Hot-tempered teenager. Aggressive teenager recommendations for parents. Teenage aggression as a defense mechanism

Aggression is the most accessible way to express your emotions. And in a person’s life it plays both a negative and a positive role. Positive aspects include releasing emotions, removing obstacles to goals, asserting autonomy, and increasing self-esteem through aggressiveness. However, if a person does not learn to control aggressive manifestations, this is fraught with big life problems. Therefore, let's figure out what are the causes of aggression in adolescents - after all, this is one of the most pressing problems of this period of a child's growing up.

What is aggression?

With the help of aggression, a person seeks to subjugate and dominate. This tendency can manifest itself both in fantasy and in real behavior. An aggressive person is prone to violence, destruction, and harm. Aggression can be directed at oneself (auto-aggression) or at external objects (people, objects). There is also a distinction between overt and hidden aggression. Explicit aggression is manifested in increased conflict, slander, pressure on a person, assault, hidden aggression - in avoidance of contacts, suicide, inaction with the aim of causing harm. A person of any gender and age can be aggressive. Aggression is especially pronounced in. What are the causes of aggression in adolescents? This question is asked, perhaps, by every parent who has noticed that their child has become uncontrollable and angry.

Adolescence and aggression

During adolescence, the child becomes more aggressive. The causes of aggression in adolescents lie in the specifics of adolescence - a very difficult period in the life of any person. A teenager usually behaves aggressively towards people around him, and aggression can manifest itself in both physical and verbal forms. Teenagers do not take into account the opinions of adults, perceive their parents as enemies, and can deliberately cause pain to another person. At this age, the peer group in which he is located is important for the child; it is important for him to earn their respect. Therefore, violence and aggression towards outsiders, towards people from another group, is a way to assert oneself, to show personal heroism and devotion to the group.

Why do teenagers become aggressive?

1. One of the important reasons for aggression in adolescents is constitutional predisposition. The main character traits of adolescents who tend to behave aggressively are irritability, suspicion, isolation, anxiety, fear of public opinion, and a tendency to feel shame rather than guilt.

2. The leading role in the formation of aggressive behavior is played by the negative influence of magazines, newspapers, the Internet, computer games, and television. There are too many films, cartoons, articles, websites, computer games, the main content of which is cruelty, violence, and crime.

3. The family in which a teenager lives and is raised can also become the cause of the teenager’s aggression. Misunderstanding in the family, insults, emotional rejection of the child, overprotection, excessive spoiling of the child, lack of emotionality in the child-parent relationship create the ground for aggressive behavior. Observing aggression, the child involuntarily begins to imitate patterns of such behavior, and in the future he will begin to reproduce them.

4. Alcohol and drug use can also lead to aggressive behavior. When intoxicated by alcohol or drugs, a teenager is liberated and does not fully understand what he is doing.

5. The appearance of aggression is influenced by the specificity of the environment and the state of society itself. Thus, increased levels of noise and radiation, unfavorable ecology, and an overabundance of information create the preconditions for aggressive behavior. And economic crises, unresolved laws, together with a feeling of irritation and hopelessness, can cause a teenager to feel a sense of protest and a desire to express this protest in the form of aggression.

We can only hope that parents will be able to find an approach to their child, who is trying to prove to everyone that he has already grown up. Only love, understanding and respect can neutralize excessive anxiety and aggressiveness in a teenager and help him overcome this most difficult period in life.

“My son is 14 years old. He became aggressive and uncontrollable. What should I do?"
A question from a desperate parent to a psychologist. The answer did not take long to arrive:
“It would be surprising if your son exhibited different behavior as a teenager.” Happy smiley at the end.
Probably, it was he who had to convince his mother that a teenager’s aggressiveness is normal and commonplace.

“My son is 14 years old. He became aggressive and uncontrollable. What should I do?"

A question from a desperate parent to a psychologist. The answer did not take long to arrive:

“It would be surprising if your son exhibited different behavior as a teenager.”. Happy smiley at the end.

Probably, it was he who had to convince his mother that a teenager’s aggressiveness is normal and commonplace.

Beyond normality

Should ordinary people be surprised then when the younger generation reacts aggressively to their comments, not only verbally, revealing all the delights of obscene language, but also physically.

Videos posted by teenagers themselves on YouTube testify to glaring facts of teenage aggressiveness. They are capable of many things:

    hit an elderly man in the face with his fist, spit at him, ridicule him, throw him to the ground and kick him to death (grandfather did not allow him to smoke and tried to give a lecture on the dangers of smoking);

    torture and mutilate stray cats and dogs (“What? Does anyone really need them? We’re ridding society of animal waste...”);

    mock the homeless (“They are the scum of society, let them know their place!”);

    beat up your teacher (“Grandma is senile, but she teaches physical education!”);

    abuse a classmate (“Yes, he’s a major, so we rinsed him in the toilet of the school toilet so that he wouldn’t show off”);

    to take revenge on a former lover (for example, one girl and a group of friends beat and humiliated) or a lover (for example, a teenager inflicted several knife wounds on his “unfaithful Juliet”).

Aggression and aggressiveness of children exceeds all acceptable standards. Are we really going to consider this the “norm” of teenage behavior?

What is aggressiveness

Psychologists distinguish between the concepts of aggression and aggressiveness. Aggression translated from Latin means “attack”, “hostility”. Aggression, first of all, means actions.

Some psychoanalysts view aggression as a continuation of the death instinct, the desire for destruction described by Freud.

