Macrame floor mats. DIY rugs from old things: how to give a second life to T-shirts, tights, towels and jeans. Other materials for creating carpets

Spring is the time for general cleaning. Therefore, we should look into our closets and go through everything to get rid of the old things stored there. But don’t rush to get rid of it for good, because everything has the right to a second life. For example, you can create rugs from old things with your own hands and give yourself new emotions and memories.

Rugs made from old things, what techniques can be used

Old things are an excellent material for creativity, which a thrifty housewife can always find. T-shirts, unusable towels, and any wardrobe items can always get a second life. But it is still very important to understand that in order to create new things from old ones, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the material for creativity, but also to the technique that we choose for this.

After all, rugs from old things can be:

  • weave,
  • to tie,
  • sew.

And we will try to create a rug from old things with our own hands step by step, using detailed master classes and getting an excellent result.


One of the oldest and most proven techniques for creating carpets is weaving. After all, this does not require a lot of knowledge or skills. And sometimes the simplest tools are required, easily replaced with something that is always at hand. And therefore, it’s worth starting to create your first rug with weaving or weaving.

Weaving according to the principle of macrame

If you think that macrame is only suitable for creating small elements, then now we will dispel this belief. After all, if instead of a thin lace you take something more voluminous and dense, then the result will be completely different.

There are no difficulties or tricks in weaving rugs from old things that are inaccessible to novice craftswomen. As in any technique, the main role here is played by the sense of taste and the desire to create. Therefore, any set of old clothes can easily be turned into a charming bedside rug with a little effort.

Basic knots and pattern combinations are great for weaving. But it is worth considering several factors:

  • The rug is used actively and therefore needs to be washed from time to time,
  • they will not only trample on it, but can sit, lie or use it as a bedding on a chair,
  • it must fit into the overall interior.

That is why when choosing knots, do not forget that the rug should:

  • look like a new, not well-worn rug,
  • have a dense structure so as not to crumble in your hands and not turn into a string bag,
  • not be easily soiled or bulky, for ease of cleaning.

And therefore the most common way of weaving at present is to use the principle of knitting with a French bracelet.

Such a charming rug will definitely not go unnoticed in the house and will highlight the interior and taste of the owner. And to create it you won’t need much:

  • wide strips of old things,
  • adhesive tape,
  • scissors,
  • thread and needle.

To begin, arrange the 5 strips in the order you like best. Next, fold 5 more strips, but in a mirror image.

It is most convenient to fasten all the ends from the beginning side with adhesive tape. This will allow you not to be distracted during the weaving process, and also clearly define the sequence.

So, when all the ribbons are laid out, we take the leftmost one, take it to the side and fold it so that it lies on top of all the others, creating the number “4”. We place the working tape behind the adjacent one and tie the first knot.

We continue to tie the same knots on the next 3 ribbons, and then move to the opposite side, starting to weave towards the first series of knots.

When both working strips meet in the middle, tie them and continue weaving from the edge. Once you've reached your desired length, simply tie the last knots with a strong thread and trim off the rest to create a cute fringe.

Don't forget that you don't have to twist the braid, you can fold it like a snake or lay it parallel to one another to get a charming rectangular rug with fringe.

Knitting rugs from old things

It is not necessary to weave rugs from old things; knitting is considered a more common solution for creating them.

Even if this is your first time picking up a hook, you will be able to create a charming and practical decorative element. After all, it is the large knitting that will help you quickly understand the intricacies of crocheting. And a pattern made from the simplest single crochets can look very bright and original if you choose the right yarn.

Moreover, yarn is also made from old things. This is how things can go:

  • old T-shirts,
  • jeans belts,
  • just thin strips of fabric left over after sewing outfits.

It is enough to know and be able to knit increases, and then it’s a matter of technique.

If the yarn taken for the rug seems loose or thin to you, you can use an excellent trick - at the beginning of knitting, insert a strong cord into the stitches and continue tying it. This way your spiral will keep its shape perfectly.

To get a more openwork rug, knit with double crochets, increasing their number in each row. But keep in mind that although such knitting will be beautiful, it will be less dense.

Openwork rug

It is worth noting that you can knit a rug from old things without a hook - an interesting technique of knitting from rings on your fingers will help you cope with the disposal of small pieces without spending extra effort and without forcing you to buy any special tools.

You can learn how to knit from rings from Olga Popsueva. In her video master class, she explains in detail how to weave a braid and then form it into a rug.


When talking about using old things to create rugs, it is difficult to ignore sewing. After all, they started a long time ago and independently of each other in different countries.

As now, women did not throw away old things, children's dresses or their husband's worn-out shirts, preferring to collect them so that they could then sew bedspreads, curtains and, of course, rugs. It’s no longer a shame to trample such rags, cut them and assemble them into various intricate patterns.

Fluffy rugs on mesh

In the last few years, fluffy rugs have become very popular, making it so much fun for children to play and crawl in them. And it’s just nice to immerse your feet.

The high pile and soft texture have won the hearts of craftswomen and housewives, and the bright colors attract the attention of household members. But what’s most pleasing is the fact that you can make such a rug without using any special tools.

A fluffy rug can be created in different ways:

  • tying the cuts in knots,
  • using a carpet hook,
  • using the simplest crochet hook.

