and sternly says: “Well, look, you’ve made a mistake here! Don't know how to do it right? Take a dictionary! This definitely turns children away from this wonderful book, since using the dictionary is difficult and time-consuming.

In order for a child to make friends with a dictionary, you need to help him stop being afraid of it. Try looking at the dictionary once a week with your child for fun, rather than looking for the spelling of a word from homework.

Very often children do not know how to use a dictionary accurately and quickly. They are annoyed by prolonged word searches because they are poorly oriented in the order of words. To prevent your child from opening the dictionary at random, you can practice opening the dictionary on the desired letter. After searching by letter starts to go quickly and painlessly, it's time to explain why the words are written at the top of the page. Having mastered this stage, the child will feel more confident when working with the dictionary.

To improve literacy, you can create a personal dictionary. To do this, you need to take a notebook and simply write down the words with which the child has difficulty. Keeping such a notebook teaches the child to work independently on mistakes. And one more piece of advice from my son’s and my experience. My son was always happy if, to answer his question about the spelling of a word, I picked up a dictionary and found the answer there. By this act I demonstrated to him that it is impossible to know everything, but it is a shame not to be able to find the necessary information. Soon the child himself began to find answers to his questions in the dictionary, and asked me only to check the level of my knowledge.

Principles of working on spelling when doing homework.

A well-known teacher with extensive experience, Noel Janis-Norton, in his book “Stop yelling, forcing and begging, or homework without tears and hassle,” recommends breaking homework into three stages: brainstorming, doing homework yourself, and correcting mistakes.

I want to tell you how you can add spelling work to the process of doing your homework.

Brainstorm. It is very important that the child has his own personal dictionary of complex words that he wrote with errors. The dictionary must be accessible at all times, especially during lessons. It is very useful to find out after reading the task whether the child has any questions or difficulties. If you foresee a difficult word, you can help your child write it correctly in the dictionary of difficult words. Lists of words in such a dictionary serve as a hint when doing homework on your own.

Independent work. Even if a child politely asks how to spell this word correctly, you should not tell him. To avoid offense, discuss this rule during a brainstorming session. The child can independently use the help of a friend, that is, a dictionary, hints in his personal dictionary of difficult words, or put forward a hypothesis about the correct spelling of a word. The main thing for you is to be able to control yourself without hinting at the correct answer and without even saying whether it is written correctly or not. This tactic will help the child to feel the taste and responsibility of an independent person.

Error correction. Nobody likes to be poked about their mistakes. Children are no exception. Start working on mistakes not by correcting mistakes, but by listing the correct words. This will interest the child, and will not humiliate a person who already doubts his abilities. At first, you can write down correctly spelled words. The child will notice the missing word and try to correct it immediately. If he succeeds, do not skimp on adding him to the list of correct words.

Then you can make a list of misspelled words, but the words need to be placed out of order. Invite your child to look for these words in their work and find the differences. This kind of work differs from mechanical corrections after hints, since the child independently finds the correct solution.

Many people believe that there are children who are naturally literate. One can agree with this theory. But usually such children have a well-developed symbolic memory - they read a lot and therefore correctly written words, flashing before their eyes, are perfectly remembered. These children love new words and are proud of their literacy. The human brain is a very flexible system that can be taught anything. And literacy is no exception. You can learn to write correctly at any age!