The Austrian scientist Konrad Lorenz argued in his monograph that aggression is not evil, but a natural instinct that promotes the survival of the species, and is not at all aimed at its self-destruction.

Aggression researcher A. Bass defines it “as a reaction, as a physical action or threat of such an action on the part of one person, which reduces the freedom or genetic fitness of another person, as a result of which the other person’s body receives painful stimuli.”

Aggressiveness is a human property that manifests itself in readiness for aggressive behavior. Moreover, a certain predisposition to aggression can be either conscious of the individual or unconscious. Psychologists identify several types of manifestations of aggressive behavior:

2. Indirect.

3. Negativism.

4. Resentment, envy, hatred.

5. Suspiciousness.

6. Feelings of guilt.

7. Verbal aggression.

8. Irritation.

As we see, aggression has different faces; it can be directed at people around you, the external environment and at yourself.

So, aggression is, on the one hand, a consequence of aggressiveness, and on the other, it arises in the process of social learning.

Needed for life

Being aggressive is fashionable these days. It is believed that aggression is a unique mechanism of psychological protection of the individual from the influences of the outside world on him. In order not to be passive, dependent, unable to defend your own interests and goals, you need to be aggressive.

A mother in the sandbox is happy that her little one took a bucket from another baby:

Well done, he knows how to achieve his goals! He won't let himself be offended...

Another one teaches on the way to kindergarten:

If someone pushes you, give your change.

Dad enrolls a girl at three years old in martial arts classes so that she can stand up for herself.

It is clear that parents have good intentions, but do not see that they are teaching their children aggressive forms of behavior and do not teach them other ways of interacting with others, other ways to solve problems. They often raise monsters with their own hands, and then don’t know what to do with them.

In adolescence, which is the transition from childhood to adulthood, the failures of upbringing become most obvious.


The urethral teenager shows aggression in the form of anger in case of injustice towards his pack, infringement of his free, unrestricted person, treatment of him out of rank - from top to bottom (for example, praise).

His anger manifests itself clearly; he knows no boundaries or boundaries. The urethral vector is not content with half measures. Here rage is rage, love is love.

At school, a urethral teenager is immediately visible, he smiles with a special smile, walks with a confident gait, often with an unbuttoned shirt, people involuntarily look after him. The teachers call him an informal leader, they give him an individual diary for assessing his behavior, he wears it, calmly gets bad marks and looks at the teachers with such an expression that one feels the complete powerlessness of adults in front of this daredevil.

The key to a urethral child is to be his regent, turn to him for support, help, advice, delegating your powers to him. Under no circumstances should you get involved in pulling the blanket over yourself, putting pressure on him, demanding unquestioning obedience - you will still lose.

It is best to make him a class leader; he will lead the team, and this is how you can most productively direct his energy in a positive direction. When there is a urethral child in the class, in fact, this is happiness; you can calmly entrust him with control over class discipline, aiming children at high educational achievements and good team cohesion.

He is merciful by nature, and making him your ally rather than your enemy is quite easy. He is not touchy, easy-going, understanding.

If there are two urethral leaders in the class, then it is natural that they will quarrel, and the conflict will be accompanied by aggression. It will all end in a fight where they will fight for life and death. It is better to prevent the cause for aggression in the bud - transfer them to different classes, assign them different territories and fields of activity.

An anal teenager, with the correct development of innate abilities, is an obedient, flexible child who respects the opinions of elders. The downside of an anal teenager is verbal aggression, rancor, vindictiveness, resentment, venting internal tension on pets, and sadism.

For a child, his mother is of great importance; if she pays little attention to him, does not praise him for the things he does, then he feels that he is not loved and is offended by everyone - first by girls, and then by women. He kicks his classmates in the butt, calls them dirty names, and can curse at the teacher.

The skinny child aggressively elbows everyone out of the way, he is ambitious, and quickly finds ways to get out of any situation. He shows aggression when he does not get what he wants, for example, a high mark (he was promised a bicycle for it), when his ambitious plans are infringed. He tries to argue with the teacher, “shakes” his license, but just as quickly breaks down, he just as quickly forgets about what he did. Leather workers demand equal conditions, unconsciously feeling that they will overtake everyone, they do not like to lose and their principle is: “All means are good for victory.”

It should be noted that the negative aspects of a skin teenager with improper development are the lack of self-discipline, the inability to control and limit oneself (for example, he cannot organize himself to come to school on time).

He behaves aggressively when he loses any material assets, because for him they are a certain foundation of psychological comfort.

A muscular teenager behaves aggressively towards others only if he is brought up incorrectly. From birth this child is extremely calm, his normal state is monotony. He begins to show aggression if he is put into a state of “war”, sent to the sports section, where he will only get every chance to get into a criminal environment, since sports do not develop the main thing in a muscleman - the ability to positively use one’s strength.

The correct development for such a child is accustoming him to work, even to hard physical work. By initiating his erogenous zone - the muscles, in this way he enjoys the process of work itself and subsequently becomes a “peaceful builder”.

A muscular teenager alone will never start a fight, he is guided by a skinner, and then he, together with his muscular comrades, is capable of committing violence. Dear, good-natured boy, they would never think badly of him...

It is important to be fed, well-fed, and well-rested for a good mood. Satisfaction of natural human needs for him is the greatest joy in life.

So, a group of teenagers attacked a passerby near the garages, beat him, and took his money. The skinny leader of the gang bought himself a watch with stolen funds, and the muscle men used the portion allocated to them - food, and simple, coarse food - sausages in dough, they picked up a large quantity. We're stuffed from the belly. Juvenile delinquents in dire need of occupational therapy.

The upper vectors have a significant impact on the aggressiveness of adolescents. adds emotionality to aggressive behavior: “Sasha threw a tantrum when she saw me with another girl, then grabbed her by the hair, screamed and fought.”

They are most susceptible to auto-aggression; they experience internal tension from interaction with the outside world deep within themselves until the accumulated tangle of contradictions and misunderstandings at one moment spills out in the form of suicide, unexpected for those around them.

A teenager always shows aggression verbally; he easily shouts down all other peers and his derogatory nicknames “stick” usually for life.

The vector adds thoughtfulness to the teenager’s aggressive behavior - not only will we not prove his involvement in the crime, but we will also not suspect him. An invisible, barely perceptible child, fulfilling his main function of “surviving at all costs”, exposing others, hides evidence of his own socially disapproved behavior.

So, a teenager’s aggressiveness is a wake-up call for parents and teachers. They are doing something wrong. You need to reconsider your attitude towards the child, towards the methods of his upbringing.

An effective means of helping to cope with the aggressive behavior of a teenager is for parents to understand two postulates:

1. It is necessary to raise a child correctly, in accordance with his innate vectors, so that he becomes a Human Being and absorbs culture.

2. It is necessary to be able to understand the underlying reasons for a teenager’s aggressiveness and teach him to remove negative feelings without causing damage, both mental and physical, to other people.

For example, realizing the value of silence for a sound child, parents need to create comfortable, calm conditions for him so that, when returning from school, he has the opportunity to be alone with himself.

Parental love becomes most effective and targeted if it is shown systematically, only then does the child feel that he is loved and this relieves aggression: hugging the skin teenager, praising the anal one, admiring the urethral one, creating a close emotional connection with the visual one, listening to the oral one, etc.

The aggressiveness of teenagers is not inevitable; much depends on us, their educators.

Proofreader: Valeria Starkova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

I live with two children: the boy is 13, and my daughter will soon be 9. The rules in the house are strict, the children are taught to respect their elders, help around the house and not argue.

Recently, an old friend of my late mother came to me, crying - she couldn’t say a word. I gave her valerian and asked what happened. This is what she told me. She bought a few groceries with her meager pension, walked home through the square, sat down on a bench to rest, and saw the neighborhood kids playing tricks in the park. They saw an old woman, surrounded her, snatched the string bag from her hands, and there was not only food, but also a pension book, and a little money. I listen to her, and my hair stands on end: the robbers are minors, there is no justice for them. I tell her: “Aunt Raya, why didn’t you go to the police? Well, do you want me to go with you and help you write a statement?” She's in tears again. He says that maybe I would have gone, but my Vovka was among these kids. At first I didn’t believe her, I thought that the old woman had made a mistake. I decided to talk to my son. But during a serious conversation, the son admitted that he was still there. Of course, all measures were taken to punish him and not let him go outside anymore. But we cannot guard him 24 hours a day, and there is no more trust in him. What is happening to our children? Why do they turn into monsters? After all, it’s not just my Vovka who behaves this way - it’s just some kind of epidemic. How to convince young people that old people should be treated with respect? How to punish for insulting the weak and the elderly?

Everyone condemns aggressive teenagers, but no one has yet advised what to do with them. What should I do?

Galina Krotova, Tver

Commentary by children's psychotherapist and family consultant Madelena Sanchuk.

Galina’s letter is scary because it reflects a typical problem faced by parents and teachers everywhere. Teenage aggression feeds from many sources before it turns into a menacing, muddy river. Teachers and parents will be able to prevent the epidemic of teenage aggression only by eliminating its sources.

The main source is severe physical punishment and verbal humiliation to which parents and educators subject the child. A person who is accustomed to beatings and humiliation becomes more cynical and rude; sympathy for the suffering of others is alien to him. Sooner or later, he himself will begin to “punish” weaker ones (animals, children and old people) for his many grievances. He will become aggressive because he wants to take revenge on his parents, who were unreasonably harsh with him, and because he has not learned to express his anger or resentment other than in a fight.

The second reason is the oversaturation of modern films and television programs with scenes of violence and physical aggression. If your child watches exclusively fist fights and action films in which characters kill dozens of their own kind and no one expresses even bitterness over their suffering and death, then your child's ability to sympathize with others is dulled. For him, forceful methods of solving problems become the norm.

The third is the low self-esteem of a teenager who looks up to the leader and turns into a “wolf cub in the pack.” Where everyone goes, he goes there too. Whatever the leader says, he will do it. Children with correct self-esteem know how to say: “No. Thank you, I won’t go with you.” Such teenagers will calmly refuse drugs or cigarettes when offered. They have their own opinions, they are not afraid of being considered wimps or mama's boys. The only question is how to help a child develop self-respect and the ability to say no in response to the pressure of an angry pack. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the child, but a lot is instilled by parents and teachers. And our main task is to develop the teenager’s individuality, to teach him to make “his own” decisions.

Fourth, the desire inherent in teenagers to unite and prove to the older generation that the time of their fathers has passed, that a new tribe is coming, bolder, stronger, more daring, more enterprising.

Fifth - the desire to delight a young friend. Problems like the last two have always faced humanity, and the goal of society is to help the younger generation sublimate spontaneous energy into creativity, constructive activities and hobbies.

The sixth is an unconscious fear of death, a reminder of which is old people. Teenagers want to live forever, to be forever young and strong! Young people are inherently disgusted with ugly old age. Parents should help the young person see and understand old age as a wonderful and fruitful time of life. Parents can only teach respect for old people by their own example. Adults themselves often treat old people as inferior people. Teenagers feel this and count on absolute impunity, offending the weak and old.

So, it is possible to eradicate teenage aggression if adults adhere to the following rules:

  • Treat children and teenagers with respect, do not be rude towards them, try to talk to them as equals.
  • Teach your child to express negative feelings with words, not fists.
  • Limit TV time and exclude films and programs that glorify violence and murder from the child’s emotional diet.
  • Instill a love of reading, using literary examples to cultivate empathy for the weak and a desire to help.
  • Teach teenagers not to get infected by the energy of the pack, but to choose friends with whom they not only have common interests, but also mutual respect and understanding. It is very good if you know your child's friends.
  • Spend time in nature with the child and teenager, play outdoor games, involve them in sports, clubs and extracurricular activities (taking into account the child’s preferences).
  • When a child is busy with a useful and interesting activity, he will no longer be drawn to “fist fights.”
  • Cultivate respect for old people by your own example: show concern for elderly neighbors, give up your seat to the elderly on the bus, give donations to a nursing home, go there with your child at least once a month, bring gifts, chat with the elderly or carry out their small errands.
  • Talk to children and teenagers about the cycle of life, help them from an early age to participate in rituals associated with birth, death and other main milestones of life, explain that old age is not ugliness, but limitless worldly wisdom.
  • Take care of family history, tell children about their ancestors, instilling in them pride in their roots.
  • Seek professional psychological help if your child takes pleasure in torturing animals or weaker people. Only in extremely rare cases does child aggression indicate serious mental disorders. Most likely, the child simply does not know how to throw out negative emotions and experiences in another, more peaceful way. And the main task of parents and teachers is to teach him to resolve conflicts positively.


Amazing letter! Reflects the whole essence of the educational work of the average Russian family. “The rules in the house are strict, children are taught to respect their elders, help around the house and not argue.” Translating into normal language - know your place and don’t blather until you are given permission. I can imagine the atmosphere in this family... It is absolutely natural that grown-up children on the street take out their dissatisfaction with such parents on the weak. It is not clear why the author of the letter is surprised - the parents, for their part, did everything to ensure that their children grew up exactly like this. If the mother of a child who is 13 years old is so unaware of what he lives, how he lives, what he is interested in, does not know his social circle, interests, and can only say that “children are taught to respect their elders and not to argue,” then excuse me, this not quite an adequate mother. Parental responsibilities do not end with the ability to instill in a child “respect for elders” (read between the lines - fear of a strict dad with a belt). In fact, in this case, the upbringing of children was limited to the fact that they were taught to behave quietly at home, without being at all interested in their inner world. It would be strange to expect a different result from such methods of education. I think this letter is nothing more than a mother’s attempt to justify herself to herself - “oh, this crazy world, oh these bad companies, they have led my son, who has already learned to respect the belt and, therefore, is well brought up, into the dark side. And I, such a good and strict mother, she overlooked it a little, so why blame me for this, it happens... No, dear and strict teachers, it is directly your fault that your children grow up to be drunkards and drug addicts. And you shouldn’t blame the responsibility for your mistakes on the nursery, kindergarten, school and so on for everyone except yourself.

20.11.2007 15:01:51, Igor

Agree! The letter is very one-sided. Well, it’s clear, teenagers are bad, old people are good... And who raised them like this, aliens?

08/19/2006 23:16:42, Anna

Oh my favorite topic. And as always in such cases, not a single specific piece of advice other than “should”. It's boring, gentlemen, authors.
As for the situation described, this is the classic version:
Aggressiveness, manifestation of internal discomfort, uncertainty.
Inability to adequately express negative emotions and control oneself.
High anxiety, feeling of rejection - resulting in “herd instincts”
Inadequate self-esteem, underestimated en-mass.
The desire to attract the attention of adults, etc., etc.
and all because “The rules in the house are strict, children are taught to respect their elders, help around the house and not argue... No. (c). It’s strange that the parent was so surprised by her son’s behavior.

Hmm... HOW exactly to throw out negative emotions and experiences? How to teach this?

I can’t believe that among the readers of such articles there will be parents of aggressive teenagers who rob old women. And for whom was it written?
“children are taught to respect their elders, help around the house and not argue with each other”
And also don’t run around the yard naked on all fours, don’t sniff glue and don’t eat out of trash cans.
That is, the author of the article assumes in advance that his readers do not sleep at night, but only think “how can we raise our children so that they respect us, do not punish us, and help us around the house.” Here we can only say one thing: if you are brought up with such thoughts, you will inevitably become brutal.

08/03/2006 22:07:27, Galka...

The atmosphere in the house is military - "The rules in the house are strict, children are taught to respect their elders, help around the house and not argue." It seems to me that family is approval and support, not the army.

Everything is written correctly in the article - scientifically.
But it seems to me that there can be no ready-made recipes here. There will be NO aggression; a child at this age may end up in another story for the company of his peers.
And in my opinion, boys should have aggression by nature. The main thing is to direct it correctly.
The main thing is that the mother needs to establish contact with her son and daughter. So that when they come from the street they tell her what they are doing there. And she did not punish or EDUCATE, but simply DISCUSSED and taught the child to think about the consequences of his actions. And she gave the child the right to choose his own company and type of entertainment. But it seems to me that problems cannot be solved with prohibitions and restrictions.

08/03/2006 11:17:11, Tatyana

Aggression is a fairly common psycho-emotional manifestation. It is not something special, but is inherent in any human individual and even animals. In its pathomorphological manifestations, aggression does not need treatment and does not indicate mental pathology.

This state is a defensive reaction and has its own important evolutionary significance. But in some cases, this manifestation can be considered a symptom and have less positive consequences.

Aggression is not manifested by the presence of standard and monotonous manifestations; in the world of high technology, this phenomenon is increasingly evolving, flowing into completely new aspects of manifestations.

Reasons for development

Aggression is a concept drifting in the interscientific space; it is applicable to a large number of aspects of human life. There is a significant amount of aggressive propaganda on television. Due to the presence of aggressive impulses in an individual of any class, there are tendencies to release them in different ways. Aggression is not exclusively a human expression of sensitivity; it can occur in animals when defending territory or being threatened at a feasible level. It is usually followed by an attack.

Aggression is of Latin origin from the consonant word “aggresio” and the translation sounds like attack. This behavior is common among animals and human beings for the purpose of attack. From a biological term, aggression has long spread to international law, where it means any illegal action. In a gaming world where expressing aggression has become legal and safe, more and more aggressive content has appeared.

It makes sense to consider the causes of aggression, since it also has a classical psychological meaning, described below. In general, the aspect of aggression in all forms is to be angry. But there is a difference, depending on a variety of factors and root causes.

Aggression is caused by external factors that adversely affect the calmness of the individual. But also a common root cause of aggression is the internal mental state. In addition to the psychological aspect, aggression manifests itself as a psychiatric symptom, confirming the presence of psychiatric illnesses.

Psychiatric pathologies are most characterized by aggressive tendencies in schizophrenia, especially with pronounced productive hallucinatory and delusional symptoms. There is also a subtype of bipolar disorder, this is angry mania, which, in addition to the classic triad of manias, has a high “column” of aggressiveness in its structure. High aggressiveness is also characteristic of certain forms of psychopathy, or personality disorders.

Aggressive behavior is characteristic of drug addicts and people with withdrawal symptoms suffering from the consequences of drug addiction. Alcoholics are usually aggressive, especially in relation to those close to them with a weakness for them. In general, an individual under the influence of alcohol and drugs may have a higher level of aggression due to inhibition of the cortex and activation of lower instincts.

In children, aggressive impulses may tend to arise in psychopathologies. With mental retardation, especially with the presence of behavioral disorders, as well as with autism. Children with hyperreactivity, when combined with attention deficit, can be aggressive. All these cases indicate an abnormal level of aggression that exceeds certain established social norms.

However, aggression is inherent in people even with relative mental health. The highest degree of aggression is typical for people under the influence of chronic stress. Also, such aggressive impulses can often form in people who spend a lot of time playing aggressive games and TV shows. In children, manifestations of aggression are activated when there is a defect in upbringing, being in unfavorable conditions and falling into “bad” company.

Personal instability, high emotional and stressful work loads, and an aggressive environment also become risk factors for aggression. Lack of rest with constant exhaustion can provoke outbursts of anger, prompting aggression.

Aggression in women is often based on hormonal background changes. Aggression is more common in men due to their typical aggressive behavioral aspect, which is characteristic of the male gender. Not all men have overly aggressive tendencies and impulses. And even if they exist, they usually have reasonable boundaries.

Manifestations and attacks

Aggression is very diverse in its manifestations, since it can have completely different goals. It may be a defensive phenomenon, may not have objective reasons, or may have some hidden motives.

Aggression is characterized by many different types of classifications due to different facets of assessing such behavior. It is normal according to the classification, or adequate when it makes sense to show it in defense of one’s life, honor or the honor of one’s relatives. This is a normal limited burst of aggression without excessive force. Superthreshold aggression is manifestations that exceed a certain acceptable level and cause obvious damage to the one at whom it is directed.

Aggression, which is part of the structure of mental illness, is accompanied by accompanying symptoms characteristic of those pathologies in the structure of which it is formed. In schizophrenia, in addition to aggression, there are symptoms characteristic of this pathology, which manifest themselves in autism, isolation, delusions and hallucinations. With manias with aggressive tendencies, in addition to aggressive manifestations, there is always increased physical activity, increased mnestic and ideational arousal.

Aggression can be characterized by an attack-like character; this is typical and applicable for explosive individuals with a choleric temperament. In this case, the person behaves completely calmly most often, but at separately selected moments of increased stress, she can explode into an attack of aggression. Such an attack usually passes very quickly, without lingering long after the onset, but leaves an unpleasant negative aftertaste.

Aggression in women is often attack-like, associated with selected life moments, and they often subsequently experience guilt for this. A persistent aggressive tendency may also be activated, with the woman exposed to aggressive impulses that she regularly unleashes.

Aggression in men is more permanent and is part of the personality structure. In general, men are much more susceptible to aggressive tendencies.

Manifestations of aggression may not have a classical description due to the modification of social manifestations and the censure of open aggressive outburst. She may find physical acting out, which is characteristic of low-level personal development. In general, such species are not welcome.

Physical aggression comes in the form of blows, pushes, or any physical means. This species may pose a risk to healthy functioning, which will subsequently cause physical damage. This type of aggression is punishable by the criminal code.

Verbal aggression is a common form of aggression and is manifested by shouting and offensive phrases. This species also has criminal liability. People often use arguing and shouting to prove they are right and defend their own beliefs. But this is not a worthy technique or method of evidence, and often it only incites hostility and those arguing in such attempts express a “narrow-minded” opinion without listening to others.

Aggression can have a direct expression when dissatisfaction is expressed to a person’s face and a clear opinion and disagreement is expressed. But in our pseudo-non-aggressive society, indirect aggression is becoming more and more widespread. At the same time, aggressive impulses are not expressed in the eyes, but even friendly tendencies appear. But behind his back, the person receives a whole tub of nasty things that are spread in the form of gossip, rumors and hints.

Aggression can have a clear direction against something and is characteristic and inherent in usually mentally healthy, balanced people. Used for defensive purposes, to defend one’s opinion. Disordered aggression is not clearly directed and strikes in many directions, simply threatening those who come to hand. Such forms of aggression are more typical for individuals who have mentally unstable health.

Teenage aggression

This type of aggressive impulses is very common, since adolescent changes in the psyche, which affect both physical and mental aspects, are a strong criterion for the weakening of the psyche. Teenage aggression is a normal tendency in the development and separation of adolescents. This happens due to the emergence of disputes, the desire to have your own opinion and views. Not everything in the base family can suit him.

Teenage aggression will almost always occur because it is a process of growing up. Normally, this is a desire to isolate oneself from parental influence, to prove to others and, undoubtedly, to oneself one’s maturity. Parental behavior often becomes a predictor of adolescent aggression. This is an excessive infringement of the rights of a teenager, a violation of his personal boundaries.

In addition, the future aggressiveness of a teenager is greatly influenced by the indifference of relatives and hostility. In the first description, aggression is an attempt to attract attention; in the second, it is a defensive reaction. Very often, aggressive tendencies develop in unwanted children. In those whose aggression is constantly suppressed, its production pathways are also strengthened. Children are very sensitive to being unloved and rejected by their parents. Overprotection, like control, also often causes aggression in adolescents, as does indifference and indifference.

If parents are indifferent in the life of a teenager, then this also provokes aggression in his life history. Weak emotionality in family ties is often replaced by aggression. Because emotional expression is very important, and if a teenager has not been taught this, he will become aggressive.

Moments of public humiliation, as well as personal non-public humiliation and various insults, can be a provocateur of aggression for adolescents. And since school moments are full of ups and downs of problems and scandals, as well as healthy competition, aggression at school is not uncommon. This is the period of formation of a mature personality, which is oversaturated with moments of testing, as well as unnecessary mental, physical, mental and emotional stress.

Very often, teenage outbursts of aggression can be formed under strong suppression, when the environment does not allow free expression of emotions. Blocking manifestations of independence in authoritarian families can also result in behavioral aggression in a teenager.

In addition to these family reasons with certain manifestations as a protest, aggression is a side of the manifestation of personal characteristics. Persons with pronounced fears and a tendency to expect the worst are also susceptible to aggression, as well as self-criticism. Aggression can also be a defense, as a manifestation of uncertainty about one’s own safety.

Since teenagers are most susceptible to hormonal changes, sudden mood swings and hormone surges, they may show aggression simply due to the difficulty of containing it. All this provokes the release of catecholamines and other stress hormones. Often, aggression and irritability are manifestations of insecurity in one’s personality, as well as a defensive behavioral form and strategy.

Often, teenagers use aggression to cover up their feelings of guilt for something. Often these manifestations are not conscious, which aggravates the struggle with them. Loneliness can also manifest itself in feelings of aggression and hatred. Aggression in teenagers is often provoked by certain situations. This aggression has a term - situational and passing. Such aggressive impulses may be due to illness, overwork, poor diet and improper, unbalanced nutrition. In addition, this behavior often manifests itself with excessive passion for computer games.


Diagnosing obvious forms of aggression is not at all difficult. Its manifestations are obvious behavioral manifestations and outbursts of emotions. This condition always affects the psyche of both the owner and those around him.

Diagnosis can also consist of a classic conversation, when an individual talks about his feelings, recalling some unpleasant life situations. In addition, there are special questionnaires and classical supervision with evidence from witnesses and close associates.

You should not try to provoke an individual into aggression, this is not humane and can end badly. But there is a special Bassa-Darki test questionnaire to identify various forms of aggression. He is able to identify many different types and manifestations of aggression, including physical, indirect, irritation as a manifestation of aggression, negativism as a negative form of behavior. It also reveals resentment, suspiciousness (not psychotic), verbal aggressiveness and feelings of guilt. All these are individual manifestations of aggressive impulses. This is a simple questionnaire and it consists of 75 questions. They can be answered positively or negatively. It can be given to all age groups, starting from schoolchildren, and is effective in groups. It is quite clear and easy to calculate. But such tests are of little relevance if the team does not have a psychologist who will train you to work with it.

Basic questions about the desire or execution of harm, irritation and the degree of aggressiveness in this case. There are also questions about gossip, negativism, deception and remorse. All questions are structured simply, but there is a certain degree of repetition to eliminate liars who try to fake answers.

Regarding physical aggressive motives, there is a question about throwing objects, hitting and the desire for such actions. There are also questions about the perceived attitudes of others. About insults, ridicule, bullying, trust, prejudice.

Responses are assessed on seven scales depending on the type of aggression described. All questions can give one or zero points and, according to the grid, refer to a specific type of aggression. This test identifies different species quite accurately. Passive aggression can be easily identified using such a test. Aggression in women manifests itself in scales of aggression with indirect tendencies, resentment, and feelings of guilt. Aggression in men is more often directed toward the physical, according to this test.

The total number is also calculated, the norm is 21 points, with indexation up to 4, hostility up to 7 points with indexation 3. By identifying this level of aggression in a team, hidden aggressive tendencies can be identified. And at school it also makes sense to conduct the so-called name test. At the same time, the teacher asks the children to anonymously write exactly who you are friends with, who you don’t like, and the like. In this way, the teacher is able to identify common destructive tendencies in the classroom and promote healthier social attitudes. All this helps to resolve conflict situations thanks to the right approaches.

In addition, aggressive tendencies can be diagnosed by a psychologist who, using projective techniques and special tests, can even understand who exactly it is aimed at. Often aggressive tendencies can be identified in the process of psychoanalysis and even self-analysis. This soul-searching promotes healthier mental functioning.

Cupping and treatment options

The relief of such a condition differs greatly depending on its degree of pathology; if this condition is in the structure of psychiatric pathology, for example, schizophrenia or mania, then it makes sense to use antipsychotics, and in the second case also mood stabilizers. Of the antipsychotics, the most relevant are sedatives: Tizercin, Triftazin, Truxal, Haloperidol, but in a larger dose, since in small doses it acts as a stimulant. Also among antipsychotics, atypical variants are effective, especially: Azaleptol, Clopixol, Clozapine, Azapine, Leponex. All these drugs are also effective for mania, but if it is part of the bipolar disorder, then it is worth adding mood stabilizers. Among the thymostabilisates, the following are relevant: Valprocom, Carbamazepine, Lamotril, Depakine, Lamotrigine, Lithium salts.

For aggression at a non-psychotic level, it is sufficient to use sedatives and tranquilizers. Among herbal sedatives and mild forms of tranquilizers, you can choose Novopassit, Afobazol, Persen, Adaptol, Bifren. In addition, it makes sense to use classic tranquilizers, especially during aggressive attacks. The most common: Sibazon, Seduxen, Diazepam, Gidazepam, Xanax. If aggression is not expressed, but there is a chance that it can disrupt circadian rhythms, then it is worth using sleeping pills: Melanin, Zolpidem, Zolpiclone, Valesan, Sonovin.

With aggression that is not accompanied by destructive tendencies, it makes sense to fight it using classical methods. Classical music and herbal medicine have a good effect. Suitable inhalation of aromatic oils with a calming effect. The most suitable herbal remedies are: chamomile, St. John's wort, calendula, mint, motherwort, lemon balm, linden, coltsfoot. In terms of aromatherapy, aromatic oils of lavender, mint and other plants, as well as soothing aromatic combinations, have an excellent effect.

To keep the level of aggression within certain limits, it makes sense to practice yoga or qigong. Yoga practice helps regulate emotional control and keep nervous manifestations in check. In addition, any physiotherapy exercises, pine baths, vacations are a natural release of negative emotions and contribute to the release of endorphins - hormones of happiness and normalcy. Also, all these techniques are natural regulators of fatigue levels and help keep the body in good shape and lead a healthy lifestyle.

In addition, meditative practices are an excellent way to control the level of aggression; they help to stop it for a short time. This allows the individual to pause, stop a moment, think and take a breath, noticing the beauty of the world in the endless flow of life. All this will undoubtedly contribute to balance and curb aggressive impulses.

For uncontrolled aggression that does not reach a psychotic level, it makes sense to consult a psychotherapist. This will help you organize your thoughts and gain control. Both group and individual types of psychotherapy are suitable for such patients. Mandala therapy, art practices, and sand therapy work especially well.

But still, sometimes it’s worth examining your surroundings; maybe aggression is provoked by a specific individual and it makes sense to get rid of communication with him or change approaches. Sometimes this significantly reduces the level of tension. Aggressive, combative and risky sports can be a good way to release tension with aggressiveness.

Possible consequences

Aggression always has some kind of consequences. Eric Berne, the founder of transactional analysis, said that people who play games always pay in a certain way, and this payment depends on the level of the game. By games he meant aggressive manifestations and roles that people choose in familiar or stressful situations. The severity of the consequences of aggression depends on the level of manifestations and can have three manifestations. The first is a mild degree of aggression, with the consequences being mainly emotional. That is, such a surge is followed by weakness, gloominess and a feeling of guilt. If a person experiences a deeper degree of involvement in aggressive impulses and tendencies, then he will already experience some social damage after such conflicts. This is dismissal from work, loss of certain amounts, certain social benefits. The most severe level of involvement is characterized by physical harm and even death.

We have all been aware since childhood that expressing aggression is indecent and is not welcomed by social boundaries and boundaries. And throughout our lives we learn to restrain these negative impulses. It is precisely this excessive rejection of emotionality that can provoke the accumulation of negative emotions with their subsequent explosion, up to a nervous breakdown.

The consequences of aggression with loved ones are also not good. They carry negativity, negatively affect children's mental functionality and can lead to divorce. Sometimes long-accumulated aggression can spill out through fighting and shouting with a stormy clarification of the circumstances. Naturally aggressive impulses in a team, which are often observed at work, tend to worsen with the acting out of negative scenarios in which the lowest in rank suffers the most.

Everyone knows that the expression of aggression is not welcomed by society, which is why, if we do not restrain ourselves, then we are consumed by a feeling of guilt. Sometimes significant destruction can remain after aggression, especially if this aggression is played out between the leaders of two powers or even business corporations. It is the negative consequences that teach one to keep the level of aggression within limits and not to splash it out uncontrollably.

Examples of aggression

Examples of this condition differ depending on the type of aggression. Active aggression is expressed in the form of actions and examples include fighting, fighting, and screaming. It is directed at a specific individual, and he realizes that some aggressive impulsive actions are directed at him. Passive aggression is not overt, it is hidden disgusting actions directed against someone. Passive aggression can manifest itself through gossip, various “set-ups” and usually the individual does not realize that someone is aggressing with the aim of destroying him.

Auto-aggression is a subtype of aggression that an individual directs towards himself. Examples of such aggression include suicide, some kind of debilitating diet, self-destructive behavior, workaholism is also considered this type. Passive aggression is widespread in modern society due to the prohibition of physical expression of aggression.

But not typically, aggression can become a mechanism of destruction; it can be instrumental and have clear goals. Because meanness, hateful, envious impulses can also be examples of aggression. An example of verbal aggression could be littering, squealing, or screaming. Children skillfully use aggression for manipulation when they scream, wanting to get something, and parents, not always understanding, develop this manipulative behavior in them through their indulgence.

Examples of indirect aggression include cruel jokes or undirected outbursts of rage and rage. This may include screaming, waving fists, hitting tables, dishes or other inanimate objects, or stomping feet. Internal aggression also includes self-humiliation, remorse, self-blame, a sense of sinfulness and failure.

Aggression can have defensive goals, while it takes defensive positions. An example of such aggression is the defense of their territory by animals. Also, such aggression is possible when defending one’s life from attackers, as well as one’s property. Provoking aggressive actions occur during an attack, often unjustified.

Aggression can have different characteristics. It can be healthy, that is, it can be clearly directed and have characteristic signs. With this view, a clear validity is visible. An example of such aggression is patriotism, the defense of one’s rights and freedoms. In this case, it does not necessarily have a physical expression. An example of such aggression in social terms are rallies, strikes, and provocative publications. Unreasonable aggression is not considered a manifestation of its healthy form; it has destructive tendencies. Such tendencies are inherent even in infants and there is a large amount of research on this topic. The mental functioning of an individual is little understood, but it is known that aggressive impulses are located in the structure of the subconscious.

Hostile aggression does not have adequate reasons. Undoubtedly, the subconscious knows the reason for aggression against a specific individual, but outwardly it looks like completely inexplicable attacks.

Instrumental aggression is inherent in people who “walk over corpses.” These are people who do not hesitate to use various methods to achieve their goal, even with vile undertakings.

Aggression is motivated destructive behavior that contradicts generally accepted standards of human coexistence, causes physical harm to the animate or inanimate object that is attacked and moral harm to living beings.

Teenage aggression, what is it? Adolescent aggression is a variant of deviant behavior of maturing individuals, in most cases expressed in the form of insults and fights. A certain number of young people tend to think that taking part in a fight or gaining authority in a group through brute physical force is the norm. In addition, this behavior is fueled by the instability of society, numerous interpersonal and group conflicts among adults. Therefore, the bar for aggressiveness is falling, and this behavior is gradually seeping into girl groups. It is important to understand the causes and ways to overcome teenage aggressiveness.

Why does a child become aggressive?

As numerous psychological studies have shown, aggression in adolescence is a consequence of a lack of upbringing in the family, which led to personal deformation, increased anxiety and the formation of stable isolation. Another prerequisite for the development of aggression in adolescents is the presence of a large amount of free time. The reasons for this kind of personal problems may lie in raising a child in a single-parent family, where functional connections are disrupted, or in prosperous families, with overprotection, which also causes loss of connection with the family, aggressiveness and a tendency to vagrancy.

Diagnosis of teenage aggression

The study of adolescent aggressiveness should be carried out using a whole range of techniques in order to avoid mistakes that could cost the teenager and everyone around him dearly in the future. A systematic study of manifestations of aggression in adolescents is carried out using the following methods:

  1. Research of archival data.
  2. Questioning.
  3. Construction of a personality scale.
  4. Assessment of the subject's behavior by surrounding people.
  5. Studying verbal forms of information.
  6. Projective techniques.
  7. Naturalistic and field observation.

How to deal with pathological behavior?

Correction of teenage aggression has some features. For example, the initial stage of this type of work excludes group classes. Not only because the individual approach is more effective, but also because aggressive teenagers in a group inevitably carry out negative consolidation. It is also necessary to simultaneously work with the patient’s family. First of all, intrafamily relationships should be diagnosed to determine the degree of their disharmony. After which it is mandatory to carry out both individual and group psychocorrection. Correction and prevention of aggressive behavior of adolescents is carried out it is much easier if a new circle of hobbies is successfully formed, built on the basis of his preferences and abilities. However, no matter what methods of overcoming this pathological condition are chosen, if it is not possible to productively use the teenager’s time not occupied with studies and hobbies, his return to an asocial environment is inevitable.

Psychologists also note the good effect of problem teenagers engaging in socially approved and recognized activities. The patient who takes part in it feels involved in an important social cause; he begins to occupy a certain social niche, not only among his peers, but also among adults, which he will try to maintain. And since adults begin to perceive a teenager engaged in such activities as an equal, the most favorable conditions are created for the realization of his goals and plans. Social activities enables a teenager to overcome his affective disorder, develop self-awareness and form life priorities. However, this kind of extensive system of activity requires constant adherence to the established order, strict conditions and constant control, otherwise the aggressive teenager will get out of influence. It is worth remembering that this category of children most of all needs adult help and participation, although at the same time they are most rejected by them. And, since most adults do not understand the reasons for this behavior of adolescents, these children receive nothing in their lives except hostility and rejection, becoming even more embittered year after year. Teenage aggression is treatable; numerous exercises have been developed to correct it; if used correctly, you can achieve lasting positive results.

Video: Teenage Aggression