Our basis will be a mesh from a hardware store with a large mesh or a bath mat with holes.

In addition to the basics, we also need:

  • fabric ribbons,
  • scissors,
  • hook (optional).

To begin with, cut short ribbons, but do not skimp on their length, because you need to take into account that they will be folded in half, and even tied or otherwise fixed to the mesh. Therefore, it is better to make them longer, and then cut them as you want.

When everything is ready, you will be left with the most important task - thread the strip of fabric into the cell so that both ends remain on the front side, and then you can tie them together with a simple knot, or pass them through a loop using a hook.

When the flaps completely cover the mesh, all you have to do is cut them to the desired length and the rug made from old things is ready to delight you and your feet.

Fluffy rugs using a sewing machine

If you don’t want to waste your time tying each individual ribbon, or you haven’t found a suitable mesh, then you can go in a simpler way, for which we will need:

  • an old pillowcase or piece of fabric that will become the base,
  • all the same ribbons from old things,
  • scissors,
  • sewing machine.

Knitwear is best suited for such rugs, as it is more elastic and soft. In addition, it is easy to sew on without fear of breaking the needle.

Bright carpet made from old knitwear

Heart shaped rug

After you cut the required number of ribbons, pull them lengthwise so that they curl a little, and then simply apply them to our base and sew them in the middle, row by row.

Don’t worry if the strip doesn’t lie flat, you can always trim the entire pile, leveling it to the desired length.

Rugs made from old things, what will be used?

We learned about techniques for creating a rug from old things, now it’s worth talking about what can serve as material for them and how best to bring your idea to life.

Taking into account the density, quality and size of the old item, you can choose a method for its transformation. That is why we would like to tell you a little about how and what rugs are made from by modern needlewomen.

Rugs made from old jeans

The first thing that comes to mind that requires regular disposal is jeans. Denim has long conquered our hearts and there is not a single fashionista or fashionista who does not have jeans in her wardrobe. Moreover, despite their strength and versatility, they still wear out, stretch, or otherwise become unusable.

Of course, it’s a shame to throw them away, so we collect them on a separate shelf so that we can sew something later.

But sewing requires patterns, a sewing machine, and sometimes also space. While making a rug from old jeans with your own hands will not be difficult at all - everything from the canvas to the pockets and belt will be used.

Just choose a technique and select flaps for it:

  • cut them into long strips and weave a rug on a loom,
  • weave long braids and gather them into a round rug,

  • arm yourself with a large hook and knit any shape using cut strips instead of yarn,
  • weave the strips together using the braiding principle and sew on a machine or by hand.

And the cat liked it)

Considering the strength of the material, such a rug will serve you for more than one season.

Rugs made from old T-shirts

But we wear out T-shirts more often than jeans. After all, we use them every day, grow out of them, stretch them, get dirty with paint and simply get tired of them over time.

You may not be able to wear them anymore, but the knitwear used to make T-shirts can be an excellent material for creativity. They make great potholders, coasters, bags and, of course, rugs.

How to make knitting yarn with your own hands

When we look at these DIY rugs made from old T-shirts, at first we can't believe what they're made of! After all, craftswomen knit with crochet from something very similar to yarn, and not like an old T-shirt.

However, do not be surprised by this and do not think that there is some kind of trick here. Anyone can turn old T-shirts into knitting yarn.

To do this, just follow the detailed video master class on the Utilitarian Crafts channel, in which they will teach us how to make as much yarn as possible from an old T-shirt for new rugs.

A T-shirt is a universal material for creating your own rug

And after preparing the yarn, you can already try your hand at creating rugs from old T-shirts with your own hands. After all, they can be:

  • to tie,
  • weave,
  • cut for fluffy rugs,
  • sew pre-braided braids from them.

And all you need is a couple of T-shirts and a desire to create.

Moreover, any patterns of napkins or lace are suitable for crocheting, and you can weave according to the previously described principle of a French bracelet.

Or take your favorite T-shirts, cut them out and sew a rug together like a quilt so you can preserve memories without throwing anything in the trash.

Rugs made from old tights

The most consumable wardrobe item of all time is tights. They tear and become unusable so quickly, and even have some seasonality, that at some point we all think about whether we should come up with something after they have served their life.

And we found the answer - rugs from nylon tights that you can make with your own hands! After all, they can be an excellent yarn for knitting or weaving a new rug - durable and practical.

The main thing is to know a few tricks:

  • to get a long strip from one pair of tights, you just need to cut off the socks and panties, and then cut the remaining tube in a spiral,
  • do not tighten the knitting so that the rug made from old tights does not deform and lose its shape over time,
  • nylon can be dyed to make your rug brighter - just use fabric dye and follow the instructions on the pack.

You can create rugs from old tights with your own hands and without a hook. They can be:

  • sewn from braided braids,

  • woven on a loom,

  • woven on a hoop.

And children's tights, which are most often collected in our bins, are perfect for knitting on fingers. All you need to do is cut them into rings, and then use the video tutorial from Marina DIY Dolgih:

Rugs made from old towels

And even old towels have a use in the world of rugs. Due to their density, length and ability to absorb moisture well, they can give us an excellent accessory for the bathroom, bathhouse or balcony, where you always need to keep your feet warm and dry.

