Weaving a dress from elastic bands for a person. Clothes made from rubber bands. What can you do with rubber bands?

Bracelets made from rubber bands, or “iris” as they are called, are very popular this year among children. But a bikini or a dress made of elastic bands is, in my opinion, too much.

Irises are multi-colored elastic bands that, using a special machine and a hook similar to a knitting one, are intertwined with each other in different patterns. However, some craftsmen manage to do just fine without a machine, using a fork or even just their own fingers. They are called irises not only for their bright colors, but also because of the translation of the manufacturer’s name - Rainbow. By the way, this fashion has not spared us either: looking at the photographs of boys weaving rainbow bracelets, I bought one set for Saint. Saint treated him rather coolly, but the nieces, who came to us for the weekend, could not be torn away from him for 2 days, as a result, multi-colored chains dangled not only on their neck, arms and legs, but also in their ears and hair. But, as it turned out, earrings made of rubber bands and braids are not the limit. Various wardrobe items made from rubber bands have appeared on eBay.
For example, bikini:

This was done by a 25-year-old English woman, who started with bracelets for herself and her little daughter, and ended up making a bikini. It is noteworthy that she does not want to wear it herself, but puts it up for sale.

However, next to her creation is this:

There are even shoes:

And those who have an unlimited supply of rubber bands (and time too) go even further and make T-shirts:

And even dresses:

This woman put her iris dress up for sale and was shocked when bids topped £170,000. True, in the end the buyer did not buy it and refused the purchase, and I understand him:

But the belt is okay, interesting:

Ordinary high school, fourth grade lesson. Everything seems to be as usual, but every now and then a muffled giggle is heard among the boys, and something small and almost imperceptible flies through the air. Once again, the teacher finally manages to catch this “something”, which, upon examination, turns out to be a small thin rubber band. They are popular with girls now. After all, you can create anything with your own hands: bracelets, chains, handbags and even dresses from elastic bands...

Weaving from rubber bands

Rainbow Loom elastic bands of different colors became a hit in 2013. This happened thanks to the inventor of Chinese origin Chong Chun Ng, who, having seen his daughters weaving chains from accounting rubber bands, decided to help them by simplifying the task and made a whole toy machine. With its help, it became possible to weave not only simple chains from rubber bands, but anything - even toys. There would be a desire!

The machine looks like a small plastic board with bars in three rows on which rubber bands can be pulled. Thanks to a special hook, the rubber bands interlock with each other, thus creating loops. The bars are removable, they can be moved and rearranged from place to place. The technology of weaving from rubber bands is very similar to knitting, only it is knitted with knitting needles, and woven by hand and crocheted.

What can you do with rubber bands?

You can weave almost anything from Rainbow Loom elastic bands. The simplest products are bracelets and rings. You don't need a machine to create them; they can be easily done with your fingers. These rubber bands are used to make earrings (of course, you will have to buy the necessary accessories in the store), items of doll clothing, bags, toys...

The scope of imagination is limitless, the most important thing is perseverance. And, of course, a large number of rubber bands!

How to make a dress from elastic bands?

Since the target audience for Rainbow Loom rubber bands is children aged 7 to 14 years, mostly girls (boys are more interested in throwing rubber bands rather than weaving), then, of course, they often create masterpieces for their dolls. Clothes are very popular. How to weave a dress from elastic bands, we will consider further.

Overall, it's not difficult. There are several weaving methods. The simplest is on your fingers, you can also use a machine, a fork or even a slingshot. If you don’t have enough experience, it’s best to work with a machine - there’s less chance of making mistakes. After all, what a shame it will be if your work goes to waste!

What you will need

  1. Rubber bands of different colors - at least 500 pieces.
  2. Special machine (usually included in the kit)
  3. Crochet hook

It is also mandatory to have detailed instructions, and additional is the presence of a mother/grandmother/elder sister/any other adult who can help if something goes wrong.

How to weave a dress from elastic bands?

Before you start weaving a dress from elastic bands, you should select these same elastic bands. It is important to think over the outfit so that it is harmonious and looks good with the rest of the doll’s accessories. However, some people don’t bother with this and specifically take rubber bands of any color. It turns out a real rainbow in clothes (translated from English rainbow means “rainbow”).