Making a rug from old towels with your own hands is as easy as any other. It's easy:

  • trudges
  • fits
  • weaves
  • curls up.

In general, it is created in such a way and using the technique that lies on your heart.

And if you want to give life to terry towels in this way, then try making a fluffy rug on a construction mesh.

As you can see, when cleaning the house, you should not rush to throw away your used items. Old T-shirts, towels and even tights can inspire you to create something new and no less useful than their original purpose. Just be smart and your home will be filled with new, soft and fashionable rugs that you can create without spending anything but your time and getting a charge of emotions and good mood!

Once upon a time, baubles were very popular, which were a symbol of friendship and were passed on to each other. Such decorations made from floss threads, laces, ribbons and ropes were called friendship bracelets. This weaving principle can be used for other products, for example, to make a bright rug from knots with your own hands!

Weaving baubles is a unique type of macrame. There are many different patterns and styles of weaving, the basis of which is a regular knot. Therefore, to create such a rug with our own hands, we use the simplest method - a basic knot.

To make a knot rug with your own hands, prepare strips of fabric in several colors, tape, scissors and a needle and thread. The final size of the product will depend on the width of the fabric strips, their length and density.

Arrange the strips of fabric in a line in the order you want them to appear in the finished rug. In this example, 10 stripes were used (5 colors on one side and a mirror image on the other). Secure the top with duct tape. With the first ribbon on the left, make a simple single knot on the next ribbon and pull it up.

Continue the process of tying a knot on the next ribbon until you reach the middle of the mat (the fifth ribbon out of ten). Leave the first (in this case pink) ribbon dangling freely for now. Now start tying knots on the right side, reaching the middle in the same way. When the two outer ribbons meet in the middle, tie them together and lower the ends. Now the first ribbon of five (pink) will become the last. Move to the next row and repeat all steps.

Work until you reach your desired length. To get such a V-shaped rug, make each next knot slightly lower than the previous one (the middle is the lower point of the V). Don't mix up the rows and colors. Start and end with ribbons of the same color.

Handmade in the interior is one of the main trends in 2016. Any decoration made by hand will serve as an original and worthy decoration for the room. And today we decided to tell you about such an art as macrame weaving - products made in this way are incredibly in demand today.

What is macrame

Did you know that today there are more than 4 thousand different knot tying techniques? In turn, macrame is nothing more than a special artistic technique of knot weaving - can you imagine how varied the patterns made using this technique can be? Back in the 8th century, the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Greeks decorated their homes with tapestries and macramé canvases. Let's look at how such wicker decor will fit into a modern interior.

In what interior styles will macrame products be relevant?

Since the art of macrame weaving came to us from the ancient East, first of all, such decor would be appropriate in ethnic interior styles. All kinds of macrame decor will look no less harmonious and successful in a room decorated in the boho style. Wicker accessories can also be used in Scandinavian and contemporary style. In some cases, macrame is even used in areas such as chalets and lofts. What exactly can be done using the knot technique? – We offer you some striking examples.

Macrame rug

A wicker rug will fit well into almost any interior style and will last for many years, maintaining a decent appearance.

Window decor

A minimalist macrame window decor will allow sunlight to penetrate into the room, but will not create the feeling of an unfinished window opening.

However, you can make a beautiful curtain from macrame, which will become a colorful interior decoration in a boho or country style.

Dream catchers

A dream catcher is not only a talisman against bad dreams, but also a wonderful decoration for the bedroom. An original macrame dream catcher will be better than any factory-made analogue.

Lamp decor

Macrame can be used to make designer lampshades for floor lamps and ceiling chandeliers.

If you chose the option with open wiring and urban lighting with incandescent lamps, then, as an option, you can tie the wires with rope using the macrame technique.

Wall decoration

Decorating walls with macrame canvases can be very diverse. These can be abstract designs made from knots or even images with a specific motif.

Macrame screen

A screen with a wooden frame and sections filled with wicker fabric will look very original and unusual in the interior.


If you have always dreamed of a bed with a chic headboard, then all you have to do is master the art of macrame weaving!

There is no need to explain why there is a carpet in the house. Many DIY enthusiasts make rugs with their own hands, making useful products from leftover threads, yarn, or simply unnecessary rags. Among the samples of home carpet weaving there are not only those that are not inferior to the best industrial designs, but also unique, highly artistic ones that are not subject to machine technology, see fig. And all this with minimal costs, or even for nothing.

Archaeologists consider a carpet to be the oldest household item: before realizing that one could wear the skin, a person laid it out for himself. Carpet weaving and carpet weaving are also the most ancient crafts, and here handmade work still firmly holds its position. For example, a mat made of pom-poms lends itself very difficult to automation. But at home, you can make a bedside rug from pompoms in half a day, and it will be more convenient than a factory one, and it will look better, see below.

Homespun and homemade rugs

The same applies to rugs made from old things. Their disposal using industrial methods is not very profitable and purchase prices for used rags are not encouraging. And unwanted clothes transformed with your own hands into a carpet will still serve usefully on the farm.

In this article we will look at what and how to make rugs for your home and garden with your own hands. But, unfortunately, large floor and wall carpets and rugs will have to be touched upon only in passing; this is a separate big topic. And napkins, table runners, furniture covers and small wall rugs woven using the macrame technique will only have to be mentioned - this is an equally extensive topic, technologically weakly related to carpet weaving.

In this publication we will deal with small rugs, colloquially called rugs. As you can see in the photo above, they are not necessarily “grandmother’s”, nestled in the kitchen or in the nook by the door, although rugs are needed there too. A rug can be a highly aesthetic product that decorates the living room, and a durable hygienic product in a room with high humidity and/or in a room prone to pollution. Or even street, if the rug is intended for the dacha. All this diversity rests, in general, on three pillars: material, execution technique and supporting base.

Technique and basis

The variety of homemade floor mats is mind-boggling. But according to the technique of execution, they are divided into a relatively small number of varieties:

  • Sewn- technologically the simplest, but requiring additional materials (threads) and industrial equipment: a sewing machine. Using an ordinary household 1-needle machine with a needle up to No. 100, it is possible to sew a completely high-quality and beautiful rug.
  • Braided (knitted) rope mats- no extras no materials needed. Very practical, stable, but the appearance is quite monotonous, although elegant. They require increased attention and accuracy in work, but to a connoisseur the product speaks volumes about the skill of the author.
  • Woven from scraps of fabric– they require quite a lot of labor, but not complicated; The material is suitable free waste. The appearance of patchwork carpets made from skillful hands can be simply stunning. To make them you need a simple hand loom - a crosny - see the video below. Crowns for small rugs can be made at home in half an hour to an hour from scrap materials, see below and at the end.

Video: do-it-yourself rug made from shreds

  • Braided (crocheted). Rugs are not knitted on knitting needles, because... knitted products are designed primarily for vertical loads. Whole-knit rugs are most often made round (see figure below); A round rug made using a different technique will not be durable. Whole-knitted rugs require quite a lot of skill, but a novice craftswoman can quickly and easily crochet blanks for sewn rugs.
  • Knitted on a woven or semi-rigid mesh base– these are fleecy carpets up to “real” patterned and “grass” rugs for the bedroom or nursery, in which the foot gently sinks. “Grass” rugs are no more complex in technique than sewn ones and are less labor-intensive, but you need a purchased base; however, inexpensive, see below. Patterned fleecy carpets, not inferior in appearance to Persian or Khorasan ones, can be woven at home on bedsteads, but a lot of work, attention and artistic taste will be required.
  • Knitted without warp– are most often made from pieces of plastic film, for example, used bags. It is possible to discern the artistic merits in them only with a fair amount of imagination; the service life is up to 6 months, but such a rug can be made in literally half an hour. They are hygienic, have shoe-cleaning properties and are easy to clean: dry them, shake them thoroughly - and that’s it. Ideal as door guards at the dacha and in the shower/sanitary block there. Not recommended for living rooms: static accumulates intensively in a dry room with a non-conductive floor.
  • Composite from natural solid mineral or elastic organic materials or their imitation with or without a base. Natural mineral ones are very expensive, and if made independently, very labor-intensive. Organic matter (wood, cork; occasionally horn and bone) on the floor is not very hygienic; when wet, it is slippery and wears out quickly. Imitating minerals is quite labor-intensive, but can be done at home (see below), the raw materials for it are inexpensive, and the aesthetic effect can be magnificent. Mats made in this way are suitable for both indoor and outdoor use with virtually no restrictions.

The traditional base of the carpet is a coarse, knotless mesh. Colored threads, giving a fluffy front surface with a pattern, are either woven into it during weaving, or, bent in half, are caught by the weft threads to the warp. The contours of the drawing are drawn in advance on a base stretched on the machine. For floor carpets, incl. typesetting, construction fiberglass mesh is perfect as a mesh base; in this case, the threads that create the face are tied to it. For sewn rugs, the basis is most often taken of coarse natural technical fabric, cotton or linen: canvas, tarpaulin, matting, burlap. Wool and silk are not suitable because... easily electrified. Synthetics are suitable for clothing: nylon, lavsan, etc.

Rags and rugs

Homemade rugs are made mainly from natural plant textile and knitted materials: old clothing, yarn, thread, rope (twisted rope) or cable (braided rope). Synthetics in rugs for indoor use should only be used for wearable items due to the same static electricity; it, through bare feet or in slippers, has a very bad effect on health. We will return to imitation of natural mineral materials later, but enough of what has been said above about solid/elastic organics.

In terms of all its qualities, the best material for a floor mat is denim, especially since a lot of old jeans often accumulate in the house. And the easiest way to sew a rug from jeans is to cut them into pieces of the desired shape and sew them from the inside out, top left in Fig. A denim rug (above right) will look acceptable in any interior, as will denim clothes in any setting, except for a prim and formal one.

Appearance and methods of making denim carpet

If you’re not too lazy to “give the jeans a cooler style,” you can trim the blanks around the edges with braid in a contrasting color (middle left); such a rug will fit into a modern interior. And for rooms with an archaic-rustic design or, say, a dacha, you can weave a “grandmother’s” rug from jeans unraveled into ribbons by whipping up crosses (see at the end). Elementary techniques of “grandmother’s” weaving are shown in Fig. at the bottom. 2 denim colors, face and back, are enough to get a nice pattern. A torn old sheet will be used as a basis; the strips are twisted into bundles.

Note: In the process of weaving a denim carpet, it may be necessary to connect strips of weft, either to bring out the pattern, or simply not enough. The weaving knot is not suitable in this case, because The fabric is dense and the knot will be large. Jeans ribbons are connected in the same way as when weaving a patchwork rug without a machine, see below.


The second class of items suitable for rug wear are tights. How to make a mat from tights, see the tutorial video below:

Video: DIY pantyhose rug

Other junk

Lightweight wearable items can be placed on the mat in a variety of ways, see for example. next video. However, when they are trampled while lying on the floor, the wear resistance of the products leaves much to be desired.

Video: how to make rugs from old clothes

If the original item is knitted, say, a rug made from old T-shirts, then larger pieces are cut out of it without seams, piping, etc. Pockets are paired. Then the blanks are unraveled into ribbons, braids are woven from them, and a rug is sewn from the braids, see fig. Threads – no thinner than No. 20. Hemming the base made of technical fabric is mandatory; without it, the tights will soon stretch and quickly fray.

Making a patchwork rug made from braids

Weaving strips for a rag rug

This technique is not suitable for printed fabrics: threads will crawl along the edges of the tapes, and holes will creep under the fastening threads. In this case, the workpiece is first cut into even strips 5-7 cm wide, each strip into 4 more identical strips, without cutting all the way through. Then the straps are woven (see the picture on the right), and from the straps a rug is woven/woven on a sheet base, like a “grandmother’s” denim rug. The finished rug turns out respectable: the double texture indicates a high-class workmanship.

Note: sometimes one-piece rugs are woven using the same technique, cutting the workpiece at once not completely into 8, 16, 32, 64, etc. narrow stripes. But due to the displacement of the transitions of the ribbons, the carpet turns out to be either oblique or with a zigzag edge, depending on how the adjacent quadruples are woven, one into one or mirrored.

Here the question arises: how to cut thin fabric into strips of the same width, especially narrow ones? To do this, the workpiece (and then the wide ribbons) are folded like an accordion, leveled (ironing doesn’t hurt) and pinched with clothespins. Next, little by little, cut through all the bends at once, starting from the end, and remove the clothespins as you cut.

Braided mats

Rope mats are distinguished by their enviable resistance and durability. They look good too. They are mainly used as bedside footrests and tabletops, because... their length is 40-45 times the diameter of the rope, and their width is approximately 1.25-1.5 times less. You don’t need any materials other than rope, or any special experience. Schemes for weaving rope mats are shown in Fig. Based on the first, pos. 1-5 – regular straight knot. It is woven with one end (running) in 5 passes. The rope will need 35-37 mat lengths, i.e. 1200-1500 of its (rope) diameters. It’s not scary, in meters it will be 13-17 m.

Schemes for weaving rugs from rope

The sea rug (pos. a-f) is so named because it was an indispensable accessory to the sleeping place of a sailor of old times. In the sailing fleet, a sailor who did not know how to make himself a hanging hammock bunk and weave a mat for his feet along with it was considered a loser, regardless of any merits and length of service. The sea rug is knitted in 3 passes while hanging. The rope (approx. 20% longer than the previous one of the same length) is bent in half and braided with 2 ends. The sea rug is narrower and longer, its weaving is more frequent and finer. The labor intensity is the same as before, because You need to straighten not 5, but 3 ends.

The variety of rope rugs woven using the same or other flat knots is not limited to these samples, pos. 1-3 on the next rice. But this work is much more complicated, the details of which are not possible here. As for carpets made of rope decorative elements (brandenburs, etc.), sewn onto a woven base (pos. 4) or glued from a single piece of rope, pos. 5, then in terms of strength and durability these products are more decorative than for everyday use.

Rope mats

Let's try to weave...

To make a small, approx. up to 40 cm long, a woven rug made of threads, yarn or fabric ribbons/bundles is not needed at first. A rectangular piece of cardboard and a dinner fork will be enough. Using a fork, immediately poke holes for the base: lines are drawn along the short edges of the cardboard “machine”, at a distance of 3-5 cm from it. The first 4 holes are pierced along the line with a fork, then the fork is shifted by 3 tines so that the outer one falls into the last hole that has already been pierced, 3 more holes are pierced, etc. The cardboard is cut to the holes; The warp thread is carried out in one piece, placed in a loop under the edge petals - “pegs”. Leave the ends of the base free for approx. 10 cm each.

Note: There is no need to take cardboard longer than 40 cm; it will bend under the tension of the threads during work.

Then we weave, as usual, pos. 1-2 Fig., but instead of a shuttle you will have to use a gypsy needle; the shuttle will not fit between the cardboard and the fabric. Having carried out 4-10 threads of weft, depending on its smoothness, we tamp the fabric with the same fork, pos. 3. We obviously unwind the wefts in excess, because the missing thread is tied from the inside out, which is not possible in this case.

How to weave a rug without a loom

Next, the ends of the worked weft threads are left at approx. 10 cm and glued to the “camp” with tape, pos. 4. When the entire warp is woven, they are carried out with a needle under at least 8-10 weft transitions from the wrong side to the face, pos. 5, and trimmed.

The next stage is to remove 3-4 loops from the petals at one end of the base and insert the free end into them, pos. 6. We tighten it a little, but don’t cut off the “tail” yet! We do the same with the other end of the warp thread.

Now the base can be completely removed from the pegs. Place the rug approx. for a day on a flat, smooth surface for self-tightening of the fabric under the influence of residual stresses in the threads. If the loops of the base have not yet tightened completely after this, smooth the rug, tighten it, and shake it until they tighten. Now you can cut off the “tails” of the base - the product is ready for use!

In a similar way, you can weave rugs from leftover yarn or patchwork rugs from ribbons/strands (remember - jeans, tights, rags?) Both materials can be used together, but the warp and weft must be uniform. They are assembled from separate threads/ribbons, secured with knots, on the left in Fig. It remains to decide how to connect threads/ribbons that are not long enough, or to bring out the pattern. As for the threads, there is no way on a cardboard “loom”, you need to take whole ones. And 2 ways of connecting tapes are shown there in the center and on the right. You can connect very short ribbons first, but the joint will be visible. The second joint is invisible, but the overlap of the ends is needed from 4-5 cm.

Weaving a patchwork rug on a piece of cardboard and methods for joining the patches

... and knit

Carpets, as already mentioned, are crocheted. In general, this is no simpler than knitting, only the properties of the finished products are slightly different. There are many patterns for crocheting rugs on the Internet, but for beginners, in order to even understand the symbols of loops and operations, they would have to learn too much educational material. So let's start with the basics.

How the first loop is made when crocheting is shown on the left in Fig. This is already enough to, by passing a loop into a loop, tie a braid for a sewn rug. And on the right there it is given how to tie the next row to the previous one.

Basic crochet techniques

This way you can make a whole knitted rug, even a round one, see another video:

Video: knitting a round rug

This is where it happens to experienced craftswomen when a problem arises: I knitted it exactly according to the pattern from the recommended material, but it took it and pushed it out with a hump (cap, dome). The fact is that you can only increase the length of the outer rows by passing 2 of their loops into one of the previous ones by using an integer number of loops. It cannot be irrational, like π. The exact length of the row is adjusted mechanically by an experienced knitter by tightening the loops. But a person is not a robot, everyone’s working skills are different. A scheme developed by someone under their own hands may not be entirely correct for another.

However, there is no need to unravel the finished rug and bandage it, and it won’t do any good. If it doesn't look exactly like a jester's hat, you can align it using the following instructions:

  • We prepare hotter water for soaking, 55-60 degrees (the hand can barely tolerate it);
  • We dilute PVA in it at the rate of 1.5-2 tbsp. spoons per 10 l;
  • Soak the rug without creasing it;
  • While it gets wet, prepare a hard, smooth, moisture-resistant substrate. Ideally - a piece of plywood covered with plastic film in 2-4 layers;
  • When the water has cooled to lukewarm (32-35 degrees), remove the mat and lay it out on a mat to dry. There is no need to keep it in water until it has completely cooled down, the effect will disappear;
  • If the backing is plywood or wood, we additionally spread out the mat with push pins;
  • Once completely dry, the mat knitted according to a proven pattern will definitely level out. No - look for flaws in your work. An insignificant admixture of PVA will not prevent the product from dissolving.

This method of molding woven products was once invented by Soviet black market workers and underground workers in order to make “homemade” jeans stand up like a “firm”. At the same time, knitting lovers also adopted it. The quality of jeans of that time is long gone, but the PVA doesn’t seem to have deteriorated...

More about round rugs

Round rugs made from shreds can be excellent and even outstanding in aesthetics, see fig.

They don't necessarily have to be all-knitted. Firstly, they can be sewn, as described above, on a coarse textile base from braided or knitted braids (in this case, only from braids), wound in a spiral. But the strength and durability will not be higher than that of other sewn carpets.

Weaving a round rug from patchwork braids on a hoop

The second method is to braid braids along a radial base of rope on a hula hoop, see fig. on the right, it gives a good-quality product, but the “blob” in the center is a rather difficult problem, as a result of which this technique is rarely used.

Very beautiful and quite durable round rugs, and patchwork sewn ones, are obtained in the so-called. patchwork technique. Its essence is that patchwork parts are sewn into fragments of a pattern, which are sewn onto a coarse woven base, see the plot:

Video: rug for home in patchwork technique

Fluffy grass

Real patterned fleecy carpets are an immense topic, like the entire history of carpet weaving. But making a small, simple grass mat at home won’t be too difficult. The first method is tying with knots to a construction mesh. Propylene (this plastic is practically not electrified) or nylon fluffy cord allows you to get a pile up to 5 and even 10 cm high, pos. 1 on next rice.

If you don’t want grass, but something like a densely planted lettuce, you can knit a fluffy rug from scraps. In this case, so that the pile does not fall off, the scraps are taken wider so that the knots slightly expand the mesh cells, and knit in a checkerboard pattern, pos. 2.

Two easy ways to make fluffy rugs

In both cases, if there is a pattern, it is drawn in advance along the base grid, pos. 3. Knit a simple bayonet in knots. This knot is very reliable, cannot be felt with bare feet and is easy to knit either by hand or by crochet, pos. 4 and 5.

The second method, firstly, gives a soft mat that can be rolled up and washed in a machine. Secondly, ordinary knitting yarn produces a dense, non-falling pile up to 7 cm high. How such a rug is made is clear from the poses. 6-9. The width of the cardboard mandrel for winding pile strips is according to its desired height. The finished strips are attached to a coarse woven base.

Some explanations, however, will be needed regarding pos. 6 and 9. If sewing is not intended to be done immediately after winding the strips, then you need to baste the uncut edge of the layer using a basting of 1 full and 3/4 of a half eight, this is the so-called. eight 7/4. How it is done is shown in pos. 10. The number of turns in one tack is not necessarily 4, it can be 10 or more, depending on the smoothness of the yarn. The hairier it is, the more turns you can grab with one figure eight loop. A strip swept in this way can lie in the chest of drawers as long as you like without spreading.

During final sewing, the first strip of pile is attached, straightened. Then its threads are bent to the non-working side and the next one is attached as close as possible, etc. The edge of the base in the finished rug will show through a little, so it is trimmed with braid.

Rug made of pompoms

It's time to remember such cute, soft and original pom-pom rugs. They are made as before. case: pompoms are tied to a construction mesh or sewn to a fabric base. But how to make the most pom-poms? Are there many of the same or given sizes, beautiful, neat?

There is no need to look for drawings and descriptions of certain devices or machines for making pom-poms, as some sources advise. Excellent pom-poms are obtained as shown in Fig. “Technological equipment” made from a couple of reusable cardboard scraps; In any case, it’s enough for a whole carpet of pom-poms.

Making a pompom for a rug and other purposes

Pompoms can also be multi-colored if they are wound from threads of different colors, but of the same thickness. There is no need to connect the ends of the threads somehow; the twist will be cut anyway.

What if you want the pompoms to be smooth? Also no problem: take a piece of padding polyester or fleece, crumple it into a ball, cover it with a suitable fabric and tie the tail with a thread. The fabric, by the way, can also be silk: padding polyester and fleece have antistatic properties and will remove electrical charges.

Video: do-it-yourself pom-pom rug - master class

Video: an alternative option for making a rug from pompoms

Where and how is plastic good?

Hobbyists sometimes make rugs from plastic film that are amazing in appearance and fine workmanship. But we still cannot recommend them for residential premises. In dry rooms, plastic is easily electrified, and, say, in a bathroom, water stagnates in its folds. What kind of living community will soon form there is best not to look under a microscope. Especially those familiar with the principles of microbiology.

Plastic film mats can find other uses, e.g. as door and/or street at the dacha. A properly made plastic bag mat will remove dirt from shoes, although not as well as special cleaning mats. Cleaning it comes down to drying and shaking it out, the material costs pennies, and you can make a new rug like this in 10-30 minutes as follows:

  • The package is rolled into a flat roll and tied with tape; You can also use a rope made of film, pos. 1 per rice;
  • The tourniquet is pulled tightly, the edges of the bag are cut off, pos. 2;
  • The workpiece is fluffed by hand, pos. 3;
  • Several blanks are tied into something like a pompom, pos. 4;
  • If the diameter of the pompom (20-35 cm depending on the size of the bags) is too small, several of them are tied together or tied to a construction net.

Rug made of... stone

Artificial stone rug

The stone mats are original, see fig. on the right, and massage the feet. True, standing barefoot on a cold stone is not always pleasant, but that’s not so bad. The main thing is that it is simply unrealistic to find in nature as many smoothly rounded pebbles of equal thickness as needed, and it is unrealistically expensive to buy a choice.

In all respects, a rug made from substitutes for rounded pebbles made from polymer clay (plastic, cold porcelain) is better than a natural stone rug. You can make polymer clay with your own hands at home in the kitchen; starting materials (starch, PVA) are inexpensive. One starter (leavening) is enough for 1-3 pebbles, depending on their size, and you can imitate not only cobblestones, but also many semi-precious stones, see figure: selenite, jade, amazonite, jasper, onyx, carnelian, agate, even lapis lazuli , malachite, heliotrope and charoite. A rug made of gems that doesn’t even keep your feet cold – who’s to say that’s not cool?

Some semi-precious stones

The use of plastic for the manufacture of stone rugs has, in comparison with its other applications, some features:

  • Prepare a substrate in advance - a solid shield covered with film.
  • The base of the mat made of construction mesh is laid on the substrate.
  • Containers (vessels) are also prepared for ripening a mass of total volume, obviously greater than the total volume of stones, in an amount equal to the number of flowers used.
  • The mass of required flowers is prepared quickly so that they all ripen at about the same time. Each color ripens in its own separate container.
  • Immediately after the mass has ripened, without putting it into storage, stones are sculpted and placed on the base of the mat, pressing lightly so that the mesh is pressed into them. This should be done wearing latex gloves that are thick enough so that there are no palm marks or fingerprints left on the stones.
  • After 2-3 hours, when the crust has dried on the stones, they are leveled in height, pressing down the protruding ones. Be careful not to crack the thin crust!
  • Transfer the drying tray to a warm, dry, shaded place.
  • Dry until completely dry, based on a complete hardening rate of 2 mm per day.
  • The almost finished rug is carefully turned over. Falling stones (rarely, but it happens) are glued with PVA.
  • Apply 1-2 drops of PVA from a medical syringe without a needle to the crosshairs of the mesh that fall on the stones.
  • Dry for another 2-3 days, and the rug is ready.

Carpet weaving has always been and is a highly profitable occupation among all peoples, under any political system and economic system. A margin (rise) of 200-300% is an ordinary phenomenon in this business. But do not rush to get into the credit swamp to purchase equipment and start a cottage industry based on theory alone: ​​the requirements of potential buyers for the quality of carpet products are also traditionally very high.

To get started, it wouldn’t hurt to watch a master class on making homespun carpets.

Video: making homespun rugs - master class

Then, get a carpet weaving loom. Simple and inexpensive, but suitable for the production of commercial-grade products. Its basis is a strong frame; wooden - from timber from 40x40 or plywood from 20 mm, pos. 1 in Fig. If you have an old window frame lying around somewhere, carpentry work is no longer necessary.

Weaving equipment from scrap materials for carpets

The following are guide pins for threads and pegs. Here, modernity is better than antiquity: push pins-markers with a long neck (item 2) are just what you need. For handicraft work, they have a number of advantages compared to steel and wooden pegs:

  • Cheap per piece.
  • Installed by female forces. Screwing in several hundred threaded steel pegs or installing the same number of wooden pegs is a job even for a hardy man, and even a child can push buttons into pine.
  • They are easily rearranged, practically without damaging the wood.
  • The size, if inserted close to each other, is just right for weaving rugs.
  • By placing the pins in a checkerboard pattern, you can give the warp and/or weft to the fabric more tightly, and by placing them at intervals - less often.
  • When installing pegs from buttons, both the thread and the plait or braid will pass as tightly as possible into the windows between the necks.
  • Smooth, slippery necks of the buttons will ensure uniform tension of the fabric threads.

Your dearest believer can and should also be harnessed to make the machine: let him make a comb the entire width of the frame window for stuffing the weft from a wooden (preferably oak) block and pieces of knitting or bicycle needles. In extreme cases, you can stuff it with a fork, as described above, but with a comb the work will go faster and better.

Next is the shuttle. A fishing shuttle is not suitable for weaving nets; it is designed for rather complex manipulations of knitting knots. When weaving, you will have to turn it over all the time, and throw off the consumable loops, making movements with your fingers, which is very tiring in an already difficult weaving job. A salted and tanned fisherman who has just tied his net can be recognized by his crab-shaped hands. The smooth spool shuttle easily dives into a very dense base, but it also needs to be turned over, which slows down the work, and the manufacture will require high-quality materials and metal work.

For weaving rugs, the old-style handloom weaving shuttle is best suited. Its drawing is given above at pos. 3. Material – hard wood, plywood, hard plastic 2-4 mm thick. How the thread is wound onto this shuttle is shown in pos. 4. The consumable skein is thrown onto the beak with loops alternately on one side and the other. To remove the next loop, the shuttle is pushed back, it will come off the beak itself. This should be done when the shuttle is outside the base.

Finally, tying a new thread to the end. How to extend tapes and strands was described earlier. And the thread is tied with a simple weaving knot, pos. 5. There are other weaving knots, but for fairly thick and strong carpet thread, this is the most suitable.

Well, if things have gone well, you liked your creations, and the buyers liked your creations, then you can think about how to make or order a real weaving loom for carpets with your own hands.

Handmade in the interior is one of the main trends in 2016. Any decoration made by hand will serve as an original and worthy decoration for the room. And today we decided to tell you about such an art as macrame weaving - products made in this way are incredibly in demand today.

What is macrame

Did you know that today there are more than 4 thousand different knot tying techniques? In turn, macrame is nothing more than a special artistic technique of knot weaving - can you imagine how varied the patterns made using this technique can be? Back in the 8th century, the ancient Egyptians, Chinese and Greeks decorated their homes with tapestries and macramé canvases. Let's look at how such wicker decor will fit into a modern interior.

In what interior styles will macrame products be relevant?

Since the art of macrame weaving came to us from the ancient East, first of all, such decor would be appropriate in ethnic interior styles. All kinds of macrame decor will look no less harmonious and successful in a room decorated in the boho style. Wicker accessories can also be used in Scandinavian and contemporary style. In some cases, macrame is even used in areas such as chalets and lofts. What exactly can be done using the knot technique? – We offer you some striking examples.

Macrame rug

A wicker rug will fit well into almost any interior style and will last for many years, maintaining a decent appearance.

Window decor

A minimalist macrame window decor will allow sunlight to penetrate into the room, but will not create the feeling of an unfinished window opening.

However, you can make a beautiful curtain from macrame, which will become a colorful interior decoration in a boho or country style.

Dream catchers

A dream catcher is not only a talisman against bad dreams, but also a wonderful decoration for the bedroom. An original macrame dream catcher will be better than any factory-made analogue.

Lamp decor

Macrame can be used to make designer lampshades for floor lamps and ceiling chandeliers.

If you chose the option with open wiring and urban lighting with incandescent lamps, then, as an option, you can tie the wires with rope using the macrame technique.

Wall decoration

Decorating walls with macrame canvases can be very diverse. These can be abstract designs made from knots or even images with a specific motif.

Macrame screen

A screen with a wooden frame and sections filled with wicker fabric will look very original and unusual in the interior.


If you have always dreamed of a bed with a chic headboard, then all you have to do is master the art of macrame weaving!