So, a dress made of elastic bands. How to weave? The process is carried out on the outermost blocks, from the bottom row to the top. The work proceeds with the constant use of pairs of rubber bands. On two such pegs you need to put two elastic bands, twisted in the shape of a figure eight. After a short interval - two more rubber bands, and then two more. The same thing needs to be repeated on the other side of the machine. Thus, some of the blocks will be occupied by rubber eights, while the part between them will remain empty for now. It will also need to be filled with rubber bands, but there is no need to twist them. Then you need to put loops on both sides. Two rubber bands on each side must be transferred from one row to another.

Next step: when the loops are removed, you need to put two rubber bands on the pegs again. Now you no longer need to twist them! Then, using a hook, the loops are folded into the dress. Two elastic bands (not twisted!) must be thrown onto the main bars. Two rubber bands are placed on each edge from row to row. All bottom elastic bands are reset. On both sides, two new rubber bands are hooked onto the pegs to which the rubber bands of the first row were attached. Then you need to reset the lower ones again. This process is repeated until the future dress is the desired length.

Using a hook, all the elastic bands are pulled closer to the base, and the bottom chain is reset. A new pair of rubber bands is placed on each column without twisting. The hook is used again, which resets the bottom row of rubber bands. On both sides of two columns, then you need to place two rubber bands, and the bottom ones again need to be dropped from row to row. Do the same three more times. Then you need to crochet a braid, remove all the loops and pick them up with a crochet hook. The braid must be pulled through the loops and secured with a pre-prepared clasp. ready!

What are the benefits of weaving?

Psychologists note the beneficial effect of rubber bands on the development and training of fine motor skills in children; in addition, thanks to weaving, memory and attentiveness improve, and the child becomes more diligent. This process also controls the perception of the surrounding world.

How to make a dress from elastic bands is now clear. But this is a dress for a doll, but what about a dress for a person? These also exist. The pioneers in rubber products for people were two Englishwomen who spent twenty thousand rubber bands and two days on the work. They put their dress up for auction; it went for three hundred thousand dollars. Following the British, others began to repeat. Now people are weaving not only dresses from elastic bands, but also swimsuits, trousers, and jackets.

Weaving with rubber bands is a truly exciting activity that helps awaken your creativity. This is so important for every child, so you should buy a Rainbow Loom set for your baby - you won’t have to regret this step!

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Summer is a great time for stylish ladies to demonstrate all the charms of their figure: be it ample breasts, a thin waist or long slender legs. Light outfits help with this, revealing what is “necessary” and allowing you to delicately hide imperfections.
Short shorts and skirts with blouses, trouser suits made of thin, breathable fabric or feminine dresses with fitted or light flowing silhouettes - all of them are part of every woman's summer wardrobe.

The latter are especially popular: short and long dresses, casual - providing comfort on a walk and in the office, or allowing a woman to feel like a queen in the most sophisticated society. Made from natural or artificial fabrics that delicately highlight the lines of the figure or, depending on the cut, provide an elegant flowing silhouette.
However, there are exceptions. For example, dresses made of unusual materials. From chocolate, fresh rose petals, key rings from lemonade cans or even toilet paper: stories about such exotic outfits can be found in our previous publications.

The latest, and quite sensational in the Western press, new product in the field of dresses made from exotic materials was the Loom Band Dress, which was recently sold on eBay for an immodest sum of 170,100 pounds sterling - almost 288 thousand US dollars.
The dress was made in a single copy by British women Helen Wright and Katherine Burnand, residents of Wales. Their 12-year-old daughter Helen helped them - she was the one who initially chose the material for the outfit. Which became the popular colored rubber bands for handicrafts, Rainbow Loom.

We mentioned children's kits for weaving colored bracelets and other “baubles” in the best toys of the year at the Toy Fair - 2014. At that time, the bright colored Rainbow Loom elastic bands, offered complete with a simple “loom”, were recognized as the best innovative proposal that promotes development of the child’s creativity, his imagination and fine motor skills.
It was this set that became the basis for creating an unusual rainbow dress. More than 20 thousand elastic bands were spent on the production of the elastic Loom Band Dress - and about 40 hours of labor by needlewomen. Who first knitted long colored stripes from elastic bands - and then sewed them into a dress.

The original outfit was originally listed on eBay for just $85, just to recoup the cost of the material. However, a whole “trade war” began among those wishing to purchase it. As a result, the price of a dress made of colored elastic bands, quite modest in style (and hardly comfortable to wear), rose to a fabulous 170 thousand pounds sterling. The buyer (or buyer) decided not to advertise his name and remained incognito.

Of course, fashion trends change and transform with amazing consistency - including in the field of women's clothing, which includes dresses. However, no one, including the mother and daughter who made the Loom Band Dress, expected that it would arouse such interest.
Fortunately, in the summer heat we are not at all obliged to wear dresses or sundresses made entirely of elastic bands. And we can choose for ourselves more practical fashionable options - from light cotton, chiffon or other comfortable materials that provide the desired silhouette and emphasize the beauty of the figure.

Based on materials: veergo.ru; trendhunter.com/trends/rainbow-loom-elastics

Every little girl has one or more dolls at home: Barbie or Monster High, light or dark, singer or ballerina. Some girls collect them, for example, Bettina Dorfmann comes to mind. This woman has about 15,000 dolls in her collection, as evidenced by an entry in the Guinness Book of Records in 2013. But now let's move on to the topic of our article. Probably many of you have thought about what to dress your doll in: pants or a skirt, a sweater or a T-shirt. In this article you will learn how to weave a dress from elastic bands for dolls. Interesting? Then let's get started.

Barbie outfit

You can make clothes on a machine.

In order to weave a beautiful plain dress, you will need 86 elastic bands of one color, but you can weave a line in the middle, but then you will need 72 elastic bands of the main color and 18 additional ones.

We install our machine so that the posts with their open sides face to the left, and the row in the middle sticks out by 1 pin. For our weaving we will use multi-colored elastic bands. Let's begin.

We put on the elastic bands in the first row, twisting them in a figure eight according to this pattern.

Place the next row on top in the simplest way.

We throw a pair of lower elastic bands into the middle using a hook. We knit the entire row in this way.

We put on the third row and again remove the elastic bands in the middle. Using this pattern, we weave eight more layers of elastic bands.

We are starting to consolidate our work. From the last column we transfer the elastic band to the next one.

We work on this post: we insert the hook inside it and grab the bottom loop with it, which we will then throw onto the adjacent post. We weave clockwise.

After knitting the entire circle, put the last elastic band on the first pin.

We leave the row that is located on the line closer.

We put elastic bands on the pins and take off the bottom ones.

We weave 4 more rows like this.

When you have weaved six layers on 4 columns, transfer the elastic from the outermost column to the next one, which is counterclockwise.

Now we remove the two lower elastic bands from the outermost pin for the next one. We weave to the end of the row.

At the very end, insert the hook into the post, take a couple of elastic bands, pull them tight and pass them through all the elastic bands on the post. They should be in the middle of the rubber bands. We put the second loop on the hook.

We pull another pair onto the hook, stretch them through the previous pairs that are in our inventory. So we weave three more rows.

We do not put the last loop on the hook, but hold it with our fingers. Bring it into the corner of our product and then put this loop on the end of the hook. We form a loop and tighten it, our beautiful dress for the Barbie doll is ready.

Weave for Monster High

You can weave dresses not only for Barbie dolls, but also for Monster High, without using a loom or slingshot.

All you need is a hook and colorful silicone rubber bands. Weaving a dress without a machine goes from the bottom up.

We put 30 loops on the hook. Connect the chain that we have made into a ring using 1 elastic band and make a knot. We make five more rows, where we knit one iris through 30 loops. The fourth row must be reduced by three loops. This can be achieved if you do not weave every tenth loop.

In the next row in the third loop we make a decrease, and also lower every fifth. In the sixth and seventh rows we skip every fifth loop. Then we weave in the usual way, without adding or subtracting anything. When we have woven it to the desired length, we make two decreases on the sides. And in the next couple of layers we weave one decrease at a time.

If the dress is a little wide, then continue to reduce it. If not, then we knit 10 rows in each loop with one elastic band. Try on your dress occasionally to see how many more layers you need to add. In the next two rows, make one decrease each, tie the last loop with a knot. And our dress is ready.

Unfortunately, not a single Russian master has yet used the fork weaving technique. But don’t be upset, because with such equipment you can weave other pieces of clothing, for example, a beautiful swimsuit and a suitable panama hat. Is it really possible to create a beautiful beach look for your doll?

Video on the topic of the article

Watch a wonderful video selection of what other wonderful dresses you can weave for a Barbie doll using any equipment. Throughout the video, young masters will explain to you in detail how to weave this dress, point out typical mistakes and how not to make them. You will gain invaluable experience in weaving. Also see what other products for dolls can be made with a slingshot. The imagination of some professionals is limitless. They come up with beautiful accessories in the form of a headband or backpack or cute sandals, which together will act as a complete and beautiful look for your